- , 1 1 ) . " 4 - JIM WEEKLY i ll. JillJi r A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TQ THE UPBUILDING OP HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume IV. Number, 4b. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, November 5, 1937. $1.25 Per Year. VclfcreCGnfercnce Over 1C3 Women (iUIMMii Criminal Docket Is Quickly Disposed Of First Day Of Court Not a Single Case on List Reached the Jury FRIZZELLE JUDGE the Quality bf iMercy . . 99 SLiGil To Ce Held In f'-rlfnrrt'flii-Mnw 19 llwilUlU WII IIUli lit 22 Counties Expected to Be Represented at , c Meeting ANNUAL AFFAIR enator L. L. Gravely Will Be Principal Speaker For the first time a Northeastern pistrict Welfare Conference will be held in Hertford, according to an 'announcement by Miss Ruth Daven port, Perquimans County Welfare officer. The conference will be held probably at the high school or a local church on November 12, with county .commissioners, welfare boards, coun ty representatives, ! county auditors, county attorneys, and beads of civic, social and religious j organizations from the twenty-two counties of the Northeastern District. The Honorable E. L. Gravely, Senator, of Rocky Mount, will be the principal speaker, with Mrs. W. T. Bost, State Commissioner of Public - .Welfare, also speaking. - , Invitations are being sent now and county commission boards are espec ially invited to be present since im portant questions concerning the so cial security assistance program will be answered at the -conference; the answering to be done by Nathan H. Yelton, director of the division of public , assistance, and . Miss Lavinia .-. 'Key&rvregional representative of the social security board, - Washington, . : - A Hfunaainn tnr ennnt.v fimrumia- "i wffl-W led hv J. F.PnS. rhjiTrtnan of Martin'. .fViniffa. ItridTd lit. Cjimmfa l: if'"'-': .J.Ji- J'.i;niureiicf3. 'in .iui annual mi Mil . and V Ueme of his jearii -meeting aeconiv-r tMMs Davenport? la, "A ' " The fwentytwolj bounties compris ing the Northeastern. Dintrict, are; Bertie, Beaufort; , Camden, Carteret, , Chowah, Craven, Currituck, ; Dare, :f EdgecomV Gate?,- Green, - Hertford, v Hyde, Lenior, Martin, Pamlico, Pas- " quotahk, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, . Washington and Wilson, 1 ' Miss, Davenport is secretary, and t M. G. Fulgham, president of the con : f erende, will preside. v puncheon r will ; oe aervea ai me tugn acnooi, prepar ed by the department "f home eco- ,. nomica tinder the suDervision of Mrs. Helen' Harrell, director of the depart ment t m".. t 1 D!c!ir':;7S:rs Poison-Tv;b Vcioi lVIrs. Jizlz- Jones' and Mrs; Walter East V . .. Latest Victims Mrt. Jack Jones, of Hertford, arid Mrs. waiter juast, wno nves m tne country ( tieat . Hertford, botfi of , whom were bitten by black- widow . spiders on Ia"t Saturday,' are still - of botli c; ' "ns is 'reported Batisfact zj i..' t" r physician, Pr. C. A. Dave rorC - , No kss than f.ve TerquimanB . County persons have been treated at 'Ihe IJ-ford Clinic for II .'s. viw spi.l. ' i t ' in the past ten days, accoi. j u J Davenport. - V.I.." 3 t "i rs. Jones and lira. Erct ' I n on Saturday, f r- " 'it occur at the same j ' , ? i fh Instance the a ''" 'i a peanut f -r. j t..t64 1y Wm Tort,; who says f com tjf- t T 'a 1 1. s r : ( I 7,:1-- t c at ;rgons v rt:.. 7N r ;.i ccur.x l- WMMMMM. I. .'--.V.. out-of-town ;rt ia E " , w. v;. r: 1 Attend Fedoration Meeting On Friday Every Club In Perquim ans " County Was Represented WHITESTON WINS State Agent Comments On Importance of QubWork More than 200 club women attend ed the Federation of Home Demon stration Clubs meeting at the Agri cultural Building Friday, where Miss Ruth Current, State Home Dem onstration agent, was the speaker, praising this section of the State and expressing admiration at the beauti ful well-kept homes in Hertford and Perquimans County. "This organization is one of the greatest in the nation," said Miss Current, giving an idea of the size or the demonstration movement and urging interest in its programs. "There are more than sixty thousand club members in North Carolina to day, with home agents in 76 of the one hundred counties in this State. Our goal is to have an agent and an assistant in every county. " The organization is only twenty fivs years old. All ten of the home demonstra tion clubs in the Perquimans County Federation were represented at the meeting Friday and each secretary! gave a report of the club's work for the year. Stressing