1'sf ' V. fir r V v. Volume VA-Number 18. Domonstrata Hai far Show Show WffllFe Held at 0 3:30 O'clock In Court House TEA (mTlAWN - Pressure Cooker Award ed to Club Earning ; Most Points ' v The , County Snrinsr Federation r meeting of the home demonstration clubs of Perquimans, which will take the form of a flower show and tea, - -will be held on Thursday, May 19, . from 8:30 to 6:80, according to an announcement made this week by Miss Gladys Hamrick, home demon stration agent The flower show will be held in the 4.1 WtTjTirr af 9'fUV Tu will be served on the courthouse lawn from 4:30 to 5:30. The guests will include the members of the Hertford .Woman's Club. 1 In the receiving line at the tea will J be the old and new officers of the county reaeraiion. viuo preBiwmw will serve. . Red, white and blue ribbons will be ;, given for the best exhibits in the 1. flower show under each head. Points will be given toward winning the an " annual club prize, a pressure cooker, - - . v-i i .t. -n-l- to the club having the most exhibits and to the club winning the most rib- ' tons. - Below is given the list of speci- : itian to tut entered: vl: Section I: Specimen 1. Roses aT' i. Peonies; 8. Lilies; 4. Miscellaneous. i 1 Section II: Collection 1. Roses; 2. Peonies; 8. lilies; 4. Flowering Shrubs: 6. Sweet Peas; 6. Bulbs; V"-- -II. T M iji JUiBceiianevua. ,' Section III: Display 1. Any kind. .'Section IV: Potted Plants 1. Any kind. .'Section V: Wild Flowers 1. Any kind. Section VI: 4-H Club 1. Large arrangement by child under 12 years ef age; 2. Large arrangement by - child over 12 years of age; 3. Small arrangement by child under 12 years of age; 4. Small arrangement by child over 12 years of age; 5. Wild flower display. Rules and Regulations Each exhibitor automatically h agrees to comply with all rules and ' regulations of the Flower Show Com mittee. , V When judging is being done, only the judges and proper officers will be allowed in the show room. ' Judges are asked not to award a gibbon to en unworthy exhibit, even if there is only one entry. in the class. ' , ' All decisions of the judges ' are final. '' '. . Following is the list of chairmen of the various committees, and the list of judges: ' ' Flower Show Committee t Miss Lucy White, general chairman Mrs. John Symons, vice, chairman. n' Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Registration. I Mrs. C. P. Morris, receiving: and arranging. - f' ' Mrs. A. T. Lane, receiving and ar- ranging. V Mrs. J. H. Gregory, receiving and arranging. , "r '; Mrs. C. W. Reed, tables for exhibits : Mrs, W. O. Hunter, tables for ex hibits. " . : ' ?' Mrs. V. A. Boldren, tables for ex 1 hibits. Mrs. C. F. Sumner, tables for ex J; hibits. i Miss Clara. White, awards. 0v ? i .V, V Mrfc .Elmer Wood, Junior exhibit Mrs. JC Hobbs, junior exhibit ilr. Mary W, Winslow, table ar- -i.-?rjiige i , ' Ur.' "Marie M, Woodard, Home Demonstration Agent, Gates County. Miss Horace Cox, Home Demon - i stratum Agent, Hertford County. ; 1 Miss Rebecca Colwell, Home Denv onstrtibn Agent, Chowan County. Jlctary McctbT OH I, To Attend B::trict r; r Meetir.-InE.aty -4 A number of Hertford Kotar ns . were In Eliiabeth , City on Tuc lay . night, when the usual meeJng km dispensed with because of the State Convention in the neighboring town. President F. Y, Johnson, as well ti jf : roet of the members, were there f.r : v&-'ous periods of lie Convention, and wre jlichtfully entertained. C 'o j vcther conditions rra- " ' ' 1 V o three-day tonven- ' ' Y contributed much I I j , A1 TEZKBY NEW gPAPIIIl DSVOTED TO THE UPBUBLDINQ 0? HERTFORD AND PERQUHIAN3 COUNTY Hertford, ;rs Selected In Poem Contest At H&h ..School Awards Made at County Council of P. T. A. Meeting $5 EACH New Hope Association Wins Prize For Best Attendance Pfcggy Sawyer, James S. McNider, Jr., and Fentress Winslow were the winners in the final, Tuum contest held on Friday night at the meeting of the County Council of the Parent- Teacher Association, held at the Per quimans High School, each receiving a five-dollar reward. All of the con testants in. the finals, including Lois Asbell, Bill ' Madre and .Millard Cope land, had previously received prizes of $2.50 each as winners in the elim ination contest in which all the schools in the county took part, spon sored by Hon. James S. McNider. Mrs. M. T. Griffin, president, pre sided at the meeting, and Prof. R. C. Deal, of East Carolina Teachers Col lege, Greenville, delivered the ad dress of the evening. Announcement was made by Mrs. I. A. Ward, president of the Ninth District of the North Carolina Con gress of Parents and Teachers, that Perquimans County now has two standard PTA associations, and also that the district won two silver cups last year. . The New Hope Association won the prize, two library books, for the best attendance at the meeting. Robsrson Elected Present Of Hew , Historical Group Object to Reserve All Things of Historical Value In County DUES $l00 YEAR Efforts WfflBe Made to Restore Old Harvey Graveyard J. G. Roberson was elected