'1 THE frERQUIMAyS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, APMLJijJM N -Oo You Know ;)8re Doctor Harris Is Buried? VHe lived In Hertford Before 1849; Grave is i Somewhere In Cedar- wood Cemetery Do you know where. Doctor Barns is buried? He. lived in Hertford before 1849. He lived in the house on Dobb Street ' where County Accountant W. F. C. Edwards now lives. Doctor Harris (initials uAknavm) was the man who first taught den tal iarw in Nnrt.h Carolina, and the North Carolina Historical Association wanted to mark his grave, about a . year' ago. But they couldn't find it , u Records in the Masonic Lodge ehnw a record oi ms uunai, nu wic deed of the Edwards place describes it as the place where Dr. Hams YmeA fnr a number of vears. It is further known that Dr. Harris was buried in Cedarwood. Cemetery. But at this point everything comes to a blank wall; the grave was un marked. There are no empty plots in Cedarwood Cemetery, so evidently the remains of other persons are in the same plot with those of Dr. Har ris, but nobody knows which plot. Broughton Names T. B. Sumner His CampaignManager Three Leading Contend ers For Governor Are Now Represented By Local Men Added to the list of Perquimans County Campaign managers for gu bernatorial candidates has been the name of T. B. Sumner, who was ap pointed Monday to stump for J. M. Broughton, it was announced Tues day by Broughton's State manager, E. B. Denny. Mr. Sumner is engaged in the cot ton seed oil business and operates a rVuck line in Elizabeth City; His home is in Hertford. With Mr. Sumner's appointment, the three outstanding candidates are now having their interests looked after by three local men; Sheriff J. campaign in favor of Allan J. Max well for Governor, and Charles E. Johnson, Perquimans County prose cuting attorney, has been named county manager in the campaign of Lieutenant Governor Wilkins P. Hor ton. Mr. Johnson has told this news paper that his candidate will speak in Hertford, but he didn't mention the date. Maxwell is the only candi date who has been heard here, but then not as a candidate. He spoke during the County Fair last Septem ber on Farmers' Day. Broughton will deliver the gradu ation address, at the high school tnis nnrinir. It appears that the three leading contenders will all be heard here. Candidates Filed With Election Board Anions- the candidates who had filed with L. N. Hollowell, chair man of the board of elections, be fore two p. m.; Wednesday after noon, are: For Representative: Mrs. Manie Lister White, J. S. McNider, joe Campbell and J. T. Benton. For Recorder of County Court: Granberrv Tucker. For Board of County Commis- Rinnernr E. U. MOMtan, Li. L. Window. A. T. Lane and E. M. Pprrv. For Board of Education t S. Mv Long, W. E. Dail, D. L. Barber. For County Treasurer: Jacob L The final filing date is April istv, r'nnHiHat.es already announ ced but not filed, within the next wn Aava will lensrthen this list considerably. . ", , , . ;, . ., .' I 1 J L.m. WAAnlfAMll propeny nau ueeii icwi.w Among the monies taxen irom uw smaller safe, ,was an amount be longing to the Sunday school, ana another amount - belonging to me Woman's Club. Added to these a mounts was. $130 in burial expenses for J T Bimrs that Mr. Perry had stored in the government vault for safe-keeping. The sum in tnis saie totaled around $300. In the larger safe, the New Hope Mercantile and Milling Company safe, was more than $2,400 in cash, several checks, and the store's re cords, as well as Mr. Jackson's per sonal records and notes. The store was not insured against burglary. MORE ABOUT BOYCE MORE ABOUT PEANUTS (Continued Irwm rage One) f i " 1, (Continued From rage One". Said McNider, in summing up the rase. "Roth Bovce and Moore have an o.niial interest in this case. If Boyce is convicted, a sentence hangs over him, and Moore is probably to be commended for setting a preceaeni. If Boyce isn't convicted, Moore pro bably has a discharge waiting for him for over-stepping his authority." It never came out in the trial why Moore is an ex-examiner instead of a present examiner. When Attornev Edwards, in his summary, wondered aloud why Moore is an ex-examiner, Moore muttered from his place in the jury-box "That's my business." An array of witnesses bore testi to Howe's sobriety on the night in question. They came from Hertford, near Hertford, from Eden ton and from near Edenton. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Misses Evelyn Long, Eunice and Madge Long delightfully entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Long at Bethel, bames ana contests afforded much merriment, after which refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses. Invited guests included Misses Ruth Hendricks, Martha Barber, T,n r.riffin. Mariorie Proctor, Cor- nie Ijee Ward. Madge Long, Evelyn J Weston, Margaret Standin, Louise Thach, Evelyn Long, "JfllMiani, Lee White, Sadie Standing, Eloise Kea ton, Mary Pasco White, Eunice Long and Agnes Ward, and Edgar Long, William Hobbs, Earl White, Ambrose Long, Dewey Perry, Jr., Julian Long, ru,A Harris. Thomas Fleetwood, Howard Long, Wallace Hobbs, Vance Proctor, Thomas Chappeil, Law rence Corprew, Blakemore Weston, Emmett Long, Maurice Griffin, Jr., and Clarence Phillips. said to Mr. Warren, "The national peanut acreage allotted under the 1940" agricultural conservation pro gram has been reviewed carefully and revised upward slightly to cor rect inequities between states re sulting from incomplete data foi non-commercial counties. "As a result of this revision, the total allotment for North Carolina is now 22,500 acres. Of this acreage 8.000 acres are set aside for growers in counties which are not in 1940 de signated as commercial peanut coun ties. This reserve would provide an allotment for growers in these coun ties which is comparable to the allot ments for similar growers in com mercial counties. The remaining 214.500 acres is available for allot. ment to growers in the commercial! counties. All of this acreage nas been previously alloted to the grow ers with the exception of about 1,400 acres, which will be used for correc tion of errors and. for farms which were omitted from the original tabu lations. "The entire amount of the increase is necessary for non-commercial counties, for farms omitted from the original tabulations and for the cor rection of errors, therefore it will not be possible to increase the allot ment to other growers." BELVIDERE NEWS Mr. and Mrs.""W T. Smith, Miss Marjorie Perry and Miss Elsie Cope land visited Mrs. Raymond Watson, of Drivers, Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Perry and son, Timothv Clair, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perry, at Cumberland, Sunday. E. L. Winslow, of near Cross Roads. Mrs. Calvin Winslow. Demp- sey Winslow and D. Eugene Winslow of Whiteston, visited Ira S. Winslow Sunday. Mr. Winslow has been con fined to his home with flu, but is now improving. Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Banks and son. Dickev. and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Banks, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. White Sunday. Miss Evelyn White, Miss Adalia Winslow and Miss Evelvn Copeland spent Tuesday night with Miss Doro thy Perry, of New Hope. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Trivette re turned home Saturday after visiting friends in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith visited Mrs. W. H. Smith Thursday. Mrs, Smith is a patient in Albemarle Hos pital, Elizabeth City. Mrs. Orris Robinson, of Washing ton, D. C, vice president of the W. I. L., was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White. ries were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bogue. Miss Jdanita White, of Elizabeth City, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. White, over the week-end. Miss Helen Davis and Miss Beulah Rncnip were cuests of . Mrs. L. F. Winslow in Hertford, Saturday night. Mrs. W. H. Sherlock, Mrs. L. F Winslow and son, Leonard, Jr., Mise Helen Davis and Miss Beulah Bogue visited friends at Bethel Sunday af ternoon. The Mattie Norman White Circle of the Y. W. A. will met with Miss Helen Davis Friday evening. Mrs. J. M. Tolar is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Odell West, in Fayetteville. WHITESTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Williams were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam mie Sutton, of near Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gregory and son, of Corapeake, spent Sunday with Miss Edith White. Miss Lillian Winslow of Washing ton, D. C, is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther Winslow, recuperating from an oper ation. Miss Winnie Winslow has returned to Winston-Salem, after spending ; a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Winslow. Clifton Outlaw, of Drivers, Va., and Miss Brinkley, of Cypress, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lane on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Winslow returned home last week after visiting in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Heywood White and daughter, of Winfall, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Winslow. WOODVILLE NEWS W. H. Matthews, accompanied by friends, attended the ball game in Tarboro Wednesday when the New York Giants played the Cleveland Indians. Miss Beulah Bogue returned home Tuesday after visiting her sister a few days. Mr. and. Mrs. Garland Humphries, of Moyock, and Mrs. J. a. Humph FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE PRICES! Two Mules One Weighing 1,000 Pounds One Weighing 1,200 Pounds SEE OR WRITE Melvin Bright PARKV1LLE Post Office, Hertford Route 2 SPEC! AT 3 Two Weeks Only Special Permanents $1.98 $5.00 Permanents $3.00 ALL WORK GUARANTEED HILDA'S BEAUTY SHOP BRIDGE HOTESS Mrs. Oscar Felton charmingly en tertained her bridge club Tuesday evening. Those playing were Mrs T. B. Sumner, Mrs. Charles E. John son. Mrs. H. C. Stokes, Mrs. Dur- wood Reed, Mrs. J. G. Roberson, Mrs. B. G. Koonce, Mrs. Tommy Toeann and Miss Kate Blanchard Wicrh score nrize was awarded Mrs. Johnson, while Mrs. Jessup received the floatinir nrize. A delicious salad course was serv ed by the hostess. Twentv-eieht children under four ' years of age were run over and killed in North Carolina, last year. Announcement I hereby announce my candi dacy for membership on the Board of Education. If -elected, I will endeavor to serve the entire County School System to the best of my ability. D. L Barber Two More Days Of Lucky Buys ! Our Lucky Buys Promotion will end Saturday. You have two more days to shop with us and receive advantage of the prices list ed on the circular mailed you last week. Lucky Buy prices end on Saturday . . . check over your list of needs and let us serve you with these excellent values. Frog- White is offering specials in Groceries and Hardware. Mrs. Perry and Mrs. White are offering reduced prices on Spring Coats and Dresses. Louis Nachman is specializing in Men's Work Shirts at a ridiculously low price a 79c value for 49c. We are looking forward to serving you and feel sure that you will be well pleased with the values we are offering. 1J. C. Maimclhifflirdl (?., flffac. Quality Merchandise "Blanchard's" Since 1832 Right Price MORE ABOUT ROBBERY (Continued trom i'age One) o'clock Saturday morning. Sheriff Winslow to!d lhe week ly reporter Wednesday that he had suspected the four men since Satur day mornincr. Phelps was appre hended in Norfolk Saturday after noon. Officers were already looking for him on the jail-breaking charge when the New Hope robbery too.K place. Bogue, Casper and Roughton were taken Sunday afternoon in Currituck County just across the Virginia Dare Memorial Bridge following a fracas in the Morrisette Service Station there. Bogue and Casper were lodged m the local jail, Phelps was returned to Elizabeth City, and Roughton was confined in Edenton. Sheriff Winslow said that approxi mately $700 worth of the stolen IrYWG-its BEAUTIFUL-its a BARGAIN! mm IffilMI Announcement : j -The following residents of the Town of Win--fall hereby" announce their candidacy for Town offices, subject to the primary election to be held June 1, 1940. Iof kaybr of the Town of Winfall D.L. BARBER For Commissioners of the Town of Winfall J. 0, CRANFORD FRED WINSLOW CJ.IJMPHLETT For Town Clerk J, L. NIXON v For Constable WILLIAM B AGLEY , I'.j,r !,'('.. 4 i.'.tfr '..'. i! f ' ' w Beautiful New Styling New Convenience Features Lowest Prices Ever! See , . . New Colorful Interior New Glass-Topped Hydrators JJJew Stainless Chromium Shelves Automatic Inter ipr h,ting Jtfew fcrtra-Large Meat-Tender '3iJmproved Meter ? Miser Mechan!sm...And a score of other features ' " ' Frankly, this new Frigidaire is one of the most beautiful and most startling performers we've ever seen. Brimming with colorful new beauty. And the most economical ice freezer and food keeper in Frigidaire history! Let us show it to you! Model Illustrated Only $174.50 Other 6 Cu. Ft. FriftlcLairea As Low as $114.75 jj dS) IS E) A EJ Plumbing and Heating Phone 2571 Electrical Contractor Hertford, N. C. I 1 t

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