A ' 3,' .V -A, ' est. :. v I-.!, J .-If! THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 SUuDAY SCHOOL LESSOR TRIUMPH OVER DEATH International Sunday School Lesson for March 24, 1940 GOLDEN TEXT: "Now hath Christ been raised from,'the dead, the first fruits of them that are asleep." I Cor. 15:20. (Lesson Text: Matthew 27:57; 28-6) Having been arrested in the Gar den of Gethsemane late Thursday night, falsely charged, convicjted and humiliated early Friday, and finally escorted out to Golgotha, Jesus was crucified between two malefactors, Among those standing by, watch ing the proceedings, probably smitten to the heart by the cruelty and injus tice rendered, was a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who, al though he was a member of the Jew ish Sanhedrin, had been impressed by the teachings of Jesus and was 'VIesus' disciple." Courageously, this man, in order to render a last act of service to his Lord, went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate granted his request. Tenderly, the body of Jesus was taken down from the cross, wrapped in a cloth and borne to the private garden nearby of this rich man and laid in the new tomb which Joseph had had hewn out in the rock. There the body of Jesus was hastily pre pared for burial because the work had to be done before sunset and the beginning of the Jewish sabbath, or those touching the body would be defiled and unable to observe the sabbath. The usual method of preparing a body was to wrap it round and round with a long linen cloth, laying spices between the folds, the face being left bare. Another cloth was twisted turban-like, around the head. Joseph, assisted bv Nicodemus, another prominent Jewish leader who had been a secret follower of Jesus, pre pared the body of Jesus in the ap proved manner, as quickly as they could. Before leaving -the garden, however, they were careful to see that a heavy stone was placed before the door of the tomb. Outside the tomb, intensely inter ested in the proceedings, were two women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, probably the mother of James and Joses. They had minis tered unto their Lord for three years and were not willing to abandon him even though he were dead. It would seem that the Jewish authorities, who had been responsi ble for the arrest, trial and cruci fixion of Jesus, would have been sat isfied when they were convinced that he was dead and safely put away in Motor Company Is Four Years Old Eighth In a Series of "Reviewing Hertford Businesses"; Is Out standing In Sales One of Hertford's younger busi ness institutions is the Winslow White Motor Company, Ford dealers located at the corner of Grubb and Front Street!. Progress there since the opening in the number of cars and trucks sold has been amazing. Winslow White is also an authorized Ford parts and service center. : Genuine Ford parts and almost anything ' in the line of accessories for motor cars or trucks can be found there. Though thtt 'firm continues under the original trade name, Mr. 'tVhite, Elwood, Q. White, who was originally in the Business with L. C. Winslow, has since severed his connections there and, opened a new agency in Edenton. iCecil Winslow is now the active manager' and?Bervice department head at th einslow-White Motoi Comoanv. and William CBdffl) Boyce, - a v w , - - - who was once associated wdtn the old Djvers Motor Company years ago, is one of the certified Ford mechanics. The Ford agency Is located in a l&Wa modern building at Grubb and JFront .Streets, Recently it was en larged to provide a huge attractive showroom' in the part of the building once used by the Grocery Sales Com pany. :- v 1 ' , ' 1 - On several occasions, $he Winslow White Company has won out in sales contests promoted , by the Ford Company.' Members, ' of ' the firm have made trips to the world's rail in New York as awards, and the of fice boasts a number of tokens ; pre ; sented for other outstanding actm ties in the sales field. . ', ,; ' , Less than four years ojd, the bus iness has enjoyed increasing success. ' Explaining To WiUie " J ,.;'Pa, what's the difference betwsen a Statesman and a politician?" "A statesman, my son, , wants to do something tor his country? a pott ' tician wants his country to 4o iome- fing- for him' ," Danger In Home-made Electric Fence Cited A warning to North Carolina farmers to beware of the home-made electric fence has been issued by David S. Weaver, head of the De partment of Agricultural Engineer ing and Extension specialist of State College. He says that all electric fences present an element of danger, but that the home-made device which does not limit the amount of current and which does not include a fool proof controller to interrupt the flow of electricity, is especially lethal. "The recent death of a Wilson County child who was electrocuted by a fence on his f ather's - f arm fo cused attention on the electric fence now being widely used to restrain livestock in the State," Prof. Weaver stated. '"I wish to reiterate the po sition of my department, and that of the entire State College Extension Service, thatall electric fences pre sent definite safety problems, but home-made electric fence devices are especially dangerous." The State College man said that the Wilson County child died as a re sult of coming in contact with a home-made electric fence, which did not allow for the fence , wire to be charged intermittently, and which had only a small electric bulb to re duce the amount of current from a 110 volt line. Electric fences manufactured by reliable companies restrict the & mount of current? and interrupt the current at regular intervals in order that a person or animal may be freed from contact with the charged wire, usually without fatal damage. "I repeat the warning which we have frequently issued that an elec tric fence is extremely dangerous unless it is properly made, correctly installed, and carefully used," con cluded