THE PERQUTMAi: " 1KLY, HERTFORD, N. XL, FHIDAY. MARCH 25, 1938 PAGE TWO THERE'S ONLY ONE By SOPHIE KERR f, G8S&rT It nd I The gentleman hat bis I I haven't lost you." I .Curt," tald Bachel, not quite I ataaHllv. "vou haven't -it mn to I lose. I like you a lot u; t 1 don't Know you 10 very we. i won't oe mahari it would be fc1 t r hnth of I ua. m never again do anj..ang rm not sure aoout. ; ine urrr.s Dusiness Rc:J S::.:::::o Fcr , 1 r; r: ;.? I -' r; 1 v si CHAPTER XBO Continued - , 7 - Theri she beard her name called and saw Curt coming down the dunes. ' "I woke up and there was all that elegant tood spread about, but no sign of you. and then X discovered you running about down here. What do you think you are ' beach bird?" ' 1 "Almost Mother and I practical ly live down here in the summer. Are you retted?" Yv, "Oh flnet This is a grand cove. Come along, TU run up and down a couple of times and get the sleep out of my head. Want to race? They ran together now all the hit tn the mr of rock on the other ri. Curt keDt beside her and though she ran her swiftest; she knew he could easily beat ner nest need. ' l; "Golly, what a day!" he said, as they turned, "and after what nloht!" "You and me both! I'd like to run un and down here for an hour I "Very fine, but doesn't that ele gant oyster stew I saw before the fire need eating? I only had a glass of milk for breakfast" "We'll so in then." said Rachel "and lap up the oysters. I'm hun arr. too. an I had for breakfast was an nranffe and two fried eggS and some bacon and rolls and a spot of marmalade and two cups OX CO tee with three lumps of sugar In each" "Lay off. you're making me drool! I never heard of such breakfast It's indecent Where did vnu set it?" "I stopped in to see a friend and he was Just about to eat" He?" "Bight, it was a he. And though h waan't terribly elad to see me. he did give me my breakfast And rbt didn't say it was indecent to eat mo much, as you did, he merely ..caned n disgusting." t "Bachel, I no, not now." i -"lOTiat not now?" .. ""Nothing now that isn't lunch," aid Curt firmly. "I observed doughnuts as well as oysters. fnillerm. not doughnuts, is the right name." said Bachel. as they .mo im mi tha terrace. "Look. Curt, do you see what I see in the next house, two ..ladies eagerly nr.tnhlns our every move from be hind the lace curtains in the first window?" "They were there when I came out." iaid Curt "They're wonder tag If I mean to do right by our Nell, or If you're Just a brazen nus V" "We'll keep them guessing, it will brighten up their lives." Th flre was homelike and wel coming. Curt sat on one side ot the desk and Rachel on the other while they ate. It was a pleasanter meal than the breakfast with Bob that morning, Rachel thought. The two men were a little alike, not in appearance, but in the way they talked. But Curt was steadier, san er. "What are you thinking about?" he asked. "Nothing much. I'm so glad I came here." "Are you glad I came?" "Yes. I'd have had to borrow money for a ticket back to New York if you hadn't come with Vin co' s car." "I surely do appreciate being liked for mvself alone. Rachel, be serious tell me something. Did you run away here because you felt you must see someone in particular? "No. Why?" "Recause Pink said there was a man here who rated very well with you. And she thought perhaps you'd had a message from mm, or warned to see him. Was that It?" "And what else did Pink tell vou?" "She said this man had asked . i . -v , t.. . , 1 not sure about . The cr ;t.s busine ill.: himMaViummer and! taught me that" much, forever." vnu'd turned him aown, dui vmii jajuwuuj, aiuv-u.t, i ui - lK Ha KkMIM TOUT UUUUU I UU i w WWW WUT . 5Ub.n) twin tu n.,.t,.t i..