IT-" -A j .- ; RETURN TO WASHINGTON - Dr. and Hn.- J." J. Skinner and His Lea Skinner have returned to their home in' Washington, D C, . after attending the funeral of for. Skinnere brother; E. B. Skinner, last i 1 VISIT IN LYNCHBURG Mr. and - Mrs. D. S. Darden are 'spending a few days with 'relatives 4a Lynchburg,. Va. ' KlUTRffiM Jin.,, y. uancnara ana jars.. v. Jfc Darden are ayadinc the week-end J T : MRS. HOBBSmRE ;Mrs. F, W. J Hobbe, Sr, of Rich-iond,vVa.,-wa8' a' recent guest of Iter 'sister, Mrs. Charles Johnson. MRS. GILLIAM HERB Mrs. C. F. .: Gilliam of Elkin, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Elmo Cannon. MRS. CANNON SICK Mrs .Elmo Cannon is sick with an attack of flu at her home in Hert lord. MRS. E. E. BARBER ILL Mrs. E. E. Barber, one of the coun ty's Meet citizens, is ill at the home f r daughter, Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Sr near Hertford,' having suffered jk slight paralytic Stroke on Sunday. veryrOg J. Barber's condition " is regarded Taaigt nd her child" ren living at a -distance have been - -"tilled. -M. f. L. Davis, of Court land, WW on Tuesday night, Miss L8ka barber, of Wilmington, came "-tRirsday and Mrs. G. I. Bullock, of '"Oreedmore, is expected to arrive shortly. MEETS WITH MRS. BYRUM The Rosa Powell Circle of the Wo man's Missionary Cociety of the Hertford Baptist Church met on Mon day night at the home' of Mrs. Ed Byrum, with Mrs. Charles 'Johnson, chairman, presiding. The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. Strange. Followln this there was a short Iu8iness session, after which Mrs. Byrum served, dainty refreshments 1 during the social hour. I Those present were Mesdames Jharles Johnson, ; Jesse Lane, Nate Metflin, George Cbappell, C. O. Fow-'ice ler, W. E. Hoffler, R. A. Sutton, Jesse Campen, ' Jr., V. A., HoMren, H.' T. Bond, B. W. Pennington, Wfl- liam Elliott, " T. E. rRaper, Seraen Godwin, G. H. Parker, Elizabeth Sit tenon and Mrs. Strange.. Visitors 3ncioded Mrs 1. A. Ward, Mrs. P. L. Stephens and Miss Doris Byrum, KTKnnWK rriMMlTTTKE ITCltTSt wc?iS2on ''gMik'PTA Holds HertSrd BapuscihttithW caFiindere Day Program Mrs. E. W. Mayes, with Mrs. L A. Ward, president, - presiding. V Others present were 'Mrs. D ,S. Dempsey, Mrs. G. R. Tucker Mrs. V; N. Dar den, Mrs. L. N. HoUoweU, Mrs. duirles Johnson, Mrs. , Charles E. Johnson and Mrs. Mark Gregory..:. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ! Mrs. J. G. Roberson; entertained the members of her bridge club at delightful party on Tuesday night. . Spring flowers in attractive ar-i ?angement decorated the room where, two tables were arranged. . Mrs. Vj N. Darden was the winner of the prise for top score, while Miss Kate Blanchard received the consolation. The hostess served a delicious, salad. Cake" was given, followed by a song course. . ' VI would be True." ?: : v ? Those playing were Mrs. R.. Mf j; At the close of the meeting , the "Riddick, Mrs. E. W. Lordley, Mrs. i jjirthday cake was cut and sold. Spe 'Ii. G. Koonce, Mrs. V.' N. Dardon, cial music was furnished by Mrs. Joe u JMrs. Herman Winslaw, Miss Mary . Sumner, Mis3 Kate Blanchard and ! i t I ihe hostess, ENTERTAIN AT PARTY Misses Elizabeth 'and Dot True blood, Eula White, Jane Lowe and Daisy Proctor delightfully . entertain ed at a party at the home of Miss Proctor in Winfall Friday. Many games were enjoyed after which a delicious sweet course was served to the following: Misses Helen Morgan, Jessie and Polly Baker, Nina Mae .Tierce, Nellie Rae Haste of Edenton', Mary Ruth Stallings, Margaret Mad re of Hertford, Addie Ruth Morgan, nd Lucille White, John Haste, Stan ley Spruill, William Cayton, Roy Spruill of Edenton and Edmond Lane. ; ; JMr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyce