... . A it,;( IJ . .. HH f H' H K l H.J....UJL - .muni, --niiTiiUfrn PAGE THRjEB 1 jj 1 1 AOAPUPJLROm JUt. HAL fttAU lBAr...:r V' ;eilTRUI3tLBin I r "1 N f I !. iliWMtt; Si 0DifrKht MM to tatVl SM, ' Chapter One PAYIN T(HE PIPER . ' Oil ; moth-eaten sleigh, mule Arawn. bumped lta wtv aJonir the . picturesque Swia mountain road. Its banner floating In' the bream. a,o all and sundry the- standard . flung aft proclaimed: MIRACLE JMOUSB! TRAP CO, Ltd- Ine. Etc. ' Xttc. Laurel Hardy, Frope. The me. h una fore, announced: "if vour trap catches mice, it's a MIRr ' Surveying the countryside with xnajeatio ease, Mr. Hardy a rove the mule with deft, light touch. He breathed deeply, with the satisfied assurance of a gentleman bent upon business dignified and lucrative. Acumen and altruism had directed bis mission. He and his partner had come to Switzerland to rid this land of cheese manufacture from its greatest menace mice. This purpose was to be achieved by the .Miracle Mouse Trap, owned, con trolled, manufactured, exhibited and distributed by Messrs. Laurel and uaroy. That he and his companion were correct in tneir mission was proven at their first encounter, when they boiq weir enure output to one cheese factory for 8,000 Bovanian , irancs! Mr. Hardy tapped his wallet pocket softly and smiled. An 8.000 tsovaiuan iranc note nestled safely Inside it. His companion, who had been dos ing comlortably, opened his eyes. his companion asked. "Stanley," beamed Mr. Hardy, "we're going to the nearest smart hotel to spend a few days in the comfort and relaxation becoming gentlemen of our financial status." As he epoke voices, yodelling and singing from up the mountain, echoed to them. He pulled the donkey to a stop and read the sign pointing up the road: "To the Alpen Hotel. Manager and Proprietor." "Welcome, welcome," sang the .voices. Mr. Hardy turned to Mr. Laurel. "They're expecting us," he saJtt. Both men alighted smartly and started up the road to the hotel. When they reached their destina tion, they attempted to register, but Lutgi the manager made smiling apology. He could not offer them the hospitality of the great Hotel Alpen. Victor Albert, the famous Viennese composer bad taken over the entire establishment with the understanding that there would be no other guests. "What's the idea?" asked Stan. Luigi bowed and made further ex planation. Maestro Albert was at me jupen to write the perfect Swiss VBUBaai opera. mowing must dis tract or disturb him. The music they had heard was the staffs wel come to tne great Albert. Everyone was so happy. Luigi frowned mo- meni&niy. Everyone," he explained, "except JVanselhuber, my chef." He sighed. Mr. Laurel and Mr TTaniv .miu They assured Luigi, that aa gentle men and scholars they understood completely. "However," suggested Oliver, "could we not remain for a slight repast a dinner with wine and then leave? We are men of means!" In answer Luigi bowed them Into the dining room where a waiter took their order. Messrs. Laurel and Hardy ordered everything on the menu, Including champagne. When they had finished their meal and were puffing excellent cigars, the waiter returned. Did the gen tlemen want dessert? - Oliver nodded. 'He wanted apple pie.- A moment later ' the waiter returned, all apology. There was no juia juts. JNo apple pie?" demanded Mr. Hardv In astonishment. - . Lufgl hurried op to learn the cause or flis displeasure. He tent for Franselhuber the chef. "What do you mean by not having PPle pie," roared Luigi The chef made come feefcl at tempt at explaining, but Luigi creamed him down. . Tw bad better chefs than you discharged !for- not having apple pW Mr. Hardy stated ominously. The chef fell to his knees. "Don't discharge me." he betreed. Til bake you an apple pie at once " "One annle Die?" shrieked Luliri. "Bake the gentlemen a dozen apple pies a hundred apple plea I give you fifteen minutes!" Franselhuber hurried out with bowed head. Oliver relented. "Never mind the aoDle Die." he said to Luigi. "Let us have the check." Luigi clapped his hands for a waiter. The waiter hurriedly placed Lulffi nulled them Into the kitchen At the oven, Franselhuber worked like a man possessed. One hun dred apple .plea in fifteen minutes was the order given him by Luigi! He pulled open the stove door, reached In, dragged out a large way, repiacea h wnn anotner, and almost at once set to work to mix more dough. Be wiped his brow witn a towel. He clenched his fists! Oh that he. the greatest chef in Switzerland should have come to this! Oh, that he should be so humiliated because two stunid American men demanded appli pie. .Limn canea to mm. rTanzel huber! What do you think! After all the fuss over apple pie, they conuo. pay lae mi: They chef .looked up In aston ishment. "So I put them to work for me," continued Luigi. The chef glared at Stan and Oliver. 