i "5 4 L. IT j - - - - - ' aM1K"'HMMMMiiMR" -isMMMdiiBwwMsiaMM"MW" - -' - 'Volume VII. Number U7 I OVi DIDDER yilCFI ITER HERTFORD ROAD BUILDING PROJECT ' . , f IlILL Washington Firm Bids $26385 For Grading; Cobb and Homewood, Chapel Hill, Bid Low On Structures; Con tracts Let 1?: J. McOuire of Washington. N, if! til finbb and Homewood of Chapel Hill, were low bidders on the Hertford-Center, rlitti Koaa wore, when the Statue Highway and r uduc Works Commission opened bids Tues day on 16 new road-building projects. The Commission let the contracts yesterday (Thursday) subject to ap proval of the U. S. Bureau, of Public Roads in projects using Federal funds. The "grading of 4.11 miles between Hertford and the Chowan County line", was let to the McQuire Com- - nontf nr. S9B.385. Structures were let to Cobb and Homewood at ?9,721 low bids on the State's 16 new Mad-building projects let Tuesday totaled $835,308.53. Th onntractor's men in addition the State inspectors and others who will be called to Hertford be cause of the road building, will in crease the town's population by sev eral dozens of families. TVia Wal navroll in connection with the road building will mount by several thousands of dollars during the course of construction. Much of the material will be bought in Hert ford, workmen will live here, will buy food and clothes here. The prospect of a larger popula tion, even if only for a short time, with the consequent larger buying power, is a welcome addition to the town. Weeklv has not JL - v.. ------ w i um nhla to secure detailed specifi cations of the new road to Center Hill, it is understood that? it wil be of the 18 or 20 fqpt standard width and gravel or macadam surface. Cobb and Homewood, the Chapel Hill firm, bid low on the structures; bridge over the BSar swapp n1 XJBtortfcWJd mm, Shrubbery Cuttings At High School On Tuesday, March 12 C C. Buck and his' vocational norienlturftl students will trim shrubbery on the Perquimans County High School campus on March 12. according to an an nouncement by F.; T. Johnson, countv suDerintendent. Anvone who wishes may have nittinirs of the successful shrub herv that graces the high school campus. These are easily rooted, and are available simply by re moving them from the campus. Cast Chosen For Benefit Play To Be Given Here Comedy Under the Di rection of Mrs. B. G. Koonce to Show on March 12th Building And Loan Associations Enjoy Best Year In Becade Local Association Re elects Officers and Di rectors; 3,400 Homes Finances In State No Probable Cause In Vinf all Breaking And Entering Case Three Negroes Releas ed To Be Arrested On Simple Assault Warrants The 4.11 miles is the connecting link between the nine-foot -concrete road on Cedar Stretch in this county, a v nt nf th wider hard-sur- faced road from Center Hill to the rnuntv line. " No definite starting date has been announced in Hertford, but the State inspectors and engineers nave i ready taken up residence here. Home Ec Teachers Discuss Classes For The Adults State Supervisor Urges Tpflphera to Recognize Great Responsibilities In Adult new a atnxlrhnlriprs meeting of the HiTfnr1 Ruildinar and Loan Associa tion was held in the courthouse on h Avanlnir of February 14th, and HirAfitnrs were elected. Officers of the association were all re-elected at a meeting on the following Friday night. A. W. Hefren. president w it WorHmHt.le. secretary and C. P. Morris and J. P 9 . Pprrv. vice Diesidents, and Charles E. Johnson, attorney. The building, savings and loan as iApiationa of North Carolina made the lanrest amount of loans during "- . . i . 