Oscfrisbt IMS by tmw'i, XM. Chapter One MADAME LE DAUPHINE (Marie Antoinette ran to the wln- and banged It closed. She ipped her bands to her ears shut out the hateful sound of lie bells which joyously celebrated tie second anniversary of her mar riage to Louis August, Dauphin of trance. Tears 01 cnagrin ana rage wprang to her eyes. "You're crying, 'Toinette!" pro tested the Frincesse de lAmbeiie, her only friend and companion, The Dauphine dabbed her eyes furiously. "It's it's Just temper a'm so bored I could scream. Coop- led up here day after day going to prayers reading dull books ;dressing for people who daren't come because they're afraid of Du Barry " Her tears fell afresh. The whole world feared Du Barry and there for neglected her. If only her hus Iband had the courage to plead her cause with the King. At the thought 01 tne vaupnin, mane Antoinette lapsed Into grim silence. He did more than neglect her. From their very bridal night, he had brutally informed her that fie didn't love her, didn't want to marry her and meant to keep her his wife in namte only. For two years she had kept this secret, bearing the heart ache and humiliation of her posi tion witn a gravity tnat reduced her from a gay, vivacious girl to the sad and forlorn Dauphine of France. There was no one in the whole court who would dare Du Barry's displeasure by befriending her. As the King's favorite, Du Barry was the power behind the throneV Bhe hated Marie Antoinette with a Irenzy born of the knowledge that jher day would be done when the Dauphine became Queen. For- the present, however, it required no peep plan of action to keep the girl in her place. By reason of her Palace spies, Du Barry knew full Well the situation between Marie Yntolnette and her husband. By Whispered campaign she turned the Dauphine into an object of ridicule because of her childless ness. She made Marie Antoinette the laughing stock of Court and . thus disarmed her as an enemy. i But Du Barry could not laugh away the enmity of the Duke D'Orleans. He was her match. His daring for his own career quailed her own; his popularity with the people of France matched his daring; and his unscrupulous Mass and treachery were greater than either. ft ta for the Duke, he was content to bide his time. His patience was eventually rewarded. Du Barry fur nished Ma. with a . rfect weapon against herself the day she carried her campaign against Marie An toinette into the open by sending her an empty cradle and an in sulting doggerel. He banked on the certainty that no woman would re fuse the opportunity to avenge such humiliation. His was the bril liant idea of playing the one against the other. With this in mind, he made his way to the Dauphine's apartment pn her second anniversary and ar rived at the very moment when ahe was crying her heart out to the sympathetic Princesse. The news of his arrival electrified Marie Antoinette. He was her first visitor in the two years she had been at Court! She dried her eyes hastily and welcomed him with gracious charm. They sat happily together, making polite conversation, the Duke man aging to mention sadly that Madame La Dauphine attended no Court functions. "I don't care a great deal for balls and banquets," she faltered. "My husband has simple tastes and I am content with my books and my music." "And I come blundering into your little oasis!" he exclaimed. "Thn 'east I can do Is to take my self off quickly." "Oh , no!" she cried in dismay. "Please don't go " i The duke eyed her sharply, i "You know perfectly well how things are," she murmured, drop ping her head. "No one comes to see me. No one dares." Her lip trembled. "Why does DU Barry hate me so?" A quick smile lighted his face. The Dauphine herself had brought him to the point of his visit "Be cause," he answered easily, "in mo tion you are grace useir. in re pose, a statue of beauty. You should become alive, little Cousin. How quickly you - ould depose the milliner!" 