'And, Franselhuber. thev will work here, in the kitchen, and will tell them what to do." A slow smile spread over the ifiM 1 "Waiter," ordered Oliver, "bring me some ' apple pie and demi- tasse." the check on the table. Mr. Hardv picked it up, glanced over it cas ually, reacned into his pocket, pro- aucea tne s.uuu Bovanian Iranc note and tossed it at Luigi. Take it out of this, my good man," he said grandly, "and give me the balance in American cur rencylarge denominations." Luigi bowed. He picked up the 8,000 franc note. He looked It over. His smile froze. He stared at his two customers.. "Is this a joke?' he asked. "Stop the monkey busi ness and give me some real money mj yvuy 1 lie mil "Real money?" demanded Mr. Hardy, his temper rising. Yes real money " shouted Liuigl. "This isn't money. Bovan ian francs are worthless!" For a moment it seemed as if Messrs. Laurel and Hardy would collapse. "What are we going to do, Ollle?" whispered Stan. Luigi grabbed him by the coat collar. '"You're going to pay that bill, that's what you're going to do!" Oliver shuddered. "We can't pay the bill," he said slowly. "We haven't any. money." Luigi Jumped up and down In rage. "You haven't any money! YOU HAVEN'T ANY TrfOTMTTVH" He pushed them toward the kit- cnen. "xou'll work that bill out as servants for me," he screamed. "And if you try to run awav. vou go to jail! Understand?" Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardv unhappily. chef a face. His expression was no. lost on the two witless gentlemen. They started backing out the door. Luigi turned on them. "Come back," he roared. "And Franzelhuber If they break any dishes well for every dish they break they work another day!" With a final de vastating sneer he left them to the mercy of Franzelhuber. The chef put down his utensils. "So!" he Jeered, "you were going to have me discharged. You bragged about discharging better chefs then me." He stopped short. "There are no better chefs than me!" he screamed. "Do you know any better , !" ieau chefs than me?" j plained Stan. He seized his cleaver and ad-1 Ann stared vanced toward them. At that mo ment the strains of a piano and r man singing wafted through tn open kitchen window. Franzelhubr dropped the cleaver and buried h face in his hands. "Stop that playing!" he shrleke "Stop that aineinir.'T He collaDse upon a chair. "Music," he wept, ". hate music!" But the music continued: far n in his suite, Victor Albert, tl maestro, completely unaware of t' drama being enacted in the kltchr attempted to compose an aria ft his opera. The blasting of an ol. Klaxon horn, thundering througi the courtyard below, liftnd him mr of his chair. "How can I comnoM with tw infernal racket!" he bellowed. "Ed ward," he shouted to his valet, "str that noise." Bdward crushed to the window. Down In the court stood a battered old taxi. The door of the car opened and an exquisitely gowned, beautiful blonde girl alighted. At thF right of her Edward paled. With the expression of a doomed man, he 'tip-toed across the rnnm and waited to answer what he knew would be a certain knock at the doov' V He heard the knock and an swered r it The beautiful blonde smiled at him then rushed In. -victor, oarungi - she cried. Victor wheeled about at the sound of her Jroice. She rushed tn him and he took her In his arms. He was about to kiss her when he sud denly thrust her from him. "What are you doing here, Anna?" he de manded sternly. "Why did you fol low me??. "Follow you, darlinir?" ah laughed. 'Tm your wife I belong here." Victor motioned Edward "Listen, Anna,'" he pleaded when the valet had gone. "I've come here to write an opera my greatest opera I want to work alone In peace. Go home. Please. Ton must go back to Vienna." Anna shook her head. "I don't understand you, Victor. You've al ways written your greatest musio with me and thn critics have all acclaimed you. "The critics have acclaimed mo? he exclaimed. "Bah! All the re views read alike: Anna Hoefcl sang gloriously. P. S. Victor Albert com posed the music." He paced up and down the room. "Everything I've written has been about vnu. Anna music for you to sing. But now I'm going to compose a aimplo romantic little story about a peas ant soy, living, joving, close to the soil and the sun of the Tvrol " 'But I.xjan play a peasant e-irL too," cried Anna. Victor laughed uproariouslv. "Im agine you the most glamorous staf of the Vienna opera stage, singing a peasant roie sso, no, Anna. Yon won t do. You must go back ta v'ienna and leave me in this peace ful atmosphere where I can worH undisturbed " Anna jumped to her feet. "All right," she stormed. "Go ahead with your foolishness: But don't come crying to me to sing your your masterpiece." In a moment she was gone, the door slamming behind her. As Anna rushed through tha lobby in an attempt to reach tho terrace before her taxi drove away, she encountered Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hatdy who had been transferred from kitchen duty to washing the corridors. Mr. Hardy bowed, making way for her to pass. Anna eyed them curiously. "At least the help around here is courteous," she observed. "We can't help being help," Oliver sighed. 