j i;:;;; jc::; fad riovo LiG trees by iiuiiDitEDS, frill 5 II Art i VIIITESTON NEWS ."-.;"5.:';'' ,i,V-r'V -.vA 'j .1 --f---- - .;i-;sv.'r-:.,i'.i":.i MrsJ Herbert Williams and son, Carroll, spent several days recently with her con, Henry Williams, and Mrs. WjlUama, at Weeksville, ' ;; :? -Mjr. and Mrs. Roland Winslow end little daughter,', of Elizabeth City. spent Sunday here with relativesV 'V . Mr. and Mrs. Elwood, , White, of Winfall, spent Sunday with Mr. White's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. W. White, near Whiteston. , Miss Clarissa Winslow, who is a patient at he Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth. City, is slightly improved. 1 4 . 'nl 1 MR, AND MRS. JESSE MORGAN RftNORP.RS at cnnwvD : VT . ''n'i-ii pM " Mr. 'and Mrs. Jesse Morgan were honored at miscellaneous shower Thursday evening when Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Perry entertained at their home. Mrs. Morgan was formerly Miss Ethel Perry. The rooms were artis tically decorated with red and white crepe papery the St. Valentine motif being'' carried out. Red hearts were used in the refreshments. Games and contests were enjoyed, with Mrs. Walton Wood and Durwood White head winning the prizes, which they in turn graciously presented the bride. The dining table was centered with a beautiful cake, topped with a minia ture .bridti and groom, surrounded by tiny hearts. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan received a large number of useful and pretty gilts. - Delicious refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, salted peanuts and candy hearts were served. The guests included Mr. and Mirs. Robert Chappell, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoggard, Mrs. Wallace Wood, Mrs. Walton Wood, Mrs. T. S. White, Mrs. Willie Sherlock, Mrs. Raleigh White, Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Whitehead. Mir. and Mrs. Conroy Miller, Misses I Beulah Bogue, Mildred Chappell, and Margaret Bogue; Robert Chap ! pell, Robert Perry, Maurice and War ren Bogue, Misses Nannie Mae Perry and Loraine White, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Perry, and Mary Lee Miller. Mrs. G. W. Gregory, Mis. Wen dell Matthews and Mrs. Brickhouse sent gifts. pell, Jesse dampen, Jr., C. O. Fowler, W. E. Hoffler, V. A. Holdren, !i Jese Lane, A. A. Nobles, B. W. Penning ton, A. A Perry, T E. Raper, L. B. Sitterson, Ben Nv H. Medlin, and D. Spivev. Two visitors, Miss Bennie Wood and Mr I. A. Ward, president of the W. M. U., were also present. The March meeting will be held with Mrs. T. E. Raper at her home at 7:80 o'clock ron Monday evening, after the fiwt'.Smiday.te'lIe'j2 Claud Taylor, of Pittsburgh, dis located his shoulder in a fall. A pdjice patrol, rushing him to a hospi tal, struck a hole, in the roadway, bounced Taylor against the roof, and his Shoulder was snapped back into, place. ' ' NEW YORK , (SpeciuU.As the housewife repots Note truck's winch and the secure balling of earth about geraniums rtb gardener moves berry bushes, so does .' the tree roots. In the centre is a 35-foot Norway maple, ''to;ew.1Yo Wertir:J,IrllWa-.Cbion.tr- ' tons weight, moving the last few yards to its new Kinkf at.u tM trm fivm ttP to th i2i6M,-tfpre home by means of the forward gear of a modern tree , plaht stately trees from Bye states to the 1216-acre number of the 474 veterans exposiUon site. The Fair!, landscape engineers explain moved th5s are' new to panse of : that themovlng of the big trees differs from the replant- ftUed land The Fair will move 10ooo trees and 250,000 shrubs. - modern mechanical aids make possible the creation of - Shown, Just above, on the bay hunter is Harvey D, a tnaturt-lookingpark on the newly made land of Gibson, President of the Manufacturers Trust Com ' Flushing Meadow, , . ' ; A - ' ' PWV nd Ouurman of the Faufa Finance Committee. - thn& HvBf th iriti Zt ireorfflvina.jjh(Jtacrah4' a i'Ui) on the .handsome, grey and speaking to a landscape --- . . -. ,. grown maple that has just been restored to upright po- opn alter a uumue nae on a specumy-uwit uw, engineer, is Grover Whalen, President of the Fair Cor poration, during, a norseoacK tour oi tne site. BAIJUHACK NKWS ' Mlrs.' J. M. Sotton . visited ..Mrs. Pailen Lane Friday afternoon; . C ; - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Layden