ft THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HRTFOfcD, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1940 PAGE SEVEN 1 -4 r SUkDAY SG!!0DL LESSON THE NEW COVENANT International Sunday School Lesson For May 26, 1940 Golden Text: "I will put my law in their inward-parts, and write it in their hearts; and Willi be their God, and they shall' be my people.'' Jer. 81 :83 Jeremiah, the prophet, realized that the old covenant which God Ijad made with Abraham concern ing the children of Israel had been broken because they had not lived up to their part of the agreement. , As punishment for their sins and falling away from Jehovah, Jeremiah - prophesied that Judah would be tak en captive - by Nebuchadneszar, that the beloved temple would be de stroyed and the people taken as ex iles to Babylon. For this very un popular teaching, Jeremiah became a veritable martyr, suffering all kinds of persecutions for Judah be lieved that she would escape the impending doom, that Jerusalem was inviolable because the Temple was in its midst and that the nation could not perish. Before he died, Jeremiah saw the fulfillment of his prophecies. As he saw the long night of exile settling down on his people, his prophetic in Bight went a little farther and, out Of the ruins of Jerusalem, he beheld a new city and a new covenant tak ing the place of the old. Where the old covenant stressed the guidance and protection of God to Israel as a nation, the new cove nant emphasized the importance of the individual's relationship to God. Careful study reveals that the pro gress of doctrine in the Bible is al ways toward the fuller recognition of individual personality. From the tribe to the individual, from a group consciousness to a personal experi ence, from a vague recognition of many gods to a discovery of one In finite God, from a Messianic nation or a group within the nation to the expectation of a coming Savior, the trend is toward the recognition of the individual. While we cannot afford to neglect the social aspects of our faith, it is well for us always to con sider the fact that the religion of our Bible is the religion of a per sonal righteousness and a personal immortality. Jeremiah approved and endorsed :- NEW ' Wash Dresses Youll like Our New Summer Wash - ' a Dresses Hf COOL AND COMFORTABLE - FOR HOT PAYS. AHEAD ', LARGE SELECTION OK 'DOTH Wash and Silk ' P '-Dresks -yjt rwIgt;DiiEssEs COME IN AND LOOK OVER - CUR STOCK v -. , 1 1 WW is the' reformations inaugurated by King Josiah which did. much to cor rect the worst practices of the heathen cults, centralized worship in the Temple at Jerusalem and put in force the admirable law code of Deuteronomy. However, this was an external reformation which did not touch the hearts of the people nor cleanse their inner lives. Jere miah saw the need of a religion of the, heart and began to preach, "Wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved." (Jer 4:14). He declared that a good life is rooted in a cleansed heart upon which God's word is written, and that every man is responsible for his own life. The people became incensed at the doctrine-which Jeremiah preach ed. It was much easier for them to go to the Temple, make an offering and go through ceremonies than it was for them to cleanse their hearts and lives. They did not understand, evidently, that offerings meant noth ing to God if hands and lives were stained with sin. Do we need Jere miah's message today? Do we think that all that God requires is that we attend Sunday school and tne wor ship service, bring an offering and money and, perhaps, study our les son once in a while? Are you one who could be called a "Sunday Chris tion?" There are many who are regular attendants at church on Sunday who forget all about God and Jesus Christ the other days of the week. Are you among them? God will speak for our lives today, if we will but let Hkn, through the medium of our conscience, or moral intuition. Henry Alford Porter, in an article in "The Christian Index," said, "Conscience is the voice of God within saying, 'Do right, do right, do right.' It bids us choose the right and refuse the wrong. But if con science is the voice of God, why is it, you may ask, that conscience tells one person that a certain action is right and another that it is wrong? "The truth is that conscience does not tell us what is right and what is wrong. That is the function of the mind. You have to use your mind about it, your reasoning faculties, your moral judgment. Of course, the mind is not infallible. Its judgments get mixed up with human feelings, traditions, prejudices ... "To sum it all up, two needs are ours