Tags two TECS FEIlQUniANS WEISXTV HERTFORD, N. C rr,IDAT, MAY 7, 1C27 aaVti ; MITCMUL 17 0)o Hady Benton, sweet keort of Warren Bag- pertp, managing editor of the Star, ss temporary thing to help the Star out of m IAOOO.000 Hew! salt, M . eh0 can, a M .. Conwi jiliibiry or alienation of hit affectum, thne forcing Connie Jo drop her, , euit ayainst ta paper. Comphcation hh : ,wfcm Gladys all Aw ;BiU, and BUI mud 'Connie find th&meelvee in hve. Mr. Allen ' burp tell Connie BIU i married; friend have km hi wife. To find out the truth, - hq. on)., capi JSIH to marry kor. Chapter Twelve WEDDED BUT A WIFE? "Wm 1 marry you?" repeated Bill. "What do you think?' She took his face In her ban da. Beat hla head down. "But vhent Wow? Tonight?" Tonlghtr, gasped the delighted Bill, and then he ahouted to the winda: "la there a preacher In the house? Come on!" Mr. Allenbury, absent-mindedly listening to aome gueeta, waa dia creetly approached by Roberta, hla butler. "Pardon me, air, but there'a a per eon who clalma to be Mrs. William Chandler. She wants to aee Mr. Chandler immediately. She is wait ing on the terrace." . Gladva stopped her Impatient pao Injr when Mr. Allenbury approached and gave hie name, and burst into headlong speech. "And I'm Mrs. William Chandler and I can prove it too." "You'll have every opportunity to do so," he responded grimly. "I'll say I will! I want my hus band. Where la he?" , "He'll be returned to you intact, just as soon aa I can find him, it you will wait, here." , "Oh, you're afraid ?m going to "II "v t . , "1 .sv -J - - V $ -1 Th Justice) ol the Peace ' 1 i X - 1 I pronoun oed Bill and ' I Connie-, man and if e. , . nun -' make a scene, are you?" "On the contrary, I'm looking forward to it! I'll bring your hus band to you directly." Making the beat of It, she con sented to wait while Mr. Allenbury was finding Bill. After a few xn.nutes, Warren Haggerty climbed the terrace rail to her. "you!" she exclaimed. "How did you Know I waa here?" "Is ever mind that now. Come on! Quick! Bill and Connie must have suspected aomothing. They're tak ing It on the lam in a car. We'll follow them." Ha helped her over the terrace rail. Haggertya chase after BUI and Connie was fruitless. They returned to New York and canvassed the hotels at which they thought Bill micht stop. Succesa rewarded them after an hour's search. On the re r. ter of tjo Grand was written "Mr. and Mrs. William S. Chandler." Gladys tore up in a rage the "So not disturb" aign on the door of Bill's suite and potinded on the Connie opened the door with an enquiring "Yes?" but Gladys push ed past her into the living room where Bill waa opening a bottle of champagne. "Why, why, Gladys," he stam mered, "this is a surprise!" "I'll bet it la!" Gladys confronted Connie. "I hate to buet in on your little party. Miss Connie Allenbury, but that man happens to be my husband." "This," said BIU pleasantly to Connie, "la the lady I told you about." "Mrs. William Chandler la the name!" Gladya didn't create the ef fect she expected and repeated the name. Connie went forward graci- P1Tve looked forward to meeting you. Bill has told me so much about you." " TT. uui ahtvut-met" Gladvs looked In amazement towards Bill and found him making for the door. "Oh, no you don'tt You're not getr ting out of here!" , , ; --v; 'Tm not leaving," Bill assured her. "I Just don't want Warren to miss anything." He flung open the , nr shall wa start over?" Connie greeted -ilm pleasantly. '' - but Gladys expressed ' surprise. "I t . . r41da't know fee waa out there," she , said to Bill. "This has nothing to . do with you or your newspaper, ' '', ' ' Warren. You keep" out of this. As Mrs, .William . Chandler, a I de- iAf -Bill quickly interrupted Tffl afraid there has been a mistake; - ' This la Mrs. Chandler." He indlcat ' , M Connie. -'''.Mtyi&t:v- "Yes, we ware Just married tn Greenwich, Connecticut,"., said ' , , Connie., v' -i-if-':- -v. V---' , ' , v B1H have yotl gone eraay?" de ",. , ' manded the flabbergasted Hag- . . " ' ferty.-'- ' ,M,',t f .,. , C""T "If you think you can excuse this i f - fcy polling a marriage gag"-"; , , ' h, tan Gladys; '' 1 : ' t . . Interjected Oonnlev and. Bill pro ' v 4nta their marriage certificate. " r - l..r"mrhr tsett hla eve over H. re roamed a.i r-;tai -iTiara ! at a rorv!" t t .at P-I 1 1 a ." " 1 ' t r y r-i, ct Yucatan divorces were rated IHegsJ three yeara ago. I looked that up in the Hall of .Records yesterday and consulted my lawyer. Gladys and I were never really married." "It's all right," interposed Con nie. 