, - ,ff f " ' 1 V 5 v V::" VV " '--r r- ;iv 'V ' i ,-. r if 1 'VP1' --'"'r TV ' WEEKLY ' A YTLIZILY IZ7;;Z?:SZ: DLVOTZD TO THE UPBUII 3 07 IIEHT70IUX A2TD PERQUIHAN3 COUITO ..V Hertford, Perquimans County, Ncrt. rolina, Friday, January 21, 1938. $1.25 Per Year. ! 3 V Freedom of V. i'ii:4"Wr'.t,;i.,,v,-(V Religion ol Staff federal Trade (Sommission "7 ' in 1 "'TnnTT i "Mi fc1 CS-zlz7i Scheduled r To Be In Form of - Dance, HELD JAN. 31 Date. Changed to Pre vent Confiict With I OtherTowris ' In tepththA-rfwrt -of th'ftfc tion; ,with radio; And iritib movieland, plans at gofpg forward in Hert ford for the birthday celebratioii for the President.on Monday" night, Jan jmtj 81. ! 1 7 -V j, a -The icelebratioir "here, which will aid in tee- infantile paralysis fight, will be Jbi the f orjn of 4 dance, either at the Woman'a ' Club. J House s on Academy afreet .-cr in 'the ha.ll above the BtorealDf MorKinWalkerr" Ac cording to; LinwoodvSkinner.i chair-, man. of 'the locaT committee, several orchestras aw npw . under considera tion for Ithe. purpose ; of furnishing mosic on that night; Ticketftwijl go on sale on January . 24, and in the ticket .sale may be found the answer to every indivi dual's question: i VHow can I help fight infantile .paralysis?" ' : Mrv Skinnef : has already . asked several people to serve on. the differ ent committees and the coromittee men so far named by the chairman are as follows: Ticket Committee Mrs. J. . G. Campbell MiiuT Mattie Bert Belfe ' and ft. S. Monds, Jr. - ' ' ' -Decorations Committee - Mrs. W. H. Pitt, Mrs. J. H. Newbold and Miss Mary Towe. Refreshments Committee Miss nd Rillv Tiipk w4UWaturday morning t 10-o clock, Publicity Committee--Mrs. W. E White, ' Lucius Blanchard and Tom Peele. . t According to - Mr.". Skinner, other committees will be named as the need arises and since this is, the first ball given in Hertford for the benefit of the fight against "Maimmg Death," lie is anxious that the celebration be successful. ; j Monday night, on the 81st of Jan uary, has been" selected for the cele bration in Hertford so as. not - to in terfere or clash with the balls being held nearby in Edenton and Elizabeth - City on the official v.birthday, Janu ary 29." , Last year and the year 'before over $2,000,000 was raised through these nationwide parties, celebrations and contributions to the cause; - Since new agencies and enthusiasts are en tering the fight . dally the proceeds from this huge birthday party are ex pected to even overshadow that fig ure, ' , v jTiLiyC Pcilrl Hadio Groqp ; Ejected to Attract Capacity Iicwoo . "Singing, Swinging - and Susie r ' is t:e wey Littleton Gibbs, i 2 r cf fce State ! Theatre, de f : 3. fv5 Lint and Bill, Negro T ileal LvVue, which takes place on , Etae cf the popular house on i y r.:bt. n ' Lowe, ' fcr , :) t' s "L; ' :b a ci ' t'.-.c:rI Hertford t' ' -t, a c -1 i has tci)' ' t'-3 I ' jJC3 Cc"ji!jS Gclli-r At, Two' Day- Session of Yeopim Union Will -VBeHeld "DUfCH,, LUNCH Timely Discussions . of Church Matters on .V: ft-oram '"'-' - V : - Baptists from all over the three counties of Gates, ; Chowan 'and Per quimans will gather in a meeting at Uie Rocky Hock Baptist Church on January 28 and 29 in a two-day ses sion of the Yeopim Union. .the introductory sermon' at 11 o'clock by Elder -J. i. Stegall, reconvening will be at 1:80 with devotional ser vice led by the Rev. Alphonso Jordan. Miscellaneous matters , will be dis cussed for a; fifteen-minute period' from 1:45- until two o'clock. At that time the. query: "What is the Scrip tural Relation Between the Church, Sunday School and all other so-called Church Organizations ?" will - be ; handled by C. R. Holmes, of Hertford, and ,W. J. Berryman, of Edenton. At 2:45 Rev. R. S. Monds and Rev. T. Li Brown will discuss the query: "What is the Scriptural Relation Be- Floyd I. White will lead , tiie- devo tional service, followed by Rev. J. T. ByrunVand Rev. W. P.Woodall with: "Is It Ever Right v to Compromise Truth, in Order to Have Peace, Har mony and Cooperation," At 11 o'clock a sermon will be preached by Rev. W. T. C Briggs, ending the morning session. , "Each person provides his or her own lunch," said the- Rev. A. A. But ler, speaking for the planning com mittee, and after lunch the afternoon session will convene with a devotion al service 'led by Rev. Alphonso Jor dan at 1:80 o'clock. Miscellaneous matters will again be taken up for a short while before Rev. J, F. Stegall and Rev. E. I Wells . present'- tht question: "To Whom Did Jesus Give the Great Commission?" "To What Extent, and in Whav Ways, Are We Now Making Spiritual Progress?" a general discussion led by Rev. W. F. CaLvwm- close thejof rdigion.in the 'Tour Freedom" jirs. wmte Hostess To Missionary Society . , 4 1 v " ' ' ; ' ' Mrs. J. E. White was hostess to Circle Number Three of the Woman's Missionary Society of the . Hertford Baptist ' Church on Monday night. The meeting' was opened ; wjth ' the hymn, "O Zion Haste.'