r LY at The in the Street I :JjrJ, N. C . i UATTI3 LISTER WHITA. ', ,. Ti JItor Cay Phone .,.., M Kljht Fhene , , , 1C0-J SUBSCRIPTION BATES On Year mmc.L- Six Months .. .$1.25 .75e, Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934. at the post office at Hertford; North Carolina, under the Act of March 3. 1879. '. '' U , Advertiaingr rates furnished by re quest . t 4 ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1938 THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT , , THINGS ABOVE: ; Set your! affec ; tion 6tt thing , above not oa things on the earth. For ye are dead, and ; your life is hid with Christ in GooV- r-V.LeJ every Friday I ..:.rns Weekly ace C -sry Building. , Church ; 1 Colossians 3;2, oV j V 1 v fi' , IN. GOOD HANDS i ' The' people 'make' the'- place, of course. And if Is fortunate for the v reputation, of 1 the Town of Hertford that there ; are rach people as Mr. and Mrs. J. G. -Campbell in charge- of ; "v the local hotel, " for" surely nobody "'. could dispense hospitality with more I), thoroughness of perfection than this , 'couple, both of whom haver the. gift . . ' of making each guest feel a very personal welcome. ' . The Campbells do this "under all circumstances.' But they went a step further in the case of the recent guests 'at the' hotel who made a forced atop because of a mishap to themselves and. their car. They ren dered personal kindnesses not to be , . expected f rom the head of such an establishment, . and ' certainly not found everywhere. The strangers, who through unfor tunate circumstances were forced to spend several days in Hertford, will not remember Hertford as the place , where they spent three dreary days among strangers following one of the most unpleasant experiences of their lives, as well they might have done but for the Campbells, who introduced them to, friends, put them in touch with interesting 'people, helped them to pass the time. During their three - day stay the Northern tourists re- ceived a very definite impression that ' , Hertford is a fine place and that its , citirens are friendly and. interesting people, kind to strangers. t''irJ. The' Hotel Hertford is an asset to ' ." the Town of Hertford. . May it con- . . tinue to remain in . the hands of it - present owners and managers, f and , - .continue to p0:ti3 from the steady jmprovements being made in the place it is prospering. , LETS HAVE A REAL PARTY ' Perquimans ought to make its first Birthday Party for the President a real party. . , . Until this year Perquimans County has taken no part in the country-wide movement to celebrate President Roosevelt's birthday by giving a par ty to raise funds with which to fight infantile ' paralysis. :T ; be ? sure, 'many of our young people - have at tended a Birthday; Ball elsewhere, but Hertford has -never had "one.;feKV': This year under.- the leadership of A. Linwood Skinner, ;i with theeorpB of assistants whose names have not yet been given out,-Perquimans will (have,a.partyv::c;ri;..,,,A- -j It ought to be . a real . party, this first attempt.' ir- : ' We hope to have, some definite in-formation- as :;to the details of the plans befoinexlUeek'scjlJssue; of The Perquimans Weekly is published. I WM. S. MEETS . f The Woman's;' Missionary Society of the Woodyflle Baptist Church held , its regular .monthly. meeting - Tues day ' afternoon at ; the church. ; The r meeting waM opened by singing Lead On ;0 KJng EtornaL?A very mtereBtingprogram ipaa given with ' Mrs. J.d-iWihwttMrs: Rupert Stanton and Mrs. ' J.:A.; Bray' taking part - The meeting wasdismissed