si" ' V ; 4 1 WE KLY A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUTLDG OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume IV Number 33. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, August 6, 1937. $1.25 Per Year j- l , 1 M f,lf if '',5 1'- . ?,.. 3. " ;1 111 fr-' I CdMEity - I Woodmen Log Rolling Counties East of Rocky Mount Represented In Group UVECAMP City and County Will Cooperate In Welcom ing Lodgemen The annual Log Rolling of the "Woodmen of the World in the Tide water Association, which embraces all the counties east of Rocky Mount, will -be held in Hertford on August 26, when upwards of eight hundred members of the organization will be guests of Albemarle Camp No. 463, of which Roy S. Chappell is Council Commander. It is planned to hold both the morn ing and afternoon sessions in the State Theatre, and between the two sessions a fish fry will be given. A baseball game, as well as a theatre party at the State, will probably be features of the entertainment. The last time the annual meeting of the Woodmen of the World was held here was in 1926, since which . time the organization has' grown from a handful of something like fifty members to a . hundred and : forty, with a great many, farmers of - the county .holding membership, as iif -i well as residents of the Town of Hertford. i ' Mayor Silas M. Whedbee appeared Kr ?" before the Board of. County Commis MkibiitttAw Meeting oil ;;p!ipta9Mnd asked the cooperation of .-Jh'e- County, with, the .Tbwn of Hert 5 ,!5;f ord in welcoming the visitors who . . '; M 'Ber on. ccasioiu ; Earl L 1 Perry, Chairman of the Board of , i , vommissioners, assurea Mayor wnea- . , , : I uee .ivai. uiey- womu xau in iin. 'tciTh Jowa "'will ' he 'decorated with y.? : flags to honor of he occasion and the ' 41 f ' Visitors will . be cordially welcomed. ; IITarHeel Farmers At J", .T State Convention The Young Tar Heel Farmers of Perquimans .County have been doing tnings and now they are going places.; A group of. them went to Raleigh this week accompanied by G. C. Buck, teacher of vocational agri culture in ' the - Perquimans .. High School,' to attend the State Farmers Convention which is i being held at ;f'L:v'" State College. :-- : : - i ii SIV Having been ''seJefitedlfrom .7tbi : 280 chapters f the 'organization! . : ; 4.;:. of Young Tar Heel Farmers to pnt "-. !t ri a. 1 program for the Vocational ' , v.j-Stion Stale, t.t:-. Jjick 'toiyerjr; proud of his atn- , ; f yT-fJIlwie- whp were selected to sS;3P on tne demonstrationpfograni, . ''J 'l" which was ' given - on- Wednesday 'ilMi mornings were, the i officers, George :::',&Wlleth "White'r President, H Guthrie Jolliff ,1 Vice' ; President'." Emmerson Asbell, Secretary, Rollo White, Trea- j . surer, Clyde Lane Reporter, and the ; . following music makers whose con , - tributions to any program are always " wSS;njoyed :"; William Corprew. John Cor- v j i prew, Lawrence Corprey, Blakemore ,.- ."Weston,,.-J,:.,-. Fined $5 For Failure i . v - i n A nnpar in ; I nnrt ' i Roscoe Lane, young service station ' , employee; evidently Was not aware of , 'Tithe IffiportanceVbf a court subpoena, :,, and failed to appear in - Recorder's ' :Court on ;Tesd9y;';to5give' testimony in a case to "be tried. .He was not : ;:?,present ! when his name was called. ; Judge Oakey fined -the;:young man ; . five dol! - ra'for:$onteinpt of ' court tar" his failure to appear. . "We have ".'., had a lot of this kind of thing,'' re marked Judge ,Oakey, 'and I guess : .;,:we might as well break 4t tin.", ' -The youlig man stated later that he - : V had 'understood he would be called V 'when the case came up, so did not : go to court. , , - ' MfpNEW, SALESMAN AT ' : rt"&0:00? BLANCHARP'S Aldred'iliirercntly of CI - ; el n::i, whefa he has spent tl r .... , y. , i ' r-':"9 of At' ' ; i : (. " n il ' : , . T', - r-- , r,v- rt t' ? I" wide Picnic In . WilLHold August 26 i A BIG 'UN Henry Clay O'Neal is five and a half and weighs 46 pounds. Imagine how he felt When he pulled in a chub weighing 2 pounds and 6 ounces oh Tuesday afternoon. The little fellow who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. O'Neal, and who lives on the water front of Church street, was fishing from the back yard, using a piece of cooked Irish potato for bait, when the big fish bit. Henry Clay pulled the. catch in and removed the hook. Hurrying down to the Carolina Hard ware Company's Store, of which his father is the proprietor, the youngs ter displayed the catch. Later on the fish was weighed by J. G. Roberson. That is not the only big fish which has been