Published every Friday ' at Th Perquimans " Weekly office in tot Gregory Building, Church Street Hertford. N. C. - ' . , UATTIE LISTER WHITE -Editor Day Phone - , . - i Night Phone , 100-J , SUBSCRIPTION RATES.,; , f One Year J-J :LZl.. -11.25 Six Months' Entered as 1 .75c second class matter November 15, 1934, at the post office at Hertford, North Carolina, under the Act of March 8, 1879.' . Advertising rates furnished by re- quest h FRIDAY, JANUARY THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT - MEW LIFE OF CHRIST: If any man be in Christ, he is a new crea ture: old things an passed away; be hold, all things are . become new. 2 Corinthians 6-17. - r .- HE SHOULD BE A LAWYER , The matter of the appointment of a judge for Perquimans County Re corder's Court is in the lap of the cods, v Nothing baa been given out by the Commissioners as to who will be appointed. ' ' One thing appears to be certain. The appointee, whoever he may be, will have to contest for the job in the June primary. He will have only a matter of a few months after his ap pointment;' four to be exact, to dem onatrste to 'the public the kind of ser-; vke he will render before the end of 1 the contest There are indications that such a contest will not be confined to mem bers of the bar. . For it appears that, though generally speaking those who have any conception of the qualifica tion at m. fnrim fpf1 that tn fill thft position with any degree of efficiency a man must needs be trained in the law, there are those among us who1 . - do not share this opinion. fhot law tna ' not require a judge of the Recorder's Court to be a lawyer, one is reminded' that neither does the law require that! a member of the Supreme Court, of I the United States be a lawyer. In-i cidentally, there never has been 1 member of that bodv who was not.' however. I Probably not one of the commit-' ana otnen 01 auppornng, ..,-..,v'1w . sioners would consider the appoint-' 0484 11180 do Plendidly. It is, by the Miss Russell, as the "rich society ment of a man to the Recorder's distinct pleasure to have Mfiss girl who renounces wealth . and poui Court judgeship who had no legal Portar back with us; she was absent tion to share the harum-scarum lifo training. It is reasonably certain mnch 100 lon8- ... I f Greenwich v Village Bohemian that 'the nun to he s.nnnntui to fill Raymond B. McCarey's direction is! artist' and who' watches wealth ruin out the anexpired term of Judge' excellent. . Praises also should be the fine talents of the man. she mar Oakey, rhich lasts until December,' suntf for e screen play by Thoma ried, has been provided withf vehi will be a member of tide bar.- ' . j Mitchell, and Brown Hplmes, and fox cle which permits her fulKcope 0 There ara.hardly more than half i 4,16 storT py Dorothy Bennett vsXou'l),;how the .world jwhy. Btrc (;oldwyn' doaen lawyers in Hertford at the get kick,'ouf of this picture, f Mayer made he p, taiv "' present time, and not all of them are available for the office. But the Per quimans Weekly is of the opinion on of the number should be appointed. LETS VOTE FOR HIM A campaign year is upon us.. There is every indication that there are go ing to be some important questions to come up in connection with local J IUC3' I ramnSn), Sl "I campaigning, though the primary u tm four mnnum nff .. :l monws on. . , ttwri? 'iSStZSEl Vl l Right i campaign Mr. Average little thinkto, for h.wlV -ndl ed thv fitness of the offlcTseeker fort the job he ask. for. It might be a1 good thing not to promise Mr. Able iBAif.l Wttnaa.tiiat' flrw .,ti ' : , 0... . man happens to be free handshaker or loostow-teller. For the AonrtitJ , or Kooa storr-teiier. or the tttanrtit. - less - kut : conscientious voter to be ,.Mrs. G. J. Barclift, of Nixonton.