f V .: i JPEnQUEIANS . VEEIILY , Published every Friday.1 at Ths nmans - Weekly office, in fhe f ... ory Bunding, Church Street ; .rtford, N. C ; v , , . UATTCS LISTER .WHltEUUEditor EU2SCKIPTI0N RATES Oae Year 4,,,-.,-, $1.25 Entered ai second daaa matter November J5,lS3,t the -post office at Hertford, North Carolina, voder aaacttf ttaren . 1879. rtiaJng rates furnished by re DAY, APRIL 80, 1937 BOUGHT FOR WEEK JDR OF ONE m DOUBT: k thy face from me; put not thyservant away in anger; thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. Balma 27:9. ' i LETS PAY THEM t. A It doesn't make sense that the three men who serve on the Board of Town Commissioners, in whose hands " is placed such a large share of the responsibility for carrying on the affairs of the town, should be expected to serve at the price paid them. Neither does it Seem to make sense, that the mayor has , no direct power :lri'j the 'administration of the - town's affairs. ,".;:;; ';' -: ' .The town commissioners receive approximately , five dollars each per month. If there is more than one -meeting during the "month they are paw extra for that. There is no re muneration for any time spent in consideration of the town affairs out side of meetings. This arrangement, made years ago, when running the Sr .town's affairs was a much simpler - matter fhan. it is today, has not been changed to keep pace with the changing times. v ? It is a fact that no jnan accepts a position on the' boards commission l t" era for the money there is in it At ' the same time, it is not to be expect-v-, ad that group of men who have , business affairs of their own which . I consume most of their time, should put themselves out to' any great ex- w, serve we municioaiitv on s. - No other business asks for' tho is in - mi thought in all manv nf th "r question ,.d upon at the town v meeting on-VThursday -night lnat ' the citisens of Hertford are at least 4 beginning to wake up and show soma $ interest in the management of the i town's affairs, that they meet and V discus these things t and ask ques niiD in? JF3FJ sroEr mtj E3, roomy and tmut, 4 Cx YCu'U own with crI c-lro w2i lots el plaanm! Owners say there has never beta scar before lie Ford's Thrifty "60." They report 22 to 27 sniles per gallon of gasoline. An "econ caf cut' that sskt no mpologUt for besty, 1 1 1 1 1 n -v 'vi ! i " 3 CC-- - . AT SL. . Vea-sUtl I . 1 '-..'Ar : ' I i "J tiona and make suggestions concern ing matters, of general interest, , is encouraging, i, ; r- - . i-Dr. C A. Davenport, the retiring member of the Board 'of Commis sioners, brought , up . the matter of tne remuneration of the commission ers. He seemed to hit the nail squarely on the head when he ask ed if .the . people realised that an in vestment of some - $270,000 "was In volved in the business. : u ' Some one else in dose touch with the affairs of " the town- suggested that the Board k should i meet more often than once each , month, that mere is more business in a month than can be handled at one session. That k doubtless ' an excellent suf gestion. ,i - r - '. (1 The matter of the Mayor of the Town assuming more authority in the government of the town was brought up and idscussed snd. there was apparently a strong sentiment that more power should be given the mayor, orthat he ' should assume mors power, more duties and more responsibilities. f Running a town, even a small town like Hertford, is- no small job. It is a big business and there are mank angles, to consider. It takes more than one or two, more than three or four, men to handle the af fairs of a town. Those responsible for the success of the business ought to be paid for their services. The Perquimans Weekly doesn't presume to point out how the town should be run, but it does seem that the men on the Board of Town Com missioners, in whose hands is placed so much responsibility, should re ceive reasonable remuneration. Nobody likes the' idea of the town having a mayor;who isn't a mayor, a' mayor without authority. The mayor should have the authority to function as a mayor; and, as a mat ter of course; should have duties and responsibilities. And he ought to be properly paid for the job. Why pay a man thirty dollars a month merely to wear the title of mayor? BURGESS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matthews spent Sunday night&ritb ;Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Matthews. ' Mrs. R. L. Spivey. spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Bas night. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winslow and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Robersoh and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Spivey and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Basnight. Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Spivey and Mr. and. Mrs. Carson Spivey spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Spivey. 