THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD. N. C, FRIDAY, JUKE Z4, 13 mixe PLACE i BY- UNITED. STATES ENAJOR, Editor's Note With the ad journiwent df Congress, Senator .Reynolds will discontinue his weekly column until the next session is convened in January. The Senator has asked that we give to readers his sincere appre ciation for the interest shown in his efforts to keep 'them informed with regard to Congressional developments. 3 As the third session of the Seventy fifth Congress comes to a close in an eventful election year, it is already evident that the Seventy-sixth Con gress convening next January will be of vital importance to the country. In some respects, it may even sur pass from the standpoint of legisla tive policies, the sessions of the last two years, There are many reasons for such a viewpoint. Farm legislation enacted this year will have undergone the test of actual application, and it will be apparent whether it will answer the needs of the farmer or require revis ion. The country will know more about the wage and hour bill being pushed through the Congress as this column is written. Reorganization of Federal agencies will, no doubt, again be to the forefront. The so called "nuisance taxes," including the Federal gasoline taxvand other excise levies on automobiles and automotive parts and accessories, will expire in 1989 and consideration must be given to reenactment or allowing them to expire. In fact, all indications point to wholesale revision of the tax structure and there is some hope for the elim ination of duplicate taxes now im posed by the Federal government and by the states. In addition, it now seems likely that full consideration will be, given to the financial prob lems confronting the railroads. To these and other questions of im portance at home, must be added the all-important matter of Foreign : policies. Events in Eua-ope will un- doubtedly reach the point during the next few weeks where we may expect new difficulties or an easing of the war tension. Neutrality and embargo programs may have to be revised in a new effort to keep the United States from becoming a party to for eign entanglements. Equally as important is the general decline abroad of treaty and agree ment values. "Unofficial wars," such as are now being waged, hold all the horror of declared war and can only be halted by tfce weight of world opinion. Last but not least, is the item of emergency expenditures. Unless there is some, upturn in general business conditions and employment, the next Congress will be faced with impor tant decisions as to what extent the Federal government shall provide re lief and "pump-priming" funds. It is already apparent that new and in creased revenue will be required if more billions are appropriated in the years immediately ahead. As a result of the development mentioned, members of , Congress, both Senators and x Representatives will undoubtedly- keep their ears to the ground during the months ahead and make every effort possible to ob tain the viewpoints of the men and -women on the streets and along the ;v rural highways to the end that their views may be weighed when legisla : tive policies and programs are formu lated. . "- ! -,f' ' v.'.'-"""'' - -.. "i . Villi iiiii.inniniT mi t-T Miss BurnetW Winslow spent the Mr. and Mrs."Hugh White and iaby, Dorcas, of Winston-Salem; -Mr, and Mrsv Calude : Walker and baby, Jim mle, of Burlington; and Miss Lizzie Lee Homer, of Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Winslow, of WhaleyviUe, Ve., visited Mr. Wins low's father, Jesse T. Winslow, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Winslow, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. Winslow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Winslow, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Winslow had as guests on Sunday Mrs. Winslow's sister, Mrs. Henry Lane, and Mr. Lane, of the Beech Spring commun ity. Mr. and Mrs. Pate, of Goldsboro, spent the week-end in the community with friends and held a special ser vice at Up River Friends Church on Sunday evening. , John R. Jolliff, of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Jolliff. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cullipher, of Colerain, ' were week-end guests of Mrs Cullipher's parents, Mr. and Mrs'. S. N. Riddick. J. Calvin Winslow is quite sick at his home here. FILM FORECAST AT STATE THEATRE III I Ui HERTFORD, N. C. CHAPANOKE NEWS 7 Si ijtp-- week-end ,in Hertford ss tne guest a oi. MiBfi uzzie uee pmer. : is9,f 'gfeirie'aftd Miss Johnnie gfWK J W;atteding summei ; iV .CiSv T.C, Greenville,' '0 ijjrith'.; their re & &pectiva; partnt8l&&nd Mrs. John Tv Liana-ana Mrs. rerov winsiow. ;;S,iWillrd Baker, of": Norfolk, Va., - i BDeni me weeK-ena wtui nu Barents. , r - Mr. and Mrs. Charlte Baker, v : ,j ;i Mrs; Cecit Forbes and two children, , - of Norfolltr) Vai, ;were recent visitors St - ox a aunt Mrs, Charlie;' Baker., r Ij. v Mr. and' Mrs. Hugh ,White nd and Mrs. Claude Walker and son. V. Jimmie, of Burlington, left Monday xor .raeir;.. respective . nomes.. alter HM- Spending- the; past two weeks with 7 i their mother, Mrs. Mary Jane White. i;fi:WBB Hazel White spent Wednesday lly night of last 'week with Miss Elsie pany with friends from Belvidere and - JWilmihgtoT Del. spent Thursday at Ocean View, Vav , V r. Mr. ' and Mrs. Dewitt Wwslow-had Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy and daughter, Janet, visited Mr. Quincy's mother in Norfolk, Va., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stallings were in Elizabeth City Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Asbell and family and Mrs. George Hall and son were in Hertford on Saturday evening. ' Little Roy Stanley Pierce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce, has re turned to his home from General Hos pital, Nbrfolk, Va., where he was a patient Miss Janet Quincy returned home Sunday from Nbrfolk, Va., where she spent a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. John Asbell and children visited Mr. and Mrs. George Asbell, in Edenton, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Everett and sister, Miss Edith, Mrs. R. M. Wil liams and son, Robert, of Driver, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Asbell had as their dinner gueets on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Asbell and daugh ter, of Edenton; Mrs. Seaton Wood ley and daughter, Wilchester, Mrs. Cecil Doughty and daughter, Mary, Miss Lennie Rae Peterson, Donald Hardy Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leary, all of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. P. L. Griffin, Mrs. Emmett -Stallings and Mrs. John Asbell were in Elizabeth City Friday afternoon. Little Miss Sidney Peterson has returned to her home in Norfolk, Va., after visiting her little cousin, Sylvia Asbell, for the past month. Walton Whitehead and Miss Louise Woodard, of Washington, N. C, dined with Mrs. Bertha Whitehead on Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Jackson has returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Leggett, in Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leggett, of Plymouth,' and Mrs. C. L. Jackson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Claude Perry, in Elizabeth City, on Sunday. Miss Mattie Meade Alexander, of Nixonton, is spending the week with Susie Mae Wilson. Miss Louise Wilson and Miss Dona White, of Winfall, spent Monday af ternoon in Elizabeth. City. Mrs. George Alexander and chil dren, of Nixonton, spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. J. V, Wilson. Mrs. Z. W. Evans, of Chowan County, was the guest of Mrs. J. C. Wilson on Sunday afternoon. Mies Susie Mae Wilson has return ed home after a week's visit with Mattie Meade Alexander, at Nixon ton. ' Mrs. J. C. Wilson visited Mrs. Lillie Wilson, at Weeksville on Mon day. Mrs. Wilson is very ill. Monday and Tuesday Jane With ers in "Rascals." There's no telling where Jane Withers will pop up next. America's effervescent Number One mischief maker will land in Hertford Monday with a gypsy caravan and pitch camp at The State Theatre in an appropriately named 20th Century Fox production, "Rascals." This dimpled imp has been a jock ey in a recent picture, .anjorphan in another but not until "Rascals" halt she pulled all .of her juvenile jack rabbits out of the hat at once. Tzigane Fun Aided by Borrah Minevitch and his refugees from a musical madhouse, the harmonica gang, Jane cavorts through the picture with the skill of a seasoned trouper and leaves her movie fans hysterical with mirth while Robert Wilcox and Rochelle Hudson untangle the skeins of a love that is hampered by a jealous tzigane and a title-seeking mother. Rochelle, fleeing marriage to a titled fortune hunter, stumbles into the camp where Wilcox, a college youth, is seeing the world from the romantic atmosphere of Romany songs and dances. Happy Ending (Bang!) Matchmaker Jane goes to work in this situation and any one with so much as a nodding acquaintance with her technique can judge the result. A riotous climax is the rascal band barging into a society wedding to break up the ceremony ... so that everything can end happily, if not hysterically. Robert Ellis and Helen Logan wrote the original screen play. H. Bruce Humberstone directed with John Stone associate producer. Thursday Only "Beloved Brat"- 4?,'-' CUMBERLAND ,?Mrs. Mollie Maxper and Miss Frankie Marberi of Winfall, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry. : - ' ' ; Miss Louise Morgan spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Tadlock. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hurdle, Howard Jhd t Billy j-Hurdle, - visited Mr. and Irs. Jeftjpe TJuxdte,; near 'Belvidere, Sunday afternoon. Miss Beulah Roach, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week tyitjh, her parents, J Mr, and Mrsj; Roach:' i ' P ' Mrs. Effie' Miller, has returned home, after spending last week with relatives in - Norfolk, Va. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Barber and children,, and Johnny ; i Simpson, - of Winfall, and Mr.J.'and Mrs. George Roach spent . Sunday with Mr.- and Mrs. C. L. Godwin. Sf-vc: : Mr. and Mrs. IrviiTTrueblood, from near Burgess, visited Mr. and Mrs. J E. Perry Sunday afternoon.. - Mrs. George Roach ' and Mrs. Eva Stallings spent last Thursday with Mrs. C. L. Godwin. ' :v,':w-v.;' ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace - Morgan spent Sunday with Mrs.. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Tadlock. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Morgan and children visited Mrs. C M. Umphlett, Bringing back to the screen, in a triumphant new career, that clever ( and popular ex-star, Dolores Costello, a delightful Warner Bros, drama called Beioved tsrat" is scneouuea as the coming feature attraction at the State Theatre next Thursday. Miss Costello is not the star of the picture. That's Bonita Granville, the brilliant 14-year-old who stands alone in herxportrayal 0f brattish and pes tiferous youngsters. Dolores plays the part of her teacher, the principal ! of a school conducted on the strictest j of lines. And it is Dolores who re forms the mean, selfish little creature and changes her into a perfect young lady. "Beloved Brat" proves a splendid vehicle for the start of Miss Costello's comeback climb toward stardom. She is at the same studio (Warner-First National) where she won all her lau rels six or seven years ago before her marriage to John Barrymore, and 1s again under a long-term contract. "Beloved Brat" has in its cast an other one-time star who is essaying the long uphill climb toward the place she used to occupy Natalie Moor head, the original platinum blonde of the films. and daughter, Annie Ruth, from hear Edenton; Mrs. W. E. Curtis and Mrs. Billie Curtis, of Bethel. Mrs. B. M. Jones and son, Edward, from near Edenton, spent the week end with her father and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaves. Mrs. W. W. Hanbury and daugh ter, Betty Lee, of Nbrfolk, Va., re cently visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Proctor. Miss Catherine Perry, of Washing ton, D. C, was the guest of Mrs. R. A. Perry on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Virginia Umphlett motored to Elizabeth City Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eaves and two children, Alma Lee and Howard, Miss Adelaide Eaves and Mrs. B. M. Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chappell, in Edenton, Sunday even ing. Billie Whedbee Sunday evening. Mrs. Whedbee is on the sick list at this time. Mrs. Carlton Cannon, of Hertford, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harrell, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodman, of New Hope, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Garland Stanton. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaves on Father's Day were: Mrs. B. M. Jones and son,' Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eaves and two children, Alma Lee and Howard. Those visiting Mrs. Mary J. Wood Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sutton and son, Sidney Tucker, from near Elizabeth City; Mrs. Lucius Blanchard, of Hertford; Mw. ATMf " Farmer and Raymond Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Farmer and daughter, of Norfolk, Va., were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stallings day guests of Mr. Farmer's mother, and son, William, called to see Mrs. Mrs. Mamie Farmer. Special rz June ENJOY HOUSE PARTY A number of the young people en joyed a house party last week-end at the Harris Cottage at Nags Head. Those