. 'f-.fca TOUT HE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUEDDJQ OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTS v?5 Volume IV Number. 12. . Hertford-Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, March 19, 1937. C'.f"! $1.25 Per Year MMJS WEEICLYi F IFiiiidity Of Fixation " , X. ?''? '"" " - aaaaaa ' '" Scheme EixesFixator Mil 9WVft J'iftpK.' K Boone Binds It "No Boon v. XU liUiipci , nun Jail Lode GOTORQAP8 Release of Murderer May Have Been Be hind It AU Madison Boone, Hertford Negro, is great f tot. He fixed up the lode B the ball pen, the inclosure in the county jail where; James White, awaiting trial for the slaying of Hat tie Simpson, was (believed by officers -to' be safely shot In, and in doing so fixed tip a six - months sentence on the roads for himself, which Judge "Walter H. Oakey, Jr., imposed in Re corder's Court on Tuesday. i It all happened last week while Boone was in jail awaiting trial on a drunk and disorderly charge which ' waa disposed of last . Tuesday with if? Boone being' released from-jail after the trial. The, lock '. was so neatly fixed by Boone, 'according-to, James x White, that; White enjoyed the' run of the jail for -four days, roaming at will through the jail corridor and; watching the world go by the win dows. It was while he was engaged in watching the unloading of some mules that he became so absorbed that he forgot it was meal time and Mr. Fleetwood had come in and surprised ' , him before he had time to get back into, his cell and arrange the broken Jqek in place, as had been his custom. lit heard Mr. Fleetwood up stairs, where he had carried his supper; and le' called to him that he was jlown istairs. Wa;t ttA Kaon Bit ITIHtIwI if WAIlM t have been a very simple, matter for m v v .aulas incut nuv vwt uwiww iu.v . V he had kiUed-Hattie Simpson with an ? ;:axlB on January 25, to have knocked -85 IV Fleetwood in the head with the s. big fon bar exhibited n court, which White says Madison Boone used in ' trying to cut through the brick wall -. ' of the jail, and to have made his es cape. White,said ,on, the stand that h didn't want to get out, .which is .t obviously true, since he never made '- i any effort to evade the responsibili , 4 tytforftejnurder with which , he is , ' charged. 1 He merely '.wanted to get tt the window and watch the folks go "by. Boone vehemently denied the whole thing, 'vigorously asserting that he did not give White -76 cents to get attempted escapaj, , V i "White; t think 'oWe'Boone Uia't T5 ifieBta,aid JigarOiieyJ,at; the j.-' conclusion-jof -the- trial. "Yoii don't ' , jieem to hive lived up to your part fr 'the bargain. And I owe him six Y- . . . imjilMIM-W Wl itUWXB.- y'fTMJlW juuur diately handed over th two" coins, a made an involuntary motion to ac- ta, ; im i. j . l i- uvr. . h - V.'w auvil Uv wvw waVfaa uVf alUf , .'he laid, "that tint my money." - v " ' ' Through his attorney," C. H. Hoi- f Ctfvnvt-a wV skit' M-.nafkl t -fitm. r. ' riar Cofltt mnikthr case vwill be tried Holy Week SeMceS At HoIyTriniaih Atru at '.wnhr: Tvinittf fs,nlpredewt8 tie state societies in soon- .' for Holy Week are announced by the ' " Rector, Rev. E,T.J Jillson, as follows: 11 1, 'On Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the-celebration of holy communion; '' Qu Wednesday - morning : at 10 n. ; oWocktthe .celebration of hoiytcom ; i -f munion; and litany and address at o'clock" -in-:, the evenihgiv'-: ' "v, '; n Maunday ; ThitsdAy, taernorial .. ci. Juration of holy!'1 communioti fct 8 " ' . - .t :rriJSir" u-,.- . .t- "' .oWk in 'the' evening; ::--? ' -yy f On Saturday the Mctor announces . that he will be at the chnrch at 4 'Mf. o'clock for- tikpttsaifc-.' ; ' Cn Eestet ay,1 celebration of the -v hly communion at the usual hour of - y oxiock in cue morning; . cnurcn school at 10 o'clock; holy eucharist ' ;andse'nnonvat!.ll'' o'clock, '(ffpff .." 1""- COTION'-GINMNGS .p " pit. M, Harreil special agent for; the i Eureau of the vXJensus, - Department of Commerce, reports that there were V) bales of cotton ginned in Per r " wans County from the crop of prior to March 1, at compared 8,281 bales jfcinned to March 1, I 3 cf the 1935 rop, " r Tnr'!ESNTS;i-':::' .1 , ; -ce Jr. J spent Tuesday .'