i J t -'J 1 1f . ' . , 1 k .-'( " ,f t m A 'it "4 7 a . Ml 4 1 - V Volume VHI. Number 4. judge Tucker Gives Squirrel Shooter 4 Months Sentence Bill Thatch Convicted Of Assault In Shoot ing Case . T"" ' " A day-long session was necessary to clear the docket in Recorder's Court on Tuesday when Bill Thatch, Negro, of tht Beech Spring section, was tried for assault with a deadly weapon upon Robert HarreM, young white man, and Lindsay Nixon, Negro, both of the same community. The defense counsel attempted to show that Thatch was not liable for his actions in the frequent shot gun shootings that took place on Janu ary 13, when' Thatch shot at Harrell anl Nixon. According: to Thatch's testimony, he had gone squirrel . -f. - w . 'k hunting and while in a woods, known " VinarA'a WaaHs hf rSLTTlfi UDOn & still and consumed about a quart of the bootleg mash and from that time on . . he remembered nothing that took place. The State showed that Thatch walked up to young Harrefll, near the Baker store, and after cursing him turned and walked away for about 75 yards, then shot at Harrell. Later a PWA truck, loaded with men, passed Thatch on the roadside and he "blazed" away at the truck, hitting Nixon. After denying the defense a post v iwnpmont. of verdict and judgment, '-Jud Granberry Tucker sentenced Thatch to four months on each count, sentences to run concurrently, sus v.ur,iu imnn nnvmfmt of a fine of ' II - JI71IU7U v J $26 and costs of court in each case. ' r .lnn ! o smA nn nTvVin f i rtn for irMI WW ft'DU yiav&u v f one year, wiV.iTa4nn Hnurlpt.t mihmitted to . ao.w.v,,- w. , VUw.WSfcA A88 f ol.;nlo wUhniif nrnwr hrakftS anol a iciuuc .. , r paid the costs of court. Ashley Fleetwood was found guil ty of being drunk and disorderly, resisting an officer and possession of non-tax paid liquor. He was sen tenced to 60 days on the roads which sentepce was suspended upon pay ment of costs and good behavior for one year. 1 - William Everett, Negro, of Hert ford, was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon. ' Theodore Cox, Negro, plead guilty to a charge of assault with a deadly weapon upon Dummy Fellton and was taxed with the costs of court. Percy Winslow, Negro, was found not guilty of the charge of dispos ing of mortgaged property. Winslow was cited for failure to pay lor a suit of clothes but testified the suit had been, stolen from him and that the mortgage had been paid prior to court opening. Three Negroes were found guilty of simple assault over an incident that took place at the Savoy, a " Hertford Negro gathering place, and ttey were taxed with the costs of court The Negroes, McKinley Jones, Welton Maben and Aflphonsa Hudson, were warned by Judge Tucker that the Court was "getting tired" of haying cases brought to court from the -happenings at the Savoy and Unless there was a change in the be havior of the patrons of the place, some heavy sentences will be impos ed on the cases. " y ritJough there are more than 260 " miM cases of influenza in Perquim- . ana County, according 'to a report h tor. C A. Davennort, there is no - indication that the County schools fio Indication That Influenza Will Close County Schools ;':il'.li ii .... k mm mim will be closed on account of the epi Ademk. . , . V Superintendent F. T. ; Johnson re , norted Wednesday . ; that school at- tedance had picked. P considerably since Monday when a total" oi 80 was ;A f fnt':.t1.th' Wgfc achooL ., ', .,''' A1 .check on the attendance iiBt at 1 the High School on Wednesday show T ed the normal percentage present for classes. J ''"J v . ' , . 'M Johnson stated that ' thor- nnpfc record on the other schools in fha ennntv waa not at hand, but it Is believed that he fla is not affecting t:.e children as greatly 'as it, is the 4 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUIUMNQ OF HERTFORD AND Hertford, Perquimans County, .North Basketball Games Postponed Until Thursday Night The basketball games scheduled for Tuesday night between the Per quimans Indians and the teams of the Central High School were post poned until Thursday night of this week. Illness among the players of the Central School team caused the postponement. The Perquimans teams will travel to WeeksviHe on Friday night to play a return game with the boys and girls of the Pasquotank school. Episcopal Ladies In Two Day Convention At St Paul's Church District