7 "I am content to Ignore her," she replied. She looked at him with sudden, youthful frankness. "That's not true," she exclaimed. "I'm afraid of her. She has the King." "And you have birth and place," he countered. "You have charm and beauty. Have the courage to rebel decisively, violently, vic toriously " She shook her head. "Du Barry has every advantage. She can make men or degrade them. Who would dare offend her and be my friend?" Her eyes sought his. "Would you?" "Will you permit me to give a ball in honor of the Dauphine of France?" he asked softly. "If her Royal Highness will honor me I venture to predict all Paris will find courage to be there. Paris is In the face of all France! What would her Royal Highness do next? One night, (Marie Antoinette escaped her companions at a notori ous gambling house, and- ran out into the street Her eyes danced with mischief as she espied two men advancing. The one was mid- Oie-ageu, tne other, a dashing gal lant Both were most evidently not Frenchmen. She sped toward- them and seized the arm of the younger man. He stopped short and search ed tne lace 01 tne bewitching, magnificently gowned woman who accosted nun. "Monsieur, she smiled, "are you by any chance a Russian?" "I? A Russian? Unfortunately no, jnauanie. "Oh don't say that," she pleaded. "I need a Russian so badly." - He laughed. "I don't suppose you coma use a native 01 Sweden? She looked dubious. "Perhans. At any rate follow me " she disappeared through a small door. The elderly man clutched the other's arm. "Count Fersen!" he exclaimed. "We must get away irom nere. uo you Know you were speaking to the Dauphine of France?" "Impossible!" cried Fersen. He swung toward the door through iff i t: "For a moment you bad me fooled, Madame." 3 waiting for you!" he cried eagerly. "Conauer Paris and vou con quer Du Barry " But before she accepted his of fer, Marie Antoinette made one last attempt to plead her cause with her husband. She showed him the empty cradle and the verse Du Barry had sent her. The Dau phin all but expired with rage. ".Louts:" sne Degged. "This wo man only dares to Insult me be cause you seem to despise me. Help me. Please! I need you ' His fury ebbed in sudden futility. "It would do no good," he mur mured. "It would only make trouble. I can't do anything. The King is the King." Marie Antoinette felt her tears dry up within her and her heart grow stony. When she spoke again, her voice was cold with deter mination. "I'm sorry you don't see it my way, Louis. I mean to be Dauphine of France. I hoped to be Dauphine with your help. I could have been, if we'd etood together. But I shall be Dauphine shall be the brightest, highest figure in this Court!" From that day, Marie Antoinette, triumphantly beautiful, gorgeously gowned and jewelled, her hand resting lightly on the arm of her constant escort, the Duke D'Or leans, made herself the center of interest and attention at Court Her escapades became the by word of Paris. 'Her reputation spread beyond the borders of France. Du Barry all but died of envy! Madame La Dauphine lost fortunes at the races and at cards. Madame La Dauphine gadded about Paris like a wanton in the com pany of jockeys, gamblers and libertines! Madame La Dauphine was a painted, mincing doll, flaunt ing her frivolity and extravagance which she had gone. "What Is this place?" "A gaming house. If you are wise, Fersen, you will walk on with me." Fersen laughed. "I'm not that wise really after all a reyal command " he laughed again, and with a quick nod, entered the gambling house. Marie Antoinette awaited him. "Come quickly," ahe whispered and led him to a small, brightly lighted room. She examined his face In tently. Their eyes met She drop ped hers, disconcerted by the strange intensity of his gaze. "How perfect," she smiled ner vously. "Who are you?" "I am Count Axel de Fersen of Sweden, Madame. And you?" "Can you speak Russian?" she demanded, ignoring his question. He shook his head. "Well speak Swedish then," ahe said. "They won't know the difference. You must help me. You see, we were playing forfeits and I had the most appalling luck. I lost my allowance my coach and horses and I shall lose my necklace if I can't produce a Russian! And my time is nearly up. So come quickly!" Before he could protest she seized his hand and thrust him into the large, brilliantly lighted gam ing room. "Victory! Victory!" she shouted. "Here's my forfeit! Ivan Ivanovltch. Genuine Russian!" Her companions broke into wild applause. They examined Fersen, some appralslngly, others disparag ingly, all laughing at him openly. His amiability gave way to grad ual resentment The Duke D'Orleans advanced toward him, his Jewelled lorgenette elegantly posed. "I didn't cateh your barbaric name," be commented. "Nor I yours, Sir," Fersen anJ swered coldly. ' "Hear