YEOPEI UNION MEETS JUY 28-29 Two Day Setdoa WOI B Held at WaiterUM Grave Cnarcki Tueev . i Topics m Program , The Teopim Union of the Baptist Church will be held at Whlteville r Grov Church in this county on Fri ' day and "Saturday, May 28 and 29, when It 1b planned to have very in teresting "and helpful services at - ach of the sessions. Rev. A. A. Butler, of Hertford, "who is in charge of the program -for this occasion, 3aa announced that the 'first session will convene at 11 o'clock on Friday morning. 'After lunch there will be a session beginning with a devotional service at 1:30 o'clock. On Saturday the first service will !be held at 10:00 o'clock in the morn ing and there will also be another cession in the afternoon. Following is the complete pro . gram for the two days: - Friday morning: 11:00 Introduct ory Sermon, Elder W. F. Woodall; Elder W. F. Cale, Alternate. Friday afternoon: 1:30, Devotional t Service, Elder Alphonao Jordan; 1:45 Miscellaneous Matters; 2:00, What Is the Church's Responsibility to the Home Community T Brothers C R. Holmes and Elder 1. L. Brown; 2:415, On What Basis Can Baptist Church es Cooperate? Elders J. T. Byrum and E. L. Wells. , .Saturday morning: 10:00 Devot !6A Service, Brother F. I. White; 10:16,'-what Is the Proper Relation - ship Between the Church and the Sunday School, and Other Church ri' Orgnft!ations? Elders D. S. Demp seyWd W. T. C. Briggs; 11:00, Ser iWB,"Elder E. L. Wells; 1:30, Devot vtonal Service, Elder R. S. Monds; 1:45, Miscellaneous Matters; 2:00, Can a Christian Afford, Under Any Circumstances to Sanction by Vote or Otherwise, the Manufacture, Sale -and Beverage Uuse of Intoxicating Liquors? Elder R. S. Monds and Brother W. J. Berryman; 2:45, What Ms the Church's First Step Out of the Present Spiritual Depression? Elders W. F. Woodall and W. F. (Cale. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. C. 6. White was entertained at a lovely surprise birthday party Friday evening at her home near VWlnfall. Games and contests were 'enioved durinc the evening with Mrs. T. C. Perry, J. H.. Miller and Roseoe White winning prizes. The honoree received manv beautiful and useful gifts. The table was artis tically arranged with a lovely birth 'day cake as the centerpiece, the color 'scheme being pink and white. Deli 1 cious ice cream and cake were serv ed. Those present were: Mrs. C. B. White, honoree. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh White and children Leigh, Jr., and V. L., Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White and Mrs. Clarence Twine of Norfolk, Mrs. W. T. Smith, Mrs. L. J. Winslow, Mrs. T. C. Perry, Mrs. J. A. Chap- pell and children Mary Louise, Julia Miller, Julian, Jr. and Johnny and Mrs. Maude Chappell of Belvidere, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller, Mrs. Author Pierce, Mrs. J. R. Roach, Mrs. George Roach, Mrs. Earl Hollowell and child ren Artie Mae, Anne, and Earl, Jr.. Mrs. Cadar White and daughter Sal lie, Mrs. E. N. Miller and daughter Doris, Mrs. Crowder Hollowell and daughters Minne Lee and Bernice, Mrs. Junior Miller, Mrs. H. D. Hur dle, Mrs. J. L. Nixon and son Hilary, Mrs. Effie Miller, Misses Ruth Hur- die, Celesta Godwin and Mary Eliza beth White, and C. B. White, Ben ton and George White. Applicants Must Meet Requirements Under Old Age Plan There are thousands of North Carolinians who will be eligible "for aid under provisions of the Old Age Assistance Act passed by the 1937 General Assembly, and there are many more who will not be able to meet the requirements for various reasons. The State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, anxious to make clear provisions of the Old Age As sistance plan, which becomes effec tive on July 1 of this year, has is sued a statement tending to Clarify the Act. One of the first requirements is that applicants for, aid under the plan shall be citizens of the United States, either native-born or natural ised. Another essential is that ap plicants shall be 65 years of age or ver and shall not have sufficient e , Income, or other resources, to nro- , - "vide a reasonable subsistence com- v Vpatible with decency and health. Many persons reaching the age of '6 lave' not been able, frequently through no fault of their own, to ' v themselves in the . declining years of .v THiGir lives: others, because oi asre or . ' .. itr-- wiismiiii'ia. . sartt iiiikuiis . lu bai ii, 1 ' comfortable livelihood, while 'still .