PAGE FOtJS .THE" TERQtTIMANS WEEKLY, BERTFORDi FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1987 ! 1 " ' V' x IT 4 NUiVVt ' ttttitiMt Whiteston' Visitors Wilbert Braxton, of Snow Camp, and Mr, Byrum, of Barnesville, O., visited Allan White, at Whiteston, during the week-end. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore and their little daughter, Pat of Norfolk, spent the week-end with Mrs. Moore's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Sutton. Visited Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Cecil Banks, of Norfolk, was the week-endguest of Mrs. Timothy Morgan in Hertford. At Home For Week-end Miss Elizabeth White, who is taking a course in beauty culture in Norfolk, spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sutton. Circle Three Meets Circle No. Three of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church will meet on Monday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. T. Broughton. Visited in Virginia Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Berry and their two children, Blanche Moore and Darrol, Mrs. W. M. Morgan and Miss Helen Morgan visited Mrs. K. W. Warren, at Wallaceton, Va., on Sunday. Goinsr to Duke Bill Jessup will leave Monday to resume his studies at Vuto univer sity after spending the summer va cation at Nags Head and in Hertford Preaton ChaDDell at Home Preston Chappell, who has been nl a inner hnsphall in Detroit. Mich, is of hnmA with his narents, Mr. and Mrs. Riddick Chappell. Rnfiis White at Home Rufus White, who holds a position in Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end 1,,'a nnronts. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin W 1W1 AftAkJ - White. At Nags Head Mrs.- Charles E. Johnson, Mrs. C. C. Banks and Mrs. W. M. Divers Jr., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nixon at Nags Head. their1 friends WfrelatlveB at'dbK, wi required' of successful bidder ner at weir very vrcwvw v unre, vw., .,, ., This September 10th, 1937. CHAS. WHEDBEE Trustee, sept 16 23 Corn-Hand Visitors Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Davis and their daughter, Alice, of Courtland. Va.. siient Sunday with Mrs. Davis' oietar. Mrs. R. L. Knowles. Mrs. E. E. Barber, who has been Mrs. Davis, returned home day. visiting on Sun- Visited Sisters Mrs. R. W. Smith and her sister, Miss Mae Whaley, had as a guest over the week-end their brother, Irv ing Whaley, of Bristol, Va. Visiting Mrs. Divers Mrs. Heywood Umphlett, of Eden ton, is spending the week with Mrs. W. M. Divers, Jr. r.. fiVnm Naes Head Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nixon and their little daughter, Katherine, have returned from Nags Head, wnere y spent the past week. Mrs. Hoffler Returns Mrs W. E. Hoffler has returned from Chichester, N. Y., where she spent the past two months, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard Here r. V.. Pritchard, ol mr. miu - - . , Trii,ohotVi Citv. spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Towe Visited Parents Mr. and MrS. Jimmie Jernigan, Oi Elizabeth City, spent Sunday in Hertford with Mrs. Jernigan's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin White. Visited at Aulander Alfred Lowe spent the week-end with his parents, at Aulander. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. H. C. O'Sullivan, of Norfolk spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden and Mrs. J. W. Darden. Miss Scott Returns Miss Eloise Scott who has spent tVip summer vacation with her pa rents at Rocky Point, has returned to Hertford to resume her work as. teacher in the Perquimans High School. Hertford Route Three last Sunday Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. cart wright's hospitality; were: Mr. and Mm fiorcft Knre and children, Elea nor and Curtiss of White Hat; Mr,. and Mrs. Mason- Sawyer and daugn ter Barbara Lee of. Old Neck; Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Poll Hnrrell. Mr. and Mrs, Moody Harrell and daughter Carolyn Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Harrell ana children Maxine and Ronald Edward, Mr. and Mrs; D. M. Cartwright and daughter Lucille, Mrs. Vernon Win slow, Misses Blanche and Maude Cartwright and William Henry Cart wright, all of Hertford Route Three. GONE TO CALIFORNIA Miss Meta Dowling formerly of Asheville, who fot the past year has served as Child Welfare Assistant in Perquimans and Chowan Counties, making her home in Edenton, has ac cepted a position in which she will do research work for the University of California. Miss Dowling leu on Wednesday for California. BIBLE CLASS MEETS The Friendly Bible Class of New Hope met at the church Wednesday afternoon. After the devotional ser vice and routine business, the follow ing officers were elected: Teacher. Mrs. E. M. Perry; presi dent, Mrs. S. T. Perry; vice-president, Mrs. Rosa Green; secretary, Mrs. D. W. Simpson; cor. sec. and treas., Mrs. J. H. Gregory. After a delightful social nour ine meeting adjourned to meet October 5th at the home of Mrs. J. H. Gre gory with Mrs. Heber, Barclift as hostess. Those present at the September meeting were: Mesdames E. M. Perry, l. Perry, Rosa Green, A. W. Barclift, Heber Barclift, D. W. Simpson, J. H. Gregory, T. H. Jones and Miss Maude Simpson. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. H. Copeland, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the BQtntA of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford N. G. Route .2, on or before the 80th day of August, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re All net-sons indebted to said estate will release make immediate payment. This 30th day of August, 1937. F. M. COPELAND, Administrator of J. H. Copeland. sept 3 10 17 25 oct 1 8 Because 'he saw his niece smoking a cigarette, J.. C. Baring .of Leeds, Eng.,' cancelled a $50,000 bequest to her in his will. . , , When he got .behind in his alimo ny payments, Roy . W. Swanson ol Chicago, offered Ms : wife ' ceme tery lot in lieu of cash.' - - QUESTIONS p, 'J'i, " ' Is it worth ivh:b for Ccsnd to spend millions more for finer Tobaccos? S ,HFK. I V. ColdS 7 extra gooflnc. V FIRST DAY .'.wyWWWWWWWWffl I t liquid, tablets HEADACHE, SO i" .ALVE. NO.E DROP. MINUTES ... TRY "RUB.MY-TIM"-WORLO' BEIT LINIMENT .... w mum fri&' aumv. n - ft l v 4 S cituiog lopply of in I -J ,i L g Wilt,, f- v Y ii Jiis '' wrf . .. .1 i) O 1111 1 M l0W n ' 1 ANSWER: Ccm&ls are f ho Icmcst-sclling cigarette in America! rf is homespun tact that noth ing man does to tobacco can take the place of what Nature does. People prefer Camel because Camels are made of FINER, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS Turkish and Do- mtstic into which Nature pu extra goodness. Jr Classified and LEGALS FOR SALE AT A REASONABLE 's hicvcle. Mrs. D. S. y o - Darden. Mrs. Newby Here Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Newby, Jr., and their little son, George, or Rockv Mount, spent the week-end witlTMr. Newby's mother, Mrs. G. E. Newby, Sr. Return From Nags Head Mrs. T. F. Winslow and her daugh ter, Miss Mae Wood Winslow, have returned from Nags Head, where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Return Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Archie, wno spent the past week wltn Mrs. Ar mother. Mrs. G. E. Newby, have returned to their home at Wake Forest. Goes to School William Hardcastle, Jr left Sun day for Severna Park, Md., to enter the Severn School. He was accom panied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H Hardcastle who are spending the week in Maryland and New Jer sey. Return From New York City Mrs. W. G. Wright and Mrs. J. b. returned from New York m.. tliev snent the past four weeks. They were accompanied home t m and her two Dy inns. I. children, who will visit the J Vicks for some time. S. tlnnp tn School w a nf t w Ward and their air. bhu ' - - , two chUdren, Sarah and Herman, left Monday morning for ureensDoro m,r.l Hill. Herman is a senior at the University, while Sarah is a freshman at the Woman's College of tT;aitv ftt Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ward returned home Mon day night. r;itA mt Whiteston Mr. and Mrs. Wade Mackey and son, Craven, of Rocky Mount, yisited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. White, at Whites- ton, on Friday. Pot.irna to Weldon returned to Wei don' where he holds" a position, after ;7f;r,ff his family in Hertford for iui""ft several days. Vicitoil Ttnuirhter , .tj. . ra Mrs. J. C. Blanchard has returned from Durham, where she spent seye with her daughter Mrs. M. 1M " - : E. Hobbs. SNOW HILL NEWS Paul Cartwrieht has returned to his home at Norfolk, after visiting his uncle, D. M. Cartwright, for seve ral days. Mrs. Jesse Harrell. Mrs. Kaipn Harrell. Mrs. Moody Harrell, Barba ra Ann Benton, Miss Eunice Harrell and Carolyn Dean Harrell visiteo Mrs. Edward Benton who is at Eliz abeth City Hospital. Her condition is satisfactory. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Miss Eunice Harrell and Mr. and Mrs. Er- LEGAL By virtue of a deed of trust made to me by T. L. Jessup and wife and S. P. Jessup and wife, for certain purposes therein mentioned, which said deed of trust bears date April 25th 1932, and is registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Per quimans County in M. D. Book 18, 182. a resale having Tieen order ed by the Clerk Superior Court Per quimans County, I snail oner ior sale at public auction to1' the highest hirMpr for cash at the Court House door in Perquimans County on Mon day, the 27th day of September, iw at 11:30 A. M., the property convey ed to me in said deed of trust towit: These two certain tracts or parcels f land in Parkville Township, Per quimans County, North Carolina, des cribed as follows: Firat tract: That tract or lot known as the W. L. Jessup home place in Winfall, N. C, bounded on north by htehwav