r ,1 ' ' f i iff 1 v" . C j"7 ,VT7 c J, 1 1 Aii 0 ""A i Yi A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING ijF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY) Volume' IV Number 17. . Hertford, Ferquimana County, North Carolina, Friday, April 23, 1937. $1.25 Per Year ill : N HOSPITAL PLAN U;i OFFERED AT VEllYvLOW RATE Only Two Cents Per Dax v Provides Free Hos pitalization v . IN' GROUPS .Plan Fully Explained to Rotarians at Weekly 'Meeting " Perquimans County is to have an ; vs. opportunity , to share "with . other; .' JJbrth Carolina communities in the 2 cents a day hospital plan offered ' "V by the Hospital Saving Association of North Carolina; Inc. : -A field' representative of the As Wsociation, (Miss Tasca Tolar, and . r ,Mrs. W. H. Weatherly. Jr., of Elfea .fceth City, appeared before the Hex lord Rotary Club, on Tuesday night and. Miss Tolar explained .the plan y'by which any group of ten persons .v p, or more, ' by- paying ' the sum of 16 i f ''ents each per-week may become ' - i members jf the Association and re--s 'eire free , hospitalisation for 21 v:-:. . day durinar any one "year. After . on has been, a member of the aa X, a sociation. for more than a year the v benefite are increased to 80 days , v.-.',dwlngr year. :, A family membership may be car- , ried in the association, by which the .-. . fatiier,- mother and aU children Hv- v. ing tn the home under the age of j w may' join for 10 cents per week. One individual cannot join alone. - Ji group of employees may become ; members; by signing application r . A blanks and paying the small menv- . itership dues.. If one Is not employ- 'j ( ' ed with a group of other .workers . ! , he may. still become, a memotr if he v -will secure at east nine friends or -' , neighbors to- form; a group nq join 'together.-, Any one under 65 years ; .v Whfts membership-in the. assoda' tion 4oee not provide-for the pay v.nnt' of fees of doctors, surgeon, ; , i v private nurses, dentists,- or of any , aoeoialists, it zurnishes ' bed and v i bard, general nursing care,, use of . the operating room, use of the de- 41 livery room, ordinary drugs and dressings, anesthesia (when adminis- ' ; tered by a hospital employee),. and . ' laboratory examinations. " " v The benefits cover all types of ill- " ness and injury except veneral di- ' seases, quarantinable diseases, men .; . .tal disorders, and oases which are -v actually- covered by the Workmen's Compensation Law. ' t ' - The benefits , are available intme diately after your first payment in - ' case of accidents. .' You must have . i "been'a member for 80 days in order to receive ithe ' benefits i for other V types of illness except maternity " cases; which require you to have been : ; member for ten months. The members may go to any hos ." .pital which is affiliated with the as- ' . sociation.r In. view of the fact that ' the association. is sponsored by. the ." North Carolina Hospital .Association 1 and the Medical Society of North Carolina; virtually every hospital in North Carolina is affiliated, d , A member may be admitted to " hospital at any. time the physician in charge of the -patient says he needs hospital care,. . MraV W.. HrvWeatherly, Jr., of V Elisabeth City,, who has charge of the organization of the Association in this District, will be in Hertford in. the near future-to organise a branch of the association here, c Grraje Employee -NcrrOwly JEccspcs c t f r tnrny work of Cta- 1 ir'irkM KStair.o , rr'''7 siteraoflftjof .V . ?e been . more 'j ( ' ;-ed,in'the garage JA Chevrolet Company, "r. Truc'lood. "Through 1 Ce clv Ung of Mr. 1 C V. Trudlood had i ti throw l v,lich were t .i to throw t) I 1 r. A. 3l ' i fee ( v mission study ; class be held next:thursday Women Frlfm AU Farts of C County : Expected to Attend Course In i Baptist women 'f'tto:Xt'iot the churches in the county will meet at the Baptist Church in Hertford on next Thursday, April 28, where a mission study class will be conducted.-. ; .'.