"G3 TWO THE PERQUIMANS WEHIXT ETHTFOXD, N. C, FIUDAY AXTZL CO, 1S27 n y o o ji , MUIU ! I . UBBEUS JkUTCHlLlL- Stwmi-JNB Chandler, ingot We- ri Boggart?, managing editor o tfce JTsw -' rork Btar, to m $5,000,000 KM entt " ftroiteM o Con-US aJJenlmry, -Harries 0eT-;.- fterty' MtAart, Gladys Btmttm, as tsst porary affair so that . .- mm Mm ) or aHeiMMow 0 offtctione agatnet Oonnit, - thereby earning her to drop the euit. The roper had Gorged her vAtk hutbandtoah eng, emmeoaeJy. Chandler faOt t love wit Counts aAs with Mm, and ho peroaude Baggerty not to etart the oiienotion euit. - I gut Gladys MM tor her temporary mmmhw ! " emd Haggerty aooueee Mm of double docMnp. Who Haggerty find Chandler at tho Air I fcmfrury residence, ho "phonoo to Qlodye to ' eome with a dXcHv, but Ctaffdiar; make Chapter Eleven A POSER FOR BILL CHANDLER Warren Hagirerty gloated over the headline proof to go over the Allenbury story: "Connie Allenbury Being Sued for Alienation of Af fection by Mrs. William Chandler,'' and exuberantly poured himself another drink as Allen hurried in. "Do we bold the press for the Al- enDury yarn 7 na asaea. "Go ahead next edition.. The longer we wait the better it gets! 1 can see 'em now the. Allen burys trying to buy Gladys off! X wish Z was there to see Chand ler's facet First, ho lies about the Allenbury case seeing that girl very day! Then he lies to Gladys mo the won't make trouble! Then he lies to me tolls ma be loves Gladys, so JH step to and clear the road to Connie. "You got to hand it to Chandler ha always did think fast" "But I think faster! He's played tight into my hand) I settle the r. est my slrl back and give turn a kick In tho paatst Here's to ft J, 1 "Will yo narrf ?" akad Connie. 'J - the triple-croasing Chandler!" "I hops It's nofcwidnipler said Allen in a low voles, with a glance at the deor of Maggertv'a office. Bill and Gladys, arms lovingly en twined, stood t" :re. Haggerty saw them, exploded: "Where have you been, GladrsT" "dancing," she replied with ahap py smile at BUI. "Do yon mean to say, you didn't go to the Allenbury ?" "No, we decided against it" "Kill that story. Allen!" conv manded Haggerty. When his secre tary had departed he turned angrily on BiU and . Gladys. "Now what have you got to say for yourselves? What happened?" "Well, Haggerty " said Bill, "what would you say if I told you I've practically gotten Connie Allenbury to agree to drop the case?" "I'd say you were a dirty, double crossing liar!' "Come, William," said Gladys, placing a hand on Bill's arm, "I won't stay and listen to you being insulted.'' . "Oh, is that so!" shouted Hag gerty. "Well, listen to mo not four hours ago I heard your two timing Romeo cooing sweet noth ings into Connie Allenburys ear!" Bill told me all about that" aaid Gladys pityingly. "That was tech nique. But you wouldn't know about that."'"- -"' Haggerty had a difficult time swallowing his rage. "Bill, why didn't you tell me you'd been seeing Connie Allenbury? All Gladys had to do was to bust In that houae " "Yes! And get our names smear ed all over your paper!" said CHadys. "If I'd told you, you'd have spoil ed all my good work," explained Bill like you did tonight barg ing In after I'd almost convinced her to drop the suit Believe me, Warren, this Is the bast way. The Allenburys are giving a party to morrow night, and I'll be there and get her to drop the suit unless you decide to break In again." . Yoifre too obvious, warren," aid Gladys. "Bill knows best" - Haggerty's jealousy was more en flamed than ver at Gladys's cham Elonshlp of Bill against him, and e set himself to out-think Bill and outsmart him. The result appeared in but a single copy of the Star. At toe head of the society column -was an item, to tbejffect that J. B.