TAGS TWO THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1937 4 ,V1 1 "A V A, iff I WHAT'S WHAT , ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY - A another service to its readers. I Tha Perquimans WeeWyieachwesk "will iT:,ptnoritottve;aiuren u auestions' on the Social r Security law. By special arrangement with Wontit N. n tha Social Security Cjard bM consented to pass on tha ' accuracy; of anawera to questions on s Social Security, which may be asked ' ty employers, employee, and others. through The -rerquimans wwr ,.WWm---CTrr J JAr4 lnnR(lM tn tit. l&!itOft.$".'An-- wers wiU be given herd to the l orfef la Mek;iestk!UiMvA , is an uuormauonai service ana nu legal advioe or service.'' In keeping with Social Security Board policy ames wffl , not be published. ; ' Question: When will unemploy- nent compensation benefits be paid ? Answer. This depends entirely up on the State law.1 It just so happens t in Itarion IV. comDrifliwr North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia, and Maiyiana, benefits commence in 1938 under the State Unemployment Compensation law. Question: What is necessary to be eligible for an unemployment com pensation benefit? Answer: The requirements of most State laws are that a worker must have been employed during a mini tmm number of weeks, which varies with different state laws, and in an , employment which is included under ihe state act. Monthly benefits are based on the number of weeks work-; . ed and the amount of wages earned. , Question: I have been receiving old-age assistance but it has recently Lbeen stopped. Is there any action Ij should take? ! Answer: If you feel you have not been treated fairly you have the right of appeal to your state department of public welfare. Question: My employer will not make e note of my account number or deduct the one percent tax which I understand he should do. What steps do you advise me taking? Answer: You should report the I M - facts as you have stated them to me jour state, or a deputy collector in jour city. All matters involving tax es come under the bureau of internal revenue. . Question: I was 65 years, old on November 9 and have been'employed au ot mis year, Am i enuiiea to anything under the Social Security Act and do I have to stop working to set any. money tnat is aue mei Arnnntr! If vou have been . em ployed in an employment which is not specifically excepted from toe Social Security Act you are entitled to 3Vi j percent of the amount of wages you have earned since January 1, 1937. : You do not have to stop work to get w this money.. Question: I am an employer, hav ing just started in business. How of - n An I hkvw trt tmiVA rennnbt and W taxe, ind thTockU Security ACT I Answer:. The Bureau of Internal Revenue collects all taxes. - Until December 81 a monthly , report., on Form 68-1.; witfi 'the amount of mon ey to cover, your tax, is required, un- - tXHEKL EJT.TCELS Neiw Edgings! t K TTRACTrVB crocheted edgings'; for your bathtoeis,,ln".colors to match any bathrOm tcbem.e, sire Made of soft pearl cotton.' Here s are three different edging patterns,' all worked right on to the towels. These saais edgings, In lighter- ' weistt pearl 'cotton.- would do for"? ' t-iavler hand towels, toa Make up st for your bet friend when"; : tlvfcg- tlaes ecse annin4.Tt'; i ' " ,:. j r y t ft-?"" t i If send-! ! 4 f J, ST:'--::;:! ;ea A r ;a - c. Traveling Around America ff DOORMEN ON guard at tha entrance of a little shop in Mexico City these straw men salute the tariff & Within, Is a tempting array of native handi craft -Mexican glassware, colorful Jugs and jars, exquisite featherwork and embroidery, Saskets, the In evitable sombreros, and the hand woven sa rapes tha Indians wear 'round their : shoulders - articles Which are eagerly bargained for by travelers taking the cruise-tours to Mexico City by way ot Central America. The natives all love a' good bar gaining bout and when there's a really exciting one U progress it at tracts as curious an audience as our der Title VIII of ,the Act After Jan rary 1, 1938, this report will be made every three months. You have to re port annually on Form 940 the amount of tax you are Kable for un der Title IX of the Social Security Act This is due in the hands of the Collector of Internal Revenue on January 31 the following year. . WHITESTON NEWS Mrs. Jeptha R. Winslow has return ed to her home in Elizabeth City, after a week's, visit here "with A her j sister, Mrs. H. L. Williams, and her nephew, S. N. Riddick. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cullipher,' from near Colerain,' spent several) days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Riddick, Mrs. A. N. Winslow spent two days last week hi Lake view Hospital, Suf folk, Va., for treatment. Mr. aiid Mrs. Jesse Asbell, of Edenton, were guests of relatives' here Sunday. ; ' - Mr. and Mrs. Etwood. White, of Bagley Swamp, spent Sunday with his parento, Mr. and Mrs. E.' W. White. . :. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Lane and their daughter, of Wilmington, -Del., ' are .yiaiting his brothers, J:' tH Leonidas, and J. L. Lane and familiea. v ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wiggins, of Trotville, spent last week-end with ! Mrs. Wiggins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen U. Winslow, Charlie- E Winslow, Jr., has re turned to his home in Norfolk, Vs., r A'rf : . i w :?:T ; v v iis - n - rtV-' .V''"" i'tf ti"-M V," Iff. MWWNWMMHHewWftSW f4M Ge tiM" OF STRAW ; summer resort boardwalk auctions with the difference that the prices go down Instead of up." Marketplaces fairly, ring with cries of borato. the magic word '"cheap,": as shop and stall keepers make a brave show of trying to convince the buyer that their merchandise is worth much . more than they're asking. However, In all but the ctty stores.-where the one-price practice, prevails, the tsr Ma, If his vocabulary cam stand the strain, often is able to lower the ask ing price thirty or forty percent The vendor will doubtless complain that the price Is breaking hIS heart, bdt down in that same heart h cherishes a deep retpeet for the byer elevet enough to achieve sue bargain. . after a visit with ; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie E. , Winslow Sr. , Dolan WinBlow, Otis Winslow and Dorothy Jean Winslow are confined to their home witit chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie ' Stallings and baby, of Trotville,-were week-end arneata of Mailviaa Mm. ; W . Mr. and MntCurt Scnappell, of Belviders; Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Jor dan and D. Spivey, of Hertford, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winslow on Sunday. ' , . ,: .;V .-, Mrs. Mory S. Winslow, of Norfolk va., was a recent visitor to relatives here. : - .. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Perry and two " children,'- of Ballahacki were guests of Mrs. Perry's mother, Mrs. Lizzie Jolliff, Saturday. J Rev. and Mrs. R, E. Walston, of Center Hill, visited in the community Monday. $-:- :- 5:';',v-v Rev. and Mrs. Ben Millikin, from hear Liberty, have concluded a suc cessful series of meetings at Up River Friends Church rind returned to their home. !- r Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Winslow and Miss Sallie Riddick spent Sunday with Mrs. Virginia Perry; near" Suf folk, Va. ; " " Barbara and - Betty Jean Winslow, of Hertford, spent Saturday- with their aunt, Miss Winnie Winslow; ' 1 ' r it - Firemen' of Murray, ' la.," called to the home of Art 1 Bales, "dashed V to their truck to find that petty thieves had drained the gasoline tank;4 Bales' home was destroyed. " ' -'J" lmprav.4 rnaaftf AcmnMc Adopter OAsfa.lbTsni. lmsmidraflHtTilair 'haatM'j Station CoB-Uiiw, VImmBimI it ZENITH 122ZGS American and Forsign Broadcasts. 12" Speaker, Eobot" PiaL Qeo trie Automatic Tuning, Tell Tale Controls Acoustic Adapter, (543-18,400 & G), inches hish. - i.f "a ce- irs e ' 24 ZENITH AXAp:X.rKSZZ& ifisWk. s - .;r V v - Timely Questions On Farm Answered : Question; Should hogs be fed im mediately before killing? ' ' "j Answer; Norths animals should not be fed Idf tttIeasif bdurs be fore" they are killed,' but should have plenty of water." This gives;' the hog time to get rid of all the contents of the v stomach ind Intestines. Itii also easier to jret a good bleed when the system is not gorged witft food and the meat always cures much better when the small ' blood vessels are free from food and bldod. Never overheat W excite the aiihnal before oonditioBv. which , prevents ' ; proper Meedin? and causes the meet to sour white.to caret'', , -vt y, Questloni Mm much land should be prepared, fo the iiome garden? v ; Answer rSTfie,' siite i of ' 4he "garden will depend primarily j upoft the size of thi family, hutordlnarUy i-onie itenth ' of an ' acre will produce an abunc'unce of vegetables for one per-, son, XT eucn crops as . cantaiqupes, watermelons, Irish and sweet potatoes are grown in the garden, then : a slightly larger acreage will be heces inry. ' If these are grown ouBide the garden, half an acre will ; produce enough vegetables for a' family, of five. Family 'tastes will,, of course, determine to a large extent just how much row space should be planted: to each vro. Extension Circular No. 122 gives the approximate feet to pliant of each vegetable for familylpotunds of cottonseed meal provided of five" and this will be sent free upon application to the Agricultural Editor at State College, , Question: Should the poultry Air Rifles Targets , Ammunition Velocipedes ' Wagons Razor Sets 5uns and Rifles Ammunition Basketballs Footballs Fireplace ets u ( ' I; . - V im , m ... r T Wf l I IllkAYrLK I : FOR THE FOR THE T.