r."L".ed every FiiJay '-sar-s V,Vlly efT.ce -y Eui:.:: 7, Church 1 ' -rd, u. c LIATT13 LISTE3 WHITE,; L'sy Phone '. Night Phore at TU In. tie Street -Editor .100-J SU2"C":PTI3N RATES . - One Year .J1.25 Six lor.'.La .', ,7Se 1 Entered t 5 -second class matter Nover 4, at the pest office at Hertford. North Carolina, under the Act of Ixca 8. 1879. ..... ...... .... p .. mittr..wa quest, , ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY HU3 WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT MAN'S HUMBLE ORIGINS I And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed Into his nostrils die breath of life; 'and the man became a living souL Jn 2:7. r A WISE CHOICE Fitjted by training - as "well - as by temperament for the peculiar duties of the office, Judge ' James S. Mc i Wider will fill with credit the position of Judge of the Recorder's Court of Perquimans;-' If ithose who are inclined to feel that the position is of no great im portance and might, therefore, be filled by any good citizen, would re flect on the far-reaching effects of decisions made : in the little county court as week after week matters of seemingly small import are threshed out, they might, perhaps realise the urgent necessity that the judge who presides; over even this small court, even as. any judge, should possesi certain jndispensible qualifications. en indlvljl is doomed to Le i .'.llly unemployed if the wages he has re ceived in any week are less than 6-6 of - the weekly benefit amount to which he should be entitled if totally unemployed and , eligible. Roughly, the unemployment compensation of a partially-unemployed wage earner will equal the difference between the full time benefits to which he would be entitled were he totally unemploy ed and 6-6 of his '.remuneration for that week"' Detailed information on this point should be secured ' from your local ' unemployment compensa tion office." -- ' ron. PENDER JIOAD NEWS tA i'p.. si :.: Proctor on Tuesday of last weeks .. Mrs. Stephen Elliott, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Sheitoi Long", near'. Bethel, crt Wednesday Jof last week.1- ITS LINCOLN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT The subject may be dangerous, but no names will be used, so today in the City of Washington there stands a magnificent memorial to one of our greatest men. It might seem strange that one who so loved the simplicity of life, who was in himself the era- Doaiment ox ail tilings unanecteaj Glenn AYiri ininrftwirtiiio- hnit 11 havA mii-Ji a ' splendid edifice erected to his mem ory. ' Yet it is entirely fitting, for the beauty and strength of the pure mar ble is surely an appropriate tribute to the simplicity of his own spirit and the power of his mind.' Within the memorial he sits at rest, gating with kindly contemplation beyondlhe wide portals, beyond the very city itself . He di$ ii as&4t fta placed there, he had wXthooght 'of marble statues, no thought of elaborate structures. He hoped, that perhaps a few would remAer JWm well, and for the rest whiles he lived he said simply "I do the very best I know how, the very best; cam and I mean to .keep doing so until the end." ": He asked only to servl, which all Rotarians view as real Sentiment " nMrsvt Arthur Channeil and her two children, of Edenton, : visited . her motjie1, Mrs. J. L. Bateman, on last Thursday, f.' i - , - Mrs. Johnny Savage visited Mrs. Reuben Stalling Friday afternoon. Mrs. Willie Lane visited Mrs. Loui3 Eaves Friday afternoon.- . - " Mrs. Mamie Farmer visited Mrs. I. A. White, in Hertford, Saturday af ternoon. -' Mr. and; Mrs., E. Y. Berry and sons were visitors of Mrs. , - Mamie Farmer and Raymond Farmer Satur day evening. ; B. A.-Berry; ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Berry and' sons, Edgar''' Young and Dan, motored, to Scotland Neck Sun dav to see Mis. Ella Berry, who is very ill. 1 Mjr. and Mrs. Stephen Elliott and Miss Sallie Sue Skinner were guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Raymond Skinner on Sunday. ' '" Mr. and Mrs.' Wallace Morgan, from near Winfall. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eaves Sunday..: Mrs. Martin Spruill and son, James, of Driver, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Morgan' visited Mrs. C M. Umphlett Sunday.. Mrs. Mamie Farmer visited Mrs. J. E. Eaves and Mrs. Reuben Stall ings Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sutton and son, Sidney Tucker; Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and daughter, Alice Brinn, from near Elizabeth City, and Joshua Perry, from near Sunbury, were guests of Mrs. R. A. Perry and her son, J. R., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claudia Lass iter and son, Atwood, motored to - Suffolk, Va., on Sunday. SURPRISE PARTY -"Mr., and Mrs. Henry Window de lightfully entertained at their ifaome near White-ton . on Tuesday with a surprise birthday party in honor of lA--! . " .... - . ....... , ea oy ine young people ana aeiicious refreshments were served. Those- present were , Misses Lena, Edna, Burnetts, Winnie, Clara, Delia, Mary Elizabeth, Onella, Helen, Mavis, Theressa and Edie f- Winslow, Hazel - JDIOS TE DE THIS bird which the natiTes of the Andes call "Dios Te Da" or "God Give Thee" was one of the sacred birds of the Incas. Today It is the source of a native euro for the de pression attending high altitudes the beak Is scraped and from the powder thus obtained a tea Is made which the natives, particularly In Ecuador, use to offset the 111 effects of the rare atmosphere of the moun tains. - ';'yW:. iy Such strange cures date back man; centuries to the days of the Incas. The early races living In South America discovered the therapeutic properties of many plants; and sur prising cures were achieved. The lat ter, however, were usually ascribed to the supernatural powers of the "doctor" who highly dramatised his treatments the administering of the herbs and powders was accom panied by hundreds ot weird gestleu-. latlons an with endless sing-song " supplications to the birds and anl- mals to lend their aid In bringing ' health. ' The "doctors" of those ancient days discovered many plants with' purgative powers; they made a pow der from the leaves ot the plant we call tobacco which would clear op nasal passages; they discovered that coca plant, from which our cocaine Is derived, was a magic pain killer; ,.' they used very effectively the leaves , of a certain water plant to treat! various eye troubles. And even bei( fore the days of the Incas, doctors ' were performing very successfully that difficult operation of trepanning, removing, portion of the bone of. the skull of a living person. In the! museums Included in the sightseeing , trips offered In connection with the, weekly cruises to Peru may be seen many skulls so perforated,' , , familyof White Hat, Mr and Mrs. i shoppers in Hertford Saturday after' Moody Harrell and daughter., Carolyn' noon. Dean, and Mrs. -J. H. Harrell. were guests -' of Mr. and Mrs. EsWi3 Har rell Sunday.- t v. , : , Mr. and Mrs.' Moody H4mll and daughter, and Mr. tid?Mss. Ralph Barrell spent Saturday afternoon in EUzabeth City. : . fr Mrs. J. H. Harrell is visiting he daughter, . Mrs. . George . Eure, a White Hat''" . . v 1 ,v . Mr. and Mrs." W.! - iL'a CaVtwright and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse WHAT'S WHAT f "ABOUT social SEcmrnr As another service to its readers. The i Perquimans Weekly each . week wilrf give authoritative answers to questions on the Social Security Law: By special, arrangement with Mr,' George N. Adams in Rocky Mount, N. C., the Social Security Board has consented to pass on the accuracy of . answers to questions on Social Security, which may be asked by employers, employees, and others, j through ;lTe- Perquinsns Weekly, j Address inquiries to thfe Editor. An swers will be given here In the order vin which questions are received., This is ai: informational service and is not legal advice, or service. In keeping wit!) -Social Security Board ' policy nances will hol ;be published. ! l r Question and Iarjorle White, Mabel," Dorfa, HarreU and family were antong the Miriam and : Lucille Lane, ' Anna Baker, Jessie Belle and Sybil Wins low, Johnnie White and Marjorie Eaton; and Merrill, Guy, Alton, Eu gene, , FentresSj Jasper, Kenneth, Alvah, Crafton, Branning, William, Floyd, Leslie and , George Winslow, Rollo, f Archie and Clifton White, George Baker, Clyde, and Ellabury Lane, "Archie Riddkk,' ' Carroll - and Herbert 'Williams and Roy Lane. WOODLAND W. Mi S. TO MEET The Woman's Missionary Society of Woodland "Church will meet with Mrs. Elmer Wood, at her 'both at Snow Hill On Thursday, February U7j at 2:00 P. M. All taembers" are SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. 'find Mrs. ' Eddie Harrell and family, Mrs. Jack Benton and daugh ter," Lois Faye,' were in ' Elisabeth City Saturday afternoon, Miss Lucille Cartwright was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Mason Sawyer, in Old Neck. ,. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and family spent Sunday 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Saunders, at Pasquotank. Those from this community who attended ihe show at Winfall Friday night worst Mr. and Mrs. Elmer i .'