JTAU.S SIX FgZQtmTAK'3 WFETCLY, fTERTTORnfT.- C. ITZTiXY. t'.M 23, 1SS71 I iv-4 Twi rl ; 6- viyal Electing In " Edenton Church - V 'vol meeting! at the Full , , .jernacle. in Edenton cop .y Evangelist L. K. Dodge of ..n.OIno, will continue ,811 this jsk with moaning prayer meetings , ac iv o ciock, ana evangelistic, ser- "T ikfl at WHk'"- "'' Rtui-Uv ftinr will he a fnl- t: 1 ah rally all day with preachers delegations coming from- all Offgh , this, section. Evangelist ,, 4z will preach etjthia rally after jcix and evening. 1 - -A Sunday will be . another all day Meeting, when the churches of Ber- tie country 'meet at the Tabernacle for three services, one at 11:00, 8:00 and 7:46. The evangelist will have special messages for these fellowship 5 meetings. ; On Sunday night Rev. Mr. Dodge will reveal the meanest person in Edenton, and expose to the public some of the things he is doing. Great interest has been shown in the services, and Sunday night the Tabernacle was filled. Rev. Welly Wigfield is pastor ol the Tabernacle. All are welcome. MRS. CRAWFORD AT MEETING luncheon at the Monticello Hotel in Norfolk, on Thursday given by the NewjYoVk Lige Insurance Company, of which she is the local representa- JUVC. Carolina's Finest Theatre HERTFORD, N. C -Friday 1 - J V MM CROSS? ioi aotHi TMA RATS . v CMiseiy aad News Saturday. May 2h- Admiasto, He.' Me Also $1.M to be given away 9:00 P. M. Monday - Tuesday- fMav-&lat - June 1st You'll Profit By This Show PL Also Comedy and Latest News Events Wednesday June 2nd BANKNIGHT 1 - Also-- Two Comedies and Acf Thorsday Juno 3rd - 1 VMdl ViarMrtl IT WILL LIVE IN YOU! MEMORY F0SEVERI Aiso IMlfi Tday It . Admisakw lfc 15e ' ,t.,...,?.v.-V?'.':'.'-:'.f; 't'i'-! . '" T;-i '' AMD MUWCAlA j if AOVKHTOBI - j. aiso fikiriA & n ' Undersea fm jOfe'V H Kingdom K'RjlftiJ i Comedy ' "ffi r Vmii A i 'i11 i i i in MtHiSl attheOLYMPlCS 7 lil HHMtMMMMtM -I , IMMMMHllUIMMMlMttntUMMMMHM? ( Miss Stephens 'Reiu'ros -H'' -.f--'C: Returns borne11 Miss. Dorothy Stephens; of the Wil son; School, faculty, has returned jbo Hertford, to spend vthe' summer va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. t u (Stephens.,, H . , . Henry Stokes At Home ; Henry Stokes has . returned from Louisburg College and will spend the summer vacation with his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stokes. At Sister's Bedside Miss Dorothy Stephens is- in Eliz abeth City, at the bedside of her sis ter, Mrs. A. C. Shannonhouse, who is critically ill. Returns From Nags Head Mrs. C. C. Winslow has returned from Nags Head, where she spent several days. Return Homo Miss Ona Mary Stephens and Creighton Stephens, students atElon College, are at home with their pa rents, Capt. and Mrs. C G. Step hens, for the summer vacation. Miss Stoaes At Home Miss Joyce Stokes, who teaches at Kenley, has returned to her home in Hertford. Miss Patricia Stephens At Home Miss Patricia. Stephens, who is a. student at Atlantic College, Wilson, is at home for the Summer vacation. Miss Reynolds Visits Here Miss Jean Reynolds, of Shawboro, spent the week-end with Miss Ona Mary Stephens, in Hertford. Miss Elizabeth Stephens Returns Miss. Elisabeth Stephens, who teaches at Red Springs, has return ed home. Spent Week-end At Beach Thomas Nixon spent the week end at Jags Head, where Mml Nixon is spending some time. ' Miss Brothers Returns Home Miss Lorn Brother has returned to her home at Fountain for the sum mer vacation. Miss Brothers is the teacher of the Beftel "School. '''' VlaltedW- ' , W. C. Jordan visited his son, Mil ton, at the Norfolk. General Hospi tal, where he is a patient, on Mon- day. r-. . - '-John Everett At Home John Everett who was seriously injured in; an automobile accident on May" 9, and who was for some time a patient in the-Albemarle Hospital and later" at the home of relatives in Elizabeth Cty, returned to his home in 'Hertford: on Monday. His condi tion is; reported as improving. Mr. Tucker Improves W. B. Tucker, who has been sick at his home on Grubb street in Hert ford is convalescing.1 ,, Winston-Salem Visitors Mrs J. R. Putman and her daugh ter, Nelle Putnam, of Winston-Salem who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- lowe Long, in the Bethel Community were in Hertford - on Monday and were the guests of Mrs. W. M. Mor gan. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Partin, M:-s. Pattie Parish, and C. H. Perry, of Norfolk, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry on Sunday. Attended Horse SI low Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blanchard and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hunter attended the Horse Show at Carolina Farms, at Kempsville, Va., on Friday. Visited Yorktown and Williamsburg - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blanchard and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winslow and their daughter, Barbara, visited Williams burg and Yorktown, Va., on Sunday. Mrs. Pollard Here Mrs. S. F. Pollard, of Bell Arthur, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. ; Elliott, in Hertford. V , Visited at Columbia Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ainsley, Mr. and Mrs. Craf ton Mathews and Miss Hasel Ainsley spent. Sunday at Col umbia, visiting relatives. - : ' WUliamsfoa Visitor ' ; Miss Dorothy Mae Ward, formerly of Winfall, who now lives at William- ston, was in Hertford on Monday s" " Here Monday ' ' Mrs. J." R. Futrell i. and her son, lucnara, 01 men square, spent Mon day here,' visiting -Mrs. -. - Futrell's mother,. Mrs. R. D. Elliott, s., , "t 4 t . ) L , ', . C. ' V . Mr. Ainsle Here v - . vi Rupert Amsley, of Creswell, visit ed, Mri and Mrs B F. Ainc!ey, on tlonday. . . ' 'v '. Wetittld At kI ' ii Ar" Mr. and Kr. Clyde 1 ;Cs;: ra, I'r. and Krs. J. E; r .r.t ' he v- ".--f-i at I"" . '. 00 .... v. 'MisB'Hielma Elliott. ' who teaches at jlalifa. has returned home to spend the summer vacation. " ( Miss DoivthV Elliot vat flom -MiBS Dorothy Elliott, who teaches at Williamston, is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Elliott, for thd weeknsU ..V5 r . ...Viaitnsc Sister Miss Frances Newby spent the week-end with hear sister, Miss Prua Newby, at East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville. MW; Newby kt Wafce Forest Mrs. G. E. Newby Heft Saturday to visit her 1 ;', daughter, Mrs. W. C. Archie, at Wake, Forest At Nags Howl Mrs. W. H. Oakey,. Jr- and her two daughters, Dorothy Gordon and Mollie, left Saturday t spend sev eral weeks at Nagss Head. Mr. Oakey, who spent the week-end at the Beach, has returned! kerne. Visits In AshewM Miss Marjorie Hefren has- returned from a visit to her aunt Mrs. Frank Young, at Asheville. Visiting Mrs. Mrs. W. F. Lordley, of Richmond, Yjl, is the guest of hen- augfcter-in- law, Mrs. E. W. Lordley. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Talley and their danghter. Shea, also of RichmonaL Va- were here for the week-end as. guests of the Lordley family. "Backward" Pfcrty Enjoyed By Seniors ,'Misaei. Sallie B Wood and Hasel Matthews, members of the graduat ing, class of Perauinsnnst High School enterUtaed on Tbaradajr night at one of the most dejightful. affairs which has been given in entertain ment of the seniors. The guests hari been invited to a, "Backward" party, and everything; was done backwards. The guestts were received at the back door, and from then until the end of the even ing the young people were hilariously entertained., Refreshments ..