) - 1 iWtJfrt' "-'-t''' ME -FEE WSEM 7E1 f -1 6 ' " It , Lill A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE.UPBUE&ING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY) 'Volume V. Number. 12. . Hertford, Perquimans County, 'North- Carolina, Friday, March 25, 1938. $1.25 Per Year. '.': t4 Do'Gords.JD PorquEiians Ds qvj uearing Completion Will Result In Easily Finding Much In formation FINEJOB Tedious Project Was Begun About Two Years' Ago What was once a tedious task for lawyers and others who search land titles in Perquimans County, or those who search the records for any other purpose, for that matter, has become, through means of the new indexing system now hearing completion, a small and simple matter. Within the next few months, when the Job is entirely finished, those in terested in the very early records, the oldest recorded instruments in the State of North Carolina, will be able to find without difficulty the re cord they are interested in. Three well-bound volumes, cover ing the period between 1877 and 1938, are already in use, and those who I have had occasion, to use them are ikrad fat" thete praises of I the tadex system. ; 1 Where once it was necessary to' drag down volume after volume and j ' to' make " tedious search through' many from pages of only partially j . legible writing, in order to find the' transfers of John Doe, every trans- fer made by John Doe and all 'the ' other ,Does, - bqween the years of. flB77 and 12 will be found in one " section "of the index, which rives so mck information in . a eondensed .fond. The three volumes of index, cover ing first grantors, alphabetically ar rangedgive the name of the grant or, the name of the grantee,, book, page, date, kind of instrument, and also a brief description including lo cation as to township, and the acre age. When the next three volumes, giv ing the grantee first and making a complete cross index system, are completed, the work on the old re cords, from 1685. to 1877, will be commenced. This work is already in shape for the typing. George Washington's name appears ; as a, grantee in one !.pi the deeds. There are many, many other interest ing "documents, beginning with the first - instrument recorded which names as consideration "ten thousand pounds of every way .conditioned to bacco and cash," reeorded in the year 1685, by Henderson Walker, who was Clerk in, Albemarle before he was a deputy "kVwmuv -h :t 4' -i? , 'Hie work, which is a WPA, project, done in conjunction with the county, under the supervision of Mrs. P. H. Small, ia beautifully done.' Miss Gussie Wood has done alt of the typ ing, wWe those who have done the "preliit.;;ary "clerical work include . Mrs. Jessie 0. White, Miss Gladys , Ward and B. G. Koonca, v- Begun two years ago, approxi ' mately nine months mora will be re quired to eompleU tho project, ac- ' cordins to Mrs. Smau. " - ; , - The Register ef Deeds will continue the index in the course of his record ing, keeping it up to date. - , Postponed To June I ' The date of the opening of the home-makers course, to be r inducted i at the -i Agricaltural Bui' ng r:Ms spring by Mrs. T. E. HarrtjII, teach er of home . economics in . tne i'er- r-imans High School, assisted by 1J. s Gladys Hamrick, home demon s'.. - 'Ion agent, has . been postponed to I."-y, Apra.LSr- 1. a vTl he aii lessons, with in structors r t only , in cooking but in inter.ar c , . The hou.a-r ed by ti e I!;. class is sponsor- eman's Qub. .'Apv!'. " .. The ladies of i. C iliary of the Epii.cc 1 t. hol4 a food sale at i , E'.ire "at 10 o'clock j ) An i v. :u r ' v;:i be Honor Roll The honor roll for Perquimans County Central Grammar School at Winfall, is as follows: First Grade, Mabel Lane, teacher Adrian Baccus, Jean Chappell, Bett Lou Eason, Lillie Bell Cope land, Mary Alice Copeland, Marie Rountree, Thelma White, Lelia Lee Winslow and Otis Winslow. First Grade, Mrs. Neva C. Mor gan, teacher Ann Hollowell, Timo thy Clair Perry, Charles Clarkson White, George Alexander, Leon Har rell and Mildred Byrum. Second Grade, Alma Leggett, teacher Emmett Lane, Hillary Scaff, Leon Lane, Anne Proctor, Peggy Cook and Bobby Bundy. Second Grade, Mrs. H. R. Winslow, teacher Eugene Hurdle, Daphne Winslow, H. B. Miller, Roy Dale, Ray Kirby, Anne Faye Copeland and James Lamb. Third Grade, Bertha Chappell. teacher Helene "Baker, Jean Chap- Wi Dotmegan Lane, Merrill Layden, Sybil Monds, Jack Parker, Mary "n