the essentials most need ed by a home-maker to be a success ful one, Miss Current elaborated on f ourt enthusiasm.'Wision, optimism aiitt ioyatty." . "Starting with, -the last item -and1dnr , theTBwt Wttero. tte other three in order, you have-another needed trait,"- said' the state agent, "Jove, vitally essential to every home maker. " - '. ..A high pressure cooker , was given ;o the club doing the year's most out standing work; the first prize' going' to'theWhiteston club, with Ballahack second, and Belvidere third. At the . beginning of the' year, each club , member kept a, record and these records were sent in to- the office of the county agent, Miss Gladys Ham rick. From these records was, made a record of each club's work. 5 -; Miss Mary Teeter, Camden County' Home Demonstration ; Agent, and Mrs. Marie Woodard, Gates County Agent, were the judges. ,' " Key Hope P. Ti A,'i Mrs. Steve Perry Named As President of the ; " " Groups r The Parent-Teacher Association of the New Hope-. School met - at the school on Friday. ' 1 l 1 During the ' business session the following officers were appointed, for the school term of 1937-38: President, Mrs. Steve ;; Perry 5. vice president, Mrs. Neil - Sprulllj 'secretary , and treasurer, Miss Louise Wilson; mem bership, committee, Mrs. .Guy Webb, Mrs. Philip Jackson and Mrs. Edward Layden; finance committee, Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs.: John - Lamb and Mrs; Earl Perry; publicity chairman, Miss Louise Wilson. ' ' v It was agreed that the P. T. A would meet every third Friday even ing at the school house. - i. ' - The program " included several games and a. poem.' . Prize " winners were' Mrs. John .'Lftmb and, George Turner. , Botbing for ".apples caused much merriment- ' ' 7" , Durics; thetocial liour candy Was Lserved. y" ;.. -"-"t.- Those present were:' ! Mrs. Steve Perry, Mrs. W. ' W. t Spencer, Mrs. Nettitei Ea:lifl -MrslTilU r-'-'-i, airs, iivyip tfUHcq uim. diuiu jlaulu,- iT.Irs..eil .SpfuJJV jMrs. C B. Good man, Mrs. P. L, Jackson, Mrs. Wil liam Carter, Mrs. Guy Webb, Mr. a- Mrs. George Turner, Mrs. Clif ' jn"3y--Mrsi -uera hodds, i :s. ' npHon, Jr., Mits Ruby . '.1, , Llaude' Simpson, " Miss Carolyn 1 " 'x, and Miss Louise Wilson. ' , C -Jys. Hamrick, t County trallon Aierixand L County Farm Agent, " rn-fCI:: At . re made for V. 9 ' -UTS 4 i) JBv Drawn for the American Red P. C. H. S. Football ( . 1 k" ' A1 '.'-Stir - V wr Victory Second Chalked Up- by Local Team ; 1 This Seasdrf SCORJB EARLY Dox Dixon Mac White And Billy Arnold Star ' , Hertford High School's football team won" its second game of the season, and the first to be played on home -Soil Friday afternoon, taking "the, long ind of a 50-0 score against the" Columbia High School. . s Playing a major part in the victory was" the ; playing of Dox Nixon, who performed like a veteran in running, pVMbigpafaA pujiting,' ' while Mac Wffite added5; considerable ; yardage by sweep'ing en4 runs. Billy Arnold, too, demon8trated".to the fans pres ent that ho is no novice at holding on to .pisses quite frequently snag ging the ball when it looked as if the play would go for naught. ' Columbia ' threatened to , score in the, first half - when a fumble . was recovered near the : 20-yard line. However,' the.; entire Hertford line strengthened s forming k a t veritable brick wall for opposing runners, the ball going to Hereford on downs. Hertford scored after the game was less than a minute ; old and it was only a matter of seconds before the game was over that Nixon shot a pass to Campen in the end zone for the eighth touchdown of the game. - Hertford boys taking part in the -game . were ! Arnold, ' Byrum) Spivey, r enus, t irouii wn, , uauii,i narris, Nixon. Mac White, 'Bond, rCanlpen, Carver,: C, White, and . JtVinsJovft . 'v - .I,- - frrm 1 ' .' hi mi "in ..nil h1 "I'll'1'! 'I1'. FPfelimirianes For Junior Order Contest ; Held , On Nov, 11 iv -I - ' On'.JTovember 11th the prtlimina riea for the Junior Order statewide original oration and essay contest on the subject of Americajwill be held in our local high scboo a. Each senior high school boy'Js e igible in th 5 c ration, and each en or v high school girl in the ' essay : contest. These are to be judged t1' orr (composi tion, memory and dehve by three disinterested judges. " l , 1 : The local winners wl ' Represent his and her sd ool in tv.