i WEEKLYi A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TQ THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume IV-Number 20.r. ? Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, May 14, ljjffT $1.25 Per Year We To wn Officers TMceOathbf Office RECORDER COURT YOUTH DEAD AS Much Accomplished By P. T. A. This Year HARD ON AUTO RESULT OF AUTO ACCIDENTSUNDAY DRIVERSTUESDAY 1 . i i7f ThTa T A TT(C V 4 'Hi n. A ; Mayor Will Use Efforts , -v' ; To Stop Speeding In V Town NO SALARIES SET W.VG. Newby Unani mously Appointed as Clerk to Board Silu M. Whedbee was iworn in u iv Mayte of the Town of Hertford at t the resnlar meeting of the Board on '. . "Monday night, the oath being admin- - iatered by Clerk of tho Superior . - Court W. H. Pitt - "V. N. Darden, the new member of ; ' ' the Board of Town Commissioner!, iSvi and the two old .members, A. W. ' , Hefren and W, H. Haifdcastle,' also took their oath of. office on this oc r easion, and the first item of bus! J ; . ness - which came before - the new , I broad was a motion on the part of ' - Mr. Darden that the Mayor of Hert- ford have restored to him the same powers as had been the mayor's prior to the present arrangement. There was some discussion of the matter and the commissioners ex- r - pressed the belief that it is the wish to the citizens of the town that the mayor assume the duties of the of Jk fice and that he designste such U-f '. E -ties to others s" he shall see fit, -?whtch was done. , '.W. H. Hardcastle made motion, ' which was unanimously carried, that r ' the salary of Alec Wheelef, who has S. - been working for the Town of Hart- " ford as a lineman for. sever) yearfc. ' be raisea five dollars per week, xne ' i, - younar lineman Jtas only been' recelv ' ins P week. Thia matter had ; - mm 1ip'f(S'i -.discussion-, btt'.thf ISA . hflef closing session, of - the' , old .board,' wbn ; former ;v Mayor H. O. ' Winslow fhad suggested';- that the board consider the . matter of some ' relief for: Mr. Wheeler, who recent ly suffered misfortune; It was vot- ed by. the old board that the debt of $26, which Mr. Wheeler recently 'incurred in the purchase of a ceme tery lot, be cancelled. ... . ' None of the salaries of other town employees were eec ac u metuugi as it developed there were certain matters to be given further consid eration before this could be satis factorily adjusted. ,ff W. G.- Newby,. Town uerk, was unanimously appointed for Another , term by Jthe Board. ' It was decided to defer until the next meeting the appointment . of a ' City attorney to fill the position oi Whedbee A Whedbee, who have held ;;the place for some years and who have resigned since tne election 'oi ' ' the Junior member of the i f irm as Mayor. The two applicants for this position are Walter H. Oakey, Jr , and Charles E. Johnson, That the new mayor expects to 'take a hand in' putting a stop to ' speeding on th streets of Hertford ' was made evident, though he stated lhat he did not believe in taking snap judgment on any one and believed that the speeders; should be given due ' , warning." "I believe S Jn 1 treating . every one with courtesy", he said, , v "and they should be warned", when Kit was suggested that there are in - the community certain' IncUviduals who are habitual speeders, and said that 'he believed most persons could 'V'-be reached through "courtesy. He ' stated, however, that speeding on Hertford's street must, be .' stopped er.i ejoke with'special : eferenee;,to v r "3- streeV-nndrit -sect'nof 1 f siret betttrutitstwct .1- N..jf$ " VI -r yt&Jn&9 opinion cerjhoiil.t.betplafr ,.J; of boba sirc.tr;ini .nIdatUthbaeXiwursJmH i "'y after uie Perquimans Hign T 1 is dismissed t ttoon and in n, with view to pre v 1 s t this point, i .'ihe Hii t the congestion of t":c do : f n cn Saturdays and cn .'eine v.l.vri there &3 ti w.j v - -a here ' for !'i t" catre t r ani it v :Jed t. ' r lo-': .. the n . frace on -. - , td IVWJt Stl' . i : t Merchants Begin Holiday On June 3 After two mors weeks the mer chlants and their employes will have a weekly summer half holi day. Beginning on June 3, and continuing through August the merchants and . other down-town business places will cloee their doors at 1 o'clock as in previous yeervandtakehalfoHd Annual W.M.U. Meets At Woodville