enlightened minds and sensi tive consciences. We need enlight ened minds that we may be able to discern what is right and what is wrong, with so many varying views abroad as to what wrong, where shall is rijrht ana our nerolexedi minds find lieht? Are we all at ' sea? By no means. We find light where Paul found it. In Jesus Christ we have an absolute Jrust- worthy moral standard. He laid down no rules, but what a standard he set up in his life and teaching." ONE-FIFTH BACK AT WORK The U. S. Department of Agricul ture estimates that one-fifth of all factory workers since 1932 have gone back to work because of increased purchases of farm families. POTATO STANDARDS REVISED .Revised U. S. standards for pota toes, effective May 15, , provide slightly more liberal application of tolerances for defects in occasional packages, the U. S. Marketing ser vice announces. . PURCHASES HALTED Purchases ; of Argentine flaxseed, by American crushers will probably come to a halt as the result of the elimination of Holland and Belgium as an export market for linseed cake made in this country. , T USE OF COTTON BOOSTED A new Federal program to boost the use of cotton calls for the manu facture and Bale of not more than one million bale covers made of cot ton bagging., ... r . 4 "tiowI'mSchodCirl complexion All Over" for 20c Super Suds (Red Box) "Sra. S. for 25c su-tr Suds Red Box) Lff. 2 for 35e Surer Suds (Bhie Box) Sra. 3 for 25c Su er Suds f Blue Box) Lz. 2 3ac 43 Octxoa Soon Gt .6 for 2Sc Octagon Soap Sm. ..10 for 23c Ucta-;;t Powder. Le .6 for 25c OcU;zn Iowder Oetan X .1st Octagon Cleanser in i 9 -' 6 for 25c 1 Jl f or 9c Uctagon Flakes .2 for 18c Ccr-m Granulated f A J Wr Roan . -2 for 18c 3 .for 14c .3 for'Uc -3 for 14c .,3 for 14c 3 for 14c -3 for 10c T 'i . I. cauty P- ice) op Univeraal Soan Triple Cake ISoap J. C Klahchard & Co., Ik it arm PcimoUve ' " : S Farms For Sale May Be Listed Here At FSA Office Real Estate Agents and Farm Land Owners Invited to List Selec tion to Aid Tenants Any farm land for sale in Per quimans County can be listed foi sale with the Farm Security Admin istration for consideration under the FSA tenant purchase program. A Houston Edwards, County Supervis or, announced today. This means any real estate agent or farm land owner in Perquimans County can register farms for sale at the FSA office in Hertford. Fundf for the sale of farm lands to tenants seeking to become owners under the FSA program have been appropriat ed by Congress under the Bankhead Jones Act, and purchase of these farms is under supervision of the Farm Security Administration. Mr. Edwards said each county FSA office wanted as large a se'ection oi farms as possible in aiding tenants to purchase farms, and asked that local farm real estate men file their lists of suitable farms for sale with the PSA office. The prospective purchasers, who expect to borrow from ESA, will be referred to the owners and agents of suitable farm lands. PEANUT REPORT Virginia-North Carolina Section: Planting has been active during the recent favorable weather. In some sections of North Carolina 60 to 70 percent of the crop has now been planted, and in some of the Virginia peanut area at least 50 percent of the j crop is in the ground. If favorable weather continues planting should be heavy during the next few days, and it is expected that the end of May should see nearly all of the acreage in the large-podded area planted. The market for farmers' stock has strengthened slightly, although the movement to market has been less active recently than it was last week. Some holders of farmers' stock pea nuts continue to delay selling in the anticipation of higher prices later. Prevailing prices, delivery point bas . JS Per lb., follow: Virginias, Jumbos, best 454c, few 4.40-4 c, medium 3 7-8-4c; Bunch. best 3 6-8-3 c, few 3.85-4c, medium 3 3-8-3 Me; Shelling stock, best 3V 3c, few 3c, medium 3 l-8-3c; Spanish farmers' stock, market hold ing steady at 90-95c per 30-lb bushel. The market for shelled and cleaned Virginias is firm though quiet, with mediums and No. 1 Virginias shelled and jumbo handpicked slightly stronger. Market price ranges con- tinue unusuallv wide. The May 15 Stocks' Repor shows Wlll on 31 day of May 1940 a'. 