. 1 rf IiMEuiiiis weekly 'A; WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UlOTINQ OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY ' .Volume IV,- Number. 40. Hertford, Perquimans County, JNoitlv Carolina, frfictay, September 24, 1937. $1.25 Per Year t - s mi A' 4 Johnson School Experim mcSriHIGHWAYPATO But Dose For Cot ton Picking ONEMONTH r Opened After Cotton C Season In Former Years F. T. Johnson, Perquimans County School superintendent, is much in-j teres ted in both an education and in-. dustrial experiment which makes a start today with the concurrence of the State Board of Education, and which, if proven successful, will be an annual occurrence hereafter, j - Bight now it is an innovation, the first time ever tried in Perquimans' County and only tried out heretofore in somewhat - similar fashion in two other counties of the State. Tersely the experiment has to do with granting a month's recess or , vacation, beginning at the close of, today's sessions, to all the county's' 1,100 Uegro public school scholars meaning that all the Negro schools in the commonwealth will close today for that period of time the reason being, cotton picking season is on. Heretofore, the custom in Perqui mans as in other counties where cot- j ton is a staple crop, has been to start the Negro schools more or lessi at the close of the picking season,' giving the school children a chance to first show their prowess in the cotton fields before engaging in stu dies. But this year Mr. jonnson felt this an"tmnecessary delay, and opened the'Neero schools in this county on August 80, giving, thereby, thej 'TMJpijsters an opportunity to .get into I - tb$&rtfPW 1in;ucasona4i,Qr tackling' the problem of earning a few dollars and providing great help to their parents at cotton picking time. While Mr. J.ohnson did not so ex nress himself for publication, it is understood his plan met with favor in Raleigh and he was directed to go ahead, try it out and report later on the results. One thing sure, the plan has brought universal commen dation from the cotton growers of the county who depend so earnestly on Negro labor during the picking sea- ion. Pulp Timber Being Cut In iPerquimans Substantial cuttings of second growth pine timber for sale as pulp natter material, has been coin on in Perquimans County for several weeks j now, ana will ne engagea in more ex tensively after the cotton and peanut picking seasons ? are over. The tim ker hMieen sol to the huge new pulp mill at Plymouth, and as far as could be learned has brought satisfy ing and encouraging" revenue to the timber men. ' -For a time there was talk of Per- Jnlmans landing the ; pulp mill that nally found a settlement adjacent to Plymouth in Washington county. The" same belief ; was experienced by, Chowan, Pasquotank and V Bertie counties, especially so when repre, ientotlves of the ? big- New Jersey concern operating the mill visited all wese counties, on w. pmmmihiwwm , possible sites and timber growths. ; mifc nmr mat Kernuiniana iobc un mill its land owners, most of whom Include timber in their acreages, do not intend to let the opportunity of making a pretty penny slip by them. A ride through almost any Ye,of the county neighborhoods will show indi cations of much cutting of the second growth pine w so Easily crushed up Into desirable pulp for paper making purposes. v , ; v. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT " I'r, and Mrs. Francis 'Elliott of Weeksville, N. C," announce the birth of 5 son, on September a. 'JL NEURITIS! ' Mri'Mattie Lister : White,, edii tress of this newspaper, has, been v capacitated from active service this -week and her. work has been taken over by .another member f the-etaff. Mrs. White was strict en on Saturday 'with a severe at tack of neuritis in her hip,; and upon the advice "of her physician has kept to her bed. ? Ehe expects to be on ber r 's" for the next issue of, the Initiates I SHARP DRIVE Oakey Supports Cam paign Against De fective Cars A mass drive by Elizabeth City State Highway patrolmen L. B Lane and C. W. Gibson against Per quimans motorists operating their cars improperly braked or illuminat ed, justified itself in the Recorder's Court on Tuesday when six such vio lators faced Judge Walter H. Oakey and were penalized for their derelic tions and obliged to get their cars in satisfactory shape before further operation. ine court intimated he was in thorough sympathy with any move by the State police which had for its purpose the better safeguarding of the highways for traffic, and said that while he