THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1938 PAGE THREE r HERTFORD, N. C. Monday onlyTon and Me." Sylvia ; Sidney - aftd Clettrge Raft, who thrilled movie-goers when they appeared together last in "Pick Up," return - as co-stars of Paramount's "You and Me." The fact that parole laws of many states forbid marriages for paroled persons motivates the new Sylvia Sidney and George Raft picture "You and Me," which opens Monday at the State Theatre. The two stars, last seen together in "Pick Up", play the roles of young ex-convicts, working for a philan thropic department store owner whose hobby is to .give men and women a chance to go straight. Raft, who has served his parole, marries Miss Sid ney after making a complete confes sion to her about his shady past. Miss Sidney, still on parole, conceals her past from him because she knows that by probation regulations, she may not marry. And also, she is aware of the fact that Raft is desperately trying to steer clear of anything that will remind him of his gangster days. When Raft learns of her past he becomes embittered, gives up his struggle to go straight, returns to the "mob," and is saved from another criminal career only by the daring ac tion of Miss Sidney, who risks anoth er stretch in the "Big House" to save him. Two favorites of earlier film days, Jack Mulhall and Julia Faye, are cast in small supporting roles in the new picture, which also includes in its cast Warren Hymer, Roscoe Karns, Harry Carey and George E. Stone. Fritz Lang, who directed Miss Sidney in "Fury," directed and produced the new picture. Revival Begins At Assembly Church Oara Grace McGovern Of Washington, D. C, Will Preach A series of revival meetings will begin in the Hertford Assembly Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Services will be held each night at 8 o'clock, except on Monday nights. The evangelist will be Clara Grace McGovern, of Washington, D. C, and the public is cordially invited to hear the old time gospel preached in all its power. BURGESS NEWS Miss Ann Tucker has returned to her home in Hertford after spend ing some time with Mrs. N. C. Spivey. Mr. and Mrs. H. R Winslow spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Basnight. Mr. and Mrs. S. P Matthews visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Long, near BetheL Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Basnight and Mrs. N. C. Spivey spent Friday in Hertford with Mrs. J. G. Roberson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Godwin were guests of Mr. end Mrs. Tommie Matthews, on Sunday. Mf.and Mrs. J. ;G. Roberson, of " Hertford, end Mrs. R- L.1 Spivey vis ited Mr. end Mrs. J. B. Basnight on .' Sunday. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY r Mrs.. J.JH, Harrell was honored re cently, on her 77th birthday Jy her ')Mdteifipiilddmdm-i at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Harrell fed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har frell in the morning, end at the noon ' iou enjoyed a fish fry..Jn the afterf. , fcoon ice cream and cake were served, f', Mrs. HarreU received numerous bseful and attractive gifts. I . Those ; present, tor addition to the - 'guest of honor, were Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L. Harrell, .Sr.,, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse :HarreD, ? Mr.1 ahd.: Mrs. Joe Herrell, ; !Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cartwright,-Mr. and ' 'Mrs. Sain Harrell, Mr. and - Mrs, 'Eddie Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. George Eure, Mr. end Mrs. Moody . Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harrell, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Harrell, Mr. and , Mrs. Odell Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Mas on Sawyer, Mr. and 'Mrs. . William Whedbee, Mr. end Mrs. Shelton Har rell, Mrand Mrs. Fenton HarrelL ilJrs. Rufus Harrell, ' Mrs. Lela Mae ' 'Winslow, Misses Eunice, Maxine, Jane, Carolyn ' Dean, Novella . and (Ann Il-rrell, , Marjorie, and Jean i Whedbee, Eleanor Eure," Maude " and Lucille Cartwright, Bar Friday; v,only f "Men , ; Are, Such Foote'T a :qp- i"1 When Priscilla Lane and Wayne Morris were cast in their latest War ner Bros, picture, "Men Are Such Fools," which opens next Friday at the State Theatre, they began to wonder whether the studio officials were putting them through an inten sive course of matrimonial prepara tion or even subtly attempting to dis courage them from matrimony by showing them the pitfalls in the paths of newly married couples.' When Priscilla was placed under contract by Warners some months ago and featured in "Varsity Show," she and Wayne