- tii me was that I maklnB you know me better. I j.., . i .. --t . M . , . .. ' WI.1 V II III I V VUU. M. W UU k Will 1 . WUU. wnr jvu cwwi t " . " . VI . . i. ia ,4 m.. ! a man I tTa maria nn move towanl ner. he jwt - ' " - --- . . ahiM I ilM Mt MMH tfilr nv hni4 atlfl IM nore. i ve) juiuwa uuu wv i . ... - . w im, tmi hi did ask me I did not trr to answer him Pres to marry him. last summer, quite I ently Jbt . pok again: "I think we earnestly; too. i coon uuiw wwiuiguiut w w w v uuiyw kt .4 -n i,.k v hum: I only! I nn and ffet the car?" thought this was my home and it While he was gone s'.a banked was very quiet ana I wantea to oe i me ore, maae ma r sana- quiv wh mM v vhh v er. That last day at the Caynes' I and wiped , clean wl'.h paper, the Veil tOO ftwXUlf X WUKMC Ull Ulr I ulBuVa IUU pywu wc; uu mito. don't want to think about It1 i ISho wai wilting witH her iuitcase - A .Ua 1 Plimsl Kstnlr I ali tiak flMIVs. iirs ' VltlPA'sl aSat to this mysterious man. I want to tha most sporting ever seen in Bock know about him." , boro, bright yenow and as long He's not In the least mysterious, aa a locomotive, and when Bachel his name's Bob Eddia and he runs came out there was violent agita- . . . a L.LI-J .L. Vw.1. 1... HlM4alnl the uorary nere ana ne civc www uuu ikuiuu v " panels and Uvea alone in a UttlejShe waved a smilmg good-by to- HI ? JJr; Mr1-', ward It Smoothly, ouletly. the Ions! bright rar ran thmnffh the lono farhTht Qui et street and Bachel leaned to look out at the library. "Want to stopT" , asked curt. "Want to ten him good-by?" "But Rachel shook her head. "No I did that this morning.1 CHAPTER XIV Vinco welcomed' her return with severity which masked ? telievwd triendllness. v xvVyi?-.- "The next time anybody wants no of my youns ladies for any funny stuff, he can go jump in the lake. I've got a lot of good engage ments for you. Miss Bachel, and you've got to work hard to make up for lost time. I hope you' didn't roughen up your hands ; being a j kitchen maid. Vtoco'Soung ladies must have hands like ladies." Warhat did not answer that She had nothing to tell Vinco about Curt She saw Curt almost every day, out he assumed no possessive airs, made no claim. Gradually and nat urally she was learning to snow him and about Win. filling out his first sketchy picture ot his life with his opinions, his Deuen. uis pau and all that had formed them. Curt forced nothing, he wa casual and easy, but beneath that sne Knew his love for her was waiting. And until she was ready to answer it or to deny it he was. patient She could take her own time. v MaatMkn' thev had fun tosether. the city received them and Rachel who hid lived there ;w me learned more about it In a month rolled over laughing at myself. thought Fink had been making a monkey out of me, that it was all a gag. Anyway, it doesn't mower, "Come Back te This Mysterious Mas. I want te Knew About Him." knuaa ha Axed un for himself quite . hanrnlt- aeeardlntf to Sir. KreeL T3.,t ha'a not a hermit Clin no terribly Bice." Describing Bob Ed- rfia nut him farther away trom ner "You had breakfast with him?" t eertntnlv did and ate every' StolagVmaywentS going W with CuHsn ST actef rather hot and both- had krwnj, ered and I began to vum. w .31-th.y walked the too much for hi. feelings, seeing me vltle.of spring ttty tu nvruarily one whom he had I waier uii " " BU aMlfc.w"af f Ininxt and lost VOU know! Then I came back here to the house and Mr Kraal anilled the real truth. Bob's all enamored with the new schoolteacher and she's a blonde and of course he wasn't keen on having her know that strange young were callinff on him for breakfast you can see what this did to my vanity." 'It must have been a wow. Ana he must be a crazy fish!" "Oh well a blonde! Mr. &reei in a Hffht blonde." "Now you may as well Know me truth about me, too. wnen rum told vou about this cuy and insinu ated that you were dashing off to him, I made up my mind mat i a rnmo after you and if there was a chance in the world I was going to snnt.