r4""5 Ercrrr r, HERTFcro. n. &, r ? if. r v r - i 7 Ml :1 I "IV Smaaer at Rocky Point Idas Eloise Scott, a member of the Perquimans High. School faculty, is pending the summer at her home at Rocky Point Spend Tuesday in .Greenville Mrs. Thad Chappell and her daugh ter, Mary Thad, spent Tuesday in - ... Week-end at Chapel Hill Miss Nancy Coke Darden and Mias Mary Thad Chappell spent the week end at Chapel Hill. Week-end with Parents Miss Joyce Harrell, a student at E. C. T. C, Greenville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Harrell. Miss Evans Returns Home Mias Esther Evans, a member of the Perquimans High School faculty, has gone to her home in Chowan County to spend the summer. i Week-end in Hertford Mrs. Charles Godwin, of Williams ton, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Elliott. Sunday at Nags Head Sheriff J. E. Winslow and Dr. C. f .AEawenport spent Sunday at Mags ,? Head. J i Mr. Ainskgr at Creswell Rupert Mnsley, principal of the" Perquimans Central Graded School at Winfall, is spending the summer at his home in Creswell. . Home for Week-end John Broughton, Jr., who holds a position with Armour Packing Com pany in Norfolk, .Va., spent the week end with his rarents, Mr. and Mrs. - John.-Bxousrton. - r ..ii Visitors Return Home ' Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Umphlett have returned to their home in Hopewell, Va., after spending sometime with Mrs. Umphlett's mother, Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Sr., near Hertford. Here From Baltimore Mrs. T. W. Tilley and children, of Baltimore, Md., are spending some time with Mrs. Tilley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hoffler. Monday in Norfolk Edison Harris, Mrs. Z. A. Harris, Mrs. W. M. Tucker and Eva Brinkley spent Monday in Norfolk, Va. Week-end with Parents Miss Blanche Butler, who holds a position in Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Butler. Attend May Day Festivities Miss Mary Onella Relfe spent the week-end in Greensboro, where she attended the May Day festivities at Greensboro College. In Elizabeth City Sunday Miss Edith Everett spent Sunday in Elizabeth City with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Twiford. Returns from Windsor Miss Jessie Tayloe Newby has re turned after spending some time in Windsor. At Home for Week-end Miss Mary Helen Newby, who holda a position in Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evart Newby. Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rutenberg Alfred Williams, who holds a posi tion in Raleigh, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rutenberg. At Home for Week-end Miss Ruth Elliott, a student at W. C. U. N. C, Greensboro, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Elliott 4 Here from Edenton Sunday . life, and Mrs, Lloyd Griffin, and doikiran, of Edenton, spent Sunday with Mm. Griffin's mother, Mrs. T. Walters.. .. , . . .. .,;:, ....l Howard Felton Convalescent . Xh condition of Howard, the little sob of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Felton, who la been very 'ill with scarlet fever, 13. improving. 1' Week-end at Home Miss Prue Newby, a student at E. p.T. C, Greenville, spent the week cn4 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. &" Newby. Miss Newby had as f ktt -guests, Miss Meta Hammond, of 'jUMjHtews, s. v., ana jbub. oimio.ik. JEarvisof Moyock.- ' f, Here for Week-end . ',im, Brinn, a student at , Duke - University, Durham, spent the week and'wiaflus parents, Mr. end Mrs. ' llij I, Brinn,v f ' To Spend Snauner" Here ' ' , , f ISarvin Horton, ' . of Farmville, is spending the summer with Mr. and . Mrs. R, T. Drinn. ' - .. - m m r '-' Her for Week-end Dick Payne, a student at State College, Raleigh, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne. Here from Newport News - Dozier Sutton, who holds a posi tion in Newport News, Va., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. WMrs R.,Afluttm' -T " Week-end with Mother Miss Martha Elizabeth Jordan, who holds a position in Richmond, Va., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R. S. Jordan. Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Davis and children, Nettie, Alice and Franklin, of Courtland, Va., and G. G. Barber, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knowles. Mrs. Shannonhouse Here Mrs. A. C. Shannonhouse, of Eli zabeth City, is the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Shephens. Mrs. Haskett Improving Mrs. N. C. Haskett is improving after a long illness. Miss Stephens at Home Miss Ona Mary Stephens, who is attending Elon College, Eton, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stephens. Visiting Mother Mrs. T. P. Lassell, of Stony Creek, who has been visiting her mother,' Mrs. Pattie Sawyer, at Ntew Hope, was in Hertford on Wednesday. Mrs. Lassell will be remembered as the former Miss Lessie Sawyer, who was for a long time employed at the Hertford Banking Company. Miss Elliott Returns Miss Thelma Elliott, who teaches at Halifax, is at home for the sum mer vacation. Return Home Mrs. C. E. Fletcher and her ntue ( son, Jimmie, who spent last week in, rerquimans wiin relatives, ana air. Fletcher, who was here for the week end, have returned to their home in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Cathey Leaves Mrs. J. T. Cathey, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. An derson, at their home at Belvidere, TO "1C """R1"'1H.mW rll T I, A-A for her home at Senatobia, Miss. Mrs. Cathey will visit relatives in Charlotte en route. In Nebraska Mrs. M. S. Elliott left Monday tor Columbia, Nebraska, where she will spend three weeks with her husband, who is engaged in electrical construc tion work there. Mrs. Elliott Returns Mrs. R. D. Elliott returned Friday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. G. Dixon, at Ayden. Little Girl Visiting Grandparents Suzanne Towe is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pritchard, near Elizabeth City. Here Mother's Day Mrs, Galdys Jackson, accompanied by Howard Peebles, of Norfolk, Va., spent Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. P. H. Small. Visiting in Richmond Mrs. H. V. Lamb, her daughter, Madeline, and her son, Wilbur, left Saturday for Richmond, Va., where they will visit Mrs. Lamb's daughter, Mrs. A. B. Parker. YEOPIM STATION Miss Hazel Dail has returned to her home at Hollys Wharf, after spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dail. . , Miss JUM Tiitcliyi8lted Mrs. Matthew Dail and Miss Hazel fDail Jtaeadaylfe ! j ..ry ' Richard Mansfield and A. D. Thatch visited the former's father, in Rich mond, rYi? Saturday nighVahd Sun day. " - Miss Louise Thatch spentSunday with Miss EvT Moore, in. Elisabeth -David Coxot Elisabeti i tsW lilt ed in the home of Mr. and Mr. T. E. Mansfield on Sundayi,.S;,i?vj;": v Mr.' and Mra:Jjuni:M. B J .Thatch, and - Martha? Thatch Dent SundaV witn M&K and ? Mr. Mack Sanderlin. at Shavboro. X'i Mr. and Mrs. JClton Dail, who live near Hertford, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. D. .Thatch on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ; Charles Ward, of Bethel, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Harry' Thatch. 'PMM" Mr. and Mrs; T E." Mansfield and family visited ; Tom Mansfield ; and Miss Anne Mansfield Sunday evening. Mrs. Ervin MansfieldV'"of. Norfolk, Va., was the guest of her parents, J.r. Ln&'lZr. Alfred -' T jrr,', en londay f"J i ,-i ' 'A wedding - of Intact - to their many friends took place in the Hert ford Methodist Church - on . Monday afternoon, May 9 at o'clock in the afternoon, when Miss Mary. Eugenia Elliott, .of Hertford, kbecame the bride of Dennis Hntsow Uolliday, of Scotland Week, In a ceremony marked with dignified simplicity, with only the immediate families of toe couple and a few intimate friends- present Miss Kate Blanchard at the organ played several appropriate 'selections, including "Liebeetraum" and "The Sweetest s Story . Ever Told." R. S. MondsjJr Jbari,.p-teMUse'f immediately preceding the- entrance of the couple, both of whom were un attended, entering, , the church to gether. The ceremony was. ' performed by the Rev. D. M. Sharp, pastor of the church. Immediately afterwards the couple left for a wedding trip to va rious northern points.' , The bride was becomingly attired ih a travel suit of navy blue, with matching accessories, her flowers be ing a shoulder cosage of pink roses. Mrs. Hollidaj is ' the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Elliott, of Hertford. She