'We really wash dishes," ex- at them auestion- ingly. Something in her glance -irompted Mr. Hardy to explain heir predicament. She listened ntently, a slow smile spreading vcr her face. "You mean you have to stay In '.lis hotel .because you couldn't pay r your dinner?" The two gentlemen nodded. Anna threw back her head and ughed. "Where's the dining om?" she asked, and with eyes lillng mischievously she followed m down the corridor that lead .he dining room deor. What does Anna plan to dot What happens when the man-, ager discovers he hoe another ion-paying "guetf on hie hands due to Stan and Oliver. Don't '.niss the next chapter. LOOKING AT WASHR'GTOM By Hugo S. Sims, Washington Correspondent .- Many Politicians WouM Like to Know": Whether Florida Election Signifies Trend ? -' President Roosevelt and his New , '. Deal nave emerged triumphant from - the first primary , test in the 1938 ,1 politkal campaign. The overwhelming, victory of Sen .t ator Claude Pepper, ., in the ' Demo- ' . , cratic JrTlmsry in Florida, gives no . comfort whatever to the opposition. The, Administration favorite polled ' nearly- sixty per cent of the, votes . cast. His, chief opponent, itongress- .'4- mAlt' taavlr. lll1.v J' i fwAnmf Maw i Deal critic, was , backed by ' , about ' twenty-eight per. cent, of the voters . and most of. the' other votes went to , former Governor Sholtz, r generally regarded as a supporter;; of the Ad .; ministration.' '?.r';fctv. A' Mr. Pepper considered his victory over four opponents ' as ;a 7 vote of "confidence and approval" of the Ad ministration.. His view was accepted by Chairman; Farley, James Roose velt and such New Deal.stalwarts as Majority Leader Berkley, . Secretary Koper andNDthers. .The , opposition,1 including; Conservative - Democrats 'and Republicans, ', saw '"no national significance in the Florida results. ; $ Conservative Democrats, who are opposing the President's policies, es pecially those of the - South,, however, will get a significant lesson from the results in Florida, i Considered a to-t - 'Her with the' victory of Represen-J f itive Lister Hill, a strong Adminis ation man, in the Alabama nr- : ..il election, a few months. ;aroY '.'"cation is that the President ia i ii continued favor , with Southern '. vi -'mary ; election In North and is generally expected to win. His opponent in tne primary is Congress man Franklin Hancock. After that, we will have to wait until August 6th when the voters of Kentucky choose between Senator Alben Barkley, open White House favorite, and Governor "Happy" Chandler, New Deal critic. Three days later, in Arkansas, the voters will pass judgment on Senator Hattie Caraway, a "100 per cent" Roosevelt supporter, who is being op posed by two members of the House of Representatives. The ' significance of - the Florida I and finallv rvch ment," President Roosevelt, in his message to Congress on monopoly, made it plain that he is not beginning "and ill-considered 'trust-bucting' ac tivity which lacks proper considera tion for economic results." The President called for "a thor ough study of the concentration on economic power in American industry and the effect of that concentration upon the decline of competition" and asked for $500,000 to finance a study of the problem. He also requested 1200,000 for the Department of Jus tice "to provide for the proper and fair enforcement of the existing anti trust laws." Senator Borah, who recently con ferred with the President on this subject, approved the investigation, but feared that it might "string along -the desk or tho i .w , v... '" J 1U1 UU primary is ; not to be found in thei upper shelf in the form of iact mai senator . Fenner won. nor ven in the overwhelming nature of his renomination. The .mora impor tant revelation is that, at the Florida polls, there was very little evidence mat President Roosevelt has' lost much; if any, of his popular support. If this inference is bona out by subsequent primaries in the Southern States, the conclusion will be obvious. The-Florida result is welcomed by tan nr twenty volumes which few will ever consult" The Idaho Senator assert ed that "we know that monopoly exists in this country" and that it is undermining our whole economic and social structure." "The President's statement of facts," says Mr. Borah, "leaves only one question for study that is how to deal