by Mrs. J, a-5Wlsoni;vvi'4;S-' .. Those 'pIiMm:$pefr:,. (ifri'; (iai White, Mrii; Cf A Bogue, Mri J. A. Bray, Mrs.;H. G. Swayne, Mrs. Ru pert 'Stam'Mri.''I.cVWilsoni;nd Miss Beulah fsa.: ifyk'.. T 'Mrs.' A.:- J;' Daq, of Norfolk Va.,1 Mrs. . James j. Smith, of Orlando .Fla., was the guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs 3, E Eaves, few days, this, week.; ;. Mrs. Louis Proctor and son, L. C, spent last week yiri:to'VBoJhr, - ILrs. Annie Lane, of th Snow Hill community. , A ' . - ' Mrs. R. A. Perry visited her son and daughter-in-law;' Mr.; and '. Mm. Joshua Perry, at Sunbury last week. . - Friends . regretted to hear." that the home of 'Joshua Perry. . at Sun- ' .bury, was destroyed by. fire on Jaira- . ary 5. 1 Mr. Perry was formerly a resident of the Pender; Road eom- ' Jrs.'; B.".My Jones ipentSunday " ::h her parents, Mr, nd Mit J E ves. . v" 1 Mrs." Clifton Morgan and Vs mo;: . l r, :.: Mrs..' C v A section of the Skokl Vallty Highway, U.S. Route 41, near new modern lights, showing truck and driver clearly 'vlsfble, . TTHB Department 'of Illinois of . . '..The American Legion has added a fifth point to the four-point hlgh- way safety programthat of elim inating the extra hazard , of night ' driving by, Illuminating the high ways. The program is being vigor- oualy pressed by the Department Safety. ommlt4t-H Night Deaths to be Halved . VTlthla thi first few months of the campaign surveys made- by competent traffic engineers indi cate that by the adoption of the Legion's proposal the automobile accident record of Illinois, approxi mating 16,000 each year, will be cut almost in half. - -" ! This program Is outlined by Matthew J. Murphy, immediate Past Department Commander of Illinois. . It seems to me that any discus sion of street and highway safety leads naturally Into the subject of street and highway lighting. Light ing the highways trill bring about a marked reduction In the number of accidents and fatalities. The Hazard of Darkness.,.. . It la known that with the coming . 'At darkness, when highway traffic la only twenty-five percent of the total traffic, the accident toll m- ' creases. While only forty-eight per cent of all motor vehicle, accidents occur at night, the total of the night accidents accounts for. sixty percent of the1 deat!a4;:':;1'-:-;;:':pv- r, -. "Lighting, of .heavily trafficked Werlal 'Mfhwajf. forr their entire length and Illumination: of aeooad- ' 'toy roads at critical -points where aocldenta are liable to occur Is ex N. J: Tourists Impressed With Hospitality (Continued from Page One) peered. The couple really suffered little from the experience, beyond shock and anxiety. Remaining at the Hotel until Monday, after turning their car over for repairs to the Towe Motor .Company, they .left via bus for Miami, with fervent expressions " of gratitude; for the sympathy and kind ness they had found fa Hdrtf ord. Mr; and Mrs. Girsham Iwill , make the trip back to Hertford via ' bus and will pick up their car here and drive - back to. . -their home ., Jn Njew Jersey at the end of !; ;their- Florida, vacation.""'' 'ik,:'M i BURGESS NEWS Mrs. J.; B. Basnight has t returned home, from ;a visit with relativvn Petersburg,' Richmond ; and Washiiig-ton,-D.X5. f.