and baby vkdted their parents, Mr, .and Mrs. C. S. Layden, Thursday night." ' - Mt. and Mrs. A. J. Parrlsh, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry and Mrs. Joe Perry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perry, near Norfolk, Va., on Fridays . , . '; ' ' ' Mn. C. 8. Layden and . daughter, Mary, spent Friday - afternoon with Mrs. L. B. Perry. ' X Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rogeison ai.L son and Mrs. A. R. Stallings visxcd A. R. Stallings, who is a patient at tie Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City, Sunday. ;C iMr. and Mrs. C S. Layden weir guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Parrish Friday evening . The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Pailen Lane is ill. ; Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith, of New port' News,' Va were week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mirs. Sidney Lane. . Mrs. John Rogerson and daughter visited Mrs. Norman Smith Wednes day. Mrs. J. M. Sutton and Mrs. A. R, Stallings visited A. R. Stallings at the Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City, Wednesday R, T. Layden, of Woodville, called to see his brother, C. S. Layden, Sun day afternoon. The people of this community ar very sorry to hear of the serious con dition of Rev. A. A. Butler, who is a patfent in a Norfolk hospital. -:. ; Commercial Job Printing S00tn)plk ' JOHN DEERE g ENERAL I lURPOSE I Get These Feature, Toot I ENERAL TRACTORS Owners find that every thing is so much simpler so much easier to understand on a John Deere tractor. It isn't necessary to crawl under the tractor to get at parts these tractors can be serviced from a standing position. This is just one of the many distinct John Deere advantages. Two-cylinder engine detlrn burnt low-ooit (uela at real UTlngi. ii Straight-line draft la plow-, in. ir Light weight well balanoed.' Four ipeedi forward.' '4 it Operator can lit or itand Eat; steering clear Tiew of work. Hydraulic power lift. ' ROSA POWELL CIRCLE MEETS The Rosa Powell Circle of the W. M. S. of the Hertford Baptist Church met Monday evening with Mrs. Ben Wood at her home. In the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. George Chappell, first vice presio'-mt, pre sided. .Several members xook part in an interesting program. After the business session, the hostess, assisted by Miss Bennie Wood, served a delicious sweet course. MembersTattending included Mes damee E A.'-Byrum, George Chap- Trade your old implements in on new JOHN DKERE ME NT. V.'e have Tractors and a complete line oi !:? Equipment. COME IX AND LET'S TALK IT OVER EQUIP i' luawr. J. C. BLANCHARD & CO., INC. "BLANCH ARD'S" SINCE 1832 HERTFORD, N. C. in m win. .. i siii i.pu.'i - 7- : . , v ' tyy7pX- . A ' .- ! ',' ''I -f I 1635 C V V'T'V01 . $z j Fou Vi Sedan. " ".."V AH vi.lvatJfc.'wy r 4cti today if.-yi6u, ,ant;!lo- J 3 'Juc jfour'' Door: So- conditioned. 4 Act today if buy "a slightly used ford'se- 'y to drive- awajs --you want this - f O f-m ft so Jow a pike. Backed . 51 OftC car by.n OK.that.YNor - jjD m5 Chevrolet Pour Door ur.ta oj,' Tck. A.Stondard Sedan., Its t:rea J9S3 ChevroLtT" J.r C . ' "truck' and 'upholster slow Jno See t.is C r;' t, - i- wear. , The motor tias l"n plei-'y e-u:.. i and w-V carefully tuned (rr ' ' mc-y 'extras. , f " r 1 t'cokci: ; kJ- c kv . f SsitlSx Shop Here By Phone If You Haven't f f (SiHv5 Time to Come In.... 4 i A:li- You'll Find We Offer the Same I y. Courteous, Prompt Service i 1 Do yu want a li"ht fluffy flom- for deIi I " cate baking ... and at a price you'll find v . . fiaav to nav? I Chippewa Salt TRy i & $1,00 White Frost Flour gfv ? Kraffs Mayonnaise ? 39c E$M t Pint O O Evry Bag Is Guaranteed For the ,; eJar , Best Baking You Ever Did 1 Double Q Salmon . i Cans 25c Sugar 27c M "it trrr.V.tl u I . u I 51b:aoth Bag Chowan River Herring 19c No. 2 Can Fluffo Cooking Compound 2 Lbs. 23c I st Vac As TT it f v,f- V? lis iiA .v , LAYING MASH: , Frjdayand Saturday f V - ICplbetOO A(l i ilCcifesh Country Eggs ;t4,Aj.feulA4 : Wii opurriJi ivu uiin .Seed Potat03S'-.f.1ay Peas - Frsh Stock of Selected vnoice oeea ai juesr rnces , ii - v . ; i MS YE."1 CFSERVICB i'UALITy MERCHANDISE RIGHT PRICES 1 a , C bl; "AnD'S" SINCE 18S? " ' HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA V . '