PAGE FOUR X THE PERQUIMANS WKKK-bl, HJKKirvWi -f n; ' w " gnumi,, mai x, moi THE PERQUIMANS , WEEKLY '; Published ' every : Friday at The Perquimans Weekly efflce - in th Gregory Building, Church ' Street Hertford, N. C IfATTHS LISTER WHITE JEdltoi Day Phone ... 8 Night Phone ,, 1 , ,100-J SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .11.25 Si Month . ---JMo11 Entered as second dass matter November 15, 1934, at the post ofBce at Hertford, North Carolina, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Advertising rates furnished by re quest . FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1987 BIBLE THOUGHT FOR WEEK LAZY CHRISTIANS: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art luko warm, and neither cold nor hot, J will spue thee out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15, 16. SLACKENING SPEED They are slackening their speed, many of those erstwhile speeders. Warned by officers that fast driving on the streets of Hertford would not be longer permitted, some of the motorists who have been in the habit of stepping on the gas as they drove through the town are slowing down. There never was any reason for the oft repeated statement that speeding in Hertford could not be stopped. It can be stopped. If not in one .way, then in another. If persuasion Won't work there are other methods. Mayor Whedbee deserves and will receive the hearty commendation of every thoughtful citizn of the town for the stand he has taken to put a stop to the senseless manner in which automobiles too frequently are driv en on the streets of Hertford. THANKLESS TASK BUT NECESSARY It will probably be a thankless task, serving as a member of the County Board of Charities and Public Wel fare. There isn't any pay in the job. But there ought to be public spirit ed men and women of character, and ability who are willing and glad to serve their county in so important a capacity. As a matter of fact, there will pro bably be little work for the members of this Board to do. They are re quired to meet once each month with tne weuare unicer, wno gives ner full time to welfare work and who is paid for her services. The Welfare Officer does the actual work. The duties of the Board will be to give assistance in an advisory capa city. . Hie County Board of Charities and Public Welfare, whose responsibili ty it will be to pass upon important matters connected with the distribu tion of the old age benefits and de pendent children benefits, should be made up of men and women whose heads are level and whose .. hearts are kind; men and women who know their county and are acquainted with conditions; men and women who are willing to give time and thought to the consideration of the serious pro blems which will come before them. Mrs.V. N. Darden has already been appointed as one member of this Board. Her appointment was by the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. The Board of Coun ty Commissioners are faced with the responsibility of selecting the second member. That the commissioners should give due consideration to their selection goes without saying. If their choice is a wise one the matter of the third member should take care of itself. Missionary JSociety Has Monthly Meet T1.3 Woman's Missionary Society of Woodland Church, held its month ly meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Henry Cartwright at Snow Hill. Mis. Eddie Harrell and Mrs. Ernest Cartwright were joint hostesses and Rev. V. G. Love gave a very im pressive message on "Stewardship." 'ihe Missionary topic studied was, "Building the Church Around the World." This was given by Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mrs. Moody Harrell, Mrs. Cdell Cartwright. and Mrs. J. T. Benton. Mrs. Jack Benton, ac companied by Mrs. Ksrmit Benton, then rendered a beautiful solo, "He Knows," Mrs. Ashby Jordan made a report of the annual conference held at Mrs. Ralph Harrell was' then elect ed as a delegate to , the zone meet ing to be held at 'Anderson Church. , Mrs. Eddie Harrell was elected as a delegate to the district meeting to be held at Ahoskie. ; . The next meeting is to be neld at the home of Mrs. J. T. Benton in June. , . r. ..- , A very enjoyable' social hour was held with refreshments served by the Those ; present"' were Mesfames Cporge Benton, J. T, Benton, George j-.-.j-i.'Cpp'on Jordan, Helton Ker- Wood, Elmer Wood, Ralph' Harrell, Odell Cartwright, Moody -Harrell, Ernest 'Cartwrightr . Henry v. Cart wright, Eddie Harrell, Kermit Ben ton, visitors, Miss Bertha Chappell, of Hertford, Mrs. Elmer Chalk, Mrs. Vernon Winslow, Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Lowe, of Winfall, Lois Faye Ben ton, Carlyn Dean Harrell, Jane Louise Harrell, Leonard Harrell, Walter Ray Benton, Earline Chalk, Misses Lucille and Laura Bell Cart wright . ' PENDER ROAD NEWS Mrs. Will Morgan, of Winfall, was the guest Sunday of her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lane. Mrs. jrvin Stubbs, of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Beatrice Harris and Mrs. Lena Gregory, of Hertford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Berry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stallings and son, William, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bateman, near Elizabeth City, Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Perry