diocesan delegates to the 58rd annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the National Council of the Diocese of East Carolina, began a two days' session at St. Paul's Church. Edenton. Wednesday and lasted until after the luncheon period Thursday afternoon. More than 150 representatives from differ ent Episcopalian parishes were in at tendance, crowding the Hotel Joseph Hewes and overflowing into many private homes of local parishioners. The gathering, always an import ant one to the Auxiliary, had for Hs theme "God, the Source of Power," and among the principal speakers were Bishop Thomas C. Darst, of Wilmington, and Bishop Edwin A. Penick, of Raleigh, as well as Rev. C. A. Ashby, of Edenton, and Rev. W. R. Noe, diocesan secre tary, of Wilmington. Bishop Darst, also, held noon day prayers Wednesday, and Wednesday night Bishop Penick was in charge of the evening service. After again conducting noon day prayers Thurs day, Bishop Darst delivered an ad dress on the work of the diocese. wQTc.BTi missionaries irom nina ana Foreign missionaries from China and also spoke at th9 . ... ti . ooaainnq. ns nin ivirs. A. n Inn ufmsinnq. as did Mrs. A. il Sterne, of Atlanta, the prnvincial chairman ol missions and church ex tension. Actually the session got under way Tuesday night at a small dinner for the executive board heQd in the Rose Room of the hotel, and resumed at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the church. Mrs. Louis J. Poisson, of Wilmington, the diocesan president presided over the sessions and other officers took part in the proceedings, also. Officers were chosen for the ensuing year today. Luncheons were served for the delegates by the ladies of the Meth odist and Baptist churches each day in the Parish House. Music Class Honor Roll Mrs. R. M. Riddick announces the followine named students are honor roll students for the present month: Piano Sammie Sutton, Joan 1 rue blood, Pat Morris, Peggy Sawyer Madeline Phillips, Minnie Raye Dail Catherine Perry, Aleene Yeatea Dorothy Faye White, Doris Byrum, Harriett Lou Layden, Belle Landing, Katherine White Ida Lee White, Barbara Winslow. piute Howard Pitt, James Assad, Joan Trueblood, Jean Webb Phillips, Nat'nart Spivey, Betty Jean Winslow, Edna King, Sammie Sutton, Henry Baker,. Percy Rogerson, Charley Perry. Drums Clarence Thomas Madre, Peggy Sawyer, Irving White. 1 Grand Honor Roll The Grand Honor Roll for the first four months of the term follows r PianoASammie Sutton, Pat Mor ris, Harriett Lou Layden, Dorothy Faye White, Doris Byrum, Katherine White, Barbara Winslow. Flutes Howard Pitt, Joan True blood, Jean Webb Phillips, Nathan Spivey, Betty Jean Winslow, Edna King, Percy Rogerson, and Charley Perry. 1 Drum Peggy Sawyer. Hertford Furniture Dealer Attends Show At High Point v W. M. Morgan, Hertford Furniture man,' left , Tuesday to attend the winter1 ,- furniture shows at High Point N: C,'- He was accompanied on the trip' by B. C. Berry, w . Mr. Morgan stated on his" return be would have something to say about future deliveries and, prices on furniture' , ' ,'.'",' V . GAMANS WEEKLY Ten Questionnaires Mailed Out By Local Draft Board Harold Wiggins, Negro, Leaves For Fort Bragg Monday In anticipation of a call for a greater number of men in the fu ture the local draft board is continu ing to mail out a number of ques tionnaires each week in order to build up a reserve of men ready for call. Ten questionnaires were mailed, to registrants during this week and brings the total mailed up to Z8. Two hundred and forty-one men have already been classified by the local draft officials and the count now shows that there is a total of 54 in nana One. Twentv-four of these nrp whit men and twenty are Negroes. w, .., :,d hv t R .stokes. chairman of the board, that Joseph, Perry has been accepted in the Ar-j my Perry was a replacement fori Francis Jessup, who failed to pass the physical examination given at Fort Bragg. ! i..u H7:: x: ,mi,in. teer, will leave Hertford Monday, January 27, for Fort Bragg. He will be the final man called to fill the quota asked for during this month. The next call for men is expected to come about February 17. Bernice Woodard, also a Negro volunteer, has been designated by the local board to be the alternate for Wiggins. There still remains a total of 848 men in Perquimans who have not yet received their questionnaires, but these will be mailed within due course and the men given classifica tion in order that the county may fill tts quota of 50 men for the armyci service by June 30 of this year. With the Negro volunteer leaving next. Monday, a total of eucftt.men have been sent to Fort Bragg under the Selective Service Act by the lo cal draft board. . . . that leaves a total of 42 men who will be called by the summer date. BIRTSI ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. K. 6pear, of Hertford, Route 3, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a son on Friday morning. The youngster weighed nine pounds. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Lions Club Learns Blimp Base To Be Considered Shortly The Hertford Lions Club commit tee which has been working toward bringing the proposed Navy Wimp base to Perquimans County informed The Weekly today that it has re ceived information from an unim peachable source in Washington that the nrnnosed blimD base item has been included in the budget with the approval of the Navy Department and will be considered along with the appropriation bill to be presented to the Dresent session of Congress. This news would indicate, regard less of past news stories regarding the blimp base being out of favor with the Navy Department and Oittle chance of it being established, pro vidinsr Congress acts favorably on the item that some section of East ern North Carolina will be the site of the $6,000,000 project. 868 Applications Made For Payments In Farm Program A total of 868 applications for conservation payments have been re ceived at the County Agent's omce, according to L. W. Anderson, County Agent Of this number 841 applica tions, have been forwarded on to Washington and the remainder wilQ be sent as soon as some necessary signatures are obtained. Nine hundred , and twenty seven farms in Perquimans County were eligible to make applications for these payments due to their cooper ating with 'this provisions of the Na tional Farm Program, but 59 dis qualified by overplanting on crops. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lttther Chap 'Ddl. at their horn near Beividere, on ' Januarv IB. - a daughter, Doris Faye. Mother and baby are doing nicely.: Carolina, a riday, January Mary Elizabeth White Weds Joseph E. Perry Sunday, January 19 Ceremony at Home of Bride's Parents; to . Reside In Norfolk A wedding of interest throughout Terquimans County was solemnized Funday morning, January 19, at 11 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. B. White, where in the presence of near relatives and a few friends, their attractive daughter, Mary Eli zabeth, became the bride of Joseph Ervin Perry, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perry, of Hertford. Mrs. J. L. Nixon of Winfall, aunt of the bride, was mistress of ceremonies. Mrs. J. A. Chappell, of Norfolk, Va., also an aunt of the1 bride, pre sided over the e-ift room. Both Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. Chappell wore cos- turnes of lovely shades of blue with corsages of gardenias, At the appo nted hour, Roseoe M. White, of Norfolk, Va., brother of the bride, ushered the guests and the bri,lal Party into marriage room, with its pleasing and effective decorations of nalms. ferns, cathe dral candles and baskets of white gladioli. Miss Mary Louise Chappell, of East Carolina Teachers College, GreenviUle, cousin of the bride, play ed the wedding music. She was gowned in an aqua marine blue al paca dress with touches of brown, and her flowers were Talisman roses. Following the entrance of the guests, Miss Chappell played ' Bells of bt. Mary." While Mrs. Benton White, the bride's sister-in-law, lighted the candles, Mrs. Roseoe M. White, of Norfolk, Va., also a sister-in-law of the bride, sang "O Perfect Love" and "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life." Mrs. Bentort White's dress was of slate 'blue with dubocwot, and she wore a corsage of Radiant roses. Mrs. Roseoe White was attired in soft black velvet with white Irish Point lace, and her flowers were a shoulder corsage of American Beauty roses. Miss Esther Perry, of Hertford, sister of the groom, was maid of honor and the bride's only attendant. Miss Perry's frock was ashes of roses with touches of wine, and her flowers were pale pink rosebuds. (Continued on Page Five) Suffolk Prepares