. f'.;; 'u -'.t!"T t'r parent8,.Kr.' 9 MOBB DAYS TO Tr!T7 cUU bat tb rl(W to drrrion under ctean. wholrtottm, healdtfal condition, la declaring thit riffat. thii Sodety tutdettaka to at it influence to the end that children ererr-where, through proper legU. Itrlon, both local and general, and throueh proper, perrirlon and protection, mar IKOW to manhood 1 and womanhood free from crippUag conditloni canted by irmiftden nonrhment; improper lood, or' unsanitary enrironaieat, and trae.ao far a ponible, front dengerof acci. dent, wounding or aaainauav. . (Artld 2 fTU CfittM Ciild-t "BiU t Ugitt.") EASTER SEALS GO ON SALE MONDAY Proceeds WU1 Bi Used to Maintain and Extend Benefits To Crippled Children Easter seals will be placed on sale Monday, March 22, in an effort to finance a program for crippled child' ren. The seals are attractively print ed with a small Miss dressed in green, one chubby arm in a brown crutch but' the other hand is free and out stretched torward the golden sun light of opportunity which signifies "Joyous vSLafe" . (this year's seal theme) for this and many such small crippled people. , The seal sells for a penny each, $1.00 per sheet : 100 not lrKe sum, but an investment that pays big dividends in buikimg sounder bodies, and brighter minds. The agency is state wide, being or ganized for the porpose of looking after the welfare of crippled child ren. Its program is one of coopera tion with all agencies, both public and private, lay ,nd professional-to the end that every crippled child may inherit its birthright. This is beauti fully stated in Article X of the Crip pled Child's Bill of Rights" which reads: , "In brief, not only for its own sake, but for the benefit of the So ciety as a whole, every crippled child has the right to . the beat body which modern science can . help .tt ;", secure; the best mind that modern education can provide; the best, training which modern vocational guidance can give; the best position in life which Us physical 'condition as best it may be, will permit, and the best opportun ity for spiritual development which its environment affords." Fifty per cent of the proceeds remain in the county to help main tain and extend the program for crip pled children. The remainder goes to the International Society for Crippled Children, incijwhich sponsors the seal sale, anrf spurs "world wide In terest 'in , the problems of treating nting cnpptMom, ana re- Hurm , r eaenu icgnuaiion xor ure benefit of crippled children, A bill has just now been prepared by the International Society for Crippled Sldren tor presentation to the pre t Congress, providing for Federal aid to states in the education of hiikUjapped children. :A rCv"i ' IrThe'lwS Ckrnmimion- announces an open com petitive examination, for the position of Substitute Clerk - Village Carrier for filling vacancies in the -Post Of fice at Hertford North Carolina. Applications or this position must be on file with 4he Manager, Fourth U. S. Civil Service District, Washing ton, D.C., not later than' April , lie examinatfon .tt. being held to fill a vacancy in the Post Office 8e VicC-x::". ;';'r'ifiy-frtfv . Competitors will be required toW port for written examination, which will be held approximately 15 days aTter the date bA for the close of re ceipt of arlfeations. ' Full informa tion a-1 trrtlon blanks may be c ' -;. I t- -A Sscretary, Ll U. r. CIvi Cervice t, I t C r :Jri, North C.r: Ie n?rr 1 ill i t Mai 1 i 9 1 MUSIC CLUBS VIE FOR HOKORS HERE Musicians From Nearby Towns Expected to Compete E. QTYJUDGES Winners Participate In State Contest Held In High Point Musicians from near-jby towns are expected to be in Hertford on Satur day of next week, when the Music Clubs of the Northeastern District of the Federation of Music Clubs will hold the annual music contest here. The affair will be held in the audi torium of the Hertford Grammar School at 10:30 o'clock irt the morn ing. There will be contestants from Bethel, Robersonville, Edenton and Hertford, in piano, voice, trombone and cornet They will be pudged by Mrs. I. M. Meekins, noted Elizabeth City musician and other judges from Elizabeth City. All interested are Invited to attend. The winners will be sent to the State Contest at High Point, to be held some time during the month of April. Rectory Damaged By Fire Tuesday Fire did considerable damage to the Rectory, the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. T. Jillson, on Market street, early Tuesday morning. The alarm, which was turned in around 5 o'clock, was one of four alarms within a period of twenty four hours, which la believed to be a record tor Hertford.!, The fire at the Rectory, however, wfs 4be only one which resulted in serious damage, the others being mainly threatened fires from blazing flues. ' The fire at the Rectory might have been a very serious; thing. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jillson . were awakened by the odor of burning varnish, and im mediate investigation disclosed that there was fire between the wall sepa rating their bedroom from the halt, about the flue in the hall. Though at no time Was there a high Maze, ' there was considerable fire, which appears to have smoulder ed perhaps for a" long time, and it was some time before it was entire ly extinguished. The damage, the extent of which will be determined by an adjuster to be sent by the insurance company, ap pears to have been confined to the fronf halt and one room. 1800 Persons Given Tuberculosis Test More than 1800 persons have been given the tuberculosis test in Per quimans since the work was begun on March 8, according to the latest figures available. The preliminary work of testing has all been done, and Dr. John S. Denhoim, of the State Sanatorium, who has conducted the tuberculosis clinic, left Thursday. . Those whose reactions were posi tive will be given X-Ray examina tions on Wednesday and Thursday, March 24 and 26, at the Hertford Clinic. Two technicians will be here from the Sanatorium to do this work. All those who should have this examination, or whose reactions were positive, . have been or will be notified in time. r Dr. Denhohn stated on Thursday that, , while the percentages of those in-the, county whose : reactions were positf) have not been definitely cal culated, it. would figure between 15 and 20 per eent ;lThe rjoctwrrnphaw. sized the-fact that while the ets is trr;iirato lecuon. oz tne- tubercle, iwdllns the positive reaction does not necessarily mean that the individual has clinic ally active tuberculosis. About 69 out ef 60 who show a positive reac tion, he said, ' control the disease pontaneously; v? i -.r-.-y.c . ' .: 4 - The tuberculin test, as this clinic yrilP ehbw, laid Dr. Denhoim, elimhv. ate, between 80 and 86 per cent of the students of the school, but of the rest the. only way it can be proven that they are free from clinical tu berculosis is by X-Ray examination. It Is, therefore, very important that this examination be made. u .'SPENT WEEKEND ' Mrs. J. S. Vick, accompanied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Mae Mlij, ho has been her guest re er .V.7, rr nr.t the week-end in Little t i, V " ton and other points. STATE THEATRE REDUCES PRICES Netf rLow Prices Now Effective Management Hito Announced GOO0 SHOWS BILLED Special Low Prices De cided Upon For Sat urday Shows The State Theatre is announcing new admission prices, beginning on Thursday f this week, with only twenty-five cents and ten cents being charged at night at the beautiful new theatre, and a special rate of ten and fifteen cents for Saturdays. The first show which will be seen at the new low price is "Rainbow on the River, starring Bobby Breen with May Robson and Charles Butter- worth. In this picture Bobby Breen, charming child star, makes his first appearance in Hertford. He is the boy, it will be remembered, who was starred in his very first picture, which was "Let's Sing Again." His beautiful lyric tenor vioce had al ready won hh'A fame v.-hen he sang on' the Eddie Cantor program on the radio. In "Rainbow on the River" Bobby sings, among other songs, "Ave Maria," "Old Folks at Home," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "The Flower Song" and "Waintin' for the Sun. May Robson, grand old lady of the 'theatre, celebrated the start of her fifty-fourth successive season of stage and screen work when she step ped before the "Rainbow on the River" cameras. She made her stage bow September 26, 1883. This pic ture will be shown only Thursday. "Valiant is the Word for Carrie" 'will bestown "one- dtfy wtly1,' Pwdayv In this picture Gladys George, fresh from triumphs on the stage makes her screen debut. In the cast also are Arline Judge and John Ho ward. This is said to be the great est woman's picture ever made, fea turing a woman'3 devotion to her children. On Saturday, when the special price of ten and fifteen cents will be charged, with shows continously f rom 1:30 o'clock, Jack Holt will be seen in "North of Nome," which is a real thrill with a lot of action. "Love is News' will be shown on Monday and Tuesday, starring Ty rone Power, Loretta Young and Don Araeche, with a good supporting cast including Slim Summerville, Dudley Digges, Walter Catlett, George San ders, Jane Darwell, Stepin Fetchit and Pauline Moore. On Wednesday, bank night, Irene Dunne plays in "Theodora Goes Wild," with