Church Thursday, May 20th The annual meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Union of the Bap tist Churches of the County will hold an all 'day meeting on Thursday, May 20, at Woodville .Church. The meeting will begin a) 10:30. The theme for the day- is "The Challenge of a Lost World." In the morning session Mrs. J. E. White of Hertford will speak on "Home Missions." The guest speak er, Rev. John Link of Windsor, will speak' on "Foreign Missions." The topic is "A Call from Afar." The theme for the afternoon ses sion is "Youths Challenge." A Missionary pageant, .The Heart of Henrietta" will be presented by a group ejrom the ; Hertford Baptist Church. Ladies' Council Meets i With Mrs. Cannon The Ladies Council of Bethlehem Christian Church held its regular monthly meeting Friday afternoon at thi homer of Mrs; Carlton Cannon in so Mtu. ; X. Wiry presided. - ' Afer .the business session was over an interesting program was ren dered with Mrs. . Y. Berry in charge. At the close of the meeting the hostess served delicious ice course. "' Those present were Mesdames E. Y. Berry, Carlton Cannon, W. A. Russell, Mamie Farmer, and Louis Eaves. , Demonstration Club : Has Regular Meettig MrsTE. N. Miller president of the Winfall Home Demonstration club, presided at the regular meeting held at. the home of Mrs. Effie Miller and Mrs. George Roach on : Wednesday afternoon- and Miss Celesta Godwin acted as secretary. A Mother's Day program was given with the follow ing, members taking part: ...Mrs. E, N. Miller, Mrs. William Bagley, Mrs. Jim' Lowe, Mrs. Effie Miller, Mrs. David Trueblood and Miss Celesta Godwin. Plans for the district meet ing to be held at Hertford in June were discussed. Delicious ice cream and cake was served by the hostegg es. ' ' Those present were : Mesdames William Bagley, D. L. Barber,. Joel Hollowell, Jim Lowe, Effie Miller, E. N. Miller, George Roach, D. P. Stal lings, : David Trueblood, Kenneth Miller, and Misses Gladys Hamrlck and Celesta Godwin. Funeral Held For c ; James R; Whedbee ; James Robert Whedbee. 76. hirhiy respected Perquimans County, .citisen iZzi'wj'&tM&Tz AAiay," at dsy a:. ; ; Z - t - '.It't Jburti.rt;wJf-j; ,3;)N t;..:;. !. .t j 1. 'Surviving-1 Mr"y. ftv.-:-ie;vrV.his ;wMr- Mrji-fMarthelieevaand, the following; sons and . daughters: Mrs. V, H. Trotnu-n, of Miami, Fla, Mn.::Lu)a'vWoH:.'of'No'rfoIk;V.;i Paul L. Whedbee, of Washington,. D. C and J. :.B. ; Whedbee, of , Route Three, Hertford. A brother, W. W V.liedbee, of Perquimans County, also survives. . ,: ... . ''t f'' : 7;r:mr:'ANNOttSCBMNir: n to . Mr. and lira. .Garland , at their home in Winfall a 1 Eatr iy niht.( , -JTi rrl on Wednes- 4 i 9&&S- Robert Ivey and Sam Mercer Have Licenses Revoked OAKEY STERN Other Minor Cases Con sume Major Portion Of Session Recommendation that the driver's permit of , Robert Ivey, Perquimans County v white man, convicted on Tuesday of driving an automobile while under the influence ol intoxi cants and also of operating a car withoilt an operator's license, be permanently revoked was made by Walter H .Oakey, Jr., who said in (passing -sentence: "If this court has its way yu will never be given an otherdriver's permit." Robert Ivey, who lives in the Hog Neck section of the county, had pre viously been convicted in another county of driving while under the in fluence of liquor and his operator's license had been revoked. He was sentenced to the roads for 6 months by Judge Oakey, commitment to is sue if he be found within the coun ty within two years, and his driver's license revoked for 12 months, with a recommendation that -it be not re stored on the' 'grounds of his being a habitual drunkard and 'isolator -of motor vehicle laws. The defendant, who spsnt a week in jail following his arrest, and who is not well, is to be placed in the Veteran's Home at Hampton, Vs., for treatment. Sam Mercer, colored, convicted of reckless driving, had been convicted of a similar charge only two weeks previously in this court and a sixty ,cUy;ttipeudiute Judge. Oakey ordered the suspended sentence in effect at once and im posed a sentence of 6 months for the last offense, the two sentences to run consecutively. The man's driv er's permit was also revoked for 12 months, beginning at the expiration of the two