-.v- The first session convenes at 10 o'clock in the morning. After lunch there will be another session. At the morning' session Mrs. J. P. Perry and Mrs. J. E. White will conduct class esand Mrs. ' D. S. Dempsey will eonduct the class meeting in the afternoon, presenting the book "Fol low Me." The moraine devotional will be led by Mrs. E. U. Morgan and the afternoon devotional by Mrs. A. F. Proctor. Mrs. Carrol Ward, oi .the White vill Grove Church, who is county chairhssn of mission study will pre side. A. large attendance is expected. PIANWTRIP FOR CLUB WOMEN Expect to Make 3-Day Tour of Western Carolina Miss. Gladys Hamrick Perquimans County home - demonstiiation agent, is planmng to give the club women of Perquimans an opportunity to en- Joy a three-day bus trip through Western North Carolina this spring. Last year a similar trip was con- ducted to Washingjton City, when a number of Perquimans, Chowan and Gates County women took advant age of the opportunity of the spe cial rate offered. . 1 TWif year the tour will probably WkWrou'!e lo; as Miss Hamrick Is anxious that the women can be in Aahevilie during the per iod when the Rhododendron Festi The' party -would leave Hertford early in the morning, traveling by way. of. Hickory and Blowing Rock, and spending the nignt at Boone. Leaving; Boone early the next morn ing they will go to Aahevilie and spend the second day and night, vis iting the points of interest in and around Asheville.' On the third day they will leave Asheville and come back by Chimney' Rock, Lake Lure, Charlotte, and Condor, which is said to have the largest peach packing industry in the world. ' , 1 Several women have already signi fied their intention of ': Joining the tour and Miss Hamrick - hopes to have a large party from Perquimans Join the Chowan and Gates County busses. j One bus to accommodate 22 persons, has been provided for the Perquimans party, but if more than this number wish to go, arrange ments can be made, ' according to Miss Hamrick if the matter is not delayed. Young Men Organize II Local Tennis Club "A group of young men are organ izing a tennis club in Hertford. The lot owned fey Mrs. Graham White, located on Market street, in : front of . the Baptist Church, has been rented and a court will be prepared at once.--S;ii ".!'.,'). Included in the number composing the club are.T. S. White, Jr., James Evart Newfby, Rev. E. T. Jillson, Ed ward Weeks. Silas Whedbee, Alfred WiHiama and Charles Wffliford. . i.The a;.. -. 'ivs'."-' 't'-roortt.bnnga -&-.)ni ataVb-i Eront street is' rapidly nearing' completion. With favorable weather conditions, the Morris family expect to be able to mora into their new home about the flirt of June. ', : - . -Meets At Cccrc The luissloo Study Clan of G. A's X Saturday afternoon tt t ) f - i ' " l. Lwm lyf:n in I IvI ' -r ?- "i a r t cJ 1 i ii:s,r w a Cr JL )!,)! ". t. we T GAIN PRIVILEGE CHANGING PLANS SINGING CONTEST Rearrangement of Con flicting: Dates Has Been Made SINGING Blanche Moore Berry And Maude Keaton District Winners The problems of Miss Maude Kea ton, young Perquimans High School senior, whose troubles came about from being too many times a winner, were solved by a special privilege granted her by Dr. Wade R. Brown, Dean of Music of the North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro, on Tuesday. Maude is a member of the Perqui mans. High debating team which came out Victorious this year. She was scheduled to take part in the state debating contest at Chapel Hill on Wednesday night of this week at 7:30. The young girl, for the third con secutive time, won first place in soprano in the high school music contest held in Elizabeth City recent ly, and was scheduled to take part in the contest in Greensboro at exactly the same hour that the de bate came off in Chapel Hill. Miss Kate Blanchard, director of the glee club of which Maude is a member, got busy with interceding with the powers that be so that the young girl could not only debate but sing as well. Her efforts were suc cessful, and a message came on Tuesday that the matter had been arranged. So on Wednesday Miss Blanchard, accompanied by Hertford's two win ners, Mist Blanche Moore Berry, winner of first place in alto in the and Ellie Mae White,, left for Green sboro. Meeting Held To , Nominate Officers When this paper appears Hert ford will have nominated a mayor and three commissioners. With two having announced them selves as candidates for the? office of mayor, and with Dr. C. A. Daven port announcing that