presi dent of the Perquimans County His torical Association, which was or ganized on Monday night when a, small group met for the purpose of forming an organization which shall have for its objective ; the preserva tion of things of historical value in Perquimans, and 'the promotion of interest in historical facts in connec tion with the county. Other officers were Mrs. Mattie Lister White, secretary, and Miss Kate M. Blanchard, treasurer. . While the membership at present is very small, including only, in addi tion to the three officers named, Miss Pattie Whedbee, Miss Mae Wood Winslow, James S. McNider and Granbery Tucker, it is expected to grow, from the fact that any one who desires may become a member. There are in Perquimans many his torically minded persons who wi'.l wish to become members and contri-' but their bit toward the objectives' of th organisation, and notice win be given through this newspaper of the . time and place of the next meet ing, which is. to ' .' be called " at : tiie pleasure ef the -President," which' time those, who: desire . may: become members. - Il has been'-decided that the annual dues are to ne nnly one While there are many . ; matters which will call for attention of the newly formed organization, probably the most pressing matter is that of the restoration of the Harvey grave yard in Harveys Neck. Since the first story appeared in this news paper in connection with the propos al to restore the graveyard or to re move the graves to Hertford, letters have been received which show a great deal of interest on the part of the Harvey connection with, offers of contribution to the fund to restore te graveyard, which appears to bo fee wLh of the Harveys. ' ' L-?ve I" " f for Massachusetts ar. J . i. 3. E. Bates will leave ITjs.; y t,r r;?lngflekl, Mass, for t!-3 r: ? t "Ion. , r, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, May I 6. ,-...-.-..,-,.,-..,,.,.i.w...o,,,,,, . j NEW COMMUNITY HOUSE j :' ' J'' -'. New Community House at New Hope, built by the WPA, with assistance of citizens of the community. ' A similar building is be ing constructed at Belvidere, and plans are under way to erect o.ie at Bethel. Clean Up Week Big Success According To County Chairman Miss Gladys Hamrick Says Observance Was General IMPROVEMENT 27,911 Tin Cans Collect ed By Colored School Children Miss Gladys Hamrick, chairman of Better Homes Week, which was ob served by a county-wide clean-up campaign last week, reports the cam jpaigna fine success. There was a general observance df the campaign, with signs disappear ing from roadsides, particularly in the Bethel community, and with many filling stations responding to the requests by the club women to clean up premises. Householders all over the county took pride in clean ing yards and improving appearances. Miss Hamrick feels that the cam paign has been helpful and that many spots will continue clean as a result. An astonishing number of tin cans was collected by the children of the colored school in Hertford and the one at Wirifall, a total number of 27,M1 empty tin cans, gathered from any place they could be found, having been turned in as a result of prizes offered by Miss Hamrick to the child turning in the largest number. The number turned in at the Hertford colored school was 13,221, while those at Winfall, gathered from all other sections of the county, numbered 14,690. Only 500 Dogs In County Inoculated been inoculated in Perquimans for the prevention of rabies this spring, according to A. A. Nbbles, who says that during the entire campaign last year there were approximately 2,500 dogs inoculated. The campaign closes ' officially on May 31, and Mr. Nbbles, who was appointed jointly with G. C. Buck to inoculate dogs in Perquimans, has announced that he will.be at Walk er's Store each afternoon and night during the month. Several dog owners who failed last year to have their dogs inoculated were prosecuted in Recorder's Court. Conviction .of failure to comply with the law In this respect is punishable by fin ju mprisoBmenK and the .dog in question is required to be killed. J.:"lEU Morris : Again " Named Postmaster Postmaster J. E. Morris 'was: re appointed to ' serve the Hertford Postofflce for another four-year term last week.' '. The present term will expire on May 80. Mr. Morris has served only one term. Hertford Scouts To Camp At Nags Head The Hertford Boy Scouts will spend a week at Nags Head shortly, with their scoutmaster, Rev. D. M. Sharp. The Scouts will stay at' the & Leigh Winslow cottage, which u bas been loaned them for the time. , Week-end with Family R. A. White, who holds position at Newland, spent the week-end with bis family. , J', ' MANS WEEKLY . vj' "v,. ? f '5""J Community House For Bethel Likely Be Next Project t -rh i. j r t I iSeing JrrOmOtea By JUj W. Anderson and Miss 1 -ii j tt i vjrittujs namncK THIRDONE Thirty - five Interested Citizens Meet to Dis cuss Plans A commuaity house for Bethel ap pears to be the next project which L. W. Anderson, County Agent, and Miss Gladys