-Allenbury and, his, daughter Con. 'ale were sailing after the party for four monthsr tour of ths world." -Accompanying them on this cruise," continued the Item, "will .be Con L' aie's favsrlte, William Chandler, Do "we hear weddlns; -bells?" " . In his. anxiety to show Gladys the - Hem, he sought her out In a Dooth ' in beauty parlor where she was Sjaviti j a permanent wave. She sels lad the paper from his hands. After . watching the rage spread over her Vacs, as she read, Haggerty left hurriedly. At the Star office, he ' ordered reporters to cove the Al- lenbury charity basaar .that night lfadame Pardons, the fortune . teller the Allenburys had engaged ''to"jainse their guostt, looked wo '- from Connie's paint "I see data ... man " . - "" . .,, - T7ondrful!" i!a!'t C." ', wJ'Ji a .od f o at i I, i-r x one sjfiffcfci v. A".' "' t ' i 1 1-r iJ ,1M :V -i : J A) t At glance front Connie, Madame fardona replied: "It all depend-, upon tte ledjr.- H vmnnis iook nis aim uu u mm. out of the tent "Serves you right trying to m an answer on uai libel suit!" . V - xouiuj woman, ywu ire lAuomj t twang mo ner unaer pronuse ox an answer!'' "You'll set it when my last guest leaves." i: . -t A "You're a hard woman, Connie Al lenbury." . . a , "Only when tm crossed . . . "I Mrs. Van Arsdale and her daugh ter Babs bursting with news, cor nered Mr. Allenbury in the midway which ha had constructed on the lawn of his home for the amuse ment of his auests at the charity. "Oh, Mr, Allenbury, wnerca von-, nUT Wa'rs dvlna- .to tell her: all about Mr. Chandler's wife!" gushed Mrs. Van Arsdale. "You know, Chandler, the flah-man we met on the boat We've met his wife,.., . "Im sure yon'M mistaken Mrs. Van Ardal---""A-.T-" . "Oh, no we're notl We saw him this afternoon coming from hotel A We called to him, but he was get tins' into a taxi and didnt hear us. We stopped to leave a message at the hotel and the clerk said, did wo wish to speak to his wife, and r said 'Naturally' and he said she was in -the beauty parlor shop. And we saw her!" She laid a hand . on Mr. Allenbury's arm. ."And, my dear, she's a eaee a peyehopathia : "She was in a booth," added Babs. 'and kent sereamiaa Tjet me out of here! And before we could even speak to her, she nuked past us" "Oh, look, there's Connie and Mr. Chandler now in that tin-type booth ' being photographed!" exclaimed Mrs. Van Arsdale. "You wait here." said Mr. Allen bury hastily. "I'll get them. Well make a narty of it Til be right back." He ordered champagne . cocktails from a nasslnar waiter. and made his escape. While Bill was navinar the tin. type , photographer, Mr. Allenbury wok aim aaugnxer s arm. "Connie, I must see you. X can't talk to vou here. Come. Never mind Bill; hell keep." He led her to a secluded spot in a corner of the yara wnere they were partly hid den oj ousnes. "How much does Chandler mean to you, Connie? Are you In love with him?" , "Not iealoua are vou. Dad?" flha patted his cheek fondly, but at the serious look In his eyes, dropped her lightness. "Terribly in love with him. Dad. More than I ever dream ed I could care for anyone. Why? You like him. don't you?" "Then stop being mysterious! Tell me what's worrying you!" "The Van Arsdales say he's mar ried." fr- For a moment shs couldn't utter a word, then rallied to his defense. "I don't believe it! You know the Van Arsdales!" Tm , afraid If s true. Connie. They've even met the woman." "No. I don? believe It! I immt- . Yes, It would explain so much.. Why wo always met aione wny , , Oh. it's hideous sus tec tins' him. and r' yet : w,. -tu .!.. -.?. UT 1 We've got to know ask him point -blank - '-v--. 