terms. Mercer, through his attorney, S. M. Whedbee, appeal ed from tin latter judgment, but Judge Oakey would not permit an appeal of the former judgment. .. James Perry, colored, buried the money ha stole from the cash regis ter of George : Gregory's store at New Hope on Monday, but the trouble appears to be he dug it up too soon. Nabbing him as he left the woods, after digging up the buried treasure, Sheriff J. E. Win slow found it in his pockets, with bits of leaves and considerable dirt mixed with the loot. The man stole the money from Mr. Gregory's store Monday morning, while the properietor went to the baok of the store. Sheriff Win slow was notified and had the money back and the man in jail in the early afternoon. Perry was tried in Recorder's Court on Tuesday and was sentenced to the roads for six months. - Henderson Parrish, a white man, who forged the name of J. T.Wood prominent Perquimans farmer, to a check for eight dollars and cashed the check at the Hertford Hardware & Supply Company's store, which, by the way, is owned by Sheriff J. E. WinBlow, might have been released under a suspended sentence of 90 days by paying the court costs and making good the check. But while the man waited in jail, after con viction, there was - call from the police . department, in. JEIJiabeth City fcli jndicited, .tftai pwingVworth- t tieWmfa ' y?Jpfl tne-deilsf jUt V! .l - Bern .hty ' Mdj jlefljtence-. to be'turnM over tdjPasquoUhk ianttoifties.;s:t;4 r ' The case against Jesse Barber, charged with being drunk and dis orderly was dismissed upon payment of the mii&We-.$tt!v: .Walter Wright, eolored, plead guil ty to assault and the case -was dis missed on payment of . the' costs, r -X Eddie Irvin, colored, found guilty of , receiving ; was ? sentenced tov60 days on the roads, sentence to be suspended upon payment .of costs and good behavior, for two years. AdJIe Webb, colored,' was required to ray costs in a drunk and disorder ly e' - . -V -;-r Costen was fev-i not guilty of r , .-.- Rice Miller, High School Junior, Dies In Eliza " beth City Hospital ANOTHER HURT Benjamin Thach Faces " Charge of Man i slaughter e Perquimans County youth is another is seriously injured and young Hertford resident must answer to the charge of reckless drhrjpg and manslaughter as a result-Art an automobile accident which occurred on the Hertford-Elizabeth City? highway, seven miles from Hereford on Sunday afternoon. Rice Miller, the seventeen-year-old son -jbf Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miller and a Pfrquimans High School junior, diedf in the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City five hours after the accident, which occurred around 4 o'clock, without regaining conscious ness ' Join Everett, one of the passen gers) in the car driven by Benjamin Thach, of Hertford, which crashed with -the one driven by young Miller, wa': unconscious for several hours after he was taken to the hospital and has been in a more or leas seri ous condition ever since. Benjamin Thach, in whose car at the time of the accident John Eve rett, George Butler and Harrell Thach were passengers, was arrest ed ojk a warrant sworn out by State Highway Patrolman Clyde W. Gib son on Tuesday of this week and will be given a hearing on the charges of manslaughter and reckless driving on extiuesday. JtOiJtmni -at an hour White t&ere " is a -great deal of traffic on the road on Sunday afternoon, and v crowd gathered quickly. The two seriously injured boys were tak en to the hospital and Harrell Thach was brought to the office of a Hert ford physician to be treated for minor cuts and bruises. j Mr. Miller and his two sons, Rice and Henry, had attended services at Woodland Methodist Church, and were on their way home. Mr. Miller alighted from the car at a service station a few hundred yards from the home and witnessed the accident from that distance as his son at tempted to make a left hand turn into the gateway of his home. Mrs. Miller, from the front porch of her hbme, also witnessed the crash", in which her eldest son was fatally in jured. Funeral services for Rice Miller, who was very popular with his schoolmates and teachers, were held on Tuesday afternoon at the Miller home, and burial took place in Cedarwood Cemetery in Hertford. There