with the subject." The President's - messaam-n nnintH out that the liberty of a Democracy eupjrteiriof tiw 'Administration' as is not safe if private power grows to Tm "P"110 mat point where it, becomes f stronger ureuiuejt m nv man tne state itself. Moreover, this flieir opinion. , will oftset the view liberty is not safe if the business sys ftt ttie President la much weaker tern does not produce Vemployment riththe people than h was," j that and produce ,ahd distribute goods in -. ;" " "V " " sucn a way as w ootain an accepUble ready to cut his political throat, thSt sUndard of living. , ; elections neid today would reveal 1 imoi.. Iv' ' 1 wide-spread dissatiBfaction , witte I priowe? w4oT eat? t Administration, that: the current de-l Crv-'ta row. T? rt-. nression has alienated th- fith iViKf i. i this country, - , vm . ijin KTBaiiant ititnj a... his admirers and. that they are. now! ready to abandon the New Deal as a sinking; ship. ; i June 4, will give &d yl'dol i on this point. '..r TniP3 f " y In the year 1935. he said, one- tenth of -one per cent of all corpora tions owned fifty-two -per cent of the assets of all corporations.:. "A Less , than five per cent of the cor po(D.tiona owned eighty-seven per cent of all assets. v r In rpfrani ' MrnnVatA Iti.at.iu I .3 UlWUICBl rower" is struggling one-tenth of one per cent earned fifty . omocrawc,?. govern-, per cent or tne net income of all; of Monoply and; Its Practices Endangfr Democratic Government, Says f ' Roosevelt .- . ' Doc!ar-r that "Concentrated nri- the manufacturing corporations, less wan lour per cent of them earned eighty-four per cent of all the net profits of all of them. In 1929 three-tenths of one per cent of our population received seven ty-eight per cent of the dividends dis tributed. In regards to the distribution of the national income, in 1935-36 fortv seven per cent of American families had incomes less than $ 1,000 for the year and "at the other end of the ladder," less than one and one-half per cent of the nation's families re ceived incomes equal to the total in comes received by the forty-seven per cent at the lower end of the scale. These figures, in the President's opinion, do not measure the actual degree of concentration of control of industry. Various corporate and fi nancial devices are used to maintain and control over large areas of American industry. While anxious to secure the advantages of efficient industrial growth, the President in sists upon competition and declares that "if the nation's business is to be allotted by plan and not by competi tion" the power shall not be vested in any private btoud or cartel, but in the public through its democratically responsible government." Space does not nermit im tn talce up each of the subjects discussed by the President who feels that one of the primary causes of our present difficulties is to.be found in the dis appearance of Price comnetition in many industrial fields. This, he says, is particularly true in basic manufac ture where concentrated economic power is most evident and where rigid prices and fluctuating payrolls are general. ' Mr. Roosevelt' says that in indus tries like cement, and steel, where prices have remained firm in the face of a falling demand, navrolla have shrunk US' much as forty and fifty' ner cent in recent winning. This, ha I asserts, "is no accident." He points, out that Itt' most (nmnAtitfva ' Iniliia. ' triAB. wTlOM. th Ttvifaa V ajltnat rinrvi- 'selves quickly to falling demands,!; i I payrolls and employment have been I far hafAi. moinfdi'na TT.rArt nwim. ment, itself, be says, has been unable, in a large range of materials, to ob tain competitive bids. The study recommended by the President would survey the concen tration of economic power in Ameri can industries and the effect of that concentration unon the decline of competition. He feels that there should be an examination of existing price systems and the price policy of industry, to determine their effect J. upon the general level of trade, upon employment, upon long-term invest ments and upon consumption. The study should not be confined to tra ditional anti-trust fields, but should include the effect of tax, patents and other governmental policies. Particularly interesting, we think, is the President's recommendation for the creation of a Bureau of In dustrial Economics, which would supervise and supplement the collec tion of industrial statistics by trade associations, performing for business , a service similar to that performed for farmers by the Bureau of Agri-' cultural Economics. I Such a bureau would assimilate current statistical information re-: garding foreign conditions, warn I against the dangers of temporary 1 over-production and excessive inven-1 tories, encourage the maintenance of! orderly