Hamrick, Home Agent, are promoting. ' -Thbty-'fs cWnmunity representa tives appeared at a meeting held in the Bethel community last week, and with such strong local interest there is little doubt that the third of these community buildings in the county will be erected at Bethel. The first problem to be met is the securing of a suitable site, which is being nego tiated this week, though a definite selection had not been made early this week. The community building at New Hope was dedicated with suitable ceremonies recently and the people of that community are enjoying the convenience of a pleasant and commo dious place for holding their meet ings. At Belvidere the work on the building recently begun is going for ward rapidly and it is probable that before early fall the Belvidere peo- pie will be using their new CommUn-1 ity House. The Belvidere building I will have a special room for use as a I library. I These community houses, of frame J. S. Wiggins, 11-year-old son of construction but sturdily built and ' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wiggins, of Trot neatly finished, meeting adequately ville, was instantly killed Tuesday the need, are built by the Works Pro- morning at the Hobbsville school gress Administration, with local aid j the people of the community raising the necessary funds, with no cost to the county. Each building - contains an assembly hall or auditorium, with a suitable stage, also dressing rooms and a kitchen. The Belvidere build ing contains in addition a library. The plan for the new building at Bethel has not yet been decided upon. Funeral Sunday For Rifle Shot Victim Funeral services were held Friday for Mrs. P. R. Sawyer at Berea Bap tist Church in Perquimans County. Mrs. Sawyer succumbed to an attack of pneumonia after being accident ally shot with-a. 2 rifle in the hands of Billy Skinner, eight years old, Sunday a week ago. Survivingt are - bef husband, her parents' Mr.'1 and Mrs. W. G. Urn phlett, of Norfolk, Vs., and four sis ters, Mrs. W.0. Skinner, of Drum monds Point, Mrs. Neppie Umphlett, of Elizabeth City, Mrs. Howard Howell and Miss Clara Mae Um phlett, of Norfolk, Va. A CORRECTION In last - week's ; Issue of this newspaper the name B. S. Jordan was' used erroneously in an adver tisement of the ' Westinghouae Electric Range. The nam should have been HERTFORD HARD WARE SUPPLY CO, who are agents for both the Westinghouae Electric Range and , the Westag bouse Electric Refrigerator. 6, 1938. No Doubt Of Fire Hazard At Local Grammar School Inspector Says Wonder; Building: Has Not Burned Down 300 IN ROOMS Grand Jury Recom mended Improvements To Remedy Situation Not only is there a fire hazard at "I welcome you to a world of activ the Hertford Grammar School, but ity and struggle," said the Hon. the situation is evidently very grave.! Clyde R. Hoey, governor of North The inspector sent down from Ral- j Carolina, in his address to the grad eigh last week by the State Depart- uating class of the Perquimans Coun ment to make an inspection, at the i ty High School Wednesdav nia-ht. request of a committee from the Town Criers, after an examination of the situation, stated that it is a great wonder the building has not been burned down. He told C. R. Holmes, chairman of the committee, that the folks of, Hertford were lucky that this had not happened. The Grand Jury at the April Term of Court made an investigation of the "re hazard at this school, and recom- mended in their report that the fur- nace room be made fire prof and "lnt llre escape snoum De installed for the auditorium, whinh rMnmmpn- uuuun is pracucany wnat me lownioi astounding success. Criers had already announced should j Approximately fifteen hundred peo- be done. pie crowded the auditorium, the halls No action was taken in the matter I by the Board of County Commission ers, who received the Grand Jury Report at their meeting on Monday. More than three hundred little chil dren attend this school. At regular periods they all gather in the audi torium on the second floor of the building. Should a fire originate in I the furnace room while the children I are in mis Becona-story auditorium, which evidently is likely to happen greeted North Carolina's Number under present conditions, it is possi-'One Citizen as Guthrie Jolliff made ble that all points of exit might be the introduction, cut off, and there are no fire escapes! Ray Jordan, member of the grad on the outside of the building. i uatincr class and honor student led Those interested in the matter approve an outside stairway, built in such manner that small children might come down without danger of falling in case of fire, and not the ordinary fire escape. While the official written report from the inspector has not yet been received, his verbal recommendation to the committee was to the effect that the furnace room and the door leading thereto should be made fire proof and that an outside fire escape from the auditorium be constructed. The estimated cost of this is in the neighborhood of one thousand dol