PAGE TWO THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, ' 'FRTFC HD. N. C. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1, 103" niivAS!ii::GTo;i WHAT IS TAKING PLACE BY i iiiiiiiiiiJ K UNITED STATES SENATOR ress, 'mayalso have a bearing on 4he special session decision. But it The possibility of a special session of Congress prior to January may have something to do with the fact that fewer members are in Washing ton than perhaps at any other time in recent years. Virtually all are in their home areas conferring with con stituents. As this is being dictated, only one of my Senatorial colleagues and myself are in the large Senate Office Building to see visitors, handle mail and take care of departmental matters. Seldom has the building been as empty of Senate members, even in tfie vacation season. r "Reasons are not far to seek. With a special session threatened, members of Congress have found it desirable to be prepared by spending as much time as possible in their respective states, securing the views of farmers, workesa and business men on import- -ant legislative questions. Fortunately, the fact that North Carolina is so near the national capi tal, has made it possible for the state delegation to spend the neces sary time in the state and still be in Washington when necessary. It has also meant that the delegation has always been able to keep a very close touch with the people of the state. As regards to a special session, ad vocated by farm leaders and those who seek early action on labor stand ards, there is little crystalized opin ion on the subject. Some predict that it will be called in November and others contend that there will be no special session. No one can correct ty interpret the views of the White House and only the President can is sue the call that will bring members of Congress hurrying back to Wash ington. There seems to be some reason for the relief that the President's trip through the West will have an im portant bearing on the final decision. He will be in close touch with the ag ricultural needs and labor conditions in a large area of the country. Should reports from spokesmen for the var ious elements of the people indicate that things are moving along satis factorily, it is doubtful whether the Chief Executive will call Congress in to special session. However, having recently visited the South, should the President find in the West a need for early action on farm legislation and labor standards, he will undoubt edly issue the session call for around November 15. These statements re present the general viewpoint of stu itents of Congressional affairs. Of course, a sudden emergency in international affairs might change the whole situation momentarily. While there is a general determina tion on the part of the President and the. Congress to keep a 'hands off" policy with regard to the strife in Che Far East, no one can foretell what might happen at anytime which would make the situation most ser ious. Other factors enter into a special session. Up until the Seventy-fourth Congress, beginning in 1935, regular sessions always began early in Dec ember, instead of January, which is the case at present. This extra Eionth was of importance when the Congress was faced with a heavy legislative schedule, with Congressio nal elections soon to follow, as is the present situation. This may be taken into account by the President should other factors tend to give weight to the arguments for a special cession. Meantime, regardless of whether rfisirod legislation will be considered at a special session or the regular session in January, much field work is being done by Congressional Com mittee members and staff members. This is particularly true with refe rence