caught this summer in Hertford, but it is the biggest chub which has been caught by a youngs ter of this size. Masons - Rotarians Play Soft Ball Game On Thursday Night j Soft ball has become very popular! in Hertford during the past week, I and every night there is a gathering j on the town lot and the young men.j as well as Home tint sn vniintr nr I taking part in the games. It is a very informal arrangement, with leaders choosing their teams on the grounds; : Every one appa rently has a lot of fun. A more formal note is sounded, however, as the Masonic Lodge chal lenges the Rotary Club for a game on Thursday . night, jl The;. Masons arehavlng-a fish fry ori that night, the affair being held on the river shore in the rear of the R. E. Brinn residence on Front streets After the fish fry the soft ball game will be played on the town lot. It ought to be interesting. There are perhaps half a dozen men in town who are members of both the Masonic Lodge and the Ro tary Club. Among them are J. G. Roberson, F. T. Johnson, D) T. W. Zachery, Emmett Winslow, C. P. Morris and L. W. Anderson. When the teams of the two organi zations are chosen this may prove somewhat confusing, but it can, pro bably, be worked out -satisfactorily, as there are a. great many more Ma sons than Rotarians. Hertford People Enjoy e On Perquimans As the summer lengthens and the days continue warm, Hertford folks take more and I more pleasure -in river" sports and the beautiful Per quimans River, which winds around the Town of Hertford and broadens out as it turns eastward toward the Sound, it the most popular place of entertainment., House parties are being held at Camp Perquimans, the attractive camp in Old Neck, and small boats of every description ply up and down the river. Leaving the waters of the Perqui mans for a cruise to Morehead in the beautiful new yacht of Dr. C. A. Davenport, a party of Hertford men went out on Sunday morning. In the party are Clyde McCallum, R. M. Riddick, J. S. Vick and Dr, Davenport..- On Wednesday Mr. and ..Mrs. J. , E. .Winslow and ' Mrs. Davenport motored down 'to Morehead to join the party for a fishing trip, return ing home on Thursday.- : At Camp Perquimans last, week there was a group of young people. This week Mrs. Herman Winslow is chaperoning a house party composed of ,the following r Ruth Winslow. Flo rence Darden and her guest,', Janet Jackson, of Richmond, Va., Margu rite Ward, Alice Roberson and her guest, - Katherine . Spivey, bf Peters burg, Va., Hattie Pearl Nowell, Watt Winsolw, Zack Harriss Paul Tucker, Mack White, and Bill Cox. - Rev Z.r V.! Roberson,: of Roanoke, Va., who recently; visited his" brother, J. ft Roberson, in Hertford; has de cided to come down to Camp Perqui mans tot his vacation. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Roberson and tl.eir son, John.' ' ; ' TTJ ANNOUNCEMENT" " ' ) ' . r 1 Mrs. Nok 7 i . a of Mrs. Fred V... Zznizj son; KoUv . i C.Irj nicely, l I THEY SPRAYDW. r HE DANCED vM- WW Something new in mosquito control was successfully tried at Fort Raleigh. A spray noxious to mosquitos was used for the first time by U. S. and N. C. Public Health Workers. As a consequence Ford How ard (below) danced as Uppwec, the medicine man in Paul Green's play, without molestation. And the spectators quit slapping, too. USING PROFANITY ON HIGHWAYS ISlUP QUICKLY FOR COSTLYJO PAIR County Put Back on List During Last Term of Legislature putWjail Couple Also Found Guil - ty of Resisting an Officer But for the f act that Representa tive J. T. Benton saw fit at the last Term of the; Legislature to have Per quimans County put back in the list of counties in the State of North Carolina in .which it is unlawful to use profane language on a public highway, a white man and woman of the Poplar Neck section of the county I would not have found themselves i locked -up in jail on Friday night of last week. I Sheriff J. E. Winslow hadn't in tended to arrest the young woman, .Mrs. Gertrude Pail Williams. There ,. was no charge against her,. He merely asked her, as she sat in a car on the : highway, where Fred Smith, who owned the car, was. The young woman answered with pro fanity, informing the Sheriff in the same breath that he couldn't arrest her, as she got down out of the car. She didn't know, evidently, about the law in reference to profanity on the highways of the county. The Sheriff did, She followed the first statement with mure profanity and the Sheriff placed her-under arrest. Handcuffs helped the situation a little, but the young woman is alleged to have screamed .'and scratched