met and were more than ordinarily attracted to each other. The next they know the studio had cast them as the ingenue leads in "Love, Honor and Behave," a story in which young love travels a rocky road. During the couny of the pro duction the two experienced, for cine matic purposes only, the period of re adjustment that every young married couple must go through. Nothing daunted by their screen quarrels-the two announced their en gagement when the picture was fin ished. Whereupon the studio retaliated by putting them together in "Men Are Such Fools," which deals primarily With the theme of whether careers should be allowed to influence matri mony. But it's all OK with Priscilla. "I don't mind as long as they don't make us act in a picture where we divorce each other," she said. "That would be going a little too far, even though, maybe neither Wayne nor I are the slightest bit supersti tious about such things." . t bara Lee Sawyer, and J. L., james, Vernon, William Rufus, Jack, Win fred, Ronald, Alvin and Leonard Har rell, William Henry Cartwright, Cur tie Eure and Thomas Martin Sawyer. viBiwra ircucui, were air. ami ours. opuiuicr, ui ruiuiiuuuui, v., viiitun wiuiams, or iNonoiK, va., limner WheHhoo Five grandchildren and two great grandchildren were absent. Miss Edith Everett Beauty Queen (Continued From Page One) George Durant, pioneer settler in the Albemarle and the outstanding man of his time in the colony, the famous deed, the oldest on record in North Carolina, for the lands in Durante Neck, in 1661; and will also show the unique ceremony of the Indian be stowing upon John Durant, the son of George Durant, the honorary title of "King of the Yeopims." In addition to the historical tableux, the float of Perquimans will contain five of the countr's prettiest young ladies, a queen and four maids of honor, fitting representatives of Per quimans, called by the .Indians long ago "Land of Beautiful Women." C. W. Reed, direct descendant of George Durant, and one of the coun ty's prominent citizens, whose ances tors have lived in the county through out nine generations since George Durant bought his homestead from the Indians, will take the part of George Durant. 'Shelton M, Long, of the Bethel community, will represent the Indian Chief, Kilcocanen. .William E. White, Jr:, will take the part of John Durant. Other Indian characters will be portrayed by Jesse Parker Perry and John Pierce, Jr. Misav lizzie Lee' Hoffler ;' hae -been chosen' Queen of the Float, end. her maida ere Misses Marie Anderson, Eleanor Hunter, Margaret Brough ton and Mary Thad Chappell. i;, ' "Petite ABnette"Camron'end- 'Reggie Tucker were, selected, as pages from a group of smalj Jboys and girls who appeared on the stage of the State Theatre Friday night Ex-Senator Charles Whedbee, of Hertford," another 1 descendant of REVIVAL AT OAK GROVE Revival services started ' at Oak Grove Church, inear Chapanoke, on Monday night, end : are continuing through the week.' The public is in vited to attend. ) :v WORK INSURANCE . About $40,000,000 was paid out, to insured workers Jan? twenty-five states, according to r the I Social Security Board, which estimates that 2,500,000 workers have dratfn about $180,000,- 000 of unemnlovment benefits in the first sixmonths of 'this yeafc , . . ' - I l Vcj2;.vW;4.3f,iWiurf George Durant whose family Has been outstanding in the county through 275 years, has in his possession fam ily records to show that his line of descent came through John Harvey, and can prove his descent from an "Indian Chief." thoueh there is no Indian blood in his family, the title having been bestowed by the Indians in the Seventeenth Century through their great love for George Durant, whose purchase of land from Kilco canen is the oldest record of a pur chase of land from an Indian by a white man in America. "Old Testament" Missionary Topic The Mary Towe Circle of the Wom an's Missionary Society met at the home of Misses Hilda and Grace Knowles on Monday night. Miss Hilda Knowles had charge of the program, tne topic Deing ine via Testament." She read a very inter- aafin iallna rn "TTnur tha Olrl o --- TWnmmir f!m Tntn Re nir." "Di- visions of the Old Testament" was given by Mies Bernice White. Miss Ruth Davenport gave an interesting article on "Other Interesting Factors of the Old Testament." The whole society played Bible Lotto which which was enjoyed by everyone. The president, Miss Mary Towe, had charge of a short business pro gram, after which the hostesses serv ed delicious refreshments to the fol lowing: Misses Joyce Stokes, Sarah Brinn, Helene Nixon, Mary Towe, uorcas snowies, rsernice wnue, Ann and wile, A. rJ. S. jessup, Dearing Bullock, Jeanette Feilds, Ruth Dav-1 date of January 25th, 1938, and re enport, Elizabeth Knowles, Carolyn corded in Mortgage Deed Book 21, Riddick, and Mesdames Edgar Feilds and Morgan Walker. Classified and Legals NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of the authodity contain ed in that certain Deed of Trust exe cuted on the 6th dav of January. 