- - v if t 7t 'f 4 A WEEKyr jqORAPER D2VOTEDT0 THE UPBUILDING 07 IIIITFOIID AND PERQUI1IAN3 COUNTY vimtelV.umber 51. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina BYiday, December 17, 1937. $1.25 Per Year. ID OUiMABJS WEEKLY 0? . "'-r'f -. si I 1 $.1 ircd A l!:y Christmas Many Agencies Now at Work to Provide Suit .able Gifts RESTORE TOYS Miss Davenport Has list of Needy Famines Throughout County With Perquimans folks busily shop- pine for drlstmaa rifts for their families and friends, and housekeep ers planning to have everything in shipshape for Christmas, the unfor tunate will not be forgotten, for there art many giving time and thought to prepare for the less fortunate to have a happy Christmas, too. Woman's Club women, members of the Missionary Societies of the va rious churches, Hi Y girjs of the Perquimans High School, and many others are working towards this end. Out at the High School the young people have been mending toys which were donated to be given to children after they have been restored. Most attractive toys have been made at the WPA sewing room in Hertford, and these will go in the Christmas baskets, which will con tain food and in some cases, clothing Miss Ruth Davenport, superintend ent of Public Welfare in Perquimans, has a list of unfortunate samilies, poor people, old people, sick people, shut-ins. Already: church societies - have volunteered to take care of a dozen or more on the list. The Woman's Club will. take care of a ' number, and individuals will contri bute to fill a numbef; of baskets. The mimey which -will be collected rthhristmas Cheer Fund box es which the Town Criers have dis tributed about town will be used to help with the worfc- pf making Christ mas happy for some one who other wise might not have a visit from Santa Claus. Of Study Course First Sessoti Conducted By Rev, D, M, Sharpe OnTTiursday FINE PROGRAM Committee Named to Preaie;? For Association Rev. D. M.fiarpe, pastor of the "Hertford Methodist Church, conduct- - ' m . ' 4 .... Why Parents Visit School Is Subiect s:?.vlti vea n nrst stuay coiirse immediately ' . preceding the meeting of the Parent-Lr?- V- Teaehe. Association of the Hertford OawBiM: School on tThursday after ifu Soeithe?;subjecti)f t'study being . .yjparenti .Visit Schools." it, ''Vv Mrs. Harry feroughton, president, 'S? presided at tha P. T. A. meeting, with the program VChildren of the first, tiffs ilecond sfffndos; f entertained v'lv'W'"r: "elections played on v Q'yrions lhstrmento under the direc .: 2 V' Ation: of 4 Mm R, U. Biddick, iheir ; i i KMrsi wrtAi- Arnold-Ied'"'rthe ''devoS :; ; : tlonal.' Mrs.: Gv;: R. Tucker read a ;ajristmas message from the Nation al president of P. T. A. j V;". It t reported by i Mrs. Carlton ' :is'-Coi4;liuUiBMui of the membership f eotumittee, that the . Association now has,148'; members. V-'' 1 Mrs.aiaj4esiSkinn''chalnnan of WJI and eans eoimmittee, reported ' . that sJierV:CMitl;ito.- ealcrtsin t ; went would 'l:iniftV'imiM''fnone7 for basketball: epulpiiient,. the todtt rt -to be placed on tiie school grounds. ; ; Mrs. J. R. Tw&e? Wd Miss Mary 'Sumner were appointed eommlttee. . '- .to prepare hy-laws , f 6 the lAsaocia Z :Sj&onSK'fy 5S'"'.: -tv SSI;: : -iSi Mrs?'K PJessup'i giradV)won'the ' attendance prise.i and .: Mrs. n Jake iMWhite owonj the" door prisea hox of J J.J.V J.J K rtowtAn' ' ;--gf Bros. t " l'" -' "?- L,. a.. jMINS WILSONS TO MHW The lSf:?a Von 4 Society'- of the '' r " i Church win meet vv ' oocJt tt tie Postoffice Patrons Requested To Call For Their Packages In an effort to render a better service during the Christmas sea son, Postmaster, J. Morris has. announced that patrons of the post lHce must bring their package no tices to the post office In order to receive their package, as it is too much to look through all packages during the Christmas rush. This rule is to apply every day except Christmas Eve afternoon, when patrons are expected to call if they are expecting a package. The windows at the post office will be closed for a few minutes each day between 12 and 1 P. MM while mail is being worked. It is requested that packages be mailed before noon and after 1 P. M. to avoid a wait. Hertford Saddened At News Of Death Dr. Thomas A. Coy Veteran Physician Suc cumbs While In Jack son, Miss. HAD PNEUMONIA Funeral Held In Balti more on Friday Af ternoon There were many Baddened heart3 in Hertford on Tuesday when it be came known that