-', -Aram mra not no Biiuaum uiut uio .a. sa...J .t L 1.1. nn , fan care xor tnemseives. ' , ', "the Act are not supposed to be in '" - ' mates of any public . institution at ', the time the applications are filed. . , : '.However, they may apply for aid , ubich, if allowed, will not begin un tl Cry have ce-p-i to'H hmat-'S of public institutions, ;K" ' "jMary Helene Newby, was .winner of Davenport ' K -In order to prevent possible frao-i the prito-for-top score. v W vV(''1,'-HENRT--(aULY,'SXOKES dulen -applications for- assistance under the Old Age Plan, the law; specincany prowmia me assignment Mj8g - Anne O'Sullivan, Miss Josep or transfer of property during the hine Hefren. Miss Mariorv Hefren, two years prior to the filing of applt- cations. Another reouirement which will be rigidly adhered to is that all appli cants must have been residents of North Carolina for at least five of the nine years proceeding the filing of the applications, and for one year immediately preceding the filing. ' There is an additional stipulation, in view of the fact that . the 100 counties of the State are participat ing in the financial aspects of the Act, that applicants must have been residents of the county in which the applications are filed for at least one year. This, however, ' in cases where county residence has been of shorter duration, has been cared for by a clause in the law which pro vides that approved applicants shall receive full benefits, with the differ ence which would have been absorb ed by the county coming from the State appropriation. Instances of this character will be paasetltdpon by the State board. Amounts to be paid applicants will be determined upon individual conditions, and will not exceed $30 per month, or $360 per year. Of this amount, the counties will pay practically one-fourth, and the State one-fourth. BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED AT BRIDGE PARTY SATURDAY Miss Sarah Ferguson Blanchard,, whose marriage to Mr. Marcus Ed win Hobbs, of Duke University, has been announced to take place in July, was honoree at a delightful' bridge party and miscellaneous show er given by Miss Kate M. Blanchard, on Saturday night. A profusion of lovely spring flow ers, attractively arranged, decorated the rooms where five tables were arranged for bridge, after several rubbers of which the bride-to-be was presented with many lovely gifts, and dau. refreshments were served. 8 TBIl' TH E AT RE CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE HERTFORD, N. C. Today (Friday) May 21 era. vutewn ' . fMTMt Kara recess JOIN TRENT Abo Comedy - Act ON THE STAGE 9 P. M. Summer Fashion Show 40 BEAUTIFUL MODELS Owl Show Saturday XL ? FOR ADULTS ONLY I " " ' . ' '"1 1 Stripping the Veil from modern city life . :. .,, m TTTMrrrn ' " - 4--if uM Martha CHAPIN " j Bryant WASHBURN and Wheeler OAKMAN j i JJanenmwrawMwwLM.i,ii m.i 1 Monday Tuesdnv. MT 24-25 Thursday and Friday, May 27-28- ' - Also Cc- , . . and Act .' 1rZ -, nof present Jacluded Miss Sarah Blanchard,r Mri J. c. ? Blanchard, Miss Elisabeth Knowlea.' Miss Hilda Knowlea, Hiss Elizabeth Morris, Mrs. Charles E. Johnson, Mrs.': Alfred Williams. Mies Mar HtoWrNew.' by, Miss jocelya Whedbee Miss Jes 8ie Tayloe .JJewbyi Miss Mary: Towe, Mrs. Martin Towe, Mrs. S. P. Jes sup, Mrs. T. P.' Brinn, Mrs. Corbin Dosier, Mrs. R. M. Matheson, Miss Harriet Frances Mardre, of Rich mond, Va., and Miss Elisabeth Step hens. ' r Return Home Mrs. Cl A. Withrow and her little daughter, Virginia, have returned to their home in Norfolk after a visit to Mrs. Wi throw's mother, Mrs. K. R. Newbold. - - LEGALS FREE! IF EXCESS ACID CAUSE? you Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, Bloating, Nausea, get free sampler doctors prescription, Udga, at ROBERSOITS DRUG STORE mar 19 to apr June 4 NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Mortgage Deed exe cuted to me by Chas. Holley and wife, Georgie Holley, for certain purposes therein mentioned which said Mortgage Deed bears date July 7th, 1931, and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County in Book 17, Page 53V I shall en Tuesday, June 1st, 1037, at 11 oYtock A. M., offer for sale at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court Houae door in Hertford, N. C, the property conveyed to me I in said Mortgage Deed bounded on the north by Punch Alley, on the west by BarrowB lane, south by George Barrow, estate, east by Chas. 1! Saturday Only May 22 ADMISSION Children 10c . ,- Adults 15c mmRmrn MaaMKf Also Under Sea Kingdom No. 5 And Comedy $10 In Cash. Will Be Given to Someone In the Audience . Night 11:15 P. M. Wedn.?eday, May 