, i.'r , 1 f. i ' k , 1 1 1 EEKLY k mm : i A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume VIIL Number 3. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 17, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. w 1, ,1 Perquimans Youth Returns From Camp; fcls Examination Francis Jessup Turned ' Down; Joseph Perry Replaces Him Francis Jessup, one of the five Perauimans young: men who left for Port Bragg last week, returned home after having baen rejected for mili tary ervices by Army doctors. Jes sup failed to pass the physical exam ination given at the Camp. ' The local draft board immediately chose Joseph Perry to fill the vacancy created by Jessup. Perry left Hert ford for Fort Bragg on Thursday, to undergo a physical examination prior to being inducted into the Army. - A call for one Negro draftee was received by the local board, accord ing to J. R. Stokes, and Harold Wig gins, a Negro volunteer, will be sent 44 Fort Bragg on January 27 to fill the 'quota. Mr. "Stokes stated that another call for men will not be forthcoming until about February 17, although definite word regarding the time and number of men to be drafted has not been sent to the board. 'The local draft offices mailed out " another twenty-five questionnaires to1 registrants this week, bringing the fa - total of questionnaires marled to men to 259. At the present time the board has classified 206 of these men. Thirty-eight have been placed in Class 1. Sixteen of these are white men. and 22 are Negroes. Several of the men now in Class 1 have not yet received their local phy- x 'sical examination, but the local board iWijo are ready to report for duty; Sevan Negroes are also ready. , x.ttOOen W0ITJB7 toui8 v,nappeu, C if Copeland. are the white boys who i Vtavs- passes uie iovi pnysicai cauiu- Mlatkmi oaBsed A-l. v The seven Negroes include Bernice - Woodard, Robert Riddick, Vernon Wiggins, Enoch Barnard, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Skinner and Merritt Hollowell. . The local draft board has, as yet, made no decision regarding the case - ' of Roulas Webb ,who was given a special hearing before the board for re-classification. ivo Days Consumed y Superior Court For January Term The January Term of Superior irt convened and adjourned with out fanfare early this week in Hert ford. Seventeen cases were oh the eket when Judge Luther Hamilton Morehead City, convened court (Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. However, due to illness of legal representatives and the principals in several of the cases srettiiwr-tosrether, A only three of the cases were heard ' . " by Judge Hamilton. ,' The only action on Monday was the hearing and granting of a divorce " ' suit entered by Mattie B. Leigh 1 against Elix Leigh. The jury grant edthe' divorce. Court was adjourn ed until Tuesday morning. , k non-suit was taken in the case of Lewis Hoffler et als,, against L. F. Congleton, when the plaintiffs failed f ,, to 'appear and costs were taxed i against them. 'lY A judgement of $545 "was awarded the John Deere Plow Co.; bj the jury j- in 'the action against J. R Winslow , and Hxrr::lWiD8low.''-'Tliia,nuMint was set as value df certain farming i- lements t: the time's they Were re. nqdsjhed'fcythe defendants; J Ihe- jury was released from duty at approximately 11 o'clock Tuesday morning and, there being no further Oj'siness before the court it was ad' S::tton To Leave t :rtford Hardware uammie ' Sutton, after nineteen years'' employment, has resigned his position at the Hertford ' Hardware -Comp-ny and will become actively " engage J in the poultry business. - Mr. gutton will leave fia Hard ware store about February 1st. His' pc 'tion as bookkeeper will be filled is Ruth Nowell, , ; 1 -, v mtVnl ANNOUNCEMENT Ito Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hakey, 'r home at New Hope, on Jan ' a f"n Mother knd baby John Lane Extends Thanks To Hertford Fire Department An expression of thanks was ex tended to the Hertford Fire Depart ment this week by John Lane, of the J Spring City section, for the assist ance given by the firemen at the blaze which damaged his home on last Friday. Mr. Lane highly lauded the local fire-lighters to Mayor V. N. Darden, and, also, paid the firemen for the call to his home. This amount was turned over to the Town on Monday. Mrs. J. T. Brinn, noting the work c'one by the firemen at the Lane home, made a special donation to the Fire Department, to be