115,921,000 pounds of Virginia farm 1 12:00 o'clck, Noon, at the Court ers' stock in mills and warehouses; ! ouse door of Perquimans Ce rt; and 4,227,000 pounds of Spanish in C- offer for sale at public a;ic .Virginia and North Carolina. The t'on' to th.e highest bidder for cash, disappearance of cleaned Virginias , the foIwing described property: during Apria, 1940, totaled 4,415,000 1 A11 those certain Hands containing pounds, and of shelled Virginias to taled 15,601,000 pounds. N. C. Citizens Paid $31,700,000 In Life Insurance Money Every day in 1939 life insurance policyholders and beneficiaries in North Carolina were paid $86,848, oi a total of $31,700,000 for the. year and $9.08 for every man, woman and child, according to a special compil ation released by the National Un derwriter, weekly insurance news paper. North Carolina ranked 21st in life insurance payments among all states thence North 57 degrees East 3.15 and is lltf in size of population chains; thence North 67 degrees East Payments showed .an increase of j 9 chains to the beginning. Being the $1,100,000 over 19&J "or 8 2-3 per! same lands conveyed to Quinton Hur cent. , die by Ruf us White and wife, by deed Ordinary life insurance in force in dated January 4th, 1878, and record North Carolina totals $1,036,596,000 , ed in Book JJU, Page 431, and by on 472,684 policies or $297 per cap ita.' Average size of policy in force is $2,193, the average new policy sold in 1939 being $2,161. Cites Reasons For Fewer Prisoners Under Age Of 25 An Increased public interest and more concerted, action in the general welfare field were jjiven this ' week as the probable cause for a decline in the' number of juveniles in North KMrvluut' coiuuy jaiw ana a cnango n the number Prsons under 25 - W. Curtis EielV director of the division of institutions and correc tions of; the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, ascribed much of the ' change as due tOKnew pro graras of social welfare operated by the siate or federal governments. - "The National outh i Administra tion, Civilian Conservation Corps, the employment services,' -Child Welfare Serviced and. aid .to dependent chil dren all liave played, a part in the remaking of many of our youthful citizens," the welfare official said. Organization of county welfare de partments in all 100 counties of North Carolina helped lower the number of children incarcerated in county jails from 1,231 in 1936 to 1,070 in 1937, with a further reduc tion through 878 in 1938 down to the 1939 low of 784, or a total reduction of 38 percent, Ezell said. "These reductions have been made without the addition of new or sub stitute institutions or facilities and without a corresponding rise in ths populations of institutions already existing. "The training schools for delin quents show no increase in admis sions in 1939 over 1986. Each year there were a total of 488 admissions to the four training schools," he stated. Commitments of persons under .16 years of age to the state prison sys tem have taken another turn with a rise from 64 in 1936 to 101 in 1939 although the younger prisoners are making up an ever increasingly smaller percentage of the total pris on population. In fiscal 1933 per sons under 25 made up half the total commitments while in 1938 the prisoners under 25 years of age ac counted for only 40 per cent of the total number. DURA NTS NECK CLUB MEETS Miss Frances Maness, home dem onstration agent, met with a tev. members of the Durants Neck Club Monday afternoon. An interesting demonstration on caning chairs was given. It is to be regretted that so few members were present. Miss Maness is very anxious that attend ance at these meetings increase and urges the full cooperation of every member to this end. It is only by full cooperation of every member that the greatest good can be accom plished. All members are urged to be present at the next meeting. ACHING FEET VS. DIVORCE Tulsa, Okla. Contending that ach ing feet so affect the nerves of women that they are a leading cause of divorce is the contention of Dr. Howard Johnson, president of the Oklahoma Chiropody Association. CLASSIFIED AND LEGALS ARMY SHOES NEW SHIPMENT. Rebuilt Army Shoes make ideal shoes for farm work. Julian E. Ward's Shoe Shop, Edenton. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in that certain deed of trust exe cuted, by Jerome W. Hurdle and wife, Flora W. Hurdle, and Henrietta Hur dle (widow), to Southern Trust Com pany, Trustee, on the 1st day of December, 1925, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Perquimans County, N. C. in Book 1, at page 30, default having beer, made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee uo acres, more or less, situated on 1. tt n: A i , .. mc up iuver Koaa, aDout 1U miler irom the town of Hertford, in Belvi dere Township, Perquimans County, N. C, and adjoining the lands of Asbell Bros. Jessup E. Nixon heirs and others, and beginning on the West side of the road in the line of A. Jessup, and running North 27 de grees 30 feet E. 9 chains to a maple stump; thence N. 9 degrees W. 