2 . , Mrs. Felton Returns , Mrs. W. A. Feltdn, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes, fn Hertford, left Wednesday for her home at St Pauls. wi&llui last VgimtrcMfort. lot of prid sm powerful brskes with 'soft,- easy pedaL Same Same Center-Poise riding comfort Same big bodies, with outside luggage compartments on all sedans. It's a car so fine snd priced so low you simply han't picture it until you see and drive it! Come in and do this today; SEE YOUR FORD DEALER TODAY 1 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, . i : HIT.OR MI$S 1 - By M. L. W. It would seem that the difference is In "A" Perquimans High School and "The'' Perquimans High School There has been a lot of comment in Perquimans about a statement which appeared in one of the nebrh boring dailies recently to the effect that this is the first time that the rerquunani ign school has ever sent a debating team to Chapel HiH to take part in the state contest The statement is misleading, al though' "The . Perquimans ! High School", as a matter of fact never before had a debating team win out in the. triangular debates. There is now only one high school in ; fhe . , county of Perquimans, The Perquimans High. This was not al ways true. There were several units once, one of them the Hertford High School. It is argued that; as Hert ford High School sent more than one debating team to Chapel Hill to take part in the state finals, this could not be the first time that a Perquimans High School ever fur nished a winner of the triangular de bate. The winners of several years ago were from a Perquimans High School, and one of the units which was merged with others to form The Perquimans High School. April goes out today and not once during the month has my favorite poem on Spring been published, so before it is too late, here goes: "For sweet April is a-weeping', And is laughin' as she cries, And she gathers up a rainbow end And wipes her pretty eyes." Mabel Martin, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Whedbee, was two years old in March, not very old as age is reckoned, but she seems to know her nursery rhymes, and what is more, knows when to apply them. Mabel Martin woke one morning last week to hear sparrows twittering ouside her win dow. "Hear em" she exclaimed, "hear de blackbirds baked in a pie." Howard Pitt is five. He has shown so much aptitude in the mat ter of calculating of late, adding small sums without difficulty, that his father, V. H. Pitt, decided the other day it was ttme for some ad vance instruction. "Come here. Ho ward, and I will teach you to sub tract", said Mr. Pitt The youngs ter was interested but puzzled. He asked his father what he meant "If you tooWone from three what would be left?" asked Daddy Pitt. "I don't know what you mean", Said the boy. "Well," patiently inquired Mr. Pitt "if you had three apples and somebody took one from you how many would you have left?" Amontj.tytt - - witiwJ. noise-proofed, all-steel Structural 0 --Til '" I . "... N. C; ' - FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 And right ' there young Howard displayed evidence of being a chip off the old block. "I would have two left", responded the youngster, "but". , ana there was a determined lift of the chin, "I would get that otner . one back." J If one could only peep behind the scene" and catch a glimpse of what the junior class of the Perquimans High School is arranging for the en tertainment of the senior class on Thursday night of this week it would be interesting. But everything is kept as dark as midnight as to what is going on. Judging from pre vious years, however, it is pretty safe to say the junior-senior banquet is going to be a pretty grand occasion. Reviewing Elizabeth Edited by Located at 217 North Poindexter Street in Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 24. The manager, Mr. S. A. Twiford has recently returned from Cincinnati, Ohio having taken a post graduate course in plastic sur gery. There is a business which only a comparatively few men are prepar ed to enter. It is not just a matter of skill, nor just knowing the tech nique of embalming, the successful funeral director must have more than just these qualities. He must have the personality, a certain adap tivenesB for handling delicate situa Located at 114 South Water Street in Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 684. This firm is headed by a well known business man, are dealers in seeds of all kinds. Their line of seeds have been found by .users to be of the very highest grade obtainable on the market, and once-you have used their seeds you will be convinced of its superior quality over many other competitive- lines. This firm's products are highly re commended to anyone when in need of high-grade seeds. The farmer and Dr. Victor Finck Yeterinarian Located on Pool Street in Eliza beth City, N. C. Phone 710. With in the near future Dr. Victor Finck will have the finest and largest small animal hospital in - this section of North Carolina. Dr. Finck specializes