had acted leniently in the initial cases brought before him by Lane and Gibson his course should not be construed as in any sense hopeful for future violators. What Lane and Gibson have been doing here the past ten days has been in line with similar drives in other counties traveled by them, and in consonance with explicit orders given them by their superior, Corpor al George I. Dail, of Edenton. Dail well-known as an enemy of two forms of motorists, hit and run driv era ana drivers who operate cars with insufficient brakes or improper lights, has been particular with the men under him- in urging that a sharp observance be kept for thiB type .of violators, and he 'catches" byvLane and Gibson have been part In five of the cases before Judge Oakey the defendents were all ad judged guilty and ordered to pay the cost of the court, put their cars into a condition of safety deemed satis factory to the prosecuting officers, and to pledge themselves to see that this condition of motor safety is fulfilled for a year, anyhow. The five in question were William E. Harrell, Zachariah Lewis, George Gallop, W. T. Moore and Bill White A sixth motorist defendant was John Allen White, charged with drunken driving and resisting arrest. It seems that White, according to the evidence, struck and practically destroyed a bicycle belonging to D. J. Pritchard, a Hertford store keep er. Judge Oakey amended the com plaint from drunken driving to reck less driving and fined White $20 and cost, with the additional exaction that he pay for the full repair of Mr. Prltchard's bicycle. A number of other minor prosecu tions were before Judge Oakey, also, on Tuesday. Emma Winslow, Neg ress, forgot herself over the last week-end, and wound up, unconscious ly to her, in jail charged with being drunk and using naughty talk. She was soaked 30 days providing she didn't pay the court cost and promise to. keep off booze and behave for a year. Bill Cullipher was - another who looked upon the wine when it was carmine, looked too longingly - and swore about it when the, Hertford police jacked him apT Judge Oakey saw no occasion to give Bill any farther .chance and sent him to the roads; for eixty days. ; Herbert Jones was likewise disin clined to' leave liquor aione over the last week-enS, and was up for that and ior " resisting arrest and having a bottle of fiery fluid with him. He, too, was shot down the line for 60 days.-;. ,"t '. Then came Vera Lee Burnette ac cused of quite casually saying that Gladys Cooper was one of those, per sons you cannot so 4 allnde' ; to .out West without first' Smiling. Judge Oakey questioned the .right to so refer to a feminist -and fined Vera the costs for her careless talk. J. Donson Davis, for assault on Percy Harrell, was fined 'tte.''eoata..;VVr 1 Elisha Smith," who apparently mis took ah electric battery belonging to Preston Smith for bis own,.- was de creed guijty, told to .return thebat tery and pay Smith $4 v for damage done It, aiSO, llUf cuurjcuoy.;; GOES TO MISSOURI v. - e 1 ni 1L; H. Evans, who spent the a - r..-er in Perquimans!' left Thurt-. d-?y to Join her husband in Joplin, Ha. Dr. and Mrs. Erns expect to Lit re -three in. the sJrte of Waah- t .J la California this winter. HERTFORD TO BID FOR PLANE MAIL WEEK 50 Towns Will Be In eluded In Trial Air Mail Route OCTOBER 11-16 Morris Believes Suitable Mace Can He bur nisned Here Postmaster J. E. Morris, of Hert lora, is expecting great air mail do ings neie auring the week ox October U-lti, or at least hoping- he has read ins tip-off instructions correctly. The tatier came to nim irom Postmaster iJaul R. Younts, 01 Charlotte, chair man of the North Carolina Postal Air Mail Week committee, and men tioned that during the period desig nated it is the intention of the air n.ail department to send a lot of plane3 here and there about the oiate 'slopping in every town in the du;te with a lanoing fieid." It is the last mat has Mr. Morris stumped. Hertford has no formally recognized air lield, but it has count less level tracts adjacent where an ai ship could land safely, and Mr. lounts is going to be told of this in the hope Hertford will have a chance to gut in on the show. Vviiat Mr. Younts had to say other wise to Mr. Morris was this: The observance will be on the week of October 11-16. Beautiful cachets are being p;pared for every town in the State that is to be on the one day air mail route of Eastern Aid Lines. Harlee Branch. Second As sistant Postmaster General, has pledged full cooperation in making the observance successful. ' ' On October 12, Eastern