26-r- v: Prize Night 9 P.M. - ' "Also Two Cor dles and Act . Classified mi': 1 if. W.T-;l;arf , I; I to l.x;;eal Trustee. n. J.. ioar' Apr.801May8,15,22 1 , , , NOTICE , Sale ef Valuable Property By virtue of Deed of Trust ex 7 Joshua Skinner and wile, Annie Skinner for certain purposes ! therein mentioned which said Deed of Trust bears date May 14th, 1930, and is registered in the office of the Re- I .5 I he 5pit miimm mm rnu mt COMEln,es3watneacrouaectkacatromfli Hrcstooe Standard Tire, then examine the deep-cut notvskid tread end tee how much . : extra value you get; You will quickly understand why more and more car owners are equipping their carl with, these tires. You . will agree that never before have you seen so. . safety at toll Standard biowoute with the Firestone ps4ented procese hat are dangcrooeahdmay cause a of GumrIMpping.Thepatentedc Join the Rmtone SAVE A LIFE I two extra layers of Gum-Dipped Corda under ; t by Mruipyoor car with Ilresron the tread protect against puncture and bind Tires Krat Grade Quality at Low Cost., STANDARD TIRES TODAY AND SAVE! YC3 Wi yourself and your family from dangerous accidents because Firestone patented construction features give you greatest blowout protection and safety from skidding. h.v-; ' . . Yd"! 1LT because Firestone Standard l "PS Tires give you low initial cost and lower cost pet mile. VATl Qntfl? by buying now at tire I VM VI 111 ! prices are advancing: The price of crude rubber has gone up 110 and cotton' more than 26 during the past two years. BUY NOW AND SAVE. AUTO RADIO 6 All-Metal Tube S inch Dyntmlc Spalt Soaad Diffusion. Then feature eo op to f 20 nor iac-cht radio. KlitaDnrmul k: ' twimiiwi BATTERIES FirotoM Burt Power ButwiM art tmilt wttn tM4 Allrabr i tot loafer r u. forubla. i. Cwtpti , CeadMta. HOME RADIO jMpamon e : I .. INV i ewn : I , ' 1 Wnl iky AUTO lUPPHEt l?"TlJ..wUI SL.Ji.;1liSsj inta..U.tSe I I.Tf,miMS r AC-DC KpUc worn With' loo(-l: ' firutonewuik AiiU ! V gicter of Xeds of Tcrquimans Coun ty in Book M. D. I.J. 17, pae 418, 1 Shall on June 16, 1S37, at 12. o'clock M. offer for sale at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, the property convey ed to me in said Deed of Trust: -Second Tract JBelng in the Town oi wtniaii. . :; ana oounaea - on the North by King Street, on the East by Chas. Parker's lot; south by the main Road leading from WinfaU to Belvidere; west by Andrew Jones Jot, containing on acre, more or less WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF AULpKINDS OF SEE US FOB TOUB NEEDS Meinni Hertford, N. C. the tread, atad cord body Into one Inseparabl unuThwadtf,fSatter tread with more rubbc on the road w&t give you longer mileage ansi greater psnsection against skidding. Firestont ie able to give you all these extra vauan because nrestone Standard Tires are butt in such large quantities that great savings, an madiairodttcrion. Don't drive c:n tvk yc:3 lite C3 TCI1 WCSLI TISES Protect yXkpreelf ami your tVmlly from th dances? ol driving cm chin wont trM which -mT ,c"t, i mimv0 Mciuont " DO YOU KNOW . THAT Wn T-r klrhwr COM the Urn ot more than 98,009 axa. worn mi dhlldr J .t, . .v THAT Btnut! ''-! lajwtdt ' .. j. ',r, THAT gm tium 40r00O mi tW idcatht ad Injurie wot tanoesxt , dirwtlf hf inctiwof; trhiiriMUt mad miwwh aw wm apiaie ttcou S tut, I . $( " ' mm v - i m tmtnmm Urt, it J 9ICAUM H1 WIDIi, fttl ;.; TiA oivtt 1 j i lOMQM MOWd I .' v T IV MltlAStAHO ' ir,. ': i tvtllt V wtiooie (a). and being tl.3 same1 Ltla r " by Alfred' fckinner and 1 wL'a fro Judsre Albertson in 1892, and known as lot No. 12. See Deed Book No. 4, at page 264. ' . - . . v This Instrument- conveying the one-fiftfa undivided interest of Joshua Skinner in - the above - lands same being the lands of his father, Alfred , Skinner, deceased., Tract No. 1 men- ( tioned in the above described Deed of. Trust has been sold under prior lien. J. S. McNIDER, Trustee , -.may 21 28 June 4 11 vlt another day on.thinf Cottons r, ... IS ; MCAeaaio f IXTkA tAYTJH I ortokVMN ' X coaMtwwM V ss urn SHiia. letr vousavin A 4 H I StCAOIt ihi V St ill) I eiMMrscow " ' I ; vw OS'OIVIS ( I . 1 ekSATIIT I " if.'' I VV J - " SIOWOMI - 1 '. I x't-M y rtoitawN I CTAHHADn ,1 X. i a niivnnv rca pas::si cars 44040.. .5JS-17 wii.Vj 4JO-21., 9.e5; 4.7M9.H 9.fS atTTTTTtT 4.7VZO.. e.t j 4JO-20i0.S mojo. 4.7w..ii.7 iot,.ae.y sxo-..ia.ff ion..ia.y wis.. 14. t 0ih.ii .. T ) P-iruMTWXTqt tOw 4AO-XI..K 1.019. k 4.1 J0.. . "V17.. ' . 4.5i.. e,r .. I ''.'.'. e. ) .: 1 p

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