n r r r ry I y v I Xmru tiSBEUS MJTCHtU. LLTU I U ' I V V I Stnopsu JNB Chandler tut created1 the eceaw twice In ordr (a return with Connie AOs bury mud her other to frame her into m enit fo alienation of affection at a meane of qnathing a libel ml( or $8,000,000 the ha brought ogatnet the New York Star vohich had pictured her at a huaband-etealer. War ren Baggerty, managing editor, had per moaded hie fiancee to marry Chandler in or der to bring the enit and then divoroo him. Chandler -make no headway wUh Connie, hut her father, behoving Mm to he em ewpert angler, invitee htm to the ABonbury Lodge to the Adirondaeke. Connie meet there, tee, , ml Chandler, phouee Haggerty to bring hit ' wife to name only. Chandler eotehee a wary trout that had defied aU emglert, and Connie hefts to boHeoo he is not merely after hot fortune-' Chapter Eight A SWIM BYYoONUOtfr Connie emulating magician, keld up her hands, -rolled up Imag inary aleeves. "Nothing in my hands. Nothing up my sleeves. They laugh td at me when I sat down at the piddle.1? - . " "It's amazing you and a grld-ole-eake. I never would have paired irou." ?Ah, there are many sides to my mature depths you little dream ' if."-. "I begin to believe you are right". ' "Ton should study them aome- Bine." "What would you suggest?" Bhe hesitated a moment, then Ud abruptly: "How would you like .mno go for a moonlight swim later? sou do swim?" . "Almost as well as X dance." I'm afraid you'll drown! It's aw killy cold. Do you mind?" "Me! mind? Why, Im known to - ny Intimates as 'Polar-Bear Chand ler'." "I always come down for a "It's been perfect,"-responded BilL "The ' ; very best I" VmsaananaaaaaaaaaFaai plunge. IVs evea staid aU night' said Connie. "Here? Atone?" . TB not afraid." Dance music anned across the water to them. "What's that?" exclaimed Bill, startled. She indicated the button she had pushed. "Remote control. Radio In the bath-house, connected to the raft by a wire. I like musie with my Bill sat on the chest and looked 'down at her. "You're a funny kid. That's what you seem up here. Vrydlfferent from the gal on the "And I feel different This place to all tied up with my childhood. JTh trees, the air, the water, even the frogs . . . I love It alt - We've "always, had heavenly times here, every minute completely xiUed-ltke today." "It's been perfect." responded Bill soberly. "The very best" "But It's costing me- a fortune," jshe said in mock seriousness. I'm saying dearly for this day of fun." '"But how . . . what?". Said BUI, completely bowled over. "I mean, Just..." . . ne laugnea, arew ner . nana across his face, without touchlnr l , as though to wipe off Hs expres sion, "It's my own. fault for daring to bet with father on men. I'm a rotten Judge of men." "Aren't we aur as asaaa, gain er composure. "Anyway I bet him a new plane that you'd tip your hand In the Brat twenty-four hours." " Tip my hand'? Go on." r She became apologetic "You see. every one wants to Know us . . . and rou did want to know us on tho pW the tout,- repeated BiH grim- ( "But I didn't know your type," -he contInuedVv"r l "Type, my eye . . . I'm unique!" pie was Indignant i "That's a' heln! Well. Dad claced bou . . . Impetuous, friendly, enthus iastic, guileless ..." "Just a minute!" he Interrupted. : Tin not sure about 'guileless'. It . bounds a bit on the half-wit side. IVhst was your analysis?" "Well, at first I said - - on the boat . . . Just another fortune hunter ehasms? flftv million dollars nn the hoof!" "What conceit!" said Bill gravely. "X know. It's silly, but then you told me off for being fragile! But I still said there was something else benevar It I vest safer you oiunt tisni" sue gnn toed at her own stupidity, sjtfT Sa wa. , . "live aad lean, says I, Connie, , tay engV es time Wt hot on mnemf bhe