-j Si 1. t J tj I. .. . . .1 . eucc"sful contestant wUl a r '1. rict-con-r 22nd at ict, said r, The be given Team Easily Trims Crow Vv Lawrence Wilbur Program Plan For Armistice Day cnt-Teachers Mrs. I; Asard, District , President, Principal ' Speaker ; REFRESHMENTS Mrs. Broughton Urges Every Member to Be Present Mrs. I. A. Ward, District President of the Parent-Teaqher Association, it to be the principal speaker at the November meeting of the P. T. A. c' the Hertford Grammar School 01 Armistice Day, when Mrs. L. C Winslow will be in charge of th. program Mrs. H. T. Broughton, president, will preside and os very anxious tha' every member or the P.T.A. atten' this meeting, and a cordial invitatio: is extended to the public. Refreshments will be served at th( close of the meeting, and a door prizt will b6 presented to the lucky persor who draws the number correspondinr to the .prize number. The hour of 'meeting is 3:30. T.ieut. Governor Horton Speaker At Hobbsville Celebration On Friday Lieutenant Governor W. P. Horton will deliver the prucipal address on the day observed by the Hobbsville High School as "Fall Festival Day," Friday, November 5. The program begins at 11 A. M., in the High School auditorium and the schedule reads as follows: Invo cation by the Rev. B. A. Mitchell; 'iddresB pf welcome: by i Represents tive Claude Gray; special - music; in troduetion 6f apeaker v by " the Hon, Hathaway Cross;--" address ,by tht Lieutenant' Governor) 'announcements by Principal A. G. Greene. Ball-' games 'aiid.'ottoer atitletic events, are scheduled for the after noon and turkey dinner and oyster supper will be served. ' -r ' v. ii, 'TowxiOiers' WU1 Meet Friday Night ZQ At.ourt House ' The board of directors ( again wish V call attention to. the jneet ing of the 'Town Criers" at ;the courthouse Friday night at 7:30. The membership roll ta increas ing by leapr and bounds; about 25' namei being added -! since the last meeting of the directors on Pet.-''' L.inpng thetotal to ap?r-.".Iy 89 members. ' ma , . : W -ml. Annual Red Cross Roll Call Begins On November 11 House to House Canvass For Members Will Be Made quotaTs $150 Chairman S. M. Whed bee Plans Complete Solicitation The Red Cross Roll Call, with Mrs. C. F. Sumner, Jr., again serving as, chairman of the roll call committee, will get underway in Hertford on Armistice Day, November 11, begin ning with a house to house canvass ; by local assistants, according to S. M. ! Whedbee, chairman of the Perqui-j mans County Red Cross unit. j Mrs. H. G. Winslow and Mis. W. j H. Oakey, Jr., will cover Church I Street, Mrs. C. P. Morris and Mrs. E. S. Pierce, Market Street, Mrs. W.l H. Pitt, Dobb Street, Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mrs. G. I. White, Grubb Street, Mrs. E. W. Lordley, Front Street, and Mrs. Durwood Reed and Mrs. Reginald Tucker, West Hert-i ford, or the section of town west of j charge of manslaughter, the charge the Norfolk Southern Railroad. j growing out of the death of Rice The Rev. G. H. Coffee, colored! Miller, who died as a result of in Methodist minister, together with the ' juries sustained when the car which Rev. J. A. Harrell, colored Baptist 1 he was driving was in collision with minister, will have charge of the col- one driven by Mr. Thach. In the ored district canvass. ! matter of the reckless driving charge Thfl n,,nta t fnr iWrmimnim against Mr. Thach, which was appeal- County this year is one hundred and fifty dollars, the amount to be raised t before Thanksgiving Day when the roil call period ends. Asked how the county would be canvassed, Mr. Whedbee said this; week when the assistants in Hertford ! were named, that workers in other sections of the county would be nam 6d shortly and that the county con tributions would be handled in the same manner as those in Hertford. I Miss Mary Sumner, principal of the Hertford Grammar School, Junior: Roll Call Chairman, will be in charge of all school contributions, to be handled directly from the students by the different teachers. j Half of the quota when raised will be forwarded to the National Red Cross Headquarters and the re-1 mainder will be retained in this county for local Red Cross work. ' Judge Compliments County's Citizenship i Kindly Remarks Follow No Excuses For Duty On Jury The fact that no member of the grand jury asked to be excused when Superior Court convened here on Monday was commented on very fav orably by Judge J. Paul Frizzelle, who stated that it was one of the finest evidences that the county has a high quality citizenship. "It is both unusual and extraordinary," he said, "that eighteen gentlemen can be called to the jury box and em paneled without a single one asking to be excused." The Judge remarked, incidentally, that he recently held court in a coun ty where all but four men out of 42 asked to be excused from serving on the grand jury. Members of the grand jury in cluded H. D. Elliott, foreman, Horton j D.