Kape', Faye Winslow, Mary Wand Winslow," Kader Franklin J1"' 1)0158 Wilder, and Allene ates Third Grade, Cora Layden, teacher - Gaynell Miller, Mildred Trueblood, Thomas Griffin, Eula. Marie Smith, slla Mae HaU, John Ward, Novella Chappell and Nannie Mae Perry. Fourth Grade, Lucile Long, teach- er-Pauline Smith, Dorothy Faye Wte Norma Winslow and Linwood Earl Sherlock. Flftn-'tSraaeV Mrs. A. R. Winslow, teacher Clara Smith. Thoimo Pi. iiott, Eula Mae Morgan and Medford Sixth Grade, Margaret White, teacher Stephen Elmore, Kathleen Nixon. Preston Copeland, Gladys Chappell, Cassie Winslow, Daryl Hurdle, Una Winslow, Lloyd Lane, James Trueblood. Seventh Grade, T. R. Ainsley, teacher Lois Asbell, Lessie Stall tags, Doris Miller, Artie Mae Hollo well, Evelyn Copeland, Maxine Har rell, Reba Madrey, Billie White, Robert L. Stevenson, Ola Bosrue Whedbee, Mildred Bogue, Mattie Lou Turner, Eunice Mae Turner, Robert Morgan and Agnes Moore. llldi Methodist Revivsl Rev. D. E. Earnhardt Also Speaks at Court House Large congregations are attending the revival services in . progress at the Hertford Methodist Church, and there is much interest Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, president of Louisburg College, preaches . at each evening service, and : also conducts a short service each- morning at 9:S0 o'clock at the courthouse, when he spealts briefly and informally to the small group which gathers. nvl ;: Dr. Earnhardt is a very interesting speaker and impresses his hearers with the f act that he has a real message. Z&&3S$i&i u.-mml Hi) i II, i '.II J i i ii f Minstrel At Central School Friday NJght ftrmana CotmtyC Central GramV mar School, will present "The Jubilee Minstrel'' Friday evening; at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. ' , . 'There will be beautiful songs, giv en - by black face comedians and chorus girls. A Negro play, "Stick To Yo' Word, Gal," will follow the An evening of good wholesome fun and laughter is in store for every one. - i' A small admission . fee will , be charged. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS ,. T e Epworth League met Sunday ' t with Bill Arnold in charge of -am. Those n aklng t 'Ls rward Reed, I" j"ow "1 I Lt- Stokes, and I 'i -i srj a t I " 7 Le-n t Many Attending v. Science Dcili the Sun INDUSTRIAL engineers have' now de veloped the device shown above, Con sumers Information reports, to test color tastness of fabrics, so that manufacturers can make sure in advance that their ma terials won't fade in the sun. Women never used to be sure that their dresses and draperies would retain their original 14 Members Beta Club Expect Attend Raleigh Convention Group Is Composed of Honorary Members Of Upper Passes SEE SIGHTS Prominent Speakers On Program During Meeting Fourteen students of ihe Perauim- ans Hit School, members of thei Beta Club, accompanied by their! teacher, Miss Esther Evans, will at-'will be the guest speaker at the an tend the Beta Convention on Friday nual meeting of the Woman's Mis and Saturday in Raleigh, which will ! sionary Union of the Chowan Baptist rinse nn SatuHav niirht with a crranH i Association to be held at Bethel ball at the Sir Walter Hotel. The students, ten girls and four boya, are iNancy Coke Darden, Flor ence Darden, Anne Tullis Felton, Anne Penelope (Polly) Tucker, Blanche Moore Berry, Julia Brough ton, Margaret Broughton, Mary Thad Chappell, Marguerite Ward, Alice Roberson, Charles Harrell, Watt Winslow, Zach White and Ray Jordan. The Beta Club is composed of' . . honorary members selected from thelFianO LldSS KeCltal Junior and Senior classes of high fn Tuoarlitv AntU civic clubs. Dr, Sidney Hall, State Superin tendent of Education of Virginia, is national president of the organiza tion.'. North Carolina members of the national board include Dr. Frank P. Graham, of Chapel Hill; T. W. Long, of Cleveland; Robert Morris, of Troy; Clyde Irwin, of Raleigh, and Watkins. of Winston-Salem. Mayor George A. Iseley will wel come the' visiting students and teachers at the opening session Fri day night in the Virginia Dare Ball room. 