to the agricultural situation and hearings in widely scattered areas have been scheduled. It is re cognized, however, that from the pre . sent schedule, it is questionable whet lcr these hearings will be completed in time for a special session. . It is entirely possible that the Senate Com mittee on Agriculture may insist that these hearings be held and the find ings drafted before consideration is riven to farm legislation, which has seen agreed upon as the first order f business when Congress convenes. . In addition, unannounced legisla live proposals which the President tas in mind for submission to Con- Acme of Beauty and Convenience I tilt E s. r II II I in v .; vv W " Matched to the borne decorative effects, Philco has produced a new ' chair-side radio set which offers beauty of design with utility and convenience. It even bas a recess for books, so that entertainment and information is at band without taking a step. Now, therefore, under and by vir-TWnship,r Perquimans County, N. C, tuo of the authority conferred by the adjoining the lands of W, F. Madre, said deed- of trust the , - undersigned others;and more particularly TKU8t?olU rfh6 f ? ' describe follows, to-wit: . ober, 1937, at the court house door, n ;dfid of Perquimans County, North Caro- L lands beionging to W, F. Madre, lina, at twelve o'clock noon offer for J . ?,L. i... . v sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate; Radio has gone decorative with a set of any quality or style matched to suit any type of home or furnishing in the new chair-side set just introduced by Philco in its 1938 line. Rare woods, finished by the world's finest cabinet workers, make the chair-side set a beau tiful piece of furniture fit for any scheme of interior decora tion, yet retaining alL of the es sential features of the finest Philco instrument. 1 Time was when radios were disguised as any one of a num ber of pieces of furniture. Bu now it comes into ue room bj sheer right of its attractiveness and its ability to blend with any decorative idea. It is built of all sliced walnut wood, except for the base, which the arm of a comfortable chair. As an added feature of comfort, just above the speaker-grille is a book-shelf covered by the cab inet top, within which can be placed the latest books within handy reach. Also as a convenience the in strument panel is placed in a rectangular recession in top. All of the Philco features are built into this model. It receives American and foreign programs, has American and foreign short wave reception, and all other modern contrivances to give the highest type of reception. In other words, the Philco chair-side model is an instru ment of quality in the radio lield, yet combines the utility of a beautiful piece of furniture mitched to any decorative is gum wood. It just reacts to , for the home. SNOW HILL NEWS fa nnlikelv that anv unexDected re- v aommendations will be made to Un- " . gress by the President until the re ? session, unless some emergency, j, ret iff Signs as we ; qumuvuii, buuwu v : - . Ointmne Sick 1 . ''-vS tladre. aged Hertford re- - ., ?ri:fV sick ?t; life Mrs. Laura Hurdle of near Eliza beth City, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jesse Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of near Elizabeth City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Z. D. White. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mi. and Mrs. Elmer Wood, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright, J. T. Wood and George Benton attended Quarterly Conference at Oak Grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer, of Old Neck, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Jordan, Mrs. George Jordan, Mrs. Will Everett, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Overton spent Sunday at Norfolk visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood, Mrs. George Benton, Miss Beatrice Benton and Mrs. Carson Jordan visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benton, of White Hat. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell were in Eliz abeth City Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Harrell were in Hertford Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright visited Mr. and Mrs. Ned Matthews, of Old Neck Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cartwright, Mrs. Vernon Winslow, Misses Blanche and Maude Cartwright, Jesse Harrell and Miss Eunice Harrell were in Elizabeth City Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Jesse Harrell is slowly im proving after several weeks of ill ness. E. C. Soper and his father, of Maryland and Mrs. Daisy Perry, of Chapanoke visited in the neighbor hood for a few minutes Sunday. Classified and LEGALS WANTED TO RENT A FARM for 1938 or longer. Address Rev, W. T. C. Briggs, Edenton, N. C. It NOTICE OF .ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrix ol the estate of C. M. Umphlett, deceaa ed, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N, C, Route 1, on or before the 23rd day of September, 1938, or this not ice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said e3'.afe will please make immedi ate payment. This 23rd day of September, 193?. MRS. MAGGIE S. UMPHLETT Administratrix of C. M. Umphlett oct 1 S 15 22 29 nov 5 All that certain tract of land con taining Eighty and 4-10 (80.4) acres, more or less, known as the "Aleathia Lane Place," in Bethel Township, of Perquimans County,' North Carolina, located on the Yeopim Public Road, about 7 miles north from Hertford, North Carolina, bounded on the north by the lands of W. R. Perry; on the east by the lands of T. Broughton; on the south by. the lands. of T. Nixon; on the west by .the lands of Nixon HollowelL - - The property is more fully des cribed by metes and bounds in the deed of trust above mentioned, to which reference is made. This property is being sold sub ject to an outstanding deed of trust executed by Mrs. Minnie Lee Elliott, and Josiah Elliott to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia recorded in Book F. L. B. 1, page 200, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina. This the 7th day of September, 1937. W. O. McGIBONY, Trustee. T. W. COSTEN, Agent and Attorney for Trustee sept 10 17 24 oct 1 St., and T. E. Madre, on the east by lands belonging to H;i C. Stokes, on the south by lands beloriging to J. A. Madre and W. F. Madre, Jr.. on the west by the Norfolk & Southern Rail road, containing -acres, more or less. For further description see reference below. , . Second Tract: Bounded on the north by lands belonging to J. A. Madre and W. F. Madre, Jr., on the eastby the Norfolk & Southern Rail- raad', on the south by. , and on the west by lands belonging to Henry Blanchard, containing... acres, more or less. See reference below. The above described two tracts of land is the same property as shown by plat, said property being marked No. 1 in deed of division between George Ballard and L. E. Taylor, be ing L. E. Taylor's part -of the divi sion, and registered in Public Regis try of Perquimans County, N. C, in Deed Book 9, page 115, which see for further description. ;' This the 22nd day of September, 1937. : CHAS. E. JOHNSON, -" Commissioner, Sept.24,Oct.l,8,15 ""NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. H. Copeland, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, Route 2, on or before the 30th day of August, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Tltia Qntl. t 10Q7 