1 . ioa that, thftv have in tne past ae nnA u una annnnnMi bv Martin F vf Raleisrh. Executive Secre tary of the North Carolina Building rut Tvuin Laasruo.ju.33Me nome ii riaricing institutions made.lwt year total loans of approximately o,t)w, nnn miaNine- over 15,000 individuals to construct, purchase, rennance or repair their homes. This record breaking total represents an- increase of more than $3,000,000 The cast for the comedy "Aunt Jerushy on the War Path" has been chosen by the director of the play, Mrs. B. G. Koonce, and rehearsals of the play have gotten under way in preparation of the show to be held Tuesday eveniner. March 12, at the High School auditorium. Heading the cast is Mrs. Sue Frank Pitt, who takes the part of Aunt Jerushy Fish. Charles Willi ford plays the part of Hiram Fish, and James Boyce will be Sufficiency Fish. sSis Popkins will be played by Mary Wood Koonce; Mrs. Stella Etta Snap per by Mrs. Henry Stokes; Elder Snuff els by R. S. Monds; Bill Bark er by Eddie Sanford; Madam Reeno He Beeno Queen of the Carnival by Alice Roberson; Elsie Barker by Jean Newbold. A chorus composed of Chowan High School girls will furnish songs. "Aunt Jerushy on the Warpath will be a benefit plav. the proceeds from which will be turned over to the chairman of the local Infantile Para lysis Fund in order that the funds raised here will be increased. Popular prices will be charged for admission to the play. INDICATED THAT HERTFORD IS TO HAVE IMPROVED BUS STATION FACILIUK Observe Founders Day At Winfall A case in Recorder's Court Tues day started, out very seriously, as a capital offense, first degree burglary. Necrnes. Hilton Elliott, Joseph Mclhtyre and Harold Wiggins, all of Winfall. were charged with en- tAt-inir Louis (Pockets Homers o I room, and beating him up. Judge J. Granberry Tucker found no grounds for probable cause against the three. They were re leased ... to be served with war rants charging simple assault. Representing the defendants was Attorney C. R. Holmes, who, after the hearing, pointed a finger at El liott and said, "You thr boys came to within about the width of one hair of your head to standing trial on a charge that could have endea wixn you in the gas chamber." Elliott was little impressed ... or didn't appear to be. Hoffler, the prosecuting witness, presented a poor case considering nature of the charges. He contradicted himself repeatedly, in answering questions put by both Mr. Holmes and Prosecutor Uiaries Johnson. According to Homer's testimony. the three men entered his room on of Sunday at one He stated that Hilton enter- The High Cost Of Not Paying Court Costs It isn't the cost. It's the up keep. King Solomon Welch was con victed on a minor count in re corder's Court in June ot last year. He was taxed with the -osts of court ... a matter of exactly ten dollars, after he pay ed part of it. Kine- promised to pay, so the sentence was suspended. .TuHp'p. Cranberry 'lucker ana r-iov Hvuunrrl Pitt were cleaning nn some old accounts Tuesday. Capiases were made to return on that date, and, several people were tniH to oav up or else . . . who a ratiias is made to issue, a sum of $2.50 is added each time to the original debt. King naa llpn in three times since U-11 f .v. v - Tr,a onH pach time the debt tfUlll i.. mfnnt.pH' Tnnou if had amounted to tf.l.l.A'V. unr cfiii ponldn't uav. So ne went to jail- At the February meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association of Cen tral Grammar School, the devotional was led by Rev. J. D. Cranford. Mrs. A. R. Winslow, Jr., read the Presi dent's message. A nominatinsr committee was ap pointed. This committee will report at the March meeting. All commit tees trave eood reports. The P. T. A. bookshelf in the school libfary war nommended :Mrs. George Jackson conducted the followinir program: The address given by Mrs. Birney in 1897 was read bv Mrs. Emmett Stallings; duet, "Aukl Lang Syne," Harrell and Mrs. Farm Home Business Center Subject Of March HOC Meets o'clock. He stated that Hilton enter- . . , ,i n,,,rV. ffcp window of his room ACftlL al LmIKK IV rti ---- ra and then opened the door for the) x J Meetings, DUTing . i First Two Weeks 01 This Month bv Mrs. Selma T74 1 - 4. n . Imt Ciioia Muc over 1938.1 Wilonn nnpm. hv .Tank Svmons: Tri- The ttarzest increase m type oi loans bute to Mr. Uund.y, by Mrs. ueorge Miss Catherine T. Dennis, State .nnHoni- nf home economics, at a meeting with the home economics teacher of the section in Edenton last Wednesday, urged the teachers to recogniJe the need for adult class es in the various communities and tVioir resoon- sibilities