and kicked, in spite of the bracelets. ' Mrs. Williams plead not guilty to the charges of using profane lang uage on the public highway and of resisting an off icer on Tuesday fysd Smith, who was tried upon the same charges; as a result of the part he took,.in . the '-affair, f plead . gqilty. J'ze Oakey found botji goiltjr of t . .'a clarm&fe:? I " ' 8 we-"ian wa (?ntenced tft 60 It.,.: I 'h tvs 'nee to be ius (C 1 oa Lt&t rsge) " , rtfordNext Wednesday ' n ' BUSINESS PICKS DAY POJJCEMAN C. E. Walker Makes Three Arrests Before Bedtime MANY AT TRIAL Information Leads to Destruction of Still on Skinner's Creek 'C. E. Walker, night patrolman for the town of Hertford, wfio has been assigned by Mayor Silas M. Whed bee to' day duty until August 15, with J. T. Britt being assigned to night duty meanwhile, the change taking effect at 12 o'clock noon on last Sunday, stepped right into busi ness, for things happened thick and fast thereafter, with Mr. Walker making three arrests of white men before bedtime. It all began with a fight between Heywood Goodwin and Kermit Lane, who returned from a boat ride up the river sometime in the early after noon, and Goodwin got a severe beat ing, as was evidenced when he ap peared as a witness for the state in the case against Kermit Lane in Re corder's Court on Tuesday. The man's face was black and blue. Trial of the case consumed a long time, with more than half a dozen witnesses giving testimony for the state. Kermit Lane was found guilty of the three charges in the warrant, possessing liqiior for the purpose of sale, man Tacturing liqiior and as sault', and drew three road terms, aggregating 13 months. He was given 6 months on each of the two liquor charges and 30 days on the assault charge The ' sentences were sus pended upon payment of the costs and .the , defendant was : placed oh probation for three years, the pro visions of which are that, he - must abstain from' drinking whiskey, fcnd must not be found with whiskey in his possession, if ha ia found to have violated these provisions he may, Uon motion of tha - court or upon - (Continued on Page Eight) j inMiim-''"' lln a r armers na r amines Meet At Court House CAUGHT! J. G. Roberson got caught in his own trap the other night. Mr. Rob erson is a Rotarian. On several oc casions recently he handed a pencil and a piece of paper to a Rotarian who happened to come into his drug store and requested that he write, quickly, the names of all the mem bers of the Hertford Rotary Club. It amused the druggist considerably that each one called upon failed to recall all the names. On last Tuesday night when the Rotarians met it happened that sev eral were out of town, and it was noted that there were five absent from the meeting. Charles E. Johnson, who had pro bably been one of those who had been writing a list for Mr. Roberson, arose and remarked that several Rotarians had been called upon lately to make a ccect list of all the Rotarians in a hurry. Turning to Mr. Roberson ho said, "And now, Glenn, will you write the names of the absentees.'' To Mr. Roberson credit be it re corded that he got all but one. Rev. R. S. Monds To Fill Baptist Church Awaiting New Man good congregations at the Hertford ! Baptist Church on Sunday morning and evening. Services will be con tinued regularly at this church which is temporarily without a pastor since the resignation of the Rev. D. S. Dempsey. Mr. Monds, who lives in Hertford anA ;Q a r..,l,,. nth H.rt. ford folks, has been requested to ' supply the pulpit at both the morn-1 ing and evening services while the church is without a preacher. j All the junior organizations of the W. M. V. held their regular month ly meeting on Monday night at the church. Mrs. I. A. Ward presided ! in the absence of the leader, Mrs. E. V. Mayes. Tlio W AT 1T m11 Vin),1 I'to rairiilor meeting on August 9th at 8 o'clock at the church, with Mrs. I. A. Ward, the president, presiding. Circle No. 1, with Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood, the leader will have charge of the program. t i AtnnA 'event is over. Each club group sings LOCai JreOpie iliena j a song, a prize being awarded to the Raleigh Convention I winning dub. j Some of the picnickers are plan Miss Gladys Harnrick, home demon- j ning to take a dip in the river in stration agent, is in Raleigh this 1 the afternoon. Others will wish to week to attend the North Carolina . take in the matinee at the State Farmers and Farm Women's Con-. theatre. Merchants and business vention. L. W. Anderson, Farm j firms will do all in their power to Agent, was also in