N. c, i ;.:day, tzc. TV' j a -a. i J- k i 1 ' f a ' ? M J ( s if- 1 v.- i ,fr ' " ,1 . it K ' tA'fi, Viktor Here '" Miaa Gladys Hamrick, of Albe- miri. sDMit Thanksgiving and the week-end as vJbe guest of Miss Ruth 'Davenport. In Norfolk Friday . Mrs-rTommy Jessup, Mrs. oger Stokes and Mrs. Joe Ward spent Friday in Norfolk, Va. Week-end At Home jack Munns, a student at the Uni versity of North ' Carolina, Chapel Rtfl, spent the week-end with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Murine. Friday In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner and son, Charlie, spent Friday in Nor folk, Va. Week-end With Parents Durwood Reed, a student at Wake Forest College, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dur wood Reed. Home For Week-end Harrell Johnson, student at Wake Forest College, was the week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. Charles Johnson. Home For Holidays Miss Mary Gaither, of Elizabetn City, spent the Thanksgiving holi days with her mother, Mrs. W. G Gaither. Thanksgiving In Greenville Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keidanz, Mrs. J. S. Vick, Miss Helen Vick and Jim Lavden spent Thanksgiving Day in Greenville as guests of Mr. and Mrs Edwin McMullan. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keidanz return ed to their home in New York Sat urday, after a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick. Mr. Keidanz wa. on .leave from the ,U. S. Navy before assuming his new duties as executive head of the scientific de partment at the office of Supervisor of Shipbuilding, located at Staten Is- ianoV-New York. Here From Windsor .. Miss Prue Newby, a member of the school faculty at Windsor, was the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newby, during the holi days. '' .Week-end With Parents Miss Rath Alice Ward, a member of the Oak Grove school faculty, Mias Marguerite Ward, a student at Mere dith. College, Raleigh, and Jarvis Ward, who is attending Wake Forest NOTICE VV.0.W. Members There will be a spe cial meeting on Thurs day evening, Decem ber 12. All members urged to be present. i:. Cash Prizes to Be Awarded State Friday, Dec 6th ERROL FLYNN BRENDA MARSHALL in he Sea HawkM .Monday TTnesday Theatre TYRONE POWiH "1 - 1 WedneadayMatinee Jr. M. f'J '' Comedy - Act Collesre. were guests of their par ents, Dr. and Mm. I. A. ; Ward, dur ing the holidays. Here For Week-end Miss Elizabeth Knowles, of Wash ington, N. C, was at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knowles, for the holidays. She had as her guest, Miss Sally Burdge, also of Washington, N. C. Home For Holidays Roy Reed, a student at State Col lege, Raleigh, spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corp Reed. Week-end Here Miss Joyce Stokes, of Comfort, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stokes. Friday In Norfolk Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Mrs. Julian White, Mrs. Silas Whedbee, Mrs. H. C. Stokes and Miss Mildred Reed sjient Friday in NorfoQk, Va. Sunday Here Miss Katherine Tatum. and W. M. Moore, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry. Friday Here Mr. and Mrs. F. M, White and chil dren, Mary Ellen and Jack, of Winston-Salem, spent Friday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winslow. Week-end At Annapolis Miss Jean Newbold spent the week-end at Annapolis as the guest of friends. Visit In Richmond Mrs. Henry Newbold, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Futrell spent Friday and Sat urday in Richmond, Va. Week-end At Home Jesse Lee Harris, of Raleigh was the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris. Visits At Manteo Miss Hilda Knowles Thanksgiving holidays Doris Jones, at Manteo. spent the with Miss Thursday In Norfolk Mrs. R. A. White, Mr. and Mrs. I C. Winslow, Barbara and Betty Jean Winslow spent Thursday in Norfolk, Va. Visitors Last Week Mrs. 0. F. Young and Miss Anna Io Morgan, of Asheville, spent sever al days last week as guests of Mr and Mrs. A. W. Hefren. Asheville Visitors Mrs. 0. M. Morgan and sons, of Asheville, were guests of Mrs. Annie Chalk several days last week. Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nichols and son, Haywood, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blanch ard Sunday. In Norfolk Saturday Misses Hilda, Grace and Elizabeth Knowles and Sally Burdge spent "Sat urday in Norfolk, Va. Sunday In Norfolk Miss Katherine Jessup spent Sun day in Norfolk, Va. ere Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bundy, of 'lhabeth City, spent Sunday as the Hertiord, N. C. Saturday- i-iiTSl ABTCTt "Drums of Fn Manchu No. 5 in - rrlJNDADARNU ,AS:iBATH80H8 Thursday - Friday ' ' DOROTHY LAMOUR . - ROBERT PRESTON ii in j mini ii Tjroi.e io ..er am! Basil Rathbone here provide one ol uiany thrilling seque ue- in "T. e Mark oi Zono," at State Theatre, he. loid, Monday and Tuesday. v.asi as the great California tand.t, Power is starred in the most fanou.? fjiiio-js and coioriui c aM screen roles. Linda Darnell and Rat'h- bore iie.'.t! c su, ,;o.t ny a&t. guests oi Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sumner. Attend Wedding . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Llanchard at tended the Patrick-Roberson wedding in Newport News, Va., Saturday. Home For Week-end Zack Harris, a student at State College, Raieigh, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris. Here FMday Miss Faye Parker, of near Eden ton, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Williford, on Friday. Week-end At Carolina Beach Mrs. J. G. Campbell spent the week-end at Carolina Beach with her husband. Littleton Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thrower, of Littleton, spent Friday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick. Attend Duke-Pitt Game A. W. Hefren, C. P. Morris and J E. Winslow attended the Duke-Pitt football game in Durham on Satur day. On Sick List - R. T. Brinn is confined to his home this week because of illness, but is somewhat improved. Week-end With Mother R. D. Elliott, of Williamstoh, was the week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. K. D. Elliott. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White and -m-mr: 1 "V T 1 1 . T - son, Jay vvmsiow, oi iNonoia, va., visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. White on Sunday. Week-end With Mother Miss Virginia Tucker, of Hampton, Va., will spend the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Isa Tucker. Sunday Visitors Mr, and Mrs. Moore Williams and Miss Edna Everett, of Drivers, - Va., 3pent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. Holidays Here Miss Frances White, of Louisville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with friends and relatives here. In Elizabeth City Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Trim Wilson spent Sunday in Elizabeth City visiting her mother, Mrs. Toxey. Week-end Visitors Mr. and Mrs. William Perry and son, of Wonolk, va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Perry. : ' Sunday Here ! ! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrow and son, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Darden. Attends Medical Meeting Dr. I. A. Ward attended the Sea board medical meeting at Washing ton, N. C, on Wednesday. Here This Week i . David Broughton, U. 8 Navy, of Norfolk, Va., spent several days this week with his mother, . Mrs. . Sidney Broughton. . Week-end At Home 1 Miss Maywood Pierce, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. E. S. Pierce. Move Into New Home Mr. and -Mrs. Hudson. Butler and children moved this week - from ' fhe Norman Apartments to the' , house formerly occupied by Mr. and MrK, Corbin Dozier, ' Tuesday In Hertford, K 'm , , . Mrs. Corbin Dozier and sons, Cor bin. and(Jimmy1 of Norfolk, Vs., spent Tuesday-1 Hertford. v ,( Sway At WK'icfoii (tfiJ t Mr. and ' Mi 3. Sidney Btancharj Spent "Sunday ft Wlutestoii as guest? of Mr. and Mrfc'Arba. Winslow..; . . M' LnlMM '"" On Ten Days' Leave Albert Jor.es, U. S. N., Norfolk, a., is spending a ten days' leave of absence with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ainsley. SPECIAL MEETING OF WOMAN'S CLUB The Woman's Club will hold a special meeting on' Tuesday after noon, December 10, at 3:30 o'clock, in the dlub room at the Community House. An ' interesting Christmas program is being prepared and all past presidents are invited to be special guests. This will be the first meeting of the club under the new president, Mrs. I. A. Ward, and all members are cordially invited to attend. CIRCLE NO. THREE MEETS Circle Number Three of the Wom an's Missionary Society of the Hert ford Bautist Church met at the home of Mrs. G. R.Tucker Monday evening. Mrs. .L. N. Hollowefll was in charge of a very interesting pro gram, with Mrs. T. L. Jessup and Mrs. J. W. Ward assisting. The de votional was conducted by Mrs. I. A. Ward, and Mrs. C. R. Holmes dis ..'iis.cd t'ne group. The hostess served a delicious sweet course to the following: Mes dames W. G. Newby, J. W. Zachary, B. C. Berrv. L. N. Hollowell, I. A. Ward, .Trim Wilson, J. W. Ward, T. L. JessuD. C. E. Cannon' and C. R Holmes, Misses Helen Morgan and Frances Maness. CIRCLE NO. FOUR MEETS Circle Number Four of the Wom an's Missionary Society of the Hert ford Baptist Church met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Tom Madre with 12 members and two vis itors present. Mrs. Mark Gregory had charge of an interesting Christ mas program. Mrs. J. E. Everett gave the devotional and readings were given by Mrs. Fred Mathews and Mrs. Matt Mathews. During an enjoyable social hour, the hostess served a salad course. ROOK CLUB MEETS Miss Mary Sumner was hostess to members of her Rook Club Friday evening at her home. Those playing were: Mesdames G. R. Tucker, Dur wood Reed, J. H. Towe, Jr., Edgar Morris, f. L. Jessup, Oscar Felton, Julian White, Archie Lane, Carlton Cannon and T. J. Nixon, Jr., and Miss Helen Morgan. High score prize was awarded Mrs. Felton, Miss Helen Morgan re ceived low, and the floating prize went to Mrs. Tucker. The hostess served a dainty salad course. DOUBLE WEDDING Miss Shirley Walker and Glenn Mathews, of Elizabeth City, Miss Sadie Vivian Harrell and Benton White, of Hertford, were quietly married last Thursday in Elizabeth City at the First Christian Church with the Rev. W. 0. Henderson of ficiating. After a short wedding trip the couples returned to Hertford.- RRinVUELECT HONORED n Mrs. L. B. Sitterson,, Mm.' C O. Fowler and lbs. Jess Campen, Sr, were joint hostesses, at miscellan eous shower Monday venlng inhon or of Miss Katherine Cam peri,, bride- elect of the month .Hie shower was riven at the horn of Mr Sitterson, which was attractively decorated for the occasion. ' Miss Campen received many useful and pretty gifts. Af ter Kamea and contests were enjoyed, delicious refreshments '': were served by the nostesses.' ' -' t, i&EWnOPE NEWS Mrs.' R. B. Perry and Miss Carmen Perry visited the former's brother, TL S Davidson, and his family on Friday.. .TVy 'we're., accompanied home by K:i Anr? Tvi'ion, who spent the w .-end . 