-j:b;?'t. Kiiig-KMi ;Mrs.BobSpey;;ar'iri8-i ltlhg MR ; and Mrs V ,C4 Spiyey . this weekisr ''r7-MrfctPMathW: had: as guests Sunday jMrrand MrsiMatt Matthewavand'familyi Mit awi' Mrs. Fred Mathews and little son, Mr. and Mrs... WendeIl MathewsAIton ;Math.; ews and Mlsa Ann Edgerton, (& . No)? folk, ya..,v.;. George Parker has, returned from Norfolk, Vji.; where- he has been with his danghter for ?lHe'past f several months. Jilri ' ' Wf""?' " 1ferinennthis ginning to prepare, for their spring wSrki Some are overhauling boats IWQODVIIJI NEWS Mr. and Mn. Louis Harrell of Norfolk. Va- Mr. and MrBi.Elsberry L Whedbee, 61 Hertford Route fc wrt Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.; U A. Bogue. ; 'j$H'it-' fcv fcwUii''-fl ;Mrs.; S.;:iXGodfyawi;-her:l;ttIe daughten Hazel, are litprovijtj aJ.ar a"'feda?s ilhMih'i'y ' i, Rev E. lL,Potts;:of l&ttrei tist Church, supplied for o j..-!-Rev, WvDv Morris, at WeodvAa Cap tist Church, Sunday, iv,- , iMis';Elma Louia' will ieturk.t her home' at Selma ;soo,after visit here With her;: sister,; Mrs; Dennis Rrif row.;; Mrv kenf row will accom pa"y her home. . T. . . -i I ;: Mr8.'AV'l?-M,iTW' ind t Bogue I i . Wir' ' Ilrrtfor' .' tremely Important. In proof of this statement may be cited the experi ence of Detroit; which recently an nounced that $3,000,000 would be expended for improved street light ing to replace obsolete lnatalla,Uons. This followed a test Installation on three modern street lighting proj ects. Before the new lights, were placed there had been forty, night a u t o m o b 1 1 b fatalities on these streets within a two and. one-half year period. The record - for the first four months after the modern lighting system was Installed . was completely free M nlght-driTing fatalities. ; MfiPw'l Costs Estimated ;" "In Illinois engineering experts have estimated the cost of satis factory, highway lighting Installa tion at less than ten percent of the initial construction cost of a fou lane highway. Estimates are cited to show that adequate lighting of public streets and highway is not too expensive to consider, from the viewpoint of its value as a definite public 'Improvement; hen 3 is realized that the-economic loss at tributable toy automobile: ; accid ents each year ltf'tke State of, Illinois runs into the 'millions; fi- 'The Legion's campaign for light ing the", highways.'' was. carried to the State Legislature laitjreaf. The result was the doptlQniby-iuian I. mous vote in both noseS? or a resolution Introduced by JEejre8en-lJ tatlva Rlchaiti J. vmr VZiuicuto, approving the pjti'ject 'aad filling upon the proper ' Wghway1 'authori ties to give study afiif tten!on to well the nroDOBed system." 'V sMISf AGNES WARD HONORED I Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ward enter tained at a delightful birthday' party on Saturday evening at their' home 'Pi near Bervidere, in honor ' of their daughter, Agnes. JKGame8; and contests were, enjoyed i;;sIiS8jM;;Madg and,llar- galtawin '. Tha honore received mant- useful aMorely::frftsS m A- color scneme ox pinn ana. "green ''iaeii.'&f jguests er-tei otthe a1nihg?rwm; wheiis the"taile';pre- senianlattrac reat lace, cloth Centered withia nuge HZZJZZ byCMrs Nutney ;Chippell and Mrs. I'ucviai .GhappeU; served deMous ice cream and cake. .l-iiafifcets OJ mmts )irere given t aVoto- eachiguest Thet 'present aiendihjgifts iwere;.,Mlss 'Agnes M Ward,1'' honoree; Misses (i Marjorie V Perry, .Kathryn Lamb, Nona Marie , Raper, ; Eunice Long, vMae Edl Asbell, Thelma Chappell;;: Jrythenia ' Lane, f ': Marie Copelandr Sybil .Rogeon Blanche Chappell, - Marjorie White, Deborah White, Margaret Raper, Madge Lor?, and Myra Chappell; Carroll Chapr .11, Mebin Copeland, - Howard ls Gaither Chappell, Emmerson ' Aa belL Thotnaa Chappelt Fcntre " I WaltonrChappell, ' McCoy 1 Charjie r: Thomas irEogerson f j Laura Ward, , Mr. and Mrs, CtuU . -i , 4f iiwiini m V Among those" recent!y on -tho i" lict and B3w;ecirtr!escentr ; A. Kefren," who spent a couple of v in.,bei Icctsa- f .