Vol HI 1 ) ii 1 1 If. i. i r 1 . iVh..v: . wmX VIZHILY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY! VolumeV. Number 10. : , - ..Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, b may, March 11, 1938. - - . $1.25 Per Year. TO) HI S WEEKLY 1 t,-f V v. - - ' - o Over 10,000 Inquiries ; About State Already . x - Received ; "SHOWfDOW" Riddick Says lists Very . Valuable to Local ;: Committees ' H nwnei and , addresses of he 10.000 or mora peraoni who have written for Information " regarding North Carolina as a result of the fitate'a National advertiaing cam- valKn. have been sent to every board of county commissioners in foe State, to every Chamber' of Commerce, and to other recognised agencies, where they -should be on file at the present time Tor the use , of the citlxens in those counties, - it was announced to day by R. M. Riddick, Chairman of the Governor's' Hospitality ; Commit tee in Perquimans County 4 ' Tbe Advertising1 v Division , of the Department of Conservation-and De velopment keeps a record of every Inquiry received and every week or ten days prepares lists containing the names and addresses of all persons who have written for information about the State, whkh are sent to the boards of etycommtwioners and other organisations " fesivry county. . These agencies in the counties, cities, , and .towns are asked to keep these lists on file and to make them avail able to any citizens or organizations that may want to use them in follow ing op the State Advertising Cam' paign.' - . 1 li- rU.'::'?r-:: . "These lists are much more valua ble to the local committees than they are to the Department of Conaerva tion and Development or to the State as a whole, since they make it possi ble for the local- communities, either gaiuzauoiu, to ieu vaem people mooui their immediate sections," said Chair man R, M. Riddick of the Perquimans County hospitality , committee.: 1 "For all the State can do in its advertising campaign is to tell about the State as a whole, without mentioning any particular localities. But by making use of these lists- which are being sent and kept on file in every eounty, individuals . - and organizations may write to these people in other states who have already indicated an inter est in North Carolina and tell them about their respective sections. In this .way every county in the State is given a direct opportunity to publicise Itself and its communities and attract new residents and home- seekers and eventually receive direct benefit from the adverUsmr ; cam' paign. In fact, this is the only way local communities and individuals will be able to benefit directly from the State . advertising campaign. S-For the local communities and the people in them must do the actual selling of (North Carolina to those from other states who are becoming; interested in cowing here either as visitors or to establish homes. The State sdvertis ing campaign' is merely i the . show window through which the State is being displayed. It is going to be up to the localities and the people living in them to do the actual selling: The first letters sent out to the persons on these lists should bis pure ly informational and give general Information about the county and lo cality from which the letters' are written, in the, opinion of T. EV Pick' ard, Jr., Executive Secretary of the Governor's ' Hospitality Committee, and should not try to sell any prop erty. These letters should try mere ly to arouse interest in that locality. If replies are received from these f.xt letters, asking for luore infor r.r'lon about property for s&le,' prices of land, and so forth, this "nivation - n be given in subsequent letters, he '-'3 out;H" -v.. r the past ' six or seven -zJIjs nation ; Department has S - out the Hats': of tLae -v 'hi ' 1 to the State's ad- r 1 to attrct bme- '"";.'