'r"'"'!, " : ' The visitors will be given an op portunity of seeing local points of interest Saturday' evening, through the cooperation of the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. ; , '-'Clyde.: A. Erwin, State Superintend ent -of Public Instructions in North Carolina,, wilTspeak. at the breakfast meeting -of the principals and teach ers at 8 o'clock Saturday morning at the Carolina- HoteL ' Other speakers will include Dr. D.r W. Daniel,' of Clemson College! Dr. Hubert Potest, of Wake Forest College; Charles W. Phillips, ' of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, and Carl Goerch."". . ' The friends of , Miss Pattie 'norerson got a real thrill in hearing the song, ; "Departed," written, by the yonng girl, sung fcy VLm Carles E, . Johnson, c '-''io, at t!.e Parent-Aeacher ' " r- " t last week. i set to masic ' i (" a laughter . . ' T ;2rsea, 7 J- i .'1 A i brilliance until they had actually been exposed to sunlight But through the use of this machine, developed by industrial research experts, it is now possible to tel Whether dyed fabrics will hold their color. This is just one more of the many examples of how industry helps the con sumer. ffolk Preacher Principal Speaker For Union Meeting Dr. H. J. Goodwin Will j Address Big Baptist V ON APRIL 7 Five Hundred Women Expected From Sev eral Counties Dr- H. J. Godwin, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Suffolk, Va.; Church on April 7. Five hundred women are expected to attend the all-day meeting of Baptist women from the several counties composing the Chowan As sociation. Mrs. J. E. White, of Hertford, who is Associational Superintendent, will preside. The full program will be published in next week's issue of this newspaper. R M Sckn ano class wl l rivo Warren Haasell, the Negro driver SJSESt& He wh struck and 5, at 8:80 o'clock p. m., in the Sun-, r e daughter of Mr. a' qi.. Ji MMKiat'and Mrs. Z. A. Hams, on Sunday the Methodist ua uvuuvi wwui wi Church. Her grammar school piano and rhythm class will give a concert on April 28, at the Hertford Grammar School. Geo. Alexander Sells , gym J?arm At VJiapanOKe. ' down by the car which was being George W. Alexander, one of the driven very slowly, and the car pass most prominent farmers in Perquim- ed over her. She had run out into ans, has sola his large larm ac unap anoke to Marshall Brothers, of Eli zabeth City. A public auction of his farm equip ment will be held on the last day of this month at the farm; r ,y Mr. Alexander, whose father owned a portion' of this farm, has .lived at the place,' a'very fine old house, for 40 years, having moved there from Pasquotank as a small boy, Mr.- Brothers, the purchaser, will take possession of the property in May. ' Mr;-Alexander has not yet made public his plans for the future. T. E. Raper Enters Contest For Judge . Of Recorder's Court T. E. Raper has announced that he will be a candidate for the office of judge of Perquimans ' County's Re corder's Court in h J" 'Mn1 i RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Halph E, White, who under, went aft emergency1' operation for appendx '.'a at the Albemarle Hos pittl i.1 I '.. jabeth City, on March 18, l i its tins' at her home on Town Oriers Eager For Full Representation At Meeting ToBeEJeld On Friday Night SPEAKER GOVERNOR CLYDE HOEY Governor Clyde R. Hoey will deliver the address to the grad uating class of Perquimans High School on the night of May 4, according to an announcement made Monday by F. T. Johnson, Superintendent of Schools in Perquimans. Metier Only One To File For Office Seeks Election to Suc ceed Self as Judge of Recorder's Court James S. McNider, who filed notice of his candidacy for the position of Recorder's Court Judge on Wednes day is the onlv nerson who has filed I notice of candidacy for any position in rerquimans, according to L. N. Hollowell, Chairman of the County Board of Elections. Mr. McNider was appointed by the Board of Commissioners to serv? the unexpired term of Walter H. Oakey, Jr., who resigned some weeks ago, and has since that time occupied the office. Mr. McNider had served two t3rms as Recorder's Court Judge in Per quimans several years ago, as a mat ter of fact, being the first person to hold the office here. RECORDER'S COURT afternoon, was convicted in Record er's Court on Tuesday of driving with insufficient brakes, and prayer for judgment was continued upon pay ment of the court costs. The little girl, Mary Ann, who is two and a half years old, was unin- jured as a result of the accident, as her father watched, she was knocked the street in front of the Harris home on Grubb Street. E. W. Spruill, charged with driv ing an automobile with improper license, was found not guilty. Herman Jordan, Negro, convicted of assault was taxed with the costs. Eleanor Lee, Negro, found guilty' of obstructing an officer, was taxed! with the costs. James Bullock, Negro, was found guilty of driving while drunk, driving with no operator's license and driv ing with improper lights. He was given a two-year road sentence, to be suspended upon certain conditions, .fined fifty dollars and taxed with the costs. . .