-' X ' committed to vote for thia . type of : ' .George Wood, son of Mrr and Mrs. office seeker hefore the right cand' Elmer. Wood, is on. the sick-list at date appears is. not 'only embarrass- this time. ' - " v. ' s ; in bat.te often disastrous. L t Mrs,'WilUam Whedbee ia ImprdVlng Howkveon.the other hand, when ,fter several days' illness. ' :, -f nora at -iniuuc ;oince. is avjuispie IOT the position, whether he has- asked for y6ur;votior. notr it is a -good thingto resolve ' to . give' that man wiirer support sna encouragement is posIbld.f 'Tfre not too -many such available. i ' 1 " It goes without saying that we need men of the best- type, of citizenship " to hoM public offices. As everybody knows, we do not always get the. Far too, often we do not - When one such Js available, let's vote for him. Wattek S. Mints. dmltted embes cler of J560 from the city gorarnment'. " chief bookki per . of the water and . OT-.Tvaev V. VSasSBUVs; WfHJ MUhSPU W, State's Prison to begin serving a flve : year term by Sheriff C David Jones. ; Dennis Leggett, highway Workman on the road being reconstructed. be ; tween ' rindsor and - The " Fork to wards , , lUiamston,., was badly burn ed. Irriett was lighting the oil Jamp f.r a danger signal when it ex ploded covering him with flames. A . paasinj j trohnan brought him to the Windsor hot, Ital wtere the serious ness of tiie case had not been deter mined.. , . V n STATE THEATRE, Monday Only . "Life Begins with Love.' 1 ' Jean Parker ...:. i Douglass Montgomery . ? In the best tradition of the wacky romantic comedy school, ' "life Be gins With Love,' the Columbia at traction which warms the Heart and tickles the funny .bone in one fell swoop. With Jean Parker, Douglass Montgomery and little Edith Fellows doing most of the required clowning, a good time seemed to be had by all. It is the reckless tale of one Wil liam Addington Drake III,, who, in a deliriously pickled moment, gets up on a soap box and promises the gen try he will divide his fortune among them. This is no laughing matter to , M.f ordinary people, who mill around his home the next morning waiting for ! the millions to be tossed out. Bill's grandfather and fiancee are outraged. Not earing for all the fuss, Bill steals out of the mansion and starts wan dering the streets. v? A few days later he's pretty hun gry when he knocks on the door of a 1... 1 . . 1 . . 1 . y nuraery ana asm jot nanaouu Dod. a saucy miss, call Carol, the manager, who is just about the nicest """a D1 ever seen. vroi makes Bill work for his meal and i !, unintentionally, makes his heart cut funniest capers. Bill takes a ib 88 h"dy mn the nursery, and on anybody's fight, MJs8 Parker, Montgomery and Miss Fellows act their roles for all they're re ! "f0". worth,- which is plenty. riclv 1fmim ?re Aubre , SNOW HILL NEWS i Miss Lucille Cartwright and Mrs. i Vernon Winslow apent Sunday as guests of Miss Eunice Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell and daughter, Carolyn Dean; "spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mercer, in Pasquotank. ' Mm Cl 1 Ran-Kft. Mrs. R. E. BarcWt Mr- J' M - Cartwright.! r,mim n..iM .j !.;. .... ...... . ... I wrightf ontou, and Miss Bea- trice Bbm 8pent recenOy -.?