he will not ac cept the nomination to succeed him self as one of the three town com missioners, nobody knows what the convention will result in. A mass meeting has been called at the courthouse for Thursday night at 8 o'ock to nominate a mayor and three commissioners. Unfortunate ly, when the convention is held this paper will have gone to press. Mayor H. G. Winslow is a candi date, and Silas M. Whedbee, Hert ford attorney, has announced him self a candidate for the office. Both A. W. Hefren and W. H. Hardcastle have stated that they will accept ' the nomination to succeed themselves as commissioners. AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY 9:45 Sunday School. 11 a. m and 8 p. m., preaching by (he pastor. The Hertford Men's Choir will sling. All will enjoy hearing them as they help with the services. The public is cordially invited.. lSlever Gome Who it it picking on James Sn and what', the Idea, anyway 11 Probably nobody is responsJMe for the serica of event which have cast shadow a the? yourrt 'horUen. v It all Just harnsd. ' Ttoubls- ierer oonie sincle-htnded, they aajtt$&L$t&. 'Janr, S,..tt 'tha;yonnj .af Vis. and KrVJainb-8.'-id;:HeiV' than Ids share of ill luck of late. Some weeks ago his dog, Brownie, disappeared. . Now,"' Brownie, be . it known, wasn't Just an' ordinary ca nine, not by any means. Brownie wan an unusual dog, and the pride of his young matstera .heart. He did tricks; did Brownie, and James S. K'-ed to show his beloved dog off to Lis rourts frienda. Who. wouldn't T I t Trownie is gone, apparency- r " j .:i?.r out of the picture. I , ; i 1-...J ' week now , ainca the 1 t-.i.wh!? rotted,dog ' . tj eisne trre-no'inore, ' ..; li yett J--.-J S.h; , - ' i' r A tt , ii La r BOXSCOiTTROOP TO BE INSTALLED MONDAY NIGHT Ik Scout Execu tive In Charge of Ceremony 11 INTROOP RevD. M. Sharpe Will Act as Scoutmaster i Of Troop After Monday night Hertford is going tio have a full fledged Boy Scout troop. Louis'. R. Lester, of Norfolk, Scout Executive of the Tidewater Council, is coming to Hertford next Monday night to install Troop No. 155, com posed of twenty-one fine young Hertford lads, with Rev. D. M. Sharpe,. Pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church, as scout master. There will be a patrol here from Elizabeth City to assist in the in stallation of the troop, which will be done with very impressive ceremo nies, at which every member of the troop committee are urged to be present. The ceremony will take place in the Sunday School room of the Methodist Church. Mr. Sharpe has been assembling the boys for the scout troop for several weeks, working; with them and getting things into shape for the final installation. All the plans have been worked out and the boys are now ready to become real Boy Scouts. The group includes Charles Har rell, Durwood Reed, Charles ford Sumner III, Roy Reed, Bill Corp Reed, Dan Sharpe, Hoilowell Nixon, Francis Nixon, Clarke Stokes, Jack Anderson, Jack Winslow, Leigh Win- I slow, Ernmett Landing, Billy Hard castle, Richard Spivey, Harrell John son, Hillary Winslow, Billy Btanch-ard,'JT&inie-. Arnold, Paul Tucker and Ray Jordan. Blind Man Doing Satisfactory Work "He is the best I have ever seen." The statement was made by J. R. Stokes, prominent Hertford citizen, in reference to work done by How ard Goodwin, the young blind man who has opened up a shop in Hert ford for making new cane bottoms and backs for chairs. Mr. Stokes went on to say that Mr. Goodwin had done considerable work for him and that he was great ly pleased with the results. The conversation came about when Mr. Goodwin was asked on the street if he had had good business recently. It appears that the young blind man who is trying to build up a successful business by which he can take care of himself, has had quite some business, but there hasn't been enough not enough to keep him busy, and he is very anxious to se cure more work to do. All of the work done by Mr. Good win, so far as con be ascertained, has been highly satisfactiory. The work is smooth and beautiful, and it is strong and durable. Mr. Good win learned to do this work while a student at the state institution for the blind at Raleigh, and he appears to be an expert in his line. Mr. Goodwin's