1 4 . "Let me ask him,' father in my. way, Gtf please, darling. 10 ask hha 1 ne cen t mist"aeretana , , , " rn , Bhw fnurid B. 1 "i tarraoe. bunUng for her.' t d ton ran : , out ' it's niosr hers,7!-oaaia.!Bn- reproachfully.' .. "U-v:..,, . -' 'BllL there's . i Tvo got soma- r, , " i imng 10 asa you . . . its just . . , there's a question . . . tbe most 1m- portant I'll aver ask! Just answer ;,. , 'Yes' or" No' . . but don't explain! ; , If tt'a -W, dont explain i ,- Bui : , have yon been proposed to much? ; Completely astounded, he mur-, mured: "Have I been' - Whatr" t "You know, proposed to your , . hand to marriage i ... ." 'She was) ,' breathless. ' "What are you talking about?".' She was almost hysterical "Im , asking yoa to awry me!" v ."But you tail a question." Bill ; Wie bewildered. . , 1 , "". ."Thafe a question: Tfttt yoa mar- ry met" To tnrned, without arwerin, to 1 t e 1-r In bis anra hoe pu.aed ' U ' -. ' ' . w A your"' '') ' , Ti V lk-liti-o-aTn-a.jr 0, '-' r " ' , T U eea.'sdX.) ' ilnterestingr Rerding Anions Old Records i. Nobody knows what bet&ma 0' jKachaeU tha Negro slave gi'ri, who togfther. with" all the slaves was set free. a year, of two after the date of the old deed transferring her to the Mathew; 0. Jordan family, j " . - Mra, P. H. Small, who' is in charge of the re-indexing- project in the of fice of the f Register of : Deeds in Perquimans, finds some interesting old records as .she teads through the finelf 'written pages.' ;, the other day she ran across , a dee'dated December 8, 1860, in which her uncle, Tiiomas Jordan tniuiferred d Negro slave girl,' f Rachael, ' td: ? Ala sister, Julia. Jordan, the grandmother of Mr Small. -.;:-r.'-4-,:l; -,1TatraMfeSr,?wM G. Granberry, in trust lor Julia Jor dan and her husband, Mathew 0. Jor dan and their ; three younger child' ren, Alice, Arathusa and Fannie C and the slave girl and her increase were to have been the property of the Jordan children after the death of their parents. The transfer was made in trust to Joseph G. Granberry, Little Arathusa Jordan died with diphtheria shortly after "this. When the war came on, the next year, Mat hew 0. Jordan was very active in the struggle, 'organizing his own company. The young officer died of pneumonia in Richmond that first year of the war. The little girls, Alice and Fannie, lived to be quite old ladies. All have long since pass ed on. Doubtless . Kachael, who, in the natural course of events, .was given her freedom shortly, after the trans fer, has also long since gone the way of all the earth.. P. T. A. Of Ballahack Holds Final Meeting The Parent-Teacher Association of Ballahack held its last meeting Tues day night with the president, Mrs. Percy Rogerson presiding. The de votional . was led by Mrs. L. 6. Perry. ' : '.IT' ... During the business session Mrs. Percy Rogerson was reelected una nimously as president for next year. The other officers will be elected at the first meeting next year. The following program was given "The Philosophy of the Parent Teacher Movement" by Miss Ruth Hollowell; a poem, . "Somebody's Mother," by Nellie Chappell; solo iby Miss Elizabeth White; a story, "The Cat's Paw," by Catherine Perry; poem, "Trees,' by Josephine Ward; song, "Home Sweet Home," by four school girls; reading by Mrs. Percy Rogerson; playlet, "An ' Up-to-Date Proposal." Cake and lemonade were served by Mrs. Singleton Lane, Mrs. Percy Rogerson, Mrs. Mathew Dail and Mrs.