-were served upon arrival of the (posts. Games were ; enjoyed and. at the guests left they , were served punch. Those present were: Misses Alee ta Whitehead, Doris Lewis, Hattie Peart Nowell, Blanche Butler, Sara national JdKoniU May 3 let f(C0)tfttna is K3 Years of Service T ill RDr'Od fa) . ' I dBk ' lit ' Ward, Ruth Wilson, Kaade Keaton, Catherine White, SybS Rogerson, rine Winslow, Thelma Baccus, Wav erly D'Orsay, Hilda , Hobbs, Diana Matthews, Eleanor Hunter,' and Mil ton Dail, Eldon Winslow.' William Hobbs, , Tom Swsvne. Bill Cox.' 1 Mc-! Mullao White, HoOowell Nixon, Billy Hfrdcastle, Hinton Layden, Jams Boyce, Jim Bob White,' Francis Jen rw'Bgs and Whitie Wteite. , , ; lV wniTESTON news: r Mig Pearle White, member of the Griffith 4chool.J facultji,,,-Foreythe County it at home with he mother, Mrs. Max? jane White; fee the sum nier.' v n-- & l- urtfk Miss. Hitam Lane," atudont . at Guilford .College, arrived Tbuasoay to spend th snmmer vacation pith her pswents. Mr.: and Mrs; J T Uae. Mr. and Mr. Henry Winskw. Le- land Winslow and Clyde Lanevuriteo. Mr. and Mrs. Ptad J. White nn EUx- abatm SundajK.. V&;-MiA k Miss. Alma. Wiiadew of near Bden n, spent a . law days with, htx cousin, Miss Winnie Winslow, reoeafc- Mc and Mrs. BMand Winslow f Elisaftath. Gity vkdted relatives hen Sunday. . MisS Burnette Wmssow of Hertfiacd spent the week-end. with her parents,! Mr .and. Mrs. J. . Winslow and Mtiaa Winslow. was unable to return to hart work at Ulilda's Beauty Shop Mon day because of illness. , Miss Martha. Lean member oftfivl Allen Joy School faculty, HighPtdnt is spesafing sometuna with her pjs rents, Mx. and MrsuX. T. Lane, filsa Lane last as her gnesta, Miss Nell Ellington and Ms. Ellington of High Point. , CUESERLAND NEWS Mrat. David 'MilhcB ; has retumnad home from Leighfin Memorial Hospt tal, whem she was m patient. GBte it gettiasx along nicsJk.- " I . Bliaa Esther Perry : and Bsysat Millesr spent Thussday in NorfUfc. ; Ma. and Mrs. J L Nixon and, son, Hilaay. of WinfaJft, visited M.nd Mm C. B. Whites Sunday. . t Mka. E. U. Mongan and sonst.Tno moa and Ernest Elliott, a$taA $a day afternoon jpjjft .VMiss Emiet 'KftVgan - at Che-ran College. " ,..vvv r Thomas MoigjtQ, of Norfajfc spent the week - end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 Morgan. - Ernest W. Morgan is at home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Morgan. - htr Morgan in. principal of the school aft Kodi SprjhTB V. El&Wte Ttito Mary Elizabeth White attended the MethtK dist . Zojs meeting-, at ; Andersolk Thursday. f - ":::$.: Mr and Mra, W. E. Smith and children, of, Rodoco .visited Mr, and, Mrs. veorge iToeotood eunaay, - June 5th lis bo cooi, so ugni weight, and so divine ly practical that yon can wear it day and night! ' $2.95 For the high, collar less neckline frock la '. dark . geometric . print. : $1.95:; the Club Collar,' ; ; feminized shirt frock . f ,wiA. dark accents on ' -? 4 'pocket and collar. Others Frcn C2c the Mr. sJ ilrs. .dMlrz and 'children visited :'Km. HTnrti m. ' rents, tit. and Mrs. C li. Vtr'ttett, near - tturgmt, unday afternoon. - ,,Mr.,an4 Mrs.' , J. R. fcsachfWir liam and jDornthy.JRoach and Mis - ' - V - fy. f I ; , --t - A "-Mil In Ad Lbc!i Tfcsci' Oircr 1SSS Vx TON INTERN AlTOMMi TIUTCK im Vz TON INTERNATIONAI TKUCK 1932 iyz TON INTERNATIONAL TKCCK 1935 CHEVROLET COCD TWO lOZi Vz TON CTEVROLET TRIIC3 J CHEVROLET- PICK-UP TRSDCK tm:Vz TON CHEVROLET TRUCK im iYz TON CHEVROLET TRUCK 1921 lVz TON V4sFORl TRUCK . 1921 TON BQD&E TRUCK 1935 1H TON DUDGE TRUCK 3 cancedtj raiACTon3 Take dvantag psadlbejjws.for the; Byrum Repair Deparfccat Lccctsd Behind 1 ) - s f i 'loday (ihursday) aivd rnday. V f 'News "Saturday, TJndersea - f. s 5i Kingdom" No.8j , Monday and Tuesday, May SI JS Mari i r Brady 1. .... afternoon. cc - rr$L J03 r..:. . TlS lJIT-IANS y."E-. 1 ULJUt of these bargains now tojdqngfasaa jssst Itcd Joseph IIosxs ULIU v we have xnar snows May Z7-28 ' lOW ANTIC AS KOOSU6HT ON, tHI SUNK. SSXTXtOUS At . OHCHID8 OK tZCtll ne;r v -'im i I I... 11.1 I I i t -tllu J -'iTs V GRECCIY CATOFF 5 HELEN WESTLEY I Ad May 2 V Our Gang " www, , r-. l June 1 (JOTCtA - TOPCA Z s Z r-. i .:i;i::xiiii J; c. r News