F. M. COPELAND, Administrator of J. H. Copelan-i - sept 3 10 17 25 oct 1 8 NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX SALE Town of Hertford Sale of property for delinquent taxes to be held I Monday, October 4th, 1937, (1936 taxes and other years) at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door, Hertford, N. C. TOWN OF HERTFORD, N. C. By W. G. Newby, Clerk. WHITE Name Location Amt. Pen. Cost Total Barclift, J I, Penn Ave $ 7.15 $ Barrow, George W Estate, Grubb st 2.48 Raymond Barrow and Miss Sallie Leary 4.13 Leary, Sally, Grubb st 4.13 Brinn, Mrs R T, Front st 112.75 Broughton, W J, Grubb st 14.45 Cannon, E H, Academy Ave 13.04 Chappell, Arthur, 3.80 Chappell, N E, 58.60 Chappell, Riddick, Grubb st 20.63 Chappell, John E, 4.51 Congleton, L F, Church st 20.63 Dozier, Mrs J L, Church st 16.50 Elliott, W T, 10.10 Field, D M Estate, Dobb st 16.50 Dobb st 23.94 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of tne authority contain ed in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted on the 14th day of August, 1926, by Washington Lyons, to L. E. Taylor, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Perqui mans County, N. C, in M. D. Book 14, page 470, default having been made in the conditions of said mort gage deed, the undersigned mort- crncrpp will rn fho Qth rinv nf OrlnhAr. ' Felton, W A tZrl L,,: XTrf Pta-Ieetwood, Mrs J J, Front st 59.95 court house door of Perquimans Goodwin Mrs Ellie Dobb st 30.29 County, N. C., offer for sale at pub-Harrell Mr8 LilUe B 13 51 lie auction, to the highest bidder for , Hathaway, Mark, Dobb st . 12.98 cash, the following described pro- Jarvis, Mrs J R, Dobb st 24.75 perty: Jessup, S P, Front st ,30.86" Beginning at the corner of the in- Knowles, R L, Market st 47.45 tersection of Covent Garden and King j Landing, W D, R R Ave 16.50 streets running south on Covent 1 Jfne, W H, Penn Ave 10.45 Garden street 72 feet, thence east on Mdhn, N H, R R Ave 10.18 nil- -..I. vs on Munden, Tim Estate, 4.95 a parallel line with King street 89, Mm 'BeatriCe, .J 9.90 feet, thence north on a parallel line Norman Madeline, 6.60 with Covent Garden street 72 feet to , perry j p, Front st 44.22 King street, thence west along King Reed & Felton, Grubb st (1936) 83.11 street 39 feet to the corner or place Reed & Felton, Grubb st (1931) 101.42 ...... of beginning, the same being the lot Reed & Felton, Grubb st (1932) 222.20 .95 this ilv ronveved to said Lyon's by Reed & Felton, Grubb st (1934) 129.53 ""N95 said Taylor and this conveyance is RuKhto? Grubb st 1 16JS0 made secure the purchase price of 1 the Same. ICtL-Aa U n Mr. a M U Whit Ratata ffrnivli at IKfiTIW. , , , . , , - UWn0 AJ. V nilU M. a Uiuw .muvwm. v Ma. w u v w I V -j uaiea ana posreu una m ujr ui i Stokes, H C, 10.66 September, 1937. ward, R F, Ed Road st . 8.25 L. E. TAYLOR, Mortgagee, Whedbee, Mrs T C, Church and Penn Ave 78.38 By Chas. E. Johnson, Attorney. White, O I, Grubb st 9.08 .29 .95 .10 .95 .17 .95 .17 .95 4.51 .95 .58 .95 .52 .95 .13 .95 2.34 .95 .86 .95 .18 .95 .83 .95 .66 .95 .40 .95 .66 .96 2.40 1.21 .54 .95 .52 .95 .99 .95 1.21 .95 1.90 .95 .66 .95 .42 .95 .41 .95 .20 .95 .40 .95 .26 .95 1.77 .95 3.32 .95 95 ; 8.39 3.53 5.25 5.26 118.21 15.98 14.51 4.38 61.89 22.44 5.64 22.41 18.11 11.45 18.11 25.85 63.30 32.45 15.00 14.45 26.69 32.52 50.30 18.11 11.82 11.54 6.00 11.25 7.81 46.94 87.38 102.37 285.37 151.20 Tmii sept 10 17 24 Oct 1 NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, October 4th, 1937, at 11 A. M., I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Hertford, N. C. 103 shares preferred stock of the Auto and Gas Engine Works. Payment guaranteed by W. G. Gai- ther. 10 White, W E, Church st 19.12 White, C W, 36.01 Williford, C V Estate, Market