THE PER mmmm wee KLY .V t Volume IV.-r-Number 49. OfTlIertf of d's , Hotel ' WiU Be Operated By Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell i PUT IN GOOD SHAPE . New Owners Plan Hotel s Of Which Town May V, Be Proud ,, .. A The Hertford Hotel property has , " been purchased by Mrs. Louise Willi " ford Campbell and will be operated by Mrs. Campbell and her husband, . . J. G. Campbell Mr. Campbell, who " , haB been engaged in newspaper sub . , ecription campaign business, is clos ' ' ing his business and will join Mrs. Campbell here shortly to be perma ' nently located. t ' Meantime the building is under f Vgoing" repairs and will be re-decorat-' ;ed throughout, the exterior to be re painted as soon as weather conditions permit. "We expect to operate a hotel in which Hertford may take pride," said Mrs. Campbell in discussing the plans for the immediate future. Mrs. Campbell might be said to have been born in the hotel business. . Her birthplace, incidentally, was the old Eagle Tavern, which her father, the late C. V. Williford, operated for some Years, later taking over the ; Hotel Hertford, which he and Mrs.. Williford successfully operated for lift wnm The business interests of Hertford, as well as all interested in the wel fare of the town,, will doubtless take J ' i great pleasure in the announcement Vfeisgiving Day To: Be Observed liVarioos Ways Forms of Plea sure Planned to Cele hrate Holiday STtHDENTS HOME Farmers Too Busy Gen- .Fi.4MU. wv mMtiavH --. mrzt 1 1 v in Hininiiiin portant Work i 1 o , The. Perquimans Weekly is making I its appearance a day ahead of sched "ule liiis f week, in order that the force, along; with the employees of t the stored, shops and offices, may , ,' have a holiday on Thanksgiving Day. f Services will be held, as usual, at v Holy trinity Episcopal Church, " in ' Hertford,: at 10 o'docJIf: in the morn-, ingi and at tiie Methodist JChurch, at i ', : me schools oi tne couniy are nav- ing the usual holiday from Wednes - day until Monday. ; Boys aiid a are ao Jiooli and colleges for the ,iEday,f and there are family gatherings here and tfcertii:;;:witk:'toi.Hiln.;--inaBy homes, But not a great many t-Per quimaBB 'people, ? particularly? the iamiUe8, take ; time out? for j.- places on Thanksgiving; pay, -use it is such a buey wason rr Test t: a everyre, is fiusy t of tire and labor, t say nothing I ?ya beans and corn.-' It . Is the - -rv'sti-t' v of is peanuts, f however J "i i tAaps, the most ? impor iili ''-ivh time,;, for pea ...'a r.v l a i at the right time' a4 undci the. racst f jrv(orUeweatJt' -r conditions, an J -work goes on .-ardleElof Thanl-'Day.;": .; In town it is, of coc. , a some V.iat. different story, tai Core who ;'j net attend a football ganie, vlz'X -xrA f riend and relatives or tlcta -rsr at home, go bunting or til a "?v c2 .for iest;;??::':i"--.f :; a number of Hertford lean fi the bntt da during ' the Sees ;r. r -v can snend in the woo', '. ' a to whom the port Ff 1 f 9 d;y buntinff- . -'.' - - s as traffic -deaths - are, a t tJhered by deaths di lis t ?i thet accidents in the . "C Icrinx in peanuts talla for jjrt -K vzt IZstuwiw a and har&rk nd it e-.XX3TiWJ .j. " L.ton.' likewise,' cailsAiorl k in tie 1J hornet .J t bfir A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, November R. M. Riddlck I leads Purpose to Show ' N. C. Hospitality to Visitors And Tourists IN EVERY COUNTY Perquimans Committee Will Be Named vBy Mr. Riddick Raleigh. The Governor's Hospi tality Committee has been expanded to include every county in North Carolina as a result of the appoint ment by Governor Clyde R. Hoey of 100 county chairmen, who in turn will aoDoint the members of the county hospitality committees. Mr. R. M. Riddick, cashier of the Hert ford Banking Company, was appoint ed chairman of the Perquimans county committee. Each county hospitality committee will cooperate with the Governor' a Hospitality Committee, which is composed of all the members of the State Board of Conservation and De velopment, m attempting to arouse a greater degree of interest among the people of the state in showing real North Carolina hospitality to all who come here from other states, either as tourists or permanent resi dents. Governor Hoey and those who have cooperating with him in state advertising campaign, are con vinced-that the state should do every thing possible to induce visitors to return to the state again and again and that they will not become "re peaters," unless the