used by it as they see fit. Town Board Names Mrs. P. H. Small Town Tax List Taker Mrs. P. H. Small was again ap pointed as tax list taker for the Town of Hertford at the meeting of' the Town Board on Monday night. Other applications for the position were discussed but the appointment went to Mrs. Small. Little other business was trans acted by the members of the Board at Monday night's meeting, but sev eral topics were brought to the at tention of the Board; mainly, the subject of delinquent taxes which the Board is determined to see colUected. At the present time court action is being taken against two citizens and unless other arrangements are forthcoming, there may be court ac tion taken against other delinquent tax payers. Upon complaint against seemingly unnecessary noises caused by fire works during the holiday season, the Board checked the records and found that an ordinance passed in 1934 pro hibited the shooting of fire works ti&5ritt he town limits. Further a buse of this ordinance will probably see the board enforcing the ordinance to the limit. In discussing the coming election of Town Officials, to be hefld the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May (which happens to be May 6) the board decided that there will be no registration for the election. Vot ers residing within the tow., limits, and registered on the County regis tration books will be considered eli gible to vote in the Town Election. Mayor V. N. Darden reported to the board that application had been filed with the State University for a chemist to fild the vacancy here bu at the present time a chemist is not available for the job, but it is ex pected to have one within a very short time. Young People's Union Hertford Methodist Church Tuesday The Albemarle Young Peoples Union, met at Hertford Methodist Church on Tuesday night. Miss Jeannette Fields was in charge of the program, opening with a hymn, "God of Grace." Victor Bundy, of Mount Hermon Church, read the Scripture, after which the Rev. R. F. Munns ted the prayer. Alton Munns played a lovely trumpet solo, accom panied by Mrs. Lindsay Winslow at the organ. Miss Addie Ruth Mor gan was the first speaker on the program, using as her topic, "It's Mission." Robert Bradshaw, of Dur ham, conference director of Young People, made a very interesting talk which was enjoyed by all. During the business session rou tine business was taken up. The' next meeting will be held at Anderson 'Church on February lj.th,j During " the 'social hour many games and contests were enjoyed, after which refreshments were served by the young people of the church. Approximately 75 young people of the district attended the meeting. Seed Loans 10 Be Available Again According, to an announcement by E. F. Morgan, of fihawboro, the Federal 'Government will make Seed Loafjs to farmers again this year. , Applications for loan. will be tak en at the. Agriculture Building with in n short time. ' WU1 Members of the Women's Chris tian' Temperance ' Union will meet next Tuesday afternoon, January ,21, at 8 o'clock, at the home, of Mrs. K. k wewooia. . ' ' Dance Included In President's Birthday Celebration F. T. Johnson and W. H. Pitt In Charge of March of Dimes It has been definitely decided that a President's Ball will be included in the program held locaWy to cele brate the President's birthday and aid in the raising of money to fight infantile paralysis. This information was given out by S. M. Whedbee this week aftei he, acting in capacity as chairman of the Perquimans celebration, had consulted various civic groups throughout the county. Mr. Whedbee stated that he was forming a dance committee composed of Dr. C. A. Davenport, Morgan Walker and himself and that they are working on an arrangement to secure an orchestra for the dance that will not "eat into the profits" of the affair. The committee dis cussed the dance situation some little time before deciding to stage it aga1 this year, but at the present time it seems higMy probable that the com mittee will be able to get an orches tra for the dance that even with a minimum attendance will clear a nice profit for the "disease fund." The March of Dimes, another part of the program used , throughout the entire country to raise funds for the fight, will be under the supervision of F T. Johnson, superintendent of schools, and W. H. Pitt, clerk of Perquimans Court. The March of Dimes will be conducted through the county schooils, and