Dr. Thomas A. Cox, veteran Hertford physician and mem ber of one ox the old and prominent families of Perquimans, had died the previous .uigf jjjt Jacnson, Miss.; where he had ieen sendinz some- tune. Telegrams received by relatives and friends in Hertford from T. A. Lucy, of Jackson, a step-son of Dr. Cox, merely stated that Dr. Cox died of pneumonia oh Monday evening; that Mrs. Cox was there and that the funeral would be held at the William Cook Funeral Home in Baltimore, Md., on Friday. The Doctor's health had been fail ing for the past year or two land he had practically given up his work. Until leaving Hertford in late No vember, however, he spent consider able time at his office end enjoyed seeing his friends, and the news of his death came as a shock to the com munity. Mrs. Cox, who was sum moned to Jackson last Friday by a telephone message from her son ad vising that her husband was ill and had been taken to a hospital, was with him at the time of his death. Dr. Cox, a son of the late Dr. David Cox and Mrs. Sally White Cox, was born in Hertford in 1868. He received his education at the Uni versity of North Carolina. For sev eral years he practiced his profession in the city of Baltimore, where he married Mrs. Nina Lucy, returning to Hertford about thirty years ago. He was a member of the Hertford Meth odist. Church and a member of the Perquimans Lodge of Masons, being a 'past master. He was of a very genial and friendly disposition end had: many friends throughout the county. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nina Cox,: of Hertford; three brothers, David Cox, Sr., of Elizabeth City; W. G. Cox, of Burlington; J. Cox, of Atlanta, Ga.; and four sisters,- Mrs. W. M. Urquhardt, Misses Nancy and Virginia Cox, all of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. James S. McNkler, of Hert ford. ' - Tom White Accepts . Position With U. S. Rubber Company Tom White, of Hertford, has ac cepted a nosition with the United States Rubber Company and let Tuesday for Baltimore, where he will attend the classes for special instruc tion in connection with his new du ties. He will be there for about a month. .The young man is a son of Capt and, Mrs. T. S. White, of Hertford. Cotton Ginning: Still Ahead Of Last Year i Willie M.. , Harrell, " special agent for tve Bureau of . the Census,. ; De farU.-..t of Commerce, reports that there were 4,554 bales of ! cotton glnitel fai rerquimans .. County from t'.s e f ! I'll prior to December 1 Mf x 4,CS tales ginned J. ta- -V ' '..Of I i'n unguium, ,!),! -f utf (ijjtit.i.iiMi.ii in If I George W. Jackson Elected New Head Of Masonic Lodge Election Held at Regu lar Meeting: Held on ' Tuesday Night George W. Jackson was elected Worshipful Master of Perquimans Lodge No. 106 ait the regular meet ing of the Masons on Tuesday night, succeeding A. L. Skinner. Other of ficers elected for the coming year were F. T. Johnson, Senior Warden; J. G. Roberson, Junior Warden; A. L. Skinner, treasurer, and G. C. Buck, secretary. These officers, together with the appointed officers, will be installed at the meeting on the first Tuesday in January. Refreshments will be serv ed following the ceremony. Mr. Jackson is not a resident of the Town of Hertford, but is a promi nent young business man of the county, living in his attractive new home on the Eliaabeth City highway. which was recently completed. The Senior Warden, Mr. Johnson, is superintendent of schools for Per quimans County. The Junior War den, Mr. Koberson, is the proprietor and manager of Roberson's Drug Store, "The Drusrsrist bf the Countv." The treasurer, Mr. Skinner, holds an important position with J. C. Blanch ard & Company. Mr. Buck, the sec retary, is the "teacher nf vruwt innnl agriculture in the Perquimans high scnooi. A list of the officers to be BDDoint- ed will appear as soon as the names are available. Operation OnKorse Attracts Is Crowd Ten-Inch Piece of Iron Removed From Ani ; maTsHip A horse; which had been injured in an automobile ;, accident on the Perquimans River Bridge on Wednes day afternoon, underwent a major operation at the hands of Dr. Victor Finck, veterinary surgeon of Elizabeth (Sty, "shortly afterwards. Dr. Finck removed a piece of iron approximately ten . inches in length from the hip of the horse, owned by Jesse Hurdle, Perquimans farmer. The horse, one of a pair bitched to a farm wagon and driven by a sqn of the owner, was