-"Jimmie Williams, Negro, received a I thirty-day sentence, to- be suspended upon payment of the costs, upon conviction of being drunk. , Home for ftpring Holidays Miss Ona Mary Stephens and Creighton , Stephens, Jr., students at Elon College, are at home for the spring holidays with their parents, Capt and Mrs. C. G. Stephens Miss Stephens has as her guest," a class mate, Miss Gwendolyn Tillman, of yrf h' if' 'f I : f . s 8 1 i 1L -. iisWswii-?- Eridort, Conn.' . -, '' Every One of 72 Mem bers Notified to Be Present NO LONG SESSION Three Important Mat ters Demand Serious Consideration The first meeting of the entire body of "Town Criers" since Novem ber will be held at the courthouse on Friday night at 8 o'clock, with the chairman, Silas M. Whedbee, pre siding. Each one of the 72 members has been notified to be at the meeting and has also been advised as to the subjects, to be taken up. There will be no long-drawn-out discussions of various and sundry matters, such as characterized the first meetings of the group which was agonizir? through the process- of or ganization. As a matter of fact, only three subjects may be taken up at this meeting. Anything to be pre sented to the Town Criers must first be carried before the Board of Direc tors and there threshed out. The three subjects to be taken up on Friday night are the fire hazard at the Hertford Grammar School; the sports and recreations committee report and the report of the planning committee. That is bo far as matters to be performed. A report of the organi zation's activities of matters perform ed since the last meeting, will, of course, be in order. Any new mat ters coming up will be referred to the Board of Directors. Following is a list of the member ship of The Town Criers, whose ob jective is to make Hertford a better place in which to live: D. J. Pritch ard, R. S. Jordan, H. C. O'Neal, Dr. C. A. Davenport, Dr. T. P. Brinn, T. S. White, Charles E. Johnson, W. H. Pitt, Tim Gregory, J. E. Wins low, E. T. Jillson, A. W. Hefren, J. W. Zachary, J. G. Roberson, L. W. Anderson, Vivian Mathews, Hazel B. Mathews, W. T. Elliott, C. P. Morris, Simon Rutenberg, V. N. Darden, W. H. Hardcastle, R. M. Riddick, Walter H. Oakey, Jr., W. A. Williams, R. E. White, C. R. Tucker, T. W. Wilson, D. S. Darden, D. M. Jackson, A. A. Nobles, J. S. McNider, Dr. I. A. Ward, R. R. Malles, Morgan Walker, Hudson Butler, J. P. Perry, H. G. Winslow, W. M. Morgan, C. R. Holmes, J. W. Ward, J. C. Blanchard, E. Q. White, Silas M. Whedbee, E. S. Pierce, J. H. Towe, Lawrence Towe, Julian A. White, N. N. Trueblood, D. F. Reed, Z. A. Harris, E. M. Feilds, C. T. Skinner, H. S. Butler, Sammie Sutton, Jack Brinn, J. Moody Math ews, L. B. Gibbs, Edison Harris, John Broughton, Jr., Roy Bass, Henry Clay Stokes, Jim Bass, Louis Nachman, Jr., Marshall Owens, R. N. Hines, Robert Brinn, Crafton Mathews, Rouhac Webb, Nathan Relfe, F. T. Johnson, T. S. White, Jr., and H. C. Sullivan. Mother Mrs. Perry Buried Saturday Mrs. Mary Jordan Lane, 74, wife of Wilson M. Lane, and the mother of Mrs. Tom Perry, of Hertford, died at her home near Chapanoke Satur day morning, following a long ill ness. Funeral services were conducted at 3:80 o'clock Sunday afternoon and burial was made in the family bury ing ground. Besides her husband, Mrs. Lane is survived by three sons, Otis J. Lane, of Chapanoke, Willie Lane, of Vir ginia Beach, Va., and James Lane, of Elizabeth City; four daughters, Mrs. William Winslow, of Suffolk, Va., Mrs. C. W. Peele, of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Thomas Perry, of Hertford, and Mrs. C. H. Copeland, of Edenton; three brothers, Joe Jordan, of Cam den; Alex Jordan, of Winfall, and W. D. Jordan, of Creswell; 15 grand children and one great grandchild. J. Granberry Tucker In Bank Building J. Granberry Tucker, who former ly practiced law in Raleigh for a number of years, has permanently located Jn Hertford, his native home. Mr. Tucker ia occupying Ihe Office formerly , occupied - by Walter H. , Oakey, Jr in the Hertford Bank Building. ;'-. v , s