! AG3 TWO THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD N. C FRIDAY, M ASCII 5, 1937 1:3 r:i!::cro:i r WHAT Is TAKING PLACE J 7 BY ICITH) STATES SOIAPDR Stripped to the bone, President Roosevelt's 'proposal f o reorganisa tion of the Judiciary, Including an in- crease from nine to fifteen in the membership of the Supreme Court, unless Justices seventy years or over rears, is just another major aUrmish in the are-old 'battle over human rights and property , rights, The bat tle has been waged, and waged strong sines our founding fathers began their labors at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, just 150 years ago. It seems evident that the consti tution as finally drafted was design ed to place major emphasis on human tights the rights of man. No bet ter evidence can be found than that -the Congress' was created, despite all compromise, to represent the legislative will of the people. Pro vision was made for the President to exercise a veto over the acts of Congress s veto that can be over ridden by great majorities. And courts were created to see that no rights guaranteed under the Consti tution were infringed upon. It is doubtful whether it was intended for the courts to nullify legislaitve acts of Congress the legislative will of the people. Nevertheless, the great Chief Jus tice Marshall quietly laid down such a principle in the famous case of Marbury V. Madison. In delivering that historic opinion, the Chief Jus tice held in effect that a law repu- gant to the Constitution Congress can carry out the legislative will of citi zens. The power of Congress to override a Presidential veto is defi nite, but the judicial veto of a maj ority of nine judges appointed for life seemingly ends the power of Congress to solve national ills, eco nomic or social. The Supreme Court's verdict of "unconstitutional," under that theory, is truly supreme, whether such au thority over the destinies of 130,000, 000 people was intended or not In any event, since Chief Justice Mar shall's' day, the Supreme Court has steadily taken unto itself broader powers of legislative review. There is ample reason for the statement that in case after case the courts have been building a mass of decis ions based on the strictest construc tion of the rights of property. As .aresuH, important questions are raised. Does Congress represent the will of the people? If so, shall the Supreme Court nullify that will through legislative review? Is it the national desire that a President be voted out of office because he was not in tune with the times as - was the case with Hoover and his suc cessor, twice elected by unprecedent ed majorities as was the case with Roosevelt be powerless to correct the conditions our citizens condemn ed? Let me hasten to say that these questions do not involve personali- ties. They involve issues. The most: ardent supporters of -the President's proposal nor its critics, question the personal integrity or character of any distinguished member of the Supreme Court It is the viewpoints of some members that is questioned whether they regard the Constitution elastic enough to meet the legisla tive will based on human rights. Pro ponents of the President's proposal for judiciary reorganization say they cannot. Critics of the proposal say they can and do interpret the Con stitution. And the battle over human rights and property rights continues- Unfortunately, the issues are not being decided by individuals. Too much propaganda and hysteria is evident. To accuse the President of trying to "pack the Supreme Court" is to question his sincerity in carry ing forward a program that some 27, 000,000 of our citizens approved last November. And whatever else may be said of the President's program, few can question his honest desire to make our nation sounder and more wholesome than he found it when he took over the reigns of government. Ship Pollen 600 Miles To Get Cotton Crosses -i- .... More than 9,200 crosses were made at the cotton breeding experiment station at Florence, S. C, during the past year by cotton specialists of the Bureau of Plant Industry. A large part of the crosses represent hybrids between the long-staple, slow-maturing but shorter staple upland varie ties.' ' . Nearly 2,000 crosses were made between a new strain of extra long staple Sea Island cotton introduced from ' Puerto Rico and planted at Brooksville, Fla and several varie ties of upland cotton. , On the day before the flower buds of the Sea Island cotton were to open they were cut and sent by ex- press to' Florence, distance of about 600 miles, where the pollen was used i ncrossing. A nigh per centage of sets was obtained to these crosses by W, H. Jenkins and E. E. Hall, United States Department of Agriculture and South Carolina ex periment station scientists in charge of the work. The cross-breeding will be con tinued in 198T in back crossing' and out crossing several of the promis ing hybrids. The