him?" demanded thd other. "I flatter myself that only a stranger would ask my name.', He smiled elyly at the others. "Per mit me sir, to present myself and company. We are the troupe from the Opera Comique his most Christian Majesty's own favorite mummers." He bowed toward the Dauphine. "And she is our bright and glorious star the toast of Paris Mademoiselle Gabrlelle Ducros." , The courtiers crowded closer, de lighted with the joke. Fersen's eyes glittered. "I've heard much of Mademoiselle Du cros," he said evenly. "Paris talks of no one else." Marie Antoinette raised her eye brows. "What do they say?" Fersen moved toward her with familiar insolence. "They say she Is not unkind that a man may, ask her to supper In a place not BELVDEUl? JRQUTE 1 Miss Juanita Lane, of Ryland, was the guest of her aunt, :Mrs.Nurney Chappell, during the" week-end. Mrs. Purvis Chappell visited her mother, Mrs J. A. Rountree, Sunday afternoon. . ' i Mrs. Ida Edwards, of Greenville, is spending some time with Mrs. W. P. Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell were In Norfolk, Va., Thursday. "' Mr and Mrs. Linwood Layton, of Rocky Hock, spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. Layton's parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Curtis Chappell. i Mrs. Anna Lar.e spent Thursday night with her sister, Mrs. W. P. Chappell, Mrs. Nlurney Chappell and Mrs. Mc Coy Phthisic visited Mrs. Herbert Lane, at Ryland, Wednesday. IT-PAYS TO , ADVERTISE. The Duke stepped quickly be tween them. "You presume, Mon sieur," he warned. 'One may speak of supper with a little actress, sir:" Marie Antoinette separated them. 'The joke is sour." she said. "Cousin, will you inform this per son who I am?" She placed her hand lightly on the Duke's arm In the gesture known to all Paris. 'Her Royal Highness, the Dau phine of France," cried the Duke. f ersen eyed ner sternly, rn joke ia sour. Mademoiselle is charm ing ana I nave no doubt talented. I imagine Mademoiselle excels in the role of soubrette. She has the appearance, the manners and the temperament" A shocked gasp greeted his words. The-courtiers slowly reach ed for their swords. "Gentlemen!" cried the Dauphine and signalled them to sheathe- their swords. She turned to Fersen with royal con desension. "My apologies. Mon sieur," she said with dignity. "The Dauphine of France Is unable to accept Count Fersen's kind invita tion to supper tonight but suggests he attend her party at the home of Madame de Lamballe." 'Count Fersen regrets, Madame. but he is expected elsewhere," he replied, and bowing low, he left "ioutea, Madame: snouted one courtier. "I'll fetch him back!" Marie An toinette answered furiously. "Your diamond necklace that you can't " A wager!" she exclaimed and rushed out the door, overtaking Fersen in the lower halt "Walt Monsieur." she cried. "Ii beg of you. I deserve the snub." She eyed him softly. "You knew, me from the beginning, then?" He) noaaea. Ana u i xorgive you iar treating me so disrespectfully, will' you forgive me? And will you come; to supper? rm asking you to come because 1 want you to be my friend." Her womanly suppUance disarm-, ed him; but noise on the stairway, caught his attention. He looked up into the mocking faces of the eour-, tiers observing them. His expres sion hardened. She waited for him to speak, but his ironical smile forced her trump card. "Well if we must part at least let us part friends ." She extended her hand and he bent low. to kiss it He was going, then. But she must win her wager! She drew, him to her with sudden swiftness, and threw her arms about him. She kissed him ardently, then stepped back, confident expectation in her. eyes. Her hopes died In the face of his cold disinterest "For a moment you had me fooled," he said flatly. "The word were the words 01 Madame Lm. Dauphine but the lips were the He put on his hat with a flourish "Many thanks, tittle soubrette -3 and good evening " ejd.w$he?? of the ooor. TTn ItorU Auto Uai rfk mi -ff m a sui( m rnmdmr J fiUM ta v. & a. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON REVERENCE FOR GOD International Sunday School Lesson for October 16, 1938 Golden Text: "Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." Matthew 6:9. Lesson Text: Exodus 20:7, Matthew 5:33-37; 12:33-37 It seems to the writer, as we pro gress further into the present series at lessons, that the selection of the Den commandments for study at this time is most fitting. Anyone who Bns iriven conditions the world over oauch thought realizes that the f oun siation cause ultimately goes back to thp. individuals who make up this world and their apparent need for the practical application of these divinely-. given laws in each heart and life. The First Commandment sets forth the absolute one-ness of God and re quires the worship of Jehovah, the true end only God. The Second Com mandment explains the manner of worship that was acceptable to God and prohibits the worship of any kind f image. The Third Commandment is like the preceeding two in many ways, dwelling upon the sacredness ' the relationship between man and Cod, insisting that man shall hold the VOfne of God in reverence, never us- tag It in vain; that is, for any "idle, fdvoloufl, or insincere purpose." Tost why: do men take the name of ' C&3fa':vaiii? Ask that question of C who are guilty of profanity Cid roll will get many varied ana- jprexa, Some insist that swearing" admission of an inferiority complex because they infer that without the profanity, what they are saying would not be important enough for others to listen to. There are those who believe that an oath adds the necessary support to a false statement They break this Commandment, therefore, when they use God's name to make a He ap pear to be true or when they try to make emphatic a statement of very little importance by attaching God's name to it. This we call perjury, or false swearing. Another way in which we may break this Commandment is by light ly, carelessly and jokingly using the name of God, or his Son, Jesus Christ in dirty stories and jokes. Some men, and, sad to say, women, too, have become so degraded in their sense of humor that they permit themselves to think of sacred things in a ridiculous, frivolous light They don't debase or degrade God by such behaviour, they only rob themselves of that seifce of the finer values of life which expresses itself in a sacred sense of veneration and reverence for God and things holy. Such irrever ence is a sign of moral laxiety, men tal laziness, shallow egotism, vulgar discourtesy and selfish unconcern for the sensibilities and rights of others. The sin of profanity, or vain swear ing is probably only a sin of careless ness with most people, but it is a sin, nevertheless. It is a habit into which many people grow, without thinking much about it until it1 is hard to break. Many young people make or profanity adds the necessary em phasis to their speech, which is an profane exclamations without mean ing to be sacriligious and, when re monstrated with, will usually de clare, "I really didn't mean anything by that." Such an explanation is an admission of carelessness and thoughtlessness that they would do well to correct. Jesus declares that there should be no swearing whatever, that there should be no necessity for it. Not only should men try to avoid the use of the name of God outright in their oaths, they shouldn't swear by any thing because by right everything ia sacred to God. A man's word should be so backed by a recognisedly good character, that the addition of an oath would be superbuouB. Thus all that would be necessary for him to say would be "Yea, yea," or "Nay, nay." ' Jesus teaches, in Matthew 12:83- 37, that the cause of irreverence is inner corruption. In his illustration of the tree and its fruit, he brought out the lesson that the fruit is borne is determined by the nature of the tree. Our words are the "fruits of the lips,' as Isaiah declared in Isaiah 57:10. If a man's life is evil at the center, you can expect nothing else but evil words as the fruit of his lips And vice versa. It is a thought-provoking statement which Jesus utters when he reminds us that we should guard our speech, for in the day of judgment we shall have to give an account for every idle word that we speak. Only when we wholly consecrate ourselves unto Him will we be able to control our speech, for a God-filled life will be a life full of love and reverence for Him, -' pup oil " C (UP TO THE FULL MARK) TT'S Mf&MTY IMPORTANT that you alwayt have enough oil la your engine. If you doat, you're headed for trouble. To save you grief, all of ut Shell dealers listed below make you this proposition: Dtiv into one. of our f tiona. 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