was a large crowd in attend ance. Surviving are his parents, also the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Lloyd White of Newport News, Va.; Mrs. Loftin Riddick of Windsor; Mrs. Marvin Cartwright of Deep Creek, Vej and Mattie, Nell, Henry, Kelley and Bob Miller, all of Per quimans. Mrs. Godfrey Hurt In Auto Accident Mrs. H. C. Godfrey, of New Hope, was seriously injured in an automo bile accident " which occurred near Elizabeth City on last Friday after noon, and has been a patient in the Albemarle Hospital in Elisabeth City ln ' ' tf Htutfiwv :mttttrtJL 1l ItMw. bwkenvjrftt, b NAMED ON DEAN'S LIST " Forty Marion Institute " students were named on the dean's list for the month of April, as announced by Ma jor L." H. Baer, dean. Inclusion on tne dean's list requires that' the stu dent average at least 86 .- with no grades below 80. Good standing in conduct is also required. The name of Tim Rufuc Brinn appears on the liSt. ' s , - - Mis Sarah Brinn Returns Miss Sarah- Brinn has returned home after visiting sit various points for the past three weeks. ' Miss Brinn visited friends at fcherteston, 8. O, Durisw' and FarmTflle..;.-;! ' I'm. cr" r-'-j-i y 1 r : i r, Il b?X UxT returned f.c F V. tisitexl her Healthiest Girls j Marie Anderson, Blanche Chappell, Maywood Pierce, Nancy Darden, Do ris Baker and Lizzie Lee Hoffler were named as the healthiest girls of the Perquimans County 4-H clubs as a result of an examination made of the girls of the clubs by Miss Frances Evans, county health nurse. Blanche Chappell and Marie An derson represent the 10th and 11th Grade club; Maywood Pierce and Nancy Darden represent the 9th Grade Club, and Lizzie Lee Hoffler and Doris Baker the 8th Grade. From this group of 4-H club girls will be selected the healthiest of all the club girls of the county, the ex amination to be conducted by Dr. T. P. Brinn, Health Officer, and the healthiest girl from the county will take part in the district health con test to be conducted in Washington, N. C, sometime in July. Prominent Quaker At Up River Church Tuesday, May 18th Willard O. Trueblood and Caroline Trueblood are to be at the Up River Friends Church on next Tuesday, May 18, when the public is cordially invited to be present. William O. Trueblood is one of the leading Quakers in America, has been for several years a successful pastor, and is now Friends represen tative on the National Preaching Mission. He plans to sail shortly for special work in the Friends Mission in Africa. Mr. Trueblood has just concluded series of meetings in Greensboro, Guilford College and in High Point, where his plain and practical preach ing inspired .his listeners. He is at present visiting meetings throughout the North Carolina Yearly Meeting and the people of the Belvidere and Whiteston communities are fortunate in having him speak at the Up River Church. Music Club Meets With Mrs. Riddick The Chanimade Music Club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. R. M. Riddick, Miss Hattie Pearl Nowell presiding. After singing the Junior Club song, and giving the Club pledge, a program of musical selections by American composers was given and a short history of Edward McDowell and the Peterborough Colony was given by Mrs. Riddick. At the close of the program an ice course was served. Those present were Nancy Zach ary, Anne Matthews, Jewel White, Barbara Winslow, Minnie Wilma Wood, Marian Lee White, Jean New bold, Julia Miller Chappell, Mildred White, Dalton Strange, Nita New bold, Marjorie White, Mary Louise Chappell, Mary Field, Hattie Pearl Nowell, Dorothy Faye White. Cedar Grove Society Meets At Winfall The Winfall Cedar Grove Miss ionary Society met at the home of Mrs. J. T. Hollowell on Tuesday evening. The devotional was con ducted by Mrs. E. N. Miller, Mrs. Miller also had charge of a very in teresting program. During the social hour the hostess served delicious ice cream and cake. . Those present wereaMesdames J. H. Baker, C. A. BagteftE. J- Hend SF. ;Hbowell, W-.