in this field of vocational work. Teachers from the Home Econom ics Department of Pasquotank, Cur rituck, Chowan and Perqulmfti were present at the regular meetinj of the wh Jnsenhine Grant, Edenton Home Economics ; teacher, Ixad Charge of the program, . The j;-.0aWsW(tfl the organlza-. and teaching of SMS- was inconstruction of new homes for which $10,966,000 was loaned during 1939. During the past year 3,400 homes, to the value of $5,500,000, were purchased through these local institutions. The balance of $9,000, 000 was loaned for refinancing, re pairs, modernization and roiscellan- Caudian also pre- AMikA that the building and loan arid Federal savings and loan asso- ciations would show a combined to tan Increase of over $10,800,000 which is also one of the largest annual gains in the past decade. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Roach wish tc announce the birth of. a son, George Thrtmna Roach. Jr.. on Thursday, February 22nd. Mother and son are doing nicely. Jackson. A birthday cake containing the correct number of lighted candles was brought out and a Founder's Day collection was taken. Two dogwood trees were presented for the Memorial Garden, started last year on the school ground. Second and Seventh grades won pictures for attendance of parents. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Rnrn to Mr. and Mrs. William Bovce on Friday, February 23rd, a son. Mother and baby are doing other two men. First he said he was nwnkoned hv Hlliott beating him with his fists, and later said he heard El liott call him from outside the house before he entered, and that he ans wered the call. Elliott was wearing a heavy band age over the left side of his face in Recorder's Court Tuesday. The de fendants did not testify, but Hoffler said that he (Hoffler) grabbed a raz or and began cutting his way through the three men. "They rush ed me so tight," Hoffler said, "that f wentvto the back room after an axe." Wiggins, he said, took the axe away from him. Hoffler later minimized the beating by stating that "Elliott blowed me one with his fist." It came out in testimony that Hof fler lives with Elliott's sister, as a boarder in the house, and that El liott is in the habit of often spending nichts there. While Hoffler's testimony was not enough on which to hold the three men, a considerable amount of the court's-time was consumed in argu ment" as to whether Deputy Sheriff M. G. Owens' testimony was permis sible. Deputy Owens' testimony was in written form, quotations from Elliott at the time of his arrest. Defense argued, ,that this testimony was not (Continued on Page Eight) Traffic Manager of Car rier Company Visits Here; Talks With Mayor Darden; Town Agrees to Furnish Parking Spaces Coupled with the visit of Chester Hawkins, the Norfolk Southern Bus Company's traffic manager, to Hert ford Wednesday, came indications that the carrier corporation has rented, or is about to rent, the Shannonhouse Building on the corner of Grubb and Church Streets as a bus station. Mr. Hawkins looked the situation over, and Mayor Vivian N. Darden stated that he had told the traffic manager that the town would pro vide a parking space for northbound busses on Grubb Street. It is indicated that the bus corri pany will install rest rooms, four in all, two for Negro passengers and two for white patrons of the bus lines, waiting rooms with seating facilities, a station sign. The parking space on the south ward run will be on the West side of Church Street at the corner. The stop on the norti run will be made on the south side of Grubb Street also at the corner. Mr. Hawkins could not be reached for a statement, but after his talk ..rlfli Mr TlnrHpn it. is evident that the carrier company intends to im prove its facilties here. It is indicated that the work of altering the building to fit the bus company's requirements is to get underway at once. LIONS CLOB WILL CELEBRATE FIRST ANNIVERSARY; LH. HARDING WILL SPEAK ROTARIY MEETS The Rotarians met Tuesday for the regular meeting. : night V InA-at tnW'neetiny wroW ofl the. Home Economics Department. V it was announced that the nert " meeting j of tto Home Econbnucs , SeS'wiir beheld m Wfeksyilli "with Mias Hilda Ciiomz. , Boy Scouts Sponsor ' , Theatre.Matinee Today, ' ' ftn. wnn of Boy ScOUtS Of '. America is sponsoring the State Theatre; w" ternooiuf n , -( ;The screen program Includes the T." "Alleriiany . Uprls . starring John Wayne and e- ) Fare ot the box office receipts - . to benefit tu local troop,, ; 13 Honest Man Runs For Governor Candidate for Governor A. J. Maxwell and Mrs. Maxwell were in town for a short while' Tuesday around noon. Thev had lunch at Roberson's Drug Store. ; a niimVwr nf friends were talk "'fiig with the Maxwell while they ate, and when tney ien jcoru 'yabWatjr:. . .'lM;;Maxrellg0r i.,Avsl;rti-hTv TupkeiiCi as turned resiohibUitrfor theebt i.sj v.m --j;' ' ' - TLX . M O YWPl L ' RnOKB 1T1 BAIZVUKW r;tS TiiAaHnv iiiirht. and whether pr not it was while he was speak- . Hftrrora. I forrot toj nay for those sandwielies and drinks oer in Hertford!" ' m. Tha Maxwells came oacv through t" Hertford Wednefldayi morning, en route to RaleigB,, and Mr. Maxwell stopped) again t th,o drug store. . , j , . A clerk informed .him that tne 46c had already been paid . oy his -friend, Judge Tucker. ' . 4 of Perquimans -County's ftburtfand reimoursea u. v . 1 1 1 i Youngest flub Is Also One of Most Progres sive; Secretary Points To Accomplishments; Anniversary Night Is Also Ladles' Night The Hertford Lions Club will hold n Mv .rniivorsArv celebration on 1U9 1119. i..... . MnHftv niirht. April 1, at the Com munity House jpn Grubb Street. Plans' are rapidly being compietea for Ue gala cetebration. Secretary -.-t.' m.v.ij! Aar announced tUmund Hoarding, the weH- cured us the speaker of the occasion a AnnoKl avAnincr IS in urvo- Jt uiuoi Huy; - - , OUU v.vjm.. " i... v .t .inmnt that is always w. wiv, ;v -- Bivhnniant Awnerever mi. iB la tha cmAaker. i Other surprise fea w sW!.rr . i....a tMM kAtnm nrAnftfWl. Vk The Club WUl ODserve ubuo eW.bn this, . occasion. Lions and JJ22 MntnTi Plvmouth JjlOIUMWrB .num. 1 t - v ihd perhapB other towns will be m Ti . tfoahla delegation is ex- vw . - - . , . pected from these points. tr aa: i Metric iovemor u ib t.n.it. Twnit.v uutnet governor N.- A-Taylor of Plymouth, and one Chairman W J xaywr oi eiuu bit K ahta in he oresent. . The Hertford-Lions Club was oiv .UaA A-nril. .8. . unur wv sponsorsnip Club. L. N. Hollowel was elected president at the organization meet ing and was re-elected for the fiscal year from July 1, 1939, to June 30, 1940. Although it is one of the youngest clubs, it has become one of the most progressive ana aggres sive clubs in the district, which com prises that section of North. Carolina north and east ot ana inciuamK - leigh. There were 17 members at the time it was organised. The present membership is 28. Through January a total of fourteen new members had been secured while only 9 nA ArnrmeA their membership. : Evidence of the ciud s progrelvc- ness and . aggressivene,mpiy afforded by some of projects, an activities it has so .Snccewrfully un dertaken. SecretaryTweWoOd has compiled a summary ot tne more bnKnrfxif nf these and has listed tha fnilnwino- aA the most outstand ing' (Mies: Sponsored the first Per nuWns County Fair ever held, a standpoint. Dur- . - n a i t tiu fair two hitrh ranxing aiaie .f.lai Hon. Allen J. maxwew, of Revenue and xr jxn lea Vf from that office to de vote1 his entire time, to Jws campaign ta rna trnvArniirHiiiu. "u "Z a : aa -T'nmmiflninner ui akii- cnltare, were the featurea speaKers . m-amt fikmieK Dks celebration, the' entirt program bein broadcast tUn ViCNr.. the first .radio nmirram aVAT . oriffmatinlC '. ill' PeTi ouimana County and J rst big Trio Wromrf Demonstration Clubs of the county will study "farm numC Business Center," according to an announcement by Miss Frances Maness, county demonstration agent, as she released the schedule of dem onstration meetings for the month of March. Hmo Management leaders will have charge -of the programs to be ,, . j:..:.1.,1 3i,ika MISS given Dy me miuviuum Rose Elwood Bryan, home agent at-i- mppt with the demonstra tion clubs during the first two weeks of the month, and the department considers itself fortunate in having her even for this short length of time. Beginning with the first week in i u v, chliilo nf meetlliers is iviarcu me .. " - as follows: Tuesday, March 5 Chapanoke Club with Mrs. Talmadge Lewis. Wednesday, March 6 Winfall Club with Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Sr. Thursday, March 7 -r- Whiteston flnh with Mrs. L. L. Lane. Friday. March 8 Home and Gar- jDn rh,h with Mrs. B. T. Wood. Monday, March 11 Ballahack Club with Mrs. J. M. Sutton. Tuesday, March 12 Beech Spring Club with Mrs. Jones Perry. Wednesday, March 13 Durants Mov rinh at Communitv House. Friday, March 15 Bethel Club with Mrs. Reuben Stallings. Monday, March 19 Snow Hill White Hat Club with Mrs. Elmer I Wnr,H Tuesday, March 20 BeOvideie UuD at Community House. Wednesday, March 21 Helen Gaither at Agricultural Building. Wednesday, March 27 Burgess Club with Mrs. J. B. Basnight. 4-H Club Meetings Tuesday, March 199 a. m., Hert ford Grammar School. Tuesday, March 19, 10 a. m., New Hope. Wednesday, March 20, 9 a. m High School. Wednesday, March 20, 10:45 a. m., Winfall. Matter Of Street Property Line One Of Long Standing Special Session of Town Council -Called t9 Set tle Grubb Street Line Controversy Funeral Services Held For Centatpul m$ 9, - under ' tnei quimans , of the' Edenton Liotali-, UContinueI a. WW ' Lr7, The property line controversy be tween the Town of Hertford and S. P. Jessup in regard to the boundary between the Jessup property on the 1 corner of Grubb and Front Streets and the Grubb Street extension it self, was the reason for a special session of the Town Council Monday night. As a result of the special meeting at which Mr. Jessup was present, the town has designated its Grubb Street extension as running in line with the remainder of Grubb Street from Church to Front, from curb to curb and allowing for a four-foot sidewalk. The problem, one of long-standing, arose more than a month ago when Mr. Jessup complained, that the town was trespassing on his property in the matter of placing poles in pre paration for construction of the new recreation pier at the foot of Grubb Street. Until that time the matter of properties had been more or less un important; there was a secondary , street fron Front to the river shore at that point, a little-used street un til the property between Front and the river began to develop with the building of new homes, lhe recrea tion pier was the item that brought the matter to a head. It is apparently the towns inten tion now to construct a sidewalk from Front Street to the river. A four-foot sidewalk right-of-way, pro- . vided for at the special meeting on , Monday night. '-IJr. Jessup at that time , did not oiake fanown his reactions to;the"set-1 lament of the property line, dispute. ' Pimeraf "services for Merrill Perry, 37, who died in the Caswell Training School at Kinston on Monday, were held at the Center Hill Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. Mr. Perrv. a son of E. C. Perry, of Tyner, wgs also a nephew of J. P. t...... r.f vfartfn-rA , Hp had Deen in i CHJf V .iv.. .; ill health for manv years. Survivors include; besides his father, two brother, Josiah Perry, of Richmond, Va., and Hallett Perry, r.t Naumort New. Va.. and five sis ters, Miss Louise ferry, 01 nonana, Va.. Mrs. Will Perry, of Tyner, Mrs. Jack Jeannette, of Elisabeth SCity, Miss Dorothy Perry, of Kicnmona, Vind Mrs. J. V. Harnett wife; of the athletic coach" at Chowan High School. Blaze Damages Roof Of H. T. Brouffhton Home 'Mi Fire damaged the roof of the H.' T. Broughton - residence on Church Street, last Friday morning. The., blaze originated around a chimney and burned away several shingles ; before it was brought under control by the Volunteer fire department. Checks Totaling $7,500 In Anderson's Office nAniamtinii rhpclfR for 1939 com pliance totaling $7,500 arrived ini the office of! the county agent Wednes day. ( This amount is included in 161 checW-for ,1939 toil consemtipn , 4 I V A ..'If 4 9 V H 1 td1 T it " "- V s