patted a pillow, saw V are you thinking?" - mjom I omm across . . . -4 sharp, jewel thief . . ." ' . - m f-"3!" aa ssetalaaad ta. r '. . ouM I have sols) that ' U ,tt you! lather over estl- i i . ' - s renuuned Si-ent and she smraraiiyt -uoxn you see -ut or yie way , , ismm! cmiwsj van4 peitea b4 )': asm j X. "Donl apologise (or suspecting people," said BUI quietly. He leaned down, tilted her face with bis hand. "Keep right on; ring; very coin you meet - There sire lots of wooden nlckles. Now we're going." Hs took her hands and pulled her to her feet "Qoinjr?" she exploded. "You're erasy! I want to talk. You're the nisi person in years. . . xou re in for it, my lad . . . the story of my life . . . the kitten who died when I was six and my Great Aunt Math ilda ... all those twisted newspaper tales you, read . . . about my ro mances . . . and why they weren't romances ..." "Give me your coat; we're going! There aren't going to be any more twisted stories!" At her amazed look, hs continued: "What do you think a paper could do with thief "And wouldn't they juetl You, me, here . '. . alone on the raft . . ." The hour of eleven was announc ed over the boathouas radio. "Come on, give me your robe." 'And touts Cinderella a brotherr the leered. ."What happens on the stroke of twelve?" . "Zoull aever mow," Bill mutter ed grimly. "For. the last time. woinan. Win you give ma that coat, or do I . . . As he started towards her, she backed away, turned to run, swing. ing around an awning pole precari ously ever the adn nf ih mtt mil grabbed her, held her a breathless momeni m ais arms tin she got her Oh. oh!" aha nmrA lulf witw. jess with laughter, then broke away. She slid into the water, nr. i mil , j"u wini i n race vou. . splashed la beside her. They were arm In arm as they, ascended the veranda tna at i lodge. She stopped- to look at the moon. . - "Arent you ashamed to lean a moon like that?" she said mock- dontl Let's go to meet it! IPs streaking across ths sky and fon T'"! drop And weTl be there to catch it!" "Ton lunatic!" There thing tender in her voiea. Tt sets In Manhattan. hmiIiu down like a golden egg on ths side walks of New York. Well catch It there. Get on your coat!" , ' Oh. drive in laniftrnt vmi rdjpve It! It's a gram Idea, Bill!" we your coat, and your father..." "My father?" ished. she asked aston- "It doubles the hick, they say whenever you take along father!" He put his hands to his mouth to yodel. She stopped him. "It's more than your life is worth!" "Is that afl?" "Well mora than mr remit Hnnf We'll drive to town, but we'll drive none, i n leave a note.- ; "No!" he exploded authoritatively. She was exasperated.; "Are you'Vi, trying to teach me discretion??-' ;M . "TTiiS Is ths nst.JessnajU5iifc)?! '"Very well, then don't gf re ruse to wake him from that dream- : less sleep." ;;. Thev enfnmf tbm loifira mrhii. Connie was mixing nlK-ht-cans. Bill ' turned on the radio till tt ahHvH i - Annilyi' Mr. AHenburr tnkad Ma ' head out of the door. "Who turned ' on max oisstea rscKetT" ' i . Allenbury, Tve got a great , Idea. The moon's glorious! We're going to drive . yon and Connie : and me ... ' . , "The man's either drhnk Mnuml " struck!" cried Mr. AUenbury as . Connie t entered with a - cocktail ' .' shaker. "Sleep It off. Connie, you ' go to bed! The Idea, waking people . P ." He disapoeared grrambling. j ' ' ."There goes reuHusosk'VssUd Cob But twelve o'clock would soon be upon them, and But had no idea Jfl Ja"T"rtr Gladys reach theledge. Ut must head tbea the Auenbnry groends. - "Irs a hnld ml" aaLS' flhia, i Wppjng eff h-r braeetata and drop- Ko. lOas. rat a divorce deteo tlve," ' - , j. c , S, ' Out of tke .shadow stepped man, hand raised. ' I'" 1 ' i n iTi is sssies chsa, "" t. iTo ho eontUmodJi 'sum - t A ear came to an ahrmc mUm at . Visited' U Windsor a drntrmr aixa ttl.hl 4L. Vf.'