were -called to the bed side of their daugh ' tor's husband, E. B. Skinner, of Old -Neck, last week. Mr. Cecil Byrum called on Mrs. ' Graham Twine Saturday morning. ; ! Mr. and Mrs. Freeland Chappell -"visited ,Mr. and . Mrs. ,0. C. JTwine Sunday night. - v" . ) . ; ; v . i, , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin and . children visited her parents, Mr. and - 41m. N. B. Dafl. Mr. and Mrs; Bertram Byrum spent I Saturday night with v her" parents, j Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Forehand. " i Mr. and Mrsv Graham Twine were ' In Edenton Saturday night. Vernon Asbell went on a' business trip to Norfollc, Va, Thursday. Mrs. Henry Copeland ' and Miss flc!ma Chappell visited Mrs, Thomas r. : rr i Tuesday afternoon. t To Amiy Pc:t : .ajnWMt A special; dispatch front. Marion Institute , at Marion,'; Alabama, says thirty-two Marion Institute students will leave there Sunday morning for Fort McPherson - and v other"' army posts throughout the, 'South, where tHey wilt, take both mental and phy sical entrance examinations for, en trance to the United States Military Academy. t Among the number listed was Tim Rufus ; Brinn, who stopped over in Hertford for a week-end visit to his . 1 WW - irk Ma m. ptuviiw, jur. ana rare. Jt. x. crinn. SURPRISE PARTY IN HONOR ' OF J. E. EAVES' BIRTHDAY iMr. and Mrs. Louis E.- Eaves n tertained: at a lovely surprise, 'birth day party In honor of the 7lst birth day anniversary of Mr. Eaves' father J.- E. Eaves,, at his- home on Pender Koad Monday evening, March li ' Contests and games were enjoyed during the evening 'with Mrs.' Rett- k.n Gf.llTM mm J 1.7:11:.. T ! WW WHHIUUIB UIU TT XJKUVO Win ning the prizes, after which a bas ket was brought in the -room by Mr. Eaves' little granddaughter; Alma Lee and Ava Ann Eaves, heavily laden with gifts that were both pretty and useful. - A delicious ice course was served with the Easter idea carried out in the decorations', and refreshments. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaves, Mr.. . and .Mrs. J. Ed. Lane,, Mrs. T. M. Farmer, Raymond Farmer, Mrs.' Stephen Taifott' Sallie Sue Skinner, 'Mr.".iai&!ir.rWiHie Lane 4' and- two children. - Edna" Ruth and Joan,' Mr; and Mrs. E. Y. Ber ry Mr.' and Mrs, -Reuben Stallings and abn, r William, Mr and .Mrs. John j B Eaves and. three children, Onella, John,' Jr'and. Ava Aha of near -Nor-' folks- Mr: "aid JJrs luis;;E.;Eavesi and two children, Alma Lee and Ho- wara liouie ana miss Auumiao taves. Those sending gifts who didn't at tend were Mrs. Annie Berry, Mrs. S. I. Cullipher, Mrs. Sangster Allen Ar nold, Mrs. Harland D. Proctor and J. C. Blanchard. v BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. R. M. Riddick was hostess to ! the members of her bridge club and la few others of her friends on Fri- day night, when she entertained at her home on Dobb street Spring flowers decorated the rooms where three tables were arranged. Miss Mary Sumner was the winner of the prize for top score. A dainty course was servea. Those playing included Mesdames Clarence. Goodman, J. W. Jackson and Miss . Rebecca Webb, of New Hope; Mrs. John Zachery, Mrs. T. B. Sumner,' MrSi B. G. Koonce, Mrs. J.4. Roberson, Mrs. E. W. Lordley, Mis Carolyn Kddkk, Mrs. V. N. t Darden, Mist - : Kate Blanchard and Am interesting Founders Day pro gram was given Tuesday night at the regular meeting of the PJT.. A. of Ballahack School. The meeting was opened by sing ing; uoa ..or, uur rainers-. ine president, Mrs. Percy Rogerson led the devotionaL It, was announced that then would 'be a Washington program at the school Friday afternoon. . "The Presidents Message was given by Mrs. Jack Sutton, and "The Philisophy o( the t Parent - Teacher Movement" by Mrs. Singleton Lane. Miss Ruth Hurdle ' and Mrs. Joe Pery sange" a duet, "Follow the Gleam." A playlet "The Birthday Perry. Mrs. A. J. Parrish, Mrs. 