the Boy Scouts will also play a part in this work. Plans now call for the March of Dimes program to begin on January 25, and those in charge are hopeful of a concentrated drive for the small coins that can mean so much to those afflicted with infantile paralysis. Another feature that will . be in corporated into the dance this year will be a number of sponsors that will be chosen by the committee sometime during aext week. PTA Clubs Hold Joint Meetings At Winf all School The Perquimans County Parent Teacher Association held a joint meeting of the various clubs in an educational rally at the Perquimans Central Grammar School at Winfall on Thursday night. The meeting was. origanlly schd duled for tonight (Friday), but due to conflicting arrangements, it was moved up to the new date. June Rose of Greenville, was the principal speaker of the evening. Mr. Rose is superintendent of Greenville schools and legislative chairman of P. T. A. work in North Carolina. The program included an address of welcome by Mrs. John Symons of Chapanoke, with the response being made by Mrs. Minnie Wood Walton of Elizabeth City. The devotional was by the Rev. J. D. Cranford, of the Winfall Methodist Church. Sup erintendent F. T. Johnson introduced the speaker. Awarding of attendance prizes to the P. T. A. having the largest number of members present was in charge of Principal T. R. Ainsley. Mrs. J. R. Futrell, president of the Hertford association, presided. Bank To Close For Lee's Birthday R. M. Riddick, cashier of the Hert ford Banking Company, announced today that the bank will be closed all day Monday, January 20, in ob servance of Robert E. Lee's birthday. The bank will reopen for business as usual on Tuesday morning. - Town license Tags Must Be Displayed W G.- Newby, Town Clerk, issued a warning tb all motorists of Hert ford today that Town Tags for auto mobiles must be purchased and dis played immediately. 'The deadline for the purchase' of the tag,ws last Wednesday and" approidrftately 25 of the registered 1 cars still 4 remain without tags, V ' Mr. Newby jtated, that court ac tion will result if motorists' fail to comply riu the Town ordinance. Negro Shooting Case In Recorder's Court Next Tuesday William Thatch Charg ed With Assault With Deadly Weapon William Thatch, 18-year-old Negro, of the Beech Spring section, will face a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill in Re corder's Court on Tuesday, January 21, as a result of some drunken shooting near the Dozier Thicket on Monday. Lindsay Nixon, Negro WPA work er, was the first reported victim of Thatch's. Arriving in Hertford a bout 4 p. m., on the WPA truck, Nixon reported to Sheriff J. E. Winslow that Thatch was shooting at passing automobiles near the thicket, and that he had shot at the WPA truck and one of the shot had hit him and entered the skin slightly above the lip. Sheriff Winslow and Deputy M. G. Owens immediately went to the scene and found. Thatch as he was enter ing his home, evidently in a drunken condition. Thatch surrendered to the officers peacefully and on ques tioning by Sheriff Winslow answered that all he had shot was . . . "two squirrels." Thatch was placed, in the County jail to await trial before Judge Gran berry Tucker next week. Further investigation on the part of the officers show that prior to shooting at the WPA truck, Thatch had accosted Robert Harrell, 20-year-old white man, and after curs ing him had said that he was going to shoot him. Thereupon it was re ported that Thatch turned and wallk ed away from Harrell about fifty yards . . . then turned and shot at Harrell. The shots from the gun failed to penetrate Harrell's clothing. The reports as were circulating over Hertford regarding his shooting at all passing cars was evidently caused from the excitement regarding the shooting as no further evidence showed Thatch shooting at anyone other than those mentioned above. Woman's Club Okehs Plans For New Club House At Meeting Mrs. Thomas Nixon, Perquimans County Chairman of American Homes, had charge of the program at the meeting of the Hertford Woman's Club Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Katherine Jessup, contral to, sang two songs, the first being "Let Me Live in My House by the Side of the Road," and Mrs. W. E. White read Joyce Kilmer's poem, "Roofs," followed by a humorous selection. The door prizes, theatre tickets, given by the "State Theatre, and two framed prints given by