'Tve made, an honest man of him." ...',.,: ;.;,;:.., ,,),-. ." . Bill drew a letter from hla pocket "Here, Warren a letter from Mrs. Chandler ahe waa so touched by' your plea for the 600 starving em ployees, that she's dropping the Haggerty seized Connie's hands. "Oh, Connie ... I mean, Miss Al lenbury I mean Mrs. Chandler, I ' cant thank you. Allenbury heiress marries author! What a yarn!" ha was sprinting for the door when Connie stopped him. "You're forgotten Mrs. Simpson,"' she said.' . "That "Mrs. Simpson'- gets me , CHaddy! Look, Hon, I've got to' dash " "Just "a minute. Warren. You, want a real scoop. X, too, learned' my Yucatan divorce waa no good, so Z got a second divorce from Joe . Simpson . in Reno." She ' looked ' triumphantly around. "Novo where I do we stand?" "Then -wes not ..." said Connie, "I don't believe it!" said Bill. "Try the Reno Hall of Records." "Suppose we elt down and talk this thing over," said Bill. "You and I will have plenty of time to talk things over on that world cruise." "That . world cruise - waa Just a gag of mine," confessed Haggerty. "So. it waa Just another of your gags to get me here!" blazed Gladya. -weu, in sen ana oeiore Am through you'll all be sorry you ever . saw met Tve Just been something to kick around something to protect a newspaner or another woman's good name. You thought it was a lot of fun, making me fall for you didn't you. Bill Chandler? Well, I'm picking myself up. You're a pretty poor samme ox a tiusoana. out no one eiee is i i else Is going to get you! r you, Warren Haggerty, times worse than he fa. And as for ; vou're ten t: tie at least naa some excuse zor klcklnz ma around he waa in love with another. woman, but, you ' double-crossed mo lor tne saao or. a newspaper. WelL marry the paper ana oe tne proua xatner oi neaa lines! That's all you're good for! . . . I suppose this is all very dis tasteful to you, Miss Allenbury. Well, my husband isn't worth much to me, but you, couldn't buy hlnr. with all your money, at any price!' Gladys, flouncing from the apart ment, got into the bedroom by mis take. ' "Let me handle this," said Connie. "You two - diplomats have done' enough." She followed Gladys, lock ing the door. Bill and Haggerty listened for a time to ' Gladya' ' angry voice and Connie's calm, even, tones without distinguishing their words. The two . men soon fell into heated argu ment!!. - '.ji'f'JV --i-; "You settled the suit, out you stole my girl," accused Haggerty. IGladys la wortto more to me than any newspaper in tne worm, wnac do you think I paid you $EO.00O for? , To make love to my girl?" "If the necessity arose, yes. But I assure you, I didn't put forth my best efforts." .. . -. ,-'";',- ' "And why not your best efforts , for Gladya? Because she's not your "Oh. nhea not good enous-h for Sou!"- Haggerty started to pull off ia coat. 'You1 ve bad this coming -to you for a long time."' ' , BIU doffed his coat and a moment"; later they were .exchanging blows. (' , Gladys rattled the knob of the . locked door, crying: "Warrent War- " tOTtA M-v.t-x-- J". "Uaten,. you aucker!" said Bill. "It's you she's calling? That gives me an idea. We'll aee how she rev;.' acta to tMel" He delivered a sudden. blow ' on ttagerty' nose that ', brouzht the bloodi i'';'.'-:'-r ' - r The bedroom door was opened, and Gladya rushed f ran .Ics i y to Hnciferty, got her arms aoovt him. "Warren, darling, are you hurt?" She turned upon Bill in a fury- "Oh, you coward! You must have hit him when hla back was turned!" vith that she hauled off and socked a" blood-bringing blow to l..S nose. -A Joyous laugh burst from E"Ia ' Vns aa he advanced, hand out,' to nnnlet "A aeonnd trip to I.eoo f r : C i, t i for our intern.. 9 BAPTIST BRIEFS . By REV. D. S. Eir.IPSEHr '..Hertford Baptist have reastfnsJo rejoice oyer the cervices last Sunday. Two fiiw eongregations attended the worship services and there was 'one addition ' t -themernberehip ' 'of tie church.'- 1 -ri , O 1 1 ; An invitation.' is ..extended to the jnotifera awHoVImtX habies to come, bring the babies and worship with us each Sunday morning. The bab ies will be eared for in . the nursery by those who love and make friends easily with children. , , '. - Next Sunday is Mother's Day and the morning service will be. dedicated to our mothers.'