struck, according to the driver of the wagon, by a log: truck from Edenton, the driver of which had not v been apprehended at this writing. , , According to the best mformation available, the piece of iron which in jured the horse was protruding from the Bide of the truck, which was load ed, with piling, and the accident oc curred while the driver of the track was F&ssing t!.s horre-drawn wagon. ; A huge crowd of : Brctators wit nessed the operation, which wa per formed bn the lot tha" tear of HertfqrdCJjjitp'jBS' Christmas Sunday Pageapt Also at Metho dist Church Sunday Night "White Christmas." mean ine-anion p other things that srifts wraoDed in white paper and tied with bright ribbons are a feature, the gifts to be distributed to the less fortunate, will) be observed in Hertford next Sunday At Holy Trinity Episcopal Church the "White Christmas" will be ob-( served at 9:45 in the morning in the Parish House. There will be a r,riSt,mnfi tr nnH fho MIA h' older folks will bring their gifts. No services will be held at Holy Trinity at 11 o'clock, this being the regular Sunday when the reqtor, Rev. E. T. Jillson, conducts services at Sunbury in the morning. There will be services at 7:30 in the even ing, as well as the regular celebra. tion of the Holy Communion at 9 o'clock in the mornintr. At the Methodist Church "White Christmas" will be observed in the evening, at the regular hour of ser vice, when a Christmas pagennt is to be presented. The pageant, "The Light of the World," is being directed by Miss Ann Wilson, with Mrs. H. C. Stokes j t- tv -mm rti ii ' as reader; Rev. D. M. Sharpe as the Prophet, and Miss Kate Blanchard at the organ. Mrs. T. E. Harrell takes the part of Mary; G. R. Tucker is Joseph; the three kings being Rev. D. M. Sharpe, A. L. Skinner and W. H. Pitt. The Shepherds include Jimmie Smith and Alfred Williams. Christmas Program At Woodland Thursday A very interesting Christmas pro gram will be held at Woodland Church Thursday, December 23, at 7:30 P. M. On the program will be special music, a pageant, recitations, dia logues and the old favorite Christ mas hymns. To each and every one is extended a most cordial welcome. Old Santa Claus will be there, so be sure that the Christmas entertainment at Woodland Church in the Snow Hill community is not forgotten on Thurs day evening, December 23, at 7:80. QUARTERLY MEETING AT WINFALL CHURCH SATURDAY The first quarterly meeting of the conference year will be held at the Winfall M. E. Church on Saturday. The Rev. B. B. Slaughter, Presid ing Elder of the Elizabeth City Dis trict, will preach at 11 o'clock, the business session to follow. ' NAME ADDITIONAL MEMBERS Three new members of the Perqui mans. County Hospitality Committee have been named - by Chairman TL.M, Riddick; They re J. O. Soberson, fChas. Wbedbee ' and W. A.WUliamsJ Stores In Hertford Open At Night For Benefit Of Shoppers The shopping public may select their Christmas gifts at their lei sure in Hertford, for the stores are already open at night for the convenience of those shoppers who find it more convenient to make their purchases at night than dur ing the day time. Beginning otfWednesday night of this week, the stores of the town will be open every night un til 9 o'clock. Riddick Appointed Chairman Bankers' Educational Group Named By President of Association, Frank Spruill PLANS PROGRAM Purpose to Create Bet ter Feeling Between Public and Banker . R- M. JijMtTCJrTcashier of the HertTorjBanking Company, was re cently appointed chairman of the tublic Education Committee of Group One of the North Carolina Bankers Association, the appointment being made by Frank Spruill, of Rocky Mount, president of the Association. Among the duties oi C:'.airnan Riddick is the appointment of sub chairmen in the seventeen counties represented in the group, a list of which is given below. , ? The duty of these sub-chairmen is ( to acquaint the public with the new i rules and regulations of banking and No give a better understanding of b anking and to create a better feel- WnS between the banker land the pub- ic- according to Mr. Riddick. .vho says that the program will be car- ried out by making talks before high scho1 students, before groups of va- rious .kinds s represented in civic organKations, and in every way pos- s,Me f lulnt'nS T at!'tl",,e b(a,,k'. W wa" : 831(1 Mr- Rdick, to give the public I a better understanding of how their funds are being protected