Melvin Douglas, Thomas Mitchell, Thurston Hall and others. This is said to be one of the year's biggest laugh hits. The State is keeping up its record for fine shows. Enthusiastic fans give expression to their appreciation of the class of shows which are being presented at the State by their pat ronage. L. N. Hollowell Buys Rocky Mt. Bus Line L. N. Hollowell, president and gen eral manager of the Hollowell Chev rolet Company, has purchased the Rocky Mount Bus Line. This is Mr. HollowelPs second venture in the transportation busi ness. Since' December he has owned a half interest in the City Bus Ser vice of Wilson. .. The transfer of the Rocky Mount Bus Line.vyasmade .fln-Monday of it..we-:;f3".v.;. . Revival Services At Methodist Church Rev. J. O. Long, pastor of the Methodist 'Church at Weldon is as sisting in .the meeting ,of the Metho dist Church here this week and next. On Wednesday evening he preached on the subject, J'ThCFermanenti Ele ments, lit a ' Changing ;Worid.''t ? A splendid congregation heard Mr. Long at this first service.' The ser vices I begirfi'eacn & evenmg at 7;3Q o'clock, and' cordial welcome is ex tended to the public. '; ,,. PROGRAM POSTPONED .The program of Irish lhusic sche duled to be eiven on Friday evening by Mrs. R. M, Riddick's piano and rythm pupils has been postponed un til April 2, according to an announce ment made by Mrs. .Riddlck this week. ' ) ,nv " Mail Bit Vandalism Causes Rigid Inquiry RECORDER'S COURT Another white man, convicted of the charge of operating an automo bile while under the influence of liquor, was sentenced by Walter H. Oakey, Jr., Judge of Recorder's Court to thirty days in Jail on Tuesday. The man, whi gave his name as David P. Burgess, and his place of residence Norfolk, Va., was arrested by Chief of Police J. T. Britt on Monday, after it had been reported to Mr. Britt that the man, who was under the wheel of his car parked at the curb on Market street, was drunk and that he had struck another car and failed to stop. Chief Britt found Burgess drunk and locked him up in jail. In the car was found a pint bot tle containing about half a pint of liquor. Mr. Burgess stated that he was only recently released from a hospi tal, where he had spent five weeks as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident, and asked the court's mercy. Judge Oakey told the defendant that it was his policy to sentence to the roads all who were convicted in his court of driving while drunk. "It may be hard on the individual," he said, "but I am try ing to protect the public against such people as you." The defendant admitted he was under the influence of liquor, having taken a bottle of beer and two drinks of liquor, but said he was not down. "No," said Judge Oakey. "It wouldn't be so bad if you got down and could n't drive a car." Taking into account the fact that the man was not in physical condi tion to work on the roads, he was sentenced to jail for thirty days, fined, fifty dollars and his driver's license revoked for the period of one year. Spunk StalUngs was convicted of the charge of drunk and disorderly, and prayer for judgment was contin ued, upon payment of the court costs, and good behavior for one year, and that he remain off the premises of C. E. Chappell for six months. Four colored women, Beatrice Welch, Naomi, Evangeline and Helen Welch, were. convicted of affray, and prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of the court costs and upon good behavior for one year and upon the further condition that they not be found in the beer garden of Washington Lyons for the period of one year. Beatrice Welch, in connection with the same affray, was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon, and was sentenced to thirty days in jail, the sentence being suspended upon payment of the court costs and upon good behavior for a year. T. S. McMullan, Jr., of Elizabeth City, charged with the larceny of a truck, waived hearing in Recorder's Court through his attorney, J. B. Mc Mullan, of Elizabeth City, and was ordered held for the grand jury under a thousand dollar bond, in default of which he was placed in jail. Holdren Served Town Twenty-four Years Chief V. A. Holdren is observing an anniversary next Tuesday, the twenty-fourth anniversary of his term as chief engineer of the electric light, water and ice plant of Hertford. Chief Holdren, who is a native of Bedford County, Virginia, came to Hertford to work for the Town of Hertford from Norfolk, on the 16th day !'6f March, 1913. He recalls that President Wilson had just been inau gurated at $iat time. . Working twelve, hours to the day for seven days, ijt-f week, the Chief has put m a gc: deal of time. He kept these hours up until six months ago, when, because of failing health, he could not remain so long on the job. The Chief has lots of friends, though he hasn't had so much time off' the 'job, who hope he will continue to serve the town for many more years, to come. . ' .Scouts Registered Rev. D. Mj Sharpey' Hertford scouuaoas v has - seht in the . .rekis tration .fee for. itl Bby"Scoutsi. " They art going on a hike on Friday. ; The troop will meet at the parson age Friday afternoon at . 