- j-j n-scr4fri titrut. py-, y. ci Friday, ; January , ioot . ,ibns On swered ; ' V- -8 'more valuable purposes T at are v carried t year are usual production stand ' , constitutional h. ' a season' of 'roraY these' hens d,in' size over 1 usually produce, a ;i haa a tendency -;ty. Taking - these c .-.sideration it would As from hens sire su sv from ? pullets . and ) the hens more valuable y,ATWhat fertilizer is re 1 for -. use in a tpbacco :: After the . bed is thor ken and the ,4 soil pulver pounds of a 4-8-8 mixture, stash ' derived" from aul- . stash magnesia,:' should be each square1 ' yard of the fertiliser, should be thor- :ed with the soil for about .'our' ludhes In 'depth. It is ist to mix the seed with gallons of fertilizer or 1 meal so as to get an even ri of seed.; After the seed f ?v r the Voir", should be packed Ij t er emti&bed' . :sst'')n: ; How iCan I prevent my s t. "to. souring? - : The first precaution to f 1 ft sure' that the animal is " " "I'iiiore'ulJJng and be .d the animal well after Vll curing vessels should be id the water for the brine . should foe boiled before us rwH.ham with salt before ic-i... r cure and, if tone cured, m-ni. rine every few days to see it vers the entire contents of -JLz . . After curing, hang the x f . t six to eight feet above a a?, smoke, to taste. If curing ) are followed and these :au'. is taken the meat will keep 'Jiout ouring. ,. I .1 c ; t 1 li 1 s to r); ,', . - r -'' Wtf Miss1 Al Whitehead' lias ' ' returned after a pleasant' -visili Withr Mrs. Charles Davis 'at Norfolk," VaV " Little Miss Mattie" Kede" Alexan der has returned from McCoy Stakes Hospital; Norfolk; where" she had her tonsils 'removed. "Cli ft also talcing an ear treatment. ' c , Miss- Mildred Lewis was a visitor. in Elizabeth City Saturday." , v. G.l W. Alexander was" tit, NorfolK, Saturday. " " Miss Louise Wilson has returned to Mercer University,; ; Micon, Ga., after spending the ChrisUnas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C wjlson: v --'t, Carey Qulhcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. C P. Quincy. has returned to Fork Union: where ha 1 in school.. ' v . Mrs. ' J. C. Wilson: was a visitor in Elizabeth City Thursday Minn w&vnlv IlVhin has returned after a twor weeks with her granamotner at : w asningwn, -.t v. v. Mrs. Alden Caddy, of near Hert ford spent Saturday rithher:' mother Mrs. Harrison Baker. "? Mrs. Walter Lowe and children were week-end guests of Iner-'mother, Mrs. Harrison G. Baker. Miss Corinne Lavden hat returned after .nendm f Ihr1 CkrhAd Tibli"; aaya; wiw aw psrenw, rax. aim ui. Jack Layden, near Belvidere. ; Mr, and Mrs, Edgar True, Mr. and Mrs. Forest True, spent Christmas witfc-toeir'llsW Wnc MohlyWh.lMpf iietftqitffcl$& Paul Trotman, and children of Nor folk, Va.; Miss tVloU. Brothers and Mr. T: E. ParkeotP6rtniwith, Va.; Mr and Mrs. Everett Bright, of Okisco, Mrs Daisy "xSrindrl Mrs. Pattie ' WMte' fTWJ 1 mmmmmmamm thfeir parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mr. and Mrs,-Leverette Wmslowl J(i R iomtt of Fortsmoutii va. and son,. Konakfc of V Norfolk, Va-ft .-ft Wlth his mother nifflt -wwkMdi'fWith theiF' ida-?Mra. Lizzie Jollilf. ' tRev1; and Mra; J, M. , Jolliff and spent the week-end1 ,fwith thehr ' pa rents Mrahd Mrs.'A."Nj Winstow. "Mr. and Mrs.' PanT Fisher have" W cently moved from Elizabeth City itoi thm commumtyr" w Miss Martha Lane and Miss Miriam Lane returned to1' High Point arid Guilford Coltegf respectively after pending the holidays with their pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Lane. Walter Winfllbw left Sunday "for Protestant Hospital, Norfolk1, -'Vtu, for an operation. He was accompan ied by'MnOWinslow and a sister, Mrs. A)vah Jordan; of Hertford, who will tenia in with Tj him for several days..1 "i " ' " Jim Saunders of Los Angeles Cal ifornia; Mrs.4 John White and daugh ters, Ada and Buelah '" and grand daughter Barbara and son ' Philip Whitr bf WeeksvEle visited friends and relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Winslow and daughter, Jean, of Norfolk. Va., Mr. and Mrs. Vann Spivey of Hickory, childretf Palmer and Margaret 'of Gfetesville; visited relatives here Fri- 1 $ ,u a. Potash