6.20 chains; thence N. 76 degrees 30 fee W. 20.50 chains along a lane; thence S. 30 degrees 30 feet W. 23.50 chains; thence East 8 chains to the edge of the marsh; thence Southwardly along the edge of the marsh to a gum; thence East 2.70 chains; thence North 47 degrees East 3.15 chains to a sum; two deeds from J. A. February 24th, 1885, White dated and February "7 23rd, 1898, and recorded in Book UU, Page 427, and Book 5, Page 529. The above property will be sold subject to all taxes due and unpaid on dav of sale. A deposit of 5 or the amount bid will be required of the successful bidder at the hour of sale. This notice dated and posted thL? 30th day of April, 1940. SOUTHERN LOAN & INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee, (Formerly Southern Trust Company) By Worth & Horner, Attorneys, Elizabeth City, N. C. may3,10,17,24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Caleb T. White, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, Route 3, on or before the 16th day of April, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded, in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This 16th day of ApriO, 1940. MRS. ANNUS LEE WHITE, Administratrix of Caleb T. White apj26,may3,10,17,24,3 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Virgil A. Holdren, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford on or before the 14th clay of May, IT'S HERE THE NEW IMPROVED CONCENTRATED ISUPERSUDS Palmolive 3 for 20c Super Suds (Red Box) Sm. 3 for 25c Super Suds (Red Box) Lg. 2 for 35c Super Suds (Blue Box) Sm. 3 for 25c Super Suds (Blue Box) Lg. 2 for 43c Octagon Soap Gt. 6 fwr 25c Octagon Soap Sm. 10 for 23c Octagon Powder, Lg. 6 for 25c Octagon Pvder Sm. 10 for 23c Octagon Toilet 6 for 25c Octagon Cleanser 2 for 9c Octagon Flakes 2 for 18c Octagon Granulated 2 for 18c Crystal White Soap 3 for 14c Hollywood Beauty 3 for 14c Klex (Pumice) Soap 3 for 14c j Creme Oil Soap 3 for 14c! Universal Soap 3 for 14c Iriple Cake Soap 3 for 10c J. Brouffhton & Bro. Inc. TO OWNERS OF FORDS - CDEVR0LETS PLYMOUTDS Come In! Investigate THIS WEEK'S "SPECIALS" Off WOULD. FAMOUS V. S. SAFETY TIRES THE SIZE FOR YOUR CAR U.S. ROYAL Be Luxe ffirH'IRUE-UTlOII'TIIEAD Standard fafec equip ment on tens of tbou andaoffine 1940 cars. An unusually attractive proposition is available this week only t IYfeU.S.TIRE Famous Lute Price Tirm By Thm WorWt Lor ft Producer of Rubber lifetime (uaraotee-hrus and by the United Sates Robber Company. The reateat paint in today's market. SMOOTH TIRES ARE DANGEROUS ! UT US SAFETY-CHECK Joe & Bill's Service Station "Where Service Is a Pleasure" ROAD AND WRECKING SERVICE Dial 2301 Hertford, N. C. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY MAY 25 Vote mi For Merrill for at a t Did Not Ask For A Second Primary, v In 1936X' : 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said, estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of May, 1940. EVA L. HOLDREN, Executrix of Virgil A. Holdren. may24,31,june7,14,21,28 NOTICE The undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Hertford, Per quimans County, N. C, on Monday, June 17th, 1940, at 11:30 A. M.r That certain tract of land with buildings situate in New Hope Town ship, Perquimans County, adjoining lands of Hazel C. Hoskins, Chas. Banks, Joseph Haskett, J. A. Russell, and the New Hope Road, containing 63 acres more or less, and being thf Benjamin Hoskins home place and being all the Benjamin Hoskins landf except that portion deeded and wiOl ed to Hazel C. Hoskins. Right to reject all bids is hereby reserved. This May 20th, 1940. BAKER HOSKINS NELLIE H. PIERCE B. S. HOSKkNS, Jr. By Chas. Whedbee, Att'y. may24,31,june7,14 Palmolive 3 for 20c Super Suds (Red Box) Sm. 3 for 2f)C Super Suds (Red Box) Lg. 2 for 35c Super Suds (Blue Box) Sm. 3 for 25c Super Suds (Blue Box) Lg. 2 for 43c Octagon Soap (it. 6 for 25c Octagon Soap Sm. 10 for 23c Octagon Powder, Lg. 6 for 25c Octagon Powder Sm. 10 for 23c Octagon Toilet 6 for 25c Octagon Cleanser 2 for !c Octagon Flakes 2 for 18c Octagon Granulated 2 for 18c Crystal White Soap 3 for Hollywood Beauty 3 for 14c Klex (Pumice) Soap 3 for 11c i me Oil Soap 3 for 14c I niversal Soap 3 for 14c Triple Cake Soap 3 for 10c Z. A. HARRIS ROYAL MASTER America's first Deskidded Tire . . . famous for its extra skid protection and long mileage. There's a special Changeover Price for yon this month. As! about ill Prepare For Summer Driving Now Let I s Replace Your Old Tires With New Ones YOUR TIRES T00AY1 Evan. DM 0 B i'.r v. , ; " " Reserves C-Your Support,. i .,., tuoctagonX LAUNDRY SOAP WHEN YOU BUY MEDIUM PKG. OCTAGON j GRANULATED S0APJr '0 Ssmaltbu J 2 '