shop is located on Edenton Road, next door to the store of T. R. Winslow. Single - Handed coming wag of his tail when he reached home; But Brownie has not returned. t- '.. . .j . k ahera waa- a Mack eak Soot by nane,Twlrka.'WW a pet at the Mc Nlder home, io and, while ao doubt Soot shared aecond' place in the af feetjoa .of Jamas & she did have a real place, there. ; A week or two ago Soot failed to ahcup one, night ; To cap the elimax,'' the shiny new bicycle which James 'S. got last Christmas hat disappeared. , . An ad appears this week in the classified section of this newspaper which tells the story of the loss of dog and cat and bicycle, in cold out line, But back of the ad la a trage dy which perhaps only another boy who has lost a dog can understand As every one 'knows, a boy's bic TDfeimeana A lot to him. James S, ia. no -excIon art? .this ipeet. .The, butwas bUreV But th loss of the f and of tiia eat ia nothing1 to t.sVle in the heart of the boy la ran.' : James SI ha iltad tuore t -n Just a tough break, PRESIDENT MAY MAKE ADDRESS AT FORT RALEIGH Will Be Honor Guest at 350th An niversary of Birth of Virginia Dare August 18 this week visited the President and I came away with the announcement that President Roosevelt would de liver the address at Fort Raleigh, j North Carolina, on August 18th, which is the 350th anniversary of the birth of Virginia Dare, the first child of English parentage to be born on the American continent and the same anniversary of the disappear ance of Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony. The President also approved the issuance by the Post Office Depart ment of a special commemorative stamp for the occasion. The Presi- dent told Mr. Warren that the only thing that could keep him away would be if the final adjournment of Congress should occur that week. Mr. Warren went to the White House alone and did not divulge his mission until after his visit. The special commemorative stamp to be issued" for the occasion will be (he first one ever issued pertaining to North Carolina. SINGING CLASS PROGRAM FRIDAY Orphans Will Perform In Grammar School Auditorium Once more the Oxford Orphanage Singing Class has come to town and will give one of their fine entertain ments tonight, Friday, in the audi torium of the Hertford Grammar School. The program will be very attrac tive, with music, songs, drills, folk songs and .dances, and the manage ment promises an evening of genuine pleasure for those who attend. Every one who likes children's en tertainments will enjoy the program. Every one is asked to buy a ticket, whether they are able to be present or not, just to help the good cause along. The ticket can always be passed on to some one who hasn't one. Every year since the memory of the oldest citizen the singing class of the Oxford Orphanage, that splen did Masonic institution which has taken care of so many homeless children throughout many decades, has come to Hertford each spring on its regular itinerary. Always they receive the warmest welcome. Time was when the party travel ed by train of course, as every one alse did. AH that has changed. The Orphanage has its own bus now, driven by one of the older boys. Not every one realizes what an important part this singing class plays in connection with the Or phanage, with its upkeep, and how necessary it is for the welfare of the institution that tickets be sold to these entertainments. There is an appropriation from the State, and there are the regular contributions from each Masonic Lodge in the State to carry on the great work of sheltering, feeding, clothing, edu cating and training this large group of children. But this income is not sufficient. A large per cent of the funds comes from the profits of theIwholeu chu?h is expected to meet singing class, so that whether or not von huv a ticket in an important you buy a ticket is an important thing. In the class this year are fourteen ten girls and four boys. In the party are the manager, a lady teach er and the boy who drives the bus. Hertford Debaters Go To Chapel Hill i The. PerqimantHigh Debating team, composed of Sarah Ward, Mary Thad Chappell, Maude Keaton and Nancy Coke Darden, chaperoned by Miss Elizabeth Darden, left Wed nesday for Chapel Hill, to