- H. V. Baker. .'' , v . . FOR SALE AT REASONABLE prices Several odd pieces of fur niture. Also a Kelvinator. Mrs. W. A. Arnold, at Mrs. J. E. ' White's Boarding House.' ap28-tf TWELVE BRONZE TURKEY ..HENS for sale." Also turkey eggv ., . MRS. C. E. SUTTON, ; on the Small-Sutton Farm. Route 8. Hertford, N. C ' aprtt 18-tf FREEI IF EXCESS ACID CAUSES you Stomach Ulcers, - Gas Pains, Indigestion, Heartburn,'; Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sample doctor's prescription, Udga, at ROBERSON'S DRUG STORE . mar 19 to apr June 4 :,'-:,'Mi NOTICE! , ; Sale of Valuable Property '',-;': By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by - Chas. Holley-- and wife, Georgie Holley, for eertain purposes therein mentioned which said Mortgage Deed bears date July 7th, 1981, and is registered in the office of . the Register of - Deeds of Perquimans County , in v Book 17, Page 689, I shall on Tuesday, June 4th, 1937, at 11 o'clock A.. M, offer for . sale at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the property conveyed -to me in said 'Mortgage Deed bounded on the north; by -Punch, AJley, on the Vest -by J3arroValaih south by George Barrow estate, east by-Chas Davenport:":-'..-!1'' " : V KENRY CLAY STOKES, - ,. - ' t , -' .. .Trustee. Date posted April 26, 1987. AprOjaayWS v ' i.-t SALE OF LAND : ,l Classified By ' virtue -of authority contained In a resolution of the Board of Edu cation on March 1, 1937, I will O'er for sale at the Court House door in Hertford, on Saturday, ITay 15, ic:7, at .12 o'clock U... the following de scribed parcfll of laid situated Li New Hore T, "nship aid more par',: rul!r!y d.cii as f."o"-s: F ;,lnnir? at a f-l..t on V e K" tile cf t ' 1 . v I -- r k r lft't 3 r Cf f '8 ' '! ; : ) ' t". ... 3 1 ' '' ( ' " Tr . to a stake, thence southeast 76 feet to the northeast corner of the New Hope Public School property, thence South 140 feet, , to the point of be ginning, j, , , . . Sale is made for the purpose of es tablishing a site for a community building. ';The Bdard of ;, Education reserves 'the right' to' reject 'any and Bit iU. j ' ' " " 1 ' ' .'" F, T. JOnNSON, ' Supt.' 1 T";72r Perquimana Co, Schools." April IV, iwa , . ;v j. ., xi Apr.l63,80JMay6,lt .'! - - f NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having "oualifled as Administrator of .the .esUte of Anna Pi Whiter "de ceased, late" of Perquimans,' County, North Carolina, thia is to notify aU persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit I thep to 4idetIsllC'l dere, Ss. on or belore the, 1st day of April, 1938, or thia notice .will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.. All persons indebted to said estate wilt please make immediate payment This 1st day of April, 1987. ' EDWIN S;' WHITE Administrator of Anna P. White f apr. 9, 16, 23, 80 may 6, 12 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION) Having qualified as Administratrix C 1. A. D. B. N., of the estate of Millie Bryant, deceased, late of Per quimans County, Nortli Carolina,-this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere on or before the 7th day ofApril, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of April, 1937. -LAURA H. OVERTON, Administratrix C. T. A. D. B. N. of Millie Bryant apr 9, 16 23 30 nay 7 14 SALE OF LAND By virtue of authority , contained In a resolution of the Board of Edu cation March 1, 1987, I will offer for sale at the Court House - door