.' , The devo tional was conducted by Mrs. ' G. R. Tucker. .Prayer was offered by Mrs. C. VR. Holmes, and Mrs. J. W. Warn gave en interesting account of the Life:'of JosethK'm04t A short business seesion.was con ducted, by the secretary, Mrs. C. R. Holmes. I r Members present were r , Mesda'mes John Zachery, Wallace ;Umphlett, H. T. Broughton, W. G. Newby, G. R. Tucker, Carlton Cannon,; J. W Ward, L. N. Uollowell, T. L. Jessup, C. R. IIc!mes, T. Xf. Wilson, J. E. White c i Hiss Helen Kcgr.n.v;'ti:-ji.?'.'j 3$e kfotecs, tsc'stsi ty lliss E'lie" White,' Served a ' " '-tS; salad ;-:9. iii.;v.v'.' v.-..;i;;XV.-. c :rt3 , . Jv Jit IV r, cl'7 c' t, r-orts 1, 1. u ( i- t'3 lo. a f' 1 V4 ( V : NEW YORK This chaste figure of a young girl lifting her face to the filrioa oHll hM AaAinatoA m IraoAnm wiuiu-y group on uie jemrai -jaaii Ousnoss f.! jn's Bible C!sssH3cts Officers Ii:B;ttersoii Presi dent and F.T. John- ;SJfn:eacher, , 4:wfo!feerj :Were":T fleeted at the regular ' meeting of ' the '' Business Men's Bible - Class of the Hertford Baptist Church when the Class: was reorganized Sunday. ,, ' ' Thtf, following officers Vere: elected : F, T. Johnson, teacher; h. B. -Sitter-son, president; Dr. I. A.: Ward, finst vice' president; Clarence Dail, seconu yice president i J. Perry, third vice prec'Jcnt; J. O. White, secretary; T. L. (ladre, assistant soe'retary; Matt Mathews, treasurer, and J. C. Cam pen, publicity chairman. , Y J r The" Class extends a hearty invita tion and welcome to all men to come and meet with the class members on any Sunday at 9:45 A. n At i Dr.r.!:ir Inctitute J r....LL-,7 Company 1 by Ce cac!;ier, K. 1 i :t cHL...or, M. r ' Mrj of t' s irs in scs- :.y. i' 3 t.Tlr I':. - r t , it t' i Three Actions L ;osed Of During Si :fior Court Term JVIrrity of Cases Ap- I- earing on uocKet iW Postponed 1&NGTHY TRIALS 1- Mahy Witnesses Testify ; Iii Suit as Result of I' Auto Accident . Though only three cases will be tried vat the January Term of Perqui mans'iSuperior Court now in session, all 'others being continued, indica tions n Wednesday at the closing hour fjvere that the court might last for; at least another day, possibly longer The first case tned was that of F. ';WHobbs against Madison True bloodfc involving the possession of a horse ( described in a chattel mort gage given by T. G. Forbes to Hobbs a11dr MOran, the horse being in the possession of Mr. Trueblood. The jury decided in favor of Mr. Hobbs in. thi case. MrsJ Maybelin Porhck was granted a divorce from Thomas W. Perlick. Both these cases were tried on Mon- Itel-'l -. vm f uesday the trial of the third case", damaje suit between James L. v Hendricks and Rufus Harrell $gai. -Hf act L. Lupton and Roy E. LitfietOH nmi athers -gouder1 way. In this suit the plaintiffs, Perqui mans County young men, were repre sented by J. H. LeRoy, of Elizabeth City. The two defendants, Lupton and Littleton, were represented by McMullan & McMullan, of Elizabeth City, with J. B. McMullan conducting the trial. The defendant administra tor of Mrs. Estelle White, deceased, was represented by Mr. Mathews, of Windsor. A great many witnesses testified yi this suit, which grew out of an acci dent which occurred between Windsor i and the Chowan River Bridge, in Bertie County, on the night of De cember 17, 1936. when Mr. Hen dricks, driving a Dodge pick-up truck, with two other young men riding with him, were in a collision with a Ford pick-up truck driven by Mrs. White, whose truck- allegedly nrst comaea wiui a lance true ivwucu wivu ut - ttah ' parked on the highway, driven by Roy E. Littleton and owned by Macs L. Lupton. As a result of the accident, Mrs. White .died shortly afterwards and j Mr. Hendricks was injured. I Mr. Hendricks asks for damages ' in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ! and Mr. Harrell, owner of the truck , and the produce it carried, is suing for 5fiW. - The plaintiffs rested their case shortly before noon on Wednesday, when Mr.