markets, study trade fluctua-! tions, credit facilities and other con-1 ditions which affect the welfare of, the average business man. The bu- reau, says the President "should be 1 able to help small business men to keep themselves as well informed about trade conditions as their big, competitors." I In conclusion, the President pointed) out that his program was intended' to "preserve private enterprise for profit by keeping it free enough to be able to utilize all our resources of capital and labor at a profit." It would stop "the progress of collectiv ism in business and turn business back to the democratic competitive order." The basic theme of the pro gram, according to Mr. Roosevelt, "is not that the system of free, private enterprise for profit has failed in this generation but that it has not yet been tried. Briefly, the President proposes to revise the anti-trust laws to make them susceptible of practical en forcement; to break up inter-locking directorates and closely supervised mergers, consolidations and acquisi tions; to require financial institutions to serve the interests of independ ent business without banking control over business; to separate banks from holding company ownership or control; to define the legitimate ac tivities of trade associations so that they can corr.bat unfair competitive practices without interfering with legitimate competition; to encourage wider use of patents and to preent the suppression of inventions or their use to create monopolies; modifica tion of tax laws to encourage compe titive enterprise but with retention of the undistributed profits tax to pre vent further concentration of econom ic power and graduate corporate taxes to make big business demon strate its superior efficiency. ELMO NEWS kr. and Mrs. Gilliam IWine and son, Ray, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Twine. Mr. and Mrs. Freeland Chappell and children spent Sunday with Mr. Chappell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Chappell. Miss Syble Jordan spent Saturday night with Misses Clara and Irene Twine. Mrs. Bob Twine SDent the week-end in Greenville with her husband and children. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lamb children, Ray and Kathrvn. visited Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Twine undav morning. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dail and William Twine were in Edenton on Saturday evening. Mrs. Josie Chappell spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs N. B. Dail. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Twine, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Twine went to Hert ford Saturday evening. Miss Thelma Chappell has returned home after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Freeland Chappell. Editions of Bible Copyrighted The Bible itself is common prop erty. But various special or re vised editions of it are copyrighted. A Bible publisher, for instance, may copyright his system of indexing or his illustrations. The American Standard Revised Version is "copy right, 1901." Subsequent revisions have been similarly protected by their publishers or editors. Plenty of Music in Library The music department of Vienna's National library contains some 20, 000 books of printed music, some 12,000 volumes of MSS., and more than 8,000 books of musical litera ture for reference. I ... . irrlfCCl DRY, uh; "MlDOU-AGE, SUHl WITH PALM0LIVE w7TVxyii K.m'jm.' ajii h. inn IT.., ! im gli.W niini TT B.I rHMi it I T I -IT M OUR PRICE Red Super Suds, 3 for 2."c Mine Super Suds, 3 for 2.ric -(Get clothes "Hospital Clean") Octagon (Giant) Soap, 3 for 14c Octagon .Powder, 3 for 14c Octagon Toilet, 3 for 14c Octagon Cleanser, 2 for 9c Octagon Chips, 2 for - 18c Octagon Granulated, 2 for 18c Crystal White Soap, 3 for 14c Hollywood Beauty Soap. 3 for14c ('rem? Oil Soap, 3 for 14c Klex (Pomice) Soap, 3 for . 14c Central Grocery HERTFORD, N. C. TAYLOR EDENTON, N. C. TE3EATE1E THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT Today (Thursday) May 12 Kay Francis and Pat O'Brien in "II WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT" NEWS ORCHESTRA Friday, May 13 Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone and Cecilia Parker in "JUDGE HARDY'S CHILDREN" ACT MUSICAL Saturday, May 14 William Boyd in "CASSIDY OF BAR 20" Last Chapter "Zorro Rides Again" First Chapter "The Lone Ranger" OUR GANG COMEDY OWL SHOW 11:15 CLAIRE TREVOR and MICHAEL WHALEN in "Walking Down Broadway" Monday and Tuesday, May 16-17 The Greatest Adventure Drama of All Time Gary Cooper in "THE ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO" With BASIL RATH BONE, BINNIE BARNES And. Introducing SIGRID GURIE Coming Monday, May 23 JESSE CRAWFORD IN PERSON SOON XXCl UUIlglC UUVC, VUCUiUIUl U1UYC . "Test Pilot"