.., ; f:rme l. 1..' e ' ' i e ; L..i indi- " GrgcJ Fo!oi"j Dp :KujrSobg-Drive QUEER! Of the 86 names drawn from the Jury box on Monday, at the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, eleven of the jurors drawn to serve at the April Term of Perquimans Superior Court live in the Town of Hertford. Oddly enousrh. in the list appear the names of two pairs of brothers'. Joshua T. White and J. E. White are brothers, and Charlie T. Skinner and A. L. Skinner are brothers. Five winers. r ive men in the list are which name might be said to be the most common name in Perquimans. But the next name most frequently heard in the county, . Winelow, ap pears only once in the list The names of the two clerks in the Hertford v jpostoffice were drawn, Charlie T, Skinner and J. E. Newby. ' Probably' the "most remarkable thing about this jury list, however, is that in a community where all but a comparatively few are farmers, ten other vocations are represented. There1 is a grocer; a grocery clerk, a huckster, two! ;dry goods merchants, Tw nrfr rrwrhlno rxA a. dalrv- T . ! man. ; The full list follows: W. H,-Cart-wright,. L. F. Winslow, B. C. Berry, J. E. White, Thad C. Chappell, E. N. Miller, Palen E. Lane, Raymond Boteman, T. S. White (of Cadar), John A. White, Hugh Howell, Louis Eaves, J. R. Hill, Wm. B. Jordan, G. T, Powell W. G. Newby, James W. Pearce, v Raymond Farmer, Matt Mathews, John T. Lane (of BelvL dere), V. N. Darden, B. M. Miller, Joshua T. White, R. D. Creecy, Bris tow Perry, J. Wlnford Chappell, Charlie T. Skinner, A. L. Skinner, Simon Rutenberg, W; W, Lewis, D. J. RogCrsoii; it.' OUvrirato' James E. Newby; C. W. Lane, Harold Hurdle and J. V. Halsey. Seniors Stage Play At High School On VGdnosdav fli "Autograph - Annew In Three Acts Depicts College life -The Senior play, Autograph Anne," will be presented on Wednes day evening, March 16, at 8 o'clock. in the Perquimans County : High School auditorium. ; : 'M IntAffMni 'AfiiAM rim ft-infyift In. teresting three-act play concerning: colle&re life. The characters include! several conceited , sorority ' girls, fan- portant young fraternity men a ju- morist, the f rosh who want to learn' about women, and a girl who is active in all activities, but outstanding in: none and who also is deeply interest ed in a young assistant professor. All girls wishing to be chosen Uni versity Girl and the boys who choose are discussing every girl on the cam pus. College talk, music, romance, and dancing! - Mix all. these up . and see what pott ; . have ri Autograph Apne" in full swing. But who is Autograph Anne and why? .s "' The characters aret1 Addie Ruth Morgan, Anne; Polly Tucker, Hor tense; ' Julia Broughton, Katherlne; Annie Mae Matthews, Es telle; Alice RobersonLucile; Mary Thad Chap pell, ' Charlotte;- Marie Anderson, Bernice; Eleanor Blunter, Peg; Mary Pelld, Harriet; Lila Budd Stephens, Patricia? Herbert Williams, Bill; Jarvis .Ward, Biff; Frank Brown, ShorT; Zack.'RT.Ite. Sidney; Trcd Can: i, -Benton; h George Miller WM , Mac; George Baker, Walter; Hoi' II Mxon, Bob; Clyde Lane, DounlJ; Hay Jordan, Ed; Margaret Mayes, the maid; messenger and two pages. 'h';ff;:t":'-hyhr - A small amission" fee wjll rbe cfiars&;;U & -V- f H. Eardcastle, secretary of tie -i Building & Loan ; Assoc' ibzt ICS shares cf t t : slit Pcrpnos Court lEouso Oe Graced By Portrait C.W. Toms Ancient Building Was Restored and Fur nished By Him MANY GOOD DEEDS Refused Publicity to Generosity While He lived A portrait of the late C. W. Toms will be hung in Perquimans County's andt courthouse, to bear a suitable acknowledgement of too generosity of this son of Hert ford in restoring and furnishing: the building. The Board of County Commis sioners at their regular meeting on Monday, acting upon the suggestion' of Hon. James S. McNider, passed a resolution to this effect, naming o the committee to confer with the family of Mr. Toms in the matter E. M. Perry, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners; J. W. Ward, Clerk to the Board; Charles Whed bee, Attorney to the Board, and James S.. McNider. . mr- lom8 wno waS a native of Hertford, wss at the time of