.vV 'V, 'If -4 TV 4 i. ICS PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAY, MAY 10,'' 1840 PAGE EIGHT V .1 C1 4 I 15, " i V- ) - t 4 i u f ' j . . Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mullen, of Kins ton, Mrs. R. W. Foister, of Chapel Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cross, of Suffolk, Va., are guests of the Eev. and Mrs. R. F. Munns this week. Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson, of Sufffljjk-Jfawere Sunday guests of Mr. imdMts. Ralph White. Week-nd Visitor Mrt. Ltd Albertson, of Elizabeth City, spent the week-end with hei sister, Mrs. Emily Sumner. Sunday Here Judson Sumner and daughter, Ruby Lee,' of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mrs. Oliver White and mother, Mrs. Sumner, Sunday. Saturday in Norfolk Mrs. E. A. Byrum, her daughter, Doris, Mrs. Raymond Skinner and Syble Skinner visited friends in Nor folk, Va., Saturday. In Norfolk Mrs. Wm. Mardre is the guest of friends in Norfolk, Va., this week. Home for Week-end James Byrum, student at a Nor- ir The Hertford Clinic announces that beginning June 1, there will be no office hours on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. fftRM 0 FORMER HOMI vtMlJi5zr&' n l EST"0" we3 I fCC f 2 QUART SJUICLPAN I II m V 111 . ONLY PLAN I Come STATE Friday Only, May 10 mJ HIM . ( m FIT H GAmElO SHERIDAN MARCH OF TIME Saturday, Mat H . s1 mMi : .i-iiiiiiHiL- iSa ; CareJv- of Red CarcUl No. 11 1EMD1R M II IK I J ..... . . ;. .. h folk, Va., business college, was the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Byrum. Visits Mother Clarence Chalk, of Wilson, was the E-uest of his mother, Mrs. Annie Chalk, Tuesday and Wednesday. Here This Week Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jernigan, of Suffolk, Va., are guests of Mrs. Jer nigan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. White, this week. , . Return, Home Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffler and son, returned to their home in Rich mond. Va.. Sunday. ' after week's visit with Mrs. W. E. Hoffler. Here During Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fleetwood, of Newport News, Va., were guests .of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holmes, during the week-end. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Partin and Mrs. J. A. Parrish, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry Sunday. At Home Miss Margaret Broughton, student i n c is WAS 17.15 AT FORMER HOME DEMONSTRATION r ... see all the pieces Bwild a Ml . . . a place at a . . . thh oy, moMy tavlng way. AND, lor to motf appreciated gift MaiMtlc Cookware It die perfe ontw isr nottot and bride. THIS OFFER IS FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY ASK FOR YOUR CREDIT CARD FOOD STORES Monday and Tuesday, May 13-14 '"4-" ., ... VM f MIIIMlJil it ;.. . COMEDY THBWE MauBu.awiMrai p Ala V ' .( . y M-i,lr,.NEW3 . .1.. 1 .... X at E. C. T. C, Greeavilley and Miss Julia Broughton, a student nurse in a Philadelphia hospital, are at home because of the recent death of their mother, Mrs. Harry Broughton. Returns Home Miss Mary Thomas Robbins re turned to her home in Plymouth Sun day after spending several weeks as the guest of her cousin, Miss Eva Brinkley Harris. Visiting at Bunn Level Mrs. R. L. Knowles is visiting Mrs. W. B. Byrd, at Bunn Level, this week. Week-end Here Jesse Lee Harris, of Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris. Smithfield Visitors Mrs. Theron Johnson and son, Ruffin, of Smithfield, spent this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Everett. Visiting in Suffolk Mrs. C. V. 