object of the breeding work is to establish pure lines of the thickly branched ufrland cotton combined with the Sea Island seed and lint characters, and with higher productiveness. Sweet Potatoes Now Claiming Good Prices North Carolina growers are now in an especially' good position to pell the surplus of their .crop of sweetf. NOrnCE pP ADMINISTRATION potatoes due to the present good market prices and also as a reflection of the shortage and high price of Irish potatoes. The 1985 crop of sweet potatoes in the United States was almost 20 per cent more than last year's pro duction which was equal to about an averoge crop. North Carolina's 1986 crop of 7,660,000 bushels was above the usual. General winter market prices of Irish potatoes, at $1.22 per bushel, have been from 50 to 100 per cent better than the pre vious winter and sweet potatoes are about one-third higher than a year ago. With a small national fall crop of Irish potatoes, the sweet potato growers hold a double advantage. North Carolina farmers made goo&f yields of good qualify sweet pota toes in 1936. Modern curing prac tices permitted them to hold the crop during the winter. Classified Legals LEGAL NOTICE By order of the Board of Conserva tion and Development, under author ity of Section 16, Chapter 486, Pub lic Laws of 1935, the following regu lation is hereby declared to be in full force and effect: It shall be lawful for any land owner, lessee, or tenant, for the pro tection of his crops or livestock, to run, hunt or take bears at any time of the year in Camden, Gates, Pas quotank, and Perquimans Counties. PAUL KELLY, Secretary Board of Conservation and Develop ment. , Mar.5 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION . Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Fannie Butt, deceased, late pf Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, n. C Route 3, on or before the 27th day of February, 1938, or this notice will be -pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of February, 1937. CHESTER A. BUTT Administrator of Mrs. Fannie Butt mar 5, 12, 19, 26 aprfl 2, 9 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Llna Sawyer' Jack' son, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Durante Neck, N. C, on or before the 1st day ox February, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment This 1st day of February, 1937. H. M. SAWYER Administrator of Lina Sawyer Jack son. Feb.l2,19,26,Mar.5,12,19 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. A, Butts, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 6th day of January, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th day of January, 1937. JENNIE BUTTS,, Administratrix of W. A. Butts jan 29 feb 5, 12, 19, 26 mar 6 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY By virtue -of a real .estate mort gage executed to me by Llewellyn Bembry and wife, for certain pur poses tii ere in mentioned1, which said mortgage bean date of December 1,1 1922, and is registered in the office I of the Register of Deeds of Perqui-I mans County, in Book 13, page 474, I shall, on March 13, ;' 1987, air 12 o'clock M, offer for sale. at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door in Perquimans . County. Hert ford, ; N. ' C, the property conveyed to me in said real estate mortgage: 1st: The land in Bethel Township, lying on the road from the Hert - ford Road at Light Nixon Fork to Bethel, bounded by the aaiC Bethel road, the land of William Mardre and Thomas Chappell, and the Mill Pond, and being . known a the , Richard Bembry home 'place,-' containing 46 acres, more or less. .',--' ( 2nd : The land beginning : on the road from the Hertford road . to Bethel, beginning , at: William, Mar dre's comer . near Llewellyn Bern bry's house, thence along the Mar dre line N. 51 E. 63.25 chains to an oak, P. H. Small Line, thence along the Small line S. 84.80 W. about 16 chains to a gum thence 63 W. about 84 chains to a point at the edge of field, thence S. 48 W. about 89 chains to the road, N. 84-80 W. 9.60 chains to place of beginning, con taining 61 acres, more or less. Having- qualified as Administrator of the estate of William Felton, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, Norm Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said , deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford on or before the 9th day of Febru ary, 1938, or this , notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of February, 1937. J. R. STOKES, Administrator of William Felton. Feb.l2,19,26,Mar.5,12,19 NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue ef a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by E,v P. Robertson for certain . purposes - therein mentioned which said Mortgage Deed bears date August 21, 1985, and is regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Book 19, page 183, I shall on Tuesday, March 16, 1937, at 11 o'clock offer for sale