Air Line) planes will make stops at all of the! cities and 'tow'ns7n North Carolina' with landing fields to pick up air mail. j The air mail from all of the east- ern cities will be taken to Raleigh and placed on E. A. L. planes there. I Air mail of towns and cities in west- j em North Carolina will be brought; to Charlotte and taken on by one of; the six planes making daily stops here. i Both planes will start from Kitty I Hawk, where aviation was born when the Wright brothers first flew a plane soon after the turn of the century. Beautiful cachets are being prepar ed for each of the 50 or more towns and cities that will be on the one-day air mail route. A replica of the Kitty Hawk Memorial will be on the cachets. From this point they will differ with each town and city having its own individual cachet, bearing the slogan of the city, some date of im portant significance, or some other material of which the city is civic conscious. ; Postmasters in each of the air mail stops are planning to contact representatives of civic ciubs, busi ness organizations, city and county officials .and others who can aid in making the week a success. Appropriate ceremonies will be ar ranged at each of the points, and officials in Charlotte and Raleigh will give appropriate, greetings to the special planes- when they arrive from their pick up' trips. The officials' in every city and town in the State having . a Post Office will be urged, by the postmosters to give the airmail a Mai and indica tions are that the cooperation in the observance " wilt be almost 100 - per cent throughout the State. Joe Henry Bagley, Jr. ';: f Heads Student Body ffolk, Va:, Joe Henry Bagley, Jr., veteran guard on the Red Raider football eleven, reserve sruard on last year's basketball team and partici pant in - many school v activities, to day was declared elected president of the student senate of Suffolk high school. f Hie office carries with it the titular honor of president of the stu dent body. Bagley's A election was ' by a sub stantial majority of ' 14$ votes over Joe Brown, who polled 195 votes to 34 for Bagley in the election held bV. the high' school students, f Tho contest, Incidentally, was mo deled after 'regular-election proce dure, including nominating conven tions, campaigns and campaign "mana gers, political speeches, paper ballots, poll holders and an electoral board to certify the election.."' : Try The Perquimans Weekly Want am ror iitcK itesniis. ',,',vv.t STOP MEMBER TWELVE 4 -H CLUB s visiir Boy and Girls Enjoy Sightseeing Around Washington TWO DAYS However, Group Misses Getting Glimpse of President Twelve boys and girls, members of Perquimans 4-H clubs, had a rip snorting time on Monday and Tues day of this week, when they were chaperoned on a bus ride to Washing ton, D. C., and saw everything there was to see there, save the President and he wasn't in town. But they did go through his little home on Penn sylvania avenue, and every one of the 19 returned Tuesday night confident the White House was none too good for a Franklin D. Roosevelt. The young folks refused the sand out of their eyes around 2 o'clock Monday morning and hustled to the Agricultural building in Hertford where County Farm Agent L. W. Anderson and Miss Gladys Havnrick, home demonstration agent, welcomed them with a cup of coffee apiece and long before daylight started off with them toward the Capitol City. In Washington the club folks were toted everywhere, saw the capitol and all it contain!, visited Congerssman Lindsay Warren's office to see where he performs, went through the trea sury and saw a batch of $10,000 bills as well as mountains of bright cop per pennies, took in the Agricultural building and the massive structure where the Department of Commerce and Interior department operate, and then journeyed through the White House and the National Museum and zoo." IV the evening' they took in a movie show and got back Tuesday night, after a further visit to minor governmental establishment, full of, confidence and love for the country they call their own. Which is why they went. Mr. and Mrs. White At World Conference Only two world conferences of Friends have ever been held, the first being held in 1920 in London, where there is the largest yearly meeting, as all organized groups of Friends are called, in the world. The London yearly meeting has 20,000 members. The second world conference was held in this month at Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges, near the City of Philadelphia. Among the Perquimans Friends in attendance