attendance dur- j make the stay of the farmers and ing a part of the convention. ! their families in Hertford pleasant. There are many interesting and en-1 tertaining numbers on the program : SpOnSOrS Begin To for the week, with lectures, address- n t i , t?i j es, exhibits, tours, etc., with the Raise Louisburg Fund general theme of "Building a Richer Rural Life." i Additional local church sponsors More women are attending the . and committees in Perquimans Coun convention this year from Perqui-1 ty and nearby territory in the Louis mans than usual with a fair sprinkl-, burg College Forward Movement ing of men. I Program were made public today. Among those who went were Mrs. These groups have just come in. M. T. Griffin, Miss Callie Stallings,! They are: Epworth Church, Mrs. Mrs. Nixon Hollowell, Mrs. Eff ie : J. L. Delaney, Hertford; Oak Grove Miller, Miss Mary E. White Mrs, 1 Church, C. P. Quincy, Chapanoke; Grace Jackson, Mrs. W. II. Mathews, 1 New Hope Church, Miss Rebecca Mrs. Singleton Lane, Miss Stella Webb, Durant's Neck, and Cedar Rogerson, Miss Lillian Rae Perry, j Grove Church, Miss Katherine Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Harrell, Mr. ' Route 2, Hertford, and Mrs. J. L. Wood, Floyd Mat-! These groups will begin function- hews and Alnhonso Williams. In addition to these there were ! several members of the young Tar, Heel Farmers organization of Per- J quimans who attended accompanied 1 by G. C. Buck, teacher of vacational agriculture in the Perquimans High School. Two Hertford Boys Enroll At Louisburg Several of the more than 200 stu dents who have already enrolled at LouiBburg i College for the coming year are from Hertford. Two stu denti have already . enrolled from this town. '-'.',. The names of boys' and girls from this section who have indicated their Intentions to attend. Louisburg Coir lege during the , coming ''.year are Henry Stokes, and Claude Brum.:: ir Five Hundred or More Are Expected to Be In Attendance PROGRAM District Farm Agent Is Scheduled to Be Prin cipal Speaker Next Wednesday is to be a big day in Hertford, when farmers and their families from all over the county will gather on the courthouse green to enjoy the annual outing of the home demonstration clubs of Perquimans County. Five hundred, or more, are expected to attend. There are 175 club women in the county and they are expected to bring their families. The outing, in the form of a pic nic, was held last year at the old I.eitrh place in Dm-ant? Nck. There will be a morning program, when the principal speakers are to be I'. Troy Ferguson, District Farm Agent, of State College, and L. R. HarriMI, 4-H club leader in the State. Mrs. E. M. Pery, president of the Perquimans County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs, is in charge of the arrangements, with Miss Gladys Harnrick, home demon stration agent, and other leaders in the cll,b wolk cooperating Arrangements have been made to place tables for serving the lunch be side the walk on the southern end of the square, and those who are served will pass along the cement walk. These preparations are being made by the Hertford Council, the newly lornieu CIVIL organization Wlllt'Il Jlrt3 1UI Its uujrtuvc tiiarkin;; Hertford a better place in which to live. Believing that it is a good plan to make the town a better place in which to visit, as well, this or ganization is not only arranging the tables for the benefit of the visitors, but will also furnish free lemonade. J. G. Roberson, Hertford druggist, has also made arrangements for fur nishing free ice water on the grounds. Picnickers should bring lnelr on" ""immg . In the afternoon the singing con test will be held. This was enjoy ed by every one last year and it is probable that there will be an au dience on the side lines before the ing immediately in the local can- vassing. The Forward Movement Program of Louisburg College is an effort to raise $100,000 to wipe out an old debt which is threatening the , life of the institution. FAMILY REUNION The Clarke family are holding a reunion in Hertford this week, with all of Mrs. R. T. Clarke's children in town. ' Visiting at Mrs. Clarke's home are Mrs. C. E. Mourhess, Mrs. J. K. Aitcheson and her daughter, Nancy, of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. W. E. Mfllteer, of Portsmouth, Va. Visiting at, the home of Mrs. H.- C. Stokes are Paul Clarke, of New port) Lontf Island: Randolph Clarke,' ' of Roanoke, Va. Jack Aitcheson, of Alexandria, YtL an Willie Millteer, i of Portsmouth Vai, ;

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