, V , ,1 'i J , ' THE PI THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1937 PAGE FIVE Stfafftts ETirMayg May 2,1 - Ems Samurdlay, May 22) . C" , 1 Ladies' Silk Dresses. Fancy Crepes, Nets, Mar ; quisettes and Chiffon. Sizes 14 to 50 47 J" Buy N LADIES' SPRING Suits - Coats Sizes 14 to 42 $9.95 Value CJ.95 Now P $16.95 Value 2'95 $26.95 Value j$()-95 CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS ALL REDUCED Half Price FOR THIS SALE LADIES' BLOUSE CHIFFON AND LINENS Dark and Light Shades Sizes 34 to 40 ow 97c and $1.95 SHEER Crepes BEMBURG 39 In. Wide Light Patterns 79c Yard SHEER COTTONS PRINTED DIMITIES BATISTE, FLAXONS AND VOILES Per Yard 29c to 49c LINENS Printed and Solid Col ors in Fast Colored Linen. Per Yard 59c to 79c LADIES' Felt and Straw Hats Whit and Pastel Shades New Shipments Weekly 97c $1.49 $1.94 $2f.88 Panties Rayon Novelty Panties. Newest styles. Tailored to fit perfectly. All sizes. Tea Rose and White. 48c SUIT SPECIAL 25 Suits in light Spring colors . . . sport and plain backs . . . soft and hard finish. During this sale values to $18.00 only a. o.oo SHIRTS & SHORTS Full Cut . . . Fast Color Special Each 15c Men's Hats , Panamas, Soft and f Stiff Straws ' 97c $1.45 $1.98 Water Proofed j Boys' Shorts and Long Pants White Duck, Plaids and Stripes 97c - $1.45 SLACKS and SUMMER PANTS Amazing values in Seersuckers. All white and other designs 97c $145 SHIRTS One special lot oi Men's Shirts. White., blue and fancy pat terns. Only 59c JUST ARRIVED ! A HOST OF NEW SUMMER TIES 25c and 48c Boys' Dress Shirts GREEN, BLUE AND WHITE each Turkish , TOWELS Towels that yon would never expect to find at ) these low prices. Double terry. 42x22 P inches. Only El o s e Ladies' all silk Hose in the new light shades for summer. These blend with white shoes and sheer dresses 98c $1.25 OVERALL SPECIAL Full cut waist Overalls. Reinforced with brads. Only during sale WORK SHIRTS Covert and Chambray Work Shirts. Roomy and tough. Only for sale 39c JANTZEN BATHING SUITS AND TRUNKS True comfort and latest styling in this season's suits. Colors: Navy, Green, Brown, Grey and Combinations $2.95 to $4.95 y Useful E3ardi'jare Items 4-String ) DE'CDGPinmD I Only During' Sale Ice Tea 6 for S5C t w Arm GLASSES 3 for HOC SCREEN DOORS Any Size $1.95 up WINDOW SCREENS .From' 49c up SCREEN WIRE Specials All 16 Mesh 24 Jnch- ....:.19c 26 Inch ,..L21c 28 Inch ,4-23c 30inch l,..25c 32 Inch .X.27c 34InchZl29c 36 Inch .u..31c ; , 9x12 Linoleum Rugs, each...J.M,;...A...J: $4.85 1 Heavy Duty Lintern, each :.:....97c V GriTVa AH Shoe Polish, iikg..;;:..:...:.9c SCREEN DOOR SETS Only 25c FLY SPRAY Any Quantity H Pint ;:..3c 1 Hnt ,.::....39c 1 Quart ...169c LADIES' HOES Ladiesr brown and white combination Ox fords and Dress Shoes. Special for this sale. Regular $3.00 values. Only (Ghroseiry Sjpecnalls $2.39 MEN'S ALL WHITE DRESS OXFORDS All sizes. Special $1.79 Men's and Boys' Ball Band TENNIS SHOES ' '' 69c pair Children's WHITE OXFORDS 97c pair Tarsal Tred Shoes for Women $3.95 Fortune Shoes for Men :......$4.00 , . Sturdy, Leather Soled Work1 Shoes BISQUIT QUEEN W fl u it 12 lb. bag 49c 24 lb. bag 95c BALLARD OBELISK 12 lb. bag 60c PLEEZING atches 6 large boxes 25c MACKEREL 3 cans Z5c SUPER SUDS 3 Boxes 25c HOOKER'S LYE 3 for 25c SOAP SPECIALS Octagon Soai3 and Washing Powder 12 Small .... 25c 6 LJarge 25c Octagon Toilet Soap 6 for 25c OCTAGON CLEANSER 6 cans 25c TOBACCO AH 5c Bags (Any Brand) 6 for 25c Iibby's Corned Beef, can 19c Libby's Pineapple Juice, No. 1 can -10c Armour's Potted Meat, 3 cans 25c F. F. V. Crackers, 1 lb. box 10c J 205 IV .3- c y w , , 4 : ) Eight Prices