Controls Rust ' Hip'5' 1 r i Ana increases i ieias " Side applications of $3 worth of muriate of potash and nitrate of oda to' the acre increased the value of Seven Bertie County farmers' cot- tohrcrop'by an average ot per aeri ' ""'The applications were made this year in ' Cotton rust control demon strations conducted under the super vision" Of B: E. Grant, county farm agent of the State College extension aervice. ' ' In the demonstrations, each farmer set aside four plats where the soil was as near uniform as possible. Each was fertilized with the custo Va., spent a part of last week' with mary mixture containing nitrogen, phosphoric acidi and potash. As a check plat, one field on each farm was cultivated wlttottt' any other ferWl.izatlOT.' Th average yield of the check plats was 995 pounds of seed cotton to, the 'acre.' ' " ' On plat No. 2, 100 pounds of ni trate of soda were applied as a side dressing, and the average yield was 1,145 pounds to the acre. An equal amount of muriate ot potash was applied as a Bide dressing on plat No. 3, and the average yield was 1,107 pounds. Plate No. 4 received 100 pounds of nitrate of soda and 100 pounds oi muriate of potash in side dressings. The average yield was 1,528 pounds per acre. In all plats where muriate of pot ash was used, the cotton was pro tected from rust, Grant stated, the bolls were better opened, more fluf fy, and the staple was of higher quality. The muriate of potash cost $1.60 and the nitrate of soda cost $1.40 per acre. The increased yield of 573 pounds of seed cotton, where both side dressings were applied, was valued at four cents a pound or $22.92. Congratulations W. T. Culpepper On the Opening of The New STATE THEATRE And Wish Him Much Success TEXACO SERVICE STATION CHARLIE UMPHLETT, Mgr. Hertford, N. C. For quicK results try a Want Ad ":l:on Negro Wins ' C m Growing Prize frodx- jng v 101.9 bushels on an TV oftand, A- G. Thompson, of jboiu County, won the State corn -wing; contest for Negroes this """"Mnher, he will be given Washington, said C. t State College, who has tension work with the i ' went to, Edward Bal Iinpton ''. tkiunty, who .....v. bushels of corn on a neasur 1"' acre 'of lanS. I The rn growing contest is con tacted Annually by the State College "tensk'J aerrke to help colored far rrs a ipt better methods of rais ing thLcrop, Hudson stated.- ' SN')V HILL NEWS Odell Cartwright vi 1 Mrs. Ned Mathews in DW1 1 Jay. -JTr. -a. Jesse Karrell, Miss 'Zxu'.r 1, Mr. land ' Mrs,. Eddie irr. i' adrestfMr 4d; Mrp; '.an, Mrs. J. W. Eve- . .. Jiby -' Jordan ' were in C.'y Saturday., morning. , ,'. . J, Mr. and "Mrs.-Jtalph j. Cdell - Cartwright and T,'-ict...Wood, attended -ily" Conference at 'rday. . xiopphfg- in Hertford onoon were, Mr. and n, MrsuXW. Eve . j Jordan, Mr .and . ell,' Miss Jiufllce'Har 1 Mrs il&lph v HarrelT, Xl-twright, Miss Annie T. and Mrs, Meadow "fright,, Mr,. and ..1 and children. - '., D. M. Cartmright, Uathews represented rch : at the Steward's ', at the pastor's home, -;e, of tie Perquimans - nisht. v ' - . rrell is visiting her D. M. Cartwright,, . T'athews, Mr., and : Tell and Carolyn JJi City Thursday . Iloody Harrell had fTi6ts Suniy Mr. Gregory of Vood , . r' ' , D. M. Cartwright, wright, ' Mr.- and 'ht, Blanche and were the-dinner " n. peorge Eure - '-n had as llr. and VEd- e fc. - 'i Ed , and 1... , ' -rmit Kenneth Bay Barber; who has been very sick with pneumonia and whoop ing cough, is still vffcry ill. Mrs. Vera Miller 'and daughter, Ann, of Elizabeth Cjty, have return ed home after spending tiie week end with Mrs. W. G.HollftwelL Mrs. W. Tom Mllfer, f near Wlh fall, is critically AL Miss Lucille Lonand Alma Leg- gett of the Winf all "School faculty have , returned to their "duties after spending the holidays with , their pa rents in Washington, N. C and Bet hel. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Trueblood and daughter, Carolyn, have' returned home from Lakeland, -Florida, where they spent the holidays, h Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alton. Moore, liiesuay, January tta. a 'son."1 . Miss' GertrniW Bkkr fisJ Wtuinod to Norfolk after spending Holiday at home. - ''T'"; Mrs. Effie Miller had as Week-end guests Mrs. T. E. Madre,- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Twine and liffle son, Bob by, and Mr. and Mrs, MV Booth, of Norfolk. BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Catling of .Norfolk 8 pent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Maggie'. G. Broughton. Miss Leone Williams of Eastville Va., is visiting her mdther.Mrs. Beu lah Williams. " Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Standin and daughters, Margaret and fodie, vi sited Mr. and Mrsw; P. 'fcnitfSun. daF afternoon:? " 1 Mrs David Ward ot Sea Island, New Jersey, is visiting , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fanner. . Clarence I PhiUins;; fiarjtturnea home from Norfolk, where he has been visiting friend and relatives. -Mrs. Henry :Slmps;an4-tftadriW, Elizabeth - and James. returned to their homes m Norfolk Sunday after a week's visit' wttn her parents?' "Mr. and Mrs. W- C Prrv: ' MisaJJencfieve fitand&t returned to her-home in "NorfoltT'BilndaS' 'after a visit ; with her parents."Mr. and rMrs. r. y Standing - .Mr.- and Mrs;'"J.AJ. ' Phillips and children of Cary, Nv C are visiting relatives here.-- Miss Madge Long Of Hopewell, vi sited Miss Blanche Goodwin Sunday afternoon. ' ;v Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. Proctor and children, Thomas and ;- lEVzabt'X of near Yeopini Station, yieited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perry Sunday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Phillips and son, Trafton, have returnHl f v a visit with relatives near IUU CiJ . Miss Mamie Goodwin has returned to her home in Wilson after being called h'l ti t"- f - -rj. father;' 1 '.t i i Thursday. ,;,''' ; .'. ' .fclss Louise T. ,returr,d homo' Monday from, a visit with her sister, Mrr." Ambrose Carris, at Nor folk. f -Miss Geltie Chappell spent day night with her sister, Mrs. P. Long. . : ' -' , vn "'T' - " ',.... ...... ;.':--V;.-:ij 'W. 7 iammt'mm'mmi . . i. .j. ' 'Y?!!1' i vvww j -L. - i- , .j, Mr. and llrz, i : C-iton, J entertained at , dinner on ur ' . Those prent were: Mr. ar. i , I ler Wood v ' f Mr. and I. -noke Sund. Ilarrell," Mr. ' t, I'r, and t. r 'te ill ttfi''...M..1.p'a t . tSj v vaO rj v HERTFORD, N. C. "Carolina's Finest Theatre' rifiay , Jamiyairy &; Showsv 3:00-5:00-7:00 and 9:00 P. M t 'Tk . . 'j i , if:-- - ' , drtBESCREEJir Friday, January 8, Only .Prpclairnec- the Seaspii's Biggest Hit Excitement! Romance! Adventure! I mum flsoai nws) oqb there's fun and xcltemiml aolaniy in store for youl The NEWEST advenwra 'or" Mr. and Mrs. Thin Man Dashiell Homihtt dranialtt sexual. A grand concoction of roars, rofflonea dnd mytftryr GraaHir and even funnier than the original imah with Mi tanti 'stan, author, director and last gasp will b a cheer I i ; 4roducrjjroui If" ' (f hSHJ fern WW I'lJ'm . . ." . ii."5! . UAIiYCUUiul-JtAIIAimiUH v ON THE SCREEN Saturday, January 9, Only Show Opens Saturday 1:30 P. M. 3F- iva. ' 1 - J "fv: i i - ' Qi'i I ru ... lira I I fjAMES STEWART . HI8A IANDI J "vV I .1 llw?l Fran H rty by Dnklalt HoaalM OfracM tf W. S. VAWDYKe . tnivtti kt Mini kiwlwg Also a Good News Reel w DeMille's most thrilling romance . . . fiery story of Wild Bill Hickok . jf00 -jf '1''' "" Calamity Jane, the world's M& most hard-boiled lovers, filmed Mf " on a tremendous background i! I of stirring, breathtaking action.. y "v i I; v7 A Paranount Picture with JAKES ELLISON 'CHARLES B1CKF0RD HELEN BURGESS PORTER HALL Directed by Cecil B. DeMille Also a Good Act - i - ADMISSION Matinees:; ,Children 10c; Adults, 25c Night; Children, 10c; Adults, 25c - 35c ' 4 Monday - Taesdar ' . Jannary U-M it. V , Shows 8, 1 and P. If. ' t ''i : ' ''-""V 1 aeanor"4I, ' in - ' v "BORN, TO .-;dancv Also -' News Reel .' 1 ITEXT WEEK A" M. Wednesday Only January 13 Shows 8, 7 and 9 P, Alice Faye Adlphe,Menjou ,"SING BABY SING" ' Also GANG COMEDY ACT ' r Thursday Only ' Jannary 14 Shows 3, 7 and 9 P. M. Fied(ie, BartKolomew 'LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROYw With jDoris Cosfello Barrymore f 1 ACT. NEWS Fridsy Only January 15 Jack Benny "BIG 'BROADCAST "fiMf Us OF 1937" Also SiS.AU NEWS .If ' ,- Teech J 7 tHi', 4U4 i.K JuiS '''Mf' . . ..... j t i i;