THE P UIMMS WEEKLY A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY .Volume IVvNumber 50. v Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carohna, $1.25 Per Year. . . ' I .1 J ' : -ft c Y ft iart6rs After July First Department Leases At , tractive Carolina Bank ; MPRRIS CLAD Improvements Will Re sult In Adequate , ; Facilities Hertford's postofnce is to be housed 3n the Carolina Bank Building after tthe first of July. ' J. R. Stokes, owner of the building, "was notified on Mon day of this week by the Postofflce Department that his bid for leasing: this building for a ten-year period had been accepted. j Bkta were opened ' last summer when it was announced that new quarters would have to be found for -the postofflce in order to provide more space and Mr. Stokes filed a bid lot leasing this building which he had purchased some months before, t Postmaster J. E. Morris is delight ed that the new quarters are to be in 4his building, which is peculiarly raited to the purpose. Constructed Ho be used as bank and, aa."W mat ter of fact, having been uaeds a, bank for a number of years, it has a tiled floor and other features which make it particularity desirable as jtoftW quarters. Ufa building Is to bVfnlarged, with addiUon to the rear according to iPoetmasto Morris, who says that ..ft; erchlteeVwin come down the improvements to the and, alaoji to usuperrise ; the o new, r fixtures, which a m- M AUiit: in. ' in addition to J$eMbveme ystem wui oe mstaiiea. wnen me Smsrovements " are completed the (Continued oa Page Eight) Civil Tenn Superikr - 0urt Begins: Jan. 17 p . " ! 1111 . 1 -,t The January Term of Perquimans 'Superior Court will convene on Janu ary 17, with Kon. J. . Vernon Cowper, f Kinston, presiding. , This term is fw the trial of civu cases only. t The' Jurors for wis term, bwn at the tegular neetmg of the Board of ' County Cemmiasioweni on Monday, are as follows: J. G. Robbins, D;,W. Williams, B. W. Thaeh; L I White, U5 iKnrfee . Wayland White, W D. Stallings, Al - 'via (Tintlew, James A. Carver, N. A. Chappell, Lr W, Hobbs, J. A. Bray, J. R. Roach,: Chariie E. Mathews, H. f H. Butt,' Stephens, J,rM4Ben- , tum J. Ti Herrhi; t.Brlnn, -W. D. ,;Raflsellr W.hw: Speneet J.-; K.Roc- emon, a. w. rerreli, J. T. weoa M C T. AVhite, l . t ' w. Ii:ciu3 Blanchard Nam- - , The Christmas " Seals will go on )': i on Friday of this week., JUjcius .vhar has been1 appointed chair i of t!.o r-'e H Ter-'",,'s Co"i- r i ' l v ": 'r 5!hi 'j ; 1 ' '" ' 1 . t-1.. v..l be made-to -J rs ciry of the' seals as . possible. II 7i a v. ry ' attractive' this- year tr.i e- 7 f i is s:ed to use thene t -j i 3 ' i t' great .cause .for v:.Lh t . . , j i ::. - ; . ,1 i . y Tie i , r j every one knows, 't towiii a.i k . art of tuberculo sis institutions J fcr lacking' re sezTwt woik in ta f t f rtirst the white plai-3. ' i . -r Half of tLe f-:.:j f. jfjk ! is tned inthecoury,f "?l 1 t ::!c. l s rroc 3 cf last yt .'a t ' -1 c 'v t fit -;! T tI.J 1 ; ;- ..els tliiili , cr.a uLI'.d ,! i ' -t 9 sr.t to 3, a - f.: Town Criers Appeal For Funds Spread Christmas Cheer Thl Town Criers are placing boxes in convenient places about town to receive contributions to the Christmas Cheer Fund. Every one is asked to contri bute to this fund, which will be used to make Christmas brighter for those who are unfortunate. No amount is too small to be ac ceptable, and, of course, there is no limit to the amount one may give. A box will be placed at Rober son's Drug Store,, one at Walker's, one at Hertford Banking Com pany, probably one at the post office and others at such places as may be suitable. Seven On Committee To Assist (liick In Hospitality Scheme Chairman Selects Out standing Men and Women WiORGANIZB, State Chairman Meets , With Local Group Thursday B. 3L Riddick, who was appointed Chairman of tiie Perquimans County Hospitality- Committee by Governor Clyde R. Hoey, -named bis committee of seven last week, which is composed of outstanding men and .women of the county and Includes Miss Mae Wood Wlnslow, Mrs. J. 6. Roberson, nnr w. xi, riw, ; can ui. rerry, ur.i E. S. White, Silas M. Whedbee and Charles E. Johnson. M , This committee will cooperate with the Governor's Hospitality