4 o'clock, each, boy taking whatever he wants for tnipftet.r At the end-of the hike they will cook supper, hold, their meeting and come back to town in time for the services at the chnrch at 70. V ; -..-'., Rural Routes In Per quimans and Chowan Suffer By Deviltry INVESTIGATION ON Sheriff, Postmaster and Federal Authorities At Work No arrest has as yet been made in connection with the acts of vanda lism which occurred in Perquimans and Chowan Counties over the week end when approximately fifty mail boxes on rural mail routes were torn from the posts to which they were attached and scattered about . in ditches, swamps and near-by fields. In some instances the posts to which the boxes were attached were pulled out of. the ground and box and post thrown away. Sheriff J. Emmett Winslow, of Perquimans, who was notified of the matter on Monday morning, lost no time in following up all clues, though the Sheriff stated on Wednesday that there were few clues to work on. J. E. Morris, Hertford Tostmaster, who was also notified on Monday, notified federal authorities and it is expected that an inspector will come to Perquimans to conduct an investi gation. The mail boxes on the right - hand side of the road, coming from Eden ton to Hertford, were torn down, from just south of the Chowan Coun ty line, to Hertford. Only four or five of these boxes were in Chowan County. And the mail boxes on the right hand side of the road from the Highway to the road leading from Hertford to Burgess, in the Bethel community, were torn down, indicat ing that those responsible for the work only stopped on the right side' of the road. One little girl in the Bethel neigh borhood heard the sound when the mail box in front of her home was torn down, and she said that shortly afterwards the clock struck 3. This was on Sunday morning. While many theories have been ad vanced as to the reason for the acts, nothing definite has as yet been established, some believing that the perpetrators of the acts were drunks out on a lark, while others believe that it was spite work. Baptist Missionary Society Met Monday The Wowan's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church met at the church on Monday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. L A. Ward, presiding. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. Ben Wood, after which there was a short business session. Mrs. C. W. Reed led the devotional and made a splendid talk. Mrs. Irvin White gave a reading and Meedames K. W. Mayes, D. S. Demp- sey and J. E. White, each of whom attended the Convention in Charlotte last week, gave short talks on the subject. Due to the rainy weather, there were only 34 members present, three of whom were new members. Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood airain won the WMU pin for having the largest number of circle members present. Hertford Couple Marry In Durham Of interest to their many friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Helen Rdbbina Vick and Mr. John Christian Butler, "both of Hert ford, which took place in Durham on Sunday, March 7, the ceremony be ing performed by the Rev. J. T. Rid- dick, pastor of the Watts Baptist Church of Durham. The bride who was unattended, wore an ensemble of navy blue, with harmonizing accessories, her flowers being a shoulder corsage of garden ias. Those who witnessed the ceremony included Mrs. J. S. Vick, of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Butler, of Wilson, Miss Annie Lee' Butler, of Durham, and Noah Gregory, of Hert ford. Mrs. Butler is the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick, of Hertford. Mr; Butler is a son of Rev. A. A .Butler, of Hertford. He ti--fwKodttiA:,wilk: the Hollowell Chevrolet Company. The couple are very popular with a wide circle of friends. They are making their home at present with the brides parents M.i Church street, J f