-?.' anre11: L and daughter, rh? Mr5 Bn", ZZ ?vja 7.7 1 7 " ' Mr. and Mrs. Mamn tfenton. of . i- . . . . . I v mi. ana mrs. Jtaipn yr: l" ' , V; "rjr i?"'Z", Harrell spent Sunday with Mr. andT"061? Uura Ward - LORDLY FAMILY MOVING jH Tlie E. W Lordley- family j mov ing 5 to Richmond, 'Va. - Mr. Lordley has recently : accepted a position in the .Vi-'rmia eity,-which is Mr. Lp'4 lev'B home-town. -and the family move at once: Mrs Lordley's moi- er, Mrs, R. G. Church-, who has made her home here with her daughter, left this week to visit relatives in Nor folk, before going to Richmond. Mrs, Lordley and her daughter, Betty, ex nect to fro to Richmond sometime dur- inar the week-end 1 , ' ,' The Lordleys and Mrs. Church have made many friends during the sev eral years that they have lived' in Hertford; who. regret their leaving. PENDER ROAD NEWS Mrs. Dewey C. -Umphlett Is able to be -out kgain after recently hav ing mumps,- 2 Arthur Elliott" and ' family have moved from - this nei.borhood to the Bethel community. ' Willie 'l C:-ton rr..''-' r - -i 4 1 h ' week-end, y ;i J. B. I lr..Lena C ., was the guc.t i "r Y.y Berry, Z:s y i Mr. t.iJ llri. children vL'U J . . ; Morgan, r-'r ' HERTFOUD, I J. C -' Tuesday Ci.Iy- Bobby Breen In' Wish" The title of Boll'i r ;n latest musical starring ve'J '3 is expressive of the. attitude of -ys .a toward life and its proLI ;. "Make- a Wish" expresses ti e universal habit of hoping for the future. ' v Early, in .the story "9 youngster is seen enjoying a tr: vacation at a summer boys' cav. and here he strikes tip ' a close ' ndjhip with P9jJ Ra1,v,'""' ' -Th. awhosej great regict is 1. uu& missed nu own, boyhood. lie 1 ' j ist written a song bearing the int,: Jing titles and soon both the man and the boy .find themselves fostering' a devout-wish which principally, .concerns' Bobby's beautiful young mother; ; Marion Claire. . Eventually she also fosters a hope; but for a time it Beema.that an the wishing in the . world will not be sufficient to solve, the . problems con fronting the trio." . The picture is featured by the sil very voice of Bobby, who sings sever al songs by the noted Viennese com poser, Oscar Straus. "Make a Wish" was .directed by Kurt Njeumann. Among the featured players arc Henry iArmetta, Ralph Forbes, Leon " Errol and . Herbert Rawlinson. It is a Principal Produc- ZnmLi ftSr.T tlon released tiirough RKOf Radio. Tuesday Only "Love, live and Leam" Robert Montgomery and;' Rosalind Russell in their first j screen , appear- ace together since their joint triumph in "N5ght MHist Fall? are the stars of "Live, Love and Learn,? coming to the State Theatre with. Robert Bench- ley and Helen Vinson topping an out standing supporting cast- . As a penniless young' Greenwich Village artist, - who marries a rich society girl, wins -.. startling success overnight, is lionized by the "400" and loses his head, his talents and almost his wife Montgomery is of- fered the greatest opportunity of his career to display aHhia genius for comedy and melodrama.' DELVIDERE ROUTE 1 Mrs. Fernando Chappell and son, Tilson, . spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Blanchard, at anbury. .Mr. nd Mrs. Carroll r Ward and family -and Mrs. Laura Wad visited Mlrand Mra. v C F. Copelahd, at Sunbury, Sunday afternoon. ' ' u:.. t t..j . the. week-end guest of her Mrs. .n...r.n r-'--.--'..-1rs- -Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dail spent Friday in Suffolk, Va. , Li?W ,Mrs C-Wvette were ? . . cauere in wis community jionoay . Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ward and J, A. Rountree viBited Mr. Rountree's brother,' Jesse Rountree," at White sion, Mondaynight t ' - ' Mra HlTriat YThannall . Mrs. Harriet Chappell. spent Thurs- Mrs. Purvis Chappell- visited her mother, Mrs, J. A,;Rountree Friday. !OOD)0ttIJ3,NLVS W. E. Bogue visited relatives and friends in Craddock, Va., Sunday. Misses ' Katharine - Godr-y and Lassie Smith were : week-)' 1 guests of MJss Smith's 1 (rtster Mj, Grant Lane, at Winfalt. -' , ' - Mrs. George T. Williams, ' of New- iftni t Mrs- Ev Rr 'Whr', ' Hertford, Route S, have beei wiu wnv vyiuianur