THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE i, 1937 PAGE FIVE QSNAPSHOT CU1L CONCERNING IT has been, said that in photog j raphj "an artistic picture U ft thing beautifully photographed, rather ttan beautiful thing photo graphed'', 'PfiIaIVio11 hal tint MMkllui nt " subject, It can't be dose unless the photographer can perceive some in the "thing." The "thing" may be-Just a piece of rope, a .. cracker barrel or an old shoe, but In' certain surroundings and portrayed undef the effect of the right light-; ing, it may truly meal beauty and - make an artistic pictured ii ; S There le no rule of photography for discovering beauty nor any fixed , 2 criterion of What is artistic. Funda mentally, it's "every man for him self in those respects, but there are certain sound admonitions that must '" . ' be obeyed If you wish to make a pic- - ture that will be generally acclaimed r as artistic, unless, of course, you pre '.) ter to join the fancy-free surrealist - school of art and take your chances. Briefly, theee admonitions are as fbllowe: i V Provide every picture with a ' i single; dominant idea that will i easily be comprehended by anyone , to whom the picture Is shown. The Idea Should be expressed by a prln- clpal object Avoid divided interest I Exclude elements that distract at i tention from the principal one. j ' 2. See that the setting is in har mony with the principal subject and surrounds it with an atmosphere that contributes to emphasising the main idea, or at least does not de- tract from It 8. Work for well-balanced com position in your vlew-flnder before yon let the picture through your lens. Generally the dominant sub ject should not be In the center. Ex periment with your viewpoint 4. Study the light and shadow areas. Observe their relation to the principal subject Consider the strength and sharpness of the shadow contrasts. Note especially the highlights, tt is the effect of shadows and highlights that often gives beauty to an ugly object 5. Allow ample exposure to bring out desired details. BURGESS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Baanight spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. . Winalow. Mr. and- Mrs. Jimmfe Butts, of Norfolk, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mathews Sunday and Mon- ... day..- ' -..nwn-PwteT and Mrs. N. C. 1 Mrs. W. M. Tucker in 4ay. :k syeirt Saturday with Spruill called on- Mrs. at her home at Wood Those oiMBEgess attending the district meeting of Home demonstra tion clubs held at Hertford Tuesday r I - ' were: Mrs. J. B. Basnight, Mrs. S. P. Mathews, Mrs. C. E. White and Miss Virginia, ttoiphlett Mis. C E, "White was in Norfolk , Monday Billie Clark of Wilson was the gufest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bas- night last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mathews visit- ed relatives ia Gates County Sunday 'afternoon. . l WOODVILLE NEWS '. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cartwright and daughter, Fay ; Ray, of Weeks viHe, were caests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Godfrey Sunday. little Hazel Godfrey, who has been ill, ta much better. Mrs. C A. Cooke and daughter, Frances Anne, have returned home after a two weeks visit with her people' near Louisburg. Mrs. Wuton Fearce and son, Wayne, and Miss Margie Pearce are viaitintf relative. . Mildred Bogue is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. I F. Winslow, at Winfall. 4., Billy Hoggard is now home from Wake Forest College. Miss Beulah Bogue spent a few ' days last week with Miss Mildred Harris, of Elizabeth City and while there she attended Mrs. Harris' ' birthday party. . 'Mrs. Hight and son, Billy," are relatives. 8 Wilms Godfrey and Clarence of Elizabeth City, spent Sunday ags Head and Manteo.'V-K.. 4. Alton Campbell 4-jft$, Rocky it is the visitor of, "her parents; i and Mrs. W. L Morris. - il-X1. v Ir?. Carson Spivey;,of New Hope Vutited Jter parents, Up -and :-Mrs.;H E. Eoguea few days' last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bogue, Beulah and llildred attended the- quarterly I meeting held at the Piney Woods Friends Church Sunday.- - I Miss Mildred Harris, Alton Benton a and Clark . Tarkington were visitors at the home of Beulah Bogue recent ly, r ' lltet Ethel Perry has returned honr.h after ft visit with .relatives in rorfolk, Vs.