To Entertain At Peanut Festival The stage is all set at Suffolk, Va., where the first annual Peanut Fes tival will be held, beginning next Tuesday and lasting for two days, in a salute to American-grown peanuts. Festival officials expect thousands of people to witness the series of events which will include a colorful parade, the coronation of the festival queen, four dances and an address hv the Secretary of Agriculture. All officials of counties and towns in the peanut belt have been invited to at tend. Miss Alice Roberson, daughter of Mrs. J. G. Roberson, will represent Hertford as one of the princesses Jiim'ntr the festival. The festival will open on Tuesday wit.h a tour of neanut plants and other interesting places in the Suf folk section, a number of carnival pvmts and the Peanut Planters Ball. Wednesday's big events will be the parade, the speeches and coronation nf the festival aueen. A dance will climax the day's affairs. The National Peanut Festival will be an outstanding event of National Peanut Week. Funeral Services For New Hope Man Held Sunday Funeral services for William E. Wood were conducted Sunday after noon at 8 o'clock at the New Hope Methodist Church, with the Rev. H'. L. Hendricks, assisted by the Rev. J. D. Cranford, officiating. Honorary pallbearers were mem bers of the J. B. Leigh Sunday School Class of the First Methodist Church, Elizabeth City. Active pallbearers were: S. T. Perry, I. C. Butt, R. L. Roibbins, H. H. Butt, L. H. Jones and G. H. Burial Wat made In the New Hope Church Cemetery. PERQUIMANS COUNTY 24, 1941. Trueblood Re-elected Officer In Railway Association At the annual meeting of the Nor folk Southern Railroad Employees Relief Association hefld, in Norfolk, Va., last week, Norman Trueblood, agent for the company here, was re elected vice president for the North ern Division of the road, covering that portion of the road from New Bern to Norfolk. A banquet was served to all members at the Pythian Castle. A business meeting followed the banquet, after which a floor show was put on by the Miss Skel ton School of Dancing. Extension In Celebration Of President's Birthday The President's Birthday Celebra tion program lias been extended to February 10, according to word re ceived Wednesday from the State chairman by S. M. Whedbee, local chairman for the celebration. Mr. Whedbee stated that he be lieved the extension of time is due to the influenza epidemic which is raging over the country and nas been for the past several weeks, and J in accordance with the word received j here that local plans for raisins money to aid in the fight against Infantile Paralysis will be extended to take in the date set by State I headquarters. At thp nresent time the Marh of Dimes and the dance which was to be the main feature of the local cele hration will he postponed until a date early next month. Mr. Vhed bee announced that he will issue a new schedule for the program next week. " The dance eommitte is now work ing toward securing an orchestra for the President's Ball and it is be lieved that one will be secured that will enable the program officials to clear a nice profit lor the project. The Boy Scouts and school chil dren of the countv will be in charge of the March of Dimes and it is I highly probable that the dime rai?-1 ing will start the first week in Feb-1 ruary. Parent-Teachers Met At Winfall Monday The Parent-Teachers Association the January meeting at the school building in Winfall on Monday even of the Central Grammar School held ing. The Rev. J. D. Cranford gave the devotional and made a short talk. After a brief business session, Mrs. Eddie Harrell, program chairman, presented a program on Home Edu cation. Mrs. Jack Benton, Mrs. Ed die Harrell and Miss Frances Maness and a group from the Snow Hill Demonstration Club, gave the pro gram. i?f,llr,;ino- thp mpetintr. the Asso- ciation gave a miscellaneous shower complimenting Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ainsley, who were married on De cember 20. Dainty refreshments were served. New Feed And Seed Company Opened By J. O. Felton J. O. Felton, formerly of the firm of Reed and Felton, has opened the Farmers' Feed and Seed Company at the location of the old Reed and Felton plant on Grubb Street. Mr. Felton will act as manager of the new firm and will carry a com plete line of Wayne feeds and seeds. He invites