.W. -r. Mr. and Mrs, Pollard Here For Easter Mr. and iMrs. & R Pollard, of (Bell Artliur, Bpentj tae'itascer. noiidaja with Mrs. Pollard's parents, imr. ana Mrs. K. I. Elliott Miss Jean While At Home Miss Jean .white, wno is a siudent at . C T. C., . Greenville, was at noow'ior tae ' 'h4Wir uuuuays wiui her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. a. White. , '' Miss Stephens Here Miss Patricia ; fetepnens, who- jis' student at Atlantic College, to W son. spent the holidays wits her pat rents, Mr, and Mrs, P. l. Stephens. From Eloa Ootiege Miss Ona ' Mary iitepnens and Creignton Stephens, who ae students at Elon College, spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. U. atepaeuu. Al Ward At Home Al Ward, who is a stuuent at Fork Union, was at home lor the Easter holidays witn his parents, ur. una Mrs. 1. A. Ward. Visited At Wmdsor Miss Carolyn Riddick spent the week-end witn her sister, lars. John Lewis Perry, at Windsor. Visited Mrs. Hawkins (Mrs. M. H. White, of Greenville, spent tae week-end with her sister, Mrs. G. T. Hawkins. Herman Ward At Home Herman Ward, who is a student at the University of North Carolina, ar rived Tuesday to spend the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward. Visited Mrs. CofHeld Mr. and. Mrs. 11. b. Coiiield and their two children, Margaret Ellen ana u. is., jr., of Nonolk, Va., spent tae week-end owiti' Mr. Cofl'ield's uiotner, Mrs. 'K.4 B. Coiiield. Keturn From r'ayeiieville Mi. ana Mrs. tt. U. Winslow, Miss ixauiemie winsiow and inilry, Jr., iiuve returneu iroin a vist to Mrs. Winsiov's parents at Fayettevilie. Miss Young Visits Here Miss Ethel Young, of Raleigh, vi sitea her sister, Mrs. L. W. Ander son at Belvidere for few days re cently. " Retara To Pertaawta Jin. R. B. AloextsoB, of Ports mouth, Vk, who has bees tae guest of her mother, Mrs. W. Q. Gaithcr, for several days, was Joined by Mr. iwoerison lor we jtvaster ooiidays and tiie couple retnmed! to their nouie on Sunday. 4 Visitors From Norfolk Mrs. W. H. Hudson and her daugh ter, juiss Mary 'tudor Hudson, of MonoUc, Vs., spent the week-end with Mrs. iiuusoM luotber, Mrs. T. F. winsiow. Miss Elliott At Home Miss Ruth Elliott, who uf evatudent at the Woman's College -of the Uni versity of North Carolina, 'Spent the Easter holidays with ' her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Elliott. " Miss Relfe At Hoie ., Miss Mary, Onelia jKelie, who teaches at Robenonville, pent tae raster noiiaays wq ner parents, Mr. and Airs. Nathan Relie. 1 ' Francis Jess up At Heme ; Francis Jessup, who is a student at Oak Ridge, spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. & P. jessup. t Mr. and Mrs. Essoa Here Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kason, r of Crewe, Vs., spent the Easter holidays mtiui Mrs. mason's mother, -Mrs. J. H. xowe, sr. vVisited JNear EUaibeth. ty t Mrs. Jenkins Walters and Miss Lota dpivey spent Easter Day with Mrs. v insiow's sister, Mrs. C. W. Ives, near Elizabeth City. Here For The Holidays Mrs. J. C Moore and her son, Wil liam Murphey, and Buddy Pinkney, of Brewester, N. Y., spent the Easter holidays . with Mrs. , Moore's" mother, Mrs. Ida : Gregory. s . ' Wrigttsoa Jackson At Hoate- Wrightson . Jackson, who Is a stu dent at . Wake Forest College, spent the Easter holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Jackson, at New Hope, ahd- was fa Herordtont Sunday. , - ttfc'and . Mrs. W. 6. v.", Newbv and family spent- Eter Day Twftk rela tives t WindsoK,. . ' . i,?? '. -1 f,,1 rs'' i ..i ? ; j- i ,j j i 1 -':-' Retarns' To Lsuldiwrg '', . , Hannr Stokes. Jr.. and a acnool friend, Carl ;t iChaticer, .tfc students at Louisburg College, returned to Louis- the honoree, Misses Geneva v.1.ite, burg on Sundy: after spending the Francis Newby, Ruth Holywell, and Easter" holidays wit hMr and Urs.Clarke Stokes, George .? 