- ".v ' -i: b W. M. S. of Woodville Tr? i Church will hold its. re'ir "y meeting Tuesday afternn ,.n i t'.urch. The topic being "Tie BEAUTY Tie artistic effect In the case of many subjects often may be lnvr proved, by the use of a color Utter over the lens, or by a pictorial diffu sion disk. Again It may be improved t: How a rusty, old chain and anchor can reveal beauty or what do YOU think? In various ways In the process ui printing or enlarging, such as "dodging" to heighten or subdue the lighting of certain areas, by mask ing portions of the negative, or by trimming the print Also tt may be improved by choosing a printing pa per with a surface best suited to the subject In employing theee devices it is again "every man for himself," but remember they will scarcely serve If there was no original beauty in the composition of the picture when It was framed In your vtewfinder. John van Guilder. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Garett and baby, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Daisy Perry. Chapanoke Club was represented in Hertford Tuesday at the District meeting. Miss Cora Layden has returned to her home for the summer after teaching here. Mr. 'and Mrs. C P. Quincy left Sunday for Fork Union, where their son, Carey is in school. From there theywent to Charlottsville, Va., where they visited Mrs. Quincy's brother, Forest Towe. Mrs. F. C O'Brien, of Washing ton, D. C, who has been &e guest of Mrs. P. L. Whitehead, has return ed to her home. She was accompani ed by Miss AJcesta Whitehead for a visit Miss Louise Wilson, who has been attending Mercer University at Ma con, Ga will return to her home Wednesday, Miss Wilson graduates at Mercer the 6th of June. Mrs. Emmitt S tailings was in Elizabeth City Saturday afternoon, Mrs. J. C Wilson was in Elizabeth City Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Alexander were in Elizabeth . City Wednesday afternoon. ' Mrs. John Symons and Mrs. Daisy Perry,, were in Elizabeth City . Mon day;. " ' ' Roy, Pierce returned to Norfolk Monday after spending the week-end with his family here. Jesse Hindes condition remains about the same. HOPEWELL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Long visited friends at Belvidere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Long and Am brose Long visited Mrs. R. R. Kea ton and family at Bethel Sunday. Misses Eunice and Madge Long and Howard Long spent Sunday with Miss Agnes Ward at Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Long spent Thursday of last week with her pa rents, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Long visited Mr. and v Mrs. S. L. Long Sunday night' s. - :J , - 4 Miss , Frances Fleetwood was an attendant at the wedding of Miss Edna Smith in Hertford. Monday. Mrs. Curtis of Norfolk ;is the house guest of Mnk Ed Smith, ' f, - I r Those attending the meeting' 0f the 'District Federatiohpf Home, De monstration Clubs in- Hertford Tues day were Mrs. A. F. Proctor, Mrs. J. M. Fleetwood, Mrs. Mary Hayman, Mrs. M. T. Griffin and Misses Fran ces Fleetwood and Jayne Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Elliott with their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrell, of.. Yeopim, , went to Whites ton and Icaria Sunday.- --t Dr. J.Icadavs Praises (Continued from" Pag One) 5 I s hr'red : by having their t irirr r aTWMMiiiiii n..Miiaiaaaii 1 1 1 m 1 1 lLOHDON H" - ' V 11 ' p Y THE ISLE OF SCOTLAND T CT "ZZ- . YhE IS SAID TO BE FLOATING , , gift , -" tl S7) BA6PIPE TOWARD AMERICA AT THE AV"dPI L J 0 1A V ''JSiS RATE OF A FOOT A YEAR 'LgL W &i V-S. i.2a ...NEWS ITEM .; ; r1 JfT USFD TP - h " l dh? VC 4VL J FOGHORNS . C. l'tJh ; 5o.. x I lVVK- ON THE WAV F V i: MSSBe WXZ&Jf I'll n TS n V I I (ELMER-WHERE VS- AhTY jJL. Xx7 " Ivl ISTHECITV OF (V SHE AIN'T T OFCOURSE IT'S TOO MUCH f1" r TO EXPECT SOWE OF THOSE T V , FOREIGN LOANS TO COfKVE 7hE L FLOATING BACK HERE... SeosraphyiessoN M ISN0TQOIN6 gsJl I 1LM1 I TO BE EASV LLL-t JFB I '. immm ' I ,N THE FUTURE- upon. "We can often help our neighbors by letting them know that there is an opportunity for help from phy sicians and that often life can be saved," he said. "There is your order," the speaker concluded. "I hope that you will take it and that some of the items can be carried by you into your various - communities, if