at this meeting were Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White, of Belvi dere. Mrs. White, who before her marri age two years ago was Miss Bertha Smith, pastor of the Piney Woods Friends Church at Belvidere, has the distinction of having attended both of the world conferences. After attending the recent meeting Mr. and Mrs. White enjoyed a sojourn in New England, visiting at Port land and at Windham, Maine, where Mrs. White served as pastor for four years before coming to North Caro lina. Incidentally, Maine experienced its first frost on September 8th, while Mr. and Mrs. White were there. They attended a regional confe rence of their church in Providence, R. I., and visited at Dartmouth, Mass., where Mrs. White preached one night at the church where she had served six years as pastor. Both Mr. and Mrs. White particu larly enjoyed the world conference, where upwards of a thousand dele gates from 24 countries were pre sent. They heard many of the lead ing Quakers of the world. Among the outstanding Friends in Philadelphia were T. Edmund Harvey, a British M. P., and James G. Douglas, a one time Irish Free State Senator. Thir teen of Germany's 250 Friends were at the confereiicfe, and from Japan a number .were present. Time Magazine, in its September 13th issue .gave a comprehensive out line of the conference and in refe rence to the. Friends .said, "Influen tial in world affairs out of all pro portion, to their numbers, Quakers compound ; to most sects strong in faith1 are peculiarly passive." : The chairman of the conference was Rufus Matthews Jones, of Haver ford College. . ; : . Retunui Borne , Mrs. R. T. White has returned from Kavfolk where she visited Mrs, J. N. White, NAM'SCAPITAL Whedbee Anxious Lore Kept Straight WELFARE BOARD TO MEET TODAY Social Security Awards So Far Show High Average Consideration will be given today j by the Perquimans County Board of i Welfare to a further batch of caser, of the aged and indigent of the county, eligible, or otherwise, for benefits under the new social security program. So far Perquimans hasi passed favorably eighteen such cases with two others approved with de pendent children. Miss Ruth Davenport, the welfare superintendent, has been earnestly careful in her examination into the cases already considered by the county board, and is expected to pre sent a further lengthy report of her inquiries at today's meeting. At Miss Davenport's office this week it was stated that Perquimans has been in no case niggardly in its social security awards, the lowest al lowances being for monthly $5 pay ments with others running up to $!2 a month. This is a better average than some adjacent counties, one of which has gone so low as $2.50 aj month in its allotments. J Something like 48 cases, it wasi said, had been considered, or were! being considered by Miss Davenport. ! Three Men Hurt j By Falling Tree Garland Towe, Carey Quincy and a colored man, Garland Stewart, were hurt Tuesday afternoon while cutting down a very large tree at the old Towe home, which burned in June. The chain broke causing the tree to i'ail in the opposite direction and in falling struck Richard Stewart colored man, injuring his back. Mr. Towe was cut about the face and head, Carey escaped with minor in-, juries. Mr. Towe and Richard Stewart were later rushed by ambulance tc the hospital in Elizabeth City. "Frog" White Off ers Grocery Specials Ordinarily when a frog spots you : he takes a flying leap. Ordinarily, except you are a pretty hardy sort, when you come surprisingly sudden on a frog in your path you, also take a leap. But these kind of frogs' have four legs. In J. C. Blanchard & Co.'s grocery department there's one with only two legs, and he has a million, well nearly a million, friends who know him pleasantly as "Frog"; White. The only kind of leaping that's done when he is around is to ward him, and this week end there will be . a lot of that. If you scan the Blanchard add in today's issue you'll know why, for "Frog" White says he has an "extra special for: you." He's not saying what but every- one knows his "specials are specials that are specials. Quiz him about it. What Other County Has Such Record? Examination of the records in the mce of the Perquimans Coun ty Clerk's office, shows that in the last three years, since Recorder Walter H. Oakey, Jr., let it be known that drunken motorists could expect no mercy from him and would in every case, when adjudged guilty, be sent to the roads, such violations have shown a steady decrease. In setting forth such a ruling in 1934 Judge Oakey expressed the comment that drunken driving was the greatest motoring sin, and that the only way to deal with it was to punish violators with road imprisonment. In no case since has he varied from that initial atti tude. Motorists have had the ju dicial fear of God thrown into them and the figures show they have been saddened and softened. In the year ending August 1935 there, were 12 drunken drivers so punished. Between August 1935 and August 1936 the ruling' show ed its effect when only 8 drivers were penalized in the Bame way for the same offense,. And. in the year. Just ending in August last a further drop' to .5 violators was re corded.. , .'