1 t..etn. . ' . Austin D& . and Carlto.i Barclift. of Waahlrtgt,..n, D. visited their respective parents",, Mr., and Mn,' W. Ji Cl fell" .'i:eUieVilBaUft, jhuk th vMVni Thiw. were ' ac- companied bat'i ,t .VVshJngtorf I Mrs. Barcliit, who.will visit with her cWldrei ia ashingtcn tmBalti iiWeflip(S.ie. '- f -V " IRunert BankB. 'of orfblkSA Va., gpent the week-end with his parents, ed with" friends in, Manteo Sunday afternoon. ' '' '''Vfi'm' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie pall and little daughter, Carolyn, visited Mrs. Dail'a mother, Mrs. Jim Davis, in Elizabeth City, on Wednesday. , Qulnton Hurdle, of Norfolk, Va., visited his mother, Mrs. Sallie Hur dle, Sunday. Woddlev Suencer, of Norfolk, Va., viaitl hi narenta. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spencer, Sunday. Mrs. T. A. Hurdle was in Elizabeth City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webb and children, of Norfolk, Va., Bpent "Sunday with their parents, Mrv and Mrs. L. R. Vvebb. S. D. Banks and Miss Vida Banks were in Elizabeth City Monday. Miss Rebecca Webb, of the Rober sonville school faculty, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Webb. L IUI Ibw.itlbV vi v..- YOU GET BOTH FOR $3925 A$56.90Volu 1. Spodight. 2. Toe-tip nozzle adjustment. 3. G-E motor. 4 Requires no oihng. 5. Dust-proof bag 6. Durable con struction. 7. Unbreakable 8. General Electric warranty. I I'l'W u ,GBU3rji"; I, " ' l,,lUUI.H..l.JillUII..JM.MLIUIIIHU.i.l I'MII'll" " -j. T -wos A Now ' 1 tofcMmMUAY ! b 1 In A GenewlE-- , 11. .t! mmtTTV "' ........ I. ' N ' -t-f ! 'Si .& a tar THE FURNITURE MAN HERTFORD. N. C. FREE PRESTONE ... . COME IN and insDect I Flymouthsask tor a tutjti .rwioruwjTO project yourt cart through the winter, lf Car must be puichased between Dec6 - and ,Tyi 'IO w fVic( flpk1 T - li lift lillin lllLtl. U937; Chevrolet ; 4-doori Master' Sedan." ' N ew paint s Perfect condir ltpt;F.qrd( Deluxe. coupe. ; - A"A snape. 1938 -Ford 2-doorSe-dan. See this one be- Afore buying." Iibw mileage; 1 l Ask' About Our liberal Piyhcri FI:.n 41 1 AJ ' ' x - fj - ' K, SALTS AND 1 .YJC3 ; .J, f .Mr. and Krs Xaihan UtnpLfc" tui lovfYwn, of ElLabeth City, visited her iinotheri Mrs. Nettte Barclif t, uijday. r$hey also visited '.Mr snd -MrsTAe.fBarciiftr: ,i ' 4-, ' Mr. and. Mrs. Cecjl Everett,' of Weeksvfle, visited, with relatives and t, frtends here Sunday,..,, . t - Bywt, " f Norfolk, Vv , I spent the week-end witk his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards ' and Son, Mark "Wood,- of Norview, V.,' spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spencer. ' , Rupert Banks and ' Roblejr iPerry, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end ; at their respective homes here. l tjj Mr. and Mrs. David Newby Md.,, daughter, Geraldine, of Portland, s , Maine, spent the week-end ' with- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Charlie Newby. Moody Haskett, of Nags ' Head,' V' spent the week-end with his wife at " the home of her sister, Mrs." R. D. (, Benson. ' " 'fA . 9. Everything Relative She Isn't that blonde girl next '- to us pretty? . .' He Next to you everything pretty. " 'Vfcv 18 1 ( FINZST CLEAUZZ (MOST FEATURES LOWEST COST tvwOffefd by General Electric Smart buyers soap up this un usual combination of smart, brand new merchandise. The latest up-to-date models ia die popular General Electric lie. Make your cleaning easier and better by treating yourself to' this bargain. v . i --y ..i LOWEST COST II II IE It 1 t I one our new Chryslers and free demonstration. , i , .cost price exceeds $150 "i -i'l-V .- - .. . ;a . . . 193lPir R a d iandl header. MsisSal.? 15360ievfoleMastc WbbtBlanlS: 1939Plbiiii:: MVinditioiu R:J and. heater.' -..i tor A.J'iS-'v,.