Commit tee, which is composed of all the members of the State Board of Con servation and Development, in Bit tempting to arouse a greater degree of interest among the people of the state in showing real North Carolina hospitality to all who come here from 'otfeer. atateev either as .tourists or rnuaenjTeaidentot . y &slM&ek: wasadvised on Wed nesday that T. E, Pickerd, Jr., Chair mart of the Governor's Hospitality Committee, would be in Hertford on Thursday, atwfaich :time hrv would liki. to get in touch-with members of the county : committee and others. A comprehensive program will be pre sented to the local committee by he state committee whkh is expected to bring about cooperation from every! section of the state in their efforts to make NojCwHn ths 'Prlttidlf State.? KECORDESl'S , ?ra, Jones, colored, ;j couldn't ; undo fct;;.(fcrr;i:d!4;'jn:;;ipi n -ai over two years .on. the' roads because JsfliiiciU- Alto, whose weakness is liquor, got so drunk he. didn't even know what he was doing, according to his .own' statement, but . he '- climbed into ' truck which belonged, .to Thad - C Chappell and which was .parked on the street, drove it a littlir way in the country and wrecked ik , ., ' Judge Oakey gave him a year on the Irpads ' for driving while drunk and another ye&Mor larceny of the truck. A thirty-day sentence which I ad teen suspended in October upon Cod tchayjpr wasordered into effect. r ' 7 '7TL3 EOT CREAKS ARM ' I J.i'.ti 15ttl son of Mr, and " ""', had the tnisfot1 : 'rn arm hut Thursday. , v .o Is nine, wts . " ' "it he trrr l I '4 v 11 'S v .l CHARLES BUSH OF REf,lAll!(ACLE SERVICE WITH I1AILR0 AD Returns to Perquimans fcounty Farm After Driv ing Grack Pennsylvania line Train 3,000,000 Miles Without Having Single Major Accident Perquimans County relatives and friends of Charles R. Bush, of Wash ington, D. C, who last week rounded out 50 years of railroading on the Pennsylvania Railroad, having for 45 years served as engineer on the run between Washington and New York, will be interested to read excerpts from Washington papers. The Washington Herald, in connec tion with Engineer Bush's last run, carried a picture of the veteran engi neer as he alighted from his cab as he completed the last trip which end ed three million; miles of travel be tween New York and Washington. There was also a picture of the engi neer with his wife, the former Miss Nettie White, of Hertford, a sister of Mrs. G. T. Hawkins and Jacob T. White, of Hertford, and below was written -;"Ab, No. 156;c,the a ConstjtottonaJ, rolled Into .; Union Station at 7:90 o'clock last nlgiht, its pilot,, Charles R. Bush, Stepped out of the cab to be kissed , by h n We and to say good by forever to railroading after 45 years at the throttle of Pennsys fastest locomotives. "The 70-year-old veteran, who has driven the line's crack steam and elecWc' engines more than 8,000WO miles between Washington and New York, was met at stops all along the route, this afteniooii: ttroiigs V hje; old railroad friendavl?fp;s-' .ft "At Baltimore C., J. ;Wilcox, road foreman of engines, joined him in the cab for the last lap of the journey.: .Too overcome -to respond to the. crowd which gmted him, Bush could only smile and glance at the blgelec- ! tirfc 3enoJtiv which ;he- knew , so I MaiTyiSlRaiaSs ! Jle (u Charges yNewman Sterling, of j Chn88fleld, Maryland, is in Peiuimans County jail, awaiting trial nett -Tuesday en the charge of driving an automobile while under the influence of liquor, or narcotics, with resisting an officer, and with drivingwithottt a driver's permit", IVV 4 . r: He was, arrested by State Highway Patrolman Clyde Gmson t Winfall fcnTuesday night ' f -.t . v ' Through error the name of Grocery Sales Comisany was left Out of the list oi thcse who joined the Red Cross in ; crqmans ; published last week ti T-a rcrquimans Weekly, Ve arsfbito rj.l this correction. ft ? -- gopcl ten. ii, r ' !Jx he RETIRES AFTER 50 YEARS "As a boy of 19 Bush came to Washington from North Carolina to enter the employ of the Pennsylvania as a brakeman. In five years he was behind the throttle on the New York run. In 1000 he was the first man to run the line's crack Congressional limited from Washington