.'.. Is pp Opinion Perquim ans Court House An tedates Chowan's HAS RECORDS Unique Book Markers Furnished School Students Other commonwealths of North Carolina had better look to their his torical laurels before they gloatingly publicize their superiority over Per quimans' past either that or be wary of Hertford's leading antiquary and defender of Perquimans' faith meaning Charles Whedbee, one-time senator, gubernatorial expositor, leading barrister hereabouts, a gen tleman of honor with a mental hatchet out for everything that sa vors of dishonor or flim-flammancy, if such a word may be coined to indi cate disapproval of some history claims. In the first place, give a thought to this Mr. Whedbee has a published digest of the laws of this State in its early days to show that North Caro lina was doing business legislatively in Perquimans County for CO years before it ever attempted to wrestle with such problems anywhere else. And if that is not sufficient he can antedate that with another "yellow jacket" volume, worn, torn, mil dewed and hardly decipherable, going back into the late 1600's. Mr. Whedbee showed the two old books on Monday, not in a spirit of supercility, but nevertheless with much pride. He has the greatest af fection and admiration for the little town of Edenton, which he, by the way, some day expects to see become a rival of Hertford for charm and culture, but he is not so sure that Edenton has a right to the State history marker designating its an cient court house as the oldest in North Carolina. In fact, Mr. Whedbee has seen an old deed registered in the court house here prior to the date of the con struction of the Chowan County Court House, and if that isn't some thing, what is? Nor does Mr. Whedbee have reference to the first deed recorded in North Carolina, that from Kilcocanen, the Indian brave, to George Durant. That is, of course, an authentic document and the most ancient legal paper in the State's history, but it got into the deed books a hundred or more years after signing. The paper Mr. Whedbee has in mind, now in the State archives at Raleigh, was offered for registration in the Perquimans court house many years before the Chowan court house was built. He feels certain, but is not sure, that the place of registry was then the samp court house as is at present in Hertford, of course, before restoration. Which to the Whedbee mind, anyhow, disposes of one claim he believes should not be a claim. As far as that goes the old Kilco-canen-Durant paper is not the State's hottest historical piece of writing, for Mr. Whedbee says that if students of history want to really get busy at Raleigh they can find a copy of the marriage license of George Durant and Ann Marwood way earlier than the Kilcocanen-Durant deed. It, too, was once on registration or safe keeping in the Perquimans court house, but a greedy state, with noth ing of value from elsewhere, grew hungry and placed it where it is for gotten in Raleigh. Just before he died Mr. Whedbee interested the late C. W. Toms in an idea that may grow elsewhere and which certainly shows much initiative on Mr. Whedbee's part. The latter had been anxious to get a book mark drawn for use in hjs extensive li brary. He conceived the idea of having Durant, in colonial attire, meeting up with Indian dressed Kil cocanen, showing him an ancient parchment deed of treaty and acreage sale, and showing by his manner that he approved. Underneath the sketch, which a Raleigh engraver friend pre pared for Mr. Whedbee, was a streamer sign telling of the incident like this "Kilcocanen handing deed for lands to George Durant." The whole idea made an ideal book mark for Mr. Whedbee's purpose, but the more he thought of it the more selfish the idea seemed to him. He reasoned that the vouth of Per- I quimans could hotter benefit by tt, visits to hi town : of nativity Mr, ' (Continued ea Page Four) . j 't. f