lb 111 ;A VEEKLY KEWCPAPEIl PITOffED TO THE XJPBUIIl)llTfi pF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY -Vc:u-.3 IV Number 18. "Hertford, Perquimans CountyNoiXiarinarFridayAprirgO, 1937: $1.25 Per Year Esi; wertrqrd ' Culmination of Efforts ;T,01Hertford Woman's v'ub'" ' j VOLUMES f Probably) Be Open Only 1 One Day a Week At First V J ' "A public .library wijl be opened toy j4th6 'Hertford Woman's Club about $ the" first of June. , The club is carry- X JtoVout plans' long talked about and ' 1 worked toward by the club members. r'-' Three hundred volumes have been ' secured, including fiction, biography, " S history and travel, ana oooKcaoco ' i hv built . in the Woman's ;w c3ub Rooms. .The work of indexing -V land arranging the books and getting . ? in shape for keeping tne recorus hairfa at ' Mien and ibv -.the ' end of "- r JMay theitobmetf hope to be afefe- ' " to begin to ,iena dooks to uuvpmr K laic. . -'.tf 7$$t'- i,! -.'f" - .3'. The library .project was begun Dy '- I Mrs. JF. T. Johnson, shortly after she ; $ Wtint ti resident of the Woman's f.luh. two. vears airo. A ' former ? plan by the literary department, re- nresenteA'by the Book Club, had it 8 Asnmtnnfd. thonirh the Book- Club turned' over to the Woman's Club a 4 number of books for the purpose. To this fiint lot of books . others , v. iwum added, from time to time, : - fu Vh 0A mlnmea in hand repre- i . riAMtinna ' and - contributions ' from various sources and with ,thi ..v.a.- r tmtJrm :i th itmin Teoi .a jfe-t titM nmntihlnv to work on "jr' ' j with a viewjtd a growing tostitutfon. ' -; "When the" library is first; opened ". - i Uai itl nrobablV'bft only one day . - ' in the week When books will b - , ;.t en out. This is because ox we inmv I '' , ,A h,.l. .ivr mmimnho .Wilt' be - . . .hin jAw their services at libra 1 V f-' man; Trhe books will ,U loaned for, . v.. the penoa oi one iwew- . v ww - keeps a -book longer than thfs.wltaV K I out having the card renewed WiH be . - i ' required to pay a certain lee iot -day thfr book i kept out over time, f 8 is h, usual custom.' , , 'Announcement of ' the openingTbf tiia- Hhrtirv will be made in this r . Newspaper as soon'as" the date is set i Bethel Club Holds Interesting Meeting -. iH, ,,,. ... "The Bethel Home Demonstration x'l Qub' met Friday afternoon ,at the V" ' f "chool , building with ; Mrs. J.' :C. ' Hobbs and; Mrs. Mary Hayman as " I, h hostesses, r" r ; Following the "opening exercises t.A & idmiauiinn of the menu ' to be served at the District Federa- T tion meeting which will be held in ' Hertford in June. Miss Gladys ' . "., ,Hamrlck, home;' agent," tiien - told . 4 about the duTerent. commercial pat .terns and gave many useful hints - '.oKnnt.' th use of the natterns. She also passed around for observation " f,viB mftdfl ,hv the O. N. T. Cotton Company, which wmrtdA' be helpful to 1ud memoers. .i ' . J , ,J ! ' ' li'ra R. S. Channel!. the' 'house 'V ffurnishin 4eader,- and Mrs.- Mary illayman, the garden management leader, had charge , of the program f- '- "' ri;M mi mrv interestinar and i vihelpfut Miss Lorna Brothers eon- , ducted a luccnen conwsi wiui n. i C'W. P. Long and Mrs. E. J. Prtfctor . ,s winning the prizes.- . , . .-- 1 . 1WW the social hour' the hostess ' es eemd delicious ' refreshments o " : the following. Mesdamed J. M .Fleet- wood, K. F. Standing C. T. Philliri, Tx. win. S. I. Cullipher. T. C. C --re'.l, E. T Phillips, - Talmad3 , f " i, Leroy GocJwin, Seth-W. , J!. T. C. T.n, E. fappell, . L. Ferry.' L. A. Iocto. i-ary J. C. 1 1 vLo8j . J- V 'Mr, i Ward, W. P. Long, ' E. J. Misses - Gladys , Hamrick, C eppelH Lorna E;. ":ers, " !i and Virginia U. ph- letl v;' - I 1 PARTY -" r:iss Vi;- - i l-.xjfV.iiit entertain vVi her briJja e! 'i at her home ia 1 98 last Y. " fcy t?non. 3. J, B. X.-'S t -1 i ' reeeni were ".' i C Vir-'nia Ur u. C. ,:..: 0p ens In June 75 ;)untie Help , ' Patients .Treated At Duke Hospital -J.u;.:-!.!.V-. ',' .'Jfl.lULiK. .';.!... '..I;.