received her education at ' the Perquimans High School and at the East' Caro lina Teachers College. - For several years she has taught in the Franklin ton school. Mr. Holliday is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Holliday, of Scot land Neck. He is a graduate of Wake Forest College, having received his Master's degree at Columbia Uni versity. He is principal of the school (at Spring Hope, where, "the couple will make their home. . Members of the family of the bridegroom here for the wedding in cluded his step-mother, Mrs. J. T. Holliday, a brother, Jesse L. Holli day, and Mrs. Holliday; another brother, Walter Holliday, all of Scotland Neck, and another brother, Donald Holliday, Mrs. Holliday and their daughter, Betty, of LouiBburg. HI-Y CLUB ENTERTAINED Misses Marie Anderson, Celia Blanche Dail, Blanche Chappell and Ellie Maie White entertained the Hi Y Club at the home of Miss Ander son'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Anderson, at Belvidere, Ton Friday evening. . Those attending -were Misses Mary Thad Chappell, Julia - Bcoughton, Polly Tucker, Marguerite, Ward, Florence Darden, Ruth fflolldwell, Ruth Winslow, Nancy Cok& Darden, Lila Budd Stephens, Alice Roberson, Margaret Brcinghton, ain4tFrnk Brown, Zach Harris, Charles Clark, r T "UTL c. Zach White, Charles Stokes, Sill Cox, Charles White, Jarvis Ward,.' - Bill Arnold, Charles Harrell, Winborne Spivey, and James Divers. .; ' Delicious refreshments were served during the evening. THE TIME IS RIPE To Think About FISHING . ' . f NEW AND ?OCKVIPLETE LINE OP nSinNGTACKLE ;-; pi I f j ; -v . 4 l -''i'l-'''- ' ; as,-. II Jl I ,V 4 " - - l-r Wmm tt l,J: . jOVork Rind Q Reels P Plugs Mshinff trrcases Per Sale JL J ZTradfiierc. n: ' Mr. and Mr. Seth Epivey and fam ily, of Richmond, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.' T. Wood. 5 Miss. Eloise Keaton, of Hertford, is spending- a f ew ' days with her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Keaton,., Mrs. J; T. Wood is visiting herjKWfc in-law and daugr, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Spivey. in Richmond, Va. - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benton and family, of Old Neck; " Mrs. Howard Matthews, of , Norfolk, Va,; Mrs. Fred Matthews, Miss Ruby Keaton and Miss Eloise Keaton, of Hertford; Mr. and Mrs. Seth Spivey and fam ily, of Richmond, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and family spent Sun- oW wfMrV'hnd and Mrft-j;T!WWHr - Mrs. W. H. Cartwright, Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mrs. Vernon Winslow, Mrs. Moody Harrell, Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Mrs. Kermit Benton, Mrs. Eddie Har rell, Mrs. Jack-Benton, : Mrs. Elmer Wood, Mrs. Ashby Jordan, Miss Lu cille Cartwright, Miss Eunice Har rell and Miss Eleanor Jordan attend ed the district meeting in Elizabeth City Thursday, ;-;-v' n'. Miss Marine Harrell spent Sunday with Miss Eleanor Eure, at White Hat' wi Mrs. S. J. Long and Miss Martha Long, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Everett, of Weeksville, called in the afternoon. 1(rs. John Brown, John Wade Brown and John Marshall Long, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Overton. Mrs. G. J. Barclift and John Bar clift, Of Nixonton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell Sunday after noon. They were accompanied back home by Norman Barclift, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harrell for several days. The regular monthly meeting of the Snow Hill-White Hat Demonstra tion Club will be held with Mrs. Ed ward Benton on May 20.' The Perquimans - Chowan Zone meeting will be held Vith Woodland M. E. Church on May 18. CHAPANOKE CLUB MEETS The Chapanoke Home Demonstra tion Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Asbell, with Mrs. C. L. Jackson as assistant host ess. As each member answered to I the roll call, she told what her hobby i was and why she chose it. Then a I program on "Making Home More I Attractive" was given by several members and Miss Hamrick. each having a different subject to talk on. A contest on "Gifts for Mother was given by Miss Lillian Bright and Mm. Roy Pierce, with -Mrs. John Symons winning the prize. During the social hour the hostess es served delicious