i -4 EEETFOED, N. C. rr:r y, rr grandson, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sun day wili tSx. and Mrs. John Symons. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. Otho Jor dan, at Smithleld, Va. 1 ; Mr, and lira.. Davis Trueblood, of Norfolk,- ,Va.; ' spent Sunday . with their motltcr, m. Mollle TrueWood. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall ' and children spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. John Hall, at WinfaUL ; ' ; Mr. and. Mrs. C. ; F,; Garrett and family," of Elizabeth,. City, were "the Saturday night guests of Mrs. -Daisy - Mr.' and Krs. Herbert James,' Jun ior Lowry, .f .i;:,w.beth,City, and Miss WaverSy D.'Orsay . attended a show in" orfplkj Va., Sunday. . Mrs. .Ray Pierce, ana Miss , Lillian' Bright -are on the sick list. A ' C S, Bell 'was' in, Elizabeth City on business Mtniday mon." .Miss" -Lillian, Bright recently . tamed home after ten days vacat' in Florida.? ', ; . ' Mrs. Claude Fields,.. of ' Hertr. tef Spending a few days with her s- ter, Mrs. Daisy Ferry.. J - I'Ui . W Liwi W.' Mr,-" and . Mrs. - Jotia Asln-'J j j and children visited his father 'in Chowan County Sunday. rMr. Ab JI " con tinues very ill. . , r Mrs. Earl Wider Teas in Elizabeth City- Monday afternoon, , '. S::niLliL3l!tllp ii Stets Poles Things Are Quiet on The Home Front Too; "TV -n'-; - Indifference . Is Out I i -iMf iV-i ' IT,- standing Feature ; ' With little activity on the home: front. Perouimans County. voters are da.t'inr little interest, in" nolitics these days. Indifference is noted a long the political front, reports stat ing that the old-time political lead ers are talking less and doing less in the interest of the candidates than at any time in recent years. While there'll be a general distri bution of the votes among the six candidates for governor, early reports place no one man as definitely hold ing an advantage at the present time. Perquimans County folks are not slow to commit themselves, but they are open to more facts, and the strength the candidates poll in the various precincts depends upon a turn of events from now until the pri mary on May 25th. None of the candidates have ap peared here and none of them have made a strong impression on several persons questioned; that is, men in the street, not politicians. Locally, the political field continues very quiet, but reports indicate there is something brewing. At least one local man is undecided about tossing in his hat for the first time for a seat in the house of representatives. The general concensus of the poli tical whirl at this time, is: "I've never seen politics so quiet this near the primary . . . and especially with so many candidates for governor." Morris Reserves Boxes For Baseball Fans At Exhibition Game Tarboro, N. C. (Special to The .Weekly). J. E. Morris of Hertford, merajer ne State Department of WeighV Measures, staying at t,e,-jj0j(,'rarboro, has reserved two boxes for "it0? anf ftth.e .New York GiantsCleTe and f"' can exhibition basebaJ game here in Tarboro on April 10th. x Mr. Morris said: "SinwXC eJJ nouncement pf the Giants-ClevW exhibition, many, fans in my homey town of Hertford, have asked meto try to 'get them tickets. Aubrey Shackell, formerly ot Hertford, ,and, formerly owner and publisher of The Hertford News, who .is sponsoring the game, has kindly consented to reierye for his old friends in th Perquimans County Capital, two box es of six chairs each. Tickets have beenuisued for these reserved boxes and Mr. Morris Yd"" pass them Ottl anjj?n.4e--bas6ball fans in Hevt ford? ' TheK Giants and Indians will play one bf two -North Carolina exhibi tion games in Tarboro on the after noon of - Wednesday, April 10th, at 2 o'clock, f Boxes' will be reserved and tickets will go on sale for them on April first. BELVIDERE NEWS Mrs. Luna Layden, Miss Velma t.ovn . of Hertford. Miss Edith White and Hilton White, of White ston, were week-end guests of Mr anA Mrs. 5?. M. Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Rountree and daughter: Novella Elizabeth, of iun bury, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White. i i f'ss Madec Lane, a student at ft, C. C, Greenville, spent the week end -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Lafavette Lane. Mr- and Mrs. W. T. Smith spent Sunday and Monday in Elizabeth City with Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Shannon house. Mrs. Shannonhouse has been quite 311. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow and son, Bobby Raye, Mr. and Mrs. Bren ton. .Winslow, of near Hertford; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winslow and children of -Whiteston " were Sunday I: guests ;of Mr. and Mrs; S. MlWinsla.. 4 f -Mr.and Mrs.; ;R:. White 'jkn-i two; Mrs. T. U. Ferry spenv tne wec-j-ena in Norfolk, Va. Miss Doro'hy Perry, of Now Hope was the week-end guest of Miss Adalia Winslow. 1 CMAPANOKE NEWS , Miss Waverly. D'Orsay.-; returned. , from Washington, D. C, on Friday ' night" ""-aiter attending f ufteral' ' ser vicfe, .for tier, grandfather. .' Mrs. Daisy Ferry, Mrs." John Sy- J'mons, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bright, ' and ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brothers, ..'.''ATI NAnfllK. VH. PTMTII IK21VH Oil Sunday forvMiami, Fla. Mea-.JLobert.,.Wood. of Elizabeth City,, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. U wnite, surraay. 7 Tfrs. J.. C. Wilson and daughter! unan, were ''in- Elizabeth V City' on Thursday afternoon. " t - - ", V. ir. nowell and daughter,", "Mar 's --re in, Elizabeth City Mon- . uincy apd daughter, Janet, For a Limited Tims Ve f,lc!(e This Amazlnk Offer BUYS A NBV DEEPER The most comfortable Beatityrest Simmons has ever made is yours for only 5c a day ... 35c a week . . . $1.50 a month. Never before has i(t been so easy to get the thrilling "luxury comfort" that only a Beautyrest gives you , . ; The New Beautyrest has been rigidly tested for durability - . . it is guaranteed for 10 years' service. It has independent spring action . . . sag-proof edges . . . other features that make it the best mattress "buy" of all. N 1 V' Come in today and see this New Beautyrest. Try its gQorious comfort. Take ad vantage of this 5c a day offers Begin to enjoy the finest sleep that money can buy. 1 I M 'III,, II I '0 ' X -' ' JTK . 1 J$ in :6nlytAyV Irifi3( you (he New Deeper Beautyrest 1 Only 5c a ly lor the New Bcavtyrcit with lrtdpende ? tpring ajtlow., BBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBSSBISSSIBBBW .... . .m . MUIVIB - K- L ax r"4'T 1 - .-A"-. .... in.',: ji". v ".w. - dsssm in -in sfsri- rvi V1 . J WH forth. New - AP J B..utyrHh' Vy '" ,Wmm1 M9-prooled9 , 8 V 4slfc," .-..'..'.:'w Only 5c a Jay for the New Bcastyrett with ventilator! that keep interior unitary. tU New Beauty" " that' r.- rJW-v FOR j : 10 YEARS , AN ,0;' J Cc iv.- it If -Mr at this time. r.obert Brothers and