PAGE SEVEN Beech Spring, at the School House, Tuesday, May 11; ' ; Purants Neck, with Mrs. Joe T. Turner, Thursday, May 13; Belvidere, with Mrs. J. C. Trivette, Monday, May 17; White Hat, with Mrs. Edward Ben ton, Tuesday, May. 18; r Helen Gaither, with Mrs. Bristow Perry, Thursday, May 20; Bethel, at the School House, on Friday, May 21. , tto:i what' IS TAKING PLACE 4,000,000th of d Famous Malce "'FOR DIGESTION'S SAKE SMOKE CAMELS' fa a No. 1 rule with m," My notaf axporar I by; RUNNING. THE MMDS of jungle rirti (below ) on of A. Hyatt VtrUT nerve-racking experi ence. "No matter what I have to so through," he explains, "amoklog Camel eaaea tenalon and tan me on the trail to good digestion." Let Camels help your digestion by speeding up the flow of digest! e fluid. Increasing alkalinity. 'I 1 :: JED STATES SBIOTt tj - THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD N. C.,. FRIDAY, APRIL 80, 137 . 1 ked are many - reasons for the Vat the Congressional "log .icC hafc held" tqr'mueh Im- I jlplation," " is - about - to be -Hearings .on the President's an have been completed. The budget message siuation with re- expendltureg. It relief expendi- Jrojects cannot be ken without new taxes. And eems to be no sentiment in as favorable to new taxes, result, leaders are endeavor cut appropriations and to lief expenditures down, to the and. a half recommended by resident. If possible, .. that will even be reduced. Should moves be successful, exise scheduled to expire in June ly will be reenacted, perhaps bther year, and that will be lent of tax legislation, during )t session of the present Con- ver, should pressure from Congressional blocs result in id larger expenditures than ivided in the budget, it may revision I before Congress Is. And tax revision during intner months in Washington W and difficult undertaking. me hopes that it can be avoid- le final analysis, the course of tigress will be governed large- the. desires of our people. If iant new expenditures, they le prepared to foot the bills; If lant reduced exenditures, they make their wishes known. statements cannot be repeat- often.' They are. of utmost knee to bur people. Jrtheless, we have timely xr that the' day is fast ap ing when our system of pro- f revenue must be overhauled, Jes must be closed and in- removed. Our tax bases broadened. Expediency in "!nst I give way to ""jconaider the Js of taxes on I on labor and on the ' conditions. . through, may be attributed to the - f. way in which we . have pyramided , taxes. Federal, state and local, with- out resrard for thehffoct. Therefore, we may anticipate, mat tax revision in 1938 if necessity . . does not force it earlier will be ap iprpached on s sound basis. Such an r approach has been too long delayed, although the need for it has. been of the present andw we have gone perts. "V For example, late in 1932, a sub K committee; of the House Ways and Means Committee studying . Federal . and state taxation and duplications therein, made a preliminary report 'i Let me quote from the statement made by ; the able chief of - staff .of the.Joint Congressional committee on :: Internal :Revenue. v "At the completion of some months of study of our taxation sy stem as . whole, it is our opinion that very substantial , improvements can be mada therein through coope ration between .the Federal Govern fVier.t and the states. The tax. burden ' is great .and the public is fully con scious of the burden and its ultimate reduction though ' judicious p cur tailment ; in expenditures " would doubtless not only be welcomed by ; the public but would also have a most beneficial effect on business.'' We should ask' ourselves the foK ' -r q- Monst ; ' ! ! ' t xs are most ; adaptable j of the Federal Go vera -ich taxes 'are'most a. , ' the ruse 'of; the state t i1 t'.t iy be properly; lm ' , ty both state and ' " C j v -nun -ts without ;er oii froi.k tl.e standpoint e our c. tf t ' i .s a 'fair Jon, frc 'es, . ar ' ...a a f-.. -'r tax dol ' e redu M ly i ' r..:.. at Kei- I i f- ,! wt...V,, ,..;.. iliy t jr j,t'js.-swc'' . ' 'V' s v ' ? 