& Hollbv iBitor W- aijfowe, Jim Mrf Wi P. Monran.sK.X 'MOIer, Joe Nowell, J. L.' Nixojj, Haywood Proctor, J. V Roache, J. R. Roache, D. P. SUllings, Mammie Stallings, D. R. Trueblood, A. R. Winslow, Sr., Claude White, D. L. Barber and Grizzie Moore. THEATRE PARTY FOR PUPILS Miss Hasel Ainsley, who teaches the White Hat School, gave a mati nee party on Wednesday afternoon when pupils and teacher attended the State Theatre and enjoyed the picture, 'Daniel Boone". .. Those in the party -were Dan Rid dick, , Eula Virginia White, Mary Blanche Miller, Floyd Benton, Eliza beth Russell, Herbert Eure, Gilbert Euro, Olden . Russell, - Gladys God' frey, Mattie Ruth - Russell, Sarah Margaret Caddy, Eleanor Jane Banks, Janice Riddick, Junior Rid dick, Whit Cartwright, Oneda Caddy, r-'ryln CaJJy, Wil- RusselL James William Eure, Eunice Yrtilte, Dennis Eure and Eel via end L.dv.a L.rs. Mrs. Harry Broughton Declines Re-election As President 83 MEMBERS Fathers Night Observed At Last Meeting of School Year Furnishing glasses for a child whose sight was defective and whose parents were unable to supply the glasses, serving hot lunches to the underprivileged children in school and conducting classe in hygiene are some of the good works which the group of women in the Parent-Teacher organization of the Hertford Grammar School have done this year, under the able leadership of Mrs. Harry Broughton, who as pre sident has given a great deal of time and effort to the work. Aided by a corps of workers who included Mrs. T. J. Walters, Mrs. Charles. T. Skinner, Mrs. E. W. May es, Mrs. T. J Nixon, Jr, Mrs. John Zachery, Mrs. Josiah Elliott, Mrs. G. R. Tucker, leaders of various depart ments, and many workers in the ranks, -the PTA has accomplished much under Mrs. Broughton's lead ership. Regular meetings have been held each month, with programs which have been both entertaining and helpful. The last program of the school year was held on Thursday night, when Fathers Night was ob served and both fathers and mothers attended. Rev. D. S. Dempsey con ducted the devotional, after which a musical program was given under the direction of Miss Kate Blanchard. L. W. Anderson sang "When My Dream Boat Comes Home", follow ed by a piano solo by Elizabeth Dar den. Mrs. Henry Newbold sang "Love's Old Sweet Song" and F. T. Johnson made an address on the subject "What Fathers Should Mean to their Children and to the School which their Children Attend." A new president has not yet been elected for the Parent-Teacher Asso ciation. Mrs. Broughton, who has served so efficiently, declined re election. Other officers wers e'ect ed at the meeting. They include Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Vice-President; Mrs. Nathan Relfe, secretary and Mrs. Durwood Reed, treasurer. A brief summary of the work of each department was given by the various department heads, which brought to light something of the good work done this year. There are 83 paid members of the association. Meetings have been well attended, and various merchants of the town have donated door prizes, one of which was drawn by the hold er of the lucky ticket at each meet ing. The large number of members and visitors present on Thursday night were served dainty refreshments at the close of the program at tha last meeting of the year. Thrown From Cart; Painfully Injured Thrown from a horse-cart in which he was riding, R. H. Harrell, fifty-five-year-old Perquimans County farmer, suffered a very serious and most painful accident on Wednesday. Mr. Harrell, who lives in the Bal lahack community, was carried to the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth City by ambulance shortly after the ac cident occurred,; around the noon hour. 1 , Dr, C A,. Davenport, who was call ed to attend Mk' Kartell, Sported that he suffered a dislocated com pound .fracture of both bones of the llthkle;:, ' $v-;- The accident occurred when the horse which Mr. Harrell was driving became frightened and ran. Missionary Society Meets At Winfall The Young Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Matthews at Winfall on Tuesday evening. The president, Miss Jessie Stanton, conducted the devotional. Mrs. Bill Bagley was in charge of a very interesting "program. After the meeting there was a delightful so cial hour.;--' ... 'Delicious; sandwiches and . punch were served.. ,t , Those 'piesent were Mrs. ; Jessie Stanton, Mrs. Bill Begiey, Itrv A. . R.rWinslow, Jr Mrs. W. H. lfatt' hews, : Misses Gladys, Ward, Lucille 1 White, Alma Lerjett, Myrtle Umph-' lett"' and Lucira lng:':C ' " -IV V. i