-'. ' Seventy-five counties of the state made the lot of patients in Duke hospital easier the past year by as sisting an" their care, report oi tne hospitalrecently issued, shows. The help given by counties ranged from $2 to more than S9.0Q0, according to the number of patients sent from each county. ; During the year the 10,750 pa tients who were received at Duke hospital travelled a total of 1,547,000 miles, or an average round trip oi 144 miles for each patient. The hospital's report shows that $509,797.80 was spent on patients or $4.61: for each , patient each day. Pa tients themsejves were able to pay but 53.i percent of their hospital ex penses. Nearly, $23,000 was paid their home counties;? Patients fwm' Perquimans wuniy were .given '479 - days, of care,;iiif ..V . ..l.'T.A . ' IX 1 Hllu4a themselves,' J2S2.32 by -the county or city, -$117.82- iff others, and 5&6'iK by Duke Hospitals - F. T. Johnson fleeted President Of Rotary F. T. Johnson was elected preel dent of the; Hertford Rotary Club at the regular meeting on Tuesday night, succeeding Dr. C. A. Daven port with Charles E. Johnson vice- president. r. The following, board of directors were elected: Ff'T. Johnspn, Charles E. Johnson, A.'., W. Hefren, C P. Morris; Dr. CDsvenport, J. iG. Robersdk and D. S Darden it.; ,-. hi i i "i i'ii i J ii Belvidere Garden r r; 4 ,QU Has fleeting TJhe ; Belvidere ' Garden' Club v. met WeSnesday afimon with .-Mnk-N .Q, ,Vard. The meeting opened "with we -nyimv-jjetue umyn oi Kepuo- hc" Devotional was given by Mrs Luna ' Layden. Miss Hamrick 'gave an interesting talk on commercial patterns.:' Mrs. Thomas Nixon gave a short talk, and gave out some cut tings of. shrubbery. ;Mrs. J. A. Chappell gave a read ing on '-'Waxing floors." 3 . Mrs. W. T. Smith gave a reading on "Home Furnishings." Food leader and food Conservation leaders were to have the program for next meeting. ' During the social hour a very in ieresting debate was enjoyed, - the subject was: ."Resolved that the head is the Butt end of a goat," -Those on T the affirmative sida were: Mrs. Murry Lane, Mrs. Lettie Mae .White, and Miss Hamrick. Those on the negative side were: Mrs. L J. Win' slow Mrs.-T,' C. Perry,'. Mrs. " Oliver Winslow, . The judges decided in favor of the aJBrmative side. The hostess served delicious home made candies. Winf all W.M.S. Meets In Hertford Monday .The Woman's Missionary v Society of the. Winf all Methodist Church will meet with the 'Society of the Hert ford Methodist Church on : Monday night at 8 o'clock. " , o Mrs. J. L. Delaney, of Winfall, will be present and will make an address. Mrs. R. T. Clarke, Who was a dele gate to the recent missionary confe rence held at Fayetteville; will make her; report, which is expected to be very Intresting. i , v T- - T "-w Pi"''"j '. ' " . T '7 1 '"- ' ' ' S't- "Per?" Inatis County islo be r -sentei in the farm home hour 4u u.d cast over Station WPTF, Raleigh, next week.-, . . 1 ,, ir . Mrs. E. M, Perry, of Durants Neck who is president ot the Perr ii-.nars County.IVJ3ration of Ilome demon stration Clubs, will speak at 1:C9 on "Cursday May 6, in this program. The subject of Mrs, Perry's arld r --j is "Kaking Your t.t , ot the r e . Dssuul", i 1 ilrs. j ' , " " . , ' " P.CHS. WINS IN STATE I.1USIC CONTEST Maude Keaton Takes First Honors In So prano Solo IN CLASS B Young Lady Will Ap pear In Recital on May 7th Hertford provided one of two win ners in the Albemarle at the State High School -Music Contest held at Greensboro last week, with Miss Maude Keaton, young Perquimans High School student winning first place in sorprano solo class B. Miss Keaton was given the opportunity to sing at the state affair by special privilege granted her because she was scheduled to' take part in the state debating contest in Chapel Hill at the -time that she was origi nally scheduled to sing in Greens boro. Miss Kate M. Blanchard, Perqui mans county chairman of National Music Week, and chairman of the Music Department of the Hertford Woman's Gub, has announced that she expects to present Miss Keaton m a recital on Friday, May 7, at 4 o'clock next week, in celebration of Music Week. The recital will be given in the Woman's Club Room, and the public is cordially invited to attend. In announcing the program Miss Blanchard stated that she was endea voting to comply with the suggestion of the National chairman, president Roosevelt, who recently stated in a letter to the Secretary of National Sfusk Week: "It is my hope that those interested in