enjoying the ocean breezes were: Misses Jean White, Bernke White, Grade Knowles, Ruth Elliott, Ona Mary. Stephens, Ruth Nachman, Dorcas Knowles, Clara Meade Smith, of Edenton, Ruth Davidson, of Fay etteville, Margaret Gallaway, of Hamlet, Njancy Cadell, of Elon, Mari lynne Johns, of Chicago, 111., and Henry Stokes, Claude Brinn, Herman Ward, Jesse Lee Harris, William White, Nathan Beverly Tucker, Al Ward, Guy Newby, and Billy Johns, of Chicago, 111. The chaperones were Misses Elizabeth Knowles and Ruth Davenport. CIRCLE MEETS The Delia Shamburger Circle of the Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. George Barbee on Monday evening" with Mrs. Barbee and Mrs. Lindsey Winslow as hostesses. Mrs. Winslow had a very interesting pro gram. Eleven members were present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Julian White, with Mrs. White and Miss Mildred Reed as hostesses. PENDER ROAD NEWS Those visiting Mrs. C. M. Umph lett Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Morgan and two children, Pres ton and Self, from near Winfall; Mrs. Carl Godwin, Mrs. Dennis God win, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Umphlett and two children, of Winfall. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hobbs and little daughter, Alice Brinn, Miss Helen Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Perry, all from near Elizabeth City, spent last Sunday with Mrs, R. A. Perry. Mrs. S. I. Cullipher and grandson, Frank Dillard, have returned from an extended visit with Mrs. Culli pher's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs,, Fred Bailey, of Cowpene, South Carolina. Those who called at the home of Mrs. R. A. Perry on Sunday after noon were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stall ings and their little son, William; Mrs. Luna Bateman, Mrs. Sidney Sutton and her son, Sidney Tucker, from near Elizabeth City; Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Perry and children, Reuben, Margie and Jackrel, of. Edenton; Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Perry 100 HATS Ladies' and Children's ASSORTED COLORS Some Whites Included For Quick Gose-out 50c Leghorns - Panamas Linens and Pedalines HATS VALUES AT $1.98 - $2.75 $1.72) ALL $1.00 HATS Sale Price 7c TJuirSa Jake White Hertford, N. C. Second Floor of Simon's if .A'bilJ m . . YT1 . Tl KMpfiiecmcuange nS" febFMQDAOE 33Hff? I I oombiaM an Omm brtarw fcr S2S3jfa2P"' JJ I HUH SPEED, LOW COST, sTSS t I SOUS RESULTS! JTl I ' ALL "SPEED-HEAT" COOK- II I iNQWrrs la avarr itiML MCMdteM or prll Bach with hctto tpmu, ineiuara -mil -wow . Hwt rally . vTHERMZER COOKER Cfok awaol maal me, po tateaa,antabte. daaaart all at om ttaM.Hr ha tbaa t aanta. MEW "EVEN-HEAT" OVEN la awry modal, ragwdlaaa of prlaal IMt baMs worrit. Amaiinlr aartaln raanf u mrj ' MydraaHa Ova Boat Coatrol SaaokaUaaBraUaf. Warming Drawar "Tlno-Slgaol" "Cook-Maatcr" Aatomatlo Con trol Non-TIM Slldioc tbalvca ' SMf-Typa Oran Door Cook lM Top Lamp Condiment Set SlWar Contact Swltabaa Armorad Wiring l-Fiee Por oalate Cabinet t-PUa Stalo- RaaUdsfTop. time in add tee this newest cook ing tetuadoo-the Erjgidaite Electric Range) Itghret you mrj worthwhile adrange...tacrJficet nonel Givei yon high speed, low cost, tore results-combined u neret before! See it and remember You get ererf in gle feature, every one of its advan tages in any model Frigidaire Electric , Range you may select. Why be lads-Mwirhless?toMl938nagevaI- i Us and Save witn Wgidiire! Z SILEtIT METER MISER Saves jMcnrc on Current... FooJ... Ice... Upteepl or you may not save at all! SHINT METER-MISER UaM M little CaWawt-SavM BP HiWsww epawrMwg cmiI QUICKUBI TRAYS l.aifian roii is fnrfr-"r a, Tray ton frt Was or to oca '', as dinner guests on Friday evening1 "e" Pender Road Sundsy afternoon. " . , . Phone p?) 57 iJXo Electric Wiring See the 1938 Frigidaire with New Silent Meter-Miser -first! See for yourself how it saves you money all 4 ways and proves it . . . before your eyes, before you buy! Why take chances on a refrigerator that may waste through "hidden extrava gance' all that it may save in one, two, or three other ways. Play safe! See Frigidaire with the New Silent Meter-Miser prove its ability to save in every way! See too, nbw "Double Easy" QuickubeTrays! newly Styled 9-Way Adjustable In terior! nbw Moisture-Seal Hydrators! . . . and dozens more exclusive advantages! Come in ... and we think you'll agree: Frigidaire is "tops" for refrigerator value! Hertford N.C. Plumbing and Heating

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