1 1 "Js, Kar II. C.Stokes.Jt f .- ,- . j ' Rob Morris Here I Rob Morris, who is a student t ' Fork Union, spent the jSaster holi- days with hit parents, Mr.t fnd Mrs, Miss Prue Newity At Home Miss Prue Newby, who isf a student at E. C. T. spent the Easter holi days witn her parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Newby, -, " Wsjhtoftojt y isRors . J fc Pr. J. J. Skinner and Mrs, Skinner, miai'Mb .Las SldmMCr- of -Waahimrton D. C, spent the ''Easter holidays at their country home, "Cove Grove," InOW Neck. ' Robert Riddick At Home Robert Riddick, who holds a po sition with the State Highway Com missionr was at home) for the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. Spent Easter Here Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Babb and Durham, Heleniwowowoliunuautwdau their attractive daughter, Helen, , of Durham, spent the week-end with Mr. Eatb's mother, Mrs. W. L. F. Babb. Visited Mr. snd Mrs. Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hendricks had as guests on Easter Day Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Harrell, of Norfolk, Mr. and Uoyd Elliott, of Wilmington, and Wrightson Jackson, Jr., of Wake Forest College. Miss Payne at Home (Miss Louise. Payne, who is a stu dent at the University of North Car olina, arrived Tuesday to spend the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne. Miss Stephens at Home Miss Dorothy Stephens, of the Wil son faculty, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Ste phens. Dozier Sutton Here Dozier Sutton, who holds a position in Newport News, Va., spent Sunday with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sutton. Guy Newby at Home Guy Newby, Jr.", who is a student at the University of North Carolina, is spending the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. New by. Visited Mrs, Gregory Mrs. Ida Gregory had aa guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Gregory and Mrs. G. A. Baucont, of Fayette vilie, and Mrs. W. E. Sprout, of Nor folk. ;,..v; ;.-' VUteTltoUwr Shelton White, of Raleigh, spent the, week-end with nls Mother, Mrs. R. T. White. .v-:..'i 'fi.;;, - Ret arms to Sckoel Claude Brian, who spent the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Brinn, baa- returned te IujsbrCe41t-to. muine . his a&dies.' i - - " litr-a-i Visiters Mr. and Mrs. J. Ai Buchanan, Miss Mary Frances-Bachannt Miss ' Mar tha Buchanan, Mrs. Alston Stubbs of Durham and Mia Hatsman, of Balti more, stoppea xor a visit, at tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. T. . S. White on Thursday when they were en route to Nags . Head to spend the week-end. Miss Stokes at Beau Miss Joyce Stokes, who teaches at Kenley, was at iiome for the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. C Stokes. . ' c - , ., Spending Holidays at Home Miss Mary Wood Koonee, who is a student of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. . B. G. Koonce. , , . . Raleigh Visitors " Mr. and Mrs. Duke Morgan and their children, Duke, Jr., and. Bettie, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mor gan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evsrt Newby, , , Edgar White at Horn ' Edsrar Whit, a atmlant at W C C. W4 , b at borne for the ' spring holidays, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C W. White. Visited Miss Charlotte Reee? ' ' Miss Elisabeth -Reed, of the Bal- lahack conanunlty, spent the week end with Miss Charlotte Rood, at her home near Hertford. ' 1 MISS RUTH WINSL0W H0NOSTD Urs. Jr B. Basnight enterUined at a fish fry at her horns near Burgess on ' Caster ' llonday, honoring I her niece, Miss Ruth Winsiow, of Kert- !The guests ihcluded, in addition to rell