people they come In contact with while here the first time show a spirit of hospitality and friendliness. He feels that while the advertising program now being push ed by the Department of Conservation and Development will bring tens of thousands to North Carolina who have never visited the state before, it will be dependent upon the people with whom these visitors come in contact while here, as to whether they return or eventually become North Carolina residents. , As soon as the county chairmen name their, hospitality committees, a comprehensive - program will he presented to these committees by the state committee which is expected to bring about cooperation from every section- of the state. Each county committee will be urged to work with all, organizations and persons who in any way come in contact with the traveling-- public and to enlist then interest - and support in . making North Carolina the "friendly state." MOVE TO BALTIMORE . Mrs. -Thomas Tilley and her two children left Saturday to join Mr. Tilley in -Baltimore, Md., where he has recently located, and where the family will make their home. Former j Resident Com- Mardre . A fine C tribute 1 4 the. late ;J William : Mardre, of i. Hertford, $ jwhose death occurred : recently, -4' was paid by a sen of Perqulmana, -ifeW. J. It Chappell, ef St, LieV .:"''"'' Dr.: ChappelV an optometrist. hN&z-; flawing the death f j Vj Mr. Mrdi-e, the account of which " J; he saw in The Perquimans Week'-?. lyvDr.'. Ctmgi:fMiW'-''j Itf Semehew, we'v-alwaya cet --a f thria out of readff the papec 'from down home and seeing fa J! mi'Jar names of the fafe;!!?a who -- have keen 'k art of fie oJ3anD . Jty. for years, 'WinicB:.:backV''fid'' recollections. Among the names : of thos who; have ;beorim4:5 U mortal is the f name of tflSart Mardre,vthe inety4hree-year-oU veteran who has jus passed to l!s reward. ? How well I rememt- il t:r t:r. Mardre and the, business lec " lushed, Hewaeamanof -Iltles and unimpeach- 'i racier, honored and re 7 1 ly &:i who knew him, f 'it have known him and 1 ia the community :. s sti such a long and Tribute Pirate and - ff - M- J in t i 1 the k'il - T''' I " i f This pretty "pirate girl" found this Indian papoose at Hopi House, Grand Canyon, Ariz. The "pirate girt" Is Zoe Dell Lantis who visited the Hopis while touring the Southwest in the interests of the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition, to be held on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay in 1939. P.C.H.S. Debating Team Is Named Students Selected From 17 Try Outs Held on Tuesday Mary Thad Qiappell, Nancy Coke .Darden, Julia Boughton and Kathe rine Jessup, with Helen Mae White and Minnie White as alternates, com pose the debating team for Perqui mans High achool. The students were select.! out of seventeen try outs onTuesuty. The question for debate this year is "Resolved that the several states should adopt unicameral system of legislation," and the triangular de bates with Edenton and Elizabeth City' will take place sometime after Christmas. Mrs. Emily Lane Long and Miss Elizabeth Knowles are coaching the Perquimans team. Mrs. Walters Honored On Her 74th Birthday Mrs. T. B. Walters, a ; verv srreatlv .beloved Hertford jwomahs received very atuiKuuui surprue va nuy night when the members of her Sun day School, class entertained for her at the home of Mrs. D. M. Sharpe, honoring Mrs, .Walters' 74 birthday. &Ab Mrs. Walters entered : the guests rose and .sang "Happy Birth- ' - 3ratv . m aay, o;iou,r'aer wnicn v loveiy Hi1aMet tflMMQt nix- "tandWs, ; jpasxiprought irL'JEach gt.vPJeute :thfe,'n6noree ith a gU4"M!jMt5r Oie'packages haJbeen oesuiiMmlSet: nnand1 Mn. H. C. Stokes entertained with read ings,' and there were amusing games. Dainty refreshment were, wrv . . Those present included Mesdames Si T. Hawkins, T. 1 C. Blanchard, D. M. Sharpe,. Joe Elliott,' P. L. Steph ens, J. K. White, R. I KnowleSj.Etta Walters, mad Uiappell, ' John Hill, E. h. Reed, H. C. Stokes, R. E.' Brinn, George Feilds, 'R. T. White, W. H. Curtis, and Ri T. Clarke, and Mrs. I vE, Grifflii, of Edenton. V WahylMasbni Present FcrSpecial ; Program ftkA special " Thanksgiving program, Which -featured.: interesting facts in connection with the Oxford'. Orphan age, was given at the regular meet ing of rerquimans Lodge No. 106, A. F. C A. M., . on Tuesday night. RefreCiimentg vcre served at the close of the pregrctn.t. - Papoose Reports Incomplete In M Cross Drive Only ThirdTof Quota Turned