his death president of the Liggett k Myers Tobacco Company, and lived in Durham and New York City. His three sisters, Mrs. C. W. Morgan, Mrs. G. E. Newby and Mrs. T. S. White, live in Hertford. In addition to his gift to the Coun ty of the funds for reconditioning and refurnishing the beautiful old courthouse, which was done at con siderable cost, Mr. Toms made man other donations to individuals and to institutions. His contributions in cluded a very handsome pipe organ, given in memory of his deceased wife, the. former Miss xMary Newby;, of Hertford, to the Hertford Methodist Church. The Methodist Church at about this time was restored and re-conditioned by Mr. Toms and he made large cash contributions toward the building of a Sunday School room. Generous cash contributions were also made to the Baptist Church and to the Episcopal Church in Hert ford, and all of the churches of the j colored race received contributions from this public-spirited native of Perquimans. The Perquimans High School library, probably the finest in the Albemarle, was a gift of Mr. Toms. All of Mr. Toms' rifts were made with ttin Hfatinct iinHorafnnKno fhaf no miblicitv h triven thn matter onH as nearly as possible the gifts were made anonymously. Only at his death, in September, 1936, did press representatives have permission to publish the facts. 1 In making his suggestion to the Board of Commissioners, Mr. Mc- Nider called attention to the fact that the courthouse in Hertford is one that would be a credit to any county tn- -the State, and that nothing had " done' to publicly acknowledge the generosity of Mr. Toms, who was raponBiote xor iu The Board of Commissioners also ordered that two flags, an American flag and the State flag, be procured and suitably draped above the Judge's stand tn the courthouse. Holmes Successful In Supreme Qburt Attorney' C R. Holmes, represent ing J. R. Stokes in the trial of the civil action of Felton and ' others against J. R. Stokes and others, tried St the November Term of Perqui mans Superior Court, won his appeal to the Supreme Court of North Car olina, the judgment rendered being reversed by Vie Supreme Court The case,-which Involved; certain transactions between Ealey A. Fel ton, administratrix, and J. R Stokes, peclficlally the purchase - of note by Mr. Stokes from the administra trix, did not go to the jury," ; the plaintiffs' motion , for judgment v on the pleadings being allowed.: : 1 Representing the : plaintiffs' - were Hon. H. S. Ward. of. Washington, N. C, and Peter Bell, Negro attorney of nymouth..- :y;:Lr-R': . . i i ll,v,ll,;l;,ll,l,,,;,:;v The ir any friends of Honi Ci'i Ever t Vr,-- tf EUzabc ' i' City, ' Judse of t 9 First :, !. ' farv . with r"-v-.-,j t T 'a first t .is ) - che- rquimans avor Agrieultual Adjustment Aet; GO At School To Clear Plan Disi r SATURDAY'S POLLING PLACES Polling places and noil holders I held on Saturday are announced by i iouows: i ' MICAN10R At R. M. Baker's Store. Poll holders, John T. Lane, yfi. L. Williams and Wallace Baker. f BELVIDERE At T. C. Perry's Store. Poll holders, C. V. Ward, jj J M. Copeland and G. W. Nowell. g. - BETHEL At J. C. Hobbs' Store. Poll holders. Thus. E. White. $. Y. Berry and R. F. Standin. HERTFORD At the Court House. Poll holders, B. W. Thach, ffjbth W. Lonjr and C. W. Reed. i. ''"' NEW HOPE-pAt Du rants Neck School House. Poll holders, S. 0. Banks, W. W. Spencer and C. E. Sutton. 