-Copelahd," Willard Umphlett, J.: Herbert Layden, ,T. D. White, J. W. Lamb, VI. r,Wi Copeland, W. G. Hollo well, D. T. Winslow, Edgar Rkkuck, William Weston-, Jack E. Brum, War ren Cartwright, J. N. Carver, Sammie M. Winslow, W. J. Halaey, Fred S. Winslow. and Miles E, Dail, Father Ed Passman Dies lit New York Ed Passman, owner dftfte firm of Passman '.and Company, hat mahufacr turns': of; New York City, wiule in Hertford Tuesday g afternoon .. -was called suddenly to .New? York ky ihe ( Mr. PaamM'-'itri-xialar visit to Hertiord .and rpr ipany jran has .been calliaa"at 4h"aVatrea at J. C.,f Slandiard.. Kirt'Zdm&aAik and Simon's. He: numbers "manj Hertford people among his friends., i-;'.v' Immediately upoii ;f'Kceiving -the nessam Mr." Passman' left 1 by auto for Rocky Mount.-where jhe boarded a north hour. 1 t'i. , Only Gvil Cases Sched uled For Trial In January Not a single case on the criminal docket of the November Term of Perquimans Superior Court, which eonvened in Hei"tford on Monday, reached the jury, the entire docket being disposed of on Monday. Judge J. Paul Frizzelle, of Snow Hill, presided over this term of the court, which is the first term of Superior Court held here since April, and was for the trial of both criminal 'and civil actions. The next term will be in January, for the trial of civil cases only. The grand jury failed to find a true bill in the case of Benjamin Thach, against whom probable cause was found in Recorder's Court on the f.1"0 Rfcordr'sI Court S,tate So' licitor Herbert S. Leary took a noil pross. The first case which came up for trial was that of State against Le Roy Nixon and J. F. McDaniel, in which T. J. Bass was the prosecuting j witness. This case resulted in a di : rected verdict of not guilty. Cn V nno u'itnaoQ lira a Ava minAr) I r rae case 01 l- MrMuiian, Jr., ot Elizabeth City, charged with embez zlement, in wnicn the defense entered a plea of nolo contendre. The. tes timony of L. N. Hollowell, manager of the Farm Equipment Company. owner of the truck and plow involved , and for whom the defendant was 1 working at the time of the alleged offense, disclosed that restitution had , been made of the value of the prop erty involved. Prayer for judgment was continued in this case for two j years and the defendant was put on i probation under the supervision of i H. Vincent Leary, the District Pro- bation officer, with the usual provi sions. This case was handled under the machinery provided by a recent act of the Legislature. The case against T. J. Gregory, (Continued on Page Eight) Grand Jury Report f Following is a report of the grand jury of the November term of Per quimans Superior Court, a copy of which the presiding judge instructed the clerk to be certified to the Board of County Commissioners and also a copy to be placed before the judge holding the next term of criminal court in Perquimans: We, the Grand Jurors for the above Term, respectfully make the following report: We have visited the office of the Register of Deeds and found the of fice well kept and in good condition. We recommend that the vault in this office be enlarged. We have visited the office of tht Clerk of the Superior Court and found the office well kept and in good condition. We have examined the re cords in this office and find that W. T. Shannonhouse, Trustee, has failed to file an annual rcoort tn tba ("Vmr The several Justices of the Peace have each filed a written report as required by law. sWe recommend that the vault in the Clerk' AffiM ho enlarged. W have visited the Sheriffs office and found it well kept and in good onditicu ' ' Wa have visited the jail and reconw mend that the windows, water works and fixtures, floor, stairway railing and door be repaired and that new fclankets for the jail cots be fur lushed. . We have visited the Prison Farm and found it kept in a very good and sanitary condition. v ' J We have visited the County fifome and found it ket neat and clean, but very much in need of painting, : both tyside and out : We recommend that the buildings be . painted as soon as possible and that electric li"v? be installed.- . i (Continued on Ps:e r-