take part! ia the state debating contest. Farmers Urged To Secure Farm Bases ThT office - force of ie County Agent ' are busy these days explain ing to the farmers the details of the various farm bases, , . I W. Ander son, County-Agent, say it is very necessary for those., fanners .who have not done so to call at the of fice for this purpose and he urges than to do. s.V VV' .; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and MAI. Jos Laydea, at their home at Ballahack, on Hon DEMONSTRATION CLUBS DISTRICT MEETING JUNE 1 IVl.lUD6rS From Eight Counties Expected to Attend Session AT P. C. H. S. Dr. Leon R. Meadows Will Be Principal Speaker Dr. Leon R. Meadows, President of East Carolina Teachers College, will be the principal speaker at the District Meeting of home demon stration, clubs to be held in Hertford on June 1. Arrangements were made and the program planned, with committees being appointed at the meeting of the Perquimans County Council of home demonstration cluibs held on Thursday. The affair is to be held in the auditorium of the Perquimans Coun ty High School, the only hall avail able of sufficient capacity to accom modate the six hundred women expected to be present on this oc casion, when club women from the entire djstrict, comprizing the count ies of Dare, Currituck, Camden, Cho wan, Pasquotank, Gates, Hertford and Perquimans, will be present. Mrs. R. S. Harris, of Pasquotank County, District President, will pre side, and speakers on the program will include Mrs. E. M. Perry, of New Hope, Chairman of the Per quimans County Federation of Wo man's Clubs; Mrs. W. W. Stein mates, of Elizabeth City, District President of the Woman's Club, and Mrs. Hubert Boney, of Teacheys, District President of Home Demon stration Clubs. The committees of Perquimans wo men appointed to have charge of the various branches of entertainment for the day are as follows: Lunch, the 4-H Club girls, with Mrs. Reu ben Stallings and Mrs. Mary Hay- man in change; registration, Miss Mildred Lewis, Miss Lucille Lane and Miss Evelyn Eure; Lunch tic kets; Miss Mary Elizabeth White, Mrs. C. F. Rogerson and Mrs. Bris towe Perry; Page, Miss Elizabeth White; Hostess, Mesdames Eunice Winslow, L. J. Winslow, L. R. Webb, J. M. Fleetwood, Maude Lane, W. J. Perry, W. O. Hunter, Mattie Bar clift, Ellis Miller and Misses Fannie Mae Coffield and Mildred Lewis. The women of the Hertford Wo man'.? Club, in order to give the home demonstration club women an opportunity to be present at all of the proceedings, will prepare the lunch for serving. Bishop's Crusade Program On Friday In Local Church It is estimated that ther will be 500,000 men and women who will gather in various groups for fellow ship suppers on Friday night of this week, in celebration of the eighty ninth anniversary of the sailing of the first missionaries of the M. E. Church South. The Hertford Methodist Church has completed plans whereby the i"8"" " " wwvree. r,ac.i ln h church is requested to be present, to bring their supper and to attend the service to follow. Supper will be served at 6:30, pic nic style on the church lawn if the weather is favorable. Otherwise, supper will be served in the Sunday School building. vThere wiU be aradio installed by R. S. Jordan, over which the group will listen to the address of the bis hop, and the music from Scarrett Collage. ' Immediately following the bishop's address there will be a pageant, "The Call to China," given by W. H. Pitt, James Evart Newby, Reginald Tucker, and Rev. D. M. Sharpe. Following the pageant Miss Josephine Hefren will give a read ing, "Methodism Marches On." Every Methodist is requested to be . present on this occasion, for sapper and' for the progranl tad service to follow. There is to be a little magic stunt after the service. The Pastor says he is going to tarn a white sheet green right before every one's eyes. Vlsttei Sdgar White ' : Bob Bailey, of Rochester: N..Y,, was the week-end guest of Edgar. White, who returned to the IMver- ' sity of North Carolina on fianday after spendina; the sprint holidays , with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G .r'u 1 It seems. lie has had real trouble. day,' April 19, a soni '41

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