the development of music as a national cultural asset. will take advantage of the opportuni ty afforded by National Music Week not only to present programs of high puUity 4o the . general public. bmfsijDkigvjaft;. demo,mjtratidAs also, provide - community prolpmsf;thtl'Bpecialist8 were prepared to that -will , aid -in- the discovery and Judge I. M. Meekins Graduation Speaker Hon. Isaac M. Meekins, of Eliza beth City will deliver the address to the graduating class of Perquimans County High School, according to an announcement made by Superinten dent of Education F. T. Johnson. Judge Meekins, who is Federal Court Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina, is one of the most outstanding public speakers in the United States. Baptist Briefs By REV. D. S. DEMPSEY Two worship services were held at the Hertford Baptist Church last Sunday , and there was one addition to the membership. In the Chowan W. M. U. associat ional meeting held recently with the Reynoldson Baptist Church in Gates county, Hertford got its share of the new officers. Superintendent Mrs. D. 8. Dempsey, Assistant Superinten dent, Mrs. J. E. White, Secretary treasurer Mrs. E. W. Mayes, v Our Church Calendar for the week of May 2-8 is as follows: Sunday 9:46 A. M. Bible School. 11:00 A. M. Worship and preach ing. 7:15 P. M. B. T. U. 8:00 P. M. Worship and preaching. 5 "i s ., Monday - 8:00 P. M. Home Makers' Sunday School Class meeting. ' -' 8:00 P. M.- All Jnnior . .organiza tions' of the- W: M. U. ".i! 8:QffJP. M. Deacon meeting. ' ' Tuesdav ":8:00 P, MJudson. Memorial Sun day: School Class meeting. "Az'' ; : Ct5-' s.- Wednesday -fa , 8:00 P. "M. Prayer, ? Praise "and Bible study. 4. " ,". The nursery has been equipped and is under the supervision of Mrs.; E. W. Mays. The mother Who' have small babies are invited to, come, bring the babies, .leave, them in the nursery and attend the worship ser vices. " " , f , , Setter music is our slogan' for the r onth of May and we feel sure that t .088 who attend the morning,' even 1; j or mid-week service will agres j.t we are living up to our slogan. J t a fjw more in the mid-week ? r ' j' and we will have to " a I - r a:torium. Kelp v t" small c ) and ' " ? f : h us.1 a are 1 r- jto - v . . j niDUCEHENT TO USE ELECTRICITY Demonstration of Ap pliances Creates Con siderable Interest MANY ATTEND Lower Rate Has Been In Effect Since First Of March One of the interesting facts brought to light by the demonstra tion of electrical appliances and equipment held at the Agricultural Building on Thursday afternoon oi last week was that the Town ot Hertford now has in effect a very advantageous power rate for those householders who own more than one major appliance. The demonstration, held by L. W. Anderson, County Farm Agent, and Miss Gladys Hamrick, Home Agent, was well attended, particularly by the people living in the neighbor hoods where the rural electrification lines have recently been run, who were interested in the elaborate dis play of electrical appliances and in hearing D. E. Jones, rural electrifi cation specialist, and Miss Pauline Gordon, House furnishing and home management specialist, from the Extension Department of State College. Mr. Jones talked on pro per wiring and the installation of major equipment for the farm, parti cularly electrically driven water pumps. Miss Gordon talked about household appliances, stressing the importance of the right kind. Mrs. Ray Breeding, a representa tive of the Virginia Electric & Pow er Company, gave an interesting cooKfflg demonstration. Loal dealers in electrical appli ances had volunteered their wares for jdUspIay and demonstration pur pose and. there were, antpw . facili make; i, WaWas brought out thav the new power rate which has been in effect since the first, of March of this year offers strong inducement , to pat rons to utilize more power and to equip their, homes , with more thin orte major appliance, such as refrige rators, ranges, washing machines, water heaters, oil burners, and the like. For the owner" of two major appliances the cost of the first 60 kilowats' used is at the rate of 5 cents, or $3.00. The price of the next 60 kilowats is 3 cents, or $1.80, and all above that is 2 1-2 cents. For example, one