. ' - " ; " ' ' f ;: Three months ,agos class was. 6r ganized in the Sunday School for yevng-tmeiL -This class began idth one man present, there are about 16 enrolled now. - The class name 'chos en is The : Young Men' Discussion Class. -A hearty inviUtion is extend ed all young men who are not at tending; Sunday School elsewhere. The Mid-Week prayer service is steadily growing in attendance, only a few vacant seats last week. I was announced last Sunday that there will be "several visiting minis ters to preach at the evening ser vices during the next 4 months. These ministers may come as a sur prise as there , may ; be no further announcements made as to who and when they are coming. All Junior Organizations held their regular monthly meeting ri Monday night, May 8, at the church. The ghurch calendar for the week May 9-15: Sunday 9:45 A. M. Bible School 11:00 A. M. Worship and preaching 7:16 P. M. B. T. U. 8:00 P. M. Worship and preaching. Monday 8:00 , M. General meeting of W. M. S. Wednesday 8:00 P. M. Prayer, Praise and Bible study. SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Miss Eunice Harrell. Mrs.. D. M. - Cart- wright, Mr. and Mrs. Balph Harrell were in Elizabeth City Wednesday. Miss Ruby Lae Surnnerll of Hurdle- town, was the week-end guest of Miss Eunice Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell, Mrs. H. Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright and Jittle Carolyn Dean Harrell spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Har rell. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartwright v fai'yrt m & & a i 0 T" 1 Fit piiiiwwiiiiiiiiv IWv .rgwTOyai -Ti A:.:. nwt " ' Chilean INfitrate of Soda is as Natural as the ground it conies from. It's ideal for :r cotton and ; for corn. A: good .J ' side -(kessmpwitli IChilean; . ; , 1 , f:--'! v ; r-. fflKtvZ. and family, -and . Mrs. Vernon WJns-J low were in Elizabeth City Satur-j j . i i ' Mrs. Vernon Winslow, ' Mr. and Mrs. Sheltori . Harrell and . family spent Sunday at,Beeech Spring with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wjnslow. '"Mr. and', Afrs. Elmer.' Wood" and Hm GfeorgeT Benton , Waited "Mr; 'and Mrs." Willie Saunders, WWeeksville, Sunday." ;'"" " ' " Mr. and Mrs. Ned : Matthews, of Old Keck; Mr.and-Mra. Joe Har rell, of White Hat, visited Mr. and Mrs. Qdell Cartwright Sunday after noon. k' ' 1 S ,'(.'" . "Mrs: J. H.. Harrell is .visiting; in the home of her son, J. I Harrell, in 'Norfolk, Va.' "V'..'!!1 H--' i Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Harrell and children- Leonard and " Jane Louise, and Mrs! Vernon Winslow spent Fri day 4n, Norfolk, Yi vw-: Mr. and Mrs. . Odell , Cartwright, W. H.' Cartwright, - Mr. - and Mrs. Jesse ' Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cartwright," Mls9 Eunice Harrell, Miss Ruby . Lee Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell were in Hertford Saturday afternoon, -h - Mr. and Mrs. George. Eare, of White Hat, were recent - guests' of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell had as guests at dinner Sunday Mr.; and Mrs. George Eure, Curtis and Eli nor Eure, of White Hat; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Jusse Harrell, Misses Eunice and Maxine. . Harrell, Miss Ruby Lee Sumner, of Hurdletown; James, Ver non and Ronald Edward Harrell. MrSj. R. R. . Keaton, Misses Ruby, Maude and Eloise Keaton, and Bobby Keaton, of Bethel, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wood Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. V. Halsey, from near Hert ford, visited Mrs. J. T: Wood Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright and Mrs. Moody Harrell were in Elizabeth City Friday. ... , CUMBERLAND NEWS Miss Esther Perry and Bryant Miller visited relatives in Ayden on Sunday. C. B. White spent Sunday in Nor folk, Va., with his sons, Leigh and Roscoe White. Mrs. Effia Miller visited her sister, Mrs. Tom Madre, Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Elizabeth White is vis iting relatives in Norfolk, Va. . Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Davenport, of Elizabeth City, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Godwin Sunday afternoon. Miss Marian Sawyer spent the week-and with Miss Agnes Hare, near Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. George Trueblood, Oscar and Sidney White, and Ervin JESTHOW ITNATCHEL.SONNV p NATCH EL mi x .11. ;. , XT . fir.' r ' 1 - "'"-A mmmm ..1 fyt iJ eeWSta.