1, PARKVILLE At J. H. Baker's Store in WinfalL Poll holders, s Irvm Nxon, T. E. Morgan and J. The polls will open at 8 o'clock 7 o'clock in the evening. j. - Any landlord, tenant or share cropper who produced cotton irt ', 137 is eligible to vote. The purpose of the cotton referendum is to get the sentiment of ithe cotton growers of the nation, and not merely to have those who '?; are in favor of crop control vote. All growers, therefore, whether they favor the measure, or not, are urged to cast their ballot. ' L Perquimans Oil yen Meet Tuesday "Misuse of Highway Tax Funds" Topic to ; Be Discussed Wholesale and retail oil dealers their employees of Parquimans uSmi ntjr are meeting at 12:30 P. M., Tuesday, March 15, at the Hertford Hotel, according to J. E. Winslow, Chairman of the Perquimans County Petroleum Industries Committee. Chairman Winslow stated: "The misuse of highway tax funds in this State will be discussed at the meet ing." Of the 25c in taxes that the State receives from every dollar taken in for gasoline by service station opera tors, approximately o jier rem 10 "c ing diverted to non-highway pur poses. This, according to Chairman Winslow, is actually a divarsion tax equivalent to 3 per cent of the gross rereints of irasoline Sales and 18 ir renter than the net profits after wages, ovemeaa ana omer cosi are met. The gasoline dealers are collecting TYtc on each gallon of gasoline, which is equivalent to a sales tax of 48 per cent of the retail price. S. Gilmer Sparger, of Raleigh, Secretary of the North Carolina Pe troleum Industries Committee, will at tend and address the meeting. He will discuss the program recently adopted, by the State Committee, which urges the ending of diversion and the enactment of a Constitutional Amendment to prevent future misuse of highway funds. In 1936 North Carolina diverted more than $2,000,000, or 10 per cent of the $20,961,000 in taxes collected by the State, according to the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. Rotary Anne Night Set For April 26th April 26 is the date set for "Rotary Anne Night". b Hertford. The date was decided upon at the regular meeting of the Hertford Rotary Club on Tuesday night i ' There will be a special program Mot ."Rotary Anne Night,'' which is an annual acair when . the Kotanans invite their wives. - , , v. Unusualt It's Phenomenal! Unusual: In .Highland Park a parking lot is to be, raced to make room for building.-Detroit News. COro OXERS! STJnda" St& wants s toknow whettiei1 o not you fsvor control of toitm acreage J 19S8 You are urr'd to vote to the; referenda on S' rrJy,- regardless of wheth eif y i t rot or oppose crop; eon trcl i,ri"3.''; ''V-.V L.ANtSRSON,: P'S, "' :-'h''';:' County::Agent,i: County Farmers Appear To for the cotton referendum to be County Agent L. W. Anderson as A. Bray. in the morning and will close at 125 Masons Attend District Meeting Banquet Served Iater By Eastern Star Members The First Masonic District held their District meeting with Perqui mans Lodge No. 106, A. F. & A. M., on Tuesday night. This District is composed of the Masonic Lodges north of the Albemarle Sound. Pre parations had been made for this meeting and Perquimans Lodge fully measured up to the expectations of all the visiting Masons in the way and manner in which they were en tertained. The regular business mesting was conducted as usual. Then the Dis trict Deputy Grand Master Rosroe Wynn, of Elizabeth City, took charge for a brief business session. The Lodge then adjourned to go to the Woman's Club, where the ladies of the Eastern Star of Hertford, had prepared a sumptuous supper of de licious turkey and Perquimans Coun ty old ham, and all the accessories that go along with such a supper to make it a success. Blessing was asked by Rev. J. M. Jolliff, of Gates ville. Address of welcome was made by G. W. Jackson, master of Perqui mans Lodge, and the response was made by C. M. Griggs, of Elizabeth City. The main address was deliv ered by Dr. J. L. Carrick, president of Chowan College, whose subject was "Masonic History and Its Appli cation to Our Daily Lives." Benedic tion was pronounced by G. C. Buck, secretary of Perquimans Lodge. J. G. Roberson, who is Junior Warden of Perquimans Lodge, served as Master of Ceremonies. Mrs. Charles (Continued on Page Four) Senior Class Attends Classmate's Funeral The Senior Class of Perquimans High School attended in a body th- funeral of their class mate, Clarissa Winslow, held at the Up River Friends Church at Whiteston on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Ber