. a mm mm 1. vr . . .. ti How many emoloyees ' v!ooa' r. im mooay rre" a. . miM, v. t i.aM w, ' Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Harrell, Hies h. W.nu nnH. th Srtdat' Smrftvt Emi Harrell, Mrs- Yernon Winslow, Act? Answer; 'Employers of one or more .sons are subject to the taxes provided in Title VIII; of the Act Employers of eight or more persons are also subject to taxes under Title IXrf the Att,-'?':PZrrtV-& QuestionlT WhsTs-fhrag Matr lortbenefirs wmtt tM mfWiim MnnsatUn1snlJieJ9pci4 SeeritjUUfl. nnamrAi' 'I hara to win arra limit fsi benefits H'if iinWl6yMei3if penpation provisions of the Social Se curity Act. 4 f' tft t, , . Question': I lost niy Jobr What do 1 df 'to get- unemployment compensa tion) benefits? , , ' , s nswer! Go ta your. local unem ployment compensation office and register with the reemployment ser vice. If you are eligible from the st. !point of your previous, employ-"! w A record, you can file a claim. T titer the expiration of the re- -;.ing ' period of two weeks. if j yd' I not been able--; to find l...p!oyment you will be eli gible to receive a weekly unemploy rr t compensation benefit j,' ( . iestion: Is part-t!me '1 employ x t. covered under the North Caro )'.. x Unemployment Cu...pensation Lav? Anawer: Yes. Generally speakingi Miss Blanche Cartwright, Miss Hazel Mae Smith, Miss Annie Mae Matth ews,; Miss' Laura Belle Cartwright George and John Elmer Wood. v Mr, and Mrs. George ' Eure and i'".". 'iV'j '.V, ic'.j r rt."--,.;;''i,''" ftV.v- fr. v-'1 ' ' -' '- SERVICES AT WOODLAND ' Rev. W. G. Lowe will hold his reg ular service at Woodland Church on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. ' ' "fc ' .' '1"vl'js.'' I 1 VV. 1 r Smart . This New Half-Toa Irt-jop-J wlib de luxe panel tc'j is t" snuutesi track on tie i "J r- dsy. See this unit and c ir . ..i ted tine la our showroom. 1 'j"''''fi''."-' if.'' ':'""f. 'i-y. ''..- ' ' Byrur.i Ilarurcro C . " , Errr.TON, n. c And here "are the season's most suc cessful Hat styles.; I'.ir; Straws and- Felts 1. I ' i u C i C rrci cf r- - ?? , 2. n vJ t 3 i tetwtt'a t' e Jpf C bc.in? 8. What " explains - C.e ft . ' Southern Ireland is Ca.oiIc a. J t'.. Ulster counties are Protestant? ' -,4. When was the Tennessee Valley .Authority established? ' " ' 5. When did the Southern Senators begin their fight against the Anti Lynching Bill in the Senate ? ' v" 6. WaS President Roosevelt named ox BpnT" f'-nriii''n? .... "'7. ' .What caused the present crisis in the anthracite Industry of Pennsyl vania? , " t' t ( -i , 8.Was.thewife of Nikolai Lenin, founder of the Sovietj Government, of noble birth? " ' - 9. How does the money, income of farmers compare with the rest of the population? , 1(K How many' people "visited the National Parks of the. United States in, a year? , - fi t ' THE ANSWERS 1. 52 years old.1 ' . . .2 About seven months ago.1" 3. The effort of Britain in the 17th Century to AneHcizn t.hA TrioTi Motitt Scotch Presbyterians then settled in . I ; v r . 3 i 3 wj r ' r l 1 . i. :.J cf 1'.3 c-----' r." -7. I': if' -I f. i - t ' - i i.i to ti.c. ; t s C. I- i vl-low, a-mcu.lt. r of the F i T: Mum, was the c'luhter cT i A. : j c -.er of noble bii Ji. Ehe - 1 t i." Realism as a girl and r. arr i Lf 'n while serving Uiree. years ui r .Ian exile. .. 9., ..In. farmers comprised 2& per cent of tlie population and re ceived about ten per cent of the total , , ;r family living, v 10. About 15,000,000 a year. , yOODVILLE NEWS . ; Mies'Gezelda Godfrey has returned home after being the guest -of Mrs. Linwood' Godfrey. ' .' ,' ',- ' XT end with Mr. and Mrs. a A Bogue.' . Velma Frances Godfrey , was the week-end -guest of her sister,- Mrs, Walter Dail, at Chapanoke. - v Mr. and Mrs., c. A. Bogue, Beulah and Warren Bogue were Visitors in, Winfall Sunday. , f . ! " ; The Women's ' Missionary ' Society of Woodville Baptist Church will meet at' the church Tuesdays afternoon. February 15. This ' is the , regular monthly meeting. ' , ' . - , ' jl ? 6pi::s to Piiint a inDm? ,s - t j-Spring k'M'rfy.tlB Coiusr! I 4 ' f' - ' " ts -: ! ' GET YOUR i .-sol V'r&.ym: . -. o 1 1 u o ar . - "On tlie Corner" , ( I We have just received a large' variety of t .flrte4 minlt4- PnaJAU J T7H d 'j J " : ':. - imcob Huaii vjxiicti oiiu riuwtJr.iseeus. rg:hiso;j's diub STonE 'The Store With a Druggist" , SPECIAL; g.0Xii; PRICES DEL MONTE ' G:;;H)FE,.0::ES,:3.1cLi.;2fcr25C BLUE GRASS ' - - Sflf-riEij FlC", 12 1!). -3iS WHITE CLOUD , ! ' ,".;-' COrC"." LCD, t:"i "cf psi 11c BROOKFIELD " -'-' r' '', ',:'.'Vt'-V. v. Swift's V :t-.JLJ. ' a o w; : , STVift'S , fn ' 1 ' r M " ' ' ' (' - ; aa a . etylcs4crpinir. 'rsf : . v. Ivt.....v )... a ) O ......u..r.......;:..'...'.....XLv it..U O luu.. U I 1 , . . -.-J' .-..... ................. Pc:t Tc 3 r" :...-......J.....:.:.k..17c . :d CttCctiv fectsfortheafterr greeks." ?';X'j ; A STYLE FOH -1 i. i . ai:d ro '1 , r ( 1 irr I r j4 T -. ... rcfJ 3-r-

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