to New York in five hours flat. "In all his long record of service he mn boast that not one of his passengers was ever killed, and that he has never had a major acci dent The Washington Star, which also carried a picture of the engineer, had this to say: "C. G. Wilcox, road foreman of engineers for the Pennsy, boarded the Constitutional last night at Baltimore to pay tribute to 'one of the greatest engineers who. ever, held a throttle.' "Mr. Wilcox stood beside the re tiring engineer on the last leg of his run and saw;, miracle performed. What with holiday crowds and the bus strike, the Constitutional was crowded to the gunwales. It carried 16 cam filled ' with passengers and iniade one extra stop at Elkton, which delayed the train 7 minutes 'on a tight schedule.' Seemed as if there was no way in the world to make up that lost time,' but Charlie Bush not only brought the train in on time, he came to 'Washington 80.eeconda ahead of the. scneduie running-imeVr ; Mr. Bush spent the week-end with his Bisterm-law, Mrs. G. T. Hawkins, and expecto to visit his farm in Dunants Neck this week, where he contemplates spending the greater portion of .next year. To retire on his farm will be the fulfillment of the dream of a . W'ggMfyi ; Dies In Elizabeth aty Many; PuimanSn. County - people attended the funeral of Mrs. W. T. Hititoii, the Uotherbf Mys. J. E. Perry,' of the .Beech Spring- commun ity,' which was-"held at the home of Mrs. M. leigK Sheep, In Elizabeth City, on' Friday; ipfch the Rev. B. B. Slaughter, Presiding Elder of the Eli. sabeth Cfty District, officiating. ' "Going Home? was sung by Mm. T. P. ; Bennett, Mrs. J. W. Foreman, Raymond, Benton j "and J.;; W.-Foreman. ; Mrs. J Foreman sang as ' sold," "Crossing the.Bar.f T"'-' J ' t Pallbearers were A. J. Parrish, Jones Perry, Elbert Chappell,- all of Perquimans, and Harold Foreman, .' Harry Sheep and Garland Towe, of Elizabeth City. . ' VB&Q9M!av&'k ;Norflil Dakota far r -: a Ifi-nmnjl V.o J or in a Uip. Unusual Stock Secured For Sonvenienee Esso News Reporter Uses Hertford Story In Radio Broadcast Hertford folks listening to the Esso news broadcast on Friday at 12 o'clock got a surprise when the reporter read a news item from Hertford. The story was "A White Story," which appeared on the front page of The Perquimans) Weekly last wteek and which had been sent to the Associated Press by Mattie Lister White, editor of The Per quimans Weekly, who represents this news gathering aRncy in Hertford. Rotary Club Host To Football Team At Hotel Hertford Coach and Boys Treated To Turkey Dinner Tuesday Night TUCKER ABSENT Glowing Tribute Paid to Coach Bob Bates For Season's Success The members of the Rotary Club entertained Coach Bob Bates and the members of his winning football squad at a turkey dinner at the Hotel Hertford Tuesday night. F. T. Johnson, speaking for the Rotary Club, bid the boys welcome .4.1.1 IU 1 111 L. f JU ViUtlLU 1 J 1 1 1 1 uaLCH . .. . ... . more pretty uinsonas lights are who in turn introduced the members 1 ,' . . v u , .. . , a nr u glowing in stores and business hous of his football squad. A. W. Hefren; thftn vpr ... . . m . paid a fine oral tribute to Mr. Bates and to his excellent work which re sulted in the moulding of a good gridiron machine. Mr. Bates, on behalf of the boys thanked Rotary for the spread and also for the contributions which help ed to make possible the purchase of new football attire this fall. Among those boys feasted by the Rotarians were: Jarvis Ward, Cap tain Dox Nixon, Fred Campen, Wal ter Bond, Rex Gault, David Brough ton, Mac White, Charles White, Billy Arnold, Percy Byrum, J. D. Carver, Richard Spivey, Zach Harris, Watt Winslow, Bill Feilds, and Coach Bates. Paul Tucker was honored, even though absent. --V Enlistment Officer Seeking Recruits Corporal William H. Crider of the Army Recruiting Service, stationed in Richmond, Va., was in Hertford and. vicinity on December 8th, inter viewing young men for enlistment in toe Regular Army. At present there are many vacan cies in organizations stationed in Hawaii, Panama, the Phillipine Is lands, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Vir ginia and the. "District of Columbia. There- are . also