lars. fg From BiCVCle Is 17 1 T1 CU 113 V atai 1 0 oCftOOl iOy when a school bus passed over him, crushing his head. The boy was rid- ing a bicycle near the bus at the time and when warned not to ride so close to the vehicle, Sye-witnesses say the wheel skidded throwing Wiggins to the ground as the bus was backing. Coroner R. E. Rawls, of Gatesville, pronounced the accident unavoidable I ing the Governor added to the Greek, thus exonerating Brantley Rountree, j Roman and Hebrew advices, his own driver of the bus. ( items character and integrity. The boy is survived by his parents, , "Stocks and bonds may go down and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wiggins, and down," he said, "but the value of seven brothers and sisters, some of character and integrity is still one whom witnessed the gruesome acci- hundred percent." dent. T. S. White, chairman of the board The Wiggins family appears to of education, presented the diplomas have had more than their share of and the Governor congratulated each tragedy. J. S., who was the young-, graduate with a handshake, est child in the family, is the second Among a number of medals pre of the children to meet a violent , sented to several of the students for death. Albert, the oldest son, was outstanding achievements and accom killed when the boiler of the mill plishroents, probably the most inter owned by his father exploded, a few esting was the one given to Ray Jor years ago, two employees also meet- dan, for "the boy or girl who attend ing death in the same accident, the ed school under the most difficult cir father being injured. cumstances." Several others of the family havej Others receiving medals were: been injured in various kinds of acci- Julia Broughton, citizenship : Zach dents. I Hertford Precinct Meeting Saturday The Democratic Precinct Meeting for the Hertford Precinct will be held at the courthouse on Saturday, May 7, at 11 o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of electing; delegates to the County Convention, with Silas M. Whedbee, Chairman of the Dem ocratic Executive Committee, pre siding. i . The County Convention will be hejd on the following Saturday, May 14. . $1.25 Per Year. 1500 Crowd School To Hear Governor Speak To Graduates Says Self Denial Is Road To Attainment and Success CHEERED Executive Pays Tribute To Loyal Teachers In State He took from the Greeks, the Rom ans and the Hebrews a design for liv ing, and adding to them items of his own, presented the whole plan in a stirring message to the seniors. "Know thyself, control thyself and deny thyself," the Governor urged the departing students. "The road that leads to attainment and success is through self-denial," continued the former Shelby lawyer, who himself left school through necessity at the age of twelve, "one reason why so many men of humble origin and ob- I snire hprinnino- havp rpnhpH hpitrMc and the windows to view the gradua- tion exercises. Extra chairs were placed in the aisles and in front of the stage in an effort to relieve the congestion. The school building rocked with applause as the Governor entered the auditorium in company with Superin tendent P. T. Johnson and the mem bers of the county board of educa- tion. Ueatening applause again in prayer, after which Miss Kat-j Blanchard's Glee Club rendered "Soft and Low." "I am proud of North Carolina's crops of peanuts, tobacco, cotton and corn but most of all I am proud of her crop of school boys and girls," began the Governor who termed North Carolina's 175,000 school chil dren "shocktroops of Peace." It was evident that the Governor is also proud of North Carolina's school sys tem. "The State ranks eighth in the Union in the number of children of school age and every child no mat ter how poor or how far removed from the centers of population may have the advantage of an eight months schooling each year," he said. At this point the Governor remind ed that North Carolina was the only one of the United States in which not a single school door was closed during the recent depression although North Carolina transports more chil dren to schools than any other state. It was here that the Governor paid tribute to the teachers who stuck to their tasks when payrolls were being cut to the bone. "I am confident that the young people today are not looking for a soft snap, but only for an opportun ity to work," said Mr. Hoey, "genuine work with the hands." And in clos- Toms White, valedictorian: Elizabeth Elliott, 8alutatorian; Madge Lane, a junior who made the highest average for the year, 88 Alice Roberson, best actor in senior play; Julia Broughton, Mary Thad Chappell. Katherine Jessup and Nancy Coke Darden, debating teams. The list of graduates follow: Blanche Chappell, Polly Tucker, Marie Anderson, Addle Ruth Morgan, Blanche Moore Berry, Margaret Mayes, Eleanor Hunter, Lila Budd Stephens, Moselle Smith, Elisabeth Caddy, Mar jorie White, Ruble Lee Stunner, Katherine Hendricks, Mae (Continued on Page Five) M . J vPV, ; ' " 1 . . r"t 7' v r-, 1 ft k. .-'55. .'it . 1 1 1