refreshments. Those present were: Mesdames P. L. Griffin, John Asbell, George Hall, C. L. Jackson, George Jackson, Otis Lane, W. T. Lewis, W. H. Overman, Roy Pierce, C. P. Quincy, Emmett Stallings, John Symons, J. C. Wilson, Misses Margaret Bogue, 'Lillian Bright, Mattie Ferrell, Al White head and Gladys Hamrick. O Plies O Tackle Boxes n ft i 1 - I O Sinkers;!;;;, , :, OFrdg Giggis - . - ... III IUV V ". .. Miss TCJaxBr . IteI JohVIIall, in ,,. '., Tue: Mrs. J. Cr1Vhi' ' A - her an, Arthur White, in KeiCord, Wednes day, i s" iji.'ii t, -v A " Mrs. Daisy, Perry and Miss Hazel Bright , were ! visitors in . Elizabeth City on'Tuesday,; - i - : Mrs. J. C. Wilson was the guest of friends in Hertford on Wednesday, ; '" Mrs. C P. Quincy .and son," Carey, Mrs.' John Asbell, ..Mrs. C. t Jack son and Miss Janet Qninry attended class night exercises at Perquimans High School on Tuesday night , ; Those from here who attended the, trraduatin avercises 1; at Peroulmana EKSAuawrfcMrs. ; Berthtff Whitehead, - Mitt AK Whitehead, Miss Myrtle Ownley, 1 Miss . Doris Lewis, Mn.: John Asbell. C; Ai.Own- ley, Mr. and Mrs. C'P Quincy and children, Mrs. J C. Wilson,- Miss Susie Mae. Wilson, Miss Mable Chapt pell, Miss r Sarah Elizabeth : Elliott, Miss Minnie Belle Elliott and Mrs. John Symons. '"f-'i'u'-- .Mrs. Garland Lane and children Mrs. Raymond Trueblood and chil dren visited their sister, Mrs. Louis Lane, ; on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. - C. Pv Quincy. Mm. Daisy Perry and Mrs. W. W. Lewis attended the Missionary . Zone meet ing in Elizabeth Cityi i ; . Tfan Trueblood and Emmett Stal lings motored to Norfolk, Va., on Friday afternoon.- ;w .- i: Mrs. C. F. Garrett and Mrs. Geo.' Bright ylsited Mrs. Daisy Perry on Friday afternoon. - Miss Al Whitehead is spending a few- days in Edenton with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Trueblood, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Mollie True blood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Trueblood, of Bethel, visited their sister, Mrs. Gar land Lane, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs., Emmett. Stallings c HERTFORD, N. C. CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE Friday, May 13 IT'S UUGUCIG TIKE Q ?rp UARTOON Saturday, May 14 Show Opens at PAINTED STALLION No. 7 Monday, May 16 NEWS Tuesday, May 17 " r " ' ' , Wednesday, l ij 13 Thu-T" v-::a . in- V' and P. L. Giwn were c.. : guers of :r. and IJrs. El E'...:.;, in CI'7. un i'-y. J. C. ..-n V..-J in,XUa:.'.at"Ci. Saturday mornLa:. ' , " ' John Asbell and 'sons ; were " in Hertford Saturday evening. Mrs, Irma D'Oxsay .haa' returned from a few days' stay in Elizabeth ' City.. ' r .Mr. and Mrs C. P.' Quincy and -family, visited friends in Hertford on Sunday afternoon. " ' i , - " v Mr.-and Mrs. Arthur ' White, of Hertford, visited their' parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. White, Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jackson, of Edenton, were guests of Miss Lena Symons on Sunday afternoon. " .Mti i er.guests Monday.night her mother, Mrs. S. M, - " woooiey, ana ner sisters, Mrs. vi i Doughty, Mr., and Mrs, Irvin Leary, and her brother, Seaton Woodley, all Of Norfolk, Va. ... . . 7 1 N, .. .i.ML- Miss Anna" Penelope Tucker wa honoree at a delightful" dance given ' at the. Community Ifbouse in Hert- ford on Tuesday night by Mr. and' Mrs. Beverly Tucker and Mr. and - Mrs. G. R. Tucker. ' .- The guesta included, in addition to the guest of honor, Misses - Mary ., Thad Chappell, v Julia Broughton, C -EUie Hale White, Mary Morris; Lila . . Budd ' Stephens, ' Alice Roberson, Blanche; Moore Berry, Marie Ander '' son, Florence Darden, Ruth Winslow, -: ' Ruth Hollowell, Marguerite Ward,,. Nita Newbold, Ruth Nachman, ' Vhv:, . ginia White, Mary . .Wood Koonct v . Katherine Jessup, and Zach White," ' David Broughton, ' Charles Harrell, Charles Clark, Watt Winslow, Charles Murray, Ray Jordan, Frank Brown, , Chappell, Jarvis .Ward, Hollowelj A. Cnx Nirnn. Plark 53nVi RmM ; vjp; reads, McMnllan White, Durward Reed, Charles White, Zach Harris Bill Cox and. Harrell Johnson. IH VASHIHGTOHI - ACT 1 0 r f i t k d. up r MICKEY MOUSE nn y; COMEDY ACTV - V-1 - v ACT :( f

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