-Onr-srU'r. I reii isa tccn tack-on Jo5 M( rcrr.-r. for I-'-?. .A LoocU C p-7 .far.i.:vv;,:,:. ' i" c. c r r a i eczx '..r-'i i i t 'i cf (" Vs. . jx.j'ijxl-yyv.zi! fr.;'aosiar.Uaw. dur' the.'"etire.;i.;.Eerry;;, "Vr--1 ' :v:re e 'l:: T3, havls -j Fr,T i4''AnoC::er''.. sie'e vl i e fs't;; V r V. f '1- ' -. " c: .. i ....7 . ' j csJ now coriv: Northbrook, Illinois, with 1 five hundred feet ahead. "Only recently has, much data . been available on the effect of ade-' . quate -lighting on ihe night autosi mobile 't accident rate. 'ff But? every recent inquiry has shown that Jn- staUaUon of night lighting has duced tremendously the number of ' t automobile accidents. Arnold'. H. . Yey, traffic engineer of New Jersey, ., r has made a" constructive k analysis : ' of day and night accidents on , a . well . lighted and; lieayUy 'trareled section of Route No, S4 and on a lightly traveled, but unllghted,' sec tion of Route No. SI. On the first . the lighted route the accident rate per million vehicle miles was ' t.10 by day and S.S1 by night On r the unllghted route the average for three sections was 20 by day and 8.00 at night Another striking ex ample Is had in the accident reo . ords on the Mt Vernon Memorial Highway, which Indicated a 250 per- . cent Increase in night accidents with lights out of service as com pared with the rate for an equal period when lights were used. Human Life Saved "Human life can be conserved by safe highways, made safe by mass education of motorists and pedes trian's, including school children; Impartial' enforcement ' of .: trafflo : biws; mniformHraffie. regulations, and removal of physical trafflo has- , aids. ? We la- theDepartmentf IUinoIs .tlilal'eg.tliatvN fti '4 nation-wide; !ts&itittMr$A prevention, The . American - Legion " -may consider the vellmlnaUon ,- of darkness . on highways ' as - lta ' fifth front of attack." - : - : ' 1 Elliott, all being now practically re covered. : ".;f : ' Mrs. R; W. Smith also ; has been sick during the holiday season. Her condition is also much improved.' Mrs. W..lHarcastleVandJAiss Helene Nixon,: Vbbth of , whom .were recently suffering - with 'aevere . colds, are eonvaJeseings; "" r. . Mrs. T. C. -Blanchard is . also re cuperating after ten days illness. RECORDERS r y 5 Pleading : guilty $ to -f the charge iof reckless driving and failure to stop PPerty waadamaged;ys; .Record, er's Court on Tuesday, Johnnie White was deprived f . ; hia driver's permit for the period of six months. " Evidence was- to the effect that the young man drove his car a a reckless rate of speed down Dobb Street on Tuesday night of last week,, turning at the Church Street intersection at such a rapid rate of speed that-his car run up across the sidewalk and Into the yard of tiie Harry Brough ton residence, -striking , and knocking down State highway sign. ; There was . also ' evidence ; that the ear he was driving' and which was owned by the young man's father, was damag ed wnaidWmbly,e , "'"I ;.ifiBh:': ;B4'tom';,wayvtd im f?f upon Vpeople - who drive ' like that that waenthey. take the wheel of automobile . they ;.k5ve, got sometuing'in their har.Js is apt to kCl -sorriebody stoy oiaute- unlets It t handed 'nM&fi .fiti$,Jvzt Caiey'ifpaSsing eaSne, tr.- .rf ,i rrayer fot j-ai sme;b Tya.' try:' ' u e i fupon-gatcd bchayior fcr,-V j vz4n payment of the cotti, ai l i . ... f 'Icf actory -rerafrs to ' the 'tvt : -o-LI!i, and p'yrr.t of fee c c?'3 to lie - !:v::y ;Cz the .