t I' f t It 4 PAGE! EIGHT 'THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, i : HERTFORD, N. C. FRtDAY, JANUARY 17,U94l' " ' ' 4 'I ( 1 1 t , 'I v iv; ' ' ft fir T III At Home LittQeton Gibbs has been confined to his home several days this week because of illness. Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferrell, of, New York, and Mr. and Mrs. J Harry Grace, of Baltimore, Md., spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake White. Returns From Florida Miss Margaret Snipes has returned from Augusta, Fla., where she visited her parents, and was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly White. Miss Snipes has returned to Norfolk, Virginia. Sick At Home Mrs. M. J. Gregory has been con fined to her home this week because of illness, but is somewhat improved. Week-end In Hertford Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bass and their daughter, of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Micky Hooper, of Elizabeth City, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mayes. Spends Day In Edenton Mrs. Nell Whedbee spent one day last week in Edenton as the guest of Mrs. Robert Smith. Kaleigh Visitor Miss Marjorie Beale, of Raleigh, was the guest of Mrs. Nell Whedbee one day last week. Sunday In Greenville Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden and Mrs. C. P. Morris spent Sunday in Greenville, where they visited their daughters, Misses Nancy Darden and Mary Morris. Edenton Visitor Mrs. Lloyd Griffin, of Edenton, was the guest of Mrs. T. B. Walters on Tuesday. Returns To Work Mrs. J. E. Everett returned ti her work Monday after being sick at her home. Wednesday Here Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright and daughter, Ann Cannon, of Elizabeth City, spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. EvereH. On Sick List Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner have been confined to their home this week because of illness, but are both improving. Sick At Home Little Miss Joanna Parker Willi ford was confined to her home sev eral days this week because of ill ness. Friday Here Miss Betty Yeager and Miss Lydia Kaledo, of Baltimore, Md., enroute to Florida, were guests of Miss Ruth Medlin on Friday. Saturday In Norfolk Mrs. Nell Whedbee and her daugh ter spent Friday in Norfolk, Va. Sunday In New Bern Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Cannon and son, Guy, and H. B. Sedberry were guests of friends ,in New Bern on Sunday. Here Sunday Bill Cox, of Elizabeth City and Norfolk, Va., visited in Hertford on Sunday. State Theatre Hg,Td Today (Friday) Saturday NOELCOWAWS tP ff3f ) " j "Lrums of Fu Manchu" No. 11 Monday Only-t Tuesday Only Groucho - Chico - Harpo "A NIGHT AT THE MARX BROTHERS in ARL CARROLL'S" "CO WFST" vmuuiiw With John Carroll and ,"!T Diana Lewis LILLIAN CORNELL Also News and Act Also Comedy and Act WednetA8 P M. r ' ; Als9 March of Time No. S . , .. ' Comedy and Act Also Latest News . L Edenton Visitors Mr. and Mrs. George Hoskins and Mrs. W. E. Hassell, of Edenton, spent Sunday as the guests of of Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mrs. Olivia Hobbs. Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. W. I. demons and sons, Irvin and Gordon, and Mrs, Broughton Messick, of Norfolk. Va. spent Sunday as guests of Mr Chas Johnson and Mrs. Olivia Hobbs. Visiting Parents Mrs. James Connelly, Jr., of Rock Hill, 6. C, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Reed. Mrs. Con nelly, before her marriage, was Miss Mattie Cannon Reed. Goes To Wake Forest Mrs. W. G. Newby went to Wake Forest this week to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Archie, and Mr. Archie. Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Edwards, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly White. Week-end In Greenville Miss "Chic" Stephens spent the week-end in Greenville with friends. Return Home ! Mrs. W. B. Byrd and son have re turned to their home in Sanford, after spending sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knowles. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Byrd's sister, Miss Grace Knowles, and Miss Ruth Elliott, who have returned to Hertford, after a week-end visit. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mansfield and Mrs. Bessie Barbour, of Ports mouth, Va., visited Mrs. William T Elliott Sunday. Ill At Home Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Perry have been confined to their home several days this week because of illness, but are somewhat improved. Improving Mrs. John Caddy is getting along nicely after undergoing a serious operation at St. Vincent's Hospital Norfolk, Va. WHITESTON CLUB MEETS The Whiteston Home Demonstra tion Club met Thursday night, Janu ary 9, at the home of Mrs. Eunice Winslow. The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Lu cille Lane. After "Is Everybody Happy?" was sung, the Collect was repeated. During the business ses sin dues for 1941 were collected and two new members, Misses Annie and Delia Winslow, were added to the roll. Two 'new officers were ap pointed: Miss Delia Winslow, vice president, and Miss Lena Winslow secretary. The Year Book for 1941 was filled out by each member. An interesting program on Adjust ing Farm Family Living in 1941 wasl given by several of members of the club and Miss Frances Maness, home agent. During the social hour the hostess served, delicious refreshments. The February meeting will be held with Misses Mamie and IuciWe Lane. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Hobsoi Turner, of New Hope, on January 3 a daughter. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Bool qub Meeting At Mrs. L. W Anderson's , .-. mi The Hertford Book Club met Fri day evening at the home of Mrs. L. W. Anderson, with Mrs. J. E. Wins low, Mrs. Charles Whedbee and Mrs. Anderson as hostesses. The subject was "Romantic Move ment." , Mrs. C. A. Davenport gave the in troduction for the program. Mrs. J. C. Blanchard's subject was "William Cullen Bryant". After telling about his life, she read "Thanatopsis." . Mrs. S. M. Whedbee told about Daniel Webster, his styQe of writing and gave selections from his "Bunk er Hill Oration" and from his oration given during his debate with Haynes, Mrs. H. R. Winslow gave an ex planation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's life and writings. A delicious salad course was served. The members present were: Mrs. I. A. Ward, Mrs. L. W. Anderson, Mrs. J. C. Blanchard, Mrs. T: P. Brinn, Miss Kate BSanchard, JVlrs. C. A. Davenport, Mrs. 6. P. Jessup, Mrs. L. N. Hollowell, Mrs. N. A. Relfe, Mrs. J. G. Roberson, Mrs. R. T. White, Mrs. H. A. Whitley, Mrs. Charles Whedbee, Miss Mae Wood Winslow, Mrs. H. R. Winslow, Mrs. H. C. Stokes, Mrs. S. M. Whedbee, Mrs. J. E. Winslow and Miss Mary E. Sumner. Night Of Games The Eastern Star will hold "Night of Games" at the home of Mrs. E. S. Pierce on Market Street, Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Re freshments will be served and the public is invited to attend, MARY TOWE CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Towe Missionary Society of the Methodist Church met Monday evening with Misses Katherine Jessup and Ruth Nachman as hostesses. Miss Nachman was in charge of a most interesting program, the topic being Home Missionaries. She was assisted by Miss Jessup, Miss Grace Knowles, Miss Jeannette Fields and Miss Mary Fields. Those present were: Mrs. Anthony Skipper, Misses Grace Knowles, Ruth Davenport, Hilda Knowles, Mary Fields, Mary Elizabeth Fields, "Chic' Stephens, Mary Jane Spruill, and Jeannette Fields, and Mrs. Morgan Walker. The hostesses served a dainty sweet course. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. H. C. Stokes was a charming hostess to her bridge club at her home on Church Street on Tuesday evening. Those playing were Mes dames Tommy Jessup, George Bar bee, Carroll Holmes, Silas Whedbee, Misses Esther Evans, Helen Morgan and Mary Sumner. High score prize was awarded Miss Morgan, low went j to Mrs. Barbee, and Miss Evans re ceived the floating prize. The hostess served a delicious salad course. ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Mrs. R. S. Jordan and Miss May wood Pierce were joint hostesses at a h,ridge party on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Pierce. Those playing were Mesdames Fred Chalk, Olivia Hobbs, Charles Johnson, Jake Jackson, L. S. White, J. S. Vick, P. H. Small, Bill Morgan, Ellie Good win, E. S. Pierce, Norman True blood, Hudson Butler, Kelly White, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Fields. Mrs. Chalk won high score prize, low went to Mrs. Goodwin, and Mrs. Hobbs received the floating prize. The hostesses served a sweet course. BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. B. G. Koonce delightfully en tertained her bridge cQub Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing included Mesdames T. B. Sumner, Charles Whedbee, Oscar Felton, V. N. Darden, R. M. Riddick, E. L. Laughinghouse and Herman Wins low, and Miss Kate Blanchard. High score prize was awarded to Mrs. Felton, low went to Miss Kate Blanchard, and Mrs. Darden received the floating prize. At the conclusion of the game the hostess served delicious refresh' ments. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Morgan Walker, assisted by Mrs. C. "E. Walker entertained on Friday evening at Walker's Ball room at a miscellaneous shower in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Glenn Matthews, a recent bride. A large number of guests were present and bingo and bridge were enjoyed. The honoree received many lovely gifts. ' , . .. ; At the end of a delightful evening,! dainty refreshments were served the hostess. MOVE TO GATES COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow and small son, who have ;een living' la' the Pender Road 'section for the past few years, paoveq this .week near Corapeakft, in Gates .County. R. S, Ward " and son, William Ward, of Ryland, did the hauling. Additional Room Bein?Made For Mattress Project Frances I Maness, County Home Demonstration Agent, an nounced today that the NYA will shortly open additional rooms where mattresses will be made for distri bution among Sow-income families of the county. A total of 1,023 applications have been made for these mattresses and to 'date a total of 371 have been made and delivered. The new rooms, when opened, will be in charge of NYA girls and the proaucts maae at me new rooms will be for colored families exclu sively. The production of these mattresses wffll continue at the pres ent location being used, but the mattresses being made there will be given to white families. Mrs. Arba Winslow Wins First Honors At Poultry Course Mrs. Arba Winslow, Mrs. A.. R. Cooke, Mrs. W. Df Landing, Miss Frances Maness and George Jackson attended the Poultry Short Course held at Currituck on Monday. Mrs. Winslow won first prize for display of the best dozen brown eggs at the exhibit and was awarded 100 blood-tested chicks. Mrs. Cooke won fourth prize in the exhibit of white eggs and received a feeder for an award. A total of seventy- dozen eggs were on display at the meeting. The ladjes in the group are all poultry leaders in their respective home demonstration clubs of Per quimans County. S. KATHERINE'S GUILD MEETS St. Kathfrine's Guild of Holly Trin ity Church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle. After the business meeting plans were made to hold a turkey supper sometime in February. Fifteen members were present. MOVE TO PETERSBURG Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, residents of Hertford for the past eleven years, will shortly move to Petersburg, Va., where Mr. Hill will be employed by his present firm. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hill regret that they must leave Hertford. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Miss Vida Banks, of New Hope, ! whose engagement to Ray Pritchard,' was recently announced was compli mented by a lovely miscellaneous ' shower on Friday evening at the rinrnnta MoV .Ink tinnna Mtks IT fl ' Banks being the hostess. The main room of the club house was attrac tively decorated wih potted plants and cut flowers. Games and contests were enjoyed. Those present and remembering ; the bride-elect with gifts were: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Benson, George Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spen cer, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hurdle, Mr. and Mrs. Moody Haskett, . Mrs. E. G. Banks, Mrs. Berta Hobbs, Mrs. Joe Haskett, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bar clift, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barclift, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Jones, Mr. ana Mrs. Ed Turner, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Butt, Mrs. W. E. Dail, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webb, Mrs. Cartwright, Mrs. Billlie Carter, Mrs. Woodrow Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eure, Mrs. Sally Hurdle, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNider, of Hert ford, Mrs. Mattie Robbins, Mrs. Mat tie Simpson, Miss Maude ISimpson. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Perry, Mrs. Geo. Cluff and Mrs. Lon Perry, of Clifton, N. J.; Mrs. Jerry Jackson, of Media, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. John Hur dle, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dail, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sawyer, Mrs. R. R. Perry, Miss Carmen Perry, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Banks and Miss Lillian Davidson. Delicious ice cream and cake were served. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The Missionary Society of Piney. Woods Friends Church met 'Saturday afternoon, January 11, at the home of Mrs. S. M. Winslow with Mrs. W. L. White and Mrs. Warren Spivey as assistant hostesses The meeting was opened by singing "The Light of the World in Jesus," after which the devotional, taken from II Corin thians 4:6, John 8-12, was conducted by Mrs. Callie CopeSand. Prayer was offered by the Rev. J. C. Trivette. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and 1 approved. At roll call each member answered with a text on Light . The lesson wag eon ducted by Mrs. L L. Winslow, as sisted by Mrs. Mabel Harwood, Mrs. H. P." White, Mrs. R. R. . White and Miss, Margaret B. White. The topic was ."Westward and the Land ' is Bright,! taken from the Study Book, "Dangerous Opportunities." The dis cussions cpnderButg' It -proved very interesting. ,j,ctlns" closed with me covenant' in concert. tf fVV" " The ' kosWipefc 'wwrii $ditSmw candle salad, .jw'.w4'.P"-P?. cans. Those."pfesent were;, . Mrs; L. C. Winslow, : Mrs. v T, R. Winslow, Ilk' "Warren' Spivey,; K Mis , Clara White; Rev. and Mrs. J, 0: Trivette, Mr. L. J. Winslow, Mrs. Callie Cope hWf Mrs. L. L. Winslow, Mrs. J. M. CoDeland. Mix. Mabel Harwnod. Mm. mSwMMn. R, R. White, Mrs. Oliver WlfuJow, Miss Margaret B. White, Mrs. V. C. Winslow, Mrs. S. M. Winslow, Mrs. Claude Winslow, Mrs. Curtis Chappell, Miss Lucy White, and Mrs. R. M. Duncan, a visitor. MUSIC LOVERS CLUB MEETS The Music Lovers CJtib of Per quimans County Central Grammar School met on January 8, at the school. The meeting was called to order by the president, Miss Marjorie Rebecca White. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap proved. At roll call each person answered with the name and birth date of some musical composer After a short business session, the following program was presented by the program committee: Devotional, Miss Marjorie Rebecca White. Lord's Prayer in concert. Song "January and February." Reading "Anita's Choice," Miss Esther Winslow. Quartet, Joann Winslow, Esther Winslow, Marjorie Rebecca White and J. V. Cranford. Musical Games Horace Baker, Jr. Song "There's Music in the Air." Misses Esther Winslow, Marietta Jolliff and France tta Miller were ap- INSURE Against Loss DEATH ACCIDENT ILLNESS Full Life Insurance Coverage Educational Endowments Accident and Health Protection HOSPITALIZATION SURGERY A"y Licensed Hospital in United States or Canada Includes Certain Surgical- Conditions Practic ed by Family Physicians. MRS. V. A. NACHMAN, Agent Hertford, N. C. January Clearance Sale Sale Starts Friday, January 17 We must make room for new Spring merchandise and have re duced ALL FALL and WINTER D'REBSES below cost. Save by shopping now. One rack Ladies' Silk Dresses (values from $1.98 to $3.98) ..$1.00 One lot of Children's Coats. Priced at.. $2.95 Ladies' Coats in TWEED, fur cloth and CAMEL Hair. Only a few left $5.95 to $7.95 ' Ladies' new Silk Dresses in PASTEL shades. Beautiful selections at $3.98 up GOODWIN'S DRESS SHOPPE Hertford, N. C. 9 TAKE ADVANTAGE I FREE PRESTONE I through the winter, if Car must be purchased Jan. 25 for this offer. .- 1934 Ford Deluxe CoUpe. Excellent Con dition. 1939 Plymouth 4-door Touring Sedan. 1937 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan.; Perfect tires. Runs like new. Other good Used Cars priced right - Come to QirysletF- r m Mm m ' ,'. u a w : pointed as program committee for next month.- ' Hostesses for the next , meeting are Marjorie Rebecca White) Dot megan Lane and Faye Winslow. - . Delicious refreshments were served by Horace Baker, x Jr., Paul SmfySr and J. V. Cranford. . Those present were Misses Joann Winslow, Esther Winslow,- Marjorie Rebecca White, TheHma White,' Fay Winslow, Marietta Jolliff, Dotmegaft , Lane, Norma Winslow, pmily , Skin ner, and Francetta Miller, and " J. V -Cranford, Horave Baker, Jr., Paul Smith and Mrs. R. R. White. ;- , CHICKS Mr. Sammie Sutton says: "I bought around 4,000 chicks of you last year and do not think I lost as many as the extras you gave, me. These chicks were Superior' White Leghorns, Barred, Rocks and New Hampshires." Do youi think you could beat this record A with chicks from . any . source whntivr? Wa orA nnnr i o ivi rr Barred -Rocks and New Hamp-rfl shires each rriday. Every chick from a U. S. - N. C. approved breeder. $8.25 per 100; 300 and over, $8.00 per 100. SUPERIOR HATCHERY Hertford, N. C. OF THEM NOW to protect your car:;; cost price exceeds $150..! , between Jan. 18 and 1936 Chevrolet Master. 2-door Sedan. "Radio and heater. A4 con-1 ' 1939 Hudson Special f V 4-door Sedan. Radio; X neater and fog lights: i urn lymoutJii Ficlc-'J up. see this one, , r mo? n ii v a 'j xs7oo vnevroiet -aoor Our liberal Payment Plan . . ' .ft ' 1 Plymouth in w V . k t i l' I. A;. IX? 1 ? 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 " ' ' ' 1 1 8 'tifcM '4 'i. (fa :' 'P.

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