tha Smith White and Mrs. Elizabeth White officiating, assisted by the Rev. John C Trivette, and girls of the class . served as flower girls. The Rev. J. M. Jolliff, of Gatesville, a brother of the grandmother of Clarissa, conducted the service at the grave. "Sometime Well Understand" was sung by tbe . young , girl's Sunday School Class. L. W. Anderson sang "Crossing the Bar." ' There was also a duet by Winnie Winslow and Mabel .Lane,.:.'; ;. i i pIm The pallbearers were height young cottsinsti'WUUam' Winslow,! Jasper Winslow, Fentress WInsloW, Eugene Winslow, Leslie Winslow,; Clifton White; JMinnie White :nd Harold La8skeivfy: mY Among those attending the funeral from a distance' were: ' Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell' McCain.: and Knox McCain, of, Warsaw: "Mr,';: and Mrs.. Worth Winslow, of Norfolk, Va.j Eugene White and his daughter, Mary Ellen, of Northwest, Va. , sussed Well Informed Speakers At Winfall Monday Night VOTE SATURDAY L. W. Anderson Has Heard No Dissenting Statement Responding to a call made by County Agent L. W. Anderson, four hundred Perquimans County farmers gathered Monday night in the audi torium of the Central Grammar School at Winfall to hear discussed the matter of the two-crop referenda to be held on Saturday. After listening "appreciatively to M. L. Barnes, District Field Agent, of Raleigh, who briefly and concisely stated the objectives of the farm pro gram and outlined certain features of the Agricultural Adjustment Act; and B. Troy Ferguson, District Su pervisor of Vocational Agriculture, also of Raleigh, who gave in a few words the history of happenings in connection with the crop control pro gram, beginning with conditions as they existed in 1932, Heywood Dail, of Greenville, made an address which kept his audience convulsed with laughter half the time and brought forth round after round of applause as he spoke, in terms familiar to every farmer present, on the oppor tunity of the farmer to vote one time for himself. "It will be the first time you ever voted when some politician didn't put his arm around your shoulder and say 'vote for me'," he said. "This i time you can vote for yourself." B. B. Sugg, of Greenville, who followed Mr. Dail on the program, stressed the necessity of control in agriculture as in every other phase of life. Mr. Anderson, who presided, recog nized J. W. Ward, president, M. H. Stallings, vice president, and Jake Whitej secretary-treasurer, of the American Farm Bureau organization in Perquimans, at the close of the program. There is a strong sentiment among Perquimans farmers in favor of the Agricultural Adjustment Act. County Agent Anderson states that he has not heard one dissenting statement from a farmer in connection with the Act and that every man he has talked with about it has stated that he expected to vote for it. Meeting On Friday To Discuss Plans For Better Homes Week Leaders In County Have Been Invited to Attend MEET AT 8:30 Suggestions Sought to Make Observance a Success A meeting has been called by Miss Gladys Hamrick, County Chairman of Better Homes in America, and Mrs. J. G. Roberson, president of the Hertford Woman's Club, to which has been invited county and town officials, heads of organizations, busi ness men and women, and various others, the purpose of which meeting is to devise plans for the observance of National Better Homes Week, which is to be observed in Perqui mans, as elsewhere as "Clean-Up Week," as welL The meeting will be held on Fri day night of this week at 8:30 o'clock, in the auditorium of the Ag riculture Building. Mrs. Roberson and Miss Hamrick are inviting suggestions as to the observance of this week, and it is their purpose to make the observance county-wide, the cooperation of every citizen of the county being solicited. EASTERN STAR MEETS MONDAY A special business meeting of the Order of Eastern Star - is called for Monday night at 7 o'clock.. All mem bers are urrM to be present '0 i i4