in all branches of veterinary sur gery, and is one of the best known men in his profession in this part of the state. When in need of a vet erinarian, telephone 710. We wish to compliment Dr. Victor Finck upon the very valuable work that he is doing in this section and to direct your attention to his effi cient methods which are aiding in the development of the agricultural and commercial uplift of the communi ty. J. H. Willdns Go. Phone 145 Located on East Colonial Ave. in Elizabeth City, N. C. and the Quinn Furniture Co. Edenton, N. C. They are dealers in furniture of every description. What is more important than the building of happy, comfortable homes? We venture the statement that because they contribute proba bly to a larger degree than any other institution in this Important work, this justly popular house is one ol the most essential features of the commercial and community life of this section. This immense estab lishment under the efficient direc tion of latter day business men is replete with furnishings for the home, and no matter what may be your need in this line, they have it for, you at a very reasonable price. Standard makes will be found throu ghout this immense store. Library tables, davenports, mattresses, beds. furniture- of all kinds, all of the arti cles for the hom&jare represented by standard brands that , are. known the country over. . '.V This establishment and the "men who direct its affairs are Contribut ing in no little measur to; this sec tion of the state sand especially to that portion within a radius of many miles around we wish not only to compliment them but to urge all our readers that they, cttn do no better than to visit J. H. Willdns Co. when in need of anything) in the furniture line. ' " fv v &i 1 $p4& WWS -trine Alberts v?sfr'v In the "nifty nineties," most 'United States senators wore Prince Alberts The frock coat was a sym bol of etatisTianuhlp and a beard was the mark of a man of maturity fend subflanc. ' v 1 . j cf Trea trsreics 1 t'.o s wers tzxlt t a L.ir.chcs , $z.3 l&bi year tne scene was laid m a Gypsy tent. The year before that it was a garden. Once I recall it was a circus tent. Always the thing is carried out so realistically and with so much attention given to detail that the result is amazing. Mrs.' G. W. Barbee, who has the affair in charge each year, and her co-workers, never fail to give a first class exhibition of what can be ac complished by combining hard work with artistic ability. Mr. and Mrs. Gatling Here Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gatling, of South Norfolk, Va., spent the week end in Perquimans, visiting Mr. Gat ling's mother, Mrs. M. C. Brougaton, at Bethel. City's Most Progressive Business Firms C. H. Matthews and R. E. O'Neal TwiforcTs Funeral S. A. Twiford, Manager tions and a dignity that is required in but few professions. These men measure up to this high standard in every detail. People remark at the smoothness and satisfying quietness with which a funeral is carried out conducted by them. They seem to have the inherent ability for this work. This firm renders service within many miles of radius without any additional cost to the public. They also specialize in ambulance service and invalid car service, day or night. Courteous and efficient to a very Buxton White Seed Seeds and Feeds city people have come to know that they can get from The Buxton White Seed Co. the best seeds of all kinds on the market hence they seek no further market. With the advance of time, greater precaution is taken in every branch of life. The manufacturer, farmer, doctor, and the scientist, in fact in every field of research the latest scientific methods are brought into play to make for efficiency and ad vancement. This is equally true of the seed business and the modern AnnaLu Florists Mrs. Walter Riddick - Mrs. C. B. Jones, Props. Located on Mestouer Blvd. in Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 789. This firm is a Bonded Member of the Florists Telegraph Association, which means flowers can be tele graphed all over the world at any time. This firm has a complete line for you to select from. The supreme lovely gift sentiment is flowers. They are always appre ciated in symbolizing your devotion to those whom you wish to remember in an appropriate way and express that sentiment of deeper meaning which it is impossible to express in words. Telephone your order to them and it will be delivered anywhere at any time. The work of the florist is also the work of an artist, for it involves the artistic arrangement of color and combinations of effect which require artistic taste. The true florist per forms his or her work as much from the love of it as from material re Chesson Manufacturing Co. H. J. Chesson, President Located on North Road Street in Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 615. They have grown up with the city serving Elizabeth City and vicini ty for years. They deserve the sup port