and her son, J. B., visited relatives in Edenton Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Caddy, Mrs. A. M. Riddick and Anderson Russell, of White Hat, visited Mrs. Mamie Farmer Thursday afternoon. Frances Lane Bassinger, of Ply mouth, was the Saturday night guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Lane. Sallie Sue Skinner is feeling fine, considering her broken leg, which is now giving her less pain. Those calling to see her Monday wore Supt. F. T. Johnson, Mrs. Shelton Long and Mrs. Reuben Stallings. C. M. Umphlett returned home from the Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk, Va., Sunday. SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and son, George, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Fenton Harrell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harrell,. of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Harrell. Mrs. J. H. Harrell has returned home after a two weeks visit with her son, J. L. Harrell, in Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Benton, of Old Neck; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Har rell visited Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Barclift, at Nixonton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Julian Matthews and daughter, Betty Anne, of Old Neck, Mr. and Mrs. Crafton Matth- ws, of Hertford, visited ' Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer, of Old Neck, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Miss Lucille Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright, Mrs. Vernon Winslow, and' Miss Eunice Harrell were in Elizabeth City Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell and Mrs. John Harrell were in Elizabeth City Friday. Mrs. Odell Cartwright visited Mrs. Ned Matthews, at Old Neck, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Meadow Harrell and children,- and Ben Harrell visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrell, at Bur gess, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks, of New Hopi visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Benton Sunday. Miss Ola Bogue Whedbee, from near Hertford, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whed bee. " Entertain at Dinner Sunday Mr. and : Mrs. Moodv Harrell en tertained a few of their friends at dinner Sunday. Those d resent were: Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory and Roy Gregory, of Woodville; Mr. and Mrs. Max Griffin and son, and Miss Maxine Griffin, from near Hertford. Those calling in the afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Miss Janice uarrell, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, of Norfolk, Va., Mm. J. H. Harrell. WINFALL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberson of South Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Proctor . Sunday. Miss .Gwendolyn Fox spent Sun day . with her grandmother, - Mrs. Louisa Elliott, near Winfall. Mr., and Mrs. British ' Ward and daughters, Bessie Jay and ' Gladys, and Roy Ward spent Saturday in Suffolk: -i " , " . . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White spent Sunday with Mrs. White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elliott, at Chapa noke. , i. - Rev. B. , B. Slaughter,, presiding elder of the Elizabeth City District of the Methodist;. Church, and Mrs. Slaughter called on Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Lowe Monday afternoon. Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr., and Miss Lucille '.Long spent Saturday after noon in Elizabeth City.- '"' CHAPANOKE ; NEWS ''T-'"'Wk,v hi ' , i, ; Mrs'.', J? PV Elliott spent Thursday evening In Winfall with her daugh ter,, Mrs. Thomas White. -. Mrs. John Asbell and small daugh ter, Sylvia, spent Saturday afternoon in Elizabeth City. " . , Mr. and Mrs. Key T ' I s-n, r f r- " , i " City Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Sam Harrell, was in Eliza beth City Tuesday. - f.i v'- , Mrs. Emmit Stallings was Elizabeth City Saturday and attend ed the show at Carolina. , - , Mrs. B. W, Evans and niece, Mary Winborne Evans, were guests of Mr., and MrB. J. G Wilson; Wednesday. Mrs. Pete Bundy and Mrs. Sadie Bundy were in Elizabeth City Tues day afternoon. Mrs. John Symons, Mrs. C P. Quincy, Mrs. John Asbell, Mrs. Eli hue Lane and Mrs.' Daisy Perry were visitors in Hertford Saturday. Mr. G. W.' Alexander and daughter Mattie Meade, were in Hertford Saturday. ' Roy Pierce nas returned to Norfolk after spending the week-end here with, his family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers, of Pasquotank, spent Sunday with Mrs. Chamber's mother, Mrs. Tom Deal. WHITESTON NEWS Mrs. F. C. White and Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Winslow will leave Fri day to attend the Centeniel Cele bration at Guilford College, held in connection with commencement. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Winslow en tertained at supper on Thursday night, their guegts including Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White and Rev. and Mrs. John Trivette, of Belviders; Mr. and Mrs. V. It. White and children, of dere Township, children', ,of Biscoe, who are visiting relatives in Perquimans, were supper guests . of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Win slow on Tuesday night , " " , : Wins theatre prize - Mrs. L: N- Hollowell won the $20 given at ihe State Theatre on Wed nesday night ... Legals Biscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Harold I.a3si ter and children, of Whiteston, Mr. and Mr3. Edwin White, of Belvidere, and Mr. and Mrs. 1.. (J. Winslow, ol Hertford. Tommy White, of Norfolk, visited his mother, Mrs. Henry E. Winslow, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winslow and Walter Winslow and son Jarvis, visit-1 , NOTICE OF RE-SALE ' Whereas- the, property described below was duly advertised and sold on the 8th day of May, 1987, when and where F. M. White became tile last and highest bidder-at the price of $300.00; and whereas an upset bid was made thereon within the ten day period as . provided by1 law, Now therefore, by virtue of the authority contained in that certain Mortage deed executed on' the 11th day of January, 1935, by Thomas Hurdle to Anna P. White, and re corded in the offjeeof the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N. G, in M. D. Book 19, page 149, de fault having been made in the con ditions of said mortage deed, I will on the 5th day of June, 1937, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Perquimans County, N. C offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, said bidding to start at the price of $330.00, the following described property: That certain tract of land in Belvi- Perquimans County, described as follows: That 10 acres of land divided in two parts by the Swamp Road from Lane Fork to Belvidere: bounded by the lands ol John Billups, Mary E. Perry, George Eason and Thomas Hurdle. This the 19th day of May, 1937. EDWIN S. WHITE, Administrator of Anna P. White Estate. ed Mr. Winslow's sister, Mrs. Lucin- j may 21 28 dia Lane, at Center Hill, m Sunday. Mrs. Lane has been very sick but her NOTICE condition is reported as somewhat1 By virtue of a deed of trust made improved I to me DV T Je88uP nd wife nd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Winslow and S. P. Jessup and wife for certain Mrs. Wayland White and Miss Doro- purposes therein mentioned, which thy White spent Wednesday of last ' sad Deed of Trust bears date April week in Gatesville, visiting Mrs. ' 25th, 1932, and is registered in the Winslow"s brother, Rev. J. M. Jol-: office of the Register of Deeds of i.m I Perauimans Countv. in M. D. Book Mr. and Mrs. V. R. White and 18. Pge 192, I shall, at the request, Book 20, page 81, Perquimans Coun ty Records. ; Referance- to both are hereby made for more complete des cription ' r i '- ' 1 ' ' Second Three-fifths undivided in terest in that certain farm in Park-f for further description. less and being the same farm con-, veyed to W. L. Jessup by A, W. Jor dan by deed recorded in Book 9, page 69, Perquimans County records, reference to which is hereby - made villa s Township; Perquimans County, North Carolina, known as the . Jordan Farm, containing 100 acres more or This May 19th. 198?. 1 ' . ' , (OHAS, WHEDBEE, Trustee, may fi 28 June 4 11 18 r 1 v: JT7m COSMETICS - KODAKS , STATIONERY WEEK-END BAGS See Our Window Display MANY OTHER ITEMS Roberson's Drug Store PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST - "On The Corner" HERTFORD NORTH CAROLINA Hilda's Beauty Snopf Ml A X GIRLS.. SWAINS. NC TAlb: AjS PR.ESS S'JtTS of the holder of the note secured thereby, offer for sale at public auc tion, for cash, at the Court House door, in Perquimans County, on Mon day, June 21st, 1937, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., the property conveyed to me in said deed of trust: Those two certain tracts or par cels of land situated in Parkville Township, Perquimans County, des cribed as follows: - First That tract or lot known as the W. L. Jessup Home Place in Win fall, Perquimans County, N..CL, bounded on north by highway from Woodville to Winfall, east and south by lands formerly of Robert White, now Alexander Jordan, and west by lot of Reed and Felton and highway, and being all the property conveyed ; to 1. JU Jessup by i. V. Jessup, et als, by deed recorded in Book 19, page 488, Perquimans County Re cords, except that part sold to Reed and Felton by deed recorded in fflj!liiEi!Eiliili at WALKER'S FRIDAY NIGHT; MAY 21-40 to 2 Script 50 Cents ilglSIiiSiiilSIi! EJSjEJEIaEJBIffis 1316151519 Top Grade Materials Plus Expert Operators Is an Unbeatable Combination Our customers are more than satisfied when they leave our shop AND THEY COME BACK SPRING PERMANENTS Mae Murray BEAUTIFUL RINGLET PERMANENT $2.50 and $3.50 Complete PERM. ANET Other Permanent $7.50 and $10.00 Don't take chances with your hair skin or with your nails. Come to' Hilda's! i Hilda's Beauty Sho Phone 13 Hertford, N. C A a A a'Aaa A A A A A AAA S Sllisi A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A A A . A. A A M A A A A A A A ;iB3 Prepared ThioSprbg j Keep 8ft k '-V I Not one bul two ci- ' " f - f I 1 Bom rirtg at ten.- i.J I 117 ' v ;; V 1 Mtional lowr pr.1 3 ( 1 sj :5V" yiarwBd in e5:' tins' 3 v casi i, ;f I Perftctly motchedx.T s j ' I mounting in yc!!sv . r '' I j" Jiold! '''i J , . i T- . :a : i Keep The Insects -Out Galvanized and Bronze Screen Wire, Screen 1 ' ' ' Doors, Screen Windows and Window Frcr.:::, , Springs, Hinges, Door Stc3, etc. flyc?haya:;d: . - h a . i -

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