Quinn Furni ture Company, of Elizabeth City, went to Mrs. Lindsay Winslow and Mrs. R. T. Brinn. During the business session, pre sided over by Mrs. I. A. Ward, it was voted to go ahead with plans for the erection of a community building, in spite of an increase in the cost over the original figures tentatively set by the club. Mrs. Ward submitted a rough draft of the plan to the club members present and it was decided to have the plans drawn accordingly. Mrs. Ward also submitted figures showing the cost i. the various building materials. The project will be sponsored by the Town of Hertford, with WPA assist ance. The flopr plan of the building calls for a room 40 by 25 feet, a smaller assembly room and cloak room, lava tory and kitchen. The large main) room, which is to contain a big fire place, is to be used for club meet ings ,also as a banquet hall. As an initial step to raise money for the project, the club women will serve a supper at the old Community House Thursday night, January 23, when they expect to sell 150 tickets. Mrs. Ward, who was chairman of the Christmas Seals Sale, reported that $114.QD was raised for the work to fight tuberculosis, three-fourths of which amount remains in Per quimans. Mrs. F. T. Johnson, who has. charge of this fund, reported that she has in addition on hand the sum of $169.42. ;Apmmittee, in eluding Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. R. T. Brinn, and. Mrs. ' L, C. Winslow, was named to look, after the matter -of tubercular ' patients in the county who .are eligible for assistance. Authorities State Influenza Still At Minimum Here The "flu" epidemic which seems prevalent in most of the counties surrounding Perquimans has not yet struck to any great extent locally. According to high school authori ties there is not an alarming number of absentees from the class rooms and at the present time there seems to be no justification in considering the situation seriously. However, local medical men stated that the "flu" is increasing through out the county with many cases being treated, although the disease does not seem as serious as in former years. One doctor stated, 'however, that it is quite possible that the disease, with the start it now has, will spread J quickly unless public gatherings are! being. Farm Group Meeting Draws Big Crowd At Agricultural Bldg. County agents, chief clerks, and county committeemen from nine counties were represented at an all day farm program meeting held Tuesday at the Agriculture Building in Hertford. 'Sixty-five people were present to hear David T. House, State Commit teeman, J. C. Broom, District Farm Officer, B. Troy Furgerson and Mr. Walsh of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Economics, discuss such farm problems as will be faced during the coming year. The counties having repre; nta tives present were: Dare, Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, Chowan, Gates and Hertford. Surplus cro,js now on hand, cur tailing of production during the year 1941, and the increase in production of food, feed and livestock on the farm were subjects of discussion at the meeting. Mr. Walsh spoke to the farmers principally on the farm pro! iems as pertaining to the defense program, outlining the needs of farm pro ducts in the program, and the decided curtailment of exports of American farm goods to foreign countries. The discussion regarding the extra production of foodstuffs, feed, and livestock is in line with the 1941 farm program and will take the place of less production of crops of which there is already too large a surplus. League For Peace Meeting Scheduled For Next Week Mrs. John Baker, a Connecticut representative, ar. a member of the Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom, will visit Per quimans County on January 22, and desires to see as many of the mem bers of the League a? possible. For this purpose meetings have been ar ranged at the Whiteston Friend,s Church for 3 p. m., and at the home of F. C. White in Belvidere, at 7:30 on the 22nd. All League members and any oth ers interested in this movement are urged to attend one or both of these meetings. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Nixon, of Suf folk, Va., announce the birth of a daughter on January 13, at General Hospital, Norfolk, Va. Mr. Nixon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Nixon of near Hertford, and is connected with the Life and Casualty Insurance Company. Mrs. Nixon was formerly! Miss Kathleen Odom of Red Springs. New Books Received At Local Library Additional books have been receiv ed at the Hertford Library to be added to the growing number of volumes now on hand. The new books received this week are: For Whom the Bells Toll, by Hemingway; Sappiron and the Slave Girl, by Cather; The Vanishing Vir ginian, by Williams; Fame Is The Spur, by Howard 'Spring; The Great Mistake, by Rinehart, and My Name Is Aram, Saroyan. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr.. and Mrs.. L. F. Tarkington an nounce the birtfc- of . .a - daughter, Shirley Ann. Mother and , baby are at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Elliott American Legion To Organize Local Post Next Tuesday Night All Veterans Urged to Attend Meeting at Court House All Perquimans County men who are veterans of the World War are invited, and urged,, to attend a meet ing to be held at the Courthouse in Hertford on the night of January 21 for the purpose of organizing a Post in the American Legion. There are sixty veterans residing in Perquimans, and each of these men are eligible to join t'ne Legion, which requires a man to be a veteran of the World War in order to have membership. Fifteen men must signify their in tentions of joining the Legion in or der that a Chapter might be estab lished here, but it is believed by local veterans that more than that number vvill join at the meeting next week. Prospects for a highly enthusiastic meeting is in store for those planning to attend. Word has been received here that the entire membership of the Edenton Post will attend the meeting, as will members from the Elizabeth City and Manteo Posts. These are the three Posts now locat ed in the First District and officials of the Legion are anxious for a Post to be established in Perquimans prior to the State convention which will be held in New Bern this summer. District Commander I. P. Davis, of Manteo, and Hoy McMillan, of Ra leigh, who is l candidate for State commander, will be the principal speakers during the evening. Direct organization of the local Post will be in charge of J. P. Mer cer, of Elizabeth City, who is Dis trict vice commander. It is probable that the meeting next week will see a formation of the local post and the naming of nominating com mittees for the selection of officers of the tort. 4 F. T. Johnson, B. C. Berry and J. E. Winslow are among the local veterans who are very much inter ested in the post for Perquimans. Other Perquimans' men who have voiced their approval for a local post include Rev. J. D. Cranford, J. Oliver White, II. A. Whitley, J. k. Futrell, Charles E. White, V. N. Darden, D. W. Williams, G. T. Roache, A. M. Goodwin, Joe Campbell, W. G. Hollo well, G. C. Buck, J. H. Newbold, C. V. Ward, F. M. Copeland, J. A. Perry, Jake Mathews, Dempsey Winslow, George R. Riddick, E. L. Hurdle, T. W. Tillett, A. E. Layden, C. A. Dav enport, D. T. Reed and A. A. Nobles. Veterans are urged to remember .the date and be on hand for the meeting which will start at 7:30. Basketball Teams Split Double Header With Chowan High The basketball stock of the Per quimans Indians still remains at low ebb after a losing battle with the Chowan High School teams last Fri day night. The game was played at the Chowan Gym. The Perquimans iSquaws, however, had an "on" night and sunk the Chowan girls' team by an overwhelm ing score. Gault and Mayes were the high scorers for the Hertford girls, Gault scoring a total of 24 points, while her team mate was gathering 10. Final score in the girls' game was 38-13 in favor of Hertford. The Indians played an excellent game throughout the first three quarters but were unable to get go ing during the last chukker and the Chowan boys romped ahead to win by a score of 26 to 15. Stokes, Byrum and Nowell gather ed the most points for the Indians. Young People's Group Entertains Tuesday , u The members of the Young Peo ple's Department of the Hertford Methodist Church were entertained at a delightful banquet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the church. Clarke Stokes was master of cere monies. Those taking part on the program were Bobert Bradshaw, of Durham; Rev. B.. Slaughter, 0 Elizabeth City; Rev. R. F. Munns, Alton Munns, MisS Nell Riddick and Mrs. R, M. Riddick: A delicious chicken salad plate was served. , Approximately fifty attend-, ed tp affair. , 1"'

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