and backing of every citizen with genuine pride. While it is the object of The Ches son Manufacturing Co., to obtain a fair and honest profit from their dealings in lumber and mill work, the guiding influence of this company has always been a determination to furnish the highest grade of lumber and mill work at a reasonable price, So that the extension and beautifies-1 tion of the community can progress 1 rapidly in leaps and bounds. ! There is no one establishment in I Marguerite Dress Shoppe Mrs. Walter Cartwright, Prop. Located on Westover Blvd. in Eliz abeth City, W C." Phone 114-W. This firm features a full line of women's' and-misses' wearing! appa rel, and many specialties. ; Keeps right abreast of .the times' and of fers the surrounding territory the newest fashions at prices " that are most reasonable." ; ' . " 1 v'The choosing of ladies' ready-to-wear has much to do with, hep per sonal appearance. It is a well Imown fact that when a lady enters a place where the people, in charge under stand what manner of dress will fit her own style of beauty she Is sure to go' out well gowned. 1 , , - . 1 " It hrs lonj been' Jtnown ' that it car.Ls til cf the latest styles of Ce curr 't 1 1 r:sig season. The izt cc. t Itt place enjoys PAGE FIVE HOPEWELL NEWS O. C. Long, Jr., spent Sunday visit ing in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood went to Chinguapin Sunday and returning brought their daughter, Miss Fran ces, home. She has finished her school term there as a member of the faculty. Attended District Meeting Among those who attended the District meeting at St Paul's Epis copal Churah in Edenton on Friday were Rfiv. E. T. Jillson, D. S. Dar den, Miss Mae Wood Winslow, Mrs. H. A. Whitley, Mrs. J. Emmett Winslow, Mrs. C A. Davenport and Mrs. W. E. White. Home marked degree, they have won the confidence and heartfelt commenda tions of many clients, who have found great satisfaction in the being; relieved of many troublesome and vexing details in the time of sor row by their comprehensive and dip lomatic service. It is quite proper that in this re view prominent mention be given to Twif ords Funeral Home upon the success they have attained and the very commendable, satisfactory ser vice. Co. firm in this line must be one of ad vanced ideas regarding the scientific production of merchandise that is pure, tested and reliable. The matter of price has also re ceived attention here for it has be come a well-established fact not only in the city, but in the surrounding country that quotations of this irm are always as low as consistent with sound business. They permit no one to offer higher quality and this hap py combination has resulted in a large and ever increasing patronage. ward. These florists have the abili ty to make up every wreath, bouquet basket of flowers, so that they are the most impressive and original. If you are giving a ball or having a wedding, or any other function re quiring flowers, you will want the decorations to be appropriate. They will gladly give you the benefit of long years of experience; in decorating the place most ef fectively. The home of this establishment if itself a paragon of beauty where the most charming flowers greet and cheer you. Consistent with the charm and beauty of flowers. The perfection of their service is reflect ed from the large patronage they re ceive from all classes of our people throughout this section, and from the growing list of patrons who depend on them regularly for floral offerings tastefully and artistically designed. See this firm's local agents for any information. this community that has greater in fluence for the betterment of the building industry than this one. Con tractors and the public in general have come to know that whatever they desire in lumber and mill work lines can be secured from The Ches son Manufacturing Co., with a know ledge that it will be of the highest grade, consistent with price. Lath, doors, sash, interior finish, are furnished by this progressive firm. The management extends to the people of this community a cordial invitation to call at their plant and any information will be gladly given no matter whether you wish to buy at this time or not. and the fact that the patronage in cludes the best people from this sec tion of the community pushes it to the supreme position which it holds in the ready-to-wear worjd of this community. ' In ladies ready-to-wear you have at your services those many little ac cessories of dress which characte rise the attire of the progressive wo man of today, and one must look far and wide to find a stock more com plete and attractive. . W are pleased in this edition to give favorable mention to- Margue rite Dress Shoppe in .their field of r endeavor and to say, that those who ' are particular, as to, personal apt pearanos can not do better1 than to consult this populsr -store which is gaining in custom each season. - -

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