mowier, M. Whedbee, who was inni: 1 t r a fall recently. r,t ' Mrs. George Poole, , of We1 J&s. J. B. Humphries, Mrs, C A.1 Bogue and Miss Beulah Bogue were recent visitors of Mrs. L. F. V;incljw, near Wir'jlL ' . lira.' X JinnyiGigor t ' . Barnes m-t- In Ellz it . Fri. 7. - ? r W.i. , t,. PhLv t and C... ay Wray? w. . dry r-ts of Mr. and Ha. 2. : . Gel.". -7. . . . . V yotmj-wt:'? cc'U)?'""' ' ' r Lit , 1-J an I C" IT" i t j ; Three Tnlfp Xszzxt XI 9 Ear, ' ; Cottage and Ear j. . , s m No flower is more suited to color scheme planting than the tulin -You can count with assurance on : the height of each , flower, as weB t as on its time of blooming and lo cation, v One bulb will usua!!y pro duce one flower, although, there art : some varieties . which occasionall -r branch" and bear - more than on blossom. , - While there is'a tendency toware a Teturn to formal beds of tulips, - especially among those who wish a modern note in their gardens, ' most garden owners will probably prefer informal groups' planted is contrasting colors. -' .The worst way to plant .tulips li to set them in single rows. ' Instead of being enhanced by this arrange ment their beauty suffer. Beds in - the modern manner are planted is masses of a single color and art usually in angular shapes. , Where contrasting colors art planted in adjoining groups It if relatively easy to obtain vivid- and harmonious , effects. v.The Darwin and breeder tulips furnish excel lent purple, orange, pink, rose and red varieties. The cottage tulip provide lear yellows, which are -given added charm by their point ed petals. .vwi, , A white m) mack combieation l . possible by .using one of the dart -purple Darwins and a white variety. A violet-purple is a striking picturt in combination with a pink. ; Tht pale pink variety, Clara Butt, Is sef . off very well with a pale lavender. Working out such combination! k half the fun of tulip gardening. ' DANCE HELD THURSDAY IN HONOR MR, AND MRS. WINSLOW MeBdames George Feilds and Ed gar FeUds and Miss Nellie Feilds were joint hostesses-, at a delightful dance,' given on Thursday . night at Walkers Hall, complimentary to Mt. and Mrs. F. C Winslow. P1"1 J ncma. . 51 r-"l""- C",f.8' rrn. ... t: a . a a :: a'v t Dopier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willi- ford, ; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. . T. P, Brinn, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bates, ' Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hines, Mr. and Mrs. r Charles E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barbee, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lane, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. White, Mr. and Mrs. Em mett Winslow, Mr.' and Mrs. H. G. Winslow, Mr, and Mrs. John Butler, Mr; and Mrs. Herbert Nixon, Mrs. W.j h. uaKey, air. ana airs. . Henry uay Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Butler, Mrv and Mrs. Silas Whedbee, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCallum, Dr. and Mrs. C A. Davenport; Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Divers, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gar rett of Elisabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Jernigan, of Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Sutton, Mr. and ; Mrs. Francis Nixon, Mrs. Ellie Good win, Mr. and Mrs. L W. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Littleton ' Gibbs, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newbold, Mr. and Mrs. David Cox, Misses Carolyn Riddick. Sarah Carlisle, Gussie Wood,' Blanche Eyerett Mary Onella - Relfe, Mary Towe, Evelyn Riddick, Gladys Ham rick, Eloise Scott; 1 Ruth Davenport Hazel Bright Elisabeth " Knowles, Edith Everett, Catherine Britt ' EH saheth' A Morris,? " and Freida Hobbs; Alfred Williams, Willie Jessup, Bev erly Blanchard, Lucius Blanchard, Melvin Wright 'of i Elizabeth City, Harry Williford,. - Lawrence Towe, Vivian Mathews, Jack - Brinn, ; Carl Perry, Ben Robinson, Henry Stokes, Louis Nachman, Jr., Walter Edwards, James Evart Newby, Eugene Perry, Linwood Skinner, John ' Pitt ' Kelly White,' Fred Chalk, R: S. Monds, Jr., Jesse Parker Perry, Roulhae Webb, Henry Clay "Sullivan, Bill White and Morgan Walker, - MISSIONARY-SOCIETY MEETS - The Woman's Missionary Society of Mt Sinai Baptist Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of ..s. T. E. Morgan.V The devc was led by Mrs. T. E. Uadre, 1 dent And Mrs. B. F. Jordan 0.. prayer. ". , 'j ' y , Mlrs. Ev V. .Morgan was elected pro gram chairman' for the year. - Miss Celesta Godwin was in chair? of a very interesting prcraiii ' wiJi " flowing taktt Tr'- I" Wf n. r . C a !' 1 : 1. . I...rv ri . arson s C T t" e 1 - 1- The V ' i ; tion CI. 01 rcn v ' : ; .. L&l'.e, l4 .. I'M. I i "is Ev -o.: : , " - 1 1 the Co" .t r:pt .i,n ' . Tw-u j C J t' - 3 6. home r I 3 C'.-Jys I. disco. -J t.a v..k X r the y the new yc":r books were ..IeJ out. ' Officers far 13S8 were elected as follows: President, Mies Lena .Wins low; vice president, Miss Delia Wins low; secretary and treasurer, . Miss Lucille Lane. 1 v ' ) 5 . Project ' leaders appointed wre: Foods1 and lAiU'lUon aM Food' "Con nervation, ' Mxa. ' Mary W. Winslow; Clothing, Mrs. Csra Gregory; House Furnishings and Home Management, Mrs. Allia Winelow; Home Beautifi cation. Mrs. Mary W. Winslow and Miss Lucille Lane; , Home- Gardens, Mrs. Alice Winslow; . Home Poultry, Mirs. Vernon Winslow; Home Dairy, Mrs. Reby Stallings; r. Parent Educa tion, Mrs. Eunice Winslow; Health and Relief,- Mrs. Mamie Lane; Re creation, Misses Edna v and Delia Winslow; Markets, . Mrs. Allie Wins low and Miss Alice Winslow; Report er, Miss Lucille Lane. . . , . .-At the close "' of the meeting . deli cious eandy and salted nuts were served.'-h; l? N t HONOR ROLL j ' .v Following s the grand honor yell of Perquimans County High. School, for the fall term: ' : - 41-A-Polly- Tucker, - Mary Thid Chappell, Zach White, Julia Brough ton, Blanche Moore Berry. -11-B-Annie Mm Matthews, EU aabeth Elliott, Louise Tarkenton.' " ' 10-A Ben t Koonce, Nona - Marie Raper, Marguerite Ward, Nancy Darden, Marjory Matthews, Florence Darden. , i u , 10-B Madge Lane. " 9-A Martha Barber, Addie - M. Ferrell, Frances ' Newby, - Geneva White. ' ; -'V ' - -l 8-A Minnie Wilms WoodV Estiier Mae White, Betty - Lordley, Eunice Chappell, : Evelyn White, . Pauline White and Adalia Winslow. , -Attendance Honor Roll 'I' li-A suane i Anderson. Juamta White,' Elirabeth Caddy, t Mae Edla Asbell, Mozelle Smith, Mary Feild. 1 11-B Marjorie Perry, Sybil Lay den, Doris Lane, Elizabeth Elliott - 10--Ralph Layden, Edgar Long. Inez Hampton; Lucy Hampton, y Mar-! lorie Matthews. Louise Mbreran and Agnes Ward. - . , ', ".- - l Fox. Audr Lan. Mad I. Jnni -Low Mvers Turner. Manraret1 9-A Martha" Barbery' Addie M. Ferrell, Vehna Layden, Dewey Perrj, D. J. White, Jr., and Jack Winslow, -B Harold Lasstter, Evelyn Long, Eula White, Florence Winslow.',- U - 8-A Eunice : , Chappell, Mildred Gault Eva Brinkley HarrisElizabeth Lowe,, Virginia-Wilson, - Esther Mae White. t, ; , A v; ;. . j 8-B Myra Layden, Daisy Matth ews, - Miriam . Nixon, Mta Sawyer, Fannie Lee Turner, Rose Turner, and Margaret Umphlett. . ; - OAK GROVE SOCIETY MEETS ' The Woman's '' - Missionary Society of Oak Grove Church met on Wed nesday afternoon at . the home of Mrs. Daisy Perry. : Ry. W. G. Lowe led the devotional. Talks" on" "Our Gifts for World-Wide Missions" were given by Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs. C P.; Quiney and, Mrs. Emmett Stall-, Ings, . . ' . J . During the social hour delicious re freshments were served. - Those present included l'-?J-mi G. W. Alexander, George -J2 ' -W. W. Lewis, W. H. Oversicn, I . ; Perry, C P. Quincy,,E.rr:-tt t.l ings, and Gerald Wood; V.'