1 s ' v v t & ' ''J1'? r -I The 4,0M,80Ui Frifidaire recently cane off the assembly track at FrigidaireV Moraine aty, Ohio, honsahold refrigerator plant Its refrigeration unit is the fasMKS Meter.sser. .. Proad of the attainment bf the four stlllloa mark and entrance ef their world wide organisation into its fifth million were, left to right W. F. Armstrong, assistant general man ager; David K. Banker, comptroller; E. B. Newill, chief engineer; and E. G. Biechler, general manager. There are one and one-half million more Frigidakes in use than any other make, j nis Cartwright Miss Eunice Harrell and Miss Lucille Cartwright Mrs. Marvin' Benton of Old Neck entertained recently at an old time quilting party. Those present were Mrs. George Jordan, ' Mrs. J. W. Overton, Mrs. E. S. Lane, Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mrs. Carson Jordan, Mrs. Ashby Jordan, Mrs. J. W. Everette and Miss Eli nof Jordan. Miss Eula Chappell and Mrs. Chappell of 'Belvidere visited Mrs. Ashby Jordan recently. Mrs. Moody Harrell, Mrs. J. H. Harrell, Mrs. ' Ralph , Harrell and little Carolyn Dean Harrell visited Mrs. George Eure and Mrs. Edward Benton of White Hat Wednesday. Among those attending,, the State Theatre Saturday;,; afternoon were Mrs. J. W. Overton1 .Mrs. Roscoe Smith, Mrs. Marvin Benton, Miss Hazel Mae Smith. Mrs. Vernon Winslow has returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Winslow of Beech Spring., ,. .. , ,. , Mr.' and Mrs. Marvin Benton and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell visited friends and relatives at' Nixonton and Weeksville Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer of Old Neck visited Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright Sunday. Mrs. Sbelton Harrell has returned home after staying in Norfolk with her son, Leonard, who had an eye operation. Leonard is improving. Mrs. Elwardt? Benton of White Hat Mrs.. Marvin Benton ; of Old Neck,' and Mrs. Elmer Wood, and Miss Sallie B. Wood spent Monday in Norfolk. . PENDER ROAD NEWS Mrs. B. A. Berry and Mrs. E. Y. Berry were in Edenton Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Eaves and two child ren were visitors of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Chappell, in Edenton, Tues day afternoon. :y;:v'''i,:4:-:Mt-k ' Those who called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elliott Sunday were: Jake White and three children, Raymond Skinner and his daughter, Misses Elinor and Vtrgie Harris, Le roy anoVAlvin Skinner, Mrs. "T. "M. Farmer,'' Mrs. E., Y. Berry and ion, Job;Riddlck, Faye ' Parker, - Moody Matthews, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T M. Farmer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farmer and daughter of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. BU Carter, Mrs. H. C. Barcliff and small son, and Mrs. B. iM; Jones were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaves Friday, afternoon. " Mr. and Mrs. Perkinson; Mrs. John HiU and Mrs. John Broughton of Hertford called to see Mrs. Reuben Stalling Friday afternoon. ; TY. j calling at the home of Mr. a J I i-; hen Elliott Monday af tei'non tlrs.'1 B.' A. Berry, Mrs.- - Ho ' - r'i Md three children, Kfs."Lt L'aves and two children, rsij'.iv .oh " Long, Mrs. Reuben 'Stallings and vMiss Adelaide Eaves. ? , J'.'?;-" " -v.., , Mi nd.' Mrs. T. M." Farmer and son,-Mr, nd Mrs.. A!jc Farmer and daughter of Norfolk .. were' guest' of! their .mother,, Mrs. ,T;'," M. Farmer, Sunday. , i? ij - lt Jlv. , Luther Ambrose.) of Roper, f'H visitor at jpcthl'jheTn Christian C: h Sunday 'afternoon. Throurh -i ' " -on of the 'pastor,1 Rev. W. O. 1 on, i.'r.- -r-e preach- '.is text was II. 3'.t 3.18. . 1 hr'i i'l i ' t t".8 1 ii I ' ?, i , : X Mt Sinai Society Has Interesting Meeting The Woman's Missionary Society of Mt Sinai Baptist Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Smith. The president, Mrs. Tom Madre, led the devotional and Mrs, E. U. 'Morgan was in charge of a very interesting pro gram with the following members taking part: Mrs. Tom Morgan, Mrs. H. D. Hurdle and Miss Celesta God win. . During the business session one naw member joined the society. Refreshments was served. Those present were: Mrs. J. V. Stallines. Mrs. Harvey Stallings, Mrs. Effie Miller, Mrs. B. F. Jordan, Mrs. 