may Burn 120 kilowats at the price of $4.80. But the next 120 kilowats would only amount to $3.00, the 240 kilowats costing $7.80, or figuring 3 1-4 per kilowat. Funeral Conducted For Mrs. Ella Miller , Mrs. Ella G. Miller, 66, wife of W. T. Miller, died at her home near Hertford, on Thursday, April 22, fol lowing a long illness. Funeral -services were conducted from the home on Friday afternoon by the Rev. W. G. Lowe, Pastor of the Perquimans Circuit of The Meth odist Church, and burial took place in Cedarwood Cemetery in Hertford. Pallbearers were Joel Hollowell, Earl Hol)owell,' Raymond Stallings, Thomas Harrell, Jesse Stallings and Wayland Howell. Surviving Mrs. Miller are her husband, W. T. Miller; one daughter, Mrs. Sallie Turnage, of Chocowinity; two sons, Gaston Miller, of Elizabeth City, and W. T. Miller, Jr., of Kins- ton; a half-brother, C O. Fowler, of Hertford, and v a . step-daughter, Mrs.' Will Stanton. (, , . : Mrs Miller was a. woman of very fine Christian character, honored by all who knew her and loved by a host of friends. v , . x - ' Attended U. D. C. Meet Among the members of the Skinner-Jones Chapter of the U. D. C. who went to Edenton on Thursday to attend; the. District meeting held there wer$ , Mrs. B. T. Clarke, Mrs. R.' B, CoX," "Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood, Mrs. Mark Hathaway, and Mrs. C. Vj Williford,:sr , , ; ' Visiting Danghter in Perquimans "Mrs. John, A, Meads, of Weeks, ville, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Mary E. Bray, who lives on "the Hertford-Elizabeth City Highway in Perquimans.' Both Mrs. Bray., and her mother were ' in : Hertford on Wednesday to attend the ' (Mission Study. Class held at , the Hertford Baptist Church. , edbee Nominated Mayor Of SILAS M. WHEDBEE Mr. Whedbee was nominated as Hertford's Mayor at a large ly attended mass meeting held last Thursday night. Perquimans Debaters Reached Semi-Finals The Perquimans High School de bating team held their own in the preliminaries on Wednesday night in Chapel Hill, being eliminated in the semi-finals on Thursday morn ing. The young girls of the two teams, including Misses Mary Thad Chappell, Nancy Coke Darden, Sarah Ward and Maude Keaton, who were chaperoned by Miss Elizabeth Knowles, of the Perquimans High School faculty, report a delightful trip. They returned home on Sat urday. .itWr. Interesting Talks At Society Meeting The Woman's Missionary Society of Oak Grove Methodist Church met on Wednesday at the home of Miss Lillian Bright, with Mrs. Emmett Stallings as leader. Interesting talks were . made by Mrs. W. W. Lewis, Mrs. C. P. Quincy, Misses Mattie and Gracie Ferrell. Mis3 Mildred Lewis gave the first lesson from the mis sion study book "Out of Africa." "Congo Crosses" was the subject of an interesting talk by Rev. W. G. Lowe. During a social hour following the meeting the hostess served ice cream and cake. Those present were Mesaamcs Ad dic Bright, L. R. Howell, George W. Jackson, W. W. Lewis, W. H. Over man, H. E. Ownley, Henry Ownley, James Ownley, W. R. Perry, Roy Pierce, C. P. Quincy, Emmett Stal lings, and Misses Hazel and Lillian Bright, Gracie and Mattie Ferrell, and Mildred Lewis, and Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Lowe. Seventy-five Attend Baptist Study Class Seventy-fice interested women were in attendance upon the study classes conducted at the Hertford Baptist Church on Wednesday. The meeting was a county-wide affair, with representatives from the var ious missionary societies throughout the county, present, and with Mrs. Carrol Ward, of Belvidere, presiding. There were two sessions, one in the morning and one in the after noon, with Mrs. J. P. Perry and Mrs. J. E. 'White conducting the classes which met in the morning and Mrs. D'S. Dempsey conducting the after noon class. The morning devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. E. U. Morgan and those of the after noon by Mrs, AiJ'F. Proctor. , Luncheon was served between the two sessions.. AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday School, 9:46 A. M. ' Preaching, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Bpworth League, 7:15 P. M. ; Prayer Service Wednesday, 8 P. M. Every Methodist, and those who do not attend other, chnrchss,' should profit by attending these services. The congregations'-, have been 'in creasing each Sunday -since it was .announced ... that . the ' church, debt was Wing " cleared. ' Every .Metho dist is urged to come .and help to 'make this the best year ; that the church has had. Everybody is invit fid to jattend Jthe Sunday, School and i. ,l other services of the church, 1 Li-in ' j NEW MAYOR j : j : - ; r.