1936, by Jack Sawyer and his wife, I public outcry the following described Amelia Sawyer, to J. E. Weeks, True-1 property conveyed to me in said deed tee, and recorded in the office of the of trust, for the purpose of satisfying Register of Deeds of Perquimans f the terms and stipulations thereof County, North Carolina, in M. D. and the instruments thereby secured, book 19, page 246, default having, viz: been made in the conditions of said! That certain farm located on the Deed of Trust, and at the request of Swamp Road about six miles from the holder of the notes, the under-' Hertford, adjoining the Knowles and signed Trustee will, on the 19th day, Perry land, and running S. 52 deg. of September, 1938, at 11 o'clock E. 14.53 chs., thence N. 47 deg. E. A. M., at the court house door in '6.70 chs., thence E. 55 chs., thence Perquimans County, offer for sale to;N. 60 deg. E. 4.82 chs., thence N. 14 the hiirhest bidder for cash at Public , ., ,l. fn- j;i i Auction, the following described m-oo-1 erty: i Lying on the East side of Frog Hall road commencing at a cedar run oawyer. 1 - !,... q ah Hptr W Mr. and Mrsjpost on said road, thence running an,,6; 4" a;, - v..t..j U5C u ditch. Thence along said ditch a straight course to what was formerly William S. Blanchard's line in the center of the swamp. Thence along said Blanchard's line in the center of the swamp to George Jennings' line. Thence up a branch along said Jen nings' line to said Frog Hall road. Thence along said road to the first station containing 40 acres more or less and known as a part of the Stephen Skinner tract of land. For further description see Book 2, page 419, Register of Deeds Office, Per quimans County, N. U. Also see Deed of Mrs. Josephine E. Norman to J. C. Blanchard Book 20, Page 337 and Deed of Charles E. Johnson, Commissioner, to J. C. Blanchard Book 22, Page 300, Register of Deeds Office, Perquimans County, North Carolina. The above property is being sold subject to all taxes. Dated and posted this 19th day of August, 1938. J. E. WEEKS, Trustee. Aug.l9,26,Sept.2,9 NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in that certain deed of trust exe cuted on the 1st day o February, 1926, by the late Matthew Towe and wife, Tedie Towe, to H. R. Winslow, Trustee, and recorded in the Registry of Perquimans County, N. C, in M. D. Book 14, at page 391, default hav ing been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, and at "the request of the holders of the note, the under signed trustee 'will on Saturday, Sept. 17th, 1938, at 12 o'clock . M. t the HUriE'STIIES EM1YWIIERE . ...... - - courthouse door of Perquimans Coun ty, N. C, offer for sale at public auc tion, for cash to the highest bidder the following described real estate: That certain tract of land in Park ville Township, Perquimans County, N. C, containing 30 acres more or 'less, bounded on the north and east by the heirs of the late George Jen nings and Sutton's Creek, on the South by the heirs of the late J. H. Towe and on the west by W. T. Miller, being the Home Place of the late Matthew Towe. This 17th day of August, 1938. H. R. WINSLOW, Trustee. Aug.l9,26,Sept.2,9. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. B. Sharp, deceas- '. munn. whui, Carolina, th.s is to notify all persons i j i a r r -i i xt . i- having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 30th day of July, 1939, or ... .; . lJj , 1 """ "c jwreu " i tneir recovery, All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 30th day of July, 1938. LAtRA L. SHARP, Executrix of W. B. Sharp. Aug.l9,26,Sept.2,9, 16,23 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE j REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power t of sale contained in that certain deed j of trust executed and delivered to the I undersigned trustee, by T. L. Jessup' page 37, office Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, for certain pur poses therein expressed, and default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust and instruments secured thereby, the undersigned trus tee will on Monday, the 19th day of September, 1938, at 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon, at the courthouse door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale at deg. E. 5.34 chs., thence N. 75 deg. E. 