In By Wed nesday Red Cross Roll Call figures were not available at the time this news- i paper went to press. While several I of the workers have turned in their j reports, the amounts collected aggre gating approximately fifty dollars, no report has been made by several others who have been unable to fin ish their canvass. The quota set for Perquimans by County Chairman Silas- M. Whed bee is $150. Whether or not the amuir.t is to be realized it is impossi ble 'r- say at this time, but at pres ent only a third of the amount has i been turned in. i All who have not responded to the Red CrosB Roll Call are asked to do I so as soon as possible. Trim Wilson Returns From Kansas City Trim W. Wilson returned Saturday from Kansas City, where he was called by the critical illness of 'a brother, Dr. Brickhouse Wilson, Of that place. Dr. Wilson, who is a native of Perquimans and who has many friends here, is still in a very serious condition. A. sister, Mrs. Warner Evans, of Chowan County, returned home on Sunday from her sick broth er's bedside; Another sister, Mrs. Z. W. Evans,' also of Chowan, is still in Kansas City. - - - i- -.,; r-T -..1 -;"t5 HOSTESS TO CIRCLE : Mrs. J. W. Zachery was hostess, to Circle No. Three of the W. M. S. of Hertford; Baptist Church, on Monday night, with Mrs. iV. N. Dar den, chairman, presiding, ; and Mrs. Zachery leading the devotional. . The topic for the month was Sy rians and ' Armenians. Mrs. B, -C. Benrive, a reading, IThe Gospel , Among: the Syrians," ' after which' Mrs. T." L. Jessup read a paper on "The Syrians and Armenians in America," and v Mrs. C. E. ; Cannon read "Smiles and Other Smiles." . At the close of a brief ' business session, the hostess served a sweet course. The following were present: Mrs. J.rE. White, Mrs. Trim Wilson, Mrs. ' H. T; Broughton, Mrs. T. L. Jessup,1 Mrs. G. E. Tucker, 1 Mrs. J. W. "Ward, ' Mrs. Wallace ' Umphlett, Mrs. B. C Berry, Mrs. C.E. Cannon, Mrs. a R. Holmes, Mrs.1 V. N. Dar den, Mrs. L. N. Hollowell v and Miss Helen Morgan. -,',,. s v ! 26, 1937. Fame Of Hertford's Town Criers Travels To r State J. G. Roberson Receives Inquiry From Wav erly, Va. MUCH INTEREST Executive Committee to Meet Again In Few Days The fame of the Town Criers, it would seem, has spread abroad, even beyond the confines of our state. The folks over in Virginia have heard about Hertford's new civic organiza tion and are interested in what is being done. As a matter of fact, the organiza tion, which was formed recently, for the avowed purpose of making the Town of Hertford a better place in which to live, has as yet done little beyond make plans for improvements in the town. However, its existence has been discussed elsewhere, it seems, and its aims and purposes commented upon. J. G. Roberson, Hertford druggist, received a letter this week from W. T. Daniel, cashier of the Bank of Waverly, Va., advising that he had been told something of the newly or ganized Town Criers, and that since there had been some discussion of a civic organization for his town, he would appreciate some information in connection with Hertford's organiza tion. A l: ti i. . nttoruintiiy, Mr. Konet'SOll expects to write to Mr. Daniel and give him an outline of the aims and purposes of Hertford s Town Criers, together with the plan of organization. Meantime, the executive committee of Hertford's Town Criers will hold another meeting within the next few days to discuss some of the problems which have already been given some consideration and possibly to take up other matters to be suggested. Attendance Good At Woman's Club Early December Meet ing to Make Plans For Christmas An increase in attendance at the Hertford Woman's Club meetings has been observed with much gratifica tion. There were twenty present at the meeting held on Tuesday after noon, with Mrs. J. G. Roberson, president, presiding, and Mrs. V. N. Darden in charge of the program Others taking part on the program, the subject of which was education were Mesdames I. A. Ward and F. T. Johnson. The matter of packing the Thanks giving baskets was postponed until Wednesday, because of the fact that a good deal more supplies for the baskets were coming in later. The baskets, containing good things for Thanksgiving, were distributed on Wednesday afternoon. ?