-.,' ' ?.AJ1J?WICH- CHILL SUF-;, FOR THE ..DO- . . ... 1 I MAKER an elec- FERER an i-V"l4 tltutl t)af la.f turns out. two can bet golden - brown bathroom, slices at a time, room, or any , handle -which ' i Automatic v con. , where ' that ad- . u. i ; . trel for llzht. ditional heat . "T. medium, dark. ; is required.,.' ' i 1 !:,, 5?., i, If breeding flock receive any extra at' tention not given to the laying flock? Answer: wnere careful manage ment and feeding 'is practiced,, the requirements for th breeding flock are met. However, to r secure -maxi mum performance, the breeders must bevin good body weight, ; free ,from paraskesJand must not be crowded. ,The. dietjshould be carefully, balanced ana a liberal increment of milk' pro ducts should be incorporated in the ration as well a alfalfa leaf meal and a potent ..reinforcing oil. . All breeding birds must be in the best of health if a healthful progeny is to be expected. 4! "3l- 'v p f :5"Question:;tWha number yf cqw hat ids yspro fit front sales of milk and cream? f r -a; Anawtefr While the number of cows, must cbe determined by . the amount of i roughage, feed, a pas ture grown on the farm itjs not ad visabl to :keea,;iea tiiahfive ImimsM "The return from' less than five cows will, not justify' pus :: expense; of the Simple equipment needed to handle the product and the cost ' of delivery of a two or three cow herd will be practically double the larger unit. In planning the herd, however, be sure that all animals can be fed largely from home-grown; feeds. f Question: Iow much, fertilizer should f use on my tobacco bed? ; Answer: Two hundred pounds of a 4-8-8 mixture for each 100 yards of bed is sufficient. ' However, if a lower grade fertilizer is used it should be -sunDlemented with from fin" t inn the meal is thoroutrhly mixed with the: soil. Broadcast the fertilizer and thoroughly mix it with the , upper three or four inches of soil. If manure is used be sure that it con- 4 Streamlinedj fully equipped PACKARDS for the Rnva '"V 'T.?B beautiful, speedy OLiYMPICS for the Girls. . A vvTdege o; pirju in other Bicycles. ... ; U. m W a :-a Ball Bearing, Easy Rolling, " 7;SKATES - CHRISTMAS TREE For elee kn " MESTIC SOUL. set in M eleetric ,roB bed- with efficiency ... ironing. ,;" , "m - ji ; - - . Km tains no tobacco leaves, stalks, or roots and do not place any tobacco trash on the beds as this will carry, diseases such as mosaic, black root rot, and Granville wilt. , ; Question: When should grain be fed the laying hen for maximum production?-, - - ''Answer: Most poultrymen in North Carolina are getting high pro duction by feedtng a small amount of grain in the morninjrand" the re; mainder at nisht while ; some . are feeding a small amount at different , intervals during the day. This latter practice-overcomes idleness in the . " bird .and . increases ' the activity, ' '" . Where grain is fed twice a day about, -vq bus pound of gitJxt is fed hi" .the morning and eight to ten pounds for each 100 hens .fed late in th after- v hoom -; There is a growing .tendency ta ffiful til mln In rhiioB,'fii'Hio peeially. wbir f hifectiowi ; diseases or miernai parasites are present Care and attention to details in feed ing are essentials for high production. When Hippo Is Dangerous The hippopotamus is naturafiy timid, though subject to fits of panic or rage. When wounded or enraged this animal is regarded by sports Ben as perhaps the most danger ous bealt : to be encountered. Reward In Hereafter The more a mah denies himself the more he shall receive from heaven. Horace. . Early Elephants, Dinosaurs , Elephants are said by scientists to have inhabited the earth at least 80,000 years before man,' and di nosaurs are believed to have lived 20,000.000 years before the elephant. Makes Sensible GIFTS - '':.j. - ,VS.i' -T.'.- "'AND''-" " POCKET KNIVES LIGHTING SETS, S i w Bv 0 i uaaMSHaaaHiaeial ' ' IS I b ag .WST MM, . the Spcrtchan : . - - . n J L' - ,. . i ' j. . 1ik

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