-h vou away from him. That sounds, maybe, as foolish as your hinnde storv. but it's wnat Hap pened. I couldn't let another man have you without a natue. ' Ana when i cams in here today and this tunny little old Kreel person was here with you, well, I darned near and the ferries and the liners, sure and Intent on their courses as though no other element ' existea save the water they traveiec .iney tha narks and became dis tantly acquainted with a beautiful black panther tor all the worm use a proud, sullen tomcat Theylooked at the sliced and sesmentectjitone battlements of the upper city rrom the PaUsades, at the magie hour when every window is flaming with the reflected sunlight Tney weni lift into hlffh newspaper offices where the presses were pounding the march of the worm news.' imj locked at the lovely classic propor tion of City hall, which sits among surrounding skyscrapers like a Co lonial gentleman in satin and lace; .mnns Rrnhdlnsnaiilan stevedores. . They ate suklayak! at a Japanese ; : restaurant sour milk soup ana nfped meat steamed in cabhagt leaves at an Armenian's, Parsl cur- ry with pomegranate wine at en East Indian's, pancakes with Ungonr.t j.. J; berries at a Swedish place,' bortscb y ;-; In a famous kosher cate. ussin Mini among the Muscovtte:rchow.i mein in Chinatown, fried devu-nsn. , and zucchini in UtUe Italy. -JJJi y . - ., (to be ammvu0i WHAT'S WHAT ABOUT I SOCIAL SECURITY Question: s Is it possible to nle claim for a lump-sum payment under the old-age insurance provision! of tha RnrM Srnritv Act if the person filing the claim has no record of the Social Security account number un Aar which the claim is to be filed? i Answer: If the person filing the claim for lump-sum benefit does not lrnnw the account number of tt de ceased worker, he should apply to tha amnlnver bv whom the worker , was last employed. If the employer has no record of the deceased work er's account number he is required to ttia an annlicAtion for such a number, in accordance with .. Treasury Decision 4704, Full . information ; regarding , tvta Ka nhtained bv annlvinir at your nearest Social Security Board . Field O&e9ii0t- Questlont V-Cm jerson who was , 65 years of ag before tiie Social Se curity ct went into effect, and who a in'- amnlnvment covered by -the old-age insuranc proyiaioiU of i . , Answer! tNc. ; Tha ow-g msur- y, . anee provisions of the. social aecur? ' tty Act' went into effect: ,;oo January 1, 137. Under these provins, t ' t an employee reaches the r tion for a lump-sum payment based on wages earned after January, , 1937, and -before he atta&fed age 65. A person who was w yeara 01 ngw Wnm January 1: 1987. therefore. would not be eligible. On 1he other hand, no tax deductions are maae from the wages of those persons who were 65 prior to that date. ; V Questions: Will'1 the amount pata an amnlnvee - as anemployment compensation b deducted trom the amount due that employee unuer old-age insurance provisions of the Social Security Act when reaches the are of 65 T - MMt2&M Ko. There is absolutely no ; connection between i n payments made under any State unemployment lour and Wnftfit BftV- VuiUMViieMavMaar -" " , menu which will te due to employees under the old-age v insurance p- atnna Social SeCUTitV- Act wheri .'. they , reach'' age -65. 'S; BURGESS NEWS State Careful Before AU lowingr UnenipIoyiaentf . -0j. JLyUvaaVi9 -j. FirBt worker to "draw - a i sentence on the roads for ' making, a false I ahiUmnit nf hta nmhin tn order I to get large unemployment benefits, as reported to tne central omce ui I tW state Commission, was Rax Al- lMul Tjit. nf Maiden. Luts was riv en a 80 day sentence y , Kecoraer Iftaither at Newton for violating Sec- Ition 16, sub-section (a) of the Un- l employment ;; Compensation act, Chairman Charles G. Powell reports. Liuts signed i nve .; contmuea cuam rflnorbs that he had earned J2.50 for I each of the four weeks and nothing for a fifth week. On the basis of I such claims, the commission sent him three rheelm ' of 17.00 each. aS the amount he was due, based , on :- his work record and less the earnings reported. It developed that he was at work fairly regularly and - had drawn amounts ranging oeiween I to M and Sli.Oft ' each week. ' while I reporting smaller amounts. The