- -t " "' Trueblood visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, at Roduco, Sunday after noon, i . s , . " i . ' ( WINFALL NEWS T Miss' Dgna White- Mr. and Mrs. Tom rwltejinotdred: to .Kenansville Sunday' ' ,"'.,'. .t'1 ' ': Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barber and children spent the week-end with relatives at London Bridge, Va. ' ' Misses cjeisie and Gertrude Baker spent Tuesday In Norfolk, Va. Misses' Minnie Shirley, Umphlett and Gladys Ward spent Friday night in Elizabeth City. k Mrs Haywood White, of Windsor, spent Friday and Saturday with her mother,, Mrs. White was before her recent marriage Miss . AddieWhjte. . Mrs. D. P. Stallings and daughter, Mary ' Ruth, spent the week-end in Hertford, with Mrs. C 0. Fowler. Mrs. ' Mollis - Barber ' and 4 Miss Frankie Barber 'spent last week near Elisabeth City with relatives. ;i ; Those attending the Missionary Society in Hertford Monday , night were: Mesdames - W. F. Morgan, J. F. Hollowell, D. L. Barber, D. R. Trueblood, J. V. Roache, Haywood Proctor, Jim Lane, J. L, Delaney, D. P. Stallings, Raymond Stanton, W. G. , Hollowell, Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Lowe, Misses Mamie Stallings, Addie Ruth Morgan. Jane Lowe. Eli sabeth Lowe, Lucille White, 'Lucille Lon, Mrs. Joe Nowell, . Mrs. J. L. Nixon and Mrs. J. H. Baker. ; M:0DE Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic Each Tuesday and Thursday through and including the months of May and June will be Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic days for white school children under 12 years of age. The Clinic will be in Dr. L A. Ward's office, Carolina Bank Build ing, Hertford, N. C. All who need this service will please see or write Dr. Ward or his office nurse and make reservations before bringing any child or children for the operation. We will not operate on more than-five patients a day in order that we may be better able to give each child individual attention and care. -w . . . , --, El ' eiISI3ISI3IS19IE!IS(5I5li3l3l913ISlSlSfS EDENTON, N. C : Today (Thursday) and Friday, ; :- 'Mtine-3:30J Night 8. TAYLOR -TM w-r i v nw . ... i i . u . , Saturday. May 8-- ;? Monday. May , , , .; LARRT BUSTER CRABBE in vV fL. PAR r""""- h; ; Zane Grey's . l-l jrjv irS.x s) Under Sea "Kingdom" No, 5 ' March of Timc No 8 ' Tuesday, May 11 On Our Stag ' ' 7 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS ' . ., , , Featuring MARIE PURL Mistress of Ceremonies . RITJia VKSTAL Comedian i rij ; .RU.yS JONFS ICE SKATERS Novelty Slaters f ! , "(tnK'lTY G' Cutest Clues Singer E.er ' vti.' NLVO ISTt 3 Futu' ' ' ,A iSOPKITlCATED LAL, . , Hr " .IT IvOLANi 1 , " ir Mating rictur; :C3 , ' ,k;Adm!ji "jii Ila a 1 Ec , v Nigl.t I . i t f- i . . I 4 lira. R. A. f-rrr and son, J. B.f spent Sunday wi.h lr. and Sirs, E l ney Sutton near Elizabeth City. , T.Ir. and Mrs. Reuben Stallings and son,, William, , visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Briggs at Gliden Sunday.' : t Roscoe Lane of Plymouth spent tha week-end with his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. J. Ed. Lane." - --- Mr. And Mrs. E. Y. Berry and two ' sons,- Edgar Toung1 and Dan,' spent . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. . George Spruill at Long Beach Farm. . " Thomas t WUloby of Cape - Henry, Va., spent the' week-end ' with his sister and K brother-in-law " Mr. and MrsArthdr EUiott. r, U C. M. Umphlett was taken to the Norfolk General Hospital on Monday for treatment. ' i - - - ThoseWiBitin' Miv miittSxZ'it:. WT Lane Sunday ' were Mr. :' . and ' 1 Mrs. ' CJarenceLane and small son of Bux ton, Mr. .and Mrs. r Willie Lane and two daughters,. Mr, and i Mrs. J. E. Eaves and Miss Adelaide Eaves. Mr. and 'Mrs.'' Charlie ; Umphlett and son, Thomas Edward, of .Win fall, Mr. and' Mrs. Clifton Morgan and two sons, of near Winfall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Umphlett Sunday. . Attended Wedding ". Miss , Josephine Hefren, Henry Clay Stokes and Marion Riddick at tended the Sullivan-Nichols wedding at Clarksville, Md.i on Saturday afternoon, returning home on Mon day. " - ",". , h 3 i - ' . s A! El E WE HAVE THE SHOWB May 8-7- 7- - Box Office Opens S and 7:30. .. News-i" :tic IX l V-; - ollyww '.x Lovely Cancers '" '- ' ilrwood Dancer " . ' ON"Ti:.0 hCT.CZN-- "I -J "i A' .... "-- 'i 12 j i C 't I . " f 9 O KaHbMMia-iawa Oa 1 i Id -.-J i. I- 4-4 a-

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