'Williford went to Suf folk, Va., Sunday to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bagley. In Richmond J. E. Everett left Sunday to spend the week in Richmond, Va., with his sister, Mrs. T. E. Langston. Home for Summer Miss Dorcas Knowles, who is a member of the Williamston school faculty, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knowles, for the summer. Visit at Chapanoke Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White and daughter, Ida Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly White and Mrs. Jim White spent Sunday afternoon as guests of Mr. and Mrs Bill White, at Chapanoke. Edenton Visitors Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Owens, of Edenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. I White during the week-end. Week-end in Edenton Miss Jean White spent the week end in Edenton as the guest of Miss Margaret satterheld. Attend Bankers' Convention R. M. Riddick and Charles E. John son left Wednesday to attend the Bankers' Convention at Pinehurst. Visiting In Greenville Miss Jean White went to Green ville Thursday to spend several days as the guest of Miss Virginia Clark. Week-end with Mother Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eason, of Crewe, Va., will spend the week-end with Mrs. Eason's mother, Mrs. J. H. Towe. Week-end in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bass, Jr., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pike, in Norfolk, Va. Expected for Week-end Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hoffler, of Washington, D. C, will spend the! week-end with Mrs. W. E. Hoffler. To Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Farmer, theii daughter, Imogene, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pike, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bass their daughter, Edna Earl, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bass and Harriet Joe, of Norfolk, Va., w ll spend the week end as guests of Mrs. B. M. Bass, Sr. Sunday in Williamston Mr. and Mrs. Jake White, Mrp. G. W. Barbee, Miss Hazel Mae Matth ews and Ray White spent Sunday af ternoon in Williamston. Week-end Here George Miller White, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White and children, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. White. BIBLE CLASS MEETS Twenty-three members of the Friendly Bible Class of New Hope Methodist Church and two visitors met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Heber BarcQift for . the regu lar monthly meeting. Mrs. -R. I Soivsy, president, presided over the devotional and business sessions with Mesdames E. M. Perry, N. C Has- : v -w n ii m a V J flf I kett, Li. Cj. jbuu, x. a. miraie nu i. IH. Jones taking a part In the .pro- 3 CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE Hertford, N. C. Wednesday, May 15 Thursday Only, May 1& -in ' Ann Sheridan , . ; Humphrey Bogart ' t , MATIN JSE 8 P. M, - , , gram ' ' After a delightful social' hour of amusing games and contests, deli cious refreshments were served to: Mesdames, Wm; C. Carter, John Hur dle, T. A. Hurdle, N. C. Haskett, T. H. Jones, Dan Simpson, B. S. Banks, Jr., E. M. Perry, S. T. Perry, A. W. Barclift, E. A. Turner, M. M. Spivey, I. C. Butt, L. E. Butt, Rajph Proctor. J. E. Turner, R. R. Perry, R. L. Spivey, C. W. Haskett, Edgar Has kett, and H. H. Butt, end Misses Maud Simpson, Elva Haskett and Ruth Haskett and Mrs. Heber Bar clift. ROSA POWELL CIRCLE MEETS i The Rosa Powell Circle of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church, met with Mrs, W. E. Hoffler Monday evening. Mrs. Cnas Johnson was in charge of an interest ing program. Mrs. T. E. Raper and Mrs. R. A. Sutton sang, and Mrs Olivia Hobbs gave a reading. Prayer was offered by .Mrs. Jesse Campen. After the program and a business session, the hostess, served a sweet course. Those present were: Mrs. R. A Sutton, Mrs. Allen Perry, Mrs. Olivia Hobbs, Mrs. E. A. Byrum, Mrs. W, E. Hoffler, Mrs. Tommy Miller, Mrs. Jesse Campen, Mrs. V. A. Holdren Mrs. L. B. Sitterson, Mrs. E. H. Ar- nett, Mrs. W. T. Elliott, Mrs. Will Landing, Mrs. B. T. Wood, Mrs. C. E. Loveland and Mrs. Charles John son. CIRCLE NO. FOUR MEETS Circle No. Four of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Z. At Harris. Mrs. Mark Gregory was in charge of the program, the subject being "Youth Steadfast for Christ." Those present were Mesdames E. C. Perry, G. C. Buck, Robert White, Mark Gregory, Tom Perry, John Moore and J. E. Everett. After the program and business meeting, a social hour was enjoyed with the hostess serving a delicious salad course. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Miss Helene Nixon charmingly en tertained her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were Misses Dorcas Knowles, Carolyn Riddick, Mary Towe, Jocelyn Whed bee and Joyce Stokes, Mrs. Helen Butler And Mrs. Avnes Williams. High score prize was awarded Mrs. Williams, while Miss Whedbee re ceived low score award. The hostess served a delectable sweet course. ENTERTAJNS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes was host ess to the members of her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were Mesdames Chas. E. Johnson, Charles Williford, C. R. Holmes, George Barbee and Tommy Jessup, Miss Helen Morgan and Miss Mary Sumner. Mrs. Charles Willi ford received high score prize, Mrs. Johnson, floating prize, and low score prize went to Mrs. Barbee. A dainty sweet course was served. Four Hundred Fifty Registered In Township To Noon Wednesday Chiefly through the efforts of Mrs. B. G. Koonce, registrar, who has canvassed the town and part of the township, registrations at noon Wed nesday had reached 450. Saturday at sunset, is the deadline. Mrs. Koonce is expecting the regis tration to reach 650 or 700 by that time. ''. 1 1 Other townships and precincts have not been heard from, and a great deal of speculation is abroad as to what the total county registration will amount to. ' Mrs. Koonce will be in the. court house all day Saturday, and other registrars will be in their appointed neadquarters. HIJRDLETOWN Mrs. David Miller," Mrs. Junior Miller, and Mrs. Harvey 'Stallinire spent Wednesday as guests of Mrs. t-Tnest StaHlings and her : mother, Mrs.' Vick ; Stallinra. Mm. J. V- Roach and. daughter. Amy Van. and Mrs. Z. D. White called in the after noon. , Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sumner an1 'children spent Sunday with his moth er, Mrs. Nellie Sumner. Miss Sara Jane Eure soent Thurs day night with Miss Shirley Hurdle. , ; Miss rKatherine Godfrey spent Tuesday i night with Miss : Leona Baccus. . , ; -.Miss airfey Hurdle scent Tuesdav jUghtr wl Miss Rachel Alice Mans field. . ... ; Mrs. JiTnest StaHlings, her son, Er nest Carey, .and Mrs. Vick Stallinra fisitod1,'Mr.' ndittn.'J.:'':Vali Roach ay winiaii, i-uesaay nd 'attended! the graduating eMrcises at " Wttttmr: & Mrs; Z. . D. White spent the week end near Berea with her son-in-law and danghter, Mr. and jMrs. '. f Eari f Mr. and Mrs. Nathaif Hurdle visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, ) , Twine,';sunovafternooni'i:VSs;;.!;f? J. V, Stallings Ernest ! Stallings, Ntihan Hurdle and Quinton " Hurdl atiendad Jthe special service for men at Winfalll Sunday evening.' Shirley and Eugene Hurdle , at tended the baccalaureate sermon in Hertford Sunday evening., ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Hurdle and children, Daryl anS Elinor Glyn, at tended graduating exercises at Win fall Tuesday night. Mrs. Ed Lee Jennings visited Mrs. Quinton Hurdle Saturday afternoon. ON SUITS NOW! Special For Saturday i 25 MEN'S SUIT! $10.00 Eoeti These Suits are all $20.00 values and are Spring and Summer styles and shades. GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST J. C. Blanchard & Co. Inc. "BLANCHARD'S" SINCE 1832 108 Years of Service Quality Merchandise Hot Oeata dmtfe u FOR FRIDAY, SATUMY O MY ARMOUR'S 1 Tomato Juice I DEL MONTE Pineapple Juice DEL MONTE Grapefruit Juice Priceless Orange Juice . . T 21c MAXWELL HOUSE TEA Va lb. pkg. 23c GLASS FREE MORTON'S SILVER SALT O pkgs. 10c AMERICAN REFINED " LORD BALTIMORE SALAD DRESSING Quart 21c Jar Pure Cane Sugar I Mil Icd Crcem Pov;d:rs . 3 PrepETfr flow! For Summer Insects LET US! SUPPLY : . YOUR NEEDS f Spray Ouns 10c, 25c Insecticides: ! !; Quarts -55c Pintst Ui..:l35c y2 Pints :-...U9c I'M," "BLANCHE wtttttlttMtt?f ' Noi At 'AM Solicitor Wellj i if you want iny , honest opinion- r , h j Client -No, no. I want your pro f essional advice, j " t . t ' -J -'.'f I Because he tossed two. 200-pound t policemen out of his home, Lawrence 4 T. Sampson of Oklahoma City, was v arrested and held for court action, Only Right Prices I 3 : 25c I large cans large cans 25c large cans 25c VESPAR TEA y2ib. pkg. SWAN - MATCHES U boxes 25c 10 Er 49c 0 i SWEET DRINK COFFEE lbs.' for 39c f Don't WE CARRY A COMPLETE. , LINE OF " , Open Formula FEEDS A FEED FOR . r .. . EVERY NEED ; ' . ITORD, N. C ; i iff" !!-. Si J Forget I" 4 'A ' i va

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