from Woodville to Winfall east and south by lands formerly Ro bert White now Alexander Jordan, and west bv lot of Reed and Felton and highway being all the property nest Cartwright attended services at i conveyed to T. L. Jessup by i. l-iirpkn Sunday afternoon Mrs. J. H. Harrell has returned home after visiting her son J. L. Harrell, Sr., in Norfolk for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr., and Miss Novella Harrell, visited re latives here during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright snent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Julian Matthews of Old Neck. Miss Beatrice Benton is staying with her sister Mrs. Willie Saunders at Weeksville who is quite ill at her home. Miss Marjorie Perry of Belvidere spent Thursday night with Miss An nie Mae Matthews. ENTERTAINS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cartwright de lightfully entertained a number of Jessun et als by deed recorded in RnnV id. nam 488. except that por tion sold to Reed and Felton by deed recorded in Book 20, page 81, rer- miimana County Records Second tract: Three-fifths undivid ed interest in that certain farm in Par Will a TownshiD. Perauimans County, N. C, known as the Jordan Farm rnntaininir 100 acres more Or less and beine the same farm con vawH tn W. L Jessun bv A. W. Jor dan by deed recorded in Book 9, page 69, Perquimans County records, re ference to which is made for further Heacrintinn. The biddings will start: on the first tract at $1,042.00 subiect to all prior judgment; on the second, tract at $810.00 subject to prior mortgage on1 shMpt. In taws.. ' A deposit of ten per cent of bid TiiflrsrjHY YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN ! EllSFsSTFst 11 IS1 STANDARD TIRES ElRESTONE builds a first-ouality tir made of top grade materials and seU it for less money I P.' imh aavlnaa alonir to VOU IO the form of extra values. Firestone controls rubber and cotton supplies at their sources, manufactures with efficiency and distributes at lower cose Because of these economies- VOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAIMST J every 1 00 pounds of cord by theRrestooe patented Gum-Dipping process. By this process every fiber of every cord ia every ply is saturated with liquid rubber. This counteracts dangerous Internal friction and heat that ordinarily cause blowouts. YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST PUNCTURES because under the tread are two extra layers f Gum-Dipped cords. ' VOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAI15ST SKIDDING because the, tread MantufdeM8n: fOU GST LONGER NON-SKID MIUAGE-because of he extra tough, long-wearing tread. . Make your car tire-safe now for fall and winter driving. Join (far r . Firestone SAVE A LIFE Campaign today by equjpping your srith a set of new Firestone Standard Tires today P . "'ire vainer - mn RISK YOUR LITE 0.1 SMOOTH WORM WBL THAT last year highway accidents cost the lives of more than t,C00 men, women and chiSilren? rhal a muion more were jured? ;; WAT more 'than 45,030 of Ikes deaths and jniuiies were raused directly by punctures blowouts and tUiddina due b smoeth worn, unsafe tires? AtUJt UtKthm tut rVW 0 ffMP JRtfVliMM tht. Nat Ih thick, mm Aid tnuttim mtsaut tkiddinti ' tlowtufi an rire$totic STANDARD FOR PASSSMOERXARSj 4.5041 -f.RS" 5.50-17 50.18 Ilf S $.50-19 1310 HEAVY foil 4.75-19 11.7S 5.25-18 14Rf OTHW SIZES MOKttTlONATElY tOW 7.rcolonc SENTINEL 4.40-21 s5S.S 4.50-20 5 4.501 4.75-19 fw7 5Jt5.18 otks saa ftofoenQN ATitv low 7.rcolone COUIU 40.21 S.434,V5.19 AMM .1 303H SEAT COVERS Hosfiieeslte BATTERIES AttrabiMf Iwiw: MX USStT C2 PKICE . .. to School in!ir Povnfl has returned to State College; Raleigh, after spending the summer vacation witn ws p. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne. Going to Duke Tim Rufus Brinn will leave Mon day for, Duke University, where he will be a student this year. Back to School iutsm Until ' Elliott has returned to the Woman's College of, the Univer sity of North Carolina after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. J. F. Elliott. , , Visiting Sister Mr. ' and Mrs. Owen Morgan and their children, , of Raleih, spent the week-end with Mrs. Morgan's sister, ' J- A. EefrcTi., ' - ' w' I III IV S8DBBKB : II 111 H L I I V VX I II off. Tint to All 1 V If. . Jt X I III v. YJ V '3d Id ILiJ iv 'A i -"IS i l l Zmdiikm Z UAu . ' J i ; '' V I tunthttn C ujpL4Wf ,v .i : ' I ex " i . - rf"-- ! t- V ' r. i. won Md Iwo ild '-X . VZSJtl dwWl ' ' Iffl - hVk md dntOon. ' ., II 11 , , ' J J" "' ' I wi-""T4, 'I ' II Liten to the Voice of Firestone Mjiy - Edenton, N. C , , dioh I ) .. ,7ff 0 ,, V- - J t , FIRESTONE AUTO RADIO 6 AU-Mttl Tb 8" Dynamic Spwka , L r S op la $2040. A 1 iMnlaMtM unhnrtal ' y' - atre baad . Intal trill But Mnl InlltM :c:u 1 1 ' t --a wo :rru V If r r Nalionwiae N.B.C.IUJ lietwmk ... - C :

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