-McMlullan moved for judg ment as of non-suit and in the ab sence of the jury the attorneys argued the motion. - BbnctenTs ; Adds Jew Line Tractors !'- -J-"" - ;r Prompts and Efficient Service Available For. : ; John Deere line ' ; Adding John Deere tractors to1 com plete ' the full line of John Deere Farm' Equipment and in preparation for parts and other equipment needed on the farm now, as well, as that re quired latervon in the jBeason, J. C Blanchard and Company are prepared to give prompt and efficient . service to the farmers of this section, ac cording to A. Linwood Skinner,, who is in hafge of the department v The stock is complete with every thing in f rming equipment, accord ing to Ir. C':'iner, who is enthusias tic about the line, which Blanchard'B have Kan " 1 for many years, now be ing : a: t for the complete John Deere K:e in both Perquimans and Chowan ou-t'es. "A rell "3 implement dealer is an asnct tD i T community," says Mr, r r ' 1 it i3 now to us, ; as ' ' e farmer, may turn, Swing Billies To Apar At School Show Put on January 26 For Benefit of Build ing Funds Blackwood's Swing Billies, from Radio Station WPTF, radio, screen and recording stars, will be presented from the stage of Perquimans County High School on January 26, for the benefit of the biulding funds of the New Hope and Belvidere Community Houses. Under sponsorship of the Home Demonstration Club, the Billies, a six person show, will present, "The1 'Ghost Rides Again" featuring whati is billed as the "South's Favorite' T? a fiirt anI Cforra Pnmoliono 1?1 mav I Jambo and Sambo, the Ihree Nitwits. Elmer, according to the sponsors, was formerly with Gene Autry, the popu lar cowboy singing star, in motion pictures. '9n 7 S T ,y rrt a .1 . a. . ,.ov, v x., ..u u.b p.-,...8( and singing of lavorite cowboy, hill billy, comedy and popular songs, to gether with old-time fiddling and1 new modern swing. ! Blackwood's Billies are sponsored! over the Raleigh Station every week' day from 12 noon to 12:15 by Black- "V"B W'""' "" January , out wood's, Inc., advertised as Carolina's the matter public on last largest independent tire jobbers. i turday, having taken a few mti The proceeds go toward Bwening te friends into his confidence pre the funds of the New Hope and Bel-. vl0U8ly- videre Oommurtitv Hnnspjj. i Missionary Picks f'ew Officers j ar l t l t 1 MrS. LharleS JOnnSOn IS' Chosen as Chairman ! Of Society j Circle Number Two of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church, met Monday night with Mrs. Jesse Lane. Mrs. Charles Johnson had charge of the devotional. The meeting was opened with thb singing, "Come, Thou Almighty King," followed by prayer by Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Georsra ChaDnell cave J an interesting talk on "The Life oi Joseph," a duet, "In the Garden" was rendered by Mrs. Tommy Miller anj Mrs. T. E. Raper. Closing pray- er was made by Mrs. B. W. Penning ton. After the program, new officers fot the year were elected as follows:! Mrs. Charles Johnson, chairman;' Mrs. George Chappell, assistant chairman. Mrs. L. B. Sitterson will serve on the program committee withj Mrs. Jesse Campen as her assistant. Personal service committee, Mrs. C. O. Fowler; social chairman, Mrs. Ben Wood; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. T. E. Raper. Mrs. Tommy Miller will Mtntinnci na nnhliVitv pVinlrmnn. i After a short business session, the, members enjoyed a social hour. Thej hostess served a delicious sweet: course. ;.;V -;?';. Those present included Mesdames Charles Johnson, T. E. Raper, W. T. Elliott, Tommy Miller, V. A. Holdren, Molly Perry B, W. Pennington, Ben Wood, R.-A. Sutton, W. E. Hoffler, Jesse Campen, Jr., L B. Sitterson, Lula Lane, ; C 0. Fowler, . George Chappell, E. A.- Byrum, Williford Boyee and Jeske Lane. , HURT IN ACCIDENT ' Archie s Stallings, ' of the Center, Hill section, was ' seriously injured Tuesday morning ; when a truck driven by Elmer -Rogerson crashed, into the rear of Stallings' car, throw ing him to the road. . He was taken to the Albemarle Hospital In Eliza beth City. , , ' ' , n. . 