Johnson and Uurwdci iea. ; BALLABACX A PLAY "THIS- THING ' CALLED LOVE" A three act . : comedy "This Thing Called Love" will be given at Bal lahack tchool ; Thursday night, April 8, at 8 o'clock. - The public is invited to attend. A small admission fee will be charged. Ice cream wwlll be sold. , '-'-"; HALLAHACK P. T. A. MEETS The Ballahack ParentrTeacher As sociation held its ' regular " meeting Tuesday night: .with the -"president, Mrs. Percy Rogerson, presiding, - Mr. Nixon "Hollowell led the devo tionaL After the business session, s program composed 1 of A community singing was given.1' ' . i , After stunts and games' were play ed everyone went out and enjoyed a weiner roast given. ytbe. nmf CUMBERLAND - ,-Miss Katherine V,'a atoaent of E. C. T. C, spent' tte Esster hoU: days With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.E. Perry, 'j .x-.,,, w Me. and Mrs, Cahlrie TJmphlett, of Winfall, Mrs. Evie McCarter, Mrs. Charlie McCarter and children, Vera and Chester, Mr. and Mrs.; Riddick of Sandy Cross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Morgan. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest fitallings spent Sunday with" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Stallings. Misses Katherine and Esther Perry spent the week-end with Miss Celesta Godwin. Visitors at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. C. L Godwin Sunday were; Mr. and Mrs. Joe . Smith and daughter Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dav enport of Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs, George Roach, Miss Mary Elis abeth White and Erwin Perry. Clarence Twine of Norfolk spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Effie Miller. . Mr. and Mrs. Brady Hare and children of Edenton visited her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roach, Sun day evening. ELMO Misses Viola and Irene Byrum spent the week-end with Miss Clara Mae Byrum. . , Mrs. Graham Twine visited her mother, Mrs. Cecil Byrum, Monday afternoon. Misses Thelraa Chappell and Eli zabeth Hayes visited Mr. and Mrs. Freeland Chappell Sunday evening. i Mr. and Mrs. U. & iwine - and I family, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Twine visited Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Chappell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Josie CopelanaVof Greenville, visited her mother, Mrs. N. B. Dail, Wednesday.' r An Easter program was rendered at Happy Home Church Sunday even ing. . ::.,:'::-,. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C Twine Sunday evening in cluded Mr. and lira. Percy Chappell and children, Jean and Jeanette, Mr. and Mr. GillUm Twin, Misses Mar garet and Marie Raper, Luther Chap pell and Miss Gladys Chappell, all of UelvMere.' , u - ' Mr. and Mrs. James ' Byrum, of Hertford, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Byrum, Sunday. . - i Mr. and Mrs. W.. M. Byrum,'ef Hertford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Byrum Sunday afternoon. J- . ' miss Haset uwena spent the weekr end with her parents near Elisabeth Uassmed Legak FREE! IF .EXCESS ACID CAUSES yon Stomach Ulcers, , Gas Pains, Indigestion, Heartburn, .Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sample doctor's prescription, UdfcvatRob erson Drug Store. . , mar 19 to apr June 4 ' ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Luther Riddick, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ' against t1 ... of said deceased to e. tutua to the undersigned at Eelr. w. N. Ct on or before the 18th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment,' " mis 13th day of March, 1987. ' WILLIAM RIDDICK ' Administrator of Lather Riddick: mar 19, 26, apr 2, 9, 16, 23 - North Carolina, - In the - . Perquimans County ' Superior Court ' Before the Clerk - . f r. T. S. White, Plaint: J, - n ' -' Chas. Johnson, Defendant ' NOTICB OF salt: C7 LAND FOR Under and hr vi. ' ifft'ar 'or ttt tUJik t ii f r ave Hy containci la i . . of the Supericr C enticed ess t ' 5 1" r a aurch, 1.