-Inoirder';to make plans for Christ- mas, : ft .yas decided to hold the December meeting of the club early in the month, the definite date to be announced shortly. Mrs. Munden Convalescent Mrs. W. M. Munden, who has been quite sick at her home on Grubb Street, is convalescent and able to be out again. Faithful Newby Dog Is - Buried In Cedarwood Cemetery "Dock" is dead, dead and gone ' where good dogs go. For thir teen happy 'years) he was a pet in the Evart Newby household in Hertford, and upon his 9 demise . last week his remains were laid .: to rest in , the family plot in Cedarwood Cemetery. "No indeed,"; said Mrs. Newby, when someone suggested that Ute . ; dog be buried on the Town lot "Take him up to the cemetery," i she said, ."and bury him on our lot." And "Dock-V sleeps up !. there, .occupy ing a place in death ', in keeping with that, he had ia life. ; . .',,' - - Neighbo .lift. PWk t. J-.-V i-'- $1.25 Per Year. School Faculty Will Present Lively Play On December 2nd Sparkling Farce Will Furnish Plenty of En tertainment CAPABLE CAST Proceeds For Benefit of High School Athletic Association The faculty of P. H. S. will pre sent a play, "Safety First," Decem ber 2, at 8:00 P. M., in the , high school auditorium. This new and sparkling farce has a story of sus tained interest, abounding in mirth provoking situations. The play is in three acts and takes place in the suburbs of a large city. It will pro bably take two hours .ajid fifteen min utes for the time of playing. The characters are: Jack Montgomery, a young hus band, Bob Bates. Jerry Arnold, an unsuccessful fixer, Crayton Stephens. Mr. McNutt, a defective detective, F. T. Johpson. Elmer Flannel, awfully shrinking, H. S. Monds. Abou Ben Mocha, a Turk from Turkey, G. C. Buck. Mabel Montgomery, Jack's wife, Elizabeth Knowles. Virginia Bridger, her younger sis ter, Mary Onella Kelfe. j Mrs. Barnngton-Bridser, their mam, Eloise Scott. Zuieika, a tender Turkish maiden, Helen B. Harrell. Mary Ann O'Finnerty, an Irish cook lady, Hannah F. Holmes. Elmer Flannel falls in love with a Turkish maiden, a fortune teller, who lives with her father in the Big City. He plans to leave college to elope with her. His family, in an attempt to break up the plans, get into se rious trouble. Jerry and Jack have to go to jail, but try to make the ladies think they are in Florida. The Irish cook lady does all she can to help straighten out the terrible tan gle. In the end the men have to ex plain everything. They have learned what all good husbands should know ".Stay at home, or if from fireside bright you have to roam, be sure and tell the truth, the very worst." The play is being ably directed by Miss Anne Wilson and promises to be an excellent production. The pro ceeds will be given to the Athletic Association of P. H. S. Play safe and see "Safety First" exactly one week from Thanksgiving. Bring a safety pin along to stitch up your sides from laughing. RECORDER'S COURT Luther Whedbee, twenty-four-year-old Parkville Township resident, member of a good family and bear ing a good reputation, faced a charge of drunken driving in Recorder's Court on Tuesday. The charge was not resisted by his attorney, S. M. Whedbee, who plead for the young man in mitigation of the judgment which has hitherto been an unconditional prison . . sen tence by Judge Walter H. Oakey, Jr. The attorney invoked the new super visory system of probation recently provided by North Carolina law and expressed the belief that placing the young defendant on probation would be a greater deterrent than, would serving a prison sentence. Character witnesses for the young man. had included J. ' T. Benton, Per quirnans County; ' representative in therjLegislature, VianI'lt, Omen, twe'outstanding citizens and residents Of the Community in which young Whedbee lives. A' fine of fifty dollars was imposed and the defendant was taxed "with the court costs. . A three-months sen tence to the roads was suspended and the defendant waff placed v on probation, under the supervision of the District Probation officer, for two years. The sentence carries with it the automatic . revocation : of the defendant's driving: permit for one year., . ; This was the only case tried on Tuesday and consumed ; practically the entire .morning. ';, , . Heywood Goodwin, who had been sentenced . to - the roads - for larceny last week, was also placed on proba tion for two years as a result of sev eral prominent citizens interceding .before the court in his behalf,; and this young man -will not be-sent to the roads unless he violates the 'pro visions of his parole, " " " ': .''.v;;'w:..;r: v.

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