st 67.52 Winslow Oil Co, 37.95 Winslow, E L, Dobb st 1 82.50 Winslow, Mrs H R, Grubb st 25.52 3.13 .95 .36 .95 .76 '.95 1.44 .95 2.70 .95 1.52 .95 3.30 .95 1.02 .95 20J83 ,1 88.40 71.17 40.42 86.75 27.49 COLORED Barnes, Isaac, Hyde Park st : 22.28 Bembery, Ed, King st 9.90 Bembery, Richard, Market st 16.50 Bembery, Robert, Funeral Wednesday For A. W. Jones, 72 A. W. Jones, 72 died on Tuesday, September 21, following an illness of three weeks. ; Funeral services were held at the home near Belvidere on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock ana burial took- place in the family bury ing ground;! ; J ? Pallbearers were C. : D. Rountree, N. L. Rountree, Joseph Morse, Frank Lynch, Jack Stallings, E. L. Hurdle. Surviving Mr. Rountree are his wife, Mrs. Leah Gregory Jones, and 7 children, as follows; Thunnan and Alice Jones and,Mra.N. L.' Rountre, of Belvidere; Mrs. W. R. Manning, of Edenton; Mrs, R. H. Downing, of Roanoke Rapids; Mrs. Joseph Morse, of Elizabeth City, and Mrs. CV D. Rountree, Route One, Hertford. , h v Visiting Mrs. - Winslow ' : Mrs. W...H,. Hudson; " of Norfolk, Va.,' is here to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. T. F. Winslow. Mr. Hudson was here for the ,' week-end. Also visiting Mrs. Winslow over the week-end were .her aoR-in-law 'i and daughter, Krrind Mrsi'T. W. Wficox and their fanillbf NcroQb $0f NOTiCE OF ADMINISTRATION Havir.g qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. T. Umphlett, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased V exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 14th day ol May, 1938, or this notice will ce pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of May, 1937. W. H. OAKEY, JR. Administrator of W. T. Umphlett oct 1 8 15 22 29 nov 6 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Charlie W. Chappell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against' the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere, N. C, on or before the SlBt day. of August' 1938, or this notice, will be pleaded in, bar of their recovery. All pemn8 'ndebted to aaid estate liivill please make, immediate payment; This 81st day of August, 1937. MRS. PENNIE CHAPPELL, . Administrator of Charlie W. Chappell sept 810 17 24 oct 1 8 ; rlPm NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Whereas, on the 22nd day of Nov ember. 1934. Mrs. Minnie Lee Elliott and .Josiah Elliott executed and de livered. unto W. O. McGibony, Trus tee" f orLand Bank; Commlssiorter ft certain ' deed of trust "which' is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans :: County, North Carolina!, In Book FV Lt R. 1 at page i'ykfW Whereas, default has been made in the payment of . the - Indebtedness thereby secured as therein proviJ:3, and the: trustee i" been rec " 1 by C.8 owner as.J holder C;cr-f U ex:r s :tW 'power''of :.ia!s ;' C.-.!a crr'-i: , . ... - . . . . or,j o1i Blanchard, John, Ed Road The right to reject any and all Blanchard A King st - bids is hereby reserved. This September 8th, 1937. J. M. Fleetwood, J. M. FLEETWOOD, Administrator of J. L. Fleetwood sept 10 17 24 aug 1 ! Burke, Charles Estate, King st 6.60 5.23 6.25 8.25 20.22 NOTICE Cooper, George W, Dobb st ao , Clark, Adeline D, Ed Road 4.95 Dail, Elisha, Dobb and Ed Road 50.53 Dail, Elverd C Garden, 1.25 Davenport, Mary, Church st 9.90 Douglas, Louisa Estate, Grubb st . . 4.12 Douglas, W W, Mark st ; 13.12 By virtue of a mortgage made to.Eason, Joseph Estate, 6.60 k n.nn r.Min a wifo fA, Elliott, Percy, Dobb st ; 12.65 certain purposes therein stated, which , g" .ZZ IT ZZ mgageJb,e8r8 M,ar! Everett, -Esther, -ZZZZZZZZ-IZIZZ-Z 10th, 1923, and is recorded m M. D. Everett.. Mamie. Kin st Book 13, page 536, Register of Deeds t Everett, William, ; oince, rerquimans county, a resaie. rauuc, wui xistate, u Ave . having been ordered by the court, I shall on Monday, October 4th, 1937? at 11:30 A. M., offer for sale to the .msu uu . m vu w vv""v Felton Laura and Annie, w s, . w-..