in Hertford on Saturday, May 16, 1987, at 12:00 O'clock M, the following de scribed traeu of land: , The Whitestotr-School site and building (furniture excepted) situat ed in Belvidere Township. The Chapanoke School aite and building (furniture excepted) situat ed in Parkville Township. ' ' Possession of the .above sites will be rendered at the end of the present school year. The Board of Educa tion reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ;' F. T. JOHNSON, Supt PerQuimans Co. Schools. April 10, 1987. Apr.l6,280Iay5,12. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of C. G. Lamb, deceas ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this to notify all persons haying claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Elisabeth City, N. C, on or before the 16th day of March, 1988, or this 'notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment; This 16th day of March, 1937. 1 S. W. TW1FORD, Administrator of C. G. Lamb. Mar6r,960. NOTICE OF SALE - By virtue of the authority contain ed in that, certain mortgage deed ex ecuted: on the 11th day of January, FOR BIGGER c - . ' ...J .. r.- '. 1 -ssaaa-s. . . ommmmam. - & - -kas-a' ' " ' 1935, by Thomas Hurdle to Ani.a P. White, and rrdM in the ofT.' cf te R is'wr of i j i r Perqui....o Count, N. C, ia L. D. 2ook 19, pp-e 143, default having U 1 made in L.e conditions' of said mor' rage dod, I will on the 8lh day of Hay, 19.7, at the Court House door in Perquimans County,-N. C:, at 12 - o'clock; nooni ofTsJar S of sale at public auction to the highest bidder; for cash, the fol lowing described . property .That certain tract of land in Bel videre Township, Perquimans County, uescmiea as loiiowsj. 'mat 10 acres of land divided in two parts by the Swamp Road from Lane Fork tq Bel videre; boanded by the lands of John Billups, Mary) E. Perry, George EeJ son and Thomas Hurdle,'1-'-; . ;,.(? .. . Thia'ifha QnA dav n Anvil ; 109T ' r':;4K.A,SCIVWITX .g.K.,WIl'TlflW I IA&tTmhit v::,U &-X,'!.Eethto ,'Ji.i -. a;pV, 9,16,23,0 , EDENTON, N. C Today (Thursday) and Friday, April 29-30 . ' - - STAR-STUDDED : -N. , ; peft aW- LAUGH HITI i V CT Saturday, May 1 Gone Also "Undersea Kingdom'. Monday asd Tuesday,; May 84--' m 1 a writ UNA MERKEl ERIC LINDEN JUDITH BAKRETT BITTY FUStNfSS TID HIALV JANITKISCHIX CEORCI VSSSt I news 1 ' Wednesday,; BOB LIVINGSTON 4 ri HEATHER ANGEL 1 V..-a. Thursday and Friday, May $-1 Jeanette MacDonaU 1 H Mi $ YIELDS FROM YOUR INVEST YOUR MONEY IN "?; . . Hih, Quality Fertilisers 1 The lessons of the past have to 1, learned 8"?"v e-h c'ade. v' Cei Amaxing Relief h 'XJrS Minutet rV . K Yeu'prebably tael like S lot 0 eMr ; people that about' all you can do h Out? some pswder in your ahoe or give yo feet hut don't be foolUh. Meke UP your mind 1 a ipeciai too? nam. ano wr fo mi. today Hurt you are gomg fo give your feet -S reel. chance to fat wen.''- "' " , Co to. any food oVuggM today .and set - , en original bottle of Moono'i Emerald Oil. ' 1 The very ftrt application will live ou. 1 reiier ens a few mon Treatments win , thoroushly convince vou that by itlckins . falthf treubl fully to It tor a short while your foot ln wf II be a thins of the oast. vfteone'i EmeraM 0)1 J.a cln, power. lul, panetratins Antiseptic Oil-.that deel ' Stain or leave a greatv residua., 1 o AT ROBERSON'S DRUG STORE WE HAVE THU SHOWS sliilJ UA 4J.JJ NEWS " M17. in . No. 4' Comedy lit - - - 7mm - 1,1 May: S ACT v r I ' COMEDY BANK NIGI1T iJ - "-' 4 .' ' and Nelson Eddy in s r 'i FIELDS -u- v, 1 r .' .TK C - 4. ': fn ' ;i J . Kh ft- l.ji. wee t i , t a s