...zzu Oracle and Mattle Ferrell, and Kev. W. G. Lowe. ' " ,c v. ' y 1 ;-. 'y.'" - ,y - iT. M. Zir.k of Le'.fars, La left his (100,CS9 estate' for a Lurary which must contain no books by women, and t v ' ' "1 ro wpir'n are . to be ad- , "f! . . r . , . J 4 L.J .j i Cat lucn ni'-i '.a kills; 1 Is not to resist both windj.and -Shakespeare. Kjthirg is thought rare"' ' T.lh is not -new and followed, yet we know ' . - That what was worn some twenty V ' years ago , ' r ,. '' Comes into grace again. WAV MAiVUll UL JTUUUI, WU1CU -laiO ' V ' 1- reserves .tv'"' . ' f-' ' i For bright .manhood, there is no soch ' . ' word J'u . f , , - f "" V . . '.-Bulwer. ' Who falls in honourable , strife, Surrenders nothing but hia life: V Who. basely triumphs casts away, 7 ; The glory of the well-wdh day . ' ' . r' j A -J. Montgomery. . JVIrs. Martha Umphlett V Chi tJia affjkmnAM a :f' the attractive home of Mrs. Lonnie Boyce, near Ed en ton, was the scene . of gaiety and happiness, the occasion ' being the. celebration of the . 85th birthday of Mrs. Boyee's mother, . Mrs.- Martha TTmphlett. r Friends and ' relatives from far and near called at ; the home or sent messages of eon- "? gratulations and good wishes. , " : The Woman's Missionary Society of "w nope vnurcn was present in a'-'; Doay to do the honors to their next i j . i -....'... . ..-- w nope, oeing uie oldest by nine - -' months. The president of 'the So-v- ciety, Mrs. C. W. Griffin, spoke a few i,: words congratulating Mrs. Umphlett f upon the number of yean she has', , lived and upon the manner in which ., viese years naa been . lived. Mrs. Griffin stated that Mrs.,,-Umnhlett had SDent her- life in HArvinv- tinA and in usefulness tO j her fellowmai., ' and expressed appreciation for the example and influence of her Godly life, "Blest be the . Tie that, Binds" was sung and Rev. W. G. Lowe, of Winfall, her pastor, offered prayer. ' Mr. H. J. Phillips, accompanied by Mrs. Eva Squires, sang a pretty love song and gave several, humorous re- citations. An interesting feature Of ' e Program was unwrapping the ueauvuui na useiui presents received by the honoree;1 and .the : reading of message and tToetinga by Mrs, W. & Dail. - courses were served , by Mrs. Boyee; and her assistants - to about fifty- - guests.-?- J,-. v - it , "-r Other children of Mrs.' Umphlett are: Mr, Dan Umphlett and Mirs. J. K m. nurney, 01 neraora, ' oute 9, Mrs. Alethia Jsckson, of -1 Edenton, wmv asa-aoe TM aeaUf VA AMIJIVa 1 nil of whom -were pment" xeept ;. 1 4i uatnj w vivureiB 1 abw-"-1' and Ned Mathews were also present When the time for parting came ' "God be With Your Til We Meet .'. Again" ws r t and rev. Mr. Lowe in touc! ' j r -zr, Camiased the '. guests wIJi at t r,;yer. cunaj.ii ' 'I'jJst Alice Roberson'and Ruth ; Winslow were , week-end '. guests of : Mrs. J. B. r'ht ' . jj.v,v Hi. and I '-.s, S P. Mathews were v amor? Cor; entertained by. Mr. and I'rs. A. C r-e at their home near ' ' " n 1. t I'hure-Iiy In .honor of '1 1' ' J-y of Mrs. Boyee's T 1. I,irtha Umphlett , . , .1 Ciwin spent Thursday e .4 1 .IJy of. last week .vi'i IStt. LUrve Godwin. C B. Parker has returned from' Charleston, S. C where he attended f-s f eral of , Us Irothen, &-M. I " . : . IT 'C T"M', cf Kja- , . ' r- The crash of an Arry f' s in3 a forest Bur h i t' - Uvea of two r.y' ; rope I i nt E..i!a T. . i ' ut?nant her.