3.16 chs., thence N. 18 deg. E. 12.25 1 v. 5 chs., thence w. Zt deg. 48 ens., io the David White Road, thence along I said road N. 63 deg. W. 11 chs., 40 chs., thence . o pc jptr vjj 5 chs., thence S. 15 deg. , -iit 13.20 chs., thence S. 38 deg. W. 19.73 chs., to the beginning containing I 130 acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to Anne E. S. Jessup by deed from the Virginia Car. Joint Stock Land Bank in De cember, 1936. A deposit of five percent will be re quired of the successful bidder imme diately after sale. Dated and posted this 17th day of August, 1938. H. CLAY STOKES, Trustee. By C. R. HOLMES, Att'y. Aug.l9,26,Sept.2,9 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of C. F. Sumner, Sr., deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 13th day of July, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 13 day of July, 1938. MARY E. SUMNER, Administratrix of C. F. Sumner, Sr. Julyl5,22,29,Aug.5,12,19 NOTICE OF SALE Oh LAND Whereas, on the 20th day of Aug ust, 1934, Lessie Grant Knowles and her husband, R. L. Knowles, executed and delivered unto W. O. McGibony, Trustee for Land Bank, Commission er, a certain deed of trust which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, North Carolina, , in . Book F. L. B. 1, at Page 178; and Whereas, default has been made in II ' ! Ill HI I 1 You, too, will agree that you never got so much having satisfaction at ao little coat! Try Probak Jr. Blades and you'll never again gamble on un known blades. Get e package of these world famous bUdet today 4 for only 10. ' i.-U WMi .. the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein contained: Now, therefore, under and by vir tue of the authority conferred by the said deed of trust the undersigned Trustee will on the 29th day of Aug ust, 1938, at the court house door of Perquimans County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All that certain tract of land con taining Four Hundred Forty-Seven and 9-10 (447.9) acres, known as the Madre land in Bethel and Hertford Townships, of Perquimans County, located on (N. C.) U. S. Highway No. 17, between Hertford, N. C, and Edenton, N, C, about five miles in a southwesterly direction from Hert ford, N. C, on the waters of Brinkley Mill Pond and Hog Pen Branch, TAVLOtl EDENTON, N. C. Today (Thursday) and Friday, August 18-19 Dorothy Lamour, Ray Milland, Bob Burns and Martha Raye in "TROPIC HOLIDAY" NEWS Saturday, August 20 GENE AUTRY in "MAN FROM MUSIC MOUNTAIN With Smiley (Frog) Burnette LAST CHAPTER "LONE RANGER" FIRST CHAPTER "FIGHTING DEVILDOGS" POPEYE CARTOON Monday, August 22 Wallace Beery, Maureen O'Sullavan in "PORT OF SEVEN SEAS" NEWS Tuesday, August 23 George Brent and Humphrey Bogart in "RACKET BUSTERS" ACT Wednesday, August 24 THE JUNGLE PICTURE WITH 1,000 THRILLS "B0OLO0" Featuring Colin Tapley and Jayne Regan CARTOON COMEDY Thursday, August 25 BRIDGE CELEBRATIOX Randolph Scott, Joan Bennett and Mae Robeson in "THE TEXANS" fl - Mfattit U GRAY 'S your hair gray? It Claire! lifts the gloom of gray that' darkens your face and makes you look years older. Whether you'd like to regain your own color or complete! change the color of your hair, Clairol will do it quickly and so subtly that your closest friend won't detect the change. Clairol does what nothing els can I In one simple treatment Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTS. Ask your beautician. Or writ to u for FREE Clairol bookUl, FREE advfet en lh car of hair, and FREE bovry anallit. Wrift NOW en coupon below. . JOAN CLAIR Clairol, Inc., 132 Wort 46 Strut, Mmm tond FREE Clairol iooklol, Nom t- AddrM. . City. ........ . u. , My Boavtklan's Nam fs. bounded on the North by the lands of A. J. Proctor and E. C. White; on tie East by the lands of the Miles Holtey Estate, and J. J. Fleetwood, on the South by J. J. Fleetwood and on Hmt West by the lands of Wm. Madre and C. V. Cox. The property Is mam fully described by metes and bomdb in the deed of trust above mentioned to which reference is made. This property is being sola subject to an outstanding deed of trust ea cuted by Lessie Grant Knowles and husband, R. L. Knowles, to The Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia, recorded in Book F. L. B. 1, Page 177, in tb office of the Register of Deeds off Perquimans County, North Carolina- This property is being sold subject to the 1936, 1937 and 1938 taxes. This the 27th day of July, 1938. W. 0. McGIBONY, Trustee. L. S. Blades, Jr., Agent and Attorney for Trustee. July29,Aug.5,12y THEATRE COOL AND COMFORTABLE ACT n If NOVELTY if going gray? Erase that ihadowl Now York. N. Y. Advlco and Analysis. MH3 , i.. .. . . .Slat.......'..