-t v Hertford Replaces H. G. Winslow Who Was Not a Can didate For Reelection MUCH INTEREST Hefren, Hardcastle and Darden Named Com missioners Silas Martin Whedbee, young Hertford attorney, was nominated Mayor of the Town of Hertford, at the convention held on Thursday night at the court house, and A. W. Hefren, W. H. Hardcastle and V. N. Darden were nominated as commis sioners. This represents the old board of commissioners, with the ex ception of Mr. Darden who succeeds Dr. C. A. Davenport. Dr. Davenport declined to accept renomination. H. G. Winslow, who was appointed to fill the unexpired term of E. L. Reed, who resigned, is the retiring Mayor. Mr. Winslow was not a can didate. There was a full house at the town meeting, with greater interest shown in the nomination of officers and of town affairs generally than has been the ease in recent years. Walter H. Oakey, Jr., presided, with Lucius Blanchard acting as secretary, and at the beginning of the proceedings the convention was thrown open to every one for dis cussion and for questions. W. G. Newby, Town Clerk, read a statement of the town's financial af fairs, after which there was an open discussion of the matter of increas ing the number of commissioners from three to four in order to de legate to the mayor more voting power. There was apparently a strong sentiment in favor of this, but legal counsel brought out the fact that this could only be done by an act of the legislature, which is im possible for another two years, or until the next meeting of the Gene ral Assembly. Mr. Oakey made a strong appeal to the citizens of the town to get be hind the Vnovement to put a stop to speeding on the streets of tha town, expressing the belief that some child in Hertford will be killed unless steps are taken to regulate the speed of motor vehicles, particularly on re cently improved Dobb street and on Church street near the bridge. Contrary to the usual procedure in town conventions here, there were placed in nomination half a dozen men above the number required for the board of commissioners. They included L. N. Hollowell, Z. A. Har ris, T. R. Winslow, J. H. Towe, Dur wood Reed and Simon Rutenberg. H. C. Stokes was the only other candidate plated in nomination for the office of Mayor. He received 34 votes and Mr. Whedbee 157. In placing Mr. Whedbee in nomi nation, B. C. Berry said "Si Whedbee is the only man I have ever heard say he wanted to be the Mayor of Hertford. Mr. Whedbee did some thing for the Hertford Fire Depart ment that nobody else was ever able to do. I nominate Silas Martin Whedbee for Mayor." The nominees will be voted on in the town election to be held on May 4. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. C. E. White was a charming hostess to her bridge club Tuesday afternoon at her home at Burgess. Miss Virginia Umphlett made top score. Those present were Miss Clara Spruill, Mrs, J. B. Basnight, Mrs. Carl Godwin, Mrs. Winston Lane, Mrs. Dennis Godwin, Mrs. N. C. Spi- vey, Mrs. CE. White and Miss Vir ginia Umphlett. The hostess served delicious home made candy. ATTEND CONFERENCE Among' those who attended the District Conference of the Elizabeth City district of the Methodist Church m at Pillmore Church in Currituck county on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were Rev. D. M. Sharpe and Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Tim Brinn, Mrs. W. W. Trueblood Mrs. R. T. Clarke, Mrs. C. T. Skinner and Mrs. R. L. Knowles. COLORED CHILDREN WILL PERFORM AT STATE THEATRE . A special added attraction .will be given Monday night by the Melody Club of the Hertford Colored School on the 'stage of. the State Theatre at o'clock, immediately following the first shoWi This performance will lest about' thirtv minutes ' and will ;! consist W eoDgs anOances.' 41