all of his friends to come in and inspect the lines for sale by the company. Lions Club Meeting The Hertford Lions Club will hold its regular meeting at the Hotel Hertford on Friday night. Envoy Cooke of the Salvation Army will give an illustrated tec ture on the Salvation Army's sum mer camps for under-privileged children. All members are urged to be present. Rotary Club Meet The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular meetimr at the Hotel Hert ford on Tuesday night Several items, including the coming inter city meeting were discussed. $1.25 Per Year. Forty Veterans Sign For Membership In American Legion Roy McMillan Makes Speech to Legion naires at Meeting Approximately forty World War Veterans of Perquimans County sig nified their intentions of becoming members in the American legion at a district meeting held here on Tues day night. Aliout seventy-five veterans from Manteo, Elizabeth City, Edento-i and Perquimans County were present at the enthusiastic meeting and heard Roy McMillan, of Raleigh, give a brief talk on the American Legion and its purposes. Mr. .McMillan is an outstanding leader in Legion work and a lead ing candidate for the post of State commander for the year 1941-1942. The First District, comprised of the posts in this, section of North Caro lina, went on record at the meeting Tuesday night as favoring the can didacy of Mr. McMillan as the next State commander. V T r,.'nn; 1.4., olonrr VJLi'th I E. Winslow and 1!. C. Bprrv. has done considerable work toward the establishment of a local post of the JA'lorl WPicomeu tne visiting region naires to Hertford and then turned the meeting over to District Com mander I. P. Davis of Manteo. V. N. Daiden, local veteran, was cnosen as secretary of the meeting, and Richard Dixon, of Edenton. in- I i i ,i i i..im:ii iiuuuLtfu me speaivei , iui. luiitiiuau. I In his talk on the American Le i gion Mr. McMillan stated that the background of the legion was the Ai.ierican Soldier . . . going back to the firs', pioneers that strove through die vcst to establish this great na tion . . . then on down through the years . . . and the wars the American .Soldier had. fought ami won TV American Soldier, a peaceful man, but one that would fight for riht. The program of the Legion, Mr. McMillan said, was formed around the unselfish service to others, a mong which was Child ,elfare and hospitalization, Community Service, Education and Youth Activities. Especially was the work with youth .'.ressed in order that the young people might learn to play the game as well as to gain the sport. Ajnong other things that Mr. Mc Millan said were aims of the Legion was the work toward adequate na tional defense, one that would give America the world's largest Navy and the world's largest air force, as well as a land force equal to any emergency; also the Legion's work toward 100 percent Americanism, and its constant fight against un American activities. Following the speech by the State officer, J. E. Winslow made a mo tion that a local post of the Legion be formed in Perquimans County and this motion was seconded by V. N. Darden, whereupon the District Commander, Mr. Davis, called for the local veterans to sign for mem bership. After the enrollment was com pleted, it was decided that an or ganization meeting will be held shortly and officers chosen for the local post. Veterans will be notified by the local committee when a date is set for the meeting. The members have been assigned the number of 2C6 as the official number of the local post. Horse And Mule Clinic Likely Be Held Early In February According to L. W. Anderson, Perquimans County Farm Agent, a preliminary survey is being made of the county .before definite plans are made for the holding of a horse and mule clinic in the county. lentative plans had called for the clinic to be held next week, but in order to give proper notice to all farmers and owners of animals in terested in a local clinic, Mr. Ander son, is lining up these parties before setting a definite date for the va rious communal clinics. At the present time, and if a de sirable number of animal owners, signify their wish for such a clinic, plans now caN for the clinics to be held si New Hope, Beividere, Hert ford and Bethel during the early part of February. i -V t V Vr '1m w 1 5 lt"f

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