law provides a fine of v Y " or -nriummMit fnr not 1 lonser than 80 fanwiiipay i " - r days, or both; for false atatement to get benefits or to increase Denenis. .TnHoa neither, in nassinff sentence, I commented upon the efforts the State is making to take care 01 mose wno nnrmaiiv work '' and become ' unem ployed, and upoa the seriousness of making false statements in oruer w obtain something not due.: Be com- KinaJ tha An ehoiMres and maae me I-VaasS Ma-w a a , sentence 80 days because it was the first case of the nam. Funeral Held Friday For Thomas J. .Long Pnnnrat services for Thomas Jef Tirominent Perouimahs Orantv reaident. who died at lua home at Bethel on Wednesday night, ft. were held on Fridav after noon at 2:80 o'clock at Bethel Bap tist Church, with ' the Rev. E. L. Wells, castor of the Edenton Baptist Church and a former pastor at i Bethel, officiating, and burial took place in the Long family plot in we Bethel cemetery. , A male auartette composed of W, t rtaniala: Core Lassiter.' C. H Wood and C, S. Cozart, all of Eden ton sang J;wo Selections. 4 -J ativa nallhearers were: T. L. Skinner. R. L. Pratt, R. W. Long, Sholtrtn Tnir. H. J hone, E. W. Long, J. C. Long and O. C. Long, Jr. Honorary pallbearers were: a. r. Matthews, A. F. Proctor, A. D. twi, s w Tinir and J. C. Hobbs, all members of the Board of Deacons, and Dr. T. P. Brinn, J.. H. McMuuan, D. M. Warren, TV C Byrum, C. N. Griffin, J. A. Webb, R. D. Dixon, J. xuiaw 1. Te. Jarvia. H. R t n r vonvoi- J A. Bunch. ljtmiy , J JW aep -y L. S. Byrum. W. . Yates, J. L. Wiggins and M. L, Bunch. m t m who was not only a leader in his own community, but an outstanding citizen of. ,the county, ... menv veara a member of the Board of County Commissioners of Perquimans County, lie also serveo as a justice of the: peace in oeuiw Tmui,tn tnr a Inno time. - A ain nf William P. Long and Mrs, t svinner Inor. Mr. Long was U GontatnhAT- 21. 1863. in the vM Ir, whuh he lived all his life J1UIWV " . a mamhar of the boara OI XIV KM . deacons of the Bethel Baptist Church, which is the oldest churcn in r- - In poor health for the past three years, he was able to attend to bUBl- ' ... . .a a a 1!. J.aa4lai ness untu shortly .oeiore ui uwt. Suffering a heart attack on Tueaday, the end came on Wednesday night, o..-nt an fnni nhildren. tWO j.,htaMi Mm J. M. Fleetwood and Mrs. Mary L. Bayman, both of D.ik.l. anJ turn amiR. J.'H. Long WUIOlf WW! , , , . T. A. Long, both Of wasnmgwu, C; four i grandduldren, MisBes v . i.vtT,,ja ..and .- Kjatnenne Fleetwood. Thomas . and Maynard l.s Is 1938 ! considered .'a grass hopper yeaf? - - 2. ,How. many; persons !will make income 'tax returns this "year! 3. Do- blood tests reveal the ex- , istence of , the germ of syphilis? - ; . j When was tne utopr veparw ment create a ( t. - 5. ; &ow many physicians are there. 1- 41. TTaUI Qtataa T ' . . n i 'u 1 a what nnrtton of the nonulation is dependent " upon governmental aldT . . l "!,T'i v t'-t ' n - what narcantaoe "- 6f railroad mileages is beiivr operated, by je- eeiveraT ". hi ' i 'Z l - 8. ' How many persona are on the MKa vnlla at WPAt .. ' p 'i- 9. What is thr largest airplane hangar in the world?, i- ' t JO. j.How much ' do American nnrtnrnen oav each rear in hunting T-" m a -v - w . - licenses ? , , , . , THE ANSWERS 1. Experts say tiiese pests will be more numerous wan last year. 2. About 6,000,000. 8. Yes 4. 1913. ' 6. About 165,000. 6. About one-sixth. 1. Almnat one-third. ft. Between 2.000.000 and 200,000 9. One now under construction as a WPA project at Newark, N. J., to be 1,054 feet long by 150 feet wide. 10. An estimated u,uo,uw.4 The world's Tecord for rainfall Is held by Hawaii. 