-.: ' Ll-j c - '..-'-. J . ur.'.J tie nc:.t Una - of c t tor cc-lz?2 .u-I'Ji the '.JxJj ? and the -dsiTcr'a permit was i .-mi. for 'a!' iacsiU,'' ('":' e your man to!4 , Ttcr 'ct C ' y thr.t he CI net know he v.;s Cllg'BO fast'? i;x!w I'rrjer for Judgment was cont'r.-"! in 1' e case of V. S. Johnson, ?rlver 3 truck, who j ;--:'-3 cf cr;::" ,i-gc2ty.ta fs r "t of t' i c i cf r ' i ' i , i- k .JV,W -4S' Jf";f '"AV,; fr.C'crnicni:! Tree!:" :. 2 , : r They ere r.ade ; with ; the - ffiRie precision end - eccu- t ; rt recy es those you rcplsce. - ? r;; l v; Only; "CenwW PaU tr3 A: 'Everything In Hardware and Supplies?' EDENTON. N. C. REPORT OF THE IMP Diii;;p ca ; Of Hertford, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on . , December 31, 1937. f i s ' ' - 1 ' -"'v '--', V assets ( ' k: "T" , "v 1, Cash, baiances with other banks, and cash items in process . if of collection L t .. - fan'a A( United States' Government pbllgations,-, direct and fully. . ' 6 ' Corporate stocks 7 Loans and discounts 8. Overdrafts ft ' Banking house owned, furniture 11 , Other real estate owned ' 15 Other assets , '. 16 Total assets 'LlZ.-L. , :. . ; :;; s r ; liabilities and capital , 17 . PTi1 VvHwd. paVtnerships and corporations: : T . - .'J'aa P08 evidenced by 18 United States Government and postal savings deposits.--!' 5212.48 ' 19 ' State, county and municinal denoaits 90 ah no- 21 Certified and officers checks, Jettons of credit and travelers' ' - cnecua bow lor casn, ana amounts due to Federal Reserve - ' - ' bank transit account) , i&MAt 22 TOTAL DEPOSITS Tl:77!tRflfYv ... , I 24 Bills payable, rediscovints and other Jiabih'ties for borrowed 1 7.'.- 28 Dividends declared but not yet payable 1-. ., r-. . - 1,500.00 i3 Cilcr Il3lpt;a3 J'-".V, . ; 14,782J2S CO ' Toic:! lls'jilita cncludinaf .capital account i-..rr-u-$685,020.28 a) Capital stock and capital. notes:, ,and-deben-.:' 'i.-':' -iii;'7 r-1 ures1 ,;ittizx;iXtomsti -r; , (W Surplus - L;.g:t,'?i8w; .q,:-1200.00 -.yft ,1 ,(e) Undivided profits- ' ! '. (d) Reserves R. F. C. preferred B) ilttWl XpiW JKCOUUt .1 82 Total liabilities and 'capital ;:ZLL $761464.60 ilities and KadM&BL. JT vn December si, 1837, the required legal reserve against deposits of this ;r bank was $64,142.18 Assets reported . above which were eligille as " ',legai reserve amounted. to OiM.,0:Aj:t:;' " ' - ' 84? Deferred obligations not included among above liabilities, which are' : subordinated to claims of depositors '-.and.. other creditors None, 1 Unde -: v..-., clared dividends on preferred stock and unpaid interest on capital notes r: and debentures, accrued prior to end of last dividend or interest, period j . None. i i ' r- 1 " -' This bank's capital Is represented by'$2:; .ZSJ cr:' l r-1! i ce bentures eoU to Reconstruction Ir--;s Cv:;f Ion a 1 l- ' 3X J cIJ v, to public; 250 shares of first, prerred svi, prr vtlue ilCM ) ir ,' .share, retirable at $100.00 per share; and 2S0 shares of common i , par $100.0Q per share. ' " 1 If't't 85" .Pledged assets fexcrt r-1 ' J,. -ties, lc -is ' ' . MM(afcU. p.. Cr traic-t . ... r a SI !Secud M prcf;- i r ' - - (a) L;rc j accv- J Ij i . Ir .ii,-;'.; cstaits tt law , (e) TCT.Ui 1 f eW ... f v . swerr tv-t V r r::- U t ( . to t3 t. U. : Ccrr:ct-v' I C. 7 1 t 1 1 y A . B .. V s . nlvo voo the nrtaiteit CONDITION OF 4600.! -' ' 1&8.054.55 .-'None- - 10,800.00 ' 187.0 and fixture 21,63024; -?76M54.60 '1. y ii - savings pass "books 311873 27517.0S stock ... 00Z.bll , ' 79,134.32 c.-'t),"" rdificetms B"d ---.- 1 ' ' JV-" . tv'!--1-" ft ' ' ' t.j r if' (CIAS. V." E.