'Wallace Morgan, Mrs. Ernest Stallings, Mrs. Tom Morgan, Mrs. George Roach,. Mrs. Tom Madre, Mrs. Charlie Umphlett, Mrs. Warner Madre, Mrs. E. U. Morgan, Mrs. H. D. Hurdle, Mrs. Mamie Miller, Mrs. C. A. Bagley, Mrs. Robert Stallines, Mrs. Crowder Hollowell, Mrs. Author Pierce, Mrs. Clifton Morgan, Mrs. W. D. Rogerson, Misses Mamie Stallings and Celesta Godwin, and Mrs. Asa Stallings, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Eari Lane, and Miss Catherine Smith were visitors. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Stallings In May. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM To The Public: I wish to state that any customer for, light and power of the Town of Hertford who thinks . that they qualify for the town's new power rate No. 2 and who have not been billed on that rate, or who knows anyone whom they think should be billed on No. 2 and have not been, please get in touch with the Town Office regarding same, so that we can straighten the matter out, and if they should be billed on No. 2 and have , not been we will refund the amount due because of the error. To. the event that any one is con templating purchasing new applianc es yrhkk they think will enable them to qualify for Power Rate No. 2, the office will be glad to work with them in this connection to prevent their making a mistake in this respect. Very truly, R. N. HINES, General Supt. CUMBERLAND NEWS Miss Mary Louise Chappell of Belvidere spent the week-end with Mrs. Effie Miller. Miss Ruth Hurdle spent the week end at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Jessie Tadlock, Mrs. Myrtle Long, Mrs. J. B. Lane, Mrs. Crowder Hollowell and Mrs. Alva Madre spent Wednesday with Mrs. Wallace Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Roach and daughter, of Winfall, and Mr. and Mrs. George Roach spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Roach. Miss Mary Elizabeth White spent Sunday with Mrs. Effie Miller. Miss Beulah Roach, of Norfolk, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. . Roach. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Umphlett and son, Thomas Edward, of Winfall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Morgan. Mr, and Mfrs. D. L. Barber and children Lindsey Earl, and Joseph, Mrs. Harry Barber and son, Kenneth Ray, of Winfall, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Godwin. Mr. and Mrs. George Roach, Mrs. Effie Miller, Misses Mary .Louise Chappell, Mary Elisabeth White and Celesta Godwin, and Ervin Perry at tended the program of the Oxford Orphanage Singing Class Friday night. Demonstration Club Schedule For Month Following is the schedule of home demonstration meetings for the month of May: Whiteston, with Miss Lena Win slow, on Monday, May 3; Chapanoke, with Miss Mildred Le wis, Tuesday, May 4; Winfall, with Mrs. Effie Miller, Wednesday, May 6; Hunters Fork, with Mrs. S. P. Dale, Friday, May 7; Ballahack, with Mrs. Lawrence Perry, Monday, May 10; i -m s g v HS- -tt&Fl Ll- v, t . ii '"'fri iQii ni filial 'A. . ' ,v , A. & ' fMlt veF CAMELS COSTLIER TOBACCOS! Now Is the Time to Protect Your Home Against the Inroads of Flys, Mosquitoes and Moths WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF Screen Netting from 20c yd. up Screen Doors from $2.95 up Window Screens ... in all sizes Moth Balls, pkg. 10c Insect Spray In Any Size Can Liquid Sprayers Extra Heavy Yard Rakes, strong and dur- able, only 95c I SEE US FOR COMPLETE Supplies Garden and Field Seed of All Varieties 1 105 Years of Service Quality Merchandise Right Prices ! J. C. Blanchard & Co. Inc. "BLANCHABD'S" SINCE 1832 HERTFORD, N. C. II (jp&uine SGiioes II I This islonly one of ; ; . the " styles from our ; ; , famous - Fortune line ::?of Shbes'forl Men: W, I Thia easbn's.stylesai are smaner xnan ever I before .Vi Fortune Sfioei;axe ok, before leaving the factor Cbmeiii i get' alj f summed Comfort Whiter brown, '(y ', m , ' i i . . V . Right Prices -fnrd :Co., Inc, r r :ttt:::::mt t t KM' (- IWfwHY SO PttTlctER 1 dfl ABOUT NATURAL SODA If; r i-i it's got plenty o' nitrogen It's quick actin'. . . Crop gets it right away. It's got de vital impu'ities. An' best jpf MAs jes' plain natchel foocl-fo9 cotton an' cawn. v . r1 . 7 I CHI1W '-t or sm

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