5 fpm;vopM0 , Jmogene, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hennlger, of Ryland, was buried Wednesday afternoon in the family cemetery. The little girl, who was about a year old, was found dead in bed Wednesday morning. She had been under the care of a physi cian for sometime, but her condition was thought to have improved, i Be side her parents, she is survived . by two Bisters and a brother. " Groun Reported In Nation's Capital For Duty on Monday SPLENDID JUDGE His Successor In Re corder's Court Not Yet Named Appointed on the legal staff of the Federal Trade Commission, at Wash ington, D. C, Walter H. Oakey, Jr., for seven years Judge of Perquimans County Recorder's Court, will prob ably hold only one more session of the Perquimans Court. Judge Oakey left Sunday for Wash ington, to report for duty on Monday He will spend next week-end here with his family, and will be in Hert ford for the January 24th session of court. There was no session of Re corder's Court this week, due to the fact that Superior Court was in ses sion. No information is available at this time as to who will be appointed by toe Board of Cunty Commissioners t0 8Ucceed Judge Qakey, but an ap pointment will necessarily be made immediately, the appointee to serve the balance of the unexpired term, which ends on December 1, 1938. Judge Oakey received formal notice 1 . . ... T . mere was widespread reeret ex pressed when it became known that Judge Oakey would no longer serve in the capacity of judge of tha Re corder's Court, andjnuch concen aherwRTBS to who The successor would be. A native of Virginia. Judge Oakey has lived in Hertford for the past years having practiced law here for 9 years of that period. Elected Judge of the Recorder's Court in 1930, and in three successive elec tions, he has served in this capacity since. He married a Perquimans girl, the former Miss Marjorie Nixon, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nixon, and the couple are the par ents of two attractive young daugh ters. Because of his attitude toward drunken driving and his adherence to his publicly avowed decision some two years or more ago to require every person convicted in his court of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants to serve a jail sentence, Judge Oakey has re ceived a great deal of newspaper publicity, and his stand ha3 been favorably commented upon by numer ous editors in this and other states. At the time Judge Oakey announc ed from the bench that he had taken the stand in reference to drunken drivers, his statement that "it is just as dangerous for a man to take the wheel of an automobile while under the influence of liquor as it would bo for a man to run up and down the road shooting a gun with his eyes shut," was quoted in widely circulat- Press uispawnes. Adhering strictly to his policy, a number of men, during the months immediately following served jail sentences, though every legitimate effort was used to save them from the result of such conviction on the part of their attorneys, as well as their friends. In one case, where 80 days in jail would deprive the de fendant's family "of their means of livelihood and probably cause the lose of his job, the defendant was allowed to serve the .sentence In week-end periods. r "j .., , Members of the State Highway Patrol and . other officers ' have fre- ' - quently commented t on the" ' small number of arreata for drunken driv- ing in Perquimans in recent months as compared with '.those in other nearby counties, . attributing ' the cause to the fact that it was gener ally known in the county that a con victed defendant would not ; escape with' fine. - 4 N ' . Only once, and that since the pro bation system put into effect by an act of the last General .Assembly -went into effect, has an exception lean made by Judge Oakey in this respect. A young man who recently was con victed of a -first offense, after the evidence showed that there was no personal or property damage, was put on probation. , Nlaturally, not all of the cc.ment on JuJe Cckey'fi- po!:cy, 1.: ver, has I .a' C -" . 'ill been tr:?r 'i . j Pcr- r :. s f, i- ' i v t: e i. - f ' " ' - Mrs. Marv 1- t-t pecr'.a r' and left v "i 1 cr i.utvh to r -' s L - ir z c r- " 1 1 ' Y: i .. , ( c ':: f"-cha?e, but

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