all cannot." Johnson Is Chairman New Welfare Board (Continued from Page One) Board the County Commissioners shall give notice to the applicant and a copy of such notice must be sent to the State Board of Allotments and Appeal, and also one to County Welfare Board. If an application is not acted upon by the County Welfare Board within thirty days, or is denied in whole or in part, or if any award of assis tance is modified or cancelled under any provisions of the act, the appli cant may appeal to the State Board of Allotments and Appeal and the matter will be heard before the Board in the presence of the Board of County Commissioners and the ap plicant. The decision of the State Board of Allotments and Appeal is final. No applications will be received by the county board of welfare until July 1, when the law goes into ef fect JOHM. YOUR HAIR IS A FRIGHT HERE, USEMITFOMOU Wive, mothers, sisters they're often forced to point the way to hair health to their men folk! For women t know that a healthy head produces handsome hairl. And that's why women everywhere are pointing to - Fora-ol the remarkable foaming oil Vshcpoo which first nourishes the scalp, then takes the dull, parched hair and brings it back to glowing foalHv Fom-oJ. is so economical a ' litHe, goes. .9 long way. Atk your druggist tor me regular ouc size. Or, write for a generous trial bot tle, enclosing 10c to cover packing Ff.l-OL Mre Vuut treslaieatf LAUGHS FROM THE DAY'S NEWS! Over 600 Women Attend District Meeting (Continued from Tage One) Perquimans, delighted the audience with singing "The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise" and "Can't You Hear Me Calling?" with Mrs. Ander son as accompanist. In the afternoon R. S. Monds, Jr., with Mrs. L. C. Winslow as accom panist, furnished another treat with "Without a Song" and "The Rosary." The women appeared to have a de lightful time, with much visiting with old friends after the proceed ings were over, and the affair was generally a great success. Eight dairymen of Yadkin County recently ordered nine bushels of Lureka ensilage corn seed and seven other dairymen later ordered 10 bus hels for demonstration purposes. E&gisp E&dkdII irMs Smunmmmeir M W 4 it Summer White Shoes Specially priced at SOX - TIES - HATS I BAPTIST BRIEFS By HELEN MORGAN The attendance at both the morn ins- and eveninsr worship services is increasing each Sunday. This inter est must be especially gratifying to the pastor. The conereeation appreciates the splendid cooperation and work of the choir and its leaders: Mrs. J. & White and R. A. Sutton. The Young People's Organizations including Sunbeams, G. A., R. A. and Y. W. A. held their regular montniy meeting on Tuesday night, June 1 at 8 o'clock. There was . no mid-week prayer service last week because of the commencement address at the Per nuimnnfl Hia-h School. The reeular mid-week worship hour was held this week at all the churches. iaMe Sua nits New Wash Suits $49S up Tropical Suits 612.5 up Summer Washable Pants QOc up Summer Shirts and Shorts ISc up Summer Dress Shirts QOc up Summer Straw Hats QOc up ...... 02- - CAPS - SHIRTS DO YOU KNOW- hat types of does similiar in general appearance to those of the present day ex isted in Egypt from 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. In 1492, twenty bloodhounds were jart of the outfit oi (Jolum jus when he discovered America. e sjg STATE Carolina's Finest Theatre HERTFORD, N. C. Cool - Comfortable - F.ntertaininR Today (Friday) June 4 Joseph Calleia Florence Rice Ted Healy "MAN OF THE PEOPLE" ALSO Two Good Comedies "Bridal Griefs" and "Puttin' on the Dog" Saturday, June 5 Admission 10c - 15c Charles Starrett "DODGE CITY TRIAL" ALSO "Undersea Kingdom" No. 7 and Two Comedies $10.00 To Be Given to Someone In the Audience at 9 P. M. Monday - Tuesday. June 7-8- ALSO Comedy, Act and News Wednesday, June 9 PRIZE NIGHT II A DUMB PUG TURNS STAR- 9 UV Thtfunnmt knsi Thursday, June 10 TWO GREAT STARS MERGE FAME AND TALENT Douglas Fairbanks, Jr Dolores Del Hio ' n 1 .i . 'x. miffs.' m mi Also Two ' FHed H Comedies KCNG and Act KENNEDY niHamnssSSSSSSSHaal rM V i in jthe hands of qualified 1 r: 1 1 "cto"c re a 1 1 tec 'STOE OF VALUES 1 ) f - S irate of Infants In wAOCUSED,' Ala Comedy and Newa IIEKTFOUD, N. C. 1 1

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