-7, t i ' . v "v miscioner v 1 t i I ; day of ; c . infcef r- -ir V Uc a-'I;-', t . . , f r ct-b, ii, . t : of 1 1 ! -.ii of L Perr-L , .C,- tlcutariy described as follows: ."1st Tract. A lot on the south aid of GruUb Strent in ttia Town vol .'Hertford being lot No. 7 and one- half of lot Nn X of thm iM hnM . ' property as platted and recorded in Plat Book- oajre'Aa office of the iRearfster of 1 Deeds of Perauimans 1 County, North Carolina, fronting ?S7 ft. on Grutb St, and running ' back. ISO ft. being the same lot con-; veyea to w. jNorman ana vv. an. viversi. Dy v m. iiangaton ana-me and others by deed recorded in Book . 15, page 493, bjnce'of the Register of, Deeds of Perquimans County,- and conveyed by L. W. Norman and wife," Joeephine, , W. M, Divers and .wife, : Marsde. to T. S and W. E. White bv j deed recorded in Book 16 page 97 in ww oiuce ox tae register oi ieeas ox , Perquimans County, N, C . -.2nd Tract, All those two' certain t tV lying iiTMie.Town of Hertford, rreraoru . m ixwnsnip, - r- renralmanS County, State , of North Carolina, too, ' numbered, and designated' as lots Ifos. 1 and lTion the phU of Winsiow and White, which is of re cord in the office of the Register of Deeds, of Perquimans County, N, Ch in Plat Book 2 page. 41, being ths same property conveyed to said . Trustee, by J. S. McNyer and Chas. Whedbee, Oomtaissioners by deed dated January 28th, 1922, and record ed in Deed Book . 14, page 397, and being . the identical land described in that certain deed from Win, T. uiiiiiiviutvuac iimvWi W A,. Oe White and Chas. Johnson- and W. E. White dated the 15th day of April, 1926, and recorded in Book 16,; page 215, Perquimans County Registry. A deposit of five percent. of the , purchase price will be required of the succeasful bidder immediately after .the sale. Dated and posted this 19th day of March, 1937. C. R. HOLMES, ' ' OtHffitthwioner..,1 Mer8Apr,9,16 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified aa Administrator of the estate , of Mrs. Fannie Butt, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify aU persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit' them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C. Route 3. on or hnf oni tlia day of February, 1928," op this notice wiu oe pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate win please make immediate payment. This 27th day of February, 1937. CHESTER A. BUTT Administrator of Mrs. Fannie Butt mar 5, 12, 19, 26 april 2, 9 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admhustratov ox tne eetate oi v, U. laUnb, i ed. late of Peiuuhnans Conntv. Carolina, this te. iuUfw all havinr claims ssrsinst the eahi said deceased to exhibit them U undersigned at ElissUtli City, X on or before the jffth day f Mi 1938, er this notice wUI be plel in bar of their recoverv. :A11 aerL. indebted to said estate wQl ease make immediate payment -V This 16th day of March,' 19S7V ( . 8. W. TWIFQRD, "V Aflmmwrator ox C G. Lamb. MarJeeVApr463J10. - w . .- r ic:;;i. rotm, vniGimttmi.: Wives, motberi, wtertlhey're often fcrcsd lo point me way to hair health to their men folkl For women : 4t -v ''at to Keallhy head produc' ,.,,.ne Jioirl And mat's w . women everywhere are pointing t ' Fom-ol the remarkable foaming oV : shampoo which first nourishes the scalp, then takes the dull, parched hair and brings it back to c'owlnjr hsnth. Fom-ol is so econamkalj a little goes a long way. Ask your - druggist for ths regular 53c site. ; Qr. writs for a generoos Irid be. Its, emcKng 13c to ccvsr poding i and pc " m, - - :.'''',. i," 1 . . ""a. '