and what the bank is trying to give to the public." Following is a list of the sub chairmen appointed this week by Mr. Riddick: H. B. Copeland, Ahoskie; A. P. Godwin, Jr., Gatesville; J. L. Homer, Jr., Windsor; C. D. Carstarphen, Williamston; J. H. Waldrop, Green ville; H. R. Paschall, Washington; D. M. Warren, Edenton; W. E. Griffin, Eliaabeth City; the Superintendent of Schools, Camden; W. W. Smith, Moyock; Cola C. Lupton, Columbia; W. A. Pearce, Manteo; George R. Little, Aurora; C. L. Bauni, Beaufort; M A Matthews, Englehardt; and H ' ' E. Beam, Plymouth. BALL CHAIRMAN Hertford will have a birthday ball for the President this year, for the first time taking part in the big celebration to raise funds for fighting infantile para lysis. A. Linwood Skinner has been named Chairman for Perquimans County for the celebration of the President's Birthday, according to a telegram received from ' George E. Allen, of Washington : D. C, on Wednesday V, ; : Mr. Sktnne will the . members .of his comntttea within thr ffftt ' week sad win proceed lo pua for tu Mrtaday ban at 3 J Town Council Crachs Down On Bicyclists And Roller Skaters Both Prohibited on Side walks In Down Town Section TOO CARELESS Fireworks Ordinance to Be Enforced This Year Bicycle riding and roller skating will no longer be allowed on the ; down-town sidewalks. The restricted j area is the business district, .between the Post Office and the intersection of Dobb Street, on Church Street, and between the Hotel Hertford and the Bank on Market Street. The ordinance, passed at the regu lar meeting of the Town Council on Monday night, is designed primarily for the protection of the children, according: to Mayor Silas M. Whed bee, who announced that reckless bi cycle riding and reckless skating will not be allowed on those sidewalks where they are prohibited. It was pointed out by the Mayor that ridera of bicycles and skaters can be very reckless and cause considerable dam age by carelessness, and it is the pur pose of the Town Council to protect pedestrians. ! Another regulation with respect to j bicycles is that they may not be parked on the sidewalks in the area j where bicycles may not be ridden on ' the sidewalks. There has been a good deal of complaint because of the habit of bicycle riders leavn g their wheels lying on the sidewalks where pedestrians are subjected to incon venience and danger of stumbling, i Another matter taken up at the j town meeting was the firing of fire , j works. There is an ordinance which '"' provides that no one may fire ftre j crackers in the streets or on the side- I walks. It is not, however, illegal to I shoot firecrackers on one's own prem- This ordinance is to be enforced this year, according to a ruling of the Town Council, and tlose who have been careless as to shooting fire crackers off their own premises are., warned to desist. The officers are asking that the citizens of the town cooperate with them in their attempt to enforce this ordinance. Baptists Banquet With Church's New Pastor On Friday Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Stegr all Formally Intro duced to Friends 125 PRESENT Newcomer Asks For Co operation and Love of Local People At the annual get-together ban quet given by the ladies of the Hert ford Baptist Church on Friday night at the Woman's Club House, the new pastor of the church, Rev. J. F. Stegell, and Mrs. Stegall, were intro duced. Mrs. I. A. Ward, president of the Woman's Missionary Society, acted as toastmistress. She presented Rev. R. S. Monds, who welcomed the group and introduced the leaders of the various phases of church work in the Association, C. K. Holmes and N. N. Truebiood. Dr. I. A. Ward, Rev. D. M. Sharpe, pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church, G. R. Tucker, J. W. Ward and W. F. C. Edwards ' were intro duced as local workers, and each re sponded with hearty words of wel come for the new pastor "and his family. Mr. Stegall, the new minister, was then introduced by Mr. Monds. Mr. Stegall, in a few words, asked for the love and cooperation of the church and also of the town. Mrs. Charles E, Johnson and R. S. Monds, Jr., rendered beautiful vocal Solos. " ".Covers were laid tor' 125 and a. de lictoos. suppe was served by th Y. W A, girls of the church,; and their 4 I ft. - ,1 -J. r .1 ft v x rerTasentliiff the Rotary CJw , .kasa' PATRONim CVTl ATTT

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