-.. - Felton, Laura Swain, 7.43 s 1.65 6.78 4.11 2.76 8.25 8.20 2.68 1.45 Felton, "James, Ed Road 6.20 7.02 Felton .Annette, Mark st Felton, Alee, Felton, George, Felton,' Lucy, Hyde Park . Felton,1 Nelson M, Market st Felton Lamb, the property conveyed to me in said mortgage to-wit: . That certain tract or parcel of land in Bethel Township Perquimans i Felton, William Percy, R R Ave .... ;.r. County, adjoining lands of D. E. WU-, Franklin, Prentis Estote, B Lane liams, Wm. Britt and others bounded ; garrell, Anderson, Market st . as follows: By N-m.CilioidilgeVrto Henry, grounds, lands of D. E. WUllams;head 5ErA,Sam : " of WiUiam Bntt and the cross road HttiivrJ. rnr Av from Harveys Neck road to Minxes .HoHy. L D, Dobb st i; Creek road containing 64 acres more , Holly, Malinda Estate, Dobb st or less anu anown as manan yvarreauuiBiir,. nuriet cbuiiv, viruuo landfl and same conveyed to Henry ILassiter, Herbert, Road st Gregory by T. G. Skinner and wife Lloyd, Pearl, x.- aj j. tix-u it io I Lillian. Lyons. Kinff st 7.,.. Register of Deeds office tnVanmmySSB3L " County. ",. 'ff E-AlTrr The bidding "will start at $82.50. v This September 17th, 1987 9 NORMAN ELLIOTT, Mortgagee. 1 : .Whedbee and Whedbee Attorney. set:.24octlyi: Norfleet, Jaa, Ed Road at Overton, Eugenia,' Overton, Miles, Cox Ave Parker, 'Essie, . Dobb st - i. i Parker, Henry Estate Dobb Bt Perry, Henry L, Cox Ave ..,... Reed. Elisha- Estate. King: st u- Reed, Herbert, King st Reed,, Wilson Satterfield, F H, R R Ave w Satterfield OHie, Cox Ave Sharp, Dr W B, Ed Road, Dobb st Skinner, John H, R It Ave "' L. Spruill, M G, I!:rket st LlODDS st tyMZji NOTICE OF SALE Under and;byfevirtue vof an ;order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County,' made in the ; special proceed ing entitled Pauline , B. Madre ; and husband, W. F. Madre, Jr Plaintiffs vs Evalena (Eleanor) Hall, and hus band.' Semore "Hall, et ' als.- defend-1 RtnlUn a. A nn 71. Tit ants; the "same 1 beini Noyii-ii Stalling, I tate, King st.- upon the special proceeding docket oiji" n ' Said court, the undersigned commis sioner will, on the 23rd day of Octo ber, 1837; : at 12 :00 otlock ; llocn, r t Ce courthouse door in r-'r IT. C, OiTer for sale ta t , ? ;r'- 5ir xor easa t r.. 1-1 1;! - r ' i , . .1 st i Et .3, king st .3, '1. T rt . .Lbs St 128 8.80 16.74' 4.95 -6.78 . 8.03 12.38 14.80 3.60 8.25 . 2.90 ' 10.82 .9.90 8.78 6.05 . 85 - 60 : 20.68 . 6.80 14.85 9.90 ' 6.20 18.15 4.13 8.25 8.97 8.60 ; 10.82 9.08 10.82 f 6.40 84.10 4.95 ' 10.32 3.30 !, 4.85 . 6.63 8.f5' " 4r5 7.'. 3 11 ) ) ) .89 .95 .40 .95 .66 .95 .26 .95 .21 .95 .21 .95 .33 .95 1 .95 .19 ,95 2.02 .95 .05 .95 40 .95 .16 .5 .52 .95 .26 .95 .61 .95 - M .95 07 .95 .23 .95 .16 .96 .11 .95 .33 .95 5.95 .11 .95 .06 .95 .25 .95 .28 .96 .50 .95 .13 .95 .67 .95 - .19 .95 - .28 5 .12 .95 ' .60 .95 67 .95 , .14 .96 - 3 .95 .12,6 . -1 .95 -51 .40 5 . , ,J61 .95 : .9.11 24.12 11.25 18.11 7.81 6.39 6.41 9.63 21.98 6.10 63.60 2.25 11.25 6.23 14.69 71 14. LI 8.68 2.67 6.96 5.22 3.81 9.53 7.40 8.74 2.46 7.40 8.25 133 4.88 18M 6.10 6.96 .4.10 13.83 ew .95 - 4 5 .'j.25 .95 ;t 3 .95 '3 .95 .69 .95 6.96 ' 74 9.63 , 7.40 v 22.40 'l 6.98 16.39 40 .95 ;?11.25 25 .95 .73 .95 .16 .95 3 .95 .36 5 ;14 .95 .41 .95 ,86 .95 ,95 95 95 .19 .95 4 : 7.40 19.83 V6.24 ,8.53' .10.28 , 4.69 , 11.68 10.39 ,11.68 161 - 36.41 6.09 .41 .95' 1 11.68 .13 .95 , , 4.S8 .19 .95 .28 .95 , .33 .95 .81 .95 .19 .95 XI .85 , .44 .C5 .81 ; .11 .' ; , 6.09 . 7.81 9.53 22.06 6.10 8.93 12.?? 7 ). I : C' 4