many openings for young" men with "special qualifications as airplane mechanics and repairmen, electricians, " plumbers, :iv rpetfters, cooksrclerla, telegraph operators and many others'-' f' . Musicians who can play band in struments are needed for army bands for foreign service and in the United States. . i Applications for enlistment and lit erature explaining the life of a boI dier can be secured from your local Postmaster or from the Army Re cruiting Station, Post Office Building, Norfolk, Va. h 1 STUDY COURSE HELD ;'The; Woman's-. Missionary Society of Woodville Baptist Church held its Study .Course Tuesday at the church. The book,- jrether', was studied. Rev. W. D. Mor. ris leading the discussion. Dinner waa served by the members present Tnose attending were ? Rev. w. D. Morris, Mrs. G. - W. Cregoiy, ? Mrs, Ear-- Extil Mrs,',,H.-:; C. ' .Weati-' Mw.j a A. r - 3, Mrs. Johnnie Cray, Mrs. U. K. C vr.i IZzm I-Tsiah Ccjae.! Of Shoppers Determined to Make It Unnecessary to Shop Out of .Town TWO WEEKS OFF Assurance Given of Community Christ mas Service A glance at the advertisements in this issue of The Perquimans Weekly will give some idea of the preparation the Hertford merchants have made for Christmas Bales, though a visit to the stores is necessary to fully understand to what extent Hertford merchants have stocked on Christmas merchandise. With Christmas only a little more than two weeks off, everybody is getting into the spirit of the season, or nearly everybody appears to be. The windows are all dressed up with lovely gift suggestions which merely give a hint of what is inside. There are toys of every description, to delight any little boy or girl. There is dainty lingerie and other pretty things in woman's wear, cosmetics, electrical household appliances, lug gage, china, furniture, men's wear, and all the thousand and one little odds and ends that attract the eye even though you haven't before given a thought to such things, and they are so suggestice of Christmas gifts, always. Hertford merchants have stocked with unusually beautiful Christmas things this year and many shoppers are taking advantage of the conven ience of shopping at home, where better values may be had in many in stances for tiie money than are offer ed in the larger towns, at so very much less trouble. Whether or not the innovation of the Christmas street lights last year had anything to do with it, many 11 n . .... Uinstmas most brilliantly lighted up at night. But apart from the merchandise which suggests Christmas, and the pretty lights aglow, other plans for Christmas are being made. Nothing (Continued on Page Eight) Worship Conference At Up River Church Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Binford, of Guilford College, and Rev. Murray C. Johnson, Field Secretary of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, were recent visitors to Per quimans and conducted at the Up River Friends Church a Worship Conference, in which the people of the Whiteston and Belvidere com munities took great interest Dr. Binford was formerly president of Guilford College. Both he and Mr. Johnson have visited the Belvi dere and Whiteston section of the county on numerous previous occa sions and are always warmly wel comed. .. .-, ; ram By Woman's Club Oiristmas Baskets Wffl , Be Distributeaiiinonsr The Unfortunate Mrs. Thomas Nixon, chairman of the National organization of Better Homes in America, will have charge of the Christmas program to be given at the meeting of the Hertford Wom an's Club, which will be held on Thursday afternoon in the club room in the Community House. Club members are asked to bring to this meeting their contribution of gifts for the Christmas baskets, which will be packed by Mrs. R. T. Brinn, chairman of Social Service, and her Ml - unrisimas rrogi committee. The club . women inter ested in this branch'of the work are , , very anxious that there be sufflcient gifts to pack . a large number of Christmas basket this year. . to be given to, the unfortunate. . . JMra. J. G, Roberson, lub president, is attemrttej to interest all of the " . club wemsn to attend e.!a Christmas f " ' xaet-, TLI-h is, tlwrrs ee out standing meeting of tha. r "V ; V