1 1 Mra,W. H. Copeland, Mrs.' Irvin Copeland and Mrs. Bunn Lamb vis ited Mrs. Roy Parks, Lake View Hospital, Suffolk, Va., Sunday after noon, i "."' Mr. and Mrs. N; XE. Jordan, ' Ru dolph and Eugehe: Jordan, Mr, and Mrs Moh'hna JoNinn anen Niinnav - in Oxford with Mr. and MrS. Stephen ' Knox." .,yt Mrs. White; of Norfolk,-Va., Mrs. James -Chappelt, and Misses Abbie and l-iou liianchard, ol bates county, were dinner guests of ' Mrs. W. E. Copeland on Saturday. .Mrs. Mollie , Ward' called in the afternoon,, ' I Arthur Jordan and daughter, Miss Evelyn, were . in. Edenton Tuesday. , Mrs. Herbert Lane returned to . the bedside of her sister-in-law, Mrs. . Pnv ParVa at Tube ,- View Hndnitat. Va- Sunday afternoon," after spendiniraV a few -days at home. r' - T. L. Ward was in j Edenton Ives- ' day morning on business. Mrs. U S. Ward nd Mrs. Julian Ward," of Edenton, visited Mrs. Roy1 Parks, at Lake View Hosnital. Suf-;,i folk, Va., Sunday afternoon - 4 children spent Sunday with relatives, v Mrs, Harriett rants visitea Mrs. Roy Parks, at Lake View4-Hospital, - m je . w . i l'.1 rei . sunoiaV'- va-r ounuay. n i one accomun- , nied Mr,and Mn. a W. Ward. It Is Dangerous It is dangerous teseH a SUBSTITUTE for 666 just to make three er four cents more. Customers are your beat assets; lose them and yoa lose your knalaaaa; ..,JlftR im n,f)i tkaaa a, tnnr times as much as a SUBSTITUTE. EDENTON, N. C. THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, March 24 (Today) . v ' William Powell and Annabella in 11IE teESS AI3 TIlFDUTifR" , Act News Friday, March 25 t , - Fred Astaire, George Burns, Graae Allen in "A DWuSEL'lJi DISTRESS" : Saturday, March 26 , , . ' w w , WilUam Boyd in "PARTNERS OF THE PLAB1S" Zorro Rides Again No. 5 Comedy Monday, March, 28 ' - ' '"" Son ja Henie and Don Ameche. in "IIAPPY LAKDX With JEAN HERSHOLT and LEAH RAY Hews- T'iLiZwi Mrs. Bob Spivey.'of near New Hope, spent Sunday, nigns vaa Mr. and Mrs. N. C. spwey. ; . . - Bethel; three brothers, f.mlhrs'and Mr. and ' Mrs. Fred ,wI7r j A c. Ihht.1 of Matthews visiteu - ir.,nu b. 18 Tuesday, Mardf 29 (One Day 'Only) 7tm "C .yg IB I I fir t 1 Til AT ParCKLCD ! II I M r t I STAR CF . ..I.,! 1 ..1 V' x - II T'Brotliers Of Mrsl ;Same5wensDea s Mrs. Sallie Owens, her daughter, Mta. Esther Albertaon;-and her eon, Mnball Owens, -went to : Powells Point on ; Saturday to attend, the funeral of Mrs. Owens' brother, Richard Etheridira. who, died on Thursday: - ' , ? Mn Cteride,, who was 78 y "of ,ie, died two days after t-9 'f j. i 1 r, William T ' ti . a iLm .: nl . O. . C IjOniT. Oi tjav. t j Tafmir. of Edenton; ITOWHHa sjw -w and two listers, Mrt. R. S. Pratt and Mrs. W. M. Williams, Dotu oi ; ton. m'' fej;-"?; :'": F. Matthews Sunday. V ' v : Mr. and Mrs. Tommie s Matthews were guests of Mr. and:Mrsv J B. Basnight on sv.mjr-. 4-- rt . vrrd . and Wr. Wlnaton'Lane were I l-H;N I IritCi LUJIW VtMl u dinner guests oi sirs, juane Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jordan, Sunday. , Mra,f Nu ' C. Spivey,; Mrs.SvBob '-- Mta maannr -. Jordan ' and Miss Tta.ta Rantnn. of Snow Hill, spent -j-i JKLFrnt Hi't aKvf-' , ave . ........ . Spivey and Mrs. Winston Lane called the week-end with Mr.. . and Mrs. nooiu-v'-;wv-'.,r- .v'-: :; r. ana, mrs, u.iT. o vk-i i miwh 1m-1 son. William, spent unaay wnn ... U1. O. l(,lli I" . r. t, aa proved after being very ill at her Mr. and Mrs. eu pm. guests of Mrs CARD OF THANT3 daughter,, Irene, of Plymouth, were the lllnea and at the tl. 3 deah of oiir fathed'Thomf s J For each thoughtful act c l tad'every expression of f. we are grateful,. ; " ' " TITS FA a, I ' ' -la kinder 1 , C :.i shouldn't 3. ' It T Ed Lane, They were accompanied home Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Lane, who "will be their guest this week. -' Mr. and Mm. W.C Lassiter; Miss Rosa Lassiter andd Atwood Lassiter spent Sunday at Franklin, Va., wi . i Kr. Lussiter's brother and sfcter-f -law, Mr. and i:rs T- E Lr ' ITr. and I'l J.- EJ Lr -s Zanivy in I ' - A Cl'y 1 "- i . I Val 4- 3 ' V 18 People-7-7 Bisr Vfi:!r. " Act CIiectr; (AAA'A?Jchn r-:- .Mnv-rr'A-. . ' luiiiDcsir - ::ids peril" 94:45. Admire!on 15c I" : v;:ie 8:15. 9:l Auiaisaion Ke I.e. l':3 Albemrlo Matmeei tic ' , ; 1 r - -.TTTL-fc, " .:-- s ii r -1 ts t 3 n t

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