'Joe Perry, Mrs. L. B. Perry and Mrs. t . i n l . i j i : -: Johnnie Goodwin served delicious re freshments. BALLAHACK NEWS Mrs. John Lane visited her sister, ! Mrs. A. J. Parrish, Wednesday. Mrs. Wilson Hollowell is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bunch, of Edenton. -. Mrs. John Rogerson and little daughter visited Mrs. C. S. Layden Wednesday afternoon. ; ' v T Mriand Mrs. Norman mith visit ed their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rogerson, Sunday afternoon, -v . e Mr. and Mrs. Paul T' Perry and children of near Elizabeth City made a abort visit to friends In this com munity last week, ,-. ,.',.. , ; The condition of Mrs. C. S. Layden who has been HI for some time, re mains about the same. Mrs. Mack Sanderlln and baby of Camden have been visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. tHarrell, recently. -, ' " i " ' ' ' Alonza Spivey of Hertford Road made a short call at the home of John Rogerson Sunday afternoon."7 , Mrs.-John Rogerson and baby Vis ited Mrs. Percy Rogerson Tuesday afternoon. .- . , Mm. Sidney . Goodwin 'and baby were the guests of Mrs. Joe Layden Saturday afternoon, -, , Messrs, Preston Rogerson, Elmer mnA :VffnfrA C!mfl anil la I were the guests of. friends in RocVy Hock Saturday evening. - - . A. S. Layden visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Layden, ilon;y aTi; ::n. - . ... Mrs. Jln LE8 c " 1 to tee Mrs. t. E. Perry one i''.nfon last week.' rv ,r , ty . ; MISCELLANEOUS' SHOWHt . I . Misses Frances and Pattie vRogeiS ' son delightfully ; entertained at a' miscellaneous shower at the home of the former, .Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs. Alvin: . Winslow a re cent bride. s , After enjoying games and stunts everyone wrote a wish for the, .bride. Little Willie, Ann Madre and' Master aari tu. Kogerson proudly presented numerous attractive and useful gifts to tne waae.':i ', - -. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. V " Those present"' and -sending 'gifts were:., Mr- and Mrs.- Clarance 'Pa, nr. siiu aira, w. v. Kogerson, , mr. and Mrs. ' Horace Long, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Layden,' Mr. ' and Mrs. Jtal com Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. W E, Rogr erson, Mr, and Mrs. W;1 J. Madre, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.' Garland Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Winslow. Mesdame; Roy Smith. Clyde' White: J. Jordan, Elwood White, T. W.'v Nixon, Dennis Winslow, Joseph ;Winslow, Louis Smith, Ben Jordan; "Ernest1 Steven son, Herbert : Ward, Asa Stallings, Harvy Stallinga,-. Jim Smith, J. B. Lane, Nelson ' Smith,- Wray Smith, William Jordan. .Will .Stafford, Ad- rica Smith, Allen Window, Misses Alee Stalhngs, Helen Trueblood, Nel lie Mae Ward,.; Ruby Smith, Mary Smith, AQie Mae Trueblood, Marga ret Jordan, Neppie South, Mozelle Smith, .Virginia v Winslow, Evelyn Trueblood,. Minnie Lee Winslow, Margaret Trueblood, Harriet Lou Layden, Frances and Pattie Roger Son, Willie Ann and Dorothy Madre, Floyd Long, Bui .Thomas and Earl Rogerson. .., .. ' .- PENDER ROAD NEWS Mrs. T. M. Farmer has returned from Gates County where she visited relatives. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaves Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eaves and two children, Alma Lee and Howard Louis, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Eaves and . three children Onella, John, Jr. and Ava Ann, of near Norfolk, ..Va. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Sawyer and child .visited , Mr. -Sawyer's parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Jack Sawyer, of White Hat community, last week. B. A. Berry is visiting relatives in Norfolk. CHAPANOKE NEWS W. E. Bogue of Woodville was in Elizabeth .City oh business Tuesday. Misses AI Whitenead and Kuth K, Wilson were in Elizabeth City Sat- urady. , - Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Alexander were In Elizabeth City Saturday afternoon. . . . - , Walton Whitehead spent Thursday afternoon in Elisabeth City. i. Bit. Kf. nUDUU, WW IHWUIWi Susie Mae, were ' in Elisabeth City Tuesday afternoon h , , v, Mr. apd Mrs. W. H. Elliott attend ed the funeral of Robert Keaton at Bethel Sunday afternoon.' ' Mrs. J. C Wilsoi spent Friday in Hertford with Mrs. J. Oliver White on Grubb street. ' Mrs. John Symona and Mrs. W, R Perry spent Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Boyce were In Hertford Friday.', ' . . ft The missionary , Society, of Oak Grove Church will - meet l with Mrs. John Symons '. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs; Daisy Perry and Miss Cora Layden spent Saturday, afternoon with Mrs; Cecil F. Garrett In EUza beth City.; . . . I Bill Trueblood was in Elizabeth City Sunday afternoon. V V''! Walton Whitehead has returned to CCC camp near Washington, N., C.i aiter a visit with his mother, Mrs Bertha Whitehead. ' t i !; STATE THEATRE NEWS A glimpse of Shirley Temple's stage triumph as Little . Eva. in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," is given in the motion picture "Dimples," which -is one of Shirley's best pictures, and which will be seen 'at the State A Thursday and- Friday of this week, with Frank Morgan ,and Steplfl Fet ched . ' i ; " y ( On Saturday "Oh Susannah" will be the attraction, -' and Gene Autry sings a number of songs, all of them good. Frances Grant, his very pret ty leading lady, ated has a very nice vioce. Smiley Burnette, the eomme- dian with the dual voice who is seen with .Gene Autry In nearly every pic ture, does some of, his best , work ia this picture. - ' ? ,'' "On the Avenae,'T to ' be seen on Monday, and Tuesday, Is something new in moving pictures. TLe title comes from Irving Berlin's sir ih song hit of the same title.' Lick Powell, the silver voiced tenor, , will never sing better than In this r'c-ture.- Madeline Carroll, . beauUTuI English Film star,! plays the Lad opposite Dick Powell. ; They are sup ported by Al-oe Faye whose blue eyes set you g?ja, s-i ty t" e Ritz BroUiers, wliosa n.: 1 sr.' s will knock you in the s'r3. "On V,reane3day "C..Ia Grn at the Cr-a," with V':mrr C ' " t-'-i I a r-t cf C , t " ' e. . i" : '.. vl. . i . l, 11 j y t- jr ( n .) I - a g- r ' 7 -. - Dick Powell and Hadelelne Carroll are co-starred;in Irving Berlin's mu sical "On the Averiue.'ri wkh- big east 'headed byAlice Faye and the RIU-&Svofc titHg t (he State Theatre, Hertford, next Monday -and Tuesday, March a and .' WMtestca PTA Holds I .AVaghington Program iln&Tjrtt A. held its regular . monthly meeting on Thurs day evening, with Mrs- jDempsey Winslow, president, preeidinsr. The devotion was' led by Lesaia 'Stallings. xne meeting was then .turned over to Miss Mable Lane, who bad charge of the program. ' ."- The program on George Washing ton was aa follows: ...Exercise, "Thoughts . -on Washington,",' play, "Like George Washington," song by all the children "LitUe George Wash ington," story by Gale Winslow; play, "An Afternoon;.. With Washington,' story by Clinton Ray Winslow, song, "George .Washington's Birthday," aU the children then gave original poems on Washington, after which a tweet course" was, served. RYLAND Mr. and' Mrs. T. S. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Ward and Miss Rela Spi vey were in Suffolk Thursday after noon on business. ' : " . Miss Juanita.Lane spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Numey Chap pell, neat Belvidexe. Thomas Jackson Spent the week end with Elmer and Edward Ward near Sign Pine. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow of Belvidere spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Byrum. ' Mrs. Harriett Parks and Miss Ger trude Jackson visited Mrs. Johnnie Chappell Tuesday evening near Pin ey Woods. Miss Marjorie Pierce of Sunbury spent a few days this week with Miss Marie Copeland. . , v Miss Mary Lee Davis spent Thurs day with Mrs. G. A. Boyce. Miss Avis Ward visited Mrs. Har riet Parks Sunday afternoon., '' ,'J. ; jar. ana axrs. v. is. Jordan bad as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Sinclair and -Mr. and Mm. Bernard Winslow of -near Hertford. ' , Mr. and .Mrs. Palen Lane scent Monday with hep mnthnr. Mrs. ImiIu gnuees ssary uxue ana Katn Alice ChappeU visited Mrs. V. E. Jordan Tuesday afternoon. ' ' ' ' . - Mriand, Mrs. Joe Pemr of Nor folk, Vjl, visited- her sister, Mrs. Herbert Lane,' Monday. -v Mrs. oye Parks made, a, business trip to Hertford. Wednesday. Tbe special-sale which Mrs. Roy Parks . advertised. 10 days ago has been extended until Tuesday, .March 1 according - to an announcement made, by Mrs. Parks this week. '. SNOWIHLL'NEW$ Mr, - and .i Mrs. Seth ? Spivey and children of 'Petersbonr were rtests of Mr. and Mrs.' J. T. Wood during tne week-end. j." Mr. and Mrs.' W. H. Cartwright, Mrs. Vernon Winslow, Misses Blanche and , Maude Cartwright .M were in Elizabeth City Saturday morning. ' Mrs. J. T. Benton Mrs. W. M Matthews and 'i -Mrs.' Ralph . fiarreD were in Hertford on business Wed nesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell : and Carolyn Dean Harrell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mm, G. W; Gregory of Woodvllle. t ' Amng those in Hertford Saturday were; Mr, end Mrs. Jesse Harrell, xnr. and Mrs; Kalpb Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. ' Cartwright, ' Misses : Lucille Cartwright, Eunice Harrell, Mr. and aim. Meadow Harrell. Mrs. Ashby : Jordan and Mrs. J, w. uvenon attended the State Thea tre Saturday afternoon. - W. H. Cartwrijht, Mr. and Mrs. Odeli Cartwright, Mies Maude Cart wricht, Lowry Cartwright, Mrs. Car son -Jore-n and Miss Elinor Jordan were in Hertford Saturday afternoon. Louis Harrell of Norfolk visited Mr. and . Mrs. Shelton Harrell Wed nesday and Thursday. , - Mrs. E. & Lane and Mrs.- Ralph Harrell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer, of Old Neck Frixlay. Mrs. D. M. Cartwright had as her guests Wednesday Mrs. IV.' H.' Cart wright, Mrs. Vernon Winslow, Mrs. W. II. Elliott and Mrs. Troy Elliott of Chapann'e. , v" . , EZI.b vfiarrell i was In "Hertford Eatu'-'-y eftrnoon. - !-n r i " c on-i... .y'Aar - -',Vri at the 1 i -. . ' ; m X . . 4 t v J iriLxvju - a. ucuua emu uauer row - i A and list th worn or brc!ica fM ? :. Vliwe At niuia iwiiI.1'ui ..fpi S..a -i ' Lt: a- ' i i us snow you wnat "quick service v Iv UlCtiUS X ' i . jr l IV i A I , By dolnd tius Sure, that VOur . ready for use when you need them; i And VOU won't havi anxr fnc minute breakdowns to delay you ; 1 r m.lM 4ma aa.. .11 k v . ' and,-last longer.; We . are ready to serve you . now. . , ; ''.'-"' J ? '', iP ' - - it v ftvs Byrum Hardware Col : Everything In Hardware and Supplies" : vrij ' i spmN6;FASHioKs1 I for STREETxHOMExOFFIOi i Crashes GhaxribmysVandGayrl 4 : Ai Sinnng' Prints . ; ; 1 '- , w ) n. -w I. --x, v-'-. JBAw ' V ;. r&T ABARG.AIN, STYLEAND. ;: - r . !:;?'" I: :'! ' : s :.--' , " :: - ( 1 ' a .k Ollll' r i I 'cotton' c'r styled i bun'" VJ-wti y. c,iv r 1 ... , i"l I "J. E!.no C i. -1 r . 4 . t - m'V 1.1 ' it now. voti cati ha H J. rnarilriM Will K . ..'a lArirCj'lj- xt rii - VAf JTt5PmiVrC.s- ; 1 w -V ! i.f a " x crro r r.ipr- - i - 4 X iVl v"j l:.:. Pre' .nd C2-V0 ycur i it