at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford. N. C, the orooertv conveyed to me in said Mortgage Deed; Bounded on the north by Edward Holley, east by lands of E. T. Cope land, south by the lands of Mrs. Liz zie Bunch and west by lands of John Holley, containing 70 acres more or less, and known as the Martin Hun ter farm. Part of the land may lay in Chowan County, but it is the pur pose to sell the whole Martin Hunter farm that was sold to said E. P Robertson by J. R. Stokes. Date posted Feb. 10, 1937. HENRY CLAY STOKES, Iebl2,19,26mar5 Trustee NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by George ; Welch for certain' purposes therein mentioned which said Mortgage Deed bears date April 6, 1927; and is registered in the office of the Register of Dee-is of Perquimans County in Book 14, page 663, I shall on Tuesday March 16, 19C7, at 11 o'clock, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C me property conveyed to me in said Mortgage Deed: Bounded on the north by Cox Al ley, east by Sarah and Easter Perry. soutn by Nathan Manley and Wm. Butts, west by James Riddick. Be ing the same lot sold to the said Welch hyJ. R. Steves, f; . 4. Posted Feb. 10, 1987.X febll96mar6 ' Mortgagee. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havitfr- quaMfted as Administrator of the estate of Moses White, deceas ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina this is to notify ill toersons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere, N. C, Route 1, on or before the 15th dav of February, 1938, or this-notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Carolina's Finest Theatre -r.-,Kv fz FRiriAY. March 4-5 TB2E GAY GASUSStT EHA! a IN OB 1 0tSim FITCU.T - L 2atf.e Hca!I nes Act -1 News xv jy iDr$rs.;, I 7 ! All persona indebted to said. estate . will please make immediate payment This 16th day. of -February, 1987. 1 V 1 13. R.RIDDICK, r i Administrator of Moses White, fob 19, $6, Mar 6,, 12, 19, 26 k M-r:v ..M m. li,l.-;ifl,J.tjll North Carolina, . - In the " Perquimans County . Superior Court " v." ', Before the Clerk Arabella Morgan and husband, E. W. : Morgan, Elizabeth Br(tt l and hus band, J. T. Britt, Adelaide Gregory and husband, J. A. Gregory, heirs-at-law of Henry V EUiott, v dees'd., Eddie Harrel) and wife, Selma, and Noah Bright, husband -of Mary Jane Bright, dees'd. .. VS. "' .." V, S" ;. Viola Mae Bright,! daughter of Mary Jane Bright, daughter ' of Henry iaiiott. dscsd, and ; Ralph i. Odeil ' BrighUeoa of Miola Mae BrighU fi iftnaS OF . SALE f.: t ;'Utes4 by virtue of an -order' f the Superior Court made and en tered on .the 23rd : day of February, 1987, in the above entitled cause, 'the undersigned commissioner r will' on Saturday the ' 27th - day of .1 March, 1987, at 11:30 o'clock A. M at the Courthouse door in Hertford, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate belong ing to the late Henry Elliott deceas ed, viz: Beginning at Newoy, Winslow, and Long corner N. 46 deg. E. 13.80 chs., thence S. 38 deg. E. 4.60 chs., thence N. 62 deg. E. 33.75 chs., thence N. 494 deg. W. 15.30 chs., thence N. 64 deg. . E. 14.60 chs., thence 52 deg. 8.83 chs., thence N. 86 deg. W. 7.40 chs. .thence S. 49 deg. W. 72.10 chs., to swamp to a post, thence N. 38 deg. E.;i; 1-4' chSi, thence S. 43 deg. E. 7.16 chs., to the point of beginning containing 101 acres, be the same more or less. Said sale is made for the purpose of dividing said land and the pro ceeds therefrom among the lawful IT nip The S ' WM IGneate SATURDAY, Msrch 6 Theatre Opens 1:30 P. M. Every Saturday . mmmmmmmmmmmmmm i .( .. , isi-mtrf-VT-i . (tin ' l: "i -"ir Darkest I '" ' , s . . f . heirs of Henry Elliott, deceased, A deposit of five per cent, of the amount bid will be required of the successful bidder ' immediately .after the sale. " . H ' L The '-right-is. reserved by the court t YdirNccc) Implement Repairs Call, Write or Phone Us . OLIVER ' Disc Cult - Stalk Cutters - Middle Breakers Steel Plows . Disc Harrows Riding ' Cultivators " VliddleCreers - True Blue Middle Breaker Points Disc Bbdes - Champion Castings Champion Plows - No. A -1 and 8 Ferguson Fertilizer Sowers ( One and Two Row TAirS TESTED SEEDS Onion Sets - Corn - Beans, etc. ' See ' W. T. (BILL) ELLIOTT A. IJNWOOD SKINNER A. Linwood Skinner, Manager, Hertford C H, Neece, Manager, Elizabeth City eeeeaeee4 Wmmw WwmsMB FOR BIGGER YIELDS FROM YOUR FIELDS INVEST YOUR MONEY IN High Quality Fertilizers ? .... . . . HERTFORD, k. C. A Neighborly Institution ' .Clean!-'.; Comfortable Entertaining MONDAY. TUESDAY, March 8-9 Act m iff ( .fi i ' i i., in ' Aloo . "j- Art "j, .,-,, r , to reject any or all bids. j Dated and posted tiiis 24th day e. February, 1987. -' . ' ' . 1 -' ; " - C RHOLMES, ' ; '' ' " " Commissioner. . Fb6Mar.6,1249 V - ! Pcinisjmdtrirs WEDNESDATT SAJt PRIZE NIGHT KARLOF HIMSELF B AC K S CHARLIE' CHAN AGAINST THE WALL! - " i-AIso 5 r ofr s c v V.-'.. X .4 r J

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