Dr. Weaver. Cotton Houses Seen For South In Near Future Eouses built from cotton are a dream which may come true on a large scale in the not far-distant future, the National Cotton Council has revealed ,' in reviewing V experi mental work conducted with! cotton building fabrics; f , , j , Denavtment of 'Agriculture! pynr- iments in cotton house building' in the south have shown that cotton cover ings may be used ' successfully - on both interior and exterior walla a well as for . roofinir. Experiments are awo being made with cotton fii-j a rock tomb. Rut remembering Je sus' many prophetic ' words that he would rise from the dead on the third day, they went back to Pilate, re questing that he seal the tomb with the official Roman seal and place an armed guard there to make sure that his disciples did not enter the tomb, take away the body of Jesus and then go about declaring that he had risen from the dead.,. - The request was granted; the great sepulchre stone was sealed, and a guard of sol diers placed before it. Juat as soon as they could, after the end of the Sabbath, Mary Mag dalene and the other Mary returned to the sepulchre with more spices to anoint the body of their Lord, pro bably feeling that the hasty prepara tions were hot as complete as they would like for them to have been. Arriving at the sepulchre, they were surprised to see the heavy stone rolled away from the door and an angel sitting on it. The angel told them that Jesus, whom they sought, was not there, but had risen, even as he had said. After having seen with their own eyes that what the angei said was true, they were told to go quickly and tell his disciples that Christ had risen from the dead and would meet them in Galilee. lrembhng with excitement, hardly able to comprehend what they had seen and heard, burstincr with joy in the fact that their Lord was not dead, these women ran at once to give the disciples news of what had happened. As they were run ning out of the garden, Jesus met them, called unto them and quieted them with the simple salutation, "All hail." They fell down at his feet and worshipped him. i The authenticity of the Christian faith stands or falls on the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The written records of the gospels carry conviction, but there are other acts even more conducive to faith. The fact that the early followers of Jesus changed from the traditional day of worship to the first day of the week in recognition of some great occa sion to be commemorated is note worthy. The transformation then brought about in the conduct of his disciples testified eloquently to some new and dynamic source of faith and confidence. Peter, who denied his Lord three times in terror, after the resurrection faced the opposition and ridicule of the scribes and Pharisees and courageous! pretched he Pente costal sermon, winning thousands to a belief in and acceptance of Jesus Christ. So, also, Paul, after his vision of the resurrected Christ, changed from a persecutor to an ex pounder of the new faith. sulation material. "Cotton "construction lends itself to prefabrication and mass-produc tion, it is aesthetically pleasing, and it produces houses of neat and color ful appearance," a Department of Agriculture spokesman reports. "The houses aTe also highly fjre-resistant; and last, but far from least from the Southern point of view, cotton houses could provide an outlet for a consid erable quantity of the present bur densome surplus. We can hope, to see the day when the South can be housed in buildings made of material grown on its own farms." EXTENSION NOTES By FRANCES MA NESS Home Demonstration Agent We are very well pleased with the wonderful response of the people in West Hertford in the Home Beautifi cation Contest. This contest is spon sored by the Home and Garden Demonstration Olub. Forty-six peo ple have entered. The vards were judged last Thursday by Mrs. M. T. unitin ol the Bethel Club and Miss Lucy White of the Belvidere Club. Drinking drivers killed 117 people in North Carolina last year. For quick results try a Want Ad r yj s r The date of our next Farm and Home Broadcast has been changed from April 4th to April 11th. Don't forget our 4-H Broadcast Saturday, March 23, at 10:15 o'clock. Russell Harwood, Frances Anne Cooke, Clin ton Trueblood and Florence Monds from the Winfall Junior 4-H Olub will give a discussion on "Better Homes." The schedule of clubs for March 25th through March 30th: Wednes day, March 27, Burgess Home Dem onstration Club with Mrs. J. B. Bas night, at 2:30 P. M. FITS SUIT ON THIEF Boston. After spending half an hour helping two well-dressed men select a suit for their shabby com panion, Ishmael Ligham, Roxbury clothier, and his wife were forced in to the basement of their store and the "customers" made off with the suit and about $150 worth of haberdashery. n xrn i i - ju Vi tirrf Imuran i ESiSs M j 1 $114.75 r Surer, Steadier food Protection . . . for ALL foods, at ALL times 1 New Westinghouse TRU ZONE COLD gives you steady food-keeping tempera tures gives you five kinds of cold in one refrigerator, the "right" cold and humidity for each specific food. YouH want to see this new feature the simple, method of keep ing foods iter . . . longer! PUTS A NEW WESTINGHOUSE IN YOUR HOME Hertford Hardware & Supply Co, HERTFORD, N. C. i tbs mw WESTINGHOUSE w, TRUZO$ COLD1 1934 Ford Coach 1935 Ford Tudor ' New paint Job. Motor dldfl Black finish. Motor re- Ang A J I O.K. Special (PlOU conditioned. Guaranteed 3Z 5 U I 1935 Master 1938 Ford Deluxe Tudor JJ Must go at a bargain AnAA Radi and heater- Spe" A9Cl f W price of only )ZUU 1 rice imtiJ Y' W 1936 Ford Tudor 1939 Ford Deluxe Tudor J Black finish. Motor re- A Q wj - New tires. Radio. d?flA 1 conditioned. Guaranteed